re 13 UH 3T THE VALENTIKE DEMOCRAT I M RICE EDITOR Official XcwHpnper of Cherry County yvbrnha This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears ar paid in full TERMS Subscription 8100 per year in advance Si 50 when not paid In advance Display ndvertislng l Inch 15c per Issue 10 per coin mil by the month Local NloMcesCc per line each Issue Brands- lii Inches 400 per year in ad vance additional space S300 per inch per year engraved blocks extra 100 each Parties Hvlnp outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates If over G mouths in arrears Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver tisers Thursday April 4 1901 Additional local Good farm for rent or sale Mark Ciphers is sick this week Joe Stranger was -in town yester day It Dunn and Woodruff Ball are in town Jas Childefs spent a few hours in town last week John Harden is employed in ditch ing at Ft Niobrara Good farms for rent or sale E I MillsValentine Nebr 10 2t Alex Charbonneau spent a few days of this week in our city G H Q Smith House and carriage painter- Calcamining 8 tf J L Dawson of Rosebud was in town several da s this week Ed Blakey returned the first of the week from a trip down the road H W Dunn the beef contractor for theagency was in town Tuesday Pbf PrankThorn was up from his school at Woodlake Saturday arid Sunda3 M Jordan made a trip to Valentine Tuesday evening returning the- fol lowing morning Jas A Kirkwood was in town yes terday and drove out to Sam Hudsons near Simeon Lostr JRed Pointer bird dog named Sport Will pay for trouble to re turn hTm or any information leading tbiiis recovery at X L Bivens A special examination for teachers will be held at the office of the coun ty superintendent Tuesday April 9 1901 Etta Brown Prof Barrock and his corps of teach- i ers of the Ainsworth schools were vis iting the different departments of the Valentine school yesterday Notice the change in the ads this week Our advertisers are up to date and each week they have something I of importance to tell yon Watch ouradvertising column Miss Esther ONeil has opened up a millinery store in the Bortnan build- ing three doors north of the post of- ficeand invites all interested in that line of goods to call and inspect her stock- T B Irwin and wife and Mrs Riggs from Gordon arc visiting friends iu town this week Mr Irwin has al- j ways plenty of friends to talK to when he comes to Valentine and his time is occupied as long he romains with us i j S L -Ellis be Simeon merchant came In last evenhia to get a load of goods to take out to replenish his store- - I Geo N Davison was in town yester day from Simeon thefirst time since his fauiiiy had th small pox I iin ni y Next Month iwrs syrrrsrsr srsYirvsvrsv You will want to clean house and perhaps do some papering We want you to come in and look at our se lection of Wall Paper Our stock is all new The Wall Paper Trust has gone to pieces and prices have dropped so we are able to show better goods for less money than we have been able to show for several j ears QUIGLEY CHAPMAN DRUGGISTS VALENTINE NEBR Ben Pays of Woodlake was up last Thursday and handed us a dol lar on subscrsption O L Latta was in town yester day and day before on business and took put some building mater ial to his ranch near Oasis Mr and Mrs J E Thackey celedrated their 6th wedding an niversary yesterday A few invit ed friends and Mrs Thackreys mother Mrs S A- Rice and her grandson Lawrence Rice were pres ent We heard about somebody get ting lost on the prairie and get ting home too late to sleep but we promised not to say anything about it so we wont tell but you ask little Wallace he didnt prom ise not to tell Marriages L W Handy to Miss Jessie An derson by Judge Towne April 1 1901 J WWaddill of Irwin to Miss Gora Townsend -by Rev Sloan at the Donoher Hotel April 3 1901 L P Klopping of Woodlake to Miss Lizzie Stageman of Couudil Bluffs la by Rev Sloan at the Donoher Hotel April3 1901 Our esteemed friend Peter Bal sail of Rosebud came down Tues day and took the train Wednesday morning for the east where he will be gone several days on business Mr Balgord is the same jolly good hearted fellow as he used to be and his friends always cheer up when he comes around Laugh and the world laughs with yov Weep and you weep alone Work has begun excavating the basement for the court house and stone is being hauled for the walls The work is being pushed right along Already several loads of stone are on tne ground and Matt House and Louis Smith are haul ing dirt out with 4r horse teams and then take off the lead teams and haul the surplus dirt down 10 the millwhere it is used to bank a up arjund the mill Some good building sand is found in the ex cavation down about 4 feet Teachers Association Fnllowing is the program for the Chirry Countv Teachers Association atCrookston April 27 1901 Music Association Review of McMurray The Five Steps in Teaching Prof Weston Language in the Primary Grades Edith S Moses Discussion Miss FannieJDall The Boy of Fifteen Alma Carlson Discussion Hon J XI Fee Music Association Supplamentary Work in Arithmetic - Frank Thorn Discussion Practical- Hints Music Edith Pettigrew Miss Brown Association Committee qu J3 y 1 I loTVdtfiT F m e jSASJAt3JLSLS Rfan Brcs were up from Wood lake yesterda We hear that there will be another wedding soo of a Valen tine belle to a raholiman SSWSSSSSSSes5SasSK8S Cody tow Boy Robt McGeer left for Valentine this morning to make our metropolis his home in the future having Frank Fishers saloon J II Quigley came up from Valen tine Friday noon and drove out to the ranch returning to Cody in the evening lie went home Saturday morning Ainsworth Herald Mrs Minnie Bra ton came dawn from Valentino Wednesday morning to visit with her parents Mr and Mrs John DeWopdy Bob Good went down Tuesday on business Saturday morning nfdkiiiSlrc 3JfVlfflTTfeTflflftf COMMUNICATIONS J ox g ygrsmcsqjcpcTsfy j - sms ygiT Down the River Did you get April fooled Well we have been lost a week or two That blizzard was pretty rocky and the snow was pretty deep whereit drifted Stock was not damaged to speak of in these parts The circuit parties in the Berry JL by W21A 511 ICK sgrySF CT HfiAim nQirrlihruVirinrl liotro nlrtcori until i 3 further orders The last one at J Bris j school having contradicted the report tols was all right especially in the pea- that she is about to leave us nut game and that ice cream Oh ruy it would just melt in ones mouth Frank Ashburn has returned from There ntver yet was human power That could evade ifunlorgiven The patient search and vigil Ion Of him who treasures up a wrong Byron Miss Ilobson was absent all of last week hut resumed her school duties Monday Miss Clara Ayres is again with us in For information on money coining call on Clyde Dovenport his claim near Simeon Frank has lan llth Smder and Republican re- been adding some improvements to his homestead The Berry Bros are starting a new cow ranch at the Damascus store near the Berry bridge Ilarvy Johnson was sick Friday night at the party but next dy he was able to run a coyote about 15 or 20 miles and shoot a jack rabbit on the fly Mr T J Afchburn has a new cow boy these days Grandpa Grooms spent a few days s with his relatives around Sparks the front end of the week Who said that Anderson Rounds was going to move their fence back along the south side of the Niobrara We expect to know soon if ve will have a skimming station at Sparks Youngster Lynch Journal The editor and his wife very disagree with each otner She often sets things to ritght and he writes thing to set She reads what others write and lie writes what others read She keeps the devil out of the house asmuch as she can and he retaius him and could hardly go to press without him Sh knows more than she writes and he writes more than he knows Limberger cheese laid awy in cup boards and refrigerators will drive away ants says in exchange Yes it wil drive away ants it will do more it will drive a spike through a brick it will drive a hog out of a tan yard it will drive a tramp from a meal of vic tuals it will drive a herd of cattle over a precipice it will drive a mule through a barbed wire fence it will drive a negrow from a chicken roost or a man into insanity who stays within fifty feet of its uhsavory presence and et some people will eat it Ex Chadron Jouanal i Cashier Chas Sparks of the Cherry County Bank of Valentine was in the city on business the first of the week porter An easy proposition Given the smiling faces of the llth grade and the cheerful mein of the professor equal to prove that those dreadful poems are finished Several members of the 9th grade Physical geography class were running about Friday vainly endeavoring to magnify a snow flake before it disap peared Poor things pity melted even the icy hearts of the snow flakes Mor al sympathy always comes when least wanted Did Miss Starr and Miss Sherman tell you that they didnt get fooled on the first of April If they did well there are times when 4yes means no and no means yes A slight accident occurred during a physics experiment week before last consisting of the blowing up of a glass tube We beleive that no one was ser iously injured tho Mr Sawyer reports himselt to have been so badly jarred mentally that he was unable to get his Caesar in the afternoon A sound of solemn sighing in the air And groans and lamentations Tne llth grade must soon start to pre pare Those horrid old orations Miss Easoms room is preparing aT program which we hear will be very entertaining The Chadronian has gathered its dy ing forces rallied its waning courage and this week hurled down upon us an H 5 column measuring 11 inches in length and 2 inches in width Having weighed our pros and cons thought on this and that and minded ourpV and qs as A ell as we could mot of have decided that April fools day is of heathen origin and ought to have been abolished in the generotion preceeding us It is always well to hear both sides ot a question therefors anyone wishing to know anything about class colors should interview both Mr Sawyer and Miss Carlsou on the subject The Quiet Family will appear in bought the haI1 Friday evening April 12 We would take this opportunity to thank the editor of the Valentin OCR at for his kindness in placing our i name on the roll of complimentary sub scribers Prof Walson read us a poem one morning last week composed by a Diwson Balls carload of Here- ber of the llth grade but the professor ford bulls arrived in Cody last Thurs 1 fa51ed tf reid lkc sfgmiture at the end and Pellanis who afternoon day of it Therefore every llth grader has was here to receive them left for the ben hoping thafc evervboiy would ranch Friday morning with as fine a thillk it was bis 0l hm nt it bas bunch of bulls as was ever shipped since devfloped ft signafcure lind here ifc here is Judge Wolcott ofVahnti e being attorney for plaintiff in the lav suit liiat Thursday gave this office ai agree able call The jubge is one of those spirited fellows who always looks on the bright side of everything and puts such cheerfulness in his conversation as to make those about him feel that there is more suushiue than shadow in this world and that this life is worth living LIGHT AFTER DARKNESS The inn had sank oer the wesscrn hills The birds had sought their neat And the drooping leaves of the daffodils Were lowly hent in reH The azure blue of the cloudiest sky was fading fur from sight She distant light of the twinkling stars shone far into the night The dismal hot of the distant owl Borne by the winds on high Would pierce the depths of ones inmost sonl Who chanced to hear her cry And so to each such a night is born At sometime in his life But every night is replaced by morn To vanish all its strife The snow has gone off quite fast during the warm days that followed the storm and although two other i light snows fell last week and covered to Bassiitt tbe o found about 4 to 5 inches it has now melted and leaves the ground in - Ed Ulake came down from Valentino fine condition Only the large drifts are left now and they haye gone down jgSy mm i mvtvr - zJfTamia Ii T frf J jseksgkst 5wmk3 is Good Sense to Save Cents In Buying Scents We commenced the new century with a fine line of tha celebrated PALMER Perfumes to which we have recently added several new odors and we are now showing the finest line on the market We also keep a full line of Palmers Toilet Waters Soaps Face Powders and Smelling Salts The name PALMER on any toilet preparation is a guarantee of its excellence HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST IN TOILET REQUISITES ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE Bates Beaeonble iptiH v is AM FII To Last week the editor of the Demo crat called upon County Clerk Dan iels with a request for ihe copy for the bar docket for the Apiil term of the district court and was informed by him that he had ordered the printing done aud that it was already done This is indefienceof the order of the county commissioners awarding this printing to i M liieeof the Valentine Demc chat It is our understanding that the county commissioners have charge of the county printing and if their orders are notsuperior to thafc of the county cleik or cleik of the district court 1 then we are at faut Miv Daniels has no xcuse whatever- for refusing to comply with the count commissioners fS 1 fLA m vwTj llb B3 Give Me a Trial SMr WtilcoWs anil Tllsons old Stands ZJJ s -- cfxrv A Schatztliauer Propr r Grand Showing OF SPRING MILLINERY 100 Trimmed and Pattern Hats are now besng displayed We couple art with business economy and ryiace the most artcstic designs with tho price limit of all until 3tou could scarcely belieye that ouly last week they were mountains of snow The loss of stock was as we reported last week comparatively light a large number of stockmen los ing none though stock that were poor ly kept during the winter and those unfortunate enough to get themselves just where the snow was going to drift fared worse and several report losses of from 1 to 15 per cent Mrs M A Jackson of London Eng land mother of John Jackson up on the table who has been here visiting her son since last September is visit ing Mrs P C Lawson this week Mrs Jackson will return to London next Tuesday- week via New York where will she visit relatives and friends a while before returning to her native land It seems to be the general opinion in Washington that the failure of the re publican legislature of Deleware to elect two senators will result in restor ing that state to the democratic column Speaking of the failure a well known business man of Wilmington who was in Washington this week said The people of Deleware have become re signed They have been for a consid erable period of time with only one sen ator in congress and I suppose they can get along for a whiie without any I think that Deleware has learned what it has to expent from the republicans and will be found in the democratic column the next time it has an oppor tunity If ft B9MER procure an order from him for supplies they may need - We want to know if County Clerk Daniels has this power delegated to him and where did he get his authority for running things We question it and we would like to know - Gordon Journal Courting a girl is like starting a newspaper It starts out a weekly -then becomes a bi weekly then merge into a daily and if it has any enter prise comes out with an extra about once a year Exchange Atkinson Plalndcaler A young man in a neighboring coun ty by the name of Miss Helen Hunt found a purse in church one Sunday and reported the find to the pasto with the request that he report the finding of the purse an J contense and that it would be returned to its owner by applying to her- So the following Sunday the pastor made this from the pulpit Somebody lost a j urs 3 here last Sunday evening and if the owner wants the property he can P to Helen Huat fcr it F You want a TUBULAft WELL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL Call on JOHN PORATH Or write- him at Riege Nebraska Wells Guaranteed for FIVE Years rITT DELIVERY- Call JOHN D EATON To haul your TRUNKS VALISES and PACKAGES lOc Taken Up At my place on Srblngle creek March 30 1001 one urey horse about six years old N mirks or brands noticeable Weight about noo pound n t John Onueaher T alien ttjt At Ft Viobrara on Saturday even ng March 3 1901 one bay brindled mare small white spot in forehead left fore footwire cut with split hool scar branded on left shoulder but cannot decipher it wei ht about 871 avaia exeent isi matter of inlif pol except -0 political to 950 pounds in good order about 8 assistance of his party organ In let- or 9 years old had on a leather halter i wiin rope attacnea wnen tound ting a contract for the printing the j Haxs tjlrIch commissioners required a bond for the Valentine Nebr faithful i erformauce of duty and this bond is supposed to be of sufficient im portance to guarantee correct aud prompt work and which would relieve the county clerk of all responsibility slioulJ we fail iu the per foamance of our duly Uut Mr Daniels Is ex tiemo ly partisan and has a desire to tun tilings o suit himself and makes the bluff to peoile he d ff r witlJpoliticary by saving Youre not running things here and continues lha running of IIlcJi Grade it till a I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 8 bigh grade Herford bulls two and three years old and three head of ful blood Gallowaj s which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G Ballrard f Woodlake Nebr IVanieil reliable man for manager of branch offlce we 1 Mrt tn Alknii - It If 1 - - i r i r a j i - i lino niiii ji iuur i curti I his office to meanfui says to orfer or to 0 K hm ls an pll0rtlnU Khdly contract for countv supplies establish- j reference when writing J rDE A TMOKIH WHOLESALE HOUSE ingliuiself as county purchasing ageni Cincinnati OJito J requiring the other countv officers to THiLstrareii cafcilogne 4tsBtamps I - ats 3 i5 x X -V w