Ml RR I1 ft W i a i HJ I I 1 r i i ii fi 0 M i J 4 h U i V i V 5- i 4 j THE OWL SALOON r - ifc The Greatest Good For the greatest Number Thats what we aim at in our storekeeping The more goods we can sell the moie we can buy and the better terms prices and discounts we can get Our policy of a large business at small profits nets us as much as the small business of the other fellow at large wrofilfc and our customers get fhebenent Just as fast as our trade grows and we are able to buy cheaper we sell cheaper It pays to share with our customers If you want to gain the benefit of all this its easy enough 100 lb Grttnttloliuf uy r 20 lb of Prune 1 gallon can Peaehvs I Syrup C H COBKELL President B S0 4O 100 So 40 THE RED FRONT CLOTHING Is our principal line and ordinarily we are proud of the fact that we have the largest assortment in Cherry county but at present we are sorry to say that we have TOO BIG A STOCK Especially of Winter goods owing to mild weather and in order to reduce it we are making discounts on heavy goods amounting in some instances to 5Q per cent DSTINARD Hi V N1CHOJLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Ban King Inintws Transacted Buy and SrIis EmNtia and Foreign Exchange orriontirK JhemJcal National Bank New York First National Bank ntnaua ei VSrJrJP Jd J JE3 JjrJJTJTJTJJVXZBB vXAJLJi rwjwu Z We Handle All Kii ds Leave orders with Frank Fischer or call at Lud wigs old stand 1 J HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska i - - cf Cf or V V V T A- YEARNSHAW JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE X NEBRASKA TSi 3j y GET YOUR PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE wc Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship TATl OP TMP TO WW Rice writes insurance Package coffee 10c at Pettycrews St Valentines day next Thursday 20 lbs of prunes for 81 00 at Farn hams 52 W J Morse was down from Kilgore Mondav H Cornell returned from Omaha Monday night J R Fee of Crookston spent yes terday in our city Ed Harris of near Simeon spent 3esterday in town Several fresh milk cows for sale Inquire at this office 51tf Pettycrew has the biggest and best line of mittens and gloves A C Reimenschneider was in town from Cody on business Monday Almost your own price on overshoes and German sox at Farnhams 52 C E McChesney Rosebud Indian agent was in the city on Mondav W T Schmidt clerk at Rosebud was in town a day or two this week Another new line of drawing and writing tablets at W A Petty crews s Jack Barnes one of the proprietor of the Merriman saloon spent Tues day in town For shoes that wear well and look well and fit foot and pocket well go to Farnhams 52 W A Allen W T Ogle and F Ashburn weie visitors from Sparks in town on Monday Dont forget the W O W masquer ade ball at Cornell hall on Geo Wash ingtons birthday P A Walker has been confined to his home for the past ten days with a severe attack of grip Tea Indians from Rosebud were taken to Dead wood Monday night to appear in federal court Fred Hoyt the well known Gordon business man spent a day or two in town the first of the week Three good rooms to rent over The Democrat office Suitable for small family Inquire I M Rice Peter Roueche came up from his ranche at Brownlee and transacted business in town vesterdav W B Carter came down from Cody on business Tuesdav morning August Erickson who his ben in the Black Hills since I ist su n ner r -turned to Valentine Tuesday Buy a Woodmanse wind mill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf Grant Dunn is moving the smal house south of his residence and will combine the two places maki ng one large house of the two L S Ellsworth and H Hoffman of Mason Citv Iowa were in town this week looking after school lands in which they are interested John Smy6er narrowly escaped hav ing his leg broken Sundav bv hav ing a horse fall on him hut lnckilv he escaped with a few bruises A B McAlevey was in town from Kenned7 Saturday to meet his bro ther who came out from Dinsdale Iowa that night for a short visit E C Cole the Cody merchant spent a couple of days in the city this week before the board of commissioners working to have Cody incorporated as a village Val Nicholson was quite seriously injured while engaged in a wolf chase Sunday Hishorse stumbled with him Val took a header and is now nursing a black eye Brown county has a female attorn ey and in order to keep up with the procession Oherrv county has a female physician and pharmacist one having located in Voodlake H A McDaniels who has been in Chicago for the last six weeks is thinking of starting a rabbit ranch at least his brother county clerk Daniels says he is hare brained C A Jobuson the Woodlake bank er spent Tuesdav in town He had but recently returned from Fairfax S D and says he rather expects the F E M V will build an extension of the Verdigre line before it begins the construction of the Denver Valentine WWJ The groundhog saw his shadow all day last Saturday Clarence Martin intends starting a laundry in Ains worth W C Andrews has put up a neat new sign to advertise his business Revival meetings began at the Methodist church Sunday evening Gertrude Moon has been quite ill but is now on the road to recovery The postoffice at Newton is to be moved six miles east of its present lo cation and E C Farn ham has been commissioned post master of same Paxson Hornback began work at the depot the first of the month tak ing the place of Arthur Broad who concluded he didnt like indoor work Allie Handy who has been visiting in Omaha Brock and other cities in the eastern part or the state since last Thanksgiving returned home Monday night D A Wishart of Atlantic Iowa who has been working for S H Kim mel on the reservation is in town un der the care of Dr Dwver who is treating him for a broken arm Ed Iore went to Omaha Monday to take a course of instruction in the Omaha Watch Repairing Engraving and Optical Institute Ed is a ver3r bright and energetic young man and is sure to become an expert in horo logical matters eventually Ii the landoffice at this place dur ing the month of January just closed 103 homestead entries for over 16000 icres of land in Rock Brown Keya Paha and Cherry counties were made This is a larger number of entries than has been made in any month for over fourteen years and only proves our oft repeated asertion that there is no place like northwestern Nebras ka Most of the entriesTare made for the purpose of establishing newor In- vnpeasingthe size of stock ranches and- of the uumber all but about 40 were for land in Cherrv county The census of Nebrakas cities towns and villages has been made public and shows that Valentine had a popula tion of 811 inIune Ainsworth whicn had a population of 733 in 1890 has on ly 605 this year and Gordon our ar istocratic neighbor on the west must ers but 502 Chadron lost 202 persons during the decade just closed the enuraer itors being unable to find more than 1665 people within the city hints and ONeill has but 1107 inhab itants Toe smallest incorporated vili me in the state is Madrid with a population of 35 Rushville returned the names of but 483 persons and Hay Springs 345 The Cherry County Teachers As sociation will he held at the High School building in Valentine on Sat urday afternoon Peoruary 23 when the following- program will be render ed Music High school Quartette Taper Suggestions for Teaching Geog raphy Miss Com Thackrey Review -Chapters 3 4 and 5 of McMurreys Method of Kecitatiou lrof Watson Music Paper Should diaranuuinr be employ ed asJiii km to i he leafhnu of Gram mar Mrs Louie Cramer Debate that irregular attend ance worse th in no suliiwl at all Afllrmative -Alary Eaooin Frank Tiorn KetatlVti -Earl Pettycrew Mary Watson Keport3 on atreadrnco Thoughts fr mi tne State Teachers Association All Teachers Music A Tribute of Respect Mrs Sophronia Klingaman after a few days illness passed awav last Sat urday She was born February 2 1830 and in 1849 changed the name of Kent to the one of Kliujraman In 55 they moved to Tama countj Iowa In the fall of 1884 they came to Val entine with the rush of immigration aud then on to Dawes county two and a half miles west of chadron in 1885 For the last five years they have lived in Chadron Many in Chadrou will tniss her cheerv wavs She was one who never grows old To her life was not a vale of sorrow full of shadow She believed in the religion of be ing happy and of doing good She be lieved in the duty of heing a good wife and a loving mother She believed in the old fashioned women that our mothers were To her children nd r uishand she wr everything t iit wu true good and beautiful The sweetness and beauty of such a life no one can measure Chadion JPUmal aJV m THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT The Official Newspaper of Cherry County Nebraska VOLUME XYI VALENTINE NEBRASKA FEBRUARY 6 1901 NUMBER 3 131 49 Wt1lZ 4 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 S9 49 ufi CTV i1901 49 49 49 49 49 4 411 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 yoiuiioyi B -St Soi4Cb iwclube uiftVM are auh will Cji ue uou Setter aa ue o 44 ftee eovue u R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska vua u DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants One buckle Perfection Overshoes for Felt Boots 100 - or o cf or Cf Q c cr o c or cf cc o o o o cr ct or c cr o o o or STILL IN NEED OF MONEY And will continue selling WINTER GOODS OVERSHOES OUTING FLANNEL and UNDERWEAR AT COST For the next 10 days No Tickets od these sales CROOKSTON NEBR MAX E VIERTEL I -1 PA PAPER HANGING IP o O EAT MARKET J W STETTER PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAMF IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks Roasts Drv Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Iacn NTING It 2 CALOIMINiNG All work well done if THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped most Comfortable Largest and Best Two Dollars a Day FTT3ST OLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath Hot and Cold Water Two Sample Rooms VALENTINE - NEBRASKA i THE YEAR FREE By special arrangement we can furnish PRAIRIE FARMER Free for one year to everyone of our subscribers All you bare do is to renew for this paper for next year and nil us that yon want th Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you que year free ee will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free lo every new subsciib er wfco pays us one year in advance Doflfc put 3 Q