SUPPLEMENT TO News Democrat Valentine Neb Friday April ID UJ01 The Mexican army of more than 25000 men is supported upon a trifle more than 1000000 Mexican dollars a month The Mexican congress does not cost 1000000 a year Captain Richard P Leary U S N who as governor of the Island of Guam won laurels which have not yet had time to fade is hobbling around on crutches His leg was injured a few weeks ago in a fall at the Leagua Island navy yard Mr Justice Brewer of the United States Supreme Court said in a recent address that he who calls a mob into being cannot be pronounced wholly guiltless of that which the mob may do The remark is both seasonable and full of sound sense Army recruits are scarce in England as well as in this country In order to stimulate the laggard military spirit among British yokels a genius of the war office in London has devised what he calls a recruitograph This is a moving picture machine which shows all sorts of attractive views of army life During harvest last year Edward Pallas of Maysville Kan was caught in a machine and terribly injured While he was still laid up his wife deserted him In October he secured a divorce which under the state law did not become final until the expiration of six months He died before that time and now his divorced wife claims his estate Mexico knows nothing of the dila tory court methods so common in this country A California prospector had a case involving some mining prop erty in Sinaloa It came up first in February 1900 and went against him It has since been appealed three times all four decisions having been secured in eleven months Three of the courts ifavored the American It is estimated that if Mr Carnegie continued to give away money at the rate at which he has been distributing it for the past fifty days his entire for tune would be gone in the course of the year 1903 But as he is In good health and has a reasonable expecta tion of life of at least twenty years he will probably so arrange hi3 benefac tions as not to deprive himself of the pleasure of passing them around at -such an early date L Former Chief Justice lfltL r Bleckley of Georgia greatly to thi surprise of his friends has matricu lated at the state university for a ape cial course in mathematics The judg is now seventy six years old He ia writing a book in which he treats of mathematics but finds that he ia somewhat rusty on the subject It la for the purpose of brushing up as he says that he is attending college An enormous quantity of fruit ia going to waste in southern California for lack of cars to convey it east The crop was the greatest on record beina estimated at from 22000 to 25000 car loads There are from 3000000 to 4 000000 boxes of oranges there just now worth under favorable conditions about 5000000 but owing to delay in shipment it is questionable whether il represents much value No remedy ia in sight The chancellor of the exchequer IB England has asked the speaker of tha house of commons to punish the Lon don Times for printing official secrets by excluding its representatives from the house The Times is something oi a national institution Itself although it has been badly treated by its edi tors and it is just about as essential to parliament as parliament is to it A ood many English public men might is well not talk at all as not to have their speeches reported in the Times A complete list of the things named in honor of Queen Victoria would not only show the esteem in which she was held but would also suggest how much of the worlds progress had taken placa during the period covered by her reign The great Australian stat bearing her name recalls the history making developments in that quarter of the globe the Victorian triumphs of exploraton are typified by the dis covery of great lakes in Central Africa one of which commemorates her name The famous bridge at Montreal the beautiful park on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and some at least of the sixteen Victorias in the United States are among the interesting North Am erican memorials It is a good advan tage for a sovereign to possess a name not identified with anybody else for then things named in her honor will indicate to all the future about the time in the history when they came into being Under the national bankruptcy law many curiosities in litigation have appeared but Frank R Wessa of Cn cinnati takes the prize He owes 100 for rent provisions and medical at tendance assets nil He drew up the papers himself thus saving a lawyers fee and included the United States among his creditors entering the country as entitled to the 25 fee for making him a bankrupt although Uncle Sam must go empty handed with the others The court clerk re fused to file the petition without the S25 fea n Wessa filed it himself j jj fmnmm zmmM m Dr Wi SEYMOUR Has Made a Great Success Ten Years in Ne braska Omaha has been the home of Dr Seymour for nearly ten years dur ing which time his phenomenal suc cess in the scientific fitting of glass es and treatment of all eye troubles has made him a reputation which extends over the entire west Many new and scientific treat ments through the medium of glass es have been demonstrated by him beyond a question of doubt His moving to Lincoln was to ia crease his facilities for work and enlarge his field for operation Be ing a railroad center Lincoln is more easily reached by his thou sands of patients who are scattered over the entire state of Nebraska lie has now established the finest institution of its kind in the west and physicians associated with him are representatives Of the best schools in this country and Europe who have taken up these new meth ods as being an improvement over the free use of the knife and the old time theories of the profession Their treatments are confined to eye ear nose throat and all ner vous troubles The peculiar reason for designat ing the company as the Medico Optical Company is to convey at once the proper idea as to the field covered The work is not limited to that of the optician nor does it present alone medical knowledge necessary for proper treatment of all deseased conditions but it is a combination of the medical optical and electrical sciences and at once places the physicians connected with this company far in advance of the ordinary specialists as different members of the company hold diplo mas from colleges of medicine op tics and electrical therapeutics The Dr will be here soon Read of his joining elsewhere in this paper lrJ 7