Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 28, 1901, Image 2

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The Valentine Democrat
I M RICB Publisher
Florence Carlyle a grandneice of
Thomas Carlyle is exhibiting paint
ings from her own brush in
W K Vanderbilt and party have
sailed from Savannah Gat for a cruise
of the Mediterranean in his private
yacht Valiant
The senate committee on appropria
tions completed the fortifications bill
It carries an increase over the house
bill of 311000
At the Fasig Tipton horse sale at
New York 83 head sold for 14685
During the week 363 head were sold
for 125550 an average of 364
Mrs Annie D Tallent the first
known white woman to enter the Black
Hills is dead and her remains have
been taken to Elgin III for burial
Charles E Bent aged 25 years shot
and mortally wounded his wife at St
Louis Mo and then kneeling before
a mirror put a bullet through his own
head dying instantly
Five Boer prisoners who escaped
from the Island of Ceylon have arrived
at a Crimean port on board a Russian
steamer to which they swam while in
the harbor of Colombo
The William H Crocker expedition
from the Lick observatory to observe
the total eclipse of the Sun in Sumatra
on May 17 will sail from San Fran
cisco on the Nippon Maru
Count Cassini the Russian minister
to this country has presented to Pres
ident McKinley a magnificent photo
graphic album containing the scenes of
the coronation of the czar in 1896
A contribution of 250000 by John
D Rockefeller to Brown university
was announced at the annual dinner
of the Browi University Alumni Soci
ety of New York held at the University
Col Peter S Michie professor of the
department of natural and experiment
al philososphy at the United States
Military Academy died at West Point
N Y after a short illness of pneu
Hon Charles A Leland ex state
representative and late associate jus
tice of the Supreme Court of New Mex
ico under President McKinley died at
his home at Caldwell 0 from con
The story given out that J P Mor
gan and J D Rockefeller had pur
chased all the mines in the Fairmont
W V district is declared to be false
by officials of the company declared to
be in the deal
Dr William Pole the English au
thority on whist who died a few days
ago was not a physician but a success
ful civil engineer and his doctorate
was a degree for music conferred on
him by Oxford university
George D Wick president of the
Youngstown O Iron Sheet and Tube
plant is authority for the statement
that the report from Philadelphia that
Youngstown will be the site for a 35
000000 tube plant has no foundation
Orders will be issued by Major Gen
eral Otis to all post commanders in the
Department of Lakes directing the im
mediate enlistment of men for the new
Twenty ninth regular Infantry regi
ment which will rendezvous at Fort
Rumor has it in Washington that the
president will appoint P C Knox of
Pittsburg to succeed Mr Griggs as at
torney general Mr Knox is favored
by Senator Quay and on that account
is regarded as having an excellent
chance to enter the next cabinet
Alexander Millar secretary of the
Union Pacific company officially an
nounces that the executive committee
has authorized the issuance of 100
000000 ten year 4 per cent gold bonds
to be secured by unmortgaged property
of the company which can be convert
d into common stock at par value by
Vie holder if desirable at any time
Jrior to May 1 1906 Right is re
served to redeem these bonds after
May 1906
Andrew Carnegie has offered 15000
for the erection of a library building
at Centralia 111
The first beet sugar factory in Indi
ana will be built at Shelby Every de
tail has been arranged and the plant
is to be in operation this season The
construction contract has been let
The appropriation for the St Louis
exposition has passed the house and
little if any opposition is expected In
the senate
Sir George Williams who founded
the Young Mens Christian association
in London in 1844 may attend the
jubile econvention of the association
in Boston in June next
Senator Hanna from the committee
on commerce today made a favorable
report to the senate upon Senator Per
kins amendment to the sundry civil
appropriation bill authorizing prelim
inary contracts to be made for a sub
marine cable from San Francisco to
Charles Holland a prominent stock
man of Redding county la committed
suicide at St Joseph in a hotel by tak
ing morphine
At Minneapolis Mayor Ames issued
orders to the captain of police to see
that no contests with gloves or any
sparring match shall take place in that
city in the future
William P Hill for over fifty years
a prominent New England newspaper
editor is dead of grip at the home of
his son-in-law n R Williams in Den
ver Colo Mr Hill was born in 1819
in Concord N H and was the son of
Isaac Hill at one time governor of
New Hampshire
A dispatch from Vienna says the
Neue Freie rresse and another Vienna
paper announce that the queen of Ser
via has given birth to a son
A party of American have found pe
troleum ia large quantities on the is
land of Margarita and at Maracaibo
i hi iiVji ii
s ram
Senate to Debate Exhaustively Army Ap
propriation Bill
House Prepared for the Final Struggle
With the Upper Branch Which Prom
ises to Be Intense A Week Full of
Hard Work
WASHINGTON Feb 25 The army
appropriation bill -will receive the at
tention of the senate during the early
part of the presetn week- and when
it is disposed of another appropriation
will be taken up It is probable that
the army bill will be debated at
length especially upon the Philippine
amendment and the amendment re
lating to Cuba if the latter is intro
duced as is proposed The amend
ments or either of them quite cer
tainly will be made the basis of a
number of speeches as they will
serve to open up the entire question
of the relations of the United States
to the islands which this country
came into control of through the war
with Spain
It is hoped that the sundry civil -bill
will be reported by the time the army
bill is disposed of so that it may
be taken up next If it is not in shape
to be considered by that time the riv
er and harbor bill probably will re
ceive attention The general defi
ciency is likely to be the last of the ap
propriation bills acted upon
Conference reports will be made
from time to time during the week
Some of these will create consider
able discussion The conferees on
the war revenue reduction bill expect
to make their report during the week
Of the appropriation bills only two
the pension and the urgent deficiency
have been signed by the president
Both houses have passed the legisla
tive Indian District of Columbia na
val agricultural fortifications post
office and diplomatic bills and they
are in varying states of conference
The army bill and the river and har
bor bill and the general deficiency
bills still remain entirely unacted
upon by the senate
It is not yet believed that much
general legislation will be accom
plished during the week but a great
many private bills will be passed The
probabilities are all against getting up
to the Nicaragua canal bill
The senate vill continue to meet
at 11 oclock each day and probably
will sit every night of the week
The last week of this congress in
the house will be mainly occupied
with conference reports on the appro
priation bills and the other numerous
measures now being fought over by
the managers of the two houses
The last of the general appropria
tion bills went to the senate on Thurs
day and the house has its decks pret
ty well cleared for the final contests
with the senate Some of these strug
gles probably will be exceedingly
fierce but when it comes down to ac
tual work the house although a large
and unwieldy body ordinarily can
dispose of business under its rules
with much greater celerity than the
The last six days of the session are
suspension days and it is always pos
sible to bring the house to a vote on
any proposition under a motion to
suspend the rules which provide for
only twenty minutes debate upon a
The time has practically gone by
for the passage of new bills although
an attempt doubtless will be made to
secure action on the bills to promote
the efficiency of the revenue cutter
service and to create a standardizing
bureau Beyond these and a few
small bills of local importance no ef
fort will be made to put through any
bills The leaders know that it
would be a waste of time to send any
further general legislation to the sen
ate at this stage of the session and
their efforts will be directed to clear
ing up matters in dispute between the
two houses It probably will be nec
essary to hold night sessions during
the latter part of the week and both
houses -will sit next Sunday
Gillett May Come Back
KANSAS CITY Feb 23 A special
to a local paper from Chihuahua Mex
says that Grant Gillett the Kansas cat
tleman who fled to Mexico two years
ago to escape the wrath of creditors
from whom it is said he secured nearly
1000000 will soon return to Kansas
City and give a thorough account of
himself Gillett it is said is now pen
niless If he took any money to Chi
huahua he has lost it in bad invest
Steyn Addresses the Boers
LONDON Feb 25 The Daily Tele
graph publishes the following from De
Aar dated February 24
Mr Steyn addressed the Boers to
day and told them they must all
shift for themselves returning to
Orange River colony He and General
Dewet took 300 of the best horses to
Madrid Cabinet to Resign
MADRID Feb 25 General Azcar
ragh the premier will present the
resignation of the cabinet to the queen
regent tomorrow and will probably be
charged with reconstructing the cabi
Wichita Needs Its Saloons
WICHITA Kan Feb 25 A public
mass meeting of citizens of Wichita
under the auspices of the ministerial
association was held here and a reso
lution passed demanding the enforce
ment of the prohibitory law but no
specified time was set for the jointists
to close their places and the meeting
was surprisingly temperate the 3000
people who attended feeling disap
pointed at its tameness The resolu
tions will be presented to the mayor
CUnx i fli i vr rf Tortnn ori
while prospecting for as-
formation of a big trust
ah alt
Kitchener Reports a Number of Captures
and Casualties
LONDON Feb 25 The war office
has received the following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener
MIDDLEBURG Transvaal Feb 25
French reports from Piet Retief
February 22 that the result of the col
umns sweeping the country east isthat
the Boers are retreating in scattered
and disorganized parties to the num
ber of some 5000 in front of him
Amsterdam and Piet Retief have
been occupied and troops are on the
Swazi frontier French will push in
but is much hampered by the contin
uous heavy rains
Summary total losses inflicted upon
the enemy up to February 16 Two
hundred and ninety two Boers known
to have been killed in action twenty
six taken prisoners 183 surrendered
one fifteen pounder gun 462 rifles
160000 rounds of small ammunition
5500 horses seyenty mules 3350 trek
oxen 18700 cattle 155400 sheep and
1070 wagons and carts captured
Our casualties Five officers and
forty one men killed and four officers
and 108 men wounded I regret to say
that Major Howard a very gallant offi
cer of the Canadian scouts was killed
February 17 Plumer reports
Colonel Owen captured Dewets fif
teen pounder pompom February 13 as
well as 150 prisoners and a quantity
of ammunition We had no casualties
enemy in full retreat and being fully
pursued Dewets attempt to invade
Cape Colony has evidently completely
JFat Steers Taken from Yard in Heart of
Sioux Falls
The thieves who have during the last
year or more been operating in south
western Minnesota northwestern Iowa
and this portion of South Dakota
stealing cattle horses sheep hogs and
other animals and property from farm
ers appear to have shifted the scene
of their operations to Sioux Falls A
night or two ago five fat steers val
ued at nearly 300 were taken from
a yard in the heart of the city The
surrounding country was scoured for
them but not a trace of the animals
could be found after a prolonged and
systematic search By chance the an
imals were found in the cattle sheds
of the Illinois Central railroad where
they had been taken by the thieves
preparatory to shipping them out of
the city on a train due to leave Soux
Falls a few hours after the steers
were found by men in the employ of
the owner The thieves have succeed
ed in preventing the authorities from
discovering the slightest clue to their
Senators Confer and Formulate Flan to
Push Cuban Matter
have been several conferences today of
senators looking to an amicable under
standing on the Cuban question so that
an extra session may be avoided As
a result it is tonight probable that an
amendment dealing with our relations
with Cuba will be presented in the
senate tomorrow when the army ap
propriation bill is taken up The
amendment will be on the lines out
lined by the Associated Press last
The exact phraseology of the amend
ment it is said has not been definite
ly settled as yet but the conferences
have made it likely that the opposing
parties will get together
John H Mitchell Sleeted to Succeed Mc
Bride as Oregons Senator
SALEM Ore Feb 25 John H
Mitchell was elected United States sen
ator at 1230 this morning to succeed
George W McBride whose term ex
pires on March 4 -next His election
was accomplished by a combination of
thirty five republicans with eleven
democrats making forty six votes a
majority of the legislature
Will Improve Kansas Lino
OMAHA Neb Feb 25 Among the
improvements contemplated by the
Union Pacific this spring is the thor
ough equipment of the Kansas Pacific
line which runs between Kansas City
and Denver Thousands of dollars will
be expended in its improvement This
information has been officially given
out The work is to be taken up im
mediately A number of coaches and
engines are now being prepared in the
Omaha shops for the line
Admits Husbands Murder
ALGONA la Feb 23 Mrs Foster
wife of F E Foster who was shot and
nearly lulled Saturday night February
9 by Clarence Robinson has confessed
to having been implicated in the at
tempted murder of her husband and
brings others into the case The con
fession of Mrs Foster was made be
fore Attorney Frederick M Curtiss and
Dr J E Gay As soon as she had
made the confession she attempted sui
cide but was savea
Independence Day in Cuba
HAVANA Feb 25 Independence
day was celebrated by mass meetings
and general rejoicings This afternoon
there was a parade of 10000 school
children bearing Cuban flags They
were reviewed by prominent Cubans
General and Mrs Wood were showered
with flowers when they passed
Col Plummers Men Scatter Dewets
CAPETOWN Feb 25 Colonel
Plumer engaged General Dewet yester
day near Disselfontein on the south
bank of the Orange river capturing a
gun and a pompom and taking fifty
prisoners The Boers were scattered
and are being pursued by Colonel
Plumer It is reported that General
Dewet escaped to the oposite bank in a
boat and is now fleeing with a handful
of followers
Man Under Arrest Undoubtedly
Implicated in the Affair
Firm in Her Decision tbat Callahan is
the Man Seen in the Neighborhood of
the House Where Young Cudahy Was
OMAHA Neb Feb 25 The strong
est identification thus far as one of the
Cudahy kidnapers was that of Mrs
George F Wittum who picked him out
of a line of five prisoners as they
marched by her at the city jail
Two days before her husband Attor
ney George F Wittum had Identified
Callahan under similar circumstances
The identification made by Mrs Wit
tum is considered especially good as
various means were employed to con
fuse her and shake her judgment but
she remained firm in her decision that
Callahan was the man she saw in the
neighborhood of the Melrose Hill pris
on house ten or twelve times during
the two weeks immediately preceding
the abduction
Mr and Mrs Wittum live at 3641
Boulevard avenue within a few hund
red yards of the house in which young
Cudahy was held prisoner Their at
tention was attracted to Callahan then
by reason of his uncouth appearance
They regarded him as a suspicious
character and scrutinized him closely
whenever he showed himself in the
vicinity Having taken special notice
of him on these occasions they were
able to identify him positively
The last time I saw him said Mr
Wittum was on Monday December
17 the day before the kidnapping It
was between 12 and 1 oclock in the
afternoon I happened to be home that
day I was sitting at the front win
dow when my wife came in from the
yard and called my attention to a man
who was passing walking slowly
southward in front of the house He
was looking in at the window and not
being more than twenty feet away I
had an excellent opportunity to study
his face I remember he impressed me
as sizing up the place He had the
appearance of one who takes in every
detail of his surroundings and I re
marked to my wife at the time that
he was a tough looking character I
remember also that he had his coat
off and was carrying it on his arm as
the day was quite warm despite the
fact that it was the middle of Decem
ber My wfie said I have seen him
several times before hanging around
here and he acts suspicious I think
she -was a little afraid of him
We watched him that time until
he passed beyond the house of Henry
Malchen on the corner which cut off
our view He was then going toward
the Schneiderwind house as we call it
though I believe it is better known
as the Melrose Hill prison house but
we didnt see him enter it as the Mal
chen house was in the way That was
the last time we ever saw him in the
Buttermakers Pick No Town
ST PAUL Feb 23 The National
Buttermakers convention adjourned
this afternoon leaving the cnoice of a
place for the next convention entirely
with the executive committee which is
to be appointed by the president Kan
sas City and Milwaukee are favorably
considered It is estimated that 4000
delegates have attended the conven
tion which is said to have been the
most successful in the history of the
Studying American Farms
Hermann agricultural expert of the
German embassy has received word
from the German government that a
specialist designated by the agricul
tural socities will leave Berlin soon
for the United tSates to make a care
ful inquiry into the uses of American
agricultural machinery with a view
to its introduction into general use
in Germany
Packing Plant Soon Starts
Superintendent Bundick of the Morton
Gregson Packing Co has annuonced -to
the commission men that he will begin
buying hogs at once and as soon as
sufficient stock is in the yards the
house will begin operations Notice
has been sent to the adjoining terri
tory and soon the packing house dis
trict will be the most lively portion of
the city
Asks to Be Reimbursed
GRAND ISLAND Feb 25 At the
meeting of the city council a resolu
tion was passed instructing the city
attorney to draw up an act for presen
tation to Hall countys representation
in the legislature asking for reim
bursement by the state of 4000 money
it hag spent in stamping oit the dis
ease of smallpox now practically ex
tinct in the city
Found Guilty of Arson
BEATRICE Neb Feb 25 The jury
in the case of the state vs John Lutz
charged with argon reached a verdict
after being out for some hours They
found the young man guilty The
crime of which Lutz was convicted
was committed last May at Cortland
when a barn containing among other
things a stallion which was heavily
insured was burned
Convicted of Liquor Selling
DAKOTA vJTY Feb 25 James C
Riddle who was en trial for the second
time at this term of district court
charged with the illegal sale of liquors
was found guilty by the jury after be
ing out about two hours Another
case against Riddle on a similar
charge was at once taken up by the
Beaver City Out of Quarantine
BEAVER CITY Feb 25 Mayor
Phelps raised the smallpox quarantine
The churches and lodges will resume
business at the old stand at once while
the city schools will reopen this week
fayiirfc awei ftttjWy ypaMrraiM
Trade returns show that Canada Im
ports three times as much from Ger
many as she exports to that country
Ton Can Get Allens Foot Ease Free
Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le
Roy N Y for a FREE sample of
Allens Foot Ease a powder It cures
sweating damp swollen aching feet
Makes new or tight shoes easy A cer
tain cure for Chilblains and Fro3t bites
At all druggists and shoe stores 25c
Worry is a greater enemy to the
face than the smallpox
There is no remedy that can equal
Garfield Tea for the cure of all derange
ments of the liver it has for years been
the standard by which other remedies
are judged
Friendship is a welcome ship in any
I am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years n go Mrs Tiioa Bobbins
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900
Man a man isnt worth the mar
ket value of the phosphorus in his
Take Laxative Bkomo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on the box 25c
Soap is one of the few things that
should be handled without gloves
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 1G oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
f Fine
The skin and flesh feel like
the fit of a new soft glove when
Burning 3
has driven out
from cold
amnasva r
Heat smoked in a few hours with
Made from hickory wood GIyos lino flavor
Cleanest cheapest free from insects Send for
circular E KKAVSKU Zt BBO Milton P
Complete External and
Interna Treatment
Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the
skin of crusts and scales and soften the thick
ened cuticle CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly
allay itching irritation and inflammation and
soothe and heal and CUTICURA RESOLVENT
to cool and cleanse the Wood and expel humor
germs A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure
the most torturing disfiguring skin scalp and
blood humors rashes itchings and irritations
with loss of hair when the best physicians
and all other remedies fail
AS a sufferer for thirty years from the worst form of Psorf
asis finally cured by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment I wish to tell you my experience that others
may benefit by h I was so grievously afflicted that the
matter that eluded from my pores after the scales had peeled
off would cause my underclothing to actually gum to my
body After remaining in one position sitting or lyin
down for an hour or two the flesh on my elbows and knees
would split so thick and hard would the crusty scales become
The humiliation I experienced to say nothing of physical
agony was something frightful The detached scales would
fairly ram from my coat sleeves I have read none of your
testimonials that appear to represent a case so bad as mine
But as to the cure I commenced bathing in hot Cuti 1
cura Soap suds night and morning applied the Cuticura
Ointment and then wrapped myself in a sheet In two
4s 7 tWaS Smct hhr rcd cofe Btrt smooth
and without
Patches of natural colored skin began
to appear and m less than a month I was cured I am now
tZTttt 7w V soft and smooth
as a babys Hoping that others may benefit by my experi
ence and regretting that sensitiveness forbids me from
closing my name I am yours gratefully
J H 3M Boston Mas Sept 30 1900
Millions of People Use Outicura Sbao
Assisted by Cutlcura Ointment the irreafc -
beautifying the ekiu for clean6nirtteWfe f0ir PraejrfnjT Purifying and
ping of falling hair for softening whtteufnS IS irc and vnk and the atop
baby raahec K Scaling red roagb and
ltchlngs and lafinM and sore handa for
nursery mowoliroiri0fiVSj5 toilet batbTaSd
tlona Inflammations and excorlatlona oVtan r of i or annoying irrita
VZ tu iPrasuanon