Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1901, Image 3

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H6e Bondmaiii
- CHAPTER VIL Continued
What happened tnereafter he never
rightly knew only that in a distem
pered dream he was standing with oth
ers outside the rails about Govern
ment House while the snow began to
fall through the darkness that he saw
the dancers circling across the lighted
windows and heard the music of the
flutes and violins above the steady
chime of the sea that he knew this
merry making to be a festival of her
marriage whom he loved with a love
beyond that of his immortal soul that
the shame of his condition pained him
and the pain of it maddened him the
madness of it swept away his con
sciousness and that when he came to
himself he had forced his way into the
house thinking to meet his enemy face
to face and was in a room alone with
Greeba who was cowering before him
with a white face of dismay
Jason she was saying why are
you herer
Why are you here he asked
Why have you followed me she
Why have you followed him
What have you come for
Is this what you have come for
Jason she cried again I wronged
you that is true but you forgave me
I asked you to choose for me and if
you had said stay I should have
stayed But you released me you
know you did You gave me up to
him and now he is my husband
But this man is Michael Sunlocks7
said Jason
Didnt you know that before said
Greeba Ah then I know what you
have come for You have recalled
your forgiveness and have come to
punish me for deserting you But
spare me Oh spare me Not for my
own sake but his for I am his wife
now and he loves me very dearly No
no not that but only spare me Ja
son she cried arid crouched at his
I would not harm a hair of your
head Greeba he said
Then what have you come for
she said
This man is a son of Stephen Or
ry he said
Then it is for him she cried and
leaped to her fest
Ah now I understand I have not
forgotten the night in
Does he know of that said Jason
Dees he know I am here
Does he know we have met
Let me see him
But why she stammered Why
see him It is I who have wronged
Thats why I want to see him said
She uttered a cry of terror and stag
gered back There was an ominous si
lence in which it passed through
Greebes mind that all that was hap
pening then had happened before She
could hear Jasons labored breathing
and the dull thud of the music through
the walls
Jason she cried What harm has
he ever done you I alone am guilty
before you If your vengeance must
fall on anyone let it fall on me
Where is he said Jason
He is gone said Greeba
Yes to find my poor father The
dear old man was wrecked in coming
here and my husband sent men to
find him but they blundered and came
back empty handed and not a half an
hour ago he went off himself
Was he riding said Jason but
without waiting for an answer he
made towards the door
Wait Where are you going
cried Greeba
Swift as lightning the thought had
flashed through her mind What if he
should follow him
Now the dqor to the room was a
heavy double hung door of antique
build and at the next instant she had
leaped to it and shot the heavy wooden
barr that bolted it
At that he laid one powerful hand
on the bar itself and wrenched it out
ward across the leverage of its iron
loops and it cracked and broke and
fell to the ground in splinters
Then the strong excitement lent the
brave girl strength and her fear for
her husband gave her courage and
crying Stop for heavens sake stop
she put her back to the door tore up
the sleeve of her dress and thrust her
bare right arm through the loops
where the bar had been
Now she cried you must break
my arm after it
God forbid said Jason and he fell
back for a moment at that sight But
recovering himself he said Greeba
I would not touch your beautiful arm
to hurt it no not for all tne wealth
of the world But I must go so let
me pass
Still her terror was centered on the
thought of Jasons vengeance
Jason she cried he is my hus
band Only think my husband
Let me pass said Jason
Jason she cried again my hus
band is everything to me and I am all
in all to him
Let me pass said Jason
You intet d to follow him You are
seeking him to kill him
Let me pass
Deny it
Let me pass
Never she cried Kill me if you
will but until you have done so you
shall not pass this door Kill me
Not for my souls salvation said
Then give up your wicked purpose
Give it up give it up
Only when he shall have given up
his life
Then I warn you I will show you
no pity for you have shown none to
At that she screamed for help and
presently the faint music ceased and
there was a noise of hurrying feet
Jason stood a moment listening then
he looked towards the window and
saw that it was of one frame and had
no sash that opened At the next in
stant he had doubled his arms across
his face and dasned through glass and
A minute afterwards the room was
full of men and women and Jason was
brought back into it pale sprinkled
with snow and blood stained
I charge that man whh threatening
the life of my husband Greeba cried
Then it seemed as if twenty strong
hands laid hold of Jason at once But
no force was needed for he stood quiet
and silent and looked like a man who
had walked in his sleep and been sud
denly awakened by the sound of Gree
bas voice One g ance he gave her of
great suffering and proud defiance and
then guarded on either hand passed
out of the place like a captured lion
There was short shrift for Red Ja
son He was tried by the court near
est the spot and that was the criminal
court over which the Bishop in his
civil capacity presided with nine of
his neighbors on the bench beside him
From this court an appeal was pos
sible to the Court of the Quarter and
again from the Quaiter Court to th
High Court of Akhng but appeal in
this case there was none for there was
no denfence And because Icelandic
law did not allow of the imprisonment
of a criminal unil after he had been
sentenced an inquest was caned forth
with lest Jason should escape or com
pass the crime he had attempted So
the Court of Inquiry sat the same
night in the wooden shed that served
both for Senate and House of Justice
The snow was now falling heavily
and the hour was late but the court
house was thronged It was a little
place a plain box bare featureless
and chill with walls roof and seats of
wood and floor of hard earth Four
short benches were ra sed st p above
step against the farth st side and
on the highest of these the Bishop sat
with three of his colleagues on each
of the three rows beneath him The
prisoner stocd on a broad stool to the
right and the witnesses on a like
stool to the left A wooden bar crossed
the room about midway and in the
open space between that and the door
the spectators were crowded together
The pace was lighted by candies and
some were fixed to the wals others
weie held by ushers on the end of long
sticks and a few were hung to the
roof rafters by hemp ropes tied about
their middle The floor ran like a
stream and the atmosphere was full
of the vapor of the snow that was
melting on the peoples clothes Noth
ing could be ruder than the court
house but the Court that sat there ob
served a rule of procedure that was al
most an idolatry of form
The prisoner was called by the name
of Jason son of Stephen Orry and
having answered in a voice so hollow
that it seemed to come out of the
earth beneath him he rose to his place
His attitude was dul and impassive
and he seemed hardly to see the rest
less crowd that murmured at sight of
him His tall figure stooped there was
a cloud on his strong brow and a slow
fire in his bloodshot eyes and his red
hair long as a womans hung in dis
ordered masses down his worn cheeks
to his shoulders The Bshop a vener
able prelate of great age looked at
him and thought That mans heart
is dead within him
The spokesman of the court was a
middle aged man who was short had
little piercing eyes a square brush of
iron gray hair that stood erect across
the top of his corded forehead and a
crisp clear utterance like the crackle
of a horses hoofs on the frost
Jason was charged with an attempt
to take the life of Michael Sunlocks
first President of the second Republic
tie did not plead and had no defence
and the witnesses against him spoke
only in answer to the leading ques
tions of the judges
The first of the Witnesses was Greeba
herself and her evidence given in
English was required to be inter
preted All her brave strength was
now gone She trembled visibly Her
eyes were down her head was bent
her face was half hidden by the hood
of a cloak she wore and her tones
were merely audible She had little to
say The prisoner had forced his way
into Government House and there to
her own face had threatened to take
the life of her husband In plain
words he had done so and then made
show of going in pursuit of her hus
band that he might carry out his de
Wait said the Bishop your hus
band was not present
No said Greeba
There was therefore no direct
And the whole sum of the prison
ers offense so far as you know of
it lies in the use of the words that
you have repeated
Then turning to the spokesman of
the Court the old Bishop said
There has been no overt act This
is not an attempt but a threat to take
life And this is not a crime by the
law of this or any other Christian
Your pardon my lord said the
little man in his crisp tones I will
show that the prisoner is guilty of the
essential part of murder itself Mur
der my lord he added is not merely
to compass the destruction of a life
ii mens is uuiuiuiue uy i
ture there is jus ifiable homicide and 1
there are the rights long recognized
Dy Icelandic law of the avengers of
blood Murder is to kill in secrecy
and after long harbored malice and
now my lord I shall show that the
prisoner has lain in wait to slay the
President of the Republic
At that Greeba stood down and
other witnesses followed her Nearly
everyone had been summoned with
whom Jason had exchanged words
since he landed eight days before
There was the lean student who had
told him of the drill at the Latin
school the little tailor who had ex
plained the work at the jail the stut
tering doorkeeper at the senate house
and one of the masons at the fort
Much was made of the fainting in the
Cathedral yard on the Sunday morn
ing and out of the deaf landlady the
Cathedral caretaker some startling
disclosures seemed to De drawn
Still said the old Bishop I see
no overt act
Good gracious my lord said the
little spokesman are we to wait un
til the knife has been reddened
God forbid said the old Bishop
Then came two witnesses to prove
motive The first of them was the
tipsy comrade of former days who
had drawn Jason into the drinking
shop He could say of his own knowl
edge that Jason was jealous of the new
Governor The two were brothers in
a sort of way So people said and so
Jason had told him They had the
same father but different mothers Ja
sons mother had been the daughter of
the old Governor who turned his back
on her at her marr age At her death
he relented and tried to find Jason
but could not and then took up with
Michael Sunoeks People said that
was the beginning of the new Presi
dents fortune At al eveats Jason
thought he had baen supplanted was
very wroth and swore he would be re
vet ged
The second cf the two witnesses
pointed to a very diffe ent mot ve He
was one of the thr e Danes who -had
twice speken to Jason the ederly
man with the meek and quiet manner
Though himsef loyal to the Iclndic
Republic he Ird ben much thrown
among its enemies Jason was one of
them he came hers as a spy direct
from Copenh gen and his constant
nssociatP3 were Thomsen an old
white he ded man 1 ving in the High
street and Polveen a yorng ad sal
ow mm who keot one of the stores
facing the sei Wi h these two Jason
had been heard by hin to plan the
assassination of the Prsd nt
To be Continued
Takes Place or Sandpaper in AU Cabinet
Although steel wool has only ben
used as a substitute for sandpaper dur
ing the last six years it is now very
extensively used for polishing purpos
es by metal workers carpenters cabi
net makers house painters sign paint
ers and grainers throughout the United
States said a wholesale dealer in tne
material to the writer recently Steel
wool is an article of regular manufac
ture and it is put up in one pound pack
ages very much resembling rolls or
cotton batting It is composed of
sharp edged threads of steel which
curl up like wool or the familiar wjod
fiber known as excelsior but it is much
finer in texture than the latter mate
rial the finest quality being not much
coarser than the coarsest of natural
wools The superiority of steel wool
over the ordinary sandpaper consists
in its great pliability which enab es a
worker to polish or smooth down ir
regular parts of moldings or ornamen
tal woodwork Such work can be done
with steel wool far better and much
more expeditiously than with sand
paper The latter clogs in use but
steel wool always retains a more pr-
feet polishing edge or surface The
wool is made in various degrees of
coarseness the coarser grade being
best adapted for taking off old paint or
varnish and for smoothing and clean
ing floors like those of bowling alleys
The wool is generally used with gloves
to keep the sharp ends from sticking
into the workmans fingers Wash
ington Star
Industrial Development Brings Evils
The annual day of humiliation and
prayer was recently observed in Prus
sia according tolong established cus
tom and a great many of the Berlin
newspapers took occasion to print ar
ticles upon the recent deterioration in
Dublic morality They asserted that
the rapid industrial development of
the country and its corresponding im
provement in its financial condition
had resulted in an alarming growth of
social evils and abuses
Blaklnff Bank Note Paper
The paper upon which bank notes
and bonds are printed is all made at
Dalton Mass and its manufacture is
one of the greatest secrets connected
with the government system of money
making Each sheet is as carefully
watched from the time it first assumes
shape until deposited in the vaults ol
the treasury department at Washing
ton as though it were gold Golden
Railroad to Tap Siberia
German capitalists have planned the
construction of a railroad through the
Samoyede peninsula with the object of
bringing the wheat of western Siberia
quickly and economically into the
world market The wheat wil be ship
ped by the Ob and its navigable tribu
taries to Obdorsk then by rail to the
seacoast and thence by vessel to Lon
don or other ports
Bunkfoj Would Ee enlist
Charles H Acord 41 years old and
John J Lynch aged 45 have filed pa
pers in Indianapolis for re enlistment
in the regular army They enlisted to
gether in 1882 were bunkies for 18
years shared the perils of 11 battles
and engagements at home and abroad
and now wish to re enter the service
Captain Edward C Raymond who
had an extensive acquaintance in
Grand Army circles expired suddenly
of heart disease while reading a paper
at Galesburg 111 During the civil
war he was captain of Company A
Twenty fourth niinois infantry
The dispatch adds that acording to
reliable information the Boer do not
intond at presnt to take diplomatic
steps but will continue 1n South Afri
ca is strong enough o make the diplo
matic stops successful
Time is money with -the abscond
ing bank official J
Commoner Comment
Extracts From W J Bryans Paper
Queen Victoria
Englands queen has closed her long
and eventful career and her death has
brought sincere sorrow to her subjects
Her administration was popular be
cause her personal virtues were worthy
of admiration and for the further rea
son that she allowed her people those
who have parliaments to have their
cwn way in matters of legislation Her
birth her education her environment
and her own interests all led her to
support the monarchical principle of
government but measured by any
title that can be applied to a throne
her reign will compare favorably wih
any previous reign in English history
or with the reign of any contempor
aneous sovereign Her influence tend
I ed toward peace and there is every
t reason to believe that war was always
a source of real regret to her
Her age her high character and her
womanliness combined to make her
name revered among her own people
and respected abroad Lacking for
the most part the qualities of head
rul heart which make kings odious
she has done much to lessen the oppo
sition of arbitrary power which sixty
years ago menaced European rulers
Whether her successor will profit by
her oxample or develop less popular
traits remains to be seen If Edward
VII proves that he has a just claim to
the confidence bestowed upon her she
as his mother as well as his prede
cessor will derive credit from his
good deeds if on the other hand he
fails in the difficult task of filling her
place satisfactorily her reign will grow
the brighter by contrast
rt is a high yet a deserved tribute
to her to say that no one exercising
roval prerogatives could have done
better and that the world at large has
cause ic mourn her demise
Two Dozen Pockets
The New York World is burdened
with thfi oncG noDular notion that Am-
i erican legislation should be framed to
I mnmn Vl Q TI OBfoof ffinr OI LllO
JI1U111UIC UiiV ivujw o
greatest number and never to benefit
the few at the expense of the manj
Having analyzed Mr Hannas ship
subsidy bill for the purpose of deter
mining how many pockets are to be
benefited by it the World is shocked
by its discoveries and declares that
the bare fact ought to make and sena
tor even Mr Hanna blush to vote for
it The World has discovered that Df
the whole list of ships that are en
titled to the highest subsidy rate fixed
by the bill nine tenths are owned by
just four companies to wit the In
ternational Navigation company the
New York and Cuba Mail company
the Pacific Mail Steamship company
and the American Mail Steamship
company Nine tenths of the smaller
subsidy rates that would be paid on
foreign built steamers would also go
to four concerns only and these four
are really only two operating under
different names namely the Standard
r OiJ Trust and the Pennsylvania Rail
road Under the clauses which pro
vide bounties for ships now building
for foriegn trade in American ship
yards and half bounties for ships
building abroad for American owners
it appears further that less than a
dozen ship owners and only four ship
builders would be beneficiaries
This then is what the ship subsidy
bill would do summed in a sentence
It would take from the pockets of
76000000 people 9000000 a year to
put it into the pockets of less than two
dozen private business concerns all
Trial by Jury Denied
The president in his instructions to
the Philippine commissioners is care
ful to exclude trial by jury from the
blessing conferred upon the nations
oriental subjects The omission is the
more noticeable because the sixth
amendment to the constitution is
quoted entire with the exception of
the clause guaranteeing trial by an
impartial jury of the state and district
wherein the crime shall have been
committed which district shall have
been previously ascertained by law
One by one the safe guards of the
constitution are being abandoned one
by one the doctrines of imperialism are
being adopted There is not a vital
principle of government heretofore
considered sacred which must not
ultimately be abandoned if this nation
continues to tax subjects without rep
resentation and govern them without
the consent of the governed
Victorias long reign was marked
by advancement in many direction4
but it closed while on of the most un
just wars in history was being waged
Victoria was opposed to it from the
start and its awful horrors caused
her great grief and possibly hastened
her death Edward VII who declares
that he reveres the memory of his
mother and would carry out her
wishes should use his endeavors to
end that unjust war and do justice to
a brave people whose only offense is
cherishing a love for liberty In this
way he could earn the gratitude of all
people who believe in free govern
It seems that some of the republi
cans still shy at the gold standard
when it comes around a corner sud
denly Just now the proposition to re
deem the silver dollars is making them
According to Duns report the busi
ness failures for the week ending Jan
uary 19 of this year amounted to 325
as against 242 for the corresponding
week in 1900 and 249 for the same
week in 1899 If wc had a democratic
administration this increase in the
failures would look bad but under a
republican administration it Is regard
ed as simply the weeding out of weak
The transport California brought
back from the Philippines seventy four
mute protests against a war of con
Lese Majeste
In the early days of Rome there was
a law specifying the crimes of Lese
Majestc The punishment was death
Augustus was the first to extend the
list cf offenses that were
and under his successors fur
ther extensions were made If the
relative of a subject was executed the
subject must exhibit delight else he
would be held accountable under this
law One suspected of a sentiment not
in harmony with the throne must be
particular as to the expression of his
eye even a sigh might be the undoing
of a compassionate person
Recently we have heard of Lese
Majeste in the United States of Am
erica Men who have dared criticise
a republican administration have been
subjected to suspicion under this
Jaw Men who have protested
against a policy of imperialism who
have objected to a violation of the
constitution who have insisted that
the chief magistrate does not repre
sent the legislative and the judicial as
well as the executive branch of the
government men who have refused to
applaud every act of administration
agents have been branded as traitors
by the administration press and
pointed out as disloyal by the admin
istration orators
Fortunately however the adminis
tration press and the administration
orators have not framed the law of
treason in this republic The consti
tution framed by the men who found
ed the republic provides that treason
shall consist only in levying war
against the United States or in ad
hering to their enemies giving them
aid and comfort
It m as much the duty of a good citi
zen to protest when his country is
about to engage upon a policy of wrong
as it is for him to take up arms in de
fending his country from an army of
Edmund Burke Pitt and other Eng
lishmen of their time were regarded
in the light of traitors by some and
yet today no names occupy higher
places in the worlds history than the
names of those Englishmen who dared
protest against wrong and speak in
behalf of truth when the American
colonists were struggling for the prin
ciples of government by the consent of
the governed
No man protested more bitterly
against the war with Mexico than
Thomas Corwin and even Abraham
Lincoln repeatedly added his protest
against that war and yet the names of
Corwin and Lincoln are among the il
lustrious of Americas dead
The difference between a monarchy
and a republic is that in a monarchy
the people must acquiese in the mon
archs will but in a republic the pub
lic officers are supposed to acquiese in
the peoples will The Icing can do
no wrong so long as he does exactly
as he pleases The public officer in a
republic can do no wrong so long as
he adheres to the constitution and
the law When he violates that con
stitution and when trangresses that
law he is in error and it is just as
much the peoples duty to criticise him
then as it is their duty to commend
him when he sustains the constitution
and upholds the law
Men who insist that this nation in
its dealings with its new dependencies
shall be governed by the same prin
ciples which the founders of this gov
ernment claimed for themselves men
who insist that the Declaration of In
dependence was written for all time
and provides a rule by which all men
should be guided men who insist that
the prohibitions in the constitution
must prohibit that the limitations in
the constitution must limit and that
public officers and public bodies whose
existence depends upon that consti
tution cannot ignore it and assume au
thority and power not given by it
men who insist that this government
is too great and too strong to enter
upon an era of oppression to the weak
and the helpless men who insist that
honesty is the best policy for nations
as well as individuals men who in
sist that liberty was designed for the
brown man as well as for the white
man and the black man these men
are not made of the stuff of which
traitors are constructed
No government has anything to fear
from citizens who adhere to the prin
ciples upon which the government was
founded and through which it ha3
prospered No nation has anything to
fear from citizens who insist that the
nation must be true to its own tradi
tions and faithful to its own profes
sions No nation has anything to fear
from citizens who are willing to go
down to political defeat in defense of
what they believe to be tne truth No
nation has anything to fear from citi
zens who can bring to the support of
their cause the Declaration of Indepen
dence the constitution of the United
States and the declarations of every
great American in every great politi
cal party from the period of Washing
ton to the present day
It is a pleasant duty to correct a mis
take made in the first number It was
stated that The Commoner entered the
field with an issue of thirty thousand
After the plates were made the addi
tional subscriptions and news stand
orders were sufficient to justify an is
sue of fifty thousand Since then
twenty five thousand more have been
printed making a total of seventy five
thousand copies of number one vol
ume one
The parcels post has been Indefinite
ly delayed Senator Platte is presi
dent of an express company with this
as a basis it is not difficult to reason
from cause to effect
If some genius will invent a green
back with an interest coupon attached
it is believed that Mr Secretary Gage
will soon be able to look it in the face
without growing faint
When the gas was turned on the
Delaware senatorial contest Mr Ad
dicks was discovered near the foot
House Fosses the Measure for Eeimburse
ment of Southerners
Most of Them for Stores and Supplies
Taken by the Union Army Darlnif tbe
Rebellion Opposition Overcome
Other Washington Mutters
WASHINGTON Feb 2The house
today passed an omnibus bill carrying
clianis for stores and supplies taken
by tbe union army during the rebel
lion Tho claims were passed on by
the court of claims and aggregated
344480 Practically all tho benefic
iaries reside in the south Considerate
opposition to the bill was displayed
in the day under the leadership of
Mr Cannon the chairman of the ap
propriation committee but it flattened
out later and the bill finally was
passed without division
Mr Southard of Ohio chairman of
the committee on coinage weights and
measures asked unanimous consent to
consider a bill to establish a national
standardizing bureau which should
have custody of the standards and
furnish information to any education
al institution firm corporation or
individual in the United States
After some discusion it was agreed
that the bills should be made a con
tinuing order after the disposal of the
bill to promote the efficiency of the
revenue cutter service The senate
bill to appropriate 50000 for the pur
chase or construction of a revenue
cutter for Boton harbor was passed
A bill to regulate the coming of
Chinese persons into the country cre
ated some discussion Mr Hitt chair
man of the committee on foreign af
fairs said the bill had been prepared
by the attorney geneial to prevent the
fraudulent entry of Chinese laborers
by giving tho government as well as
tbe Chinamen the rght to appeal
from the decision of the United Spates
commissioner Mr Hitt said that he
himself did not believe the Chinese
exclusion act was a just law because
it was passen in violation of treates
but the law was on the statute books
and it was the duty of every citizen
to uphold it The bill was passed
This being private bill day Mr Ma
hon of Pennsylvania chairman of the
committee on war claims caled up
the unfinished business which was a
bill for the relief of St Johns lodge
of Masons of Newbern N O The bill
appropriates 6000 for the use of the
Masonic lodge by union troops during
the rebellion After some opposition
it was passed
The house then took up the omnibus
bill for the payment of claims aggre
gating 344400 certified to be due by
the court of cluims under the provi
sions of the Bowman act The caims
wer for stores and supplies taken for
the use of the federal army during
the rebellion The beneficiaries wore
all residents of the south After sev
eral liours consumed by oppenents of
the bill it was passed without divi
Bills were passed to constitute a
new division of the eastern district of
Texas providing for alotments of
lands in severalty to Indians of the
La Pointe or Bad river reservation in
Washington and to authorize the
Mississippi Choctaw3 to bring suit in
the cciirt of claims against the Choc
taw naion to determine their rights
under the treaty of 1830
PoMIcly Announce That He Will Destroy
Bis Stock of IIqnors
Eicholtz a lecal druggist today made
puMic his determination to destroy
all the liquor in his store This aft
ernoon he emptied a barrel of whisky
into the sewer and announced that
on Saturday he will publicly destroy
the remainder of his supply or liquors
including several barrels of wines and
The affair will be made one of re
joicing the local ministers and the
public having been invited to attend
Tho druggist has concluded that to
sell liquor for any purpose is wrong
Iowa S prcmn Court Affirms the Decision
of the IiOiver Tribunal
DCS MOINES la Feb 2 The su
preme court announced this morning
that the decision of the lower court
in the Titus biennial election amend
ment was affirmed This knocks out
the amendment to the constitution
and results in a state election being
held this fall in Iowa
Famed the Century 3Xark
CLINTON la Feb 4 Martin
Duffy of Wilton township is danger
ously ill Mr Duffy is the second
oldest persou in Clinton county hav
ing pasred his one hundred year mark
last NovenJ er He came to Clinton
county in 1852
Snow All Over Kansas
TOPEKA Kan Feb 2 Dispatches
from all over Kansas indicate that
tonights snow storm is general and
heavy The value of the snow to tho
wintr wheat crop is great and it prac
tically assures a good orop
Croker Pays Income Tax
LONDON Feb 1 New York
World Cablegram Richard Croker
arrived at Wantage Wednesday and
drove in a covered carriage to the
Moat house Letcomb He returned to
London yesterday He has paid his
income tax assessment abandoning
his appeal in the face of the inquis
itorial character of the interrogatories
addressed to him by the assessment
committee false answers to which
would render him liable to a heavy