Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1901, Image 4

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    Thursday April 25 1901
Official Newtpaper of Cherry
County Webranha
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in f aH
Subscription 100 pr jear In adranco 1150
when not paid in advuce
Display Inch 15c per issue 10
per column by the niouth
Local Norices 5c per line each issue
Brands 1VC Inches 400 per yenr in ad
vance additional pace 300 per inch per yoar
engraved blocks extra 9100 each
Tartlet livinp outelde Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay fn advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
6 inonthe In arrears
Notices of lost of stock free to brand adver
Neet week is our birthday under the
present ownership and management of
the Democrat We dont think you
would object to us celebrating it and
perhaps you who have not paid up for
last years subscription would be will
ing to pay soon say your first opportu
nity and not wait for the other fellow
to pay for he miget forget it then well
have something to celebrate on If
you can spare another dollar and pay
in advanc for one years eubscription
we will appreciate it for we have about
1200 out standing and would like to
have some ol it to help make the Dem
ocrat better this year than before If
you who owe uson subsription or oth
erwise will make an effort to pay we
will meet you half way and to all who
will send in pay for a year in advance
we will allow j ou the the cost of the
money order That is if you havnt
paid last years account you can hand
200 to your postmeter and tell him
you want an order for 115 and send
it to us The 200 will pay the com
ing yeug if this offer is complied with
during the month of May and reaches
us before June 1 Vo not put this off
or we may not get to celebrate at all
Did you plant a tree
Dont forget the entertainment
next Tuesday evening
The postoflice building is being cal
cimined by Geo Cutler
Clara nee Carson was in town yes
terday from Crookston
James Serby of Crookston was in
this city on business Monday
Now for the races Get jour horses
ready for some time in June
The Old Ladies dialogue Tuesday
evening Dont fail to see it
Geo Harden and family have mov
ed into the rooms over the depot
Be sure and see the Cradle Roll at
the Cornell hall next Tuesday night
Jay 3iorey has been on the sick list
for the past week bnt is better at
present V-
The WvG TiD wUl give an inter
tainment in theCorneiThall Tuesday
evening -Admission 10 and 15 cents
SavetfinUes to next cigar store
appeared at the front -of Quigle3r
Chapmans drug store last Sunday in
shape of a sign board
A G ShaVias returned from Cin
cinnati where hes been taking med
ical treatment much improved and
has thfownawaj his cane
Geo Elliott has started his Soda
Fountain to keep in tune with the
warm diys that are now taking the
place of winter You can get a coo
Soda of his popular brand that wil be
Yesterday morning the baby of
Mr and Mrs Prawitzionly a few weeks
old died of conjestion of the lungs
It had been sick for several days
The family have the sympathy of a
host of friends in their sad bereave
ment The funeral will occur this
afternoon from the house
If j ou would buy fresh up to date
geeds 3 cus fctuld notice whether or not
3 our merchant advertises If not his
goods may be old as the hills or they
may be the cheap John sort of
gefds that are only to sell Look
this paper over and you will make no
mistake in selecting a merchant to
buy fiom
Valentine now JiasTa first class hearse
made by Chas G Anderson for the j
use of Geo II Hornbys under
takeing department The sides
have bevel plate glass eighty inches
Jong It took forty eight das for
the eight coats of paint filler and
varnish to dry The inside is draped
with black broadcloth and silk bul
lion fringe White draperies of the
same ruaterial will be used for child-
1a A4
Wall Paper
In Connection with our
stock of medium priced wall
paper we have a line of
5 pie boxes of high grade pap-
5 erp from which we can fill or
ders in 3 or 4 days at very
close prices
pyw wwvwvww
Mrs Ganow is visiting her parents
Mr and Mis H Wilber this week
Mrs Callen went out to J O Vin
cents Tuesday to spend a few days
Obe Churce came fom Gordon
this morning ane is- working in Clar
ence Sagesers barber shop
Geo Weisflog and wife were in town
on business yesterday Also Henry
and another brother were in town
Stove Woood Cord Wood Deliv
ered promptly to an part of the cit
M S Welch
E D Cohota was pronounced not
guilty by the jury last Frida even
ing and after nine months in the cou
nty jail he goes forth a free man
Geo Snurr was sentenchd to five
Years in the penitentiar for stealing
a horse from Sam Hudson Geo Van
Buren 4 Years We tnderstand theY
Will appeal Wm Grooms was sent
for 4 years
We are go ing to have a telephone
connection with the South West soon
Several good men are at the head of
it and it will be a success Dont
everybody hang back but get on and
Sam Carson has just returned from
Alberta county around Ponka and
says it is alright Mr Carson intends
removing from Rapid city his present
home as soon as he can load his goods
onto a car and go
Following is a list of the lanks now
advertised for final proof at the Val
entine land office
J Lisle seh 27 May 1C F EWhitney
Lot 1 Sec 5 30 17 May 4 L Quincey ne
24 SO 18 May 4 G W Sewel ntf nej mvh
10 27 39 May 27 S Karcennt cS iiei 10 31
18 May 4 lias MpCay nJ J ne heJa my and
wJ4 nwJi 17 80 u0 June 13 A 1 Neilson
s H seJi l3 and eJ4 fceM and mvM sej i S3 25 3S
Mav 14 A P Taylor uth wli se fee 11
nv nek 14 33 30 May 27 Kdward Quirk se
h 32-34-25 May 21 Maiy Gcsman nyt seJi
and njiswh 11 -23-34 April 27 J Sniolit
Sk sec2S vyt neh 10 23 May 18 Mary Gor
don sw 25 21 May 4 John Steckel 1154 svli
nuJt 23 31 Mav IS Margaret Heelen bV bw1
see 20 and nJ mvJ4 29 3226 May 18 Klla U
ltowley nii iiw and se v and Mi swii
and mvJ4 se 29 39 SI Tune 13 1 M Miiith
swH uvh d seJi nwJa sec 3 ne saj 4 27 27
May 15 illiant Pullman niieH sl se IS
2817 Mav 20 August iioeben slt swJi and tyt
hH 12 vii 20 May 22 P Hulan nlA 11WJ4 sa
11WJ4 and nvvkS ne 133227 J S Layne se4
1 1 30 -IS May 28 J B Fini ov nwj uuM nl
uh 131824 May 18 Ieter Bulge be1 9 -33-30
May IS KatcM StnufFun ne uw and nwj
nek 19 28 38 M Anisk Lots 1 and 2 eVi n wj
isi 30 23 June 7 James II Kay 1154 neki u
u Ja 233337 May vO P Kyan mvJt 29-20-20
May 11 John iluight syx sw1 neli swh
May 11
We are informed by ELRalfenberg
of the Raffenberg Bros Anita Iowa
that they will haye another car load
of registered Shorthorn bulls coming
nd will be here about May 3 to be
sold at prices that you can afford to
pa3T The3 are to be mostly three-year-olds
and of the same grade that
has madeHaffenberg Bros famous in
their business and the ke3r to their
success in handling stock Short leg
ed with long heavy bodies and good
colors reds and roans haye been the
general description anddass of stock
handled and shipped here Two car
loads have been disposed of here this
spring and those who have purchased
have been more than pleased with the
bargains You should come iu and
see them even ifyoudonot wish to
bii3 as you will have a better idea of
products from the east where stock is
closely graded
Yesterday morning little Bessie
Canira was run over by a wagon loa led
with potatoes and instantly killed at
at the Ward school house Harry
Camm and Ed Taylor boys of 14 and
15 3ears had started with a load of po
tatoes to the brick yard up on the res
ervation and tho children who were go
ing to school rode up to the school
house In getting down from th wag
on Nellie Camm aged 12 3ears and
Lawrence Robertson a cousin about 11
years old got off all right but the
horses started up as littleUessieclimbHcl
down on the vheel and falling just in
front of the wheel had her head crush
ed by tho heaf3r load The boys put
her on the wagon and drove back as
fast as they could to the Cam 11 house
just north of town and though the
child showed some signs of life there
was no hrpe us she was too badh crush
ed to recover Funeral this afternoon
at 3 oclock from the Presbyterian
church Tho bereaved family have t h c
sympathy of a large circle of friends for
tho sad accident and misloitaue
Educational Department
JAsFff asjcjjytivTSF
Some eyes sleep while some eyes wake
And thus tho dreary night hours go
Some hearts beat while some hearts break
I often wonder why tis so
Mrs Growden mother of our worthy
fellow student James was a pleasant
caller in the high school and grammar
department monday morning
We have received our report cards
for the term just closed and if Prof
Watson had not prepared us for the
worst before hand and consoled us
with the thought that it is time for
spring fever there might have been
several bad cases of discouragement
Miss Maggie Robinson had charge of
Miss Townes room Friday afternoon
Miss Towne being ill The afternoon
was a very successful one
Show your appreciation of our first
program by attending the second and
last of the year A uril 26 at Cornell
ball Call to order at 800 oclock
The 10th grade civics class paid a
visit to the court room last Friday fore
noon and brought back such a thrilling
report of what they saw and heard that
the 11th grade asked to join in the af
ternoon which Professor accordingly
consented to nnd allowed both grades
to visit the court for the purpose of
bearing the pleas
Miss Cora Sparks was detained from
school duties last week on account of
A program will be rendered in Miss
Easoms room Friday afternoon April
26 Among other attractions will be a
sash drill by sixteen pupils of the
The 8th grade are taking a few les
sons in fancy printing during their
drawing periods and arc turning out
some verr commendable specimens
Miss Waite is again in school after
an absence of two weeks
Springhas come and with it troubles
trials and tribulations for the 9th grade
botany class
All persons are hereby notified to
keep careful watch over their cats as
we overheard Mr Growden and Mr
Collett conspiring together how they
might deprive some unfortunate feline
of his skin that with it they might ex
periment iu electricit3r
We are again accorded the privilege
os recessjwhich if taken advantage of
will in a mersure help us to forget our
spring fever
Mrs George Hornby visited the
school last Monday afternoon
The high school and grammar de
partment have missed their joint-morning
exercises the organ having been in
ue in other depaetments during the
past two weeks
Mr Maxwell is still detained from
his duties b3T illness being at the Hot
Springs hospital for treatment
Mr Cornell sn3S that he will have
everything in apple pie order for
Friday evenings enteitainment and
has promised to place enough chairs
to seat the crowd but from indications
Mr Cornells best effort must necessar
ily fail in that re ipijefc
frAAAA J2clj28cj8cj8k
jlgjqjijjiT rPBs F
Bailey Briefs
W M Finalson will move to tha L
Story place in about a fortnight
Most of the ranchmen around here
have turned their steers on the range
Chas Gartide was at G W Seagers
th e 20ih ou business
L D Ros3 went to tLe reservation
last week
Yes the horse does need a licking
of salt
L S Goodin has three thoroughly ed
Aberdeen Poll Angus for sale five
niles from Bailey
Frank Heath aud Lee Sellers have lo
cated in Medicine canyon where they
want some calves game cooks and
monkeys they think of starting a me
George lleyne said if Mr Brook had
not moved before the 7th of June he
vould have gone boosting
We anticipate the largest caf crop
ths year ever heard of in this country
Kelsons whole pleasure all the jos
of sense lie in three words health
peace aud competence
Gus Gunderjson and family wll move
to his ranch from Cod in a few das
L S Goodin delivers 6a head of
black Aberdeen cattle to 1 O Stotts 011
ike 2 ml
Guess Yiio I Am
The annual election of officers off
Miuuechaduza Lodjo No 1U2 A FI
A M will be held iu Masonic hall
11 Valentine Nebr on Tuesday May
14lh 1001 at 730 i 21 sharp All
I 1 W i
njuuier are rtquesieu to ue present
V W Thompson T O iLornby -
Aciiug Sec W At
ht a vn a nWz yk
Between Omaha and St Paul
is the North Western Line
Rates to the biennial meeting Head
Camp Modern Woodmen of America
have been announced at one fare plus
200 for round trip
The railroads of Nebraska connect
ing with the North Western Line at
Omaha are
The Union Pacific
Missouki Pacific
0 R I P
and the road connecting at Missouri
Valley is the Fremont Elkhobn
Mo Valley
Delegates and their friends from all
points in the state can therefore secure
the beet accomodations by buying
through tickets from their home towns
via tho most convieniant road to the
Missouri River aud the Noutu west
ern Line beyond
Two Thrguqh Thains Daily
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 755 p m
Lv Omaha Union Passenger
Station 655 A ai
The night train has modern broad
vestibuled coaches and Pullman sleep
The day train has modern broad
vestibuled conches and observation
buffet parlor car
We note the fact that M W of A
always want the best when they can
get it gor the same money The motto
of the North Western Line is The
Best of Everything-
J R Buchanan
General Passenger Agent
David LeAoh
A Sketch of the Life of a Pio
neer Nebraskan
Hon David Leach was born in Vin
ton county Ohio July 13 1827 Mr
Leach lived with his parents ou a farm
until 18 years of age when he attended
It S Bacons Commercial College at
jCincinnati graduating therefrom iu
1852 He accepted a position as clerk
in A T bcovils drug store m Cincin
nati After a time h6 returned to his
home and took charge of Martin Ow
ens Gos store at the Cincinnati Fur
nace While there he was awarded a
contract to furnish ties for the Cincin
nati Marietta It It Co November
11 1852 he married at N 18 Barr St
Miss Jennie Davis of Little Itock Ark
Some time after he opened a general
store at Jackson Ohio in 185S Mr
Leach attended the Worlds fair at
New York City In the course of his
business career he travelled 30000
miles by steamboat and railway in the
states of New York New Jersey Penn
sylvania and Ohio In 1837 he took a
nip west by boat to bt Louis thence
via Hannibal to St Joseph nnd from
there into Kansas lteturning to Ohio
he closed out his business and removed
to iielevue Neb then the Grst town in
the territory He ordered 1500 worth
of goods to follow and these were land
ed at Leavenworth Kansas the river
being frozen over from where they were
hauled to Bellevuo by wagons at the
rate of 6 per day for each wagon lie
was appointed postmaster at Bellevue
in 1859 Mr Leach crossed the plains
six times during the period between C9
and 6 J when the pony express ran
through to California In 61 he re
signed as postmaster at Bellevue and
went to Denver Col where he
manufactured the drums used by the
first Colorado regiment In G2 he re
turned to Bellevue where lie was ap
pointed treasurer of Sarpy county and
was re electen for ten successive 3 ears
During this perio 1 he ws elected may-O-
ofBellevue for two terms In 5GG
Mr Leach was elected state senator
from the district of Sarpy and Dodge
counties In 71 he entered the mer
cantile business at Papillion and in 72
openeil the first wholesale hardware
store in Grand Central building at Om
aha He received the appointment as
notary public in 61 from Gov laund
ers which position he held by re ap
poiutment until his death Mr Leach
was school director at Bellevue and
Papillion for twelve years In 81 he
was appointed manager of the Allicanta
Mining Co of Leadville Col In 82
he resigned and returned to Omaha and
from there he removed his family to
Woodlake Nebr He held a position
id the U S Laud OHiee at Valentine
and in 87 was appointed postmaster at
Woodlake which oOice he held until his
death April I- 1C01 His store at
Woodlake was the fourteenth he had
owned during his business career
Leiioy Leach
everywhere J1
- - rgSSZ
MlWllM thata rich and mflV
nUW MM styles Sold ilp
Renovate Renovate f Renovate
White Lead Oils Turpentine Putty
Paints Whitewash and Kalsomine Brushes
Soe Agents for the Celebrated Lincoln
Ready Mixed Paints Varnishes and Stains
There is none other qnite so good
Eates Eeasonable Give Me a Trial
1P4 -
Walcotts ami TUhouh ultl Stand i5k
A SnlTQr71lQnQT DrrtTM i
UJ tlINijrMlLLlJMilitY
100 Trimmed ai d Pattern Hats are now besng displayed We
couple art with business economy and place the irost
artestic designs with the price limit of all
iu iu m
J jJ J
Consolidated Railroad Show
Will Exhibit at Valentine Neb
On Wednesday May 8 l9019
Two Rings Elevated Stage
ON May 8 Campbell Bros steam Caiiope plays ahead of ihe the big
parade that takes place at 1000 am followed by THEEE big brass
bands a drum corps and a half mile line of elegantly designed wagons
and cages of wild animals rarely exhibited Champion bareback riders
Japanese famil7 acrobats contortionists trapeze performers high
leapers bicycle riders and twelve funny clowns of every nationality take
pari in the parade making it particularly interesting for everybody
LARGER grester and grander than ever before with an entirely new
show new elegantly finished costumes and wardrobe throughout The
parade will be a swell affair FREE to the vast crowd of people that
throng Ihe straets An interesting signt never before witnessed in
Valentine After the parade remember the hih dive Free out door
performanre at the show grounds
The big show program is particularly interesting throughout the
entire performance Such people as Mr Rooney and Lowand World
champion bareback riders appear in their many difficult feats The
Rydon Nelson family horizontal bar casting and return act gym
nastic and acrobats by the Brandon troupe and Mr Frank Smith first
among al head balancers These are but a few of the many performers
with the bFg show of National reputation
Menagerie museum and an exhibition of train ed animals Posi
tively and emphatically the only all feature show for the season
Modest in its promises honest in its announcements lavish iu its per
formances presenting at all times twice as much as advertised pro
ducing pertormances tnat cannot be duplicated by any other saow no
matter how great
Trained elephants ponies dogs monkeys and positively the
highest jumping pony on earth
Positive to ajjpear on day S date Announced