- L ft Mr C v- jx THE VALENTINE DEM0GRA1 1 f I M RICEf EDITOR OfficlaX Newspaper of Cherry- County Nebraska This paper will be mailed regular to ita suboeribers until a definite ordr y to discontinue is received and all ar arrears are paid in full j TERMS I- Subscription Sl00 per year In advance 150 j when not jiald In advance jisplay advertising I Inch ice per Issue Doc per month 4 Issues S300 per year In advance Local Notices 5c per line each issue Brands lii inches 4 CO per var In t vance nnrtltfnnalpaoeS3 00 per Inch perir engraved blocks extra 100 each Parties living outside Cherry county not ppr sanally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates If ov G month in arrears Notices of loss of stock free Users to brand advei Thursday February 21 1901 f Our people are anxiously waiting for that wave of McKinley prosperity tlnt has been due for soraw time Is M t Kinley the ruler or Mark liatina th - prophet to for e us w hile k oking al ter the ship sin sidy bill It beats all how men like Ilanna and Fr e eai - hoodwink the people into the suppoi i r of such an infamous measure us the ship subsidy bill The wholo systeu or raising revenues is wrong anu an bill gotten up by any man or set oi men to further take the oney fion the common peoi le to increase these unjust taxes and pay to a favored clas is a plain bteetl that we will charge t the republican party and shout it n their oars for time to come Thank to Senator Teller and other honesi friends of thd people m bo aie usmj their best efforts to defeat such whole sale robbery as is bringing forth ihfc condemnation ot more than one half pi the republican party itself though they Baveiidt tueTcoiragc to come out and fight the measure us they wouid surety do if it were not for loyalty to party name How long O Lord will these prejudices remain and be with the people under a party name - ADDITIONAL LOCAL M P Jordan was in town on busi ness Wednesdaj Rev Johnson of Crookston ed at the M E church last night -- A new line of the Kirkendall shoes - just received at W A Pettycrews 5 Fred Hans chief detective for the C N W Ry was in town Tuesday Miss Mary Jordan of Arabia was the guest of Miss Mamie Keeley the latter part of last week We dont have to quote special - prices for one week because our prices are always rirht vV A Pettj crew -Come one and all and hear Miss Bosein the Sleep walking scene from McBeth Tickets on sale at the us ual place Grant Dunn has moved the house occupied by his father back of his main Duucnog wnicn win oe more convenient now John Harden went to Cheyenne Wyoming last week and writes back s that his brother Ollie and family are not very well George Moss who went to Missouri about a year ago returned Friday - morning and stopped off a few hours in Valentino on his Way to his farm - near JNenzel is Dick Tteidel left Mondav morning for Mendota Minn to visit a sister -V and from there ffoes to Kalispel Montana wheie he will jjo into part- i nership with his brother in a sa wmlh County Treas Thackery received a draftfor the Cherry county court house bonds last Saturday amounting tOitwo fper cent premium from the State Treasurer The commission ers are in session and the work will be beirun shortly on the court house if plans tan be agreed upon Commissioner Burr and John Por ter foreman of the Standard Cattle Co at Pullman rode from their homes to Cody to take the train for Valentine a distance of between 50 and 60 miles last Monday through the deep snow This is a hard ride for a 3ouuir man aud a good horse 0vci a good road Mr Burr felt quite tired for two or three dayt after reaching Valeutiue Mr Porter says heis rested up and feels all i ight There was art air of legal proceed ings before Judge Tovnet Tuesday- chief detective for the C N W Ry brought down from Cotly J B HetfdricW Chas Butcher- Fred BoYe Ernest Wilkinson Chas penter and Cha Pavlid charged with appfopiatitlg Coal belonging1 to the ilrffad company Their fines aud Costs amounted to 2250 each and judgment was rendered for S10 each Y - K x- 7 -R -S 3 3LJtAt S3AAASA Man Compliments have been paid us on our fine display of Sundries We endeavor to carry a complete line of staples and arc continually adding new goods In Rubber Goods our line is complete We are proud of it Have you seen the Steph enson Hot Water Bottle Its made to to tie on you cant loeit Price 150 QUIGLEY CHAPMAN DRUGGISTS VALENTINE NEBR i COMMUNICATIONS The OtlieV Hide After reading ihe articles in fivo diff prpnt papprs T find thpy all came from the same source to the reporters from the one interested in the shooting of Tint e and told in a way to shield themselves from the law I see many hinsrs in the five different papers that I know are falvp The most of the pa pers siy that White and Provo went there with the avowed intention of cleauing out the saloon breaking up he furniture and spillirg the liquor and that they commenced brandishing their revolvers with the determination to run the saloon to suit themselves This is a good story for them but I will show it in another light that will tind investigation I plainly and frankly deny it all Jim White did not have a revolver neither had he owned one for six months and Len Cearns knew it I will first speak of Provo the mixed blood he is accused of hanging around town I have lived here four years and I never saw him until since the shoot ing Provo came in from the Pine Ridge reservation a sober man and met Jim White an old friend That gave them an opportunity to get drunk through friendship They gol their liquor at Barnes saloon and by night thev were pretty full and they felt rich thought they could go in and win all the monev the saloon had Here is the avowed iutention that the reporters would construe to mean running the place Neither Jim White nor Provo had any kind of a weapon on their pen- sons Tne heaviest article they had with them was Jim Whites watch which saved his life Some of the papers speak of Len Cearns as though he was the only man belonging there and all the papers call Len Cearrs the bartender but the f ets are different as Cearns was not the bar tender on that occasion it being his business to turn tho wheel in the gam bling room Jim White and Provo went there some time in the evening and were re ceived with welcome There was no trouble in sight and they went to the wheel Len Cearns turn ng it White laying his money down and gaining and losing as the game run hour after hour until his money was gone White lost it as most gamblers do without grumbling or whining and then pro posed to pawn his watch To encour age this the bartender McBroom set them up as they call it or treated the house Provo with the rest Up to this time there had not been any more dis turbance than ordinarily but the last drink roused Provos wild nature and taking a bottle of whiskey he threw it down and broke it By this time it was almost 12 oclock aud that set the ball to rolling McBroom said stop that Provo said Who will stop me McBroom said will Provo said You i you cant stop one side of me Mc Brouh and Provo were strangers tu eachother having never met before This does not go to show that Provo had been hanging around town Using McBroom s own words he sad that he thought if he struck the mixed blood a couple of times he would go away and bebavo himself But McBroom says when Provo got at it he fought like a bulldog J Tho facts aro these - bout- tho fight j Provo broke the bottle of whiskoy Me i Broom tried to strike him they clinch ed and got across the room to the oppo site corner of the room lJrovo was in the height of iiis glory he had got drunk Ohd in a fight paired off and he would willingly stay there until he got sbbei Gearns was acquainted with Provo and he knew that McBroom did not have a very desirable place to stay and nnturall would want assistance Jim White also knew Provo and didnt fwnnt tpfJjsiorl lum white W wfiCjtti1 ssz2Kxr JSSKaram3ac9assaisc joying himself Now comes the shoot ing hours after White and Provo came to the saloon f Jim White was the fourth man in the fight and would have Been willing to have stood and looked on andsee Provo enjoy himself but he did not propose to let anyone interfere There were eight men in the saloon at the time of the fight Jim White was shot without an instants warning at a distance of 10 or 12 feet when he had nothing in his hands Then Cearns crossed- the room and went to Provo and aeccoiuplished hih purpose by striking Provo over the head with the revolver and liberated McHroom earns strucK him three heavy blows on the head with the re voiv r cutting his head open in such a way that his scalp had to be sewed up by the doctor If there was any self defense in shooting White there could have not have been in striking Provot as they were in opposite corners of the saloon but the fact is Cearns had to shoot White to get to Provo At the time of the fight the door of the saloon was locked Jt was not locked by White nor by Provo aud it was not not lobked to keep them out but it was locked to keep out people they did not want in there - Evert circumstance goes to show that Cearns had to shoot White to get to Provo and he got there just as quick a he could alter he shot White and ac complished his purpose and relieved McHroom K If anvone interested in this thinks I have overdrawn this article or misrep resented it 1 am ready to show them that 1 have put it in a very mild form to what I could have done It is too much of a crime for the law to wink at I stand ready to prove what I say I have no personal hatred against the two men who own tho saloon neither have I against the four men in the fight rl have equal friend hip with them all I spoke to Mr White once as I passed him on the street Len Cearns 1 have known for four years Provo I never saw until after the shoot ing McBroom I only knQW by name I have not seen Mr White since he was shot although I live within three hun dred feet of where he lies in this should be civilized land shot down unnoticed by the law like a dog without a oollar It is a shame and disgrace for any county to wink at crime and refuse and ueglect to punish crime and pro tect life J W Crowe Ayers McCIoud There was a very pretty and unique wedding at the home of Mr and Mrs J R Avers Wednesday eve Feb 18 1901 Their eldest daughterSarah D was united in marriage to Joseph W MeCloud the Rev Jas A John on of ficiating Miss Win ie Crowe attended the bride while Harry Ayers anted as best man The contracting parties are well known in Cherry county on ac count of their parents being old set tiers of the county The groom has a very fine location for hay and stock near Simeon and intends to make Cherry county his future homo The invited guests were only the relatives of the groom excepting three others After the marriage ceremon oysters were served with many other good things to eat The entertaining fea ture of the evening was a party of men and boys who had tin horns cow bells tin other things with which to make a noise Tho -groom invited the party in and treated them to cigars and candy There were many nice presents given to the newly wed de 1 couple A Pleasant Pary Miss Sadie Austin entertained a num ber of her young friends at her home near Simeon Thursday evening Peb 14 Those present were Misses Maud is Bennett Cassie llichardson Mattie Thompson and Jennie Smith Messrs Hiram Davis George Ilowley Charles Bennett J W Thompson W J Leach and Alfred Rolke besides the family re lations After supper which I will mention there was enough and to spare the guests adjourned to the par lor where they spent the evening play ing games and dancing Everyone re ported a good time and only wished St Valentines day would come often er A Guest Alog the jfiiisifcIiRrfiizii Snow Snow Plenty of snew Good weather for hay SirnilP pox patients are progressing finely No new cases We hear that Miss Sarah Avers and JdQ Mcnioud were inade one A IL Overman lias nut unipafrir inx E Vfrrtel Orookston The Noble Outcast was playsil jn Ms W A hall last Saturday night j A Iav3 black wolf has been seii i alonjr the nppnr Minnochadiza Mrs Hishon Bee and Mrs T W - - Deed visitiyd Aalentiuo ast week i The smiling Countenance of Tom 4 VanBurpn wsLsspcui jn our midst last week Tom is a rising vouug maiJ - a j Sw Down the JRiver t Robert Grooms went some time to work in the hav flats He has ago re- turned home The sociable at A W Grooms last week was all right Everybody seemed to enjoy himself The farmers talk now is we will get some wheat this year But it will have to grow first Wra Hughes has a very sick boy They think his cae is fatal We have not learned the nature of the disease The old man Grippe is leaving our neighborhood with a good reputation Mr Smallpox seems to have hidden away The dance at Billy Allens near Sparks was attended with a full house Everone danced and ate all then wanted Well we had a nice snow last Sun 1a night and it didnt bow The sleighbeils commence to rattle for the first this winter The Davis Bros are busy- now as well as several others moving some buildings which lliey bought at Fort Niobrara to their churns Last week tho printer made a mis take in the item regarding Mrs Chas Berry who is a sister-in-law to Chas Hudson Ed Youngstek Iiailv RriHFs C P Sellers wen to Cody ou the 19th after lumber tmd su pples Ira Ooodin and 5 Sellers were branding some Oregon hoies recenth G H Si ager and Mrs Seager made a pleasant call at W H Sellers on the 9th W II Sellers and Charlie GaiWde purchased three fine shorthorn bulls of II B Sears last week John Scimerhorn and his cousin Fred Walker went jack rabbit hunting all eastern people like to see their first jack rabbit when they come west Barton Ficklin E L Sellers and Harry Heath say they dont care how they change thegnuio law if thev get a goose apieoe when they go goose hunting The Cody Cow Boy is quite a sneez er it is punching out papers at a lively rate for a small town ve wisnit sue cess Mernman isnt far behind Cod and is no crowfoot town either The Cow Boy informs us that Jflhn Storys bride only stayed with him one night Some of the Gordon folks say she didnt like the way he dressed he didnt wear the right kind of a shirt collar and besides he carried an iron wed ere with him ktTkTg dfSrr JhsiW jrp Educational Department j By LETA STETTER i Tli few may praise or help or hqcd us Jft us work on with head and heart and haud For that we know the future agps need us Aud we uiiiot help our tjnie to lake its stand 11 A VauKiinn Dont say anything to Mr Jeffers about his note book Miss Mary Hobson was absent all of last week on account of illness The 9th grade had a foretaste Uibt Friday by taking book keeping in the high sehcol room Everybody should hear MJss Rose at Cornells hall on Fridav evening March 1st Tliis promises to be one of tne best entertainments of the year Tardy marks are rapidly becomincr extinct on the pages of the II S regis ter By next year perhaps they will have entirely ceased to exist thereoa Youll never know how muoh you know Until Miss Cook engages To make you make Greek History go Into six paltry pages Count superintendent Miss Brown and Mr Stone were pleasant visitors in high schcoi room last Wednesday - morning xir fetoue was on iiis way to Merriman where he will in future discharge the duties of principal Those of the primary department who behed the 10th grade staring upward at IJrof Watson who was holding a rope with a croquet ball at the end of it no doubt thot it was a new game when in reality it was merely an ex periment in physics Y s Katiethc specimen which you brought me some time ago for analysis is a fine specimen of volcauic ash or natural pumice It is not generally known that vast beds of volcanic ash are scattered all over Nebraska It is very probable that the volcano from which these ashes were bio vu was lo cated in southern Colorado or New Mexico as the thicker and coarser beds are found in the south western part of onr state Some beds of coarse mater ial forty feet m thickness are reported trom unaso county while the beds in Cherry county vary from a few inches to a few feet m tnickness and are of a very fine quality Dr Barbour tells us that these ash beds go by different names in different parts of the state can3on lime nature plaster can yon magnesia etc 1 1 is used in many places to plaster cheap houses and looks well at first but in a few years crum bles and falls from the walls Dr Dai hour aso sajs that in many places druggists and small deaiers put it up in packages and sell it as diamond powder Nebraska silicate gej serate etc One cripple in Iowa is re- i ported as having it flipped to him in I bbls from Nebraski and sellinjr it in I small packages thus realizTgGOO per ESWftfiSiE imw year a uuu t in o ears ago six car loads were shipped to a dearer in Chi cago Up to this time most of the pumice iifcbd in tho United Slates is im ported frioin I taly There seems to be noiyason why some ono in Nebraska may not find a bed sufficiently fine and puie to take the pliice of tho imported pumice R II W lfilb brown sujjar for 1 00 at - 9 1 8 D vVo A s K www r S3 R m VWXiXi FssmftZi YWkllVtn I h 1 IV lllll L f lUWYtfk f mm HS lUiWVlW1 If 41JAVw I j STAXDARD OIJL CO P Valentine Lodge No c Meets every second and fourth Wednesday even nc of each month at Hornbys Hall A cordial nvitation is extended to all visiting members O W MORRY President MAUD VMORGAREIDGE Secy The claim of other cough remedies to oe as good as Chamberlains are effect ually set at rest in the following testi monial of Mr C D Glass an employee 3f Bartiett Dennis Co Gardmea Me He says 1 had kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 18D7 trying every cough mediciue I heard of with out help until one day I was- in the drug store of Mr ILmlehan and he ad vised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured My lungs 1 1 1 xi uuu uiuuuniai uiues were very sore at this tune but I was completely cured by this remedy and have since always turned to it when I got a cold and soon find relief I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines For sale by Quigley and Chapman mmamm vV VVH rtST5SBB v -a ii w 1 j dinner liin any timeisnciwl ticic ta uao i fmk MMffiBPn i illii i r They ulve a z mSM pliant irooior ffSM uany strlea Sold yrjS3 everywhere cS TilMtfrilr - r rt - WHEN IN NEED OF RUSH E S HAT TOOTH HAIR BATH NAIL CLOTHES SHOE COMPLEXION SHAVING PAINT WHITEWASH AND CALSOMINE CALL AT ELLIOTTS DRUG STORE Headquarters for Druggists Sundries tm wmm REQUIRED WITH YOUR ORIDEIZ Cut tUs ad out and send to us State whether you wish drop hear or up right and we -mil send you oar high grade Akron cawing machine by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest freight or express office aud if found exactly as represented here equal to other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our SPECIAL FACTORY PRICE J69feiftiS average 75 cts for each 500 miles less or greater distances ia proportion Give it 4 months trial in your own home and if it is not satisfactory return It at our expense and we tvill refund your money This machine is equal to any stsndard high grade sewing machine made and any machine told for less money must be made of inferior material v Tnimrftr in large quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables US to offer you a strictly high grade machine at a ridiculously low price BEWARE OF IMITAT0RSiSss5SSKSsK with various inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second Aituuu Aiuii ui ukouj uuiut vwj icu you oi our reuaDUity sgjawaiatafnrlTmE5v Sim 100 for a Hoiile This would npt be a largo price to pay for Dr Druniinonds Lightning Remedies for rheuma ism If one could not get relief any cheaper The Drumtnond Medicine Co Xew York have received hundreds or unsolicited testimon ials from cruteful people restored to health by the use of their remedies who would not hesi tate to pay any price rather than suffer the rormer torture If yoik would like to try these remedies and your druggist has not got them write direct to tae company Agents wanted When you want a physic that is mild and gentle easy to take and pleas ant in effect use Chamberlains Stom ach and Liver Tablets lh ice 23 cents Samples free Every box guaranteed For sale by Quigley and Chapman Strayed from my ranch near Simeon during the fiist of January three cows luicco Tl i hit hip srdone stee branded W F connected left hip Al so one heifer branded A X oh left side W D A Xtyhtof T cry or Awful anxiety was felt for the wid ow of the brave General Burnham of Machias Me when the doctors said she would die from Pneu nonia before mo ning write3 Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her that fearful night but she begged for Dr Kings New Dis covery which had more than once sav ed her life and cured her of consumpt ion After taking she slept all night Further use entirely cured her This marvellous medidino is guaranteed to cure all Throat Chest and Lung Dis eases Only 50c and 100 Trial bot tles sree at Elliotts crug store MUUfcHH ilHt HUVtU tiuiu uj uic uvivii w uuna aiaua ijjm m our factory bv tec most skills WS - j Lyi6 IBIafaHmf y ttti r - lJuHiH MnZaJQIH L JmMWfZStt If HfcggjBSi ifMjgljiB W vm fill 55535sJ 1 7 Z m4t a r fa 2 a J M a JVanfetl Reliable man for manager or branch office we wish to open in this vicinity If your record is O IC here is an opportunity Iviudly give good reference when writing THE A T MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE CINCINNATI OHIO -Illustrated catalogue 4ctsstamps Talcen Up Taken up at jny place 25 miles southeast of Cody one light red ercait with white face about six months old unbranded Geo L Coleman Sale of Estray I will sell to the highest uuMer for cash at my place in German precinct near Kiege 1 O Sat urday march looi atio oclock a m thu fol lowing described estray towit One Arabian gray mare ace unknown blina in one ee and nineMree J onriSht shoulder Weight about IlGO pounds W a Wilsou KilgoreNeb Notice to Non Resident Defendant To John Lee non rPsidnt defendant i are hereby notified that ou the I5th ilav pf February iooi Kittie Benn as plaintiif Hied her petition m the district court of Cherry county Nebraska against you the object ami praj er of which are to establish aud foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows S2 set of section 23 township 27 raug a in Cherrv county Nebraska for the taxes asaewwl ami Ievieil tliereon for either state county or school SnPfnJ0S f0r th JTir3 W 180tt 1897 anu 189 for which said lands were sold to this plaintiff ror the sum oc 1223 to have an ac counting of the amount due thereon togcrher with inw rest from the 12th day of Febni ar iooi at the nite ol ten per centum per au- To have sail lands sold for the payment ana satisfaction of the ammnt due for such taxes interest penalties and costs ad ihe costs of suit and the costs of sale to bar foreclose s and exclude the said defendants and each of th m from having or claiming any lien tlthv interest Wn reIenut of n orto the a uS am ia t thereof and for grnsral reiref before ArrsrrT9oianSWerSaid mon on r A 3LBronsM Dated jjebruarv 20th Imii V Taken up on in ujiawoi B- Taken Up iy range south of eorgia one fug 2 years old white strine on aorrei norse coming use lwo wuue mud leet unbranded mrrwM G lt F Kmdsikofoky C SiAHA REB to iwh and nre 41 ltlltl 3IS Iroduce each a disoase having deuiila miiu 1 ZZ m m 1 mORPri HE y Ttoflbyfeas f 5l1Ll ThiAl e sly to Hid JW I DRAnnn Chloridotf GoiaTrein l ment prepared by Dr oijMta iiPsue k Keotov 5 IH ute at Oiustlm K braiha Ik V ili uil3 llu oi isl stuu nrZ t V nniuot K Kiiucdles aud HHbJ XIle Icri Km eTry Co nnnu for uit pirticiho k or VjtU iiil I r teirru Si jSfjSflftiy ri JS m X imrVmati An J fiMm ttf tiAf mtr tftt inUC U UHDlnCl ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration shows Box Top machine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine with the head dropped from sight to be used as a center table or desk The uprightor Box Top machine lus six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools needles etc Drawers are latest icco skeleton frame carved paneled embosseO and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters- adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has four fancy drawers am cna drawer for tools Each machine has the finest high arm neao positive four motion feed self threading vibrating shuttle automatic bob bin grinder adjustable bearings patent tension lilwratorimpiovedloose wheel improved ljustable pressure foot improved shuttle carrier patent areas guard patent needle bar head is handsomely decorated and ornamented and beautifully nickel trimmed ttcSc guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless jt machine made Every attachment is furnished free together with a complete instruct turn book telli2 you no to do any kind of plain or fancy work We issue a written binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to see and en fns this machine compare it with others selling for from w to 60 and if satisfactory pay the agent 1653 nd charges Send for circulars and full description of sewing iueiiiuc9 anu uikycics hubuoouicu oy us urucxioaay Aaarcs ait CTQCTS 10 THE AKRON 3EW5NC MACHINE BICYCLE CO Akron OhlOi Mhs Akron Sewiac Machine and Bicycle Co are reliable Editor I will run the town herd of cows this summer and do the hording myself and guarantee careful handling of all stock entrusted to my care Yours Truly 03 W D Clarksox Ithenmatism Is quickly relit ved and promptly cured bj Dr Prummonds Lightning Remedies Tho internal remedy is pleasant to take acts immed iately does not disturb digestion and is for rheumatism only in all its torturing forms The external preparation restores stilt joints drawn cords and hardened muscles If your druggist has not these remedies in stock do not take anything else Send3 to the Drum mond Medicine To Isew York and the f treatment of two large bottles will bo sent to your express address Agents wanted Quigley and Chapman the druggists will refund ynu yonr money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver Tablets They euro disorders of the stomach biliousness constipation and headache Price 25 cents Samples free V