I IK A i to I i i M M tI rt t i i i ti i t r N Ss i i 7 t 5 w le e lis r S JL ft K j 3C - Jf II1 t GET YOUR PRINTING AT THIS OFFICER Wc Cn Satisfy- You in Quality Price snd WcrtofisJiip - MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ 4 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 1901 is Breaking sjfc The sales record at this store Our largest sales for January and February occurred this year We state this not in a spirit of boastfnlness but as an evidence that a very large number of the good people of this community look to this store to supply their dry goods needs Would they do so if they did not find it to their advantage to trade here Most assuredly not In all our business history it has been our constant business aim to 3onduct a store that would win business on a business basis to make buying here as profitable to our customers as it is to us These money saving prices prove that we are successful in putting this policy into practical use CASH PRICES 1 Can California Peaches t Can JSaspUerries - 1 Can Strawhewies 16 Pounds Suyar ISc lOc 10c lOO THE RED FRONT to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to W W W W W WS 999999 CLOTHI C II COKXEIJU President B Is our principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent DSTINA M V XICHOLSOX Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A xfiural Banking liusincMS Transacted Bnys ami Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange UorrPNptmdents Ohemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb VTs KS N lrbzs ZEzrzrxzjTjzrxj We Handle All Kii ds Leave orders with Frank Fischer or call at Ludwigs old stand TttS2ZSlbtEZ5 51 HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Valentine OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Nebraska I THE OWL SALOON - TSTr I 1 JL v HP Sole Agents for HERALD PUFE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA W ffijIP PWW -- V TH E VALENTINE DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper op Cherry County Nebraska VOLUME XI VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY 28 1901 TATl OP THC TYWM A J AiLA ef A JL JULW JL muf TV X 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Rice writes insurance W G Ballard was Monday aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAiVWUWWA See the 325 cowboy boo tat Farn hams Qn 161b brown sugar for 100 at Farn hams 5 a city visitor Jim Childers was in town from Cody Monday See those Automatic Oil Cans at R Andersons Hard wood Farnhams fence posts at 8c at 52 Frank Thorn spent Saturday and Sunday at home A B Overman was down from near Crookston Tuesday A movement is on foot to establish a saloon at Crookston Several fresh milk cows for sale Inquire at this office oltf D S Ei ner came down from Chad ron Saturday morning Bob Dyer was over from Rosebud the tail end of last week Dr Holsclaw was down from Merri man on business Monday The Lenten season is not being very strictly observed in Valentine W W Thompson was quite ill Jast week but is able to be out now T A Yearnshaw returned Sunday night from his visit to Clearwater Come and see our 10c counter 6 W A Pettycrew Mrs John Granger was quite ill at the Valentine House Monday night Scott Banks and wife are the proud parents of a bab girl born Friday of last week T F Kelly and his brother W H of Crookston were county seat visit ors Saturday - Born Saturday morning February 23 to George Veach and wife a bright baby girl Mr8 C R Watson came up from Creighton last week to look after her property interests here Four full booded Barred Plymoth Rock roosters for sale write or inquire at the democrat office tf Frank Lee Joe Kennedy Manford McNitt and Sim Reinert were up from Brownlee Saturday Dr Sevmour the Lincoln eye ear nose and throat specialist here Fri day April 26 at The Donoher 6 A new line of the celebrated Kirk endall shoes just received at 6 W A Pettycrtws Dan Webster of Lavaca paid us a visit Tuesday Dan is always a wel come caller at these headquarters- A W Scattergood the Ainsworth attornej was in the city on business at the county judges office Friday We dont have to quote special prices for one week because our prices are alwa3s right vV A Pett crcw Wanted Competent person for general house work No laundry work W E Waite Valentine Nebr H A Handy of Omaha brohes of ourtownsmac D R Handj7 spent a few days of tne past week here Vlfcltll g Col E J Dovenport will be Valen tines representative at the in tugur ation of President McKiuley next month Buy a Woodman se wind mill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf It is rumored that the Rev J M Bates has been offered and will accept a position as instructor in the Episco pal school at Kearney John Eaton has purchased the city delivery business of Breuklander and solicits 3our patronage by inserting an advertisement in another column of this paper Sheriff Loporte took Mrs Sarah A Miller of Woodlake to the Norfork asylum Sundav the unfortunate wo man having been pronounced insane a couple of weeks ago For the first time during his news paper career of over ten years the editor of the ONeill Frontier last week sued one of his subscribers for delinquent subscription and the re sult was so pood that he promises to experiment upon a few more dead beads soon Mrs G P Crabb is week I very low this W T Kinkaid who was chief clerk for T C Hornby for several years is now engaged with Munsen Howe at Ainsworth Dick Zielian and wile and Mrs Rosa Floyd nee Ray came down from the Rosebud boarding school Friday and visited in town until Sunday John Hofmann camn to town Tues day evening to spend a day or two among old acquaintences Perhaps John will relocate in Valentine in the f nture John didnt say what line of business hcwould take up At a meeting of the town board held Tuesday evening an ordinance was passed upon granting charter to S F Gilman to operate and furnish elpctric lights for the city of Valen tine See the ordinance in another column Remember the date of Dr Seymour and Williams visit here if you wish to see them as they will only remain one day and come by special request but will give free consultation to all who call at that time 6 Henry Brown and wife came in Monday bringing their little four yeer old boy to the doctor The lit tle fellow had hurt the top of his bead while pla3Ting and a large swell ing that was quite serious had gath ered and broke into a running sore John G Woolley prohibition candi date for president in 3900 has written an inaugural address which will be delivered in 1200 different towns on the evening of March 4 It is said to be a remarkable state not prohibi tion paper and will be delivered in the M E ceurch in this place next Monday evening by a talented local speaker Admission free J S Post who has been rusticat ing at Dawson Balls ranch for sev eral months past started for Chica go Monday morning to resume his position with Lyon Healy Ted dy made many friends while here among both cow punchers and city dudes thus showing his versatility and adaptability to all manners and customs and news of his departure will be greeted with manifestations of genuine regret by man of our best people It is seldom that e editor takes personal interest in the traveling men that come to this city either in the capacity of salesmen or in a profes sional way but we are personally ac quainted with Dr Seymour and his visit to our city ceitainly affords a splendid opportunity to our citizens who wish to consult a specialist as ha has an institution in Lincoln an l is associated with some of the bc st ph3sicians and surgeons in the state His one day visit here will sate many who wish to see him the expense of going to Lincoln The Doctor had made all plana to come in his private car but Owing to a recent ruling of the pass nger department of this road found it impossible to do so The masquerade ball given by the Woodmen of the World last Friday night was one of the most successful affairs of the kind ever attempted in Valentine Although the da had been storm and the night was cold i about lo0 persons attended the ball two thirds of them masked and the fun was fast and furious from the first dance until unmasking time 11 oclock The removal of masks caus ed manr exclamations of surprise as various persons were recog nized It is generall3 conceded that Walter Jackson most completely fool ed the people disguised as a woman and many sheepish looks were cast in his direction by those who had been his partners in the dance The -ball netted the W O Ws a neat sum which the order will use for the bene fit of its members A Xtyhtof Terror Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the brave General Itarnham of ATtichias Mo when the doctors said i sue would die irom rneunonm before mo ning vrite3 Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her that fearful night utshe begged for Dr Kings New Dis covery which bad more than once sav ed her life and cured her of consumpt ion After taking she slept all night Further use entirely cured her This marvellous medidine is guaranteed to cure all Throat Chest and Lung Dis eases OvfcJ nOc and 100 Trial bot Ueg sre it cru store NUMBER 6 4 to THE LATEST 4 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 LAIGLON1 BELTS f ALL THE LATtST STYLES 3ft can California Blackben ies - - 10c 3ib can California Pears - Jail Package Coffee - - - 10c and 12ic DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants O Cf Q Of or Q a op cr cc o or o o o cc Q o cr cr cy oD q cc aCo to to i to to to to to to to to to to to to h to 0 to to to to to of 0 to to to to to to to to to to We c Y The best and most complete stock of merchandise- in Crookston We buy the best goods that can be botiirht in the NATION And sell them cheaper than anybody in Cherry county no matter what our competitor SAYS - - - r Come and see for ydurself CROOKSTON NEBR MAX E ViERTEL EAT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meate Smoked Breakfast Paeon fS6 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 TING to to to to PAPER HANGING to CALCIMINING S R S DENNIS U 49 Valentine Nebraska - x All work well done to 49 Kb THE DON OH E R Ts the Bost Equipped most Comfortable Largest - and Best Two Dollars a Day FIRST CLASS MODERN- HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Eooms YALEHTIHE - NEBRASKA YEAR FREE By special arrangement we can furnish Free for one year to every one of our subscribers- All vnn lmvn fn An is to renew for this paper for next year and tell us that 3011 want he Prairie Farmer and we will order it seat to you one year free Ue will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free to every new subscribe who pays us one year in advance Dcmt put tli 3 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