Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 14, 1901, Image 6

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    rrntmitf aJytaMMfTB Htiynumntaivt
Senatorial Deadlock Has Tendency to De
lay Business
New fileasares Being Introduced from
Day to Day State Board of Agricul
ture Resolutions Relating to County
Fairs Miscellaneous Blatters
HOUSE When the house was call
ed to order on the 8th Sprecher of
Colfax waived a reconsideration of
the vote whereby house roll 90 by
tyllcox -to require the union label on
all -state contract printing was in
definitely postponed After discussion
the motion to reconsider was defeated
by a vote of 44 ayes to 41 nays it re
quiring a two thirds vole to carry
The following bills were also read for
the third time and placed on their
passage House roll No 75 for the
relief of a person owning real pro
erty having an insane husband or
wife and to empower such person to
sell mortgage or convey such prop
erty under power of the district court
With the emergency clause attachment
the bill was defeated by a vote of
57 yeas to 33 nays The emergency
clause was then stricken out by a
vote of 57 to 34 and the bill thus
amended passed by a vote of 58 to 30
House roll No 2 by Lane providing
that in counties not under township
organization having more than 60
000 and less than 125000 population
county commissioners shall be elected
at large This is for the benefit of
Lancaster county whose population
has decreased to less than 70000
which under the present statute is
the minimum instead of 60000 Pass
ed with the emergency clause by a
vote of 74 yeas to 13 nays Among
bills introduced was For an act to
provide for the compulsory educa
tion of children for the employment
of truant officers for the proper edu
cation of such children as cannot
properly be taught in the usual pub
lic private or parochial schools for
the proper enumeration of persons of
Bchool age for the punishment of per
sons violating the provisions of this
act and to repeal all acts and parts
of acts in conflict with this act The
vote for senator resulted Allen 52
Berge 6 Crounse 6 Currie 20
Hainer 5 Harlan 1 Harrington 1
Hitchcock 25 Hinshaw 14 Kinkaid
4 Meiklejohn 29 Morlan 1 Martin
9 Ransom 3 Rosewater 16 Suther
land 1 Thompson D E 34 Thomp
son W HT 28 f Van Dusen 1 West
over 2
HOUSE The house on the 7th did
not pass any measures but quite a
number of new bills were introduced
The investigating committee made the
following report Any members of
this house who have been requested
to introduce bills of a character sim
ilar to those referred to by Repre
sentative Thomssen yesterday Feb
ruary G will confer a favor by com
municating the facts to this commit
tee at once Any street or steam
railway or sleeping car company in
surance express telegraph or tele
phone companies bucket shops or
dealers in lard or other food prod
ucts who have received hold up let
ters from persons either members of
this house or others are requested to
confer with this committee immedi
ately -Bills placed on general file
were House roll 200 by Vandegrift
appropraitlng 81014 for the relief of
Sherman county House roll 293 by
Evans for the display of the United
States flag on school houses House
roll 282 by Rohwer relating to coun
ty superintendents House roll 281
by Rohwer to allow school children to
attend the nearest school House roll
15 by Crockett relating to the col
lection of taxes Among bills intro
duced was House roll No 336 by
Smithbarger by request A bill for
an act to tax life insurance companies
organized outside of the state of Ne
braska and to provide for the manner
of -paying such taxes and to repeal
section 38 of chapter 77 compiled
statutes of 1895 entitled Revenue
so far as it relates to the taxation of
aife insurance companies Taxes non
resident companies other than frater
nal societies 3 per cent on all premi
ums on Nebraska business Senator
ial vote Allen 55 Berge 4 Crounse
7 Currie 22 Hainer 5 Harlan 1
Hitchcock 12 Hinshaw 13 Kinkaid
4 Martin 9 McCarthy 1 Meikle
john 29 Martin 1 Ransom 35
Rosewater 16 Sutherland 1 Thomp
son D E 34 Thompson W H 11
Van Dusen 1
HOUSE In the house on the 6th
the following bills were passed
House roll No 9 by Hathorn to pun
ish illegal voting in school district
and village elections by a fine of
from 25 to 100 and imprisonment
in the county jail for not more than
three months ayes 77 nays none
House roll 91 by Lichty to provide
for the printing of 2000 volumes of
each number of the supreme court
reports and fixing their selling price
at 150 each ayes 82 nays none
House rolf No 25 by Coppoc to ex
tend the liability of railroad corpora
tions was recommended for indefinite
postponement by the committee on
railroads The bill in full is as fol
lows Be it enacted by the legislature
of the state of Nebraska Section 1
Every railroad corporation shall be li
able for all damages sustained by any
agent or servant thereof by reason
of the negligence of any other serv
ant or agent thereof without con
tributory negligence on his part when
sustained within this state or- when
such agent or servant is a resident of
and his contract of employment was
made within this state and no con
tract rule or regulation between any
such corporation and any agent or
servant shall impair or diminish such
liability Sec 2 The terms agent
and servant in this act shall include
all agents and servants of railroad
corporations and shall not be by any
court construed to mean only those
agents and servants who are connect
ed with the use and operation of rail
roads on or about which they may
be employed The term railroad here
in used shall include street railroads
other railroads The report
as well as
port was adopted without division
f fen irVi r
The committee on railrcadj also rec
ommended for indefinite postpone
ment house roll No 39 by Fuller
making railroad companies answer
able for the safo delivery of goods
consigned to a point on the line of a
connecting carrier McCarthy of
Dixon moved that house rolls Nos
208 214 and 215 the boundary com
mission bills be passed over commit
tee of the whole and ordered engross
ed for third reading The motion
prevailed The senatorial vote result
ed as follows Allen 51 Berge 7
Crounse 7 Currie 19 Hainer 4
Harlan 1 Hitchcock 28 Hinshaw
13 Johnson Walter 2 Kinkaid 4
McCarthy 1 Meiklejohn 29 Miller
1 Martin 9 Morlan 1 Ransom 7
Rosewater 17 Thompson D E 34
Thompson W H 20 Van Dusen 1
Westover 1
HOUSE The house resumed work
on the 5th after adjournment from
Friday to Tuesday House roll 56
was read for the third time and
passed by a vote of 73 yeas to 3 nays
The bill was introduced by Miskell of
Saline and makes important amend
ments to the law relating to the dis
position of road funds House roll 37
by Broderick for the establishment of
two state normal schools at a cost of
1100000 to bo located in the Fifth and
Sixth congressional districts was read
for the third time and passed by a
vote of 70 to 18 House roll 51 by
Mead making it a crime to threaten
to charge any person with a crime or
to threaten to do him injury with in
tent to extort money or to compel ihm
to do anything against his will was
passed by a vote of 79 yeas to 6 nays
Among bills introduced and read the
first time were A bill for an act to
divide the state of Nebraska into sen
atorial and representative districts
and for the apportionment of sena
tors and representatives A bill for
an act to amend sections 48 and 49 of
chapter 81 entitled Breaking and
entering buildings of the criminal
code of the compiled statutes of Ne
braska of 1899 and to repeal said
original sections and to repeal sec
tion 52 of chapter 8 entitled Break
ing and entering buildings of the
criminal code of the compiled statutes
of Nebraska of 1899 A bill for an
act to define and license merchants
doing business in the state of Ne
braska and to provide for the filing
of statement and a bond for the pay
ment of taxes and fixing penalties for
the violation thereof
SENATE rn the senate on the 8th
the measure to have the present law
amended so that one half of the wages
of laboring men may be attached for
bills for necessaries was indefinitely
postponed This was on- the recom
mendation of the judiciary commit
tee to which it had been referred
A similar measure was introduced in
the house but should it pass there it
would doubtless be killed in the sen
ate The following were then placed
on third reading and passed Senate
file 133 providing for the appoint
ment of nine commissioners and such
stenographers as are necessary by the
supreme court The commissioners
are to receive 2500 a year and the
stenographer 1000 a year An emer
gency clause is attached Senator
Martin proposed an amendment di
recting that the commissioners be se
lected from the district bench but
withdrew it It is understood that
the amendment will be proposed in the
house when the bill reaches that body
Senate file 27 providing imprison
ment in the county jail for not less
than thirty days or fined the amount
of damage inflicted for destruction or
injury to personal property Emer
gency clause attached Senate file 31
providing punishment for indecent ex
posure of person or use of obscene or
lascivious language Emergency
clause attached Senate file 41
lng to duties of clerk of the supreme
court Among bills introduced was
Senate file No 231 by McCargar A
bill to provide for an act for the com
pulsory education of children for the
employment of truant officers for the
proper education of such children as
cannot properly be taught in the
usual public private or parochial
schools lor the proper enumeration
of school age for the punishment of
persons violating the provisions of
this act and to repeal all acts and
parts of acts in conflict with this act
This is the measure prepared by the
legislative committee of the State
Teachers association
SENATE The question of what
shall constitute a legal newspaper for
the purpose of publishing legal no
tices consumed the greater portion
of the morning time of the senate
on the 7th Senator Owens intro
duced the bill some time ago one of
its provisions being that a paper must
be published fifty two consecutive
weeks in a county before it can right
fully be used for publication of legal
notices This was amended in com
mittee of the whole so as to read
twenty six instead of fifty two The
same section met with prolonged dis
cussion in committee of the whole
the day before and the amendment
was declared lost by one vote Today
after considerable wrangling and af
ter a motion to reconsider had been
carried the commmittee took up the
debated point again Ransom moved
to substitute twenty six for fifty two
Young opposed this and then ONeill
in reply stated that he thought cir
culation should control instead of
length of time a paper has been pub
lished Senator Edgar also spoke in
opposition to the amendment It
was declared carried on a rising vote
eighteen voting for it and the nega
tive not being put Senator ONeills
bill relative to the duties of the clerk
of the supreme court was recommend
ed for passage It is senate file No
41 and provides that the clerk shall
prepare the opinions of the court
when he has sufficient material to
form a volume of not less than 900
pages Two thousand of these he
shall deliver to fee state auditor and
draw from the state treasury 150
for each volume Amendments to the
present law relating to soldiers and
sailors homes were recommended
As changed the law will permit vet
erans of the war of 1812 Mexican
war civil war and Spanish American
war together with their widows or
mothers to be admitted to the state
institutions after two years residence
in the state This is senate file No
-- V
Keas iw3aaBSMaai
SENATE The senate had a busy
day on the 6th More than a dozen
bills were read forthe first time sev
eral for the second time and some
were up for third reading two of
them being passed Senate file 89 a
bill by Baldrige providing for ap
propriations for the purpose of pur
chasing cemetery sites was reported
back for passage and senate file 80
a bill by Ziegler changing the time
for the semi annual publications of
the statements of county treasurers
was favorably reported without much
discussion Senate file 49 a bill by
Owens defining a legal newspaper
was discussed and before Its final
disposition was responsible for some
caustic remarks between the mem
bers The bill provides that before a
paper may be designated as an official
organ it shall have been published
for fifty two consecutive weeks The
bill was referred back to the commit
tee Senator Miller presented a pe
tition signed by a number of literary
societies and individuals asking for
legislation and appropriations for the
purpose of establishing traveling li
braries in Nebraska Senator Steele
announced that he had a similar pe
tition containing 300 signatures The
petition was referred to the library
committee A communication from
the supreme court relating to the
questions asked that body by the leg
islature was read to the senate Sen
ate file 20 and house roll 22 were fa
vorably reported by their committees
and placed on general file
SENATE The senate was In ses
sion but a little over two hours on
the 5th but succeded in passing four
curative acts and two bills one pro
viding for the sale of unclaimed goods
by railroad companies and the other
for cutting of weeds by irrigation
companies along their right of way
The following resolutions passed by
the state board of agriculture asking
for retention of the present law re
lating to county fairs was read and
referred to the committee on agricul
ture We the members of the state
board of agriculture seeing the need
of more general knowldge of agricul
ture among the boys and girls of Ne
braska and believing that all teach
ing should be in the order first con
crete then abstract and that nature
studies should be introduced into our
county and village schools respect
fully ask the legislature to make such
additional requirements for first sec
ond and third grade and state certifi
cates as will show the holders fitness
for teaching one or more studies in
pure agriculture Resolved That it
is the sense of the Nebraska state
board of agriculture in annual meet
ing assembled at Lincoln January
1901 that there should be made by the
state legislature such appropriations
for an exhibit of the agriculture and
horticulture resources of Nebraska at
the Pan American exposition to be
held at Buffalo as will be commen
surate with the importance of Ne
braska as an agricultural district of
the country Senate file No 103 in
troduced by Currie and proposing
amendments to the reform school
law was recommended for passage by
the committee on reform school and
was thereupon placed on general file
A radical change in the laws relat
ing to the finances of Omaha is pro
posed bj a bill introduced in the sen
ate by Senator Martin on request of
Senator Balbridge It provides for the
issuance of certificates of indebted
ness to be signed by the mayor and
comptroller of the city whenever
they deem them necessary these nev
er to be sold for less than their pay
value together with accumulated in
terest They may draw as high as 5
per cent interest but no more
The house committee on plumbers
and plumbing decided to report fa
vorably on Uhls bill which provides
for the creation of plumbers commis
sions in towns of 25000 population or
over The measure is intended for
the protection of plumbers and to this
end provides for the issuance of li
censes to candidates who meet the
requirements prescribed
On motion of Attorney General
Prout the suits of the state against
the Missouri Pacific and Rock Island
railroads for alleged violations of the
maximum freight rate law were con
tinued by the supreme court until
such time as he could satisfy himself
as to the exact limitations of the fed
eral court injunction of 1893
Senator Cummins has introduced a
bill which if passed will create a
new appointive office that of state
prosecutor This official is to be ap
pointed by the governor He is to
furnish a 5000 bond and to draw a
salary of 1500 a year and he shall
have all necessary and reasonable ex
penses paid in addition It shall be
his duty to investigate all fires sup
posed to haev been of incendiary
origin and in fact to investigate
everything of a criminal nature he be
lieves to exist in the state
With the signature of the governor
affixed the lawn known as house roll
88 relating to the method of draw
ing juries goes on the statute book
and as it has an emergency clause it
becomes of immediate effect To all
intents and purposes and probably so
lar as the legislators who passed it
know the act is simply curative cor
recting the wording so as to make
it apply to Lancaster county under the
new census which has reduced its
population below the limit of 70000
The really important part of the
measure however is that it works a
complete change in the system of
drawing grand juries not only in
Lancaster but in Douglas county as
well by putting them on the same
footing with petit juries
Senator Baldriges bill providing
for the appointment of nine commis
sioners by the supreme court for as
sistance of the court has been jecom
mended for passage These commis
sioners are to be appointed by the
court by unanimous vote and their
offices are to continue for two years
unless the appointments are with
drawn in less time by unanimous vote
of the court Each is to receive a
salary of 2500 per annum
He who climbs needs watch where
the ladder ends
Plan for New Acquisition Is Agreed on
by the executive Committee
NEW YORK Feb 8 A plan for
financing the acquisition of control
ling interests in the Southern Pa
cific on behalf of the Union Pacific
was today agreed upon by the execu
tive committee of the Union Pacific
which will make an official announce
ment tomorrow
Semi official admissions made to
night are already directly in line with
what has already been published The
Central Pacific will be taken out of the
Southern Pacific system and annexed
separately to the Union Pacific The
directors do not want to assume any
direct burden on behalf of the Union
Pacific so will issue debenture bonds
secured by the Southern Pacific stock
purchased the bonds being redeema
ble at par at the companys option or
exchangeable for Union Pacific stock
at par within a limited period It
is also said that two Southern Pacific
bonds may be exchanged for one Un
ion Pacific
Union Pacific was a market leader
again today Both common and pre
ferred rose violently Over 125000
shares of common was sold The
heaviest buyer was John W Gates
AH his brokers were on the floor
He bought 40000 shares Other
heavy buyers were Kcech Loew
Co Jacob Field A Houseman Wil
liam Oliver Wasserman Bros C A
Missing Halle Siglitz and Clarke
Dodge Co It is said that a large
amount of stock was purchased by
the interests recently in control of
the Southern Pacific and this list of
brokers indicates that
Republicans Discuss War Revenue
WASHINGTON Feb 8 The repub
lican members of the ways and means
committee met this afternoon to for
mulate a plan of action relative to the
war revenue bill but no definite con
clusion was reached beyond the deci
sion to nonconcur in the senate
The action of the senate in substi
tuting an x entirely new bill for the
bill as it passed the house is looked
upon as a distinct invasion of the
prerogative of the house to initiate
revenue legislation and at the meet
ing today some of the members fa
vored radical action to sustain what
they consider the constitutional rights
of the house to originate revenue leg
islation The plan was to ignore the
bill in its present form and to pass
another entirely new revenue bill
But this was regarded as entirely
too radical
Another proposition and the one
that met with most favor was to re
port back the bill to the house tomor
row with a recommendation of non
concurrence but without a request
for a conference This would require
the senate to ask for a conference if
any was to be held
Wait Awhile for Creation of a Vacancy
in the List of General
WASHINGTON Feb 8 It is said
at the war office that no more general
officers of the army will be appointed
until the senate has acted on those
sent in on Tuesday One reason is
that there will be no vacancy in the
list of generals unless General Miles
is confirmed in the higher rank Un
less a vacancy occurs in that manner
it is predicted that it will be filled
by the appointment of Colonel C
Bates who was yesterday nominated
i n hri earner eenerai alien an ap
pointment would prevent the appoint
ment of Brigadier General Wade or
Merriam to a major generalship for
some time
Under the present plan Brigadier
General Schwan nominated yesterday
will be retired immediately after his
confirmation and Colonel Daggett of
the Fourteenth infantry will be ap
pointed tq the vacancy
House Committee Will Favorably Report
the Dill
WASHINGTON Feb 8 The house
committee on coinage weights and
measures decided to report favorably
the bill establishing a branch mint at
Omaha and appropriating 100000
therefor Sutherland of the Fifth
district of Nebraska was the member
of the sub committee that took initial
Attacks Statue of Virgin
LONDON Feb 7 Hildberand de
Britto Lyra a relative of the presi
dent of Brazil Dr Campos Salles was
Incarcerated in an asylum for the in
sane today after committing a sacri
legious outrage in a Roman Catholic
church at Matlock Bath a place a few
miles south of Mallock in the county
ot Derby Lyra suddenly appeared in
the church this morning during ser
vice jumped over the altar rails and
attacked a statue of the Virgin Mary
Mo r jan Opposes Subsidy
WASHINGTON Feb 8 The sen
ate had both day and night sessions
today At the day session the pen
sion bill appropriating 144000000
was passed after a few minutes con
sideration The ship subsidy bill was
then taken up and Messrs Mc
Laurin and Morgan both democrats
made speeches on it Mr McLaurin
announced his intention to support
the bill and Mr Morgan opposed it
in vigorous language
Packers deny the rumor vbg
Koek Island Does Not Contemplate Buy
in Mexican Central
CHICAGO Feb 8 President War
ren G Purdy of the Chicago Rock
Island Pacific railroad today made
an absolute denial of the report cir
culated on Wall street that the Rock
Island system had acquired a control
ling interest in the Mexican Central
There is nothing at all in that re
port said President Purdy No
such action is contemplated
V --
Of National Reputation Are the Men Who
Recommend Peruna to Fellow Sufferers
A Remarkable Case Reported from the State
of New York
House of Representatives
Washington Feb 4 1899 J
The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus
Gentlemen I have taken Peruna
now for two weeks and find I am
very much relieved I feel that ray
cure will be permanent I have also
taken it for la grippe and I take pleas
ure in recommending Peruna as an
excellent remedy to alt fellow suffer
ers M W Howard
Congressman Howards home ad
dress is Fort Payne Ala
OST people think that catarrh is a
disease confined to the head and
nose Nothing is farther from
the truth It may be that the nose and
throat is the oftenest affected by ca
tarrh but if this is so it is so only
because these parts are more exposed
to the vicissitudes of the climate than
the other parts of the body
Every organ every duct every cavity
of the human body is liable to catarrh
A multitude of ailments depend on ca
tarrh This is true winter and sum
mer Catarrh causes many cases of
chronic disease where the victim has
not the slightest suspicion that catarrh
has anything to do with it
The following letter which gives the
experience of Mr A C Lockhart is a
case In point
Mr A C Lockhart West Henrietta
N Y Box 58 in a letter written to
Dr Hartman says the following of
About fifteen years ago I com
menced to be ailing and consulted a
physician He pronounced my trouble
a species of dyspepsia and advised me
after he had treated me about six
months to get a leave of absence from
my business and go into the country
I did so and got temporary relief I
went back to work again but was
taken with very distressing pains in
my stomach
I seldom had a passage of the bow
els naturally I consulted another
physician with no better results The
disease kept growing on me until I
had exhausted the ability of sixteen of
Rochesters best physicians The last
physician advised me to give up my
work and go south after he had treat
ed me for one year
I was given a thorough examination
with the X ray They could not even
determine what my trouble was Some
of your testimonials in the Rochester
papers seemed to me worthy of con
sideration and I made up my mind to
try a bottle of Peruna Before the
bottle was half gone I noticed a change
for the better I amnow on the fifth
bottle and have not an ache or pain
anywnere My bowels move regularly
every day and I have taken on eight
een pounds of flesh I have recom
mended Peruna to a great many and
they recommend it very highly I
have told several people that if they
would take a bottle of Peruna and
could then candidly say that it had not
benefited them I would -pay for tho
medicine A C Lockhart
Mr W P Peterson of Morris 111
I was nearly dead with catarrhal
dyspepsia and am now a well man bet
ter in fact than I have been for twen
ty years or more
Since I got cured by your Peruna I
have been consulted by a great many
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa write at once to Dr Hartman
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President ot
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
This is a serious question for you to consider Are you
robbing yourself and family by paying some dealer one
third more for a vehicle than you would pay us You cant
tell until you get our catalogue and learn our prices It
will only cost you the price of the postage to learn all
about our vehicles how they are made what they are
worth and how much you can save We ship either vehicles
or harness to any one anywhere for examination and if
not satisfactory to be returned without you paying ua one
cent We are manufacturers of Split Hickory Vehicles and
a full line of first class Harness and will sell them to you
at wholesale prices
18 1 hi M B L Wifll9 1 lluSl
SPECIAL Tou s to Florida Key West
Cuba Bermuda Old Mexico
and the Mediterranean and
HALF Rates for the round trip to
majiy joints south on salo first
and third Toesdayeach month
iRATES To ITot Springs Ark the fa
mous water resort of America
on salti every day In the year
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south good returning until
June 1st 1901 Fcr rate3 descriptive mat
ter pamphlets and all other information
call at C St L R R City Ticket
Office 1415 Farnam st Paxton Hotel
Bldff or write
C P T A Omaha Neb
Mention this paper to Advertisers
If you take up vour
homes in Western Can
ada the land of plenty
Illustrated pamphlets
civinjj experiences of
farmers who hare be
ccme wealthy in grow
ing wheat reports ot
deletrjites etc and full
mtormuiion as to reduced railway rates can be
nad on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa
Canada or to W V Bennett 801 N Y Iif
Bide Omaha Neb
If afflicted with
sore eyes use
I- Thompsons Ey Wafer
SVbi 3 I quickrellcfandcurea worst
cases Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS treatment
Maf OmnViul f b r 1
circular E Kit AUSEU BUoTwigrZ
THE MOST I ivp niimrc
fromatrarrollofesKS Thats what you
Want and thats nhtvnn ntirifh
Sure Hntfih InnnhnfAn
ThnnetiTtdn X r -
fwjrw usi oeno iornanasome
iree catalogue containing ICO poultry raising news
Mvapator pf may venter Jiefe
r w m w 9
NAr i 5 rAM
c o a T r TP
muj v n o Btox Lnn nnr rnv mii iyvi
customer We receiwd aftSt wl
uuurjuriocaiiM Dostoald n -
lgnacnlflcet earliest weloagT
sorts eIorIfiBiT
85 pcerlei lettuee varieties
13 splendid 1eet sorts
I iT ITT u SO na please and
minFr 0
I Brotmu SDelU Oro al
t for tfl r VX U
ntiv7iTi i J notice
h posltlTelr worth 1P tn
planter or tardea nil fi JlTl -