propriation bill extending the life o the industrial commission until Marc 3 1303 The Valentine Democrat I M RICH Publisher VALENTINE NEBRASKA I BRIEf TELEGRAMS I Hermosa S D has an epidemic of smallpox Range cattle are said to be scarce in Kansas and Texas The Union Pacific is getting read to build a third round house at Chey enne Judge Strawn of Omaha was found dead in his room Supposed heart disease Hon Isaac L Morrison lies at the point of death at his home in Jack sonville 111 John R Brennan agent at Pine Ridge says there is no danger from en Indian uprising The president hrs nominated Ed ward H Anderson of Utah to bo surveyor general of Utah The president sent to the senate the nomination of Brigadier General Shafter to be major general The president has nominated Lieu tenant Commander Theodore Porter to be a commander in the navy The Duke of Westminster and Miss Shelagh West were married at St Pauls church Knightsbridge London Two more deaths from bubonic plague were officially reported at Capetown Both victims were white persons William Singleton secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Masons of the Dis trict of Columbia died at New York Eged 83 The Universal Steel Company cap ital of 300000 was incorporated at Trenton N J to manufacture iron and steel Dr T E Potter received fatal in juries in a runaway at St Joseph Mo He was one of the most prominent physicians of the state At Winnipeg Man the full court killed Hugh John MacDonalds pro hibition law finding it unconstitution al in almost every point The pope is credited with the inten tion of delivering an important politi cal speech at a special gathering of the cardinals in the course of the three days session now being held in honor of his accession It is learned that the lnliuential com mandant Piet Force and several hun dred Boers in the Dewetsdorp district are willing to surrender if the com mandant receives a proposition direct from General Kitchener William R Singleton grand secre tary of the grand lodge of Masons of the District of Columbia died in Washington aged sixty three years During the early years of his life he served as state surveyor of Ulinois Senator Hansbrough from the sen ate committee on library reported fa vorably an amendment to the sundry civil bill for the purchase of a rep lica of the bronze statue of Rocham beau recently unveiled at Vendome France Insane from brooding over the death of her brother a soldier who died while coming home to be mustered out Miss Nonie Prowse agert twenty daughter of County Clerk John Prowse of Hopkinsville Ky commit ted suicide by swallowing carbolic acid The American syndicate prospecting for oil in Egypt has it is said struck it rich Thomas Sharkey a driller in the employ of the syndicate writes ihome that the first well drileld is a prodigious producer and that other wells are being driled in the locality The first well struck oil at a depth of 2350 feet It is near the banks of the Red sea Official statistics estimate the French vintage of 1900 at 67352661 hectoliters which is an increase of 19444981 hectoliters over 1899 The harvest is the biggest since 1875 About 1730451 hectares were planted an Increase of 32717 hectares The yield per hectare was 39 hectoliters an increase of 11 hectoliters The value of the harvest is estimated at 252211600 Senator Teler offered an amendment to the St Louis exposition bill pro viding for the closing of the exposition on Sundays The Williams bill reducing passen ger rates on steam railroads from C cents to 2 cents per mile was de feated in the Missouri house Robbers entered the general store of Sanford Bros at Minden Mo Thursday night and destroyed a safe valued at 800 but secured no booty The Delaware Construction company of Wilmington has passed into the hands of receivers The liabilities ore about 75000 estimated assets 60000 James McGonegal one of the best known paving contractors of the west died at Kansas City aged 80 years William Wood shot and instantly killed M P Philipps his sisters father-in-law in a quarrel over family troubles at Woodburn Macoupin coun ty 111 north of Alton 111 Mrs Mary Paschell postmistress at Trenton Ind celebrated her eighty fifth birthday a few days ago Santa Teresa the Mexican Joan of Arc who was accused of inciting the Yaquis to revolt and who later as tonished the Pacific states with her al leged healing powers is in New York on her way to Europe It is said the -Union Pacific is to build a line from Wolcott on the main line to Grand Encampment and Battle Lake Wyo A dispatch from Count von Walder see says over 300 Chinese were killed when they attacked the Germans at Kueng Chang recently The engagement is announced of Miss Gertrude Pullman of Louisville - Ky to Lieut Taylor Evans son of Captain and Mrs Robley D Evans Senator Bard of California offered an amendment to the sundry civil ap A TEST OF ENDURANCE Pinal Session of the Senate Long and Pull of Contests SEVERAL MEASURES AGREED UPON The PostofHco Appropriation Is Among Them That and and Other Principal Bills Disposed cf After Reports and Conferences WASHINGTON March 4 Despite the beautiful weather and unusual at tractions particularly at this time of the national capital the galleries of the senate were thronged with strang ers today when the senate resumed its session this afternoon The senate convened at 3 p m and proceeded di rectly to the business of facilitating the enactment of the remaining ap propriation bills A conference was agreed to on the general deficiency bill the conferees of the present senate being Mr Hale Mr Allison and Mr Teller Mr Alli son presented a partial report on the sundry civil bill The bill was sent back to conference with Mr Allison Mr Hale and Mr Cockrell as senate conferees Two bills were passed as follows Granting a right of way through the Devils Lake Indian reservation in North Dakota to the Jamestown Northern railway company authoriz ing the Portland Mehalem Tilla nionk Railway company to construct a bridge across Mehalem bay in Ore gon Consideration of the bill relating to safety appliances on railroad trains and requiring railway managers un der oath to make monthly reports to the Interstate commerce commission of all accidents that may occur to pas sengers and employes and the attend ing circumstances was resumed Pending discussion Senators Nel son McMillan and Berry were named as conferees on the river and harbor bill The final conference report upon the general deficiency bill was agreed to without comment Mr Hoar secured the adoption of a resolution directing the secretary of war to send to the senate all infor mation in his possession as to the au thenticity of the alleged order for the massacre of foregners in Manila on the night of February 15 1899 and to state whether the original of the al leged order ever was in possession of the war department and where it now is Mr Hale submitted a partial report upon the naval appropriation bill and said that as the time of the session was growing short he would offer a resolution discharging the present senate conferee and requesting that the house grant further conference on the naval bill It was adopted The safety appliance bill was then passed without further discussion At 510 p m a partial report to the conferees on the river and harbor bill was presented by Mr Nelson and it was agreed to A further conference was ordered At 645 p m Mr Wolcott made a report upon the postoffice appropria tion bill saying there was no further disagreement except upon the two amendments cf the senate concerning the extension of the rural free deliv ery system to small towns and di recting the postmaster general to re port upon the feasibility of the use of the telegraph and telephone wires as a part of the postal system The report was agreed to and a further conference was ordered en the items in dispute Mr Hale made a second report of the conference upon the naval appro priation bill saying that a complete agreement had been arrived at on all points of difference on that bill except upon the senate amendment authoriz ing the construction of three addi tional submarine torpedo boats The senate voted to recede from this amendment 32 to 18 ANOTHER LETTER FROM CROWE Pat Writes to the Public to Clear His Xame of Aspersion OMAHA Neb March 4 A letter written by Pat Crowe mailed at Den ison la March 2 was received Sun day by an Omaha newspaper The purport of this letter is the same as that of the one received by E A Cud ahy sr ten days ago and is to the effect that the writer is innocent of the abduction of Eddie Cudahy and that he has no knowledge of thecrime except such as he has gleaned from the newspapers Sent Back from Canada ROSSLAND B C March 4 E B Bremner of Vancouver and Edward Williams dominion labor commission ers have been looking into the matter of alien labor and as a result of their efforts sixteen men in the employ H Messrs Winters Parsons Boomer who have a contract to do some work for the Red Mountain railroad were ordered deported The contractors will send these men back to the United States where they were engaged Japanese Troops to Leave LONDON March 4 The Japanese have decided to withdraw their troops during March says the Pekin corre spondent of the Morning Pest wiring Saturday and to replace them by 2 000 fresh troops 500 of whom will be posted here IS SPREADING IN CAPETOWN Bubonic Plagruo Condition Grows Stead ily Worse CAPETOWN March 4 The bu bonic plague is spreading here Five corpses all of colored parsons have been found since yesterday morning Ten colored persons and one European woman believed to be affected by the disease have been removed to a hos pital Numbers of persons who had come into contact with suspected cases- have been isolated HOUSE BILLS GO THROUGH Measures ragged In the tower Branch of Congress WASHINGTON March 4 Under the unanimous consent arrangement the following house bills were passed among others To establish a code of laws for the District of Columbia amending the act in relation to the exchange of gold coin for gold bars to restore certain widows to the pension roll the bill providing that a widow who is draw ing a pension at the time of her re marriage and subsequently becomes a widow again shall benentitled to a pension to incorporate the Society of American Florists amending the law of the District of Columbia relat ing to wills involving real estate dis charging Aquila J Daugherty collec tor of internal revenue for the Fifth Illinois district from responsibility for 30000 worth of government stamps stolen from his offiec mak ing all national banking associations United States depositories authoriz ing the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela river by the Charle voi and Monessen Bridge company authorizing the city of Nashville Tenn to construct a free bridge across the Cumberland river within the city limits authorizing the Paris Choctaw Little Rock Railway com pany to construct a bridge across the Red river in Texas to provide an American register for the foreign built ship Balctliua to establish a na tional bureau of standardization to loan certain naval equipment to schools authorizing the Pigeon River Slide and Boom company to improve Pigeon river at the cascades in Minne sota In addition fifty four private pension bills were passed EXTRA SESSION If NECESSARY Governor Dietrich Declares He Will Keep Legislators at Work WASHINGTON March 4 Governor Dietrich to a crowd of Nebraskans as sembled in the Raleigh hotel tonight said that as governor of Nebraska he believed it to be his duty to see that the legislature elected two republicans to the United States senate It the ieglslature should adjourn without electing he said I will call it in extraordinary session and keep legislators at work until their terms expire I believe the people demand this and I for one will never shirk a duty that seems so clear to me National Committeeman Schneider speaking of the senatorial situation said that the legislature had at least thirty working days before it and he saw no good reason for predicting a complete deadlock to the end of the session While I admit the situation is very serious he added I do not believe that the republicans are going to fail in the important duty of send ing two republicans to the senate Should the legislature adjourn without an election it would be an awful blow to republicanism in our state SHORTEST SESSION IN YEARS Present Congress Lived 197 Days Dis posed of 1 1 33G Bills WASHINGTON March 4 The vol ume of work done by the congress just closing was shown today in a supplement to the house calendar pre pared by Tally Clerk Wakefield of the house staff The congress was in session 197 days which is less than any congress for years The follow ing count is given of bills acts etc number of bills 14S36 number of re ports 3000 public acts 345 private acts 1250 total acts 1595 number of joint resolutions 395 Insurgents Lose the Dn3 COLON Columbia March 2 via Galveston News has just been re ceived her that a bloody battle was fought on February 20 near Maria la Baja betwen a small force of gov ernmnt troops and 500 insurgents under Rozles resulting in a victory for the government forces The in surgents lost thirty killed and ten wounded and the government troops eight officers and seven men killed and many men wounded Irish Tarty Short of Fund LONDON Feb 27 The Pall Mall Gazette commenting today on the al leged shortage of the Irish parliament ary funds says It is becoming a serious matter to the party that not a single American dollar is reaching the official exchequer and it is generally accepted among the Irish members that John Redmond will shortly have to undertake a fre3h visit to the United States and try to secure financial help More Milwaukee Road Stock NEW YORK March 1 -A Wall street news bureau says that the di rectors of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway company has decid ed to issue 10 per cent additional capital stock at par to stockholders on record March 11 The amount is to be 4300000 and is to pay for the Kan sas City cut off Colorado to Sift Charges DENVER March 2 The house of representatives today appointed a com mittee of five to investigate charges made by Speaker Montgomery on the floor of the house that certain mem bers of the house had been influenced in their votes on a pending bill by money The committee has full pow er to compel testimony Latest Tribute to Evarls WINDSOR Vt March 4 The re mains of Hon William M Evarts who tlied in New York last Thursday were brcught to Windsor in a special car last evening accompanied by members of the family save Mrs Evarts and Mrs Baman who were taken to the Evarts mansion for the night A brief service was held at the house tonight for the family and the public services were held at St Pauls church at noon Rev E N Goddard the rec tor officiating WILL IT REASSEMBLE No Extra Session of Congress Seems Likely to Be Held THE ARMY APPROPfflATION BILL House Concurs In Amendments and the Measure Now Goes to the President Legislation Over Our New Possessions Other Congressional Matters WASHINGTON March 2 The hnnso vpmnvpd nil nnssihilitv of an extra session by concurring in the senate amendments to the army apro priation bill The vote stood 159 to 134 It was a strict party vote with the exception of Mr McCall of Mas sachusetts Mr Loud of California Mr Driscoll of New York and Mr Mann of Illinois who voted with the democrats Mr Cooper of Wisconsin answered present and was not paired The bill now goes to the president The house was brought to a vote by a special order prepared by the committee on rules which permitted an hours debate on a side The de bate was not especially noteworthy The Philippine and Cuban amend ments wre defended by the republi cans and assailed by the democrats The only exciting incident occurred at the close of the de bate when Mr Hull of Iowa whose name had been connected with a lumber and devel opment company in the Philippines frankly acknowledged that he had in vested money in it He said it was a legitimate enterprise which was not looking for government favors Sub sequently when he said that the com pany would not have invested money if Bryan had been elected the demo crats jeerd and hissed and shouted that it was because if Bryan had been elcted the Philippines would not -have been exploited Mr Lentz of Ohio challenged Mr Hulls right to vote but Mr Hull voted aye The final conference report upon the Indian appropriation bill was adopted and a number of minor bills were put through the final stages The house met at 1L oclock A resolution was adopted closing the house wing of the capitol from mid night March 4 to 2 p m March 4 except for the members members elect and former members employes of the house and ticket holders The house defeated the motion of Mr Elliott to concur in the Charleston exposition amendment to the Louis iana purchase bill ayrs 81 noes 132 The committee on rules then re ported the special order for the con sideration of the army bill and a roll call on a demand for the previ ous question ensued The result was ayes 139 noes 120 This allowed twenty minutes on a side upon the adoption of the rule The speaker announced the appoint ment of Mr Bull of Rhode Island Mr Joyce of Missouri and Mr Bart- lett of Geargia as temporary commit tee on accounts until the meeting of the Fifty seventh congress Mr Hepburn of Iowa with the rev nue cutter bill and Mr Cannon chair man of the appropriations committee struggled for the right of way The speaker pounded the gavel for order Some one complained that he could not hear what was going on That is not the fault of the chair said the speaker He cannot put lungs into members Laughter Mr Hepburn moved that the house go into committee of the whole to con sider the revenue cutter service bill and Mr Cannon appeald to the nouse in the interest of the public business to vote down the motion The mo tion was voted down 122 to 132 Mr Burton chairman of the committee on rivers and harbors then asked unanimous consent that the house non concur in the senate amendments to the river and harbor bill and agreed to a conference Mr Hepburn objected The speaker thereupon re ferred the bill to the river and har bor committee Several conference reports upon mi nor bills were adopted Mr Tawney presented the confer ence report upon the St Louis expo sition bill which agreed to the sen ate amendment providing for the clos ing of the exposition on Sunday and disagreed to the Charles exposition amendment The reuort was adopted WILL SHOW THE FARMERS K0VV National Good Koads As fociittion Pro pose it Plan CHICAGO March 2 Through the efforts of the National Good Roads association arrangement have been been made fcr the giving of a series of practical dmonstrations in the building of country roads along the lines of the Illinois Central between Chicago and New Orleans During the present month a special train car rying a commissary coach and flat cars bearing modern road making ma chinery will be run out of New Or leans and at twenty or more pointi on the way to Chicago the train will be sidetricked while experienced men give instructions in road making At each point about a mile of roadway will be built The train will be preceded by ad vance agents who will endeavor to interest farmers in the work at the points agreed upon The farmers will be expected to provide the mat teriai for the demonstration 8URNSMSELf AND SON Iotva Farmer Murders llis Boy and Cre mates His Live Stoclr DENISON la March 2 Jlenry Warn a farmer whose home was six miles north of Denison in a fit of insane fury killed and cremated his son William burned his house barn horses cattle grain and all farm im plements ind 1500 cash and then committed suicide by rushing into the burning barn and dying among his horses BIG LOSS TO NEBRASKA The Penitentiary at Lincoln Destroyed by Fire LINCOLN Neb March 1 The Ne braska state pententiary is in ruins Fire which broka out shortly before midnight swept through tho great stone buildings and burned them to he ground A company of militia is leaving on a special Burlington train to guard the convicts who have been herded within the stone walled prison yard Fire which started in the living rooms of the warden of the state peni tentiary at midnght seems certan to destroy the entire main building to gther with the cell house and other buildings Just after 2 oclock this morning p telephone message came saying thq room in which the telephone was lo cated war in flames and must be va cated This cuts off the only means of immediate communication with the prison which is nearly four miles from from the business district of the city Between 1 and 2 oclock however a message from a member of the fire de partment stated that the penitentiary proper was doomd and that the fire was spreading Before the flames had gained a great headway Warden Davis gave orders to release the convicts from the cells and march them under guard to the prison yard and there place them under double guard The removal was ac complished safely and without disor der Extra guards were also posted on the stockade walls armed with shot guns with orders to permit no escapes The origin cf the fire is unknown When first discovered the officers of the institution immediately set to work all the small fire apparatus of tho prison Water was used in abun dance but assistance from the city fire department was called for and a steamer and hosecart were dispatched in response to a telephone mssnerp A short time after midnight Warden Davis said he did not have the fire under control but he could not tell how bad it was Burning in the upper story and at the front of the building its spread was slew It was hoped that it could be confined to the front of the building Later the report came that the fire was a very bad one At 140 a m the city fire depart ment arrived and began throwing wa ter on the walls The flames had gained too great headway however and the firemen directed their efforts to saving some cf the remote shop buildings By request of the warden Chief o2 Police Hoagland sent all the available policement to aid in preserving order Later as an additonal measure of safety Leutenant Governor Savage acting in the absence of Governor iJietncn in response to the suggestion of the warden ordered out the local company of militia Captain Ringer with a majority of the members is at the armory and a Burlington engine and coach will stare with them at 3 oclock AGUiMALDO ISSUES AN EDICT Proclamation Contained in Organ of Pill pino Insurgents WASHINGTON March 1 A recent edition of Filipinas Aneerupa an organ of the Filipino insurgents published at Madrid contains a proclamation is sued by Aguinaldo usder date of No vember 20 1900 which sets forth that inasmuch as me evaders give as z pretext for the crueltv and for the present war that we are an undisci plined and ungovernable people etc Aguinaldo makins use of the extreme powers granted him by the constitu tion orders and commands among oili er things that all people who commit murder or acts of brigandage as well as all traitors shall be summarily shot Half Eaten for G A 2t Encampment SIOUX CITY la March 2 The Western Passenger association has granted to the Iowa department of the G A R a rate of one fare for the round trip for the state encampment to be held at Dubuque June 4 and 5 Colonel M P Davis commander of the department received this informa tion in a letter from Chairman Mac- j eou ot tne association and he much giatified with it- is Unity Girl Roasted to Death CEDAR FALLS la March 2 The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Jams White of New Sharon was found by the mother roasted to death en her re turn from an errand rear th hou e She fastened the little one In a chair and left her in care of a 3-year-old girl fho babe fell near the fire and was literally roasted to death Low Rates to llie Pacific CHICAGO March l The Union Pa cific announced today its intention of making a colonist rate of 25 from Misosun river points to north Pacific coast points The rate already en joyed by Chicago via St Paul will be effective till April 1 and is of im portance chiefly to Missouri and Iowa pomta Presidprt Averse to Del iy WASHINGTON Marcn l Special Commissioner Rcekhill at Pekin ha been instructed to make it known to the foreign ministers that the presi dent strongly deprecates any action that Till tend to delay or check the present negotiations there and espe cially is he desirous that there shall be no further unnecessary bloodshed Places Lee on Retired List WASHINGTON March 1 An order was issued at tne War department to day placing Brigadier Generals Wilsor and Lee on the retired list of the army Confer ou Louisiana Bill WASHINGTON Marchl The con ferees on the Louisiana Purchase expo sition bill met today They agreed upon the amendment to close the gates on Sunday and disagreed to the appro priation for the Charleston S C ex position The clergyman is usually the best man at a wedding What Do the Children Drink Dont rive them tea or coffeo Have too trtodthe nJVlood drink called GRaM 0 It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee The mqreGrata O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems Grain 0 Is made of pure grains and when properly prepared tastes liko tho choice grades of coffee but costs about i as much All grocers sell it 16c and 25c Hope is the froth on a mans Imagi nation An inactive Liver Stomach disor ders Sick Headaches and other ills arising from an imperfect digestion are cured by Garfield Tea which is made from Herbs Our lives are as free and happy as they are bound to what is good Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded The man who has no aim in lifa is still a child Tho great public schools of the large cities use Carters Ink exclusively It is tho best and costs no more than the poorest Get it - The population of Buffalo N T is 255664 s 8100 Reward SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn th there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro nowknownto the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitu tional disease requires a constitutional treat- tnent Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution U1U assisting nature in doing its wont xne v prietors have so much faith in its curative nowers tnat they oner une Hundred uouars any case that it fails to cure Send for list of Testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Discretion is the salt that preserves life and fancy is the sugar that sweetens it TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bhomo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on the box 25c Fashions sway is often more auto cratic than aristocratic For frost bite chilblains sore and lame joints stiffness of muscles trv Wizard Oil It wont disappoint you Better the child cry than the moth er sigh Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Syrap for children teething eof tens the gums reduces ip Earamatlon allays palncures wlndcollc 21c a bottle Without obedience there is no vir tue or strength Pisos Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds N W Samuei wu ujuh in j jj cd 17 1900 The amount of the United traesurers bond is 150000 States All goods are alike to PUTNAM FADELESS DYES as they color all fibers at one boiling It would be pretty tough on some men if others did the right thing by them Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 30 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded ABSOLUTE usne Carters Little Over Pills v Must Beer Signature of Sec Fac Slmila Wrapper Below Yary SB232 aad as easy f 9 tae as svgasw GARTER HIVER FOrUEAOACHEa FOR DIZZiKESSi FOB B1UQUSHESS FOR 7QRS0 LIVE FQ3 GDSSTiPATIGS F0a SALLOW SKIN F07HCGgPLXKM Me tOHVSZtZl HBSTKAVX0aWWC gg CMteigggexyTageiaHe6fewgSg uH WJE CURE SICK HEADACHE For Ton Prtii CMr tr To Headquarters W N U OMAHA rSoTIOI90I ffl 5URh Tostes Gmi Dse Pi Sold bv chitPI SI An Irishman says a soldier makes his living by dying for his country 148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments Write for catalogues Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam street Omaha Dreams and weather predictions usually go by contraries