t N IJ I IS i 1 1 l 1 h I i 5 f L X 4 L A The Kulscr and the Sergeant Emperor Williams kindness of Jaeart is well known and recently at th parade at Stettin he gave proof of it to a former sergeant of his under whom he had served when he was crown prince He recognized the vet eran standing among the crowd of spectators and summonded him For some minutes he chatted pleasantly wjth the man and then dispatched an orderly to bring a horse for his for mer sergeant that the latter might be able to ride about and see the review at his ease Carries Sliarp Itcply Several invitations of a more or less farcical nature have been sent to Mrs Carrie Nation regarding a New York visitation The latest was a sugges tion that she try her hand at reform ing the Four Hundred reference being made to the burlesque saloon smash ing act at Senator Clarkes valentine ball She replied The society people of New York probably need reforma tion as badly as any class of people iin America not excepting saloonkeep ers If rhey want to burlesque me when I am trying to save mens souls I do not care They had bettei employ their time driving vice out of their own city- 1 What Will the Girls Get An Englishman who recently died had three children one son and two daughters and he mentioned all cf tthem in his will The first clause is I leave my piano to Mary Elizabeth Cwhen Arthur has done with it The bther clause is To Susan Jane she may take whatever Arthur wishes to give her There is no doubt of Ar thurs standing in the document but the pointed question is raised Are Mary Elizabeth and Susan Jane bene ficiaries under the will AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS Mr Doty of Highland Iovrn Restored to Health A Sliracnlous Case Her Husband Is Cared of U rights Dlseaie by Same Means Highland la March 4 Special Friends of Mrs W H Doty are very much pleased to notice the wonderful Improvement in her condition For eighteen years she has been a sufferer from rheumatism and the torture she has endured during this time is pasc all description Mrs Doty tells the following story I have suffered for the past eighteen years with Kidney Trouble and Rheu matism -I have tried doctors patent medicines plasters liniments electric treatments and nothing did me any good I had nearly lost all faith in anything when I sent for six boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills I said to my hus band I expected that it was some more money thrown away but when I had taken them a week I could see that they were helping me The lameness I had suffered with for so long is near ly all gone It is not a quarter as bad as it was For years I had to wear a warm bandage around my forehead to prevent the pain Since using the Pills I have been able to remove this altogether I cannot find words to express my heartfelt thanks to Dodds Kidney Pills for their wonderful cure of any case My husband has suffered from Kidney Trouble for years Last spring a doc tor said he had Brights Disease and treated him but he received no benefit and he kept growing thinner and -weaker all the time When I got Dodds Kidney Pills he commenced taking four a day He has taken them three months and is nearly well His strength is increased and the improve ment in his case is almost miraculous Dodds Kidney Pills have certainly been a God send to us It is just cases like those of Mr and Mrs Doty that have made Dodds Kid ney Pills so very popular in Iowa They are 50c a box six boxes for 250 Buy them from your local drug gist if you can If he cannot supply iyou send to the Dodds Medicine Co Buffalo N Y - - Commendable Crusade Under the headline Bounce the Blabbers a Cedar Rapids paper makes vigorous protest against the chatterers who disturb theater and lecture audiences It offers a reward of 5 to the first usher who will go after such idiots in the proper man ner and refers to one of them as having a mouth that would be a profitable enterprise if turned into a windmill The prominence achieved by Garfield Tea as a blood purifier has not been equaled by another remedy an im provement in the complexion can be seen after a few days use We only profit in the measure we have ennobled self FITS Permanently Cnred 5o fits or lieivousnes after first days use of Dr Klines Great Kerve Kestorer Send for FREE S200 trial boitle and treatise in n U Kline Ltd 931 Area St FfclladelphH Pa Genuineness needs neither introduc tion nor laudations Try Grain O Try Graln Ol Ask your Grocer to day to show you a packago of GRAIN O tho new food drink that takes the place of coffee Tho children may drink it without injury as well as tho adult All who try it like it GRAIN 0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains and the most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress ri the price of coffee 15c and 35 cts per package Sold by all grocers It is from our failure we gain our greatest strength Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Who has not braved the danger can not boast of courage Drugs have their use but dont store them Sn your stomach Bcemans Pepsin Gum aids the natural forces to perform their f mictions It is bad to lean against a falling wall m m IK PRISON Edward Gardner Pound Guilty of Murder of Herman Zann A VERDICT IS GIVEN AT MIDNIGHT Tho Will of Judge Maxwell Placed for Probate In Dodge County Tenor of Its Provisions Miscellaneous Matters In Nebraska FREMONT March 2 Edward Gard ner was convicted here of the murder of Herman Zahn the Snyder saloon keeper and was sentenced to imprison ment for life At precisely 12 oclock the jury knocked on the door of its room and announced that it had agreed upon a verdict Judge Grimison was in the court room and at once sent the bailiff for the clerk and attorneys The de fendant was brought in handcuffed to Sheriff Kreader He looked tired and haggard His face was pale and there were dark circles under his eyes which were fixed upon the jurors as they filed past him to their seats in the box It was nearly 1 oclocK before the clerk and attorneys appeared During this time Gardner sat in his chair like a statue only occasionally turning his eyes toward the judge or directing them to the floor An intense stillness pervaded the dimly lighted court room There were about twenty five people present who had stayed up to hear the verdict At 1245 Foreman J W Nation handed the verdict to the bailiff The bailiff passed it to Clerk Cruikshank who read in a firm voice We the jury duly impanelled and sworn in the above entitled case do find the defendant Edward Gardner guilty in manner and form as charged in the information of murder in the first degree and we do further find say and determine that the defendant Edward Gardner be punished by im prisonment -or life J W NATION Foreman As Clerk Cruikshank read the ver dict the defendants face grew paler his eyes stared anxiously but not a muscle bf his face changed His hands trembled slightly as Sneriff Kreader fastened on the handcuffs and with his maimed left hand he put his hat on his head Judge Maxwells Will Tiled FREMONT Neb March The will of Judge Samuel Maxwell has been filed for probate in the office of the county judge It is dated June 27 1879 and is witnessed by Judges Amasa Cobb and M jj tieese It provides first for the payment of his debts from the personal property with authority to sell the real estate for that purpose if needed A beauest is made of 1000 to each of his children payable as soon as they are of age from the personal property or from the proceeas of the sale of real estate in Merrick county His wife is given a life estate in his Plattsmouth property and his entire personal estate also a homestead in terest in his residence property in Fre mont provided it is not necessary to sell the same Henry Eikerbarry of Cass county and Henry G Wolcott of Fremont are named as executors In a codicil dated May 4 1899 he re cites the sale of his Merrick county property and the purchase of land in Adams county and directs that land other than in Dodge county be first sold for the payment of debts and lega cies and if the land cannot be sold at a fair valuation then the children are to take their leagcies in land either in whole or part After the death of his wife he direcis that all his property be sold and the proceeds divided equally between his children This codicil is witnessed by H G Wolcott and Jennie M Wolcott In a second codicil dated February 13 1900 he substitutes his son Henry E Maxwell as executor and directs that te legacies given his sons Henry and Jacob and his vdaugh ter Margaret be charged against them as advancements Maxwell Memorial Kesolntion FREMONT Neb March 2 The com mittee appointed by Judge Grimison to prepare resolutions of respect to the memory of Judge Samuel Maxwell re ported to the court The committee consisted of Attor neys Courtright Loomis and Gray All the attorneys of the local bar were present The resolutions paid a glow ing tribute to Judge Maxwells exem plary life and his career as states man jurist and citizen Itandall Fuller Death FULLERTON Neb March 2 Word has been received from Oklahoma an nouncing the death of Randall Fuller a prominent and wealthy resident of this city Randall Fuller was 78 years of age and came to this county when it was first openea for settlement in 1879 and purchased a large tract of land where the city of Fulierton now stands Vaccination by Wlolesile WYMORE Neb March 2 Drs Gaf ford Given Yoder and Johnson offered their services to vaccinate the school children without charge if the vaccine points were furnished them and the board of education promptly accepted the offer Nearly -400 children were inoculated Darrell Soon to le on Trial FREMONT Neb March 2 The trial of William Darrell the third of the men charged with the murder of Her man Zahii the Snyder saloon keepers is set for March 5 and a panel of twentir four jurors ordered summoned After Gardener was brought back to his cell he had nothing to say about the verdict of the jury Ha seemed re lieved to think that che suspense was over and did not want to speak of it The verdict imprisonment for life is regarded by attorneys as a substantial victory for the defense f THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Oncah and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA Union Stock Yards Cattle There was another liberal run of cattle and buyers started out to set their supplies at lower prices Beef steers in particular were slow and it is safe to call the market on steers g10c lower than yesterday There were over 50 cars on sale and the Chicago market was none too good all of which worked atralnst the sellinK in terests and gave buyers an opportunity to oear me marnet xne cow marivei started out in fairly good shape and sales were made at rljrht around steady prices As the morning1 advanced however the market seemed to weaken At no time was tradinu as active as was the case yesterday and the market lacked the tone and snap of yesterday The downward tendency of the steer market is naturally having1 a depressing effect upon the feed er trade but as the supply at this point has been limited prices have held up in good shape Anything choice that ha3 not been on corn meets with ready sale at very satisfactory prices but there are so few of that kind of cattle coming that warmed up cattle are selling better for feeders than for beef Hogs There was another fairly liberal run but the market opened a shade stronger One ihing however that makes the market look better today is the fact that there were a number of prime heavy hogs here today which were considerably better in quality than anything received yesterday The bulk of the early sales went from 527M to o324 and as high as 535 was paid The heavy hogs sold mostly at J530 and 5532 and the light and medium weights at 527 and 530 Sheep There was not a very heavy run here and receipts were composed largely of ewes and lambs very few wethers be ing offered The ewes were in fairly good dmand and sold at steady to strong prices as high as 375 being paid The iamb market however was very slow and packers did not seem to be at all anxious for more supplies this week The feeling was very weak and not much changed hands until late in the day KANSAS CITY Cattle Choice beef steers 10fl15c high er stockers and feeders steady native beef steers S45WT555 stockers and feed ers 375485 fed westerns 425iO Texans and Indians 375405 cows 285 r425 heifers 325450 canners 225 275 bulls 2S03440 calves 400fiGOO Hogs Market 5c lower top 542 hulk of sales 5525535 heavy 530142 mixed packers 125Q5C45 light 510 530 pigs 4S0Cf505 Sheep and Lambs Market strong west ern lambs JiSOgoOO western wethers 415450 western yearlings 4254S0 ewes 375395 culls 250 325 TAKE REBELS AND BGL0MEN Forty Seventh Infantry Boys Surrender ed to by More Islanders MANILA March 2 Twenty one rebel officers and 120 bolomen have surrendered to Lieutenant Desque of the Forty seventh United States Vol unteer infantry at the town of Irocin in Albay provincesouthern Luzon Vassili Verestchagin the Russian painter of battle scenes has reached the I Philippines searching jfor new war pictures He has called upon Genral MacArthur Verestchagin is favorably impressed with the Ameri can soldiers and has made many sketches of the battlefields near Ma nila Excitement over gold mining in Le panto in northern Luzon is increas ing a number of pockets having been discovered but no well defined ledges have been found The federalists are scuring many new members for their party in La- guna province east of Manila Tne promoters of the conservative party have published a long address to Judge Taft president of the Phil ippines commission written in flow ery and fulsome language the gist of which seems to be expressed in the following paragraph We confess to being distinct from some of those men who are co-operating with the American government in peace in that particular which re fers to the maintenance against re strictions and exactions of our pro gram which places the maintenance of peace subject to a compliance with the conditions which would lead to a point whence there is no outlet We believe there is no belter means of perpetuating it than an absolute and unconstitutional adhesion as younger brothers and as conditions may admit this country can be raised to the level of its aspirations bless ing the hand which strengthened it and kissing the hand if it so de serves that cut asunder the last cord of its dependency and thus convert ing it into its own equal ITCHES TO SWING A HATCHET Mrs Nation Declares She Will Resume Devastating Operations TOPEKA Kan March 2 Since Mrs Carrie Nations return from I ria last night she has accupied her cell in the county jail here Mrs Nation says she was greatly pleased with her trip the Journal and the mayor of Peoria Asked as to her future plans she said You just tell the people that Carrie Nation will at tend to her knitting the same as us ual I will go to smashing as soon as I am released Geta Dam is Cut Ont WASHINGTON March 2 The final conference report on the Indian ap propriation bill was presented to both horses After its presentation by Senator Thurston to the senate the report Avas agreed to and later in the evening Chairman Sherman presented a like report The senate receded on two vital items to the west the build ing of the Gila dam at San Carlos res ervation and the opening up of the executive order reservations to min ers Senator Wolcott Resigns WASHINGTON March 2 Senator Edward O Wolcott has resigned as a member of the republican national committee from Colorado and Archie M Stephenson has been designated as his successor Uig Anthracite Del SCRANTON Pa March 2 Another big anthracite coal deal was consum mated by the purchase of the Dela ware Hudson company of the Laf lin Long Cliffs Greenwood and Brooks companies The papers were signed in New York Four collieries and three washeries sre included in the deal and the consideration is 1 500000 The total oaiput of the col lieries is G50000 tons per annum Seven hundred men are employed The purchased companies were owned by Rees G Brooks T H Dale and W J Lewis 11 THE GRIP PW f CLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING EL5E WILL LOOK FOR A50VE TRADE MASHQAffi NO iUBSTlTUTES CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING FULL LINE OF GARMENT5 AND HAT3 AJT0WER CO BOSTON MA55 gf EW DISCOVERY gives 9 I auick relief andcurcs worst cases Book of testimonials una xo days treatment rEEE Dn If If GREKVH 808 Box E AllscU Ga i fiM A o l Ju J all bowel troubles appendicitis bil iousness bad brett bad bloo Triad on the stomach bloated bowels foul mouth headaorie frirtls nstlon nlmnlcj pains after eating liver trouble sallow complexion and dizziness Wljen yonV bowers ddntmove regu larly you are getihaa sick OonstlBatlqn kills more poonle than all other Us oases together It is a starter for tbe chronic aTjfilehta and lerngr years of Buffering that come afterwardt No matter what ail yon start taking GASCAETS to day for yon will nexer get Well ana be 1 all tho time until you put your bowels right Take our advice fftart wltlx OASCAHEES to day under an Absolute guar antee to cure or money refunded m COMES SOUTHERN FARMS j Southern Farms Improved and unim proved at from 5 to 515 per acre In Vir ginia North and South Carolina Georgia Alabama Mississippi Tennessee and Ken tucky Descriptive reading matter and maps sent free upon application to J F Olsen Agent L I Dept Southern Railway 22o Dearborn St Chicago 111 or M V Richards Land and Industrial Agent Southern Rail way WashingtonDC IN 3 OR 4 YEARS m IHBEFEHDEK3E ASSURED If you take up your homes in Western Can ada the land of plenty Illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy in grow ing wheat reports of delegates eta and full I Jntormatlon as to reduced railway rates can he nau on application to tne superintendent or Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa Canada or to W V 13ennett 801 N Y JA19 Bldg Omaha Neb Mention this paper to advertisers CATARRH I IKE A TERRIBLE CYCLONE grip I bacillus has passed over our coun ts try from the Atlantic to the Pa cific leaving behind it a dark cloud of anguish and despair Catarrh follows grip as effect follows cause A multitude of catarrh victims will spring up in the trail of the awful epi demic of grip that has just pased over our fair country The hope to these people is Peruna Most people know this already Everyone who has had the least touch of grip should not fail to take a course of treatment with Peruna Peruna eradicates every vestige of the disease and leaves the system in a normal condition Hon Joseph B Crowley Congress man from Illinois writes from the Na tional Hotel Washington D C as follows After giving Peruna a fair trial I can cheerfully recommend your remedy to anyone suffering with coughs colds la grippe and all catarrhal com plaints J B Crowley Hon George H White Congressman from North Carolina writes I am more than satisfied with Pe runa and find it to be an excellent THE GENUINE remedy for the grip and catarrh I have used it in my family and they all join me in recommending it as an excellent remedj George H White Hon J P Megrew Superintendent U S Capital Police Force of Wash ington D C says Having suffered from the grip I was advised by a friend to use your Peruna I also used it for my catarrh and I can now cheerfully recommend your remedy to anyone who is suffer ing from the grip and catarrh J P Megrew Miss Anna Russell Past Worthy Counselor Loyal Mystic Legion 293 Endicott Bldg St Paul Minn writes For years I have unfortunately found my system in a peculiarly recep tive condition for catarrh when I was exposed in any way to inclement weather At those times I would be severely afflicted with la grippe and its unpleasant consequences Now for the past year and a half I have used Peruna in such cases and have found that it not only cures me quickly but it also cleanses my blood and- renders me less liable to catch cold It is the finest preventative of colds that I know of and a very su perior tonic Anna Russell Miss Alice Dressier 1313 North Bry ant Ave Minneapolis Minn writes Last spring I suffered from la grippe and was partially cured but the bad after effects remained through the summer and somehow I did not get strong as I was before In the fali I caught a cold after getting my feet wet and attending a lecturo in a eoltl hall and I suffered a relapse An un pleasant catarrh of the head andl throat followed and as I was in a weak condition physically previous ta this it took but little to break mo down completely One of my college friends who was visiting me asked me to try Peruna and I did so and found it all and moro than I had expected It not only cured me of the catarrh but restored me ta perfect health built up the entire sys tem and brought a happy feeling of buoyancy which I had not known foa years Miss Alice Dressier if you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the uso of runa write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your caso and he will be pleased to give you hia valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President o The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O lOlAA EAQfc4i PE WMZJ tt AF VSAfNFJ o aJKTTrvia lMr3 Cfton rjALMnucibnurjiLriiuxRanTALc 3cwcrfus WINTER TOURIST RATES SPECIAL Tours to Florida Key West Cuba Bermuda Old Mexico and the Mediterranean and Orient IIALF Rates for the round trip tq many points south on sale flrsq and third Tuesday each month RATES To Hot Springs Ark the fa mous water resort of America on sale every day in tho year Tickets now on sale to all the -winter resorts of the south good returning until June 1st 1901 For rates descriptive mat- ter pamphlets and all other Information call atC St Jj R r city Ticket Office 1415 Farnam st Paxton Hotel Bldg or write HARRY E MOORES C P T A Omaha Neb 1 f f M K ML begins in the bowels Its the unclean places that breed infectious epidemics and its the unclean body unclean in sidethat catches the disease A person whose stomach and bowels are kept clean and whose liver is live ly and blood pure is safe against low fever or any other of the dread ful diseases that desolate our beautiful land Some of the cleanest people outside are filthiest mside and they are the ones who not only catch the infections hut endanapr tht Ttvpc of all their friends and relatives Theres only one certain way of keeping clean inside so as to prevent disease and that is to take CASCARETS Perfect disinfectant and bowel strengthened All diseases are LEVER TONIC f ALL DRUGGISTS iliMllilMiiiilMliiBiliiWi GUARANTEED SOLD IN BULK TOCTUSEi Flvo years a the flrt box or CASCAR STB TTa sold Now It la over six miUXoa ozm a year creator tkaa U7 similar medietas In tbe world Tblo Is absolute proof e great merit and obi best testimonial Wo Iia ve faith asI will cell CASCAKET3 absolutely guaranteed to care ox money refunded Go buy today tvroSOc boxes fflvetkeasA folr honest trJnl as per steeple directions aad If yon are not satisfied after nilBj ono CCe box retnrntaoaanscdSdo box and tie eiapty box Co as by Baal or tho drasslst frasa when you purchased It aad set y oar money back for botb boxes Trte onr advice no matter -what alls yon start to day Halfh qnlsily foUoTV and yon will bless the day yonflrststartcdthcnsooOASCAKTH Soolcfreebynsnu Address STERLING RE2EDI CO KEW IOSK or CUlUitiO