Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1901, Image 6

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    ii ffltttf II tin nsnwvflM
Tm uShtTSmgB
unless auccessfky
Send lescriDtionS
qnrl rmh nnlnSnn
fliILO B STEVENS CO Estab 18b4
Dl7 817 Mtb Street WASH INGTON D C
Branch offices Chicago CleTeland and Detroit
TB Well Known Kansas Statesman Cured of Catarrh
of the Stomach hy
More Evidence of Interest to the Millions of Catarrh
Sufferers in the United States
I Illlllll jKBBKmixim I
In a recent letter to Dr Hartman Congressman Botkin of Winfield Kan
whose fame is a national one says of Peruna
My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent curative
qualities ot your medicines Peruna and Manalin I have been afflicted more
or less for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and constipation
A residence in Washington has increased these troubles A few bottles ofyout
medicine have given me almost complete relief and I am sure that a continua
tion of them will effect a permanent cure Peruna is surely a wonderful rem
edy for catarrhal affections J D Botkin Congressman-at-Large
BOTKIN is one of
known men in the State of Kan
sas Whatever he may say on any
subject will be accepted by the people
as the truth So famous a remedy as
Peruna could not have well escaped the
attention of so famous a man He not
only has heard of the remedy but he
has used it and was relieved of an af
fliction of twenty five years standing
Peruna is the one internal remedy that
cures chronic catarrh It cures catarrh
wherever located This is a fact that
the people are rapidly finding out but
there are still a large multitude who
need to know it
Mr Frank Richter of Winona
Minn says in a letter to The Peruna
Medicine Company
As a remedy tor catarrh I take
pleasure in recommending Peruna for
catarrh of the stomach I know what it
is to be afflicted witlf this awful dis
ease and consider it my duty to say
a word in behalf of the remedy which
gave me such relief Peruna cured me
and I know it will cure any one else
who suffers from this disease It gives
me great pleasure to testify to the cur
ative effects of this medicine Peruna
is a well tested and frequently used
remedy and for catarrh of the stom
ach It Is unsurpassed
My catarrh was principally located
in my head and stomach I tried many
remedies without success I tried sev
eral doctors but they were unable to
cure me I read of Peruna in the pa
pers and five bottles cured me
Prank Richter
The gastric Juice is seeded by the
mucous follicles of the stomach When
this juice is normal it digests dis
solves the food without producing any
disturbance whatever If however the
gastric juice is not normal digestion
causes many disagreeable symptoms
This condition is known as indigestion
i Peruna will cure this
Mrs Selina Tanner Athens 0
writes I cannot find words to express
my thanks for
Mrs Selina Tanner
your kind advice
I never once
thought I had ca
tarrh of the sto
mach I com
menced taking
Peruna as you
directed My sto
mach continued
to hurt me for
about two weeks
after I began the
medicine and
then it stopped I
now have a good
appetite while
before I was
nearly starved
Mrs Selina Tanner
Mr L 0 Marble of Geneva Neb
I do believe that my catarrh is en
tirely cured I have not had any trouble
with my stomach for a long time I am
as well as one of my age could expect
seventy years I have had the ca
tarrh ever since I was a young man
and have doctored for it for years and
got very little better but thanks to you
and your Peruna and Manalin I believe
I am well of it I can eat anything now
and it doesnt hurt me and Peruna is
the only thing I have ever found that
will cure the catarrh I believe it is the
only cure for catarrh and I hope every
one troubled with catarrh -will try Pe
runa and be cured L 0 Marble
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa write at once to Dr Hartman
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman president of
the Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
Lettuce and cucumbers cool the
Add a few drops of ammonia to the
blue water to whiten the clothes
No black powder shells on the market compare with the NEW RIVAL In tsal
fsrmlty and strong shooting qualities Sure fire and waterproof Get the genuine
3 S3a3y SHOES made
The real worth of W X Douglas 8300 and S350
shoes compared with other makes is 400 to 8500
Our S400 Gilt Edge Xine cannot he equalled at any
price We make and sell more 300 and S350 shoes
than any other two manufacturers in the United States
THE JKEASOW more WL DoogU 3 and SJB shoes are eold
tiunanyothermakciisbecauseTHEY AKT1IG BEST Your
dealer should keep them j we gtve one dealer exclusive eale In each town
Take no substitute InsiM on having W L Douglas shoes with
name and price stamped on bottom If your dealer will not get them for
yon eend direct to factory encloiing price and 25c extra lor carriape
ls hind ot leather size and width plain or cap toe Onr shoes will
re7ch you anywhere Write for catalogue shoving new Spring stylet
We Hse Fat Color W T DouElaa hoo Co
Jyelets is all our shoe JSroclUoa Alas
New Haven Conn
Iassffi v fy
Labors of the Two Houses Will Soon
Be Pinished
Many Measures Being Put Through Since
Settlement of the Senatorial Matter
Bills Signed By the Governor Mis
eellaneous Legislative Notes
HOUSEIn the house on the 29 til
the bills passed were by Zeigler to re
strain male animals from running at
large by ONeill to admit veterans
of the Spanish American wars to the
state soldiers and sailors homes by
Harlan to correct mistakes in senate
file 72 to provide a charter for cities
of from 5000 to 25000 population
by McCargar to authorize a 2 mill city
library levy to McCargar to provide
for the compulsory education of chil
dren by Martin to abolish the state
barbers examining board by Camp
bell for the relief of A H Blair by
Currie for the relief of certain home
steaders To enable cities of the first
and second class to establish and op
erate gas lighting plants providing
penalties for kidnaping the crime ba
ing made punishable by imprisonment
for from three months to a life sen
tence and where injury is threatened
by death Relating to the punishment
for offenses against election laws To
accredit university graduates as qual
ified teachers within the state Re
lating to contracts with teachers To
prevent the spread of swine diseases
Ta repeal the state board cf transpor
tation and state railway commission
laws For the relief of any person
having an insane husband or wife
was defeated by a vote of 21 yeas to
50 nays Repealing the age of con
sent clause of that section of the
criminal code which provides a pen
alty for seduction Providing a pen
alty of from one to twenty years im
prisonment for the kidnaping of chil
dren under the age of eighteen To
legalize and regulate dissections
HOUSE Owing to the absence cf
the republican members in caucus on
the 28th it was 11 oclock before the
house convened Save for the reports
of standing committees there was no
business transacted before the joint
session except under the heads of res
olutions The following resolution
was adopted Resolved By the
house of representatives of the state
of Nebraska that we look with dis
favor upon the attempt of Great Brit
ain to destroy the republics of South
Africa and the cruel warfare being
carried on which is about to exter
minate the sturdy race and that we
acknowledge our sympathy for the
Boers who are fighting to maintain
their homes and to perpetuate a free
government That we deplore Great
Britains action in choosing war rath
er than arbitration and frown upon
her tendency to extend her dominion
in South Africa by force of arms thus
violating the last treaty agreement
with the Transvaal republic House
roll 220 by Loomis providing tint Ne
braska mutual insurance companies
must have 5000000 at risk before
being permitted to do business outside
the state and that mutual insurance
companies of other states must have
5000000 at risk before being admit
ted to do business in Nebraska was
defeated by a vote of 27 yeas to 43
nays Senate file No 3 by Young
curative was passed Senate file 102
to authorize the practice of osteopa
thy was passed after a prolonged call
of the house by a vote of 54 ayes
to 31 nays
HOUSE These measures were pass
ed in the house on the 27th To au
thorize county board in counties not
under township organization to issue
funding bonds to pay off bonded in
debtedness of precincts Levying
county licenses on peddlers Requir
ing each ball of binder twine offered
for sale to be stamped with name of
manufacturers and number of feet per
pound Providing for a state regis
try of brands and marks After re
cess senate file No 103 by Currie re
lating to the government of the Boys
Reform school at Kearney was read
for the third time and passed Loom
is of Dodge moved that senate files
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 18 all
curative bills and 202 be advanced
to third reading Ream of Custer
amended to include senate files 184
34 72 and 121 The motion as amend
ed prevailed Tanner moved that sen
ate file 102 the osteopathy bill be
also advanced to third reading Dr
Andrews objected to the motion and
demanded that the bill be considered
in committee of the whole If the
motion were insisted on ho declared
he would resort to dilatory tactics
and keep the house here until tomor
row night Tanner withdrew his mo
tion and Lane moved that the house
go into committee of the whoZe to
immediately consider the bill The
motion prevailed and Uhl of Douglas
was called to the chair After dis
cussion the bill was recommended for
passage The vote for senator result
ed Allen 48 Baldrige 2 Crounse
7 Currie 7 Hinshaw 7 Hitchcock
44 Jessen 5 Lyman 21 Meiklejbhn
24 Rosewater 29 Thompson D Eh
57 Thompson W H 6
HOUSEIn the house on the 26th
the following bills were read for the
third time and passed To provide for
the proportional distribution of all
funds heretofore paid into the treas
ury of any county for the maintenance
of free high schools for non resident
pupils Giving the state banking
board jurisdiction over state bank re
ceivers To authorize the investment
of county sinking funds in warrants
and county bonds To prohibit any
person from roliciting employment as
a juror Providing that irrigation
water shall be measured at the head
gate of the canal and that no allot
ment shall exceed one cubic foot per
second for each seventy acres of land
Raising the salaries of officers and
employes at the Industrial home at
Milford To provide free attendance
at public high schools of non resident
pupils To amend the present ballot
law The bill provides for the voting
of a straight ticket by one cross mark
opposite the party name at the head
of the ballot It permits each candi
date to have printed opopsite his
name the names of all parties nom
inating him and provides for the group
system of voting where two or more
candidates are to bo elected to the
same office Election officers are to
be chosen from lists submitted by the
county or city committees and service
is made compulsory on the part of
those chosen The bill is a compro
mise measure drafted by Representa
tives Wilkinson and Sprecher It wa3
passed by a vote of 86 yeas to no nays
House roll 385 by Sears appropriat
ing 60000 for the equipment of a
new cell house at the penitentiary 50
000 for rebuilding and repairing the
damaged portions of the penitentiary
50000 for the equipment of a new
electric light plant on the university
grounds and 240240 for replacing
700 woolen blankets destroyed at the
penitentiary fire was considered and
passed without amendment of any
kind The vote for senator resulted
Allen 55 Berge 4 Crounse 6 Cur
rie 8 Hinshaw 11 Meiklejohn 27
Rosewater 29 Thompson D E 59
Thompson W H 59
HOUSE The entire morning ses
sion of the house and a part of the
afternoon on the 25th was devoted lo
consideration in committee of the
whole of house roll No 478 by Wil
cox the claims appropriation bill car
rying appropriations of about 60000
The principal amendments made to
the bill in committee of the whole
were the striking out of the old news
paper printing claims aggregating
some 15000 and the smallpox claims
of South Omaha and various other
cities towns and counties aggregat
ing between 7000 and 8000 The
bill as recommended for passage by
the committee of the whole carries
appropriations for nearly 200 items
the amounts aggregating 37000 The
following measures were passed
Making an additional appropriation of
18000 to defray the incidental ex
penses of the legislative session Ap
propriating 15000 for the purchase of
a tract of land for the Nebraska Insti
tute for Feeble Minded Youth at Be
atrice Appropriating 35000 for the
purchase of a permanent site for the
state fair at Lincoln and for the erec
tion of buildings thereon For the
more thorough organization of high
school districts Relating to the In
corporation of cities of the second
class and villages To Increase the
salaries of county treasurer by in
creasing to 6000 to the amount of
tax collections on which 10 per cent
fees shall be alowed To provide a
standard size of brick for the state to
be 84x4x2 The general appropria
tion carrying approximately 1300
000 Providing for a state exhibit at
the Pan American exposition at Buf
falo The general appropriation bill
carries 10000 to defray the expense
of the exhibit
SENATE The senate was in com
mittee of the -whole all day on the
29th considering the minscellaneous
claims bill The following claims
were not allowed J R Ferris 124
for teaching in the Boys Industrial
school at Kearney L G Cheveront
100 extra work in labor bureau Mr
and Mrs F M Williams 100 Mr
and Mrs F N Bostrom 447 fr ex
penses while attending the Nashville
exposition in 1896 L W Pomerene
70474 for plumbing F B Festner
12525 M C Dawes 36667 T W
Christie 3150 J Levy 8 for rent
of quarters during the Douglas county
contests last fail J F Burnett 5
also arising for the Douglas county
contests J E Butler 180 J E Hill
350260 for attorneys fees and ex
penses in his impeachment case while
state treasurer J E Crane 500
whose claim was for extra work while
engineer at the state house At the
night session the appropriation bill
for current expenses was considered
in committee of the -whole item by
item amended and recommended for
SENATE The senate on the 28th
passed Representative Loomis bill
house roll No 56 providing that all
executions shall take place inside the
penitentiary and that the warden shall
be state executioner The following
were also passed Appropriating 50
000 for the erection of a fire proof
wing at the Hastings asylum Pro
viding that the aggregate school tax
in cities of the first class having over
25000 inhabitants shall not exceed 20
mills a year Amending the law re
lating to publication and method of
submitting proposed amendments to
the state constitution It provides
that a majority voting on the propo
sition shall be sufficient to carry it
It Is to amend section 1 of article 15
of the constitution The senate then
resolved itself into committee of the
whole with Senator Ransom in the
chair to consider the salary appropria
tion bill house roll No 436 Without
finishing the bill the senate adjourned
SENATE After a struggle of two
hours the senate on the 27th cut the
appropriation of 75000 for a new
wing for the insane hospital at Hast
ings to 50000 Most of tile time of
the morning session was devoted to
the passage of twelve house rolls on
third reading They were as follows
To appropriate 36370 for reimburse
ment of those who advanced money
for the return of the First regiment
from San Francisco to Nebraska a
year ago last fall Appropriating
61014 from the state treasury for
relief of Sherman county which paid
this much in excess taxes to the
state To make the present law re
lating to commissioners in counties
with 70000 population or more apply
to counties of population of 60000 or
more Empowering the governor to
appoint a commission of three to
confer with a similar commission
from South Dakota relative to state
boundary Requiring all plumbers of
Omaha to register Appropriating
18000 to meet the additional inci
dental expenses of this legislature
Empowering the governor to appoint
a commission to confer with a sim
ilar commission from Missouri to ne
gotiate concerning state boundary
Empowering the governor to appoint
a commission of three to confer with
a similar commission from Iowa rela
tive to state boundary Providing
that in counties having a population
of less than 0000 there 3hall be no
office of county attorney Providing
that no proceedings for reversing
modifying or vacating judgments or
final ordfrs shall be commenced un
less within six months after render
ing of the same Providing that two
or more county superintendents with
consent of tlie state superintendent
may hold joint teachers institutes
SENATE The senate on the 26th
by a vote of 23 to 7 passed on third
reading house roll 20 the bill of the
lrte Representative Brown of Otoe
county creating free traveling libra
ries Senator Youngs reapportion
ment bill was defeated These meas
ures were passed Senate file 311 by
Harlan introduced by requc st of the
governor It amends errors in senate
file 74 by Harlan incorporating cities
of the first class having a population
of less than 25000 and more than 5-
000 To amend the statutes relating
to officers of Lancaster county The
only change relates to number of in
habitants made necessary by the de
crease developed on the last census
Relating to issue of irrigation district
bonds Emergency clause attached
House roll 159 by Evans providing
that assessors shall return all lease
hold estates in all lands belonging to
the state leased to any person less
value of the improvements At the
afternoon session Senator Steeles ju
dicial reapportionment bill as amend
ed was declared passed by a constitu
tional majority Senator Van Bos
kirks legislative reapportionment bill
senate file 76 was also passed on
third reading by a strict paty vote
18 to 13 The amendment to the con
stitution proposed by Senator Bald
rige increasing the number of judges
of the supreme court from three to
six senate file 109 was lost for lack
of a three fifths vote Representative
Fowlers bill house roll 117 proposing
the form for proposing amendments
to the constitution was recommitted
on motion of Senator Currie when it
come up for consideration
SENATE The senate en the 25 Lh
spent an hour in discussing the report
of its special committee recommend
ing adjournment Thursday It was
finally adopted The following were
passed Senate file No 302 by Cur
rie providing for foreclosure of tax
liens on real estate by counties Sen
ator Owens alone voted against u
Senate file No 114 by Currie rais
ing salaries of comptroller police
judge clerk and prosecutor of Omaha
Emergency clause attached The vote
was unanimous A lively discussion
developed over consideration of house
roll No 20 a bill for the creation of
travelling libraries It was recom
mended for passage Governor Diet
rich displeased because of the houses
action in killing his special bill pro
posing to put the clerk of the supreme
court on a fixed salary sent a special
message together with another bill dn
the same subject to the senate this
Most men are bad Bras
rAu Jjiyshle
Massage With Electricity
Tho latest method of using electric
ity in massage is indirect The cur
rent is not applied directly to the
persons it is supposed to benefit but
to the person administering the mas
sage Through her nimble finger tips
it passes into the rubject who in this
way is supposed to receive much
greater benefit from it Certainly the
results of such treatment hare been
most succesful Massage without
electricity say tho apostles of the new
theory and electricity without mas
sage would neither of them bo half so
efficacious Combined they worc
wonders In facial massage results
are particularly notable
A Story Tersely Teld
The decorations at the Yale alumni
banquet in New York were simple
17011901 280 295 S
boat lengths
New Zelnnds Railways
The railroad system of New Zealand
all of which are under government
control embrace about 2000 miles of
track built at a cost of SO000000
The cash revenue for 1889 amounted
to more than 7000000 and the ex
penditures to less than 5000090
Tears of Toilsome Ministry Amosc tho
Little York Ind April 1 Special
Twenty five years ago the Rev C
H Thompson left Indiana For a
timo he preached in Arkansas after
wards entering on the regular mission
ary work among the Choctaw Indians
For five years he lived and labored
among the full bloods of the western
prairies until on April 5th 1885 hav
ing lost his wife he left the circuit
on which he had preached so long and
commenced traveling missionary
work among the Indians of the various
tribes scattered in the west
This irregular work involved a great
deal of travel over tho prairies The
drinking of so much alkali water
brought on kidney troubles which
terminated in Diabetes
Finally while laboring among tho
Creek Indians at Wagoner Indian
Territory this noble man was strick
en down completely A Chicago spe
cialist was summoned and after a
careful examination declared that there
was not the slightest chance of his re
covery Besides the prescriptions of
the doctors he tried many other medi
cines but all to no avail He says
I had concluded that my days were
drawing to a close when I picked up
an almanac telling of the cures of Dia
betes by the use of Dodds Kidney Pills
I sent for two boxes I gained strength
and spirits from the time I commenced
to use them and so I sent for more I
am now completely cured and have
not the slightest symptom of my old
I am 68 years of age I tell every
body of the wonders Dodds Kidney
Pills have done for me I can certainly
endorse them heartily and vouch that
they are all that Is claimed for them
They have certainly been a God send
to me
Dodds Kidney Pills are the only
Remedy that has ever cured Brights
Disease Diabetes or Dropsy and they
never fail
Restricted to Lanno
As finally passed the new law in
South Carolina against the pistol-carrying
habit makes it unlawful for any
person except a peace officer to carry
a deadly weapon less than twenty
inches in length or four pounds in
All diseased conditions of the blood
and skin are benefited by the well
known remedy Garfield Tea it puri
fies the blood and clears- the com
You can take out a patent in Bel
glum for 25 in Franca for 50
Try Graln O Try Grain Ot
Ask your Grocer to day to show you a
package of GRAIN O tho new food drink
that takes the place o coffee Tho children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult All who try it like it GRAIX O has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but
it is mode from pure grains and the most
delicate stomach receives it without dis
tress i the price of coffee 15c and 25 eta
per package Sold by all grocers
The gain in population made by Vi
enna in ten years is 293710
Carters Ink
best for school home and office It costs no
more than poor Ink Always asfe for Carters
Onions are a preventive and oft
times a cure for malarial faver
FlT3Permneitjr Cored SoClaarutrrrmisne3iattef
Brut slays ne of Dr Klines Great Xerve Bestorer
Send for FREE 8200 trial bottle and treatise
Ira R H KL15E Ltd 931 Area St Ittdelpfcl Pa
Only one member of t2io United
States senate Is an undertaker
XZoxae Seekera Excursions
On the first and third Tuesdays of each
month the Chicago Milwaukee St
Paul Railway will sell rotmd trip excur
sion tickets from Chicago Milwaukee
and other points on Its line to a great
many points in South Dakota North
Dakota and other Western and North
western States at about one fare Take
a trip west and see the wonderful crops
and what an amount of good land can
be purchased for a little money Furth
er information as to rates routes prices
of farm lands etc may be obtained by
addressing F A Miller General Pas
senger Agent Chicago III
Hold on to your temper when you
are angry excited or imposed upon
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
Hold on to virtue It Is above all
price to you in all times and places
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz uackage for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded