Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 11, 1901, Image 4

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I i
ffm frm m Mw mmnr
Official Neumpuper of Cherry
Con at y yebmnktt
This paper will be mailed regularly
fro its 8iiioritierB uutil a definite order
te discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
SuDscriKton SI Icr year In advance SLOT
when not paid In advance
Display advertising 1 Inch 15c per l6sue 10
per coluran by thg month
Local JJoices 5c per line each Issue
Brands l Inches -400 per year in ad
vance additional space S300 per inch per year
engraved bloclm extra 100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sanally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to auovo rates if over
6 months in arrears
Notices ol loss or stock free to brand adver
Thursday April 11 1901
WASTED 250000 good hard
burned brick at once A pply to Wm
Maier Valentine Nebraska State
prices FOB cars 11 tf
L W Parker is in the city
Jas Skirving is np from Wood
Ed Morey returned from Omaha
last week
Umbrellas and rubbers are in
demand -
E J McLaughlin of Crookston
is in town
White and son are in
S IT Dye of Pullman is at
tending court
cH Cornell returned from Oma
ha yesterday
Jas Skirving was up from
Woodlake this week
Frank J Kelly of Lincoln is
a court visitor this week
Al G Tisher of Chadron was
attending court this week
J M Barto came over from
Gordon the first of the week
Mrs Reed of cody had official
business in the city this week
J L Dessert of Long Pine
was a Valentine visitor this week
The offeaing at the Methodist
church last Sunday was 11000
J C Rounds of Si mi eon waa
registered at lhe Donoher this
Ered LTayt of Gordon had
portent lousiness in Valentine this
J F Young was in from Bailey
and paid a year in advance for the
Andrew Pcnsor of Arabia was
in towv on dusiness last Friday
1 w
and Saturday
John bo we ie of Arabia paid
for two years subscription to the
Democrat this week
F IL iMumgartt and Max E
Viertee drove down this morn
ing in the rain from crookston
F M Tyrell and ThosItyan of
Lincoln were among the list of
sojourners in this city this week
The fanners are looking pleas
ant and well they might with the
present prospect for a go jd crop
Henry Borneman of Irwin Says
he wants to know what is going on
and thus becomes
the county payer
a subscriber to
r3rmrrvr rsreTre
Lousy Hen
At our store on Saturday Apr
20 We have a new Lice Killer
which has been represented as
the best on earth Were
ff vm TVfiaennvi an hnvo fn hfi
shown and as we are too busy
to hunt up lousey hens we
want some one to bring one to
Jesse Trueblood D JQanna of
Woodlake is in the city
Eobt Ludas was down from
Gordon the first of the week
Mr Heelan and his daughter
Mrs J F Kief were in the city
Joe Wisser and his
TT r 11 H f l 1
a uinaoerg or uoay were m
town Manday
Mr Raff en burg of the firm of
Eaffenburg Bras of Iota gave
this oflice a pleasant call to day
P Balgord returned from Sioux
City Tuesday night and took the
stage to Rosebud yesterday morn
Next Sunday Prof Jas W
Bowles will peach at the M E
church both morning and even-
x W Beamerof Irwin precinct
is down attending court as wit
ness in the Borneman case this
Monday evening April 15 at
the Methodist church Come and
bring your friends Elaborate ap
Pat Peiper of Irwin is in town
and intends looking on the bright
side of life as long as it goes at
the same price
Xext Moudav nirht come and
have ex rays and wireless tele
graphy fully explained to ou at
the Methodist church
W H Korns formerly editor
of the Chadron News is now
manageing editor of The Mining
News at Salt Lake City Utah
Ilenry Coffeen S O Hutchi
son and Nelson J Pratt all cf
Omaha are Valentine this week
beinS registered at the Donoher
For Sale Litter of Scotch
Deer Hounds Certificate of re
gistry furnished For particulrrs
write to
W F A Mkltexdorff
X rays and wireless telegraphy
will be explained by James Bow
Ins on Wednesday evening April
15 at the Methodist church Ad
mission 15 and 25 cents Reserv
ed seats 10 cents extra
Win E Efner has purchased
the half interest in the Harness
btock rormerJy owned by A At
Sherman and- will conduct the
business alone from now Mr
Shermans health demands a
change to out door Jife
The man who teok a pair- of
overalls much too long for hi 111
out of the Democrat building last
Saturdev morning ond left his old
Wm Xing becomes a ones is known Will he return
er and reader of the them or will lie wait to be expos
Democr at this week tli rough the ed Some one has since taken 1 he
courtecyi of his friend Jas urant
old ones
Qhe Junion League gave a social
-- -mw 1 -
Since telling you about the Jit Air Hornbys hall -last iriday
weather it has rasned continuously evening to about sixty children
and the show is all gone The Some of the parents who wera
weather is warm the grass is present and enjoyed the good
Cody Cow Boy
W E Haley of Valentine was in
Cody this morning and went out to
Joseph Wissers to clerk bis auction
G ordon Journal
Rev A R Julian came up from At
kinson Tuesday night and went down
to his ranch at Lavaca Wednesdar
to give the boys a few pointers on the
management and care of infant bo
Mrs Lauren Jones and children left
for Kirksville Mo Thursdaj7 night to
join her husband who is attending the
osteopathic institute at that place and
incidentallv selling a little real estate
on the side
Geo Jarchow has gone to Cody
where he has a job as preseriptionclerk
m the Dew Drop George
is a registered pharmacist in mixing
cocktails mint juleps and sich lie is
a clever fellow and we hope has struck
a good job
Justice Bo wring of Merriman has is
sued ar order for he saloon to close
promptly at 10 p m and under no cir
cumstances to open on Sunday In tbis
respect Merriman is setting an exam
ple that might well be emulated by
other towns of greater population
A Gordon man has contracted for
two Angora goats from Bennet Irwins
ranch which he expects to keep on his
lawn next summer As a lawn mower
that never gets out of repair is self
propelling oud works from -early -dawn
to bed time the Angora goat is said to
be it
There isnt anv town alousr th e lire
Gordon excepted of course that has a
spicier little newspaper than the Cod
Cow Boy Bro Heath is giving Cod y
a live paper and the town and coun
try surrounding are giving the papar a
generous support We congratulate
Cody on her good fortune infalHngheir
to Bro Heath and his Cow Bov and
Bro Heath on his luck- venture in es
tablishing the Cow Boy May the Cow
Boy continue to whoop it up for Cody
Uncle Dave Cottier was over from
Corn Breek last Friday and called at
this office Uncle Dave is the father of
Lnuis Cottier who was killed bT an In
dian a few weeks ago and informs us
that thoxeport in circiilalion in Gordon
that his son was quarrelsome and had
frequent Iron hie with the Indirns is
untrue Cif tie contrary he was well
liked and not of a quarrelsome disposi
tion We males this correction at the
instigation of the family w ho ff el grie
ved that Louis who was a kind hus
band and father i should bemijustly ac
cused after he is dead
hj tfV jffa A if SsLtk aScjffltjgB
growing and stock will soon-be- time with the children said it re- Quite a number have skirled seeding
o in tc fatten and shed their shag- newer their youth and made them TI ground is m nioj condition if it
gto winter coat
Sovn flie JKIvor
tuiiik they were children again j only remains sd
Mrs Geo Bristol Avill close her
school Friday April 12 An entertain
ment will be given in the evening
Any one loosing cattle in snow drifts
will do well to call on Paul
neau he will drag tnem out dead or
Mr Anderson sr father of C J and j
1 alive
W M went west on 27 Monday for a
visit with his daughter who resides at
Casper Wyo lie has been at the Dia
mond Bar ranch for the past month
Ainsworth Star Journal -
Geo Ilershey look a run up to Val
entine Tuesday evening -
Mr and Mrs Bailey of Wood Lake
visited friends in ainsworth for a few
days the past waek
Ed Clarke a cherry county attorney
was in Ainsworth on court matters
Wednesday lie was accompanied by
Alex Charbonneau a stockman from
north Cherry
Ainsworth went very dry at the elec
tion of village trustees Tuesday result
ing in the nolicense trustees haying a
majority averaging some 22 votes
Following is the result High License
P C Wanlz 56 C A Barnes 56 J M
Ilanna 51 No License W E
ley 80 J F Corbitt 74 C F Barnes
The absolute fair and intelligent han
dling of all cases in the District court
at this session by Judge Westover was
apparent toalljvisilors at the courtroom
Yes they were married Sundry Apr
7th1901 Atthehomeof lhe brides
parents Mr Paul Charbonneau aud
Miss Mabel Ashburn were united in
holy matrimony May they live long
and happy is our best wishes
May they always have good health -
And from the prairies of South Dakota
accumulate wealth
The building site is located for the sep
arator station atSuarks and a well bar
gained for The next thing I suppose
the building wilt be put up then comes
the blow out with ice tea tea and coff
ee with plenty of butter and fat to sea
son with furnished by the separator
station Lots of music and some
Sk afic jfikjgkjficjfit
I Educational Department
agpajjjcsjycijjrsjjjrg ye jcTqgp sjjpctgr
Stronger than steel i s the sword of the spirit
Swifter than arrows the life of the truth is
Greater than anger is love and subdueth
Miss Maloney was absent Monday
Professor hurriedly Oh pray do not
mention such a trifle
Mrs Watson visited the high school
room Friday afternoon
Mr Stephen Estes formerly of the 7
grade loft school this week
The tenth grade recited Roman His
tory in ihe high school room Monday
The 10th grade are planing an expe
dition to the court room for some day
Mr Sawyer who will scon graduate
Professor I am indebted to 3011 for all
I know
We suppose that the 11th gtade will
soon be taking upon themselves the
dignity of the name of Seniors
u Be at Cornell Hall Friday evening
Apr 12 and see Mr Collett through the
ordeal of disputing a ladys word
The entertainment at the hall will
begin at eight oclock sharp Admiss
ion 10 cents for pupils 15 cents for all
nMiss Ada Everts of the 8th grade
and Hiss Maude Jeffers of the 9th have
given up their school work tor the term
at least
Wireless telegraphy will be explain
ed Monday evening Apr 15 in the M
E church Admission 25 cents This
should be of intrest to the Physicsclass
Someday whnn you feel like should
ering the world and walking off with it
or as tho space were not quite large
enough to contain jou just try shat
physics examination over ugain
You will have a chance to witness
he event of the reason in Cornell Hall
It is Good Sense to Save Cents
In Buying Scents
We commenced the new century with a fine line of the celebrated
PALMER Perfumes to which we have recently added several new
odors and we are now showing the finest line on the market We also
keep a full line of Palmers Toilet Waters Soaps Face Powders and
Smelling Salts The name PALMER on any toilet preparation is a
guarantee of its excellence
Bates Reasonable
v w n rzr
jy tor
WtilcottH iiiul TilHons uttl Stanfls
A Schatzthaner Propr
Friday evening Apr 12 The QuietrHug four months will be spent in work
Family by high school talent Many
new and entertaining specialties
Several of the 11th grade hav been
Jieard to solemnly affirm that they are
finable to tell a jstorv The statement
jjbcame more understandable when we
found that the stories referred to were
those which the literature class are re
quired to write
Several claim that it was not made
apparent who wrote the poem which
appeared last week in this column It
seems that thro some mistake the sig
nature was ommitted but we hope that
Mr Davenport will consider the omiss
ouas apoligizd for
We were very much pleased to re
ceive hist Wednesday a visit from
Prof Barrick and other teachers of the
Ainsworth school all of whom express
ed themselves as highly pleased with
tlie work and methods which are being
carried out in oufschoo
out the greater part of Nebraska there
is but a sparse timber growth while
portions of the state are practically
treeless From the result of the pro
posed investigations the Division of for
estry hopes to devise means of improv
ing and extending the present forest
growth and in the case of the treeless
regions to formulate a plan of tree I
planting whereby the waste lands may
be reclaimed Tne best methods of tree
culture will be considered and fa care
ful study will be made of climate soil
and the natural enemies of trees in this
region For several years past the Div
ision of Forestry through its section of
tree planting has been investigating the
forest growth in several of the middle
western states The agents selected
for the work to be done in Nebraska
this summer are men who have a prac
tical knowledge of the existing condit
ions and are well fitted for the task of
making an exhaustive study of the re
gion The results obtained from this
tour of investigation will be of value to
several of the neighboring states for in
Kansas South Dakota and portions of
eastern Colorado and Wyoming much
the same conditions exist The valley
of the Platte river from Plattsmouth
to Kearney and tho entire western half
of the state will constitute the field of
investigation About May 1 tw 0 rep
rdsentatives of the diyision will begin
work at Plattsniouth and go up the riv
er examiningand classifying the growth
of trees Especial attention will be
paid to the distrubution of species and
to all efforts to cultivate considerable
bodies of timber In the investigation
of tree planfng experiments the fail
ures as well as the successes will be no
ted for it is desireable to obtain all pos
sible information on the subject It is
expected that Kearney will be reached
before July 1 At this point the party
will be increased to six members and
will be equipped with a complete camp
outfit and saddle horses The follow-
that will practically cover the western
half of the state The line of travel
will be from Kearney to the western
bonndary of the state alorg the Platte
thence northeast to Crawford and then
in a general southeasterly direction
through the sand hills and down the
Middle Loup river to Loup A
on each side of the route as the parly
will be mounted arid particular attent
ion is to be given to the distribution
and reproduction of the Yellow Pinr
Nebraska is the meeting ground of the
plains and mountain floras and for this
reason much valuable and interesting
information is likely tn be obtained
Cooperation by the peopie along the
route to be takeu by the Government
party will greatly facilitate the work
The Division of Fon slry has received
sufficient encouragement for work al
ready done in Nebraska to warrant the
thorough examination that is to be
made this summer The fact that
Tiie Division of Porestrv of the U kmanv tree growers in the stnte ro ci
S Department of agriculture has ready realizing substantial proits from
ed to make a thorough examination planted timber is noteworthy Anum
during the coming summer of tree j her of men who have had wide exper
lirowlh m the state of Nebraska The J iencein dealing with the problem of
object oT this examination is to deter- forestry Nehniki h ve written t
mints in rC3t oa i lurga the Division of Fc c tiy statin lhat
Give Me a Trial
rand Showing
100 Trimmed and Pattern Hats are now besng displayed We
couple art with business economy and place the most
artestic designs with the price limit of all
W4 i
scale is possible in this region tliere 1S n doubt in their minds of the
possibility of increasing the presanfe
scant growth of trees and agreeing that
even the sand hills can be forested
Among those who have expressed such
tn opinion are Ex Secretary of Agricul
ure J Sterling Morton Prof Charles
E Bessey of the Uuiversity of Nebras
ka C S Harrison president of the
Nebraska Park and Forest Assosiatson
and E F Stephens The rapid spread
of interest forests will soon bring in
landowners to realize that timber may
be considered as truly an agricultural
crop as wheat or corn With the divis
ion forestry investigating the best meth
ods of tree culture and offering its ad
vice and assistance to landowners inter
ested in tree planting there is reason to
believe that in the near fu ture much
headway will be made in bringing
about a reasonable forest growth on
lands now almost treeless The work
outlined by the Diyision looking to the
improvemedtof Nebraska forests should
attract general attention considering
lhat tproughout this region forest jpro
ducts are in constant demand com
manding high prices and presenting a
profitable field for the investment of
capital Improved forest conditions in
Nebraska would mean cheaper fuel a
beneficial influence on local climate
with a consequent increase in the value
of land
District court convned Monday with
Judge Westover at the bench and
his reporter J D Scott of Rushville also
a host of the legal profession striving for
honors They are here from Eapid
City South Dakota on the west to Lin
coln and Omaha on the east We did
not have time to go up to hear them all
talk but those we heaed talkei better
than a Methodist preacher working for
a missionary collection and were more
interesting to hear Among those
present were Chauncey L Wood of
Qapid City who is recognized as one of
the leading attorneys of hib state Hon
P G liamer of Cearney who served as
district Judge of his district for two
terms Captain Allen G Fisher of
Chadron who represented his district
two years ago W W Wood of Rush
ville now county attorney of his county
Frank J Kely F M Tyrell and Toys
Ryan among the foremost lawyers of
Lincoln and Robert Lgcas of Liucoln
Thvs Valentine has together with our
own attorneys whose talent is well
known and recognized has at this term
of court as distinguished and able a lot
of lawyers as were ever present ut
wide strin of territorv can he sfnrliprf I C0Ult in Cherry county
------ - - - -- -vi
r mf 1 Tr
gne oeiqwme proceedings thus
Cattle slealing State of Nebraska vs
George Van Buren Set for trial this
Cattle stealing State of Nebraska vs -
uuwaru Cohota Set for taial
- - -
aow morning
Horsestealing StateTof Nebraska vs
Ira Good in Oi
trial as we go to press
Shooting with intent to kill State of -Nebraska
V3 William Grooms Set for
G rand Larceny State of Nebraska vs
Henry Bomerman Acquitted
Assault with intent to kill State of
Nebraska vs David George Convicted
of assault wiih intent to inflict great
bodily injury and sentenced to one
nit on contract Einma E Under
wood vs Sons and Doughters of
tion and the Supreme Lodge Sons and
laughters of Protrction Allowed
2170 0U