Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 14, 1901, Image 4

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- -
Official Newspaper of Cherry
County Nvbriha
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its aubooribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Subscription 100 per year in advanoo Sl50
when not paid in advance
iigplay advertising 1 inch 15c per issue Goc
per month 4 issues 500 per year in advance
Local Kofices 5c per lino each issue
Brands IVi inches 8400 per year in ad
viire additional ppaceS300 per inch peryrar
engraved blocks extra 3100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
G months in arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
Thursday February 14 1901
Still doth the busy bushy Boer im
prove each shining hour lie freks the
veldr gives to Jhon Bull a welt and deli
es the British power From kopjes
tall speeds Ins rifle ball and a red coac
bites the dust By the beaid of Ooni
Paull we admire his gall MnT he win
the fight or bustl Va ilmttan Re
- Some reformers are ahead of the
times while others can hardly keep up
with the procession and invariably
jump tneir rabbit after the dogs have
begun the chase There is peihaps a
niche of time but few people
to the niche and are called cranks
for being toe fast or too slow If they
sail along swaying public opinion they
are reformers of a high order If not
they are called fanatics and suon be
come cr nks by being on the opposite
from public opinion
The promise of an early opening of
the Kiowa Comanche and Apache res
ervation for settlement is more flatter
ing Delegate Jblynn from the public
lands committee has reported its meas
ure to the house which measure pro
poses new methods for the settlement
of the lands in question Lots on the
townsites will not be gobbled up by the
more lucky in the mad scr tmble but
they will be sold to the highest bidder
the pnrchase price going to the erect
ion of public buildings public bridges
impoviiig roads etc It is estimated
that the sale of lots in county Seat
towns each will reach the sum of 100
000 The new county seats will not be
allowed to bontract any mdebetness
save as authorized by the secretary of
interior that is prior ro the first gen
eral election of county and city officials
A soldiers declatory filing will only
hold good when it is a prior one to all
others There are 3000000 acres in
the consolidated reservation 480C0fl
of which goes to the indians in the way
of allotments and a like number of
acres to be reserved as pasture lands
for the Indians But the Indian will
Jiot be in it long The time fixed for
the opening is August 6 1901 at which
time the calculation is that the Wich
ita and Caddo reservations will be open
to homestead entry at 125 per acre
and five years residence
Delegate FJynn has also introduced a
bill dividing the -Indian Territorj into
twenty sue counties naming and bound
ing each cdiinty which seems another
step to single statehood Manhattan
KcptHcaa Party Contemptuously
Disregards thcPcople
Senator Vebt of litsouri wab right
ia dechiring at the close of his speech
opposing the Hanna hip sabsidy bill
that the measure was bure to pas the
senate JJrunk with victory said
Mr Vest the Republican party will
uow slop at nothing
Jt will be well for the people of this
country to lead with the closest
tioo the full report of Senator Vests
speech fcas the St Louis ErpnbTc
Its revelations are biguificdnt to a de
gree He shows that the ship subsidy
bill is th boldest and most bbameles
piece of syndicate legislation everat
tmpted at Washington The utter and
ctfnteujptTioutf Uisi ugurd ol the pVoplob
iullbtS bhtfwu m the - ruthitsMibiss
wfth which it is belng lammed thiouuh
fhG ualictaUl cbligrebS ogaiust popular
piotebt is Omiuoud
Vcstleiry pbrnU ou thai
lliefe il be ub geueVtil Ltiiclit id
Americaiibblbplhfroin tht
oMMdblU It SUll imp6bl5 Upon lhe
Ainfrfcau people u laxbtirutiiOi i8u
OoOOlU u puuJ tbiu MH it pe
riod Of -O Nl ils Ot ttl Unit
j wiLi yO to IU AUtt rnaiiitA
Jtt j j1
AfV -Br
In boxes on the shelves
i ana unaer me counters is
where we were obliged to
keep a great many of our
goods we didnt have
enongh show case room
We have placed two new
ones each one being eight
feet long and two stories
high giving us forty syuare
feet more of show case
room We have them fill
ed with goods There are
undoubtedly lots of things
displayed in them that you
didnt know we carry in
stock Come in and look
through them
fratucatipnajt Department
kXKinctelly Leta Stetter
MilealWaite was enrolled
jmemberoTlfie flth grade
net much snow
of the committee of promotion of the
ship subsidy bill Its next leading
beneficiary will be the Pacific Mail
Steamship company which will receive
550000 a year from the subsidy Its
third beneficiary in importance will 1
lhe Standard Oil company And it is
these monopoly intrests that have pre
pared and pushed the bill the Ameri
can people having no voice in the mat
ter rrom beginning to end
The Republican part under the di
rection of Mark Hanna and Mr Mc-
Kinley is certianly paying its debts to
the syndicate intererts whose milPons
brougt about Mr McKinleys re elec
tion It is doing Ithis by puttng its
hands in the peoples pockets and ex
tracting the money necessary to such
payment A filching of r0COO000 at
one snatch is going it pretty steep
however Will the people be able to
stand this sort of thins for four vears
as a
Question for Debate- Will the 10th
grade ever learn to take class notes
We undea stand that Miss EasonTs
room is to give a program sometime in
the near future
Beof good cheer remembering that
the grip must at least abate before the
spring fever setf in
Miss Maloney is in school again af
ter two weeks absence on account of
the illness of her mother
Eda Broad is staying at Mr Dunns
and attending school her parents hav
ing moved into the country
Education is to unfold natur to
strenghten good and conquer evil to
give self help to make a mau
Tlie class in Litera ture are studying
Macbeth It is a question whether
their dreames vre ever disturbed
bv daggers gosts or witches
The Literary societies of the n S
have reorganized since vacation into
tvo with LeRoy Sawyer and Ciyde
Davenport as repective presidents
Some of the H S girls think it must
have been a woman who invented the
alphabet becuase had it been aman he
would certainly have begun it with the
letter I
Now is the time to woik
The time to fill
The soul with noblest thots
The time to will
The Jligbland near Spirks J
will close in about two Meeks
We learn tliat Mr E
proving but very slow
A V Grooms and family were visit
ing at K Osburns Saturday evening
and Sunday
-Grandpa Grooms was visiting with
relatives and friends near Sparks durr
ing the past week
It seems to be fashionable with ta
young men to have their best girls
picture framed and wear it on their
coat collar
3Ir Chas Hnd on droVe with
Mrs Cbas Berry who
id hem from Wyo vteiinglier husband
relatives td Aiuswbrth last wepk
Felix S6lHft is imprbvitig his resid
eW by iifldiiif a gbU tfarl bitclin
lifi An Ui hjiy wheiritfinisheiltu
fltVu will hjivP to bl warmed op
llVai dofift dance
R O nr 1 hivuiij qnte 1 1 1
tro hs vi iJ nt A vrU flowi nbo
2 wis 1 jtjok but -
f it i r mid iim ts
tsil lajwu fctiftiiu
Botiti the River
Winter has come at last yet there is
linstll is
- i i im iwn
lMlMff JMH
There is talk of a skimming station Commissioners Proceedings
being operated at Sparks soon also an
other general store that will make a
stir in business and a little opposition
then if the R 11 comes through here
Spartts will get a R R sation
B A Daniels is in town today
Lowest prices on everything at
Farnhams 52
Mrs Chas
this week
Sherman has been sick
See those Automatic Oil Cans at R
Miss Ada Stinard has been quite
sick the past few days
0Wantad to buy S00 hens at 30 a
piece deliver to Mrs Dillon
T J Ashburn came up Monday to
transact business and stayed for
meeting Monday night
Four full booded Barred Plymoth
Rock roosters for sale write or inquire
at the democrat office tf
Judge Wallcot went Jowji to Ames
Nebr Thursday morning to begone a
couple of days on business
J C Rounds spenta couple of days
in town this week returning to the
ranch yesterday at Simeon
Wanted Competent person for
general house wonc No laundry
work W E Waite Valentine Nebr
For sale cheap Good team of
mares 6 Lnd 7 years old weigh 1100
each wagon 2 seat buggy and har
Mrs Dillon 2 t
Wm Ward writes from the soldiers
home tht -he is getting along all
right an seuds his
iKJS iis
Mr H H Rhodes the tunpr
to his
The warm weather this week has
melted the snow and spring time
seems to be at Land until we tret an
other cold spell
Vaccine Virus is received fresh
vice a wcck irom ine natural virus
farm Washington D C For sale by
Dr Alfred Lewis A gent 2 t
Will Wiseman came uptfrorn Louis
iana with Frank Thackrey and is
going to visit a few days with the
county treasurers family
Frank Thackrey and wife Miss
Cora Thackrey and their nephew
Will Wiseman went out to the lakes
to their homrsteads yesterday
A n Exchange says the men who took
up the shovel and went after thesuow
made more money out of it than those
who wrote poetry about it How a
bout Bix oil Minnesota
Dr Dwyer went to Merriman the
first of the week returning Tuesday
The man who was shot has pneumonia
and the bullet that was snqposed to
have gone through the run and rang
ed downward passed between the
ribs and the lungs lodging on the op
posite side against a rib
Whites condition is serious buteood
care will probably save him
Trade has been improving right a
long and Valentine is getting to be a
busy town as Jin former times Just
about xVIeh 10 Mr Rhodes and his
partner Mr C Somrner are manufac
turing pianos in Omaha and they can
outicoajuuj repuiT or reDuim any pi- j
Druir Store Refemnrp mqqot c
Nicholson Mrs Dwyer and jHr Ell
Cor 9th and
tl Worth Sts
JTrenimout I jrlv u
Signed The Leslie ElZeeley Co
Cor lJlh and Ieuvemcorth Sts I
Produce each a dlsflHsnl
bavins definite
MflRPtolNF - Tb6 disease ylertfs
Busily td th3 DouVlol
Chloride of Cofd Trtat
mfent prepared by Uf t
UStNG XeslieE Ke61ey
IO THIS PtJLir he KeeJer
JuHtKiitc at Oiiiniia Ntbnifclctr i
the seuutiio Koclev lteintdlps nnrt
Valentine Nebr Feb 5 1901 Board
met as per adjournment Present
chairman L Laufer Alex Burr and
W E Haely
The matter of the incorporation of
Cody village came before the board and
hearing set for 1 1 oclock a m On
motion the following appointments
were made
Teter Hoffman Justice Xenzel Precr -John
Duffy road overseer district 53
K F Pettycrew 3
On motion the following official bonds were
Peter Hoffman Justice Nenzel Prcciner
John Duffy rord overseer district 63
j J J Oweu 50
C C Thompson 26
John Ormesher 25
N Elliott ij
W L Uohee assessor Dewey lake preoinct
On motion Joseph Bristol was granted a re
fund of 472 and Henry Flineaux refund of 170
both being double assessments
On motion the bond ol Premont Tribune for
furuishing books atcLblank3 was approved
Kow on this 5th day of Feb 1001 The
onstrators in the matter of the incorparatio u ol
the village of Cody appeared by F JI Walcott
their atorney and withdrew their remons
j And the said board of county commissioners
of Cherry county Nebraska beiug fully adviseu
in the piemises are satisfied and find that a
majority of the taxable inhabitants of the terr
tory sought to be included within the limits ol
sa d incorporation and described in the peti
tion heretofore filed as being all of section
number seven 7 in township numbered thirty
four of range numbered thirty three west of Hit
sixth p m in JNebraska signed said petition
for such incorporation and that inhabitants to
the number of two huudted or more are actual
reaiuents of the territory described In said peti
The said b ard of county commissioners of
Cherry cnunty Nebraska therefore declares
said proposed tiilnge incoipoiatid
and that saulvillage shall be known as the vil
lage of Cody and that said Tillage shall be de
scribed b the following metes and bounds
uz commencing at the northeast corner of sec
tion seven 7 in township thirty four range
thirty three running thence west 320 rods
thence south 320 rods thence east 32u rods
thence north 320 rods to the place of beginning
Andthesaidboaidof county commissioners
of Cherry coutty Nebraska at the same time
does hereby appoint EC Cole W M Hook
W H Carter L E Stuart and A O Iteimen
echneider as village trustees of said Village ot
Cody Cherry county Nebraska
L Laufer Alex Lurr W E Haley
Co iv Commissioners
On motion communication of J A Saull was
received and laid over without action
The records showing that the following de
scribed land was uu on tne tax list for 1898
1890 and 1900 to wit u nc4 njs nw4 Sec 14
T 27 It 37 the board assessed said land at 146
115 92 for above years also ne seM svrh
scisec2i uj swH nj seJi Sec 22 nlA swJi
Sec 23 uwJi ne4 Sec 21 ejJjnwS e sw4 Sec
25 and n nw4 Sec 28 all In Town 2G Range 37
was assessed at 02 per 1G0 acres for
All but first ICO acres of 6aid land being for
est reserve land and not reported back for re
cord And the clerk wa3 ordered to place ssme
upon tax list
Whereupon the board adjourned to Ftb 0
Feb G 1001 Boad met as
members all preset t
On motion he board Quit claimed to the Cor
nell Towns to and Laud Company the siu
deeded to Cheiry count p lor court house two
years ago
On motion the following claims were allowed
and warrants less delinquent personal taxes
ordered drawn on county general iund
Ciabb Comdielor poor 8 50
uuiijjjuit iciicuuug jail 2g
11 -
per adjournment
a laihtr mue lor iioor 10 oo
C A JohiijOUbiifliebioroiUHy i o
xj jn Lu uuii icc ueurgt case 5iu
L N Lifjiioitguani uuiy jailor Ices ana
u 154 50
Lte liuunou cjtik supreme court
feis Tlioiiipoii case CC5
J W liJibLbuiJiJlu s lor county 0d
A rtticitwiiilbo lor pooi aoo
Iliiam Ccinell itnt ov curt Dec lito
J 11 Lucnelor luiiiitr 2iuniouhMH tn
183 S4
Loaiumau bridge souu
I M liKu lirintiiig neas btaieuteut oo
WaluolticLuuvJgnvery Hire 7 CO
yeujiiiioucauvaosiiigooaru lJ0O at 0
Jamtsahiiving aou
W camels
b 31 W uuuward fees Young case 260
jtoLiiaie noj
v APeujcrewnidse for poor i5ch
WAlarKur 5 30
On tcino ircigeluud
J Jiooer buugeotr Kiobrara 175000
On motion claim ol Geo btaunaid was reject
O u motion t Lim of Samuel C all was laia
ov er to nt M 111 eting
On motion J D Pilchards was granted a re
tne reverse with Gordon as pictured iund of 1010 taLe being a double assebbiueut
by the Gordon Journal as quoted in lu nltW
these columns last week Valentine 0n motioa S1E0 as tiausieied from roau
fmid t0 bnu luud
is a Rood trading point and people I
know that they can have their choice Jfzetoo1 euppcartrjand subscribed
cci60toraicwwteor a new locrtiou for the
when they come here to buy au arti 1 couit bouse on Main birect with east front Tin
board recoiibidcied the selection nf tlie site 01
Jan 10 atd loeattd said court house on lots 1 2
3 and 4 in block 10 original town of Valentine
piano salesman will be in Valentine hame cost l0 COUDty as site before selected
On m otion the following amounts were
dtieted fi em the aboe allowed claims and ap
plied upon dciiMHcnteioual taxes
W A Pet t j c io and A E Petti crew 20 85
Kind ly leave orders at Elliotts II fcolt 750
ucu jjiiun 2 00
ti n 1 v w
uj a o oparKS irs Mornby Mr UM Bice
JHBachelor 3000
J A W Johnson icio
Crabb Co on Crabb Morgareldge 8 50
CAJohnson 120
LKLaypoit q
j v leasi g5
Whcrcupoy the board adjourned to Eeb 7
Feb 7 luoi Poard met as per adjournment
Members all preent
It appearing that Minupch iduxa hill on north
fclde road dibtrict no 1 is iu very poor couditibu
and the commissioners beiEg advWed that thtr
is yet a balance in Uie special cbiuniUUtd
hands of special bond levy to build hud lepair
said hiii On motion the committee was in
structed to iiiiindlnuely riiwlr said hill and
ruia ovcrsteris instructed to rtfloor the Minne
chaduza bridge on said road no 1 with
hsrd pine plank and remove old fioor in afe good
trondilbn a possible auil turn sirifie bveV to
cdminiUee ftfr n palriJ ba hill
Wherbupotf thebobu abjourubd io Pobj wt
Attest J WJVaaieK Co CferK
Sale -of Estray
I will Bell to he highest hid Jpr for cash at my
pla 111 German pre hict i ear Kiege P o Hat
jirdjiy inarch 1901 at 10 oclock a hi the fol
lowing desrnbed eslray towit One Arabian
gra mare ae unknown blina in 0110 oe and
tuiei oinie 1 on right shoulder wVteuti
auuut I u o p uuds V a WJIson Kilsoreeb4
-1 -
tr ki
Headquarters for Druggists Sundries
75 cts for earn 500 iniics less or
iivo its meaens tnci myomowu
stum it at our cxnease and vre will rcfut
qua to any standard hich grade sewing machine made ai 1 any madnne
old for less money must be made of inferior ziaterial We in inufactur in
are quantities and sell only at a small advance of factor cost which enables vs
ri Dlicryuu iauiiiiy iiiitmuc umujiitic at a TJUltui3U5iy K price
ith various inducements
PS O Unknown cones is are continually ofTcr
1 fttnr tnfA nili p nw w m
ifll w J VI - Ji vujjjua uMiuc
Write to the Afcrcn S7i3ES j3auk or the Second
VT A 1 Tl 1 - Jl 1 ni nnnthiiMfi Itll
J ine with the defects of none Made rijht in our factorv
ViMiSS money can Lu
1 Q 2 If Mi
ill gpsalll
3 J5 ffilgggggg f II
national uinit ox Aaron vuio - wy out ou
Kiuuuini 11111 iiuhv iiinviiiiim nni7Biimt nr e
iH7i JJl1i H
ieat rot z criyuuiuru 6EJfj V ffr TIIii 1
d vour inoniv 7 ib machine is I JSUlSI tt B a YlWlIRIil
fersrtS H B a IflflSfSj
x nniniicy
oreiy modern irn
verv hirh trrada ma
1 H5S2 C5
y the rsost slulled and 5cm the best naterial that
nfinO nC77nAllMjrreirsven irawerCosToninnrcloice Quar
UnUr LitOA UHDIni1 ter sawcJcaic piano plliltl One Illustration
slioTrs BoxTf omachine opea ready for Jise the Other cur Drot Head machine
with the head dropf cd from slrht to be used as a center taLle cr desfe Tha
uprishtorao psnatliineb s six fanry dravers and crc nrswer lor toois
ncedlcsetc n are Htest 1900 she etonframecareUpaneicdraitossM
anddecorae c fine nirietcd ditwcr pulls rests on four cisterj
tjrnribl tre 1 Smyth iron santl The Drop Krad has four fancy
drawers find nr fjr tools Eah machine has the finest hiRh ana
head ix slit r m feed scffhrradlnr ribraliii shuttle at triuc bob
bin Tjoved
ailj stajleprrswr i ved shuttle carrier patent arrss xtii -
ruarctllea this mac iii totetliolichtestrurjiapOTtUunibieanunt jtrioisceii
machine made Ever alfachment i fnrrUJicd free together wth a complete intrne
lion honV tclHnfr vcu inw tn H ar v tiil rf rljln or fancv irark We lf US a written
binding guarantee with every machine Itt 11 ccet oa nothing tosresndexua
ine this mirhlne com Jt it with others selling for frnm Sw t j 60 and if satisfactory
agent 5169s charges Send fur citiilrs and full d srnptio f sewinf
midlines and bicj c e in nufactured by us Order today Address iU orders to 1
The Akron Sewicc Slachine and Bicyels Co arc reliatlcV Caf r
vvvyvvvrvvwywvvwwyyyww vwaaaaMaaa
Hard wood
fence rpost3 at
8c at
I will run the-town-herd of cows this
summer and do the herding myself and
guarantee careful haudling of all stock
entrusted to mv care Yours TmiP
53 W D Clarksox
Old Dr Drnmiiiond
Alter years of patient study and experi
ment has given the world a preparation which
is an absolute and permanent cure for every
form of rheumatism The price is S5 but it is
two largo bottles enough for a months treat
ment and will relieve tne worst case from the
first dose Sent by oxpres s 011 receipt of price
by Drummond Medicine Co New Yout with
full particulars and testimonials 01 wonderful
Strayed from my ranch near Simeon
during the fiist of January three cows
iiUiC ci Jc Jt lui i rfonc sIpp
branded W F connected left hip 1
so one heifer bianded A X On left side
W D ilbRGAllFrfDGE
Wanted I
Reliable man for mmacer of branch ofTce w
wish to open in this
vicinity If JOur 1 coul is
w a uure en
opportunity Kii dlvgegood
reference when writing
How dear tu rny heart is the steady subscriber
Who pays in advance at the birth of each year
Who lays down his dollar and smiles at me gladly
And casts around the oflice a halo of cheer
He never says Stop it I cannot afford it1
Nor Im getting more papers now than I cau read
But always says Send it the family likes it
In fact we all think it is a real household need
How welcome he is when he steps in the sanctum
How he makes my heart throb how he makes my eyes dance
I outwardly thank him 1 inwardly bless him
The steady subscriber who pays in advance
Stolen j
AiMAAAAAAAAAIUMAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaa
Farm 1ajwr Doosttt JFill the BUI
A farm paper is all right as an addit
ion to the farmers reading matter but
first of all he wants a NEWSPAPER
one that will give him all the telegraph
ic news of the world oarkets state
and national politics together with a
lot of whelesorae reading for the fam
ily The Semi Weekly State Journal
is just such a paper published ever R
Tuesday and Friday at the state cap
ital For a short tiin The Western
Poultry News will be sent FREE ONE
YEAR to those sending 1 for the Jour
nal Address State Journal Lincoln
When you want a physic that is
mild and gentle easy to take and pleas
ant in effect use Chamberlains Stom
ach and Liver Tablets Price 25 cents
Samples free Every box guaranteed
For sale by Quigley and Chapman
A Aiffht of Teyros
Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Burnham of
Machias Me when the doctors said
she would die from Pneumonia before
mouing writes Mrs S H Lincoln
who attended her that fearful night
but she begged for Dr Kings New Dis
covery which bad more than once sav
ed ber life and cured her of consumpt
ion Aftejjjaking she slept all night
Further use entirely cured her This
marvellous medidine hi guaranteed to
cure all Throat Chest and Lung Dia
eases Only 50c and 100 Trial bot
tles sree at Elliotts crug store
500 Reward
For any case of rheumatism which cannot bo
cured with Dr Drummonda Lightning Berne
dies internal and external relieves at once euro
guaranteed Restores stiff joints drawn cords
and hardoned muscles If your druggist has
not got it do not tke anything else Send de
scription of your case tako the agency and te
oare treatment free Drummond Medicine Co
i Nassau street Y j
A KOOil Isobnf ZZ
xiurtanfi -
Ing harness la tncjS
iuiai iuu ui a com-
blnatlon IZZ
Bl a l rntr c tCH iW3
not only makes he harncs an i tf l1
horac loci betrer but raaiw th3 l
leather soitand tillable nisitM
dition to last twrcc ca Ions-
ca it ordinarily wouIJ j
Sold cTcrrubcrc la caj U
ut3 icuc 07