Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1901, SUPPLEMENT, Image 16

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Miss Alice Griffith 923 South Sixteenth street who is a
stenographer and a personal friend of Miss Lizzie Young has
been waiting for the past year an opportunity of consulting
Dr Seymour when he should again return and in a conversa
tion says in part as follows
My right eye has been so poor for a number of years that
I had despaired of losing it and I was also very much afraid
that I could not continue my profession as I was depending
wholly on my left eye and was beginning to feel the effect of
the physical strain of trying to use one weak eye for work
that required two good ones Through the personal knowledge
of what Dr Seymour had done for my friend Miss Young I
determined to make another effort to save my sight and I am
delighted beyond expression with the wonderful improve
ment that has been made since I have been treating with Dr
Seymour the past month
I am now reading the finest print with my poor eye and
feel that within a very short period it will be as useful to me
as my left
My personal gratitude to Dr Seymour is something diffi
cult to express and I certainly understand how his many
grateful patients in this city hold his exceptional knowledge in
such high esteem
Mr H E Soule No 322 North Eleventh street who works
at the Students Co operative Book Co is making a splendid
effort to secure an education and is doing his best to work
his way through school but was becoming almost discouraged
because of his failing sight and despaired of being able to
complete his education having tried different specialists who
were unable to help him He is more than delighted after
treating with Dr Seymour that he is again able to take up his
studies with ease and comfort which adds another grateful
indorsement to the doctors list
Mr C H Barstow who lives at No 2219 Holdrege street in
a recent conversation remarked that he had had a great deal
of trouble for a great many years in trying to secure glasses
that would relieve a continual strain on his eyes Being an
accountant his livelihood depended on the use of his eyes al
together and it was a matter of no small consequence and ever
grew more serious Through personal knowledge of Dr Sey
mours work in this city in past years he was induced to seek
his assistance at which time he learned of the wide difference
Jn the sight of two eyes which fact had never been told him
before and the correction of the same has proved a wonder
ful help in his work
Miss Emma Peterson another young lady was seen in
Dr Seymours office and in talking of the matter of her eyes
to a friend expressed herself as follows
It has been very hard for me to consent to the wearing
of glasses and only after being advised by my professor Mr
Menzendorf to take a sensible view of it could I bring my
pilf to this point My left eye was continually watering but
through the treatment of Drs Seymour and Cox and the fitting
of proper glasses I have been very much relieved
In justice to Miss Peterson we would say that this was not
eaid for publication but we have taken the liberty of
the statement as she has many personal friends here who
will be pleased to learn of her improved condition
In talking of the work done by Dr Seymour Miss Josie Mor
risey No 2119 P street speaks in the following words
One year ago last April I went from Lincoln to Omaha to
consult Dr Seymour to have my eyes treated and fitted with
glasses I had consulted every eye specialist here in Lincoln
but failed to receive relief After being treated so successful
ly by Dr Sejmour it gives me pleasure to say at the present
time that I consider his work simply wonderful The glasses
have practically cured my eyes I can now read without
them if necessary when before it was impossible for me to
use my eyes any length of time without glasses before re
ceiving tnose fitted by him I really cannot say enough in
praise oi his work
W W Knepper cashier of the Sheridan County Bank a4
Gordon Neb writes as follows
GORDON Neb July 27 1900 Dr W I Seymour Lincoln
Neb Dear Sir I received the glasses and glass eye with
the medicine that you sent last week I have been following
instructions as given on the different bottles and will say
that my eyes are getting much better I have had different
parties ask me what I had been doing for my eyes as they
had noticed such a change in them since I had commenced
to treat tnem Some even saying that rney looked 100 per
cent better than they did three weeks ago
My little girl is also following the instructions as given on
the different bottles Respectfully W W KNEPPER
GORDON Neb Aug 16 1900 Dr W I Seymour Lincoln
Neb Dear Sir My eyes are feeling and looking as though
there had never been anything the matter with them If they
continue to keep as well after I get through treating them I
will be perfectly satisfied Last winter when I would get a
cold they would get inflamed and look bad
The tablets that I dissolve in the eye wash are about all
gone and also the salve The drops that I put in my eyes and
the drops that I take are about two thirds gone I thought I
had better write you as I did not know whether you wanted
me to stop when these were gone or not
My little girls eyes are looking much better also She has
used all the drops that are to put in the wash Yours truly
GORDON Neb Sept 18 19Q0 Dr W I Seymour Lincoln
Neb Dear Sir My eyes have been improving all the time
and now they look and feel perfectly well My little girls
eyes improved wonderfully also
I barmy now what to write only that our eyes are im
proviog all he time and it seems like a miracle that my -eyes
ever improved so much Yours truly W W KNEPPER
PLYMOUTH Neb Dear Doctor Your treatment is won
derful 1 feel now as though I was somebody or that my life
was worth living I can now hear and understand conversa
tion ca ried on in an ordinary tone of voice after two weeks
treatment only Before people would have to shout at the
top of their voice to make themselves understood The sores
in my ears have healed up in good shape The treatment
has also made treat improvement in the pains in my chest
from which I suVeirl sreat deal the treatment having made
the respiratory pi usages free MRS CHARLES GERMER
CEDAR RAPIDS Neb Oct 15 1900 Dr Sejmour Lincoln
Neb Dear Sir I reached home Saturday noon The trip
was rather hard on me but am feeling better this morning
Father said he was proud of his girl she looked so much bet
ter and unites with me in sending his best regards to yourself
and Dr Williams Yours respectfully MAY WILSON
ALBION Neb Sept 11 1900 Dr Seymour Lincoln Neb
Dear Sir Yours at hand relative to the glasses fitted tor me
and will say that I am more than pleased with them and that
I will endeavor to say as many good words for you as I have
opportunity to do When you again think of making this city
a call please let m -now in time and I will be glad to do what
I can for you r nrs O M NEEDHAM
From the daughter of the Methodist minister at Crawford
CRAWFORD Xeb Aug 28 1900 Dr W I Seymour Lin
coln Neb Dear Sir I received my glasses and treatment all
right and am well pleased with them I have only had the
headache one day since I began to wear my glasses and if I
go without them very long my head will begin to feel heavy
and as soon as I put my glasses on it stops I am using the
treatment as directed and think that it is helping me I will
let you know if anything seems to be the matter Thanking
you for the cards I remain yours
From the family of the editor of the Crawford Gazette
CRAWFORD Neb Sept 3 1900 Dr W I Seymour
Dear Doctor We received the childrens glasses all O K and
I assure you that we are delighted with them The children
are very much pleased to think that they have a pair of Dr
Seymours glasses so we all join in extending you our hearty
thanks I feel that you have been extremely kind and it is a
great blessing to have our boys eyes straightened after be
ing crossed so many years and we sincerely wish you and
yourB the greatest prosperity With kindest regards I am
gratefully yours - MRS F R WINGFIELD