loA J H rl J h i U 1 1 rj i i t A K y 4L THANKFUL TO Mrs PINKHAM Letters Proving Positively that there is No Medicine for Womans Ills Eqnal to Lydia E Pinkhams I Vegetable Compound fc tffgtWffiJHWMMM OssssOv H MRS ANNIE THOMP5QN AM LETTERS JLltB PUBLISHED BY BPECIAL PEBMISSIOK information as to reduced railway rates can be Had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa Canada or to W V Bennett 801 N Y WfO Bldf Omaha Neb illustrated losrue t 1 14 w I HI FFi rNEW DISCOVERY gives cases Book of testimonials and 10 DATS treatment ntSE DE H n GBEESS 9058 Box E Atlicta G I cannot say enough in regard to Lydia B Pinkhams Vegetable Compound It has done me more good than all the doctors I have heen troubled with female weakness in its worst form for about ten years I had leucorrhoea and was so weak that I could not do my housework I also had falling of the womb and inflammation of the womb and ovaries and at menstrual periods I suffered terribly At times my back would ache very hard I could not lift anything or do any heavy work was not able to stand on my feet long at a time My husband spent hundreds of dollars for doctors but they did me no good My husbands sister wrote what the Vege table Compound had done for her and wanted me to try it but I did not then think it would do me any good After a time I concluded to try it and I can truly say it does all that is claimed for it Ten bottles of the Vegetable Com and seven packages of Sanative Wash have made a new woman of me I have had no womb trouble since taking the fifth bottle I weigh more than I have in years can do all my own housework sleep well have a good appetite and now feel that life is worth living I owe all to Iydia E Pinkhams Veg etable Compound I feel that it has saved my life and would not be with out it for anything I am always glad to recommend it to all my sex for I know if they will follow Mrs Pinkhams directions they will be cured Gratefully yours Mrs Annie Thompson South Hot Springs Ark CHANGE OF LIFE I was taken sick live years ago with The Grippe and had a relapse and was given up by the doctor and my friends Change of Life began to work on me I flowed very badly until a year ago then my stomach and lungs trot so Is bad I suffered terribly the blood went up in my lungs and stomach and I vomited it up I could not eat scarcely anything I cannot tell what I suffered with my head My hus band got me a bottle of Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound and before I had taken half of it I began to im prove and to day I am another woman Mrs Pinkhams medicine has saved my life I cannot praise it enough M A Denson Millport NY PROFUSE PERIODS taking Lydia B Pinkhams Vege table Compound about 3 months ago and cannot express the won derful good it has done me Men struations were so profuse as to leave me very weak for some time after oW Was also troubled with leucorrhoea tired feeling bearing down sensation pain across the back and thighs I felt as though there was a heavy weight in my stomach all the time I have taken two bottles of the medi cine and now have better health than I have had for four years Mrs Lizzie Dickson Hodge Avalon Ohio REWARD We havo deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn 5Q00 irhJch -will bfl tinid to anv nerson who can find that the ahove testimonial letters are not genuine or were published before obtaining the writers special per mission iiX LUA JS MJNtVjUAJU niEtUlUUXJZ jJ IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN IKDEPEHDENGE ASSURED If you take up your homes in Western Can ada the land of plenty Illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of fanners vrho hare be come -wealthy in grow ing wheat reports of delegates etc and full A good conscience is the most re liable witness a man can have T7hafc Do tho Children Drink Dont give them tea or coffee Have yon tried the new food drink called GRAIN O It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee The more Grain 0 you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems Grain 0 is made of pure grains and when properly prepared tastes Jijie the choice grades of coffee but costs about X s much All grocers sell it 15c and 25c You cant get bread from a stone but you can get money from a gold brick FREE i WINCHESTER Winchester g Our 1 60 page SHOTGUNS and FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS the winning combination ia the field or at the trap All dealers sell them i WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO 180 Winchester Ave New Haven Cosh W L DOUGLAS 3 350 SHOES K The real worth of W I Douglas 300 and 8350 shoes compared with other makes is 400 to 500 Our 8400 Gilt Edge line cannot he equalled at any price We make and sell more 8300 and S350 shoes than any other two manufacturers in tho United States THE ItEASON rooraWL Douglas 3 and 3J0 shoes arc sold thananycthermakeisbeciuscTIIEY A KETHE BEST Tour dealer should keep them t we give one dealer exclusive wle in each town Take no suliNtltute IneUt on having W L Donglas shoes -with rarao and price Etampcd on bottom If your dealer rill not get them for you Bend direct to factory enclosing price and 25c extra for carriage State kind of leather tlzt and width plain or cap toe Our shoes rill rerch you anywhere Write for catalogue shomng new Spring styles Wc nso Fast Color V J Douglas Shoe Go Kyclets in all our shoes JSrockton Mass 1 priwiiFAcfuRiaB MAMOlJ5w M koMSUiMBHnwnnBanwsaa Factory loaded shotgun shells NEW RIVAL LEADERand REPEATER A trial will prove their superiority Anyone Anywhere Our vehicles and harness are shipped to any point in the United States on approval and for comparison with any other goods We are willing to take chances on pleasing you Are you willing to save money without tak ing any chances Our Split Hickory Vehicles are right in style in quality and in price Write for our new catalogue and prices on seventy six 76 different styles in vehicles and large assortment of harness Buy direct from us and save all dealers commissions and profits Wc are manufacturers of the famous Split Hickory Vehicles Ohio Carriage Manufacturing Company Station B COLUMBUS OHIO IN RECEIVERS EA1S Nebraska Loan and Trust Company Goes Out of Business LOANING MONEY IS UNPROf ITABLfc Mr Clarke tlie President Appointed Ke colver Ills Reasons for the Suspension of Business Other Matters In Nebras ka Here and There HASTINGS Neb Feb 16 The Ne braska Loan and Trust company which has been doing business in Hastings for oyer twenty years has gone out of business and J N Clarke who was president has been appointed receiver The amount of capital in volved amounts to over 1500000 and there are 100 stockholders who are capitalists in various parts of the Unit ed States Mr Clarke gives these rea sons for the suspension of business The company has I think wisely decided to go out of business The low rates and limited demands for loans in Nebraska has made the business of this company at least unprofitable maintaining interest upon what re mains of the unfortunate loans made early in the history of the company in western Kansas eastern Colorado and western Nebraska The expenses attending it handicaps the earning ca pacity of the company seriously In order that all parties interested may be protected it was thought best to have liquidation made through a re ceiver Mr Clarke has been president of the company for ten years and he says the affairs of the company are in the best of condition but that if may take four to five years before all the business connected with the company will be entirely cleared up The Nebraska Loan and Trust com pany was one of the largest and sound est institutions of its kind in the west and has loans throughout the north west and south but as the margin of interest has been so greatly reduced the last three yeais the company could not see its way clear to continue doing business at practically a loss LINCOLN Neb Feb 16 Judge Munger of the federal court acted fav orably on an application made by J W Coffin and other stockholders of the Nebraska Loan and Trust company of Hastings Neb for a receivership for the company James M Clarke of Hastings a former president of the company was named receiver and his bond fixed at 30000 The company has a capital stock of 500000 and has advertised for some time a surplus of 135000 The liabil ities of the company are unknown Mat Dauglierty to Iieavo Sidney SIDNEY Neb Feb 16 M A Daugherty sold his residence property in Morrow addition and expects to leave Sidney soon perhaps about March 4 In connection with the fact that he is a close personal friend and former neighbor of Senator elect Kearns of Utah and was in no small measure responsible for his election it is said he is slated for a position that will warrant his resigning as re ceiver of the local land office Woman Torn to Shreds KEARNEY Neb Feb 16 The body of Nannie Jarner was found on the Union Pacific tracks mangled almost beyond recognition and strewn for three blocks along the rails She was 28 years of age and came recently from Stark Neb Upon her arrival she was found to be either drugged or insane and was placed in the city hospital her mind wandering at times durnig her two weeks stay here It is thought to be a case of suicide Going to Inaugural LINCOLN Neb Feb 16 Nearly all the members of the military staff ap pointed by Governor Dietrich meet at the state house and in consultation with the governor arranged to attend the inauguration of President McKin ley The governor and his staff will leave Lincoln February 28 in a spe cial car on the Burlington road The governors daughter will Join him at Washington to be present at the in augural ceremonies Nebraska Cattle Shipped West SIDNEY Neb Feb 16 E J Tad lock of South Sioux City la shipped in 350 head of eastern Nebraska cattle the latter part of the week and placed them on the market selling all but about thirty head in a few days to local purchasers The cows averaged from 26 to 31 the steers bringing from 22 to 28 Mr Tadlock returned to Iowa Thursday and expects to bring back several carloads of young cattle next week Child Burned to Death NELSON Neb Feb 16 Mrs Ly man Welch called at one of her neigh bors for a moment leaving her little boy about four or five years old alone in the house and on starting home was met at the gate by the child who was enveloped in flames His clothing was all burnt off him How he caught fire is not known He died during the night Shoots Top of Head OfT FREMONT Neb Feb 16 Gus Lud wig a well known citizen of Arling ton committed suicide by blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun The gun had been taking from the office Ludwig was fifty years old and had traveled extensively He had no family but leaves five brothers and five sisters Jackson Coal Mines to Be Developed SOUTH SIOUX CITY Neb Feb 16 The coal mines at Jackson will be fully developed the coming season F L Eaton manager of the company that has secured a lease of all the coal lands in the immediate vicinity of Jackson has placed twelve men at work sinking a shaft and the company expects to be mining coal there in a few weeks A Glasgow Mans Tree Clock A Glasgow man has in his garden what he calls a tree clock Fir trees are planted in such positions that one of them will shade a portion of the house at every hour of sunlight For example at 9 oclock in the morning the 9 oclock tree shades the dining room while as the sunlight changes the 10 oclock tree suades the room adjoining it and so on through the day On a sunny day this tree clock insures a succession of shady places around the house A Much Prized Fane There is one pane of glass at Marl borough house in England that has a peculiar sort of history and is most carefully guarded The late Duke of Clarence once entered the sitting room of one of his sisters and scratched with a diamond on the window his name Eddy Soon after the present emperor of Russia entered the room and noticing the handiwork of his cou sin scratched Nicky beneath it Deaf Dumb and Blind But a linguist Helen Keller the deaf dumb and blind young woman who has just en tered Radcliffe college finds geosaetry and algebra the hardest studies but all of the languages she takes to eas ily HALF DEAD SOLDIER Be tarns All Broken Up to His Home In South Dakota Bristol So Dak Feb 18th 1901 Special Peter Behres says When I returned from the war I found that I was in a very critical condition My system was all run down and I gradu ally became worse until I was half dead with Kidney and Bladder Trou ble My family wanted me to consult a physician but as I had learned through several of my comrades of the wonderful cures of Dodds Kidney Pills I determined to give them a trial first Mr Behres or Capt Behres as he should be called because he was cap tain of the 1st Minnesota Cavalry and in 1862 was for fourteen months in continual service in warfare with the Indians is now an honored member or the G A R who has reached the ripe old age of three score years and ten He continues I am now an old sol dier seventy years of age and enjoy ing almost perfect health and all thanks for this is due to Dodds Kidney Pills I found after having used the first few boxes that my faith was not misplaced in them and in a very short while my kidneys were doing the work required of them and the bladder trou ble was soon eliminated It was al most a year before I was myself but during that time I used Dodds Kidney Pills faithfully and with the very best results that anyone could wish for I would not have been without them for a kings ransom I am now well as any man of my age 50c a box six boxes for 250 Buy them from your local dealer if you can If he cannot supply you send to the Dodds Medicine Co Buffalo N Y The fashionable boarding house ta ble should show less gilding and more carving TXK AMMEKTABT mscmhaJi mmeattHlDeVlikh eonrots tothoitoraaefi 8 Cardiac end of stomach 25c 50c i i iraoc tinea 7 Oaaonmt t 19 Trftnirerca colon 11 Deceeni ALL DRUGGISTS In the game of life many a trick is taken with the trump of fame The stomach has to work hard grinding the food we crowd into it Make Its work easy by chewing Bcemans Pepsin Gum Ambition is the road that leads to fame but you cant travel over it on a pass TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure E W Groves signature is on the box 25c The average baby has nc earthly use for anything he cant rut in his mouth Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Pride is the fog that surrounds in significance CA7TA3L X Lovsr end of rtomadiii Dnodcmztn 6 Qall bladder viprooarromtoewroft penaixt rrjonc ena or i 9 BsuUl Vermiform 3AtoadLa colon Iner coioni 13 Blom uijrmoia nez vri IX Roctum U Anas Tho duodenum u conuauous with tho small lateitlne Tho small intostlM emptfos Into the larce Intestine or colon at the cieoam The arrows Indicate tho direction which the content of the bowels must take In passls thronsh the alimentary canal Carters Ink has the largest sale of any Ink in the world be cause it Is the best ink that can be made A school teacher says he whips his pupils to make them smart PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to sunlight washing and rubbing The history of mankind is an im mense volume of errors Neglect your hair and you lose It Parsers IIaib Balsam renews the growth and color Hixdkbcouns the best cure for coma lScta It is a woman and not her wrongs that needs to be re dressed Catarrh Cannot Be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Halls CatciTh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It -was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years and is a regular pre scription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood puriQers acting directly on the mucous surfaces Tho perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free P J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O Sold bydruggists price 75c Halls Family Pills are the best The prudent society belle tries to make her waist as little as possible Sufferers from sick headaches are not users of Garfield Tea for this HERB TEA is a positive cure for sick headaches constipation and liver dis orders To keep a house warm in winter give it an extra coat of paint Ask your gjocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded An Irish politician says that half the lies told about him are not true Try Grain O Try Grain O Ask your Grocer to day to show you s package of GRAIN O the new food drink that takes the place of coffee The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult All who try it like it GRAIN O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains and the most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress the price of coffee 15c and 25 cts per package Sold by all grocers Some men are bigamists but one wife is more than the average man can manage ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine Carters Little Livep Pills Must Bear Signature of yf See Fac SIffllle Wrapper Bctew T9fJ WBalllisA aa ecwjr jo U3te assvffuv CARTERS STTLE YlVER g PILLS FOR HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS FOR 1IU0USMESI FOB T0RF1B LIVE fGl GQKSTiA73QK FDR SALLOW SKIH FOR THE COMPLEXION r osmzmxa nurrmvtgiowATut 2s cwrts I BKar TegotaLleyatws CURE SICK HEADACHE A TRAPPERS BOOK of 20 pagce Pictures of 40 wild animals and tbelr skins Prices of raw furs All for a 2 c stamp N W HIDE FUR CO Minneapolis Minnesota Dr Bulls Cures all Throat and Lungr Affection COUGH SYRUP Get the genuine Refuse substitute SS SURE SalvaQon Oil cures Rheumatism 15 39 c8 tntAM rAniioiA PER CASH BALANCE IcROPTILBflfiH Forty years of fair deullnir Now Ofltnlnfmft f JJHGrrgor7AS0Dt9BrbleheadlEui TAU 3enCrruAr jM VI aJPfHMlB WITIIOUTFEll mM fl 1 H lU 1 unless HticcossfuH WT M I CH I O snd description BF and jet freo opinion MIIO B STEVENS dfc CO Estah VxA Div 2 817 14th Street WASHINGTON D C Branch offices Chicago Cleveland and Detroit For Top Prices Ship Your GAME ASD 1 O V L 1 1t Y To Headquarters G IV Ickrn Company Butter Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Potatoes Onions in Carload Lots Omaha Xebrnsko OKLAHOMA Offers Free Homes to 50000 people on3000 000 acres of lands soon to open to settlement Opportunity of a lifetime THE KIOWA CHIEF devoted to infor mation about these lands will contain procla mation fixing date of opening One year 3100 6mos 60 cents 5 cents per copy MORGANS MANUAL Complete Settlers Guide with sec tional map 8100 MANUAL MAP and CHIEF 6 mos 8150 For sale by Book and News Dealers or address DICK T MORGAN Perry OT are packed away In your insides and mest he kept clean in order and doing- Business lVs a long way with many turns and pitfalls to catch the refuse and clog the channel if not most carefully cleaned out every day When this long canal 2s blockaded look out for trouble furred tongue bad breath belchingp of gases yellow spots pimples and boils headaches spitting up of food after eating an all around disgusting nuisance Violent calomel purges or griping salts are dan gerous to use for cleaning out the Bowels They force oat the obstruction By causing violent spasms of the Bowels But they leave the intestines eak and even less able to keep up regular movements than before and make a larger dose necessary next time Then you have the pill habit which kills more peope than tne morphine and whiskey habits combined The only safe gentle but certain bowel cleansers are sweet fragrant CASCARETS because they dont force out the foecal matter with violence but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall strengthen the muscks and restore healthy natural action Buy and try them I Look out for imitations and substitutes or you cant get results Cascarets are never sold in bulk Look for the trade mark the long tailed 4tCtf on the box You will find that in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly and permanently Made CLEAN and STROM by LIVER TONIC a11 lHel troubles appendicitis bll CIlflE ionsness bad breath bad blood wind 1 1 111 on the stomach bloated bowels foul v 1 la mouth headache indigestion pimples pains after eating livor trouble sallow complexion and dizziness When your bowels dont move regu larly yon are getting sick Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together It is a starter for the chronic ailments and Ions years of suffering that come afterwards No matter what alls yon start taking CASCAKETS to day for yon will never set well and be well all the time until yon put your bowels right Take onr advice start with CA80ABBTS to day under an absolute guar antee to eure or money refunded m WANTEEI NEVER SOLD IN BULK TO CURE PIto years jr the first box or ETS xra aold Jiow It Is over six million bosci a Tear crreater tka aar similar medicine la the world This le absolute proofef Brest merit and onr best testimonial Wc have faith and will sell CA8CABKT8 nboolntely guaranteed to care or monev refunded Go bay today tiro 60c boxes art ve them a fair honest trial us per simple directions and If yoa are not sstlaQed alter nitns one bOcboz retnra the BnnKd COo box and the empty box to as by mall or the drczzlet from whom yoa purchased It aad set your money back for both boxes Take our advice no matter what alls yoa start to day Health vrlll quloly follow- and yoa will bless the day you flrat started the noofCASCAltBTS BookfreebysuiU Iddreu STEELING BESEDYCO NEW YOBK or CHICAUO