Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1901, Image 2

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The Valentine Democrat
I M RICH Publisher
Advices were received at Berlin an
nouncing the opening of the railroad
from Kiao Chau to Tsin Tau China
The Northwestern Iowa Odd Fel
lows have announced their convention
for Dubuque la- April 29 It will be
the eighty second anniversary of the
founding of the order
The election of democrats as alder
men in the Third Fourth and Fifth
wards of Denver is contested by the
republican fcandidates on the ground
of corruption and fraud
Andrew Carnegie has offered to give
100000 to Portland Ore for a free
- public library provided the city will
guarantee a site and sufficient annual
income for its maintenance
The Amalgamated Association of
Sheet Metal Workers will take the in
itiative in having designers and archi
tects sign contracts with builders to
employ only union men on their con
A great many carloads of young
stock are being received at Webster
S D for the settlers who have lo
cated on the land formerly embraced
within the Sisseton and Wahpeton In
dian reservation
Mathilda Henderson colored died
at Quincy 111 aged 105 years She
was recognized as the oldest person
of her race in that vicinity and her
relatives have records showing that
her age 105 was authentic
The navy department has awarded
the contract for the building of the
twenty three knot protected cruiser
Milwaukee to the Union Iron Works
of San Frnrisco The contract price
is 2825000
Secretary ofthe Treasury Gaga re
ceived an offer for a million dollars
short term bonds from New York
The price was higher than he was
willing to pay and he therefore re
jected the offer
About 400 union carpenters did not
report for work at Indianapolis Ind
owing to the failure of the contrac
tors to sign the scale Seme of the
members of the union are at work for
contractors who have signed The
old scale of 30 cents expired Mon
The Minnesota house passed Sena
tor Chiltons bill prohibiting the mar
riage of imbeciles feeble minded
leptics or insane persons with an
amendment striking out the require
ment for a physicians certificate be
fore any license to marry shall be is
Victor R Schultz the mail car
rier who shot and killed his wife and
sent two bullets through the breast
of W H Eikenberry at Marion Ind
and then cut his own throat is liv
ing His windpipe which was sev
ered was sewed together by the phy
sicians at the hospital
The board of trustees of the West
ern Illinois Normal school at Macomb
awarded the contract for building the
school to the Tri City contracting
company of Davenport la Moline
and Rock Island The building is to
be of Berea stone and will cost in the
neighborhood of 175000
A crowd of about fifty Ponca Neb
men seized Alva Smith while he was
on his way from the theater and tar
red and feathered him He was giv
en twenty four hours to leave town
Smith is accused of ruining Minnie
Ellum a girl of 18 who died in an
Omaha hospital two weeks ago
The Teheran correspondent of the
Cologne Gazette under date of Mon
day April 8 telegraphs that the Per
sian government has ordered the im
position of a duty of 5 per cent on all
Russian goods imported instead of 3
to 4 per cent as hitherto enforced
The Minnesota house reconsidered
the vote which killed the bill to per
mit the parole of the notorious Youn
ger brothers now serving life sen
tences in the state prison and sent
the bill to the governor for approval
or rejection
The famous Okefenokee swamps in
South Georgia have been sold to
Charles Hebard Sons of Michigan
The consideration it is understood is
175000 The swamp contains 354
000 acres and its circumference is 137
Samuel N Ferris shot and killed
himself at Baker City Ore He was
about 33 years of age was secretary
of a prominent mining company and
is said to have been worth more than
100000 in mining property The
cause of the suicide is unknown
The latest statement of exports pub
lished by the bureau of statistics
shows that during the eight months
ending with February the total
amounted to 95000000 more than
the exports for the corresponding
riod ending in February 1900
D B Robinson formerly first vice
president of the Santa Fe is reported
to be dying in a Chicago hospital
The strike of the journeymen paint
ers of East Liverpool O section
which has lasted for the past ten
-days has been settled
The Japanese Formally Ask for Kwang
Sub Eeturn to Pekin
Are Instructed to Hare Their Baler
Promise Something Definite Had Bet
ter Brine All Soldiers so as to Quell
Disorders In Knasla
PEKIN April 15 Komurs Yutaro
the Japanese minister accompanied
by General Yamaguchi the Japanese
commander recently called upon
Prince Ching and notified him that
the return of Emperor Kwang Su to
Pekin was urgently desired Prince
Ching was Informed that the emper
ors wishes would be respected by the
foreign troops and that every courtesy
would be shown him
It was pointed out to the Chinese
plenipotentiary that the emperors
return was of the highest possible im
portance as affecting the maintenance
of the integrity of the Chinese empire
and that he should come accompanied
by every available soldier by at
least 20000 men if possible These
troops it was further contended by
the Japanese minister must be sent
into Manchuria as the Russians re
ported great disturbances there and it
was not right that the task of quelling
the trouble should be thrown upon the
shoulders of one nation
Finally Prince Ching was assured
that if the 20000 Chinese troops cculd
not suppress the disorders in Manchu
ria other powers would send an inter
national force to co operate with
China which the powers regarded as
a friendly power
No reply having been received to
this communication Li Hung Chang
was today notified to the same effect
and told that Emperor Kwang must
give an immediate answer
The preparations which the Jap
anese here are making for an early
start indicate that they expect war
between Russia and Japan Vessels
arriving at Taku from Nagasaki report
the mobilization of the Japanese fleet
and the continuance of preparations
on board ship for the anticipated
Prince Ching says all his reports go
to show that the missionary state
ments regarding a rebellion in Mon
golia are not supported by the facts
Neither does he believe that the re
bellion of General Tune Fu Sian
amounts to much
It is the object of certain ele
ments he asserts to make it seem
that China is in a condition of con
stant broil rendering it unsafe for the
foreign troops to be withdrawn Those
who have this in view will magnify
a village riot into a big rebellion The
Chinese ministers naturally timid
take these reports in good faith
Corean Government Disposes of Kim
Yang Chun
TACOMA Wash April 15 A sen
sational political crisis exists in Seoul
capital of Corea The news is brought
tonight by the steamship Duke of Fife
that the government has beheaded
Kim Yang Chun for planning to make
the son of the emperors favorite mis
tress Lady Om heir to the throne dis
placing the prince imperial son of the
murdered uqeen
The decapitated official was the lead
er of the Kim faction which has been
engaged for months in deadly rivalry
with the Min faction led by Min Kong
sik for the domination of Corean poli
tics The Min faction learned of the
plot against the prince imperial and
a street fight between the factions re
Katr Town Crowd Gathers About the
KANSAS CITY April 15 Mrs Car
rie Nation was arrested in this city
tonight on the charge of obstructing
the street and hauled to the police
station in a patrol wagon She was re
leased on a cash bond of 6 and will
be tried in the police court tomorrow
Mrs Nation lectured in Kansas City
Kan last night and came over to the
Missouri side this morning She start
ed on a tour of investigation among
the downtown saloons this evening A
thousand men and boys followed her
and at Twelfth and Walnut streets
where there are saloons on three cor
ners she was arrested because the
crowd following her blockaded the
street She roundly lectured the sa
loon men whom she visited
Memorial Day in Fekln
PEKIN April 15 Memorial serv
ices will be held by order of the court
in honor of Ysu Chien Sing Li Sien
and Hsu Sung Yi the members of the
tsung 11 yamen who were executed be
cause of their pro foreign sentiment
The staff of the United States legation
has been invited to attend Hsu Chien
Sing held the post of Chinese minister
to Russia director of the
bank and president of the Chinese
Eastern railway
Dr Victor Vanghn Reports on Case of
Charles B Bnre
CHICAGO April 15 A dispatch to
the Record Herald from Ann Arbor
Michj says Dr Victor Vaughn direc
tor of the medical department ap
peared before the state board of
health yesterday and practically ac
knowledged that the case of Student
Charles Benjamin Hare of Pawnee
City is one of bubonic plague He as
sured the board there would be no
spread of the disease as all precau
tions had been taken to prevent it
and that the student would recover
Dr Novy who attends Hare wears
a germproof rubber garment that cov
ers him from head to fcot with two
little eyeholes for sight whenever he
goes Into the contagious -ward and ho
also injects preventative doses of se
rum into himself
Dr Vaughn told the board that Hare
contracted the disease by an accident
almost identical with that which oc
curred in Vienna in 1898 Prof Noth
najle and his assistant Barisch were
conducting bacteriological experiments
on bubonic plague bacilli Barisch
caught the disease and died as did
also Dr Muller who attended him
Reported That Someone Tried to Stab
the Aged President
PARIS April 15 LEstafette pub
lishes a report that an attempt was
made to stab Mr Kruger
LONDON April 15 According to a
dispatch to the London Daily Express
form Amsterdam cabled to the Asso
ciated Press Saturday last the Dutch
police recently got wind of contem
plated attempts upon the life of Mr
Kruger It is quite likely that the
report to which LEstafette gives cur
rency is traceable to a similar source
Not Dangerously Tnsane
DENVER April 15 Albert S
Cowan who was arrested on February
2E last on a charge of murder which
was subsequently dismissed for lack of
sufficient eivdence to justify his in
dictment has been released from cus
tody a jury before which he was tried
on a charge of insanity having decided
that he was not so distracted in his
mind as to endanger his own life and
property or the lives and property of
others It was believed for a time
that Cowan was the thug who knocked
down many women on Capital hill dur
ing the fall and winter Several of
the assailants victims died
Border Ruffian Slain
Red Weaver a vell known border char
acter and a reputed member of the fa
mous -Black Jack gang of bandits
has been killed at Alma a little min
ing camp seventy two miles northwest
of here
Weaver had threatened to kill Tod
Holliman who had previously called
him to account for certain remarks
against a young womans character
Later they met again and fired at
each other simultaneously Weaver
fell dead with a bullet through his
heart Holliman was exonerated
Farmers Fight the Combine
SALINA Kan April 15 Farmers
of Saline county have completed the
periiminary organization of their as
sociation to fight the grain combine
by building or leasing their own ele
vators and a charter will be applied
for at once
The board of directors chosen is
made up of J A Reser W A Mur
phy C L Stone J E Runquist Wil
liam Muir A C Hillman and John S
Bean all of whom are prominent far
Fourteen Scutes Represented
CINCINNATI O April 15 Four
teen states were vepresented here to
day at the meeting of the Keaher She
Barzel a Jewish beneficiary organiza
tion The annual message of the presi
dent and the reports of the other offi
cers were submitted and discussed to
day The society will be in session
several days
Steyns Health Broken
reported that the health of former
President has broken dawn It
is also said he has advised all the
Boers on commandoes to surrender
JSmllla Kempln Dead
BERLIN April 15 Emilia Kempin
doctor of laws and one of the foremost
leaders of the womans movement in
Germany has just died in an insane
asylum at Basle Switzerland
Chairman Walkers Funeral
NEW YORK April 15 Funeral ser
vices over the body of Aldace F Walk
er president of the Atchison Topeka
Sante Fe railroad were held today
at the West End Collegiate church
The pallbearers were John G McCul
lough of the Erie railroad General H
L Burnett United States district at
torney General E H Ripley presi
dent Charles M Hays of the South
ern Pacific Victor Morawetz George
H Haven and R Summer Hays
Frof Brnnner Issues a Bulletin Regard
Ins the Matter
LINCOLN Neb April 15 Prof
Lawrence Bruner entomologist at the
University of Nebraska has Issued a
bulletin in which he discusses vari
ous plans for destroying grasshoppers
It begins with a general description
of the insects this outline includes
a statement of their life history habits
and relations to other insect forms
as well as the effects of climate lati
tude altitude and diseases in keeping
them within certain limits Much
-stress is laid on the past carelessness
in the efforts of farmers of the state
for permitting native locusts to be
come sufficiently numerous to cause
Among the artificial remedies which
are suggested and described in this
bulletin the most important is that
of discing in early spuing alfalfa
fields and other grounds containing
the eggs of these insects This disc
ing can be done at any time after
the frost is out of the ground but
the best time seems to be early in
April Instead of injuring the alfalfa
numerous experiments in Kansas and
Nebraska have shown that by running
the disc over the fields the yield is
greatly increased This stirring of
the soil breaks up the egg masses and
exposes them to the drying influences
of the air and the keen eyes of the
No Effort to Enforce It Until After
First of Tuly
LINCOLN Neb April 15 It is of
ficially announced at the state house
that no attempt will be made by state
officers to enforce the new fish and
game law before July 1 that being the
time when all laws passed without
an emergency clause by the last legis
lature will become effective An
emergency clause was attached to the
enrolled copy of the bill through er
ror and without authority but al
though it was signed by the presiding
officers of the legislature and by the
governor it canot be enforced for the
reason that it was defeated in the
house of representatives The official
journal of the house shows that the
bill was ordered for third reading on
March 13 and that on roll call it fail
ed to receive the constitutional two-
tniras vote necessary for an emer
gency clause thus leaving it subject
to a motion to strike out the clause
Such a motion was made by Coppoc
of Holt county and adopted as the
record shows The roll was then call
ed on the bill without the emergency
clause and as it received the requisite
number of votes it was declared pass
Senator Millards Private Secretary
OMAHA Neb April 15 Senator
Millard has selected James B Haynes
as his private secretary and has sent
the name to Washington Mr Haynes
the new secretary has been a resident
of Omaha for many years In 1881
he did his first newspaper work in
this city reporting the session of the
legislature for the Bee From 1882 to
1885 he was stenographer in the office
of the general passenger agent of the
Union Pacific railroad and in 1887 was
stenographer in Judge Hopewells
Will Movo For Acquittal
FRANKFORT Ky April 13 The
prosecution in the Ripley conspiracy
case will conclude its testimony to
morrow The defense will move for
instructions for a verdict of acquittal
Lawyers for the prosecution do not
believe this will be sustained in view
of the ruling of the court permitting
the introduction of evidence as to the
conspiracy They assert that the evi
dence of ex Governor Bradley and
Judge Yost connects Ripley with the
Burns Herself to Death
Mrs Kinkead 82 years of age who
had been living with her son went
into the cow house of Mrs Seiden
striker a neighbor and after partially
disrobing set fire to her underclothing
and started for the house A phy
sician was called but she died She
said she was tired of living and beg
ged the doctor to give her chloro
form She had been in poor health
Fixes Date of Kennion
PLAINVIEW Neb April 15 The
Grand Army of the Republic commit
tee of northeast Nebraska met to lo
cate the next reunion Neligh was
chosen as the place the reunion to be
gin the second week in July A
campfire was held at the opera house
lieutenant Mapes Friends Active
Lieutenant William Mapes of the
Twenty third United States infantry
who has won such honors by captur
ing insurgent officers at Manila and
some 40000 of their funds was born
and raised in this county He was
formerly major of the Second regiment
of the Nebraska National Guards His
friends here will ask for his advance
ment as a reward for his services in
the Philippines
- jto WHt
Judge Grlmlson Passes Sentence Vpea
Herman Zahna Murderer
FREMONT April 13 William
Rhea who was convicted of the mur
der of Herman Zahn was sentenced
by Judge Grimisou to be hanged with
lnthe walls of the penitentiary at Lin
coln August 2 The defendant was
brought into the court room hand
cuffed in charge of Sheriff Kreader
He wore the same dark suit as during
the trial starched white shirt white
high collar and small black band neck
tie His face was white with the pal
lor of close confinement but looked a
little fuller than during the trial The
bold reckless look in his eyes has soft
ened little During the half hour
which he spent in the room he showed
no emotion whatever but appeared a
little restless He fingered the band
of his black slouch hat changed his
position frequently and looked around
the room in a careless unconcerned
Mr Gray filed a motion for a new
trial and stated to the court that the
grounds were statutory and the same
points were raised as were passed up
on during the progress of the trial
I havent seen any reason to change
the opinions formed during the trial
of the case said the judge and the
motion will be overruled
In a slow solemn voice the judge
then read the sentence which in the
words of the statute substantially
was tnat the defendant be taken to
the penitentiary at Lincoln delivered
into the custody of the warden kept
in solitary confinement and on the 2d
day of Auugst 1901 between the hours
of 9 and 11 a m be taken to some
place designated within the walls of
the penitentiary and there hanged by
the neck until dead As the judge read
the latter part of the sentence the
tones of his voice grew lower and more
impressive and the word dead was
spoken scarcely above a whisper
The defendant was wholly unmoved
He took his seat and looked around as
unconcerned as before Not a muscle
of his face changed and he scarcely
moved an eye while the sentence was
being read
Father of C B Hare Intends to Visit the
Patient at Ann Arbor
PAWNEE CITY Neb April 13 It
has been definitely ascertained that
the Ann Arbor bubonic plague patient
is Charles Benjamin Hare whose home
is in this city His parents and a
number of other relatives reside here
The parents were informed of the sons
sickness by a reporter for The Bee and
a telegram was immediately sent to
Ann Arbor for information in regard
to the young mans condition Dr
Novy answered that Mr Hare was
resting easily and would probably re
Hare is 26 years old and a student
in the medical department of the Ann
Arbor unversity He is taking a spe
cial course in bacteriology and is as
sistant to Dr Novy the celebrated
specialist who has for several years
been interested in an effort to develop
an effective serum for bubonic inocu
Is it Less than the Estimate of the Senate
LINCOLN April 13
Practical Civics In Schools
KiiTiPrlntandent Howell of
The Wife and
piled in the auditors office shows that Pure grains and when properly prepared
the total of legislative appropriations
was 292000 less than the estimate of
the senate committee on finance ways
and means Exclusive of the endow
ment and trust money for the univer
sity and the appropriation for the dis
trict court the amount is 2645433
which including all the extraordinary
appropriations is only 5405992 more
than the- total of two years ago These
figures are taken from an official com
pilation but are substantially the
same as those printed at the close of
the legislative session
Quits Life lu a Fearful Way
YORK Neb April 13 Guy Ander
son a young man 26 years old com
mitted suicide in a horrible manner at
his home south of Waco The body
was found lying Reside a pile of burn
ing rubbish in a field near the barn
blackened and burned almost beyond
recognition In order to make his des
perate work more certain he first tied
his legs toegther with wire and then
fastened the wire to a fence post near
a pile of rubbish He then must have
set fire to this rubbish and thereafter
cut his throat -with his pocket knife
severing both the windpipe and the
jugular vein He was perhaps dead
before the fire had any effect upon his
Missing Man Writes Home
Walter Grim a young man who de
serted his wife at Nehawka in this
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about i es much All grocers sell it
15c and 25c
The world is like a piano full of
sharps and flats
stain the hands or spot the kettle
The prosperity of fools shall destroy
them Solomon
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 1G oz nackace for
10 cents All other 10 centstarch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
Platonic love is a dinner at which
nothing but soup is served
Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Syrup
A1 rea f etnnff softens the sums reduce iv
flammatlon allaya pain enrea wind colic 25c a bottle
A perfect woman nobly planned to
warn to comfort and command
Ask your grocer for TDEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other
10 cent starch con
tains only 12
oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
All I am or can be I owe to my an
gel mother Abraham Lincoln
Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used
for all affections of the
throat and lungs Wir
O Exdslsy Vanbaren Ind Feb 10 1900
Toasts are often drunk yet they are
never intoxicated
SlOO Bexrard Qioo
lerwdiTJortnIsPaper T7iU e Pleased to
learn tha there Is at least one dreaded disease
inat scence has been able to cure in aU it
cSgktSP is Halls Catarrh
ESS be only Positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh bein a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment Halls Catarrh Cure is take internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucoussur I
county recently -without giving any oTtheXSS
wua flas rnea up at sSPbrtaiSTwfiS
ca la ie sent money to his wife
to pay her expenses to go to him but
offered no explanation Since his de
parture his wife has been prostrated
with grief but it is not thought that
she will leave Nebraska to join him
They were married three months ago
ncCiof o rr r aau
3r u uuin s woric The
i pro
prietors have so much faltt In its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
Calls Family Pills are the best
Youth may stray afar yet return at
last -
Scranton Pa schools has proposed
a plan for instructing the pupils as
to the manner in which a president of
the United States is elected The dem
onstration is to be a practical one
Each school is to constitute a conven
tion and each pupil is to write an es
say giving the history of a presidential
campaign from the beginning to the
inaguratioa After these are com
pleted a platform committee will bo
appointed in each school to prepare
resolutions or declarations of party
principles after which the election will
be held each pupil voting for his
candidate for president The election
is expected to take place in March
Many advantages are to be had from
practice of this kind and there is no
reason why it should be confined to
presidential elections
Began as a Backstop
Congressman Wadsworths hands
are battered out of shape nearly as
much as were those of the late Sil
ver Flint and from the same cause
The New York man was in his day a
crack baseball player and at one time
held down first base in the Yale nine
He has a son who filled the same posi
tion for Yale and was as good a player
as his father
of airv
Charlea Koys
CLARISSA Minn April 15 Spe
cial No family in this vicinity ia
better known or more universally re
spected than Mr Charles Keys the
local School Teacher and his estima
ble wife and mother-in-law For a
long time Mrs Keys has been in ill
health Recently however she has
found a cure for her ailments in Dodds
Kidney Pills
I cannot speak too highly of
Dodds Kidney Pills or of what they
have done for me said Mrs Keys
My life was miserable my back
always ached also my head I was
troubled with Neuralgia in the head
and face and suffered extreme pain
but thanks to Dodds Kidney Pills all
those aches and pains have vanished
like the morning dew and it now
seems that life is worth living I con
sider Dodds Kidney Pills a God send
to suffering humanity They may
rlehtlv ho nampri the VM rir nf WmtTi J
While speaking of my own case
and the wonderful benefit I have re
ceived I might also add that myj
mother who is now an old lady of
74 years and who lives with me has
been troubled more or less with aches
and pains as is natural with one of
her advanced age When she saw
what Dodds Kidney Pills had done for
me she commenced to use them her
self and she says that they have done
her more good than any other medi
cine she has ever tried
This testimony is given in the
hope that others who may be af
flicted as we were may see and read
it and be benefited by it
What Mrs Keys states in her letter
can be verified by reference to any of
her many friends in this neighbor
hood Dodds Kidney Pills have al
ready a wonderful reputation in Todd
Nothing has ever cured Bright3
Disease Diabetes or Dropsy but Dodd3
Kidney Pills
Bret Harte Comlnjr Home
Bret Harte will probable return to
America next year but only for a
visit as he merely intends to make a
tour of the West to brush up his mem
ories of that section of the country
and see its development
What Po tho Children Drink
Dont give them tea or coffee Have you
tried the new food drink called GEAIN O
It is delicious and nourishing and takes the
place of coffee The more Grain O you give
a AnAi 7
icyui l tnrongn teen systems tirain U is made of