Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1901, Image 4

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-- - -
Official Newspaper of Cherry
County NeoxasTca
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subQcribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
f -Subscription 100 per year In advance 5100
when not paid in advance
jWsplay advertising 1 Inch 15c per issue Boc
per month 4 issues 500 per year Jn advance
Local Notices 5c per Jine each issue
Brands IVi inches 3400 per year In ad
vance additional space S3 00 per inch per year
engraved blocks extra 100 each
Parties llvlnc outside Cherrv county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
Id per cent additional to above ratos if over
C months in arrears
Notices of loss of stock free
to brand
Thursday February 71901
Considerable comment is being -made
by the newspapers in regard to Mrs
Carrie Nation of Kansas making at
tacks on the saloons and the burning of
a negro at Leavenworth by a mob In
the first Mrs Nation is a law breaker
only justified by fanatics and could be
restrained were it not for the agitation
of the liquor question which the joint
ests seek to avoid The other case is a
plain one and need only come bome to
those to have them up in arms and
fully as desperate It is in the inter
ests of civilization Let capital pun
ishment be instituted in Kansas and
there will be no need of mob violence
As predicted exclusively by this pa
per the general laud office has at last de-
reservoir declaratory state
ments cannot hold land unless work
in compliance with the act of Jan 13
1897 is actually done on the land and
the local laud office has received in
structions under date of January 25 to
that effect In other words homestead
entries can now be made and will be
filed on the so called reservoir claims
without the homesteader having to ap
peal to the commissioners So far as
it applied or was applied to this sec
tion of the United btates the law- is a
farce anyhow and nobody will regret
the decision which in effect nullifies all
the entries made under it in this dis
Night Shirf George Meiklejobn a
leading republican candidate lor U S
senator from Nebraska is known to be
-a poor man yet he maintains an ele
gantly appointed house in Lincoln
filled with servants and good things for
his friends as his headquarters In
addition he has a suite of three rooms
at the Lindell hotel and two rooms at
the Lincoln besides a train of paid fol
lowers numbering from ten to twenty
Where the money for these things
comesfrom is to many a mystery but
it is generally believed and with good
foundation that the federal office hold
ers of the state are putting up the
stuff Meiklejohn must be elected or
they will be replaced by a new batch of
pie eaters who were crowded away from
he table four years ago
r v
The new game law proposed by the
state senator from this district provides
for a game and fish commission con
sisting of a goverior and two appoin
tees a commissioner two deputies at
l20f a year and expenses three dep -
uties at 7u a month and expenses
secretary alfeTo amontIi these officials
shall have the powers of sheriffs and
constables all fish and game is declared
to be the property of the state poss
ession of anv fish or game unaccompan
ied by proper license snail be deemed
prima facie evidence of unlawful poss
ession laws relating to gaino and fish
shall be published at an expense of not
to exceed- 300 nobody shall fish or
hunt on any private land without per
mission of the owner dynamite and
poisons for fish are prohibited open
season for deer and antelope having
one horn begins August 15 and closes
Nov 15 open season for prairie chick-
en begins Sept 1 aud closes Pec 31
open season for ducks and geese Sept 1
to Dec 31 trout not less than eight
inches in length may be tak
en between June 1 and Oct SI no per-
t son shall take or kill more than five
geeseL twenty five ducks twenty fie
1 other birds and twenty pounds of fish
lfinytyne day and nobody shall have
moire than wiceihis amount in bib
posbsssonat any one tiraepne deer
nlTone antelope is allowed each person
tiaeach season fifty birds rruvf be taken
from the state by each person dach
toim non residehtk aire to be charged
-- Ti y - T -T IT
- r
I H Fever
Is a greater necessity than
a thermometer vised for re
gulating the temperature of
rooms This is especially
true in a family with a chi d
subject to night fevers and
unable to explain its condi
tion A fever thermomeeer
tells the exact condition of
the little one It allays fear
or warns the mother when
the fever ip jciangerous It
also enables you to tell the
condition of the patient if
the doctor is away
-A good one for 100
For years the fire insurance business
of this state was controlled by a com
pact of old line insurance companies
The rates were by agreement kept at
an unreasonably hieh figure The con
dition was such that a property owner
must either pay the high rate or go
without insurance as no company in
the compact would cut a rate The
conditions became such that in cider to
relieve the people of its effects the leg
islature in 1897 enacted the Mutual In
surance law under which the Fidelity
Mutual Fire Insurance Company was
organized by over one hundred of the
best business men in Nebraska
The object of mutual insurance is to
save to its policr holders all the premi
um above the cost of carrying insur
ance and which had heretofore gone as
dividends to eastern and foreign capi
talists who were stockholders in the
old line companies As the purposes
of mutual insurance became kuovn it
rapidly grew into favor and conse
quently business was changing from
old line to mutual companies to such a
large extent that the old line companies
becoming alarmed saw that their only
hope was in reducing the rates The
mutual companies were saving their
policy holders twenty five per cent of
the premium and in order to meet this
the old line companies made a whole
sale reduction in rates to this extent
and later a still further reduction
thereby hoping that if the mutual com
panies wrote at this reduced rate they
would be compelled to collect the full
premium and by so doing cause dissat
isfaction among their policy holders
whtch would lead to their dropping
mutual insurance and going back into
the old line companies and thereby
causing mutual companies to get out ot
business and when they did so up
would go the rates to where they had
previously been This scheme failed
for the reason that most of our business
men saw the purpose in view and know
ing the mutual companies alone were
the cause of reduced rates have wisely
and justly continued giving such com
panies heir support The mutual
companies appreciating this have man
aged their business as economically as
possible and notwithstanding the bier
reduction in rates have been enabled to
save their polcy holders a part of the
premium based upon the reduced rates
During the year 1900 losses were
much larger than any previous year
and while the old line companies are
complaining that the total premiums
were not sufficient to pay losses and ex
penses the Fidelity Mutual fire insur
ance company was able to pay losses
and expenses on ninety per cent of the
premiums and in previous years has
done it on seventy -five per cent of the
premium We give the following quo
tations from an article in the Omaha
News of January 9 1901 publishing an
interview with one of the most promi
nent fire insurance men in the state
The year 1900 throughout the coun
try caused h eayier losses than any pre
vious year in the history of insurance
Losses were many millions of dol
lars over receipts
Kates will be reduced no further
they have gone down now forty per
The present tendency of rates is up
not down
The above quotations show what the
people might expect from the old line
companies if such companies could
control the insurance business of this
state as they did previous to the exist
ence of the mutual companies
We wonder why the protest against
D E Thompson which was circulated
here last week not rresented to
SfOior a petniifc to hunt and residents democrats Is not Horton tbS
SI Pidper penalties are provided for ehtative of the people4 And
re tires-
do not
the violatjcaoT theact and many democrats assist in paying his salary
ivsions ubt enumerated ahove are made And has not the minority a voice in
hat the above are the principal and atfairs of govfrnnientv How long will
ient points of tun new bill waich
ma tin farcial method if electing senators
U rtmrcCBiit us b cHjrei tottmnM
Morey has a fine line of Valentines
Robert Dunrfpwas irftown TsdaT
Wanted A
at the
j i
1 r 1 JM
v tp - i
WE Waite has moved his family
to town
Lowest prices on
everything at
See those Automatic Oil Cans at R
Anderspjig jJBimh v -- -
J E Cochran- was-in-town-the first
of the week
C Sahnr tff Brittjattended
M W A last night
Corn taken in exchange for goods
by W A Pettycrew
If you are looking for Valentines
eithir sentimental or humorous call
at Moreys
Johnny Stetter oame down from
Gordon yestereav morning to spend
a few days with his family
John Lord of Simeon came in on
business Wednesday and assisted in
shoving the editor through the myst
eries of Wood Craft
The commissioners are in sessian
this week and have decided to locate
the court house on Main street oppo
site the Episcopal church
The beef cure had quite a run in
some parts of th e county last fall
and it is expected that the water cure
will become popular now that the re
vival season is at hand
Liet Stevens passed his examinat
ion successfully so we hear and will
be promoted to Captain We under
stand that Co K of 10th infantrv
has been ordered to the Phillipines
Mrs Nels Rowley of Kenned ar
rived in Valentine last night from
Hot Springs Arkansas where she
had been for the last three months
and is much improved in health
Nels is a happy man
W A Wilson came down irom Kil
gore and took in the meeting of the
Woodman last night Mr Wilson is
a jolly old boy and likes a little fun
now and then besides the humdrum
of life when its all work
A B Ries of Orsis will soon move
his family to town Mr Ries has
been out in the hay flats for some
time and now has a nice ranch start
ed of four claims and some stock
The Democrat extends a welcome to
The ladies will give a box social at
the school house m district no 2 on
the evening of Saturday Feb 16
The ladies will bring boxes and the
gentlemen money to buy them Pro
ceeds for the benefit of the Sunday
Business is dullest in Gordon at
this writing that we have ever seen
it Everybody seems to be taking a
rest This is something unusual for
Gordon We generally do business
here when there is anv being done in
the country Gordon Journal
E D Shackelton and J Hower who
left Sparks last summer and went to
Alberta Canada to grow up with
that country and make their fortunes
returned with their outfits this week
much sadder and wiser They drove
back and were fourteen weeks on the
There was a large attendance at a
meeting of the Modern Woodman of
America last evening 38 local mem
bers were present and 8 visiting mem
bers Ye Editor rode the goat and a
merry time was enjoyed by all This
will provide for the little boy in case
of a call to shuffle off this mortal coil
Come ye and do likewise provide for
the dear ones who are to follow you
Shooting at Mcrriman
Jim White was shot Monday even
ing about 9 oclock by Len Cearns the
bartender in Barnes Childers sa
loon Jim is a big burly fellow and
had gone to the saloon for the pur
pose of doing somebody up so we are
informed Len Cearns has been
known by a large number of our peo
ple for years and is a quiet indiffer
ent person well liked by nearty every
one who knows him Jim White for
merly worked jor Robt Dunn the beef
contractorfor the agency and is a
big burly fellow who has been a trifle
wild and had some trouble at Gordon
some time ago with Marshal Peter
son Mr White undei took to do nip
the saloon of which Mr Cearns is bar
tender so we are told and after throw
ing several articles at Cearns was
stopped with a bullet through the
right shoulder and ranged downward
through the right lung lodging just
below the Jung Another bullet
struck his watch masbjng the watch
and bullet but doing no injuFy 0fcner
White fe reported as being in a
ious condition but doesnt want
Cearns prosecuted Mr Cearns came
down on the marninir train following
and gave himBelfup to SberiU Lay-
port and after glying bond wag allow
ed to return to Merriman Wednesday
It is thought that Whites shoulder is
broken biflfes blfcedfoft ihternalty j
Niobrara Falls
Once again we will join the staff that
is growing steadily We are gladto
Bee so many writers -
Excitementih this part is a thing lof
thejpast y j
Look out for squalls this1 is too good
to last long
- John Thompson departed for Custer
county one day last week
Alouzo Mosher was over trom the
flats on business Monday
If there is anything Johnny J
sner iiKes ueiter man a wiuow u is two
Doc Johnson is preparing to move
hisresidence to his homestead on which
he recently filed
Mesdaines Margaret Ormesher and
Lucy Red fern visited in this locality
the first of the week
We understand that the dance at Ell
wood Heaths was well attended and a
good time is reported
John Grooms Sr visited his grand
children and greatgrandchildren at the
Falls since our last writing
Jim Hutchinson and Doc Grooms
took a job of chopping posts for Wm
Ballard but soon threw up the sponge
and quit the country
Geo Death wha has been visiting
relatives here started for his home last
week We understand he intends lo
cating here in the near future
Bad Boy
Down the River
Mr Paul Churbonneau was a caller
in our miOst last Sunday
Jb rank Ashburn is doing some fencing
on his hay claim near Simeon
Dances are almost too numerous to
mention about four are anticipated to
be danced in the next two weeks
Charley Sears has quite a lumber
yard started The lumber is fresh from
bt Niobraras condemned buildings
School commenced in district no 9
Monday morning Feb 4 with Miss
Mary C Keif at the teachers desk
The old Niobrara had its back up
pretty high a few days ao but the fine
winter weather will not allow it to
stay up
The Davis Bros at the Damascus
store bought two cows a few days ago
They will take anything the farmers
have in exchange for goods
Lost Strayed or Stolen while skating
near the Berry Bridge one overshoe
Any one finding this No 4 footgear
will oblige by delivering same to Miss
Lilhe Grooms
Sickness seems to be getting bad all
through the country Mrs E Bristol
was pretty bad a few days ago All
the doctors were out from Valentine
and the Post Doctor was unable to get
away We need a Doctor very much
in the Sparks country
Bailey Briefs
R Poland is wintering 34 bulls
churn ranch
We ought to know a whole lot more
this ceutury than we did last
Several parties have lost calves with
blackleg in this vicinity recently
Frank Heath is putting on heap hy
cockolorum he rides in a 60 buggy
We had a light snow fall the night
of the 3id It was elegant for the
May you see see the end of the cen
tury and be a reader of the Valentine
Democrat wnile you live
That Philipine trade report shows
who is feeding the cow and who is do
ing the milking and it is not the same
fellow either
Will Anderson was one of the callers
in these parts on the 3rd lie brought
Frank Walker G H Sears nephew
out from Cody
The ground hog saw his shadow the
2nd if there are any in Cherry county
Say boys it would surprise us if we
have six weeks cold weather
Guess Who I Am
Mrs Peterson and family wers visit
ing wib Mrs Jordan Tuesday
We hope tho entertainmeii that is to
be in the school house Friday night will
bo a success
Well the grippe has its olaws full
There are quite a number of people
around Arabia sick
Yes the groundhog had a fine day to
show himself and he may make it live
ly for us before spring
Phil Fleming went to work for Mr
Benson Phil has been laid up for a
week with the grippe
The men that bought the horses from
the Indians left Monday for Dead wood
to dentify the Indians who sold the
Along the MinjiecluuiuKa
A B Overman is hauling hay to the
Agency this week
The neighbors are figuring ou put
ting up ice this week
Dr Compton and Dr
Lewis visited
W M Story this week
C Burns had a valuable natli dog
poisoned by parties putting out bait for
Chas Burns and Elmer Beel have
t urchased the wire and posts known as
the O 1 Catey and G M Troflie pas
School district No 10 has been closed
for pne month on account of smallpox
by jje advisability of the
dbnt because the majority of the board-
refuged to apt
Strayed from my ranch near Simeon
during the firgt of January three cows
branded W p on left Jnp and one steer
branded W F on left hip
ins iKVT8 o
Vhe Akron Sewing Machine and BicycL
fiX 9mt jrl
Whaylens moving pictures war
scenes comic scenes etc Artistic
instructive bumerous and liitfli class
Graohophone Grand with giant cyl
inder and 56 inch brass -horn About
80 moving pictuers and about 4000 ft
of film euqual to G4000 pictures At
Cornell Hall to night Admission
Ceildren 15c Adults 25c
For the grippe Avoid drafts use
checks Use but little stimulants
dont drink until thev are drunk
Dont catch cold go slower Take
quinine in big capsules Dont let
your feet chill wear felt boots After
trying the above if not well join a
life insurance company order your
casket then call the doctor Ex
One bright friend came in the other
da with what he thought was a conun
drum Why is a newspaper like a
woman The various answers given
were Because both have to be
known to be appreciatee Because
both are good advertising mediums
Because both have to be pressee
Because it changes its dress and tells
tales The correst answer is Be
cause every man should have oneof his
own and not be running after his
neighbors Now is the time to sub
scribe Gordon Jourhal
Hard wood
Five Uunrtrctl Hollars IVill be Given
For any case of rheumatism wliicli cannot b
cured by Dr Drunmiomrs Lightning Keniedies
The proprittors do not hide this olTer but print
it in bold type on all their circulars wrappers
printed matter and through the columns ot the
newspapers everywhere It will work wonders
One bottle will cure nearly any case If the
druccist has not got it he will order it or it wil
be tent to any address by pxpress on receipt of
price S3 Dmnimond Mediciue Co New York
Agents wanted
Sale of Est ray
I will sell to he highest bidder for cash at niv
place in German precinct near ICiege P Sat
urday nuuvh 9 1901 at 10 oclock a in Hit fol
lowing describod estray towit One Arabian
gray mare iiLe unknown blina in one ee and
branded oirclo J on right shoulder Weiaht
about 1100 pounds W A Wilson Kilgoreeb
fence posts at 8c at
I will run the town herd of cows this
summer and do the herding myself and
guarantee careful handling of all stock
entrusted to niy care Yours Truly
W D Clakksox
A Rood looklnt jSsk
horse nnd poor look- S
Ing harness is the sisA
worst kind of ft com- f2A
Eureka lik
Yovr Patronage solicited Rates reasonable Horses well cared for
Cut this ad out and send to us State whether you wish drop head or up
right and vie will send yoa our high grade Akron Seeing Machine
by freight C O D subject to examination Examine it at your nearest
freight or express office and if found exactly as represented here equal to
other machines costing from 40 to 60 pay the agent our
average 7 ct3 for each 500 miles less or greater distances in proportion
Give it 4 months trial ia your own home and if it is not satislactory
return xt at our expense and we will refund your money This machine is
equal to any standard high grade sewing machine made and any machine
sold for less money must be made of inferior material We manufacture in
large quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables
10 oner you a auiLiiy uin graus mauiinc at a naicuiousty low price
HhWiinr Or imiiATUndiinginferio
with Tarious inducements Write to the Akron Savings Bank or the Second
Hational Bank of Akron Ohio and thcywill tell you of our reliability
chine with the defects of none Made right ia our factory by the most skilled worfcntn and from the best material
uta uhimji
2 - s I Jsrl
cm stjfeI3t j
m 1 11 -- - - r3lrlWWW
iBl tfliBP
a fl T 11 M o
w in 5
uiuucy coil uuy
that 1
flKflP llFK nnRIJCTorseTen drawBoxTopyourchoice Qutr
HPK U WilDIHCI ter sawed oak piano polished One illustration
shows Box Top machine open ready for use the other our Drop Head machine
with the head dropped trom sight to be used as a center table or desk The
upright or BoxTcp machine hs six fancy drawers and one drawer for tools
ncecies etc Drawers are latest 1900 skeleton frame carved paceied embossed
and decorated cabinet finish fine nickeled drawer pulls rests on four casters
adjustable treadle genuine Smyth iron stand The Drop Head has fjur fancy
drawers and one drawer for tools Each machine hu the finest hish arm
head oositive four motion feed slffTirMfnr vihmfinrr Oiuttl automatic hah
bin winder adjustable bearings paten tension I ibera tor improved loose wheel improved
adjustable pressure foot improved shute carrier patent aress guard patent needle bar
ncaa is nanasomeiy uecoratea ana ornamented ana beautifully nickel trimmea we
guarantee this machine to be the lightest running most durable and nearest noiseless
machine made Every attachirent is furnished free together with a complete instruc
tion book telling you now to do any kind of plain or fancy work We issue a written
binding guarantee with every machine It will cost vou nothing to see and exam
ine this machine compare It with others selling for from 40 to Co and If satisfactory
pay the agent 1695 and charges Send for circulars and full descriptions of sewing
machines and bicycles manufactured by us Order today Address all orders to
Co are reliable Editor
Farm Faper Doesnt Fill the Bill-
A farm paper is all right asan addit
ion to the farmers reading matter but
first of all he wants a NEWSPAPER
one that will give him all the telegraph
ic news of the world markets state
and national politics together with a
lot of whelesome reading for the fam
ily The Semi Weekly State Journal
is just such a paper published every
Tuesday and Friday at the state cap
ital For a short timy The Western
Poultry News will be sent FREE ONE
YEAR to those sending 1 for the Jour
nal Address State Journal Lincoln
When you want a -physic that is
mild and gentle easy to take and peas
ant in effect use Chamberlains Stom
ach and Liver Tablets Price 25 cents
Samples free Every box guaranteed
For sale by Quigley and Chapman
A Xtffht of Terror
Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Burnham of
Machias Me when the doctors said
she would die from Pnemionia before
morning write3 Mrs S H Lincoln
who attended her that fearful night
but she begged for Dr Kings New Dis
covery which bad more than once sav
ed her life and cured her of consumpt
ion After taking she slept all night
Further use entirely cured her This
marvellous medidine is guaranteed to
cure all Throat Chest -and Lung Dis
eases Only 50c and 100 Trial bot
tles sree at Elliotts crug store
A Traveling Pain
There is no disease quite so peculiar as
rheumatism The pain wldch is in the little
finger to day may be in one or the toes to-morrow
And so it travels all over the system
seeking an outlet and finding none it settles
permanently in one place and from its home
other pains start out and settle down and mul
tiply Dr Drummouds Lightning remedies
for Itlieumatibin attack the disease from all
points at once ami their work is always sue
cessful If your druggist has not these reme
dies write to the Drummond Medicine Co
New York and de cribe your case Agents
Illustrated catalogue 4ctsstamps
syg yggg W4 w m wars
Ccr i9th and
ti VVcrth Sfs
not only makes thclmrncs3 and tbg jjm LiOUQR
horse loqh better but makes tho la S jwwtij
jeuuier son ana pname pats it neon- ll E SSflDriMllir
P8WfierrbV3 im 1 0BACGO
fflnl ATAvrAor 51W5 A
NM oil co kiPrK
xym mmmsm i
I tsnrssfi a frMmmwj
l lIJ Jv
Beliable man for manager of branch office we
wish to open in this vicinity If your record is
K here is an opportunity Kindly irtve irood
L reierence when writing
iroduce each a dieasel
having definite uahol d
OZV Tlmf1riit intrfJ
ersiy to the Dxmbjef
Chloride of Gold Treat J
nient ureuarcfl to T
USING LoslleE Kefctey
lufeilwue sit ttlnalinNt bniacii fil
i c tusttt U iriT it
ne Xi JP n
- - f Ji
VT FO fyic KaTJC JLla
fi tor JUth a 1 i