PS3S r THE VALENTINE VOLUME XVI 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 4 49 49 4 49 4 49 4 49 49 4 4 49 49 V t9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 We Handle All Kir ds OxOiOmO0 TH RED FRONT improves with age until now its the most popular trading place for the majority of Cherry Co s shoppers The reason why tis so easy to explain We never dissapoint if we can help it we always give our custo mers what we advertise our prices for the same quality ci merchandise are always lower than our neighbors We dont only say compare prices but we do say compare quality as well We carry nothing for our customers that we do not use ourselves Our goods are always clesu and fresh no shelf worn or bankrupt stock and whep wc adver tise a sale we always sell goods lower than the regular price Hence the reason of our phenomenal smcess and the household word it pays to trade at the REDPRONT THE RED FRONT Leave orders withFrankFischer or call at Lud wigs old stand mmLamiSSMtli mtVXSSfUTt GET P13TMTIMP AT THIS YOUR iKHN IjdNQFFICEar Wfe CanSisfy Tou in Cuftv Price and Workuacshtp -- hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb hb b hb hb hb hb rrfrfrfftrffrfrtrrrffrfi CLOTH NG Is our principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent DSTI AR C 11 COKXfilX President JH V NICHOLSON Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Ranking Business Transacted Boys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange s CprreHponilonts Chemical National Bank New York First National Rank Omaha Neb JSZESEZS2Sa S M S2KS3 fl iW lla face H cvlo cm a HADQJA RTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska HE OWL SALOON T A YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL 3 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA CS - Tt - -- Pwvyvwwwnvwwwwwwwwwwwvv yvwwvvvvv Clarance Walcott is on the sick list this week Cole Ainslie and wife were in town last Friday Jim McClain of the Rosebud is in town this week J B Smith of Brownlee was in town last week on business Hard wood posts at 11 W A Pettiycrews Red Brested Game Bantam eggfs 8100 per dozen It Jay Morey Court convenes in Valentine again May the 13 to complete the docket N S Rowley was in town for a load of building material and supplies Jay Cunningham had business in Valentine last week from near Ken nedy The mason work is in progress on the Quigley Brayton building on Main street C P Wiltse editor of the Newport Republican had business in this city the first of the week Mrs John Shores went up to Cody for a few daTs visit with relatives and friends Monday Sam Hudson oneof Cherry countys well-to-do stock men gave this office an aggreeable call last Friday Mr and Mrs A D Brown will be at home to their friends after May 1st at tne residence of John Shores i Warren Ward took his departure1 for Tacoma Washington Tuesday morn ing where he expects to find employ ment Wm Shelbourn from up on the Snake was in town to get supplies and transact other business last Fri day and Saturday We hear that Faddis Steadman have bought the ranah property of Haber Grange Perry Parker and Jay Cunningham Frank Sagesar left Tuesday morn ing for Lakeside where he will spend a week visiting with his daughter Mrs Rose Horten Dr Seymours many friends and patients will be glad to learn that he has arranged for a personal visit to this city Frida April -20 Mrs John Hittel from Penbrnok was in town last Saturday She left the price of a years subscription for the Democrat and went home happv Hamilton McCrea returned Sunday morning from a six monthe sojourn a couple of hundred miles west where he has had steady work all winter Hes looking well W L Cohees wife died last Thurs day They lived south of Simeon and were well respected people in their community The Domocrat extends sympathies to the bereaved Chris Elling the vegetable man who has been associated with Jens Thomsen the past two years will re tire from the business and leaves next week for Bross W3oming David George George Snur and Wm Grooms nccorapanted by Sheriff Laport left for Lincoln last Sunday morning where they are to work out the sentences given them by Judge Westoyer last week Strayed One two j ear old heifer black Poll Angus well bred branded box dot on left hip also on left shold er A liberal reward will be paid for information leading to the recover Jay Cunningham It Kennedy Neb Although Dr Se3inour is notable to visit our city as often of late as he has in the past his many patients and friends are glad to wait for hs coming They feel that this is an op portunity to receive absolutely the best services Qof a specialist Those having eye ear nose or throat trouble should not fail to see him when he is here Friday April 20 Dr V A Goodrich of Omaha a graduate of the Michigan University of Ann Arbor Department ot Dentis try will be in Valentine next Tues day and will occupy the ufnee former ly occupied by Wells Bros Mr Good rich comes from Omaha here and ex pects tp remain permanently with us The Democrat extends greeting and Vest wishes for his surcesS ir DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper op Cherry County Nebraska VALENTINE NEBRASKA APRIL 25 1901 fVWWWWVJ TALK OF THE TOWN AAAAAAflAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArftAAAVAAAAAAWH Go to drinks Collins for temperance AAAAAA4 Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture Weather Iiureau Nalentine Nebraska week eudftiK Tuesday Apr 13 1901 Mean temp for week 52 deg which is 30 deg above the average Highest temp for week 75 deg on the 21st Lovet temp for week 28 deg on I7ih Total rasnfall 08 of an inch which is 02 of an nch below the average Highest velocity of wind and direction 34 miles from the southwest on the 20th Jercentageof possible sunshine 80 A warm dry week The tempera ture has been only slightly below the average but a mrrked deficiency in rainfall has occurred We have been favored with less wind and more sun shine than if usually the rule during April and unless all indications fail thepresent weather bids fair to con tinue for several days longer DC GRUNOW Observer Weather Bureau A xO BRIOK WASTED- 250000 good hard burned brick at once A pply to Wm Maier Valentine Nebraska State prices FOB cars ll tf This issne closes one year ouner the present management of this paper Dont forget we have the largest assortment of high grade Coffees in the cit 11 W A Pettycrcw For sale Ditter of Scotch deer hounds- Certificate of registry fur nshied For naiticulars write to s W F A MeltendoriT FOR SALE My stock of merchan dise consting of Groceries Boots and shoes must get out on account ot ill health Will take cattle or cash or both 11 C J Farnham Jolly smiling Jim Vincent was in town Tuesday and says he enjoys ranch life We sometimes envy these independent randhers who make more monev and easier than anybody els i fora safe investment It is not up and down with them like the sugar market but a sure steady increase Who wouldnt smile And there are some who dont Last Friday while some men were digging and hauling out the dirt from the lots of Frank Brayton and Jas Quigley on Main street at a point nearly between the two and what was the back vard formerly of the Brayton building at a depth of aoi3r 4 or o teet several oones were found of a humin skeleton Those found were 2 humerous 2 femur and left tibia and fibula and the clavicle A bed of black dirt in the sand 2 feet wide and 6 feet long mixed with lime which had hardened with dirt aul sand marked the spot where the bolt had lain A disturbance in the I -d of black dirt showed that the b idy had not lain -there unmolested and it is supposed that a part of the bones were taken up and removed to a safer place of hiding The best description possible from the size and condition of the bones wiuld indicate that 12 to 15 years ago a man who walked as though lame in the left leg about 5 feet 10 inches tall weighing probably 135 pounds met his fate Be may have been part Indian and he may have dissapeared suddenly Some of the older residents uriy have known something of this though none here now recollect anvthing that -would throw any light on the subject In the early days there were a large uumher of desperate characters and and a great many murders were com mitted that people found out or wit nessed There were more that were not witnessed nor told of by those who did witness There were also men who mysteriously disappeared in the early days and there were secret conferences held at times aud many knew of part of these conditions but those were the days that would not admit of too close scrutiny and peo ple who knew too much were in the way and so carefully were secrets kept that only a few knew anything except to surmise and they didnt do that out loud But however that ma be there was foul play If not all the bones would have been found to gether Lime was put in with the boly to consume the stench or turn the bones yellow to make ihem old lie was buried toj tiecrp for io bones carelessly thrown aside look ami the bed of black dirt showed that a grave had been prepared It may re main to most of our people a myster3 as in the earlv dajS there were peo ple coming and going many strang ers and no account was taken of who came or went H l - NUMBER 14 - 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 We Quote a Few Prices Corn 21b 3 for Fancy Sugar - - - - cans Baking Soda Best Quality - 3ftpkg0for Refugee Stringless Beans - 2b cans 3 for Strawberry Beets Try Them 3ib cans 2 for California Peaches 33b - - - cans Prunes Good Size Fine Quality - 251b 81 00 Whole Codfish - - - per lb 07 Gedne3s Pickled Onions - - - pint bottle L0 Smiths Anti Trust Syrup - 1 galon can 35 Ladies Shirt Waists casried over 72c to 150 quality 35 50 Mens Summer Shirts carried over 175 st 150 quality - - 50 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants b WFNFVFR SFI I MIMI -FOR LESS THAH COSTi WC ROM UAVC Tn ButWoGivo FullYalucor s IL UUI1 I littVL lU Yoiu JMLoticy 25 25 25 25 10 b b b b b b lb hb b bt hb bh hb hb b hb 2 bb hb srss Let Us Give You a Few of OUR PRICES Good IZonsted Coffee - - per b 10c Z Pound Sacks of Peuvl Hominy - IOe S -Bars Diamond C Sou - - 25e 5 liars JLarye liar Wool Sory - 25c 20 Pounds of Good Rice - - KlOO Bargains in EVERYTHING the Next Two Weeks to Make Room ior Onr Spring Stock CROOKSTON NEBR MAX C VI ER I EL - A Til ZM II aultlllia rt jf - MtiltOamsm AT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Drv Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon 4 4 49 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 PAINTING H PAPER HANGING CALGIMINING R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska x All work well done hb hb hb hb hb hb hb 2 hb hb hb hb b THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Two Dollars a Day FIE ST GLASS MODERN HOTEL Ill Northwestern Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Robins YALEHTINE - KEBRASKA 353S3 m - a Jp 1 I J HATS if1 I All Styles and all Prices s C Call and See Them 1 lh7J7 a Esther ONeill fcjas3gc2it3f IS Jm kr