ET M m m 3 IV i i i i i tty t w M t fl M h i 4 u L A 4 V -9 c sji I N C7i V7SP THE VOLUME XVI - -- tvrs Is our principal line and ordinarily we are - proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 50 per cent DSTINARD C H CORNELdL President or err a- V V Jtt V ftTIftiOJLSg Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking KuNinews Transacted Buy and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange hemical National Bank New York torrPNponclctitM First National Bank Omaua Net ZTZZZZZTZZJTJZZZK We Handle All Kir ds Leave orders with Frank Fischer or call at Lud wigs old stand 3gBraSS2bZSr2 t3 I xoos eaoiocH Ctt o HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS QF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska HE OWL SALOON T A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL ooie Agents lor HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter - An4 FRED KRUGS BEER L r Choicest Wines and Cigars - T VALENTINE X NEBRASKA AT THIS PRINTING OSS Vi -- yCTCrw We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Woj kuansnip jjiis n -ii - VALENTINE January Was A Winnner Help Us Make Februrary theSame What inducements have we to offer for your help Why the best ever of course This store never does t anything half ways You know that if youve lived in this comumuit long whether you are a customer of -ours or not Well when we started out to make 1901 our banner year we commenced the greatest campaign of progressive retailing ever seen hereabouts The re sult was a business record for January usually the dullest month in tho year Naturally we dont want to fall down in Februrary and we shall keep right on making this the most profitable place to buy every- thing in merchancise Cash pricesfor next week c 16 lb Granultetl Sugar 25 lb of Prunes 8 bars Soap All Package Coffee 100 100 25 12 2 THE RED FRONT CLOTH r vrwwywwyvwwwwwrffrvwyvwrvv vvvvvvvvvvvfvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw TATK OP TT4R TOWM Rice writes insurance Seethe 325 cowboy bout atFarn hams 6 See those Automatic Oil Cans atH Andersons Hard wood fence posts at 8c at Farnhams 52 J E Thackreys little boy Wallace is sick this week Mrs John Shore has been quite sick for the past week Several fresh milk cows for sale Inquire at this office 51tf Mrs McDonald and Mrs Folks of Crookston were Valentine visitors last Saturday Four full booded Barred Plymoth Rock roosters for sale write of inquire at the democrat office tf Wanted Competent perso n for general house work No laundry work W E Waite Valentine Nebr Two brothers of W T Bui lis came down from South Dakota for a visit with their brother and family last week - r New subscribers are daily being added to the subscription list of the Democrat Ask your friends to sub scribe Buy a Woodmanse wind mill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf Jas H Quigley left Monday morn ing for Lincoln where he -goes to sit on the state brand commission a chairman of the board Vaccine Virus is received fresh twice a week from the natural virus farm Washington E C For sale by Dr Alfred Lewis Agent 2t Alkali Ike Say Kid Ive come to lick the editor Office Boy Just take a seat sir there are others ahead of 3Tou Cal Erancis returned last week irom Cody and took the place of Clar ence Ward driving the mail to Rose bud Friday returning Saturday Mr Ward remained home to care for his wife who was sick Women who prefer to be vaccinated t ed upon the leg instead of the arm because of the scar are somewhat troubled upon learning that when they visit a southern port the health authorities will accept no vaccinat ion without seeing the scar The A O U W lodre will give a grand ball on the evening of Friday March 15 the proceeds to go to the lodge library fund Supper will be served and a cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to attend John Foster from down the river called at the Democrat office Monday while in town on business Mr Fos ter is watching the political situation in congress and fails to see where the ship subsidy bilL is going to benefit him Stockholders and patrons of the Valentine Dairy Association are here by called to- meet in Valentine Ne braska Saturday Feb 22 1901 at 10 oclodk A M for the purpose of dis cussing matters of importance to the association S EL Perkins Pres Frank Thackrey and wife and son returned Saturday mornipg to Ana darko Indian school after a brief sojourn- on his homestead and a visit with relatives and friends in town A letter received yesterday morning by hi3 brother here announced their safe journey Bleeding Kausas is again to the front with a saloon flfght in which the wife of John Hudson a saloon keeper was killed Forty masked men from the country being the raiders of a sa loon a Millwood One of the mob was shot in the shoulder during the melee Nearly 100 shots were fired The Noble Outcast played by The Fairview Dramatic Company vill be givetrafthe Harmon3r school house Saturday evening March 2nd No admission fee will be charged and all are cordially invited A collection will be taken up at the close of the play to help in the payment of expen ses - James White the man who was shot at Merriman was brought down from Merriman last Monday morning and now occupies a room in the home of John Shore Mr Whites wife is 1 taking care of him with Dr Dwver as physician Mr -White seems to be getting along finely but has a severe cough and au occasional hemorrhage - JE Nye of Valentine was in town Monday Robert Good of Valentine was -in townSatnrday and Sunday and took his wife who was visiting her parents here back to Ainsworth Longpine Journal If Valentine should be on the line of the proposed railroad angling across the county to Alliance on the other side we will feel like we are in the right place but we should serious ly object to bonding the county to help build the road Frank Frush has been suffering considerably the past two weeks with a sore arm caused by two large swell ings just above the elbow similar to carbuncles He has been confined to his room and required a nurse most of the time His condition is somewhat improved at present Mrs Nation went one top many for her peace and contentment and is now lying in jail at Topeka Kansas in lieu of a 2000 bond to keep the peace as a result of her charge upon the Moser Cold Storage Compauy last Suuday morning A peace warrant was sworn out against her and her en thusiasts who assisted in the last dep redation Judge Hazen placed the other members of the party under bonds of 500 each excebt that of Cal McDonald whose bond was 1000 and gave them a scathing address Suits for malicious trespass have been begun against seven persons Friends of Mrs Nation were inform ed that she would not be freed unless they would see that she returned at Jonce to her home at Medicine Lodsre Sunday night about 10 inches of soft snow fell without any wind blow ing and many people were sarprised upon irwaking Monday morning to find the earth mantled in white stacked up on limbs of trees on fence posts clothes lines and upon house tops Sleighing is fine and will be perhaps for several days The ther mometer sometimes goes down to 10 degrees below zero but you wouldnt ttiinkitif you didnt see the register as the steady and unchangeableness of the temperature accustoms one as in Alaskan regions where they endure 40 degrees below zero with as little thought jor complaint as the people of Louisiana wquld make over a chil ly northwest wind and which would make them hump their shoulders and shiver perhaps even more than the bitter cold of the north would cause one accustomed to the climate Last Friday night four women took upon themselves the taste or going -around to -visit the saloons to see what was going on At MeltendorJls the talked about his pictures hang ing oh the wall questioning his pjgt toliaye them on exhibition AtStet tecs they visited the back room find ing Wm Francke engaged in playing a lone game of s Htaire andA when ac costed threw up Ins head in astonish ment exclaiming Vat de h is dis Vat are 301 doing in here Dont you know this is private Ah at tempt was made by the women to ex plain their mission amidst some diffi culties and they filially rethed after asking that gambling be stopped in the saloon The next day a petition was circulated by these women and after waiting upon the town board an order was made by that body instruct ing the marshai to enforce ordinance No 58 in regard to gambling Last week while we were printing the Democrat the news came to us that Valentine was to have electric lights f unuabed by S F Gilman who is the owner of the mill at this place Mr Gilman contracts to do the pump ing for the city water works and fur nish six arc lights of 2000 candle pow er each for the city for 1500 per year This will be a saving of 100 to 200 on the pumping and the arc lights are practically free beside Work will begin im media tely for the putting in of the electric lights and theputnpinjg tO bejun with the water power furnished by the Minnechaduza and the mill dam What we want now in the interest of the county seat and for the benefit of the Cherry county people is a telephone line rQ n ning out through Simeon Kennedy and Brownlee with branch lines to lmp0EtaJtnIacesQn either aide and from Kennedy to Chester Held New- ton and Pullman This will be a move in the right direction arid should not be delayed longer tliari is necessary tor gettdnvorkatit Who will wofk Hup i - - i i ii i VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY 211901 NG y wiwg hi ii im n ti DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska fv J - NUMBER 5 1 4 2 9 TH E LATEST 49 49 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 43 We A CROOKSTON NEBR J A 3 -- yvj F irU J - - ALXTHE LATEST STYLES DAVENPORT THACHER J General Merchants 49 j Ilaiglon T BELTS si 3ft California Blackberries 31b California Pears -- - All Package Coffee 2for 25c i2fdri2oG lQe andac ccf a coerce Sof ore op or or oora O oroc oro ororcorci Ocrcocop --U- ft hi- h i 0 h bh hh It hh 0 G Thebest and most complete stock of merchandise t in Crookston We bny the best goods that - bought in the NATION - - -- And sell them cheaper than anybody in Cherry cpnuty no matter what pur competitor i t - SAYS Come and see for ourself MAX E VIERTEL wfWifflm o JcClrT31cToDrDrD AT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAMF IN THEIR -SEASON - V - -- t - 1 Pirst class line of Steaks Koasts Dry Salt Meat Smoked- Breakfast Bacon 9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 PAfNTlNG 49 P S DENNIS- 49 - Valentine Nebraska 49 ft PAPER HANGING 5 CALCIMINING 1 WVfcVV 2 All work well done ft THE DONOHER -- t r Is the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Two Dollars a Day - I fTest glass -modern HOfMl In Kortli Western Nebraska- - - Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Rooms Y A L E H T I HE - K EB S A S Kk YEAR F R E E By special we can furnish FARMER Free for one year to every one ot onr subscribers All foil Tiave fo do is to renew for this paper for nest year and tell us that yoti Tyaiit ibe will also send the Prairie Farmec one year free to every new subscribb who pays us one year iu advance Dout put lb 3 f V - i 4 J A