Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 31, 1901, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of CJierry
County WehranJca
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Subscription 100 per year In advance 150
when not paid in advance
display advertising 1 Inch 15c per issuo 5nc
per month 4 issues S500 per jear in advance
Local Notices 5c per line each issue
Brands 14 inches 400 per year in ad
vance additional space a00 per inch per ypar
engraved blocks extra 100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over
G months in arrears
Nbtlcos of loss of stock free to brand adver
The Republican last week exhibited
a greater amount of asiuinity than
usual by slurring the progressive pub
lishers who attended tho meeting of the
Nebraska Press Assosiation calling
tboai front room printers post
office editors etc Postmasters are
the especial and pet objects always of
Barkers ire
One of the most meritorious meas
ures beforo the legislature is the one
providing that at the clote of each ses
sion of the legislature all the laws en
acted at that session shall be published
in at least two papers in each county
the papers to be of different political
faith for the benefit of the public At
present it is months after the enact
ment of laws before even the attorneys
know what has been done and the
people who elect the legislators and
foot the bills never really learn what
their servants in Lincoln have done
for them The bill is a good one and
we trust it will receive the support of
Representative ilorton and Senator
Representative W H Horton is bus
ily engaged at Lincoln drawing his sal
ary and voting each day for Kinkaid
and Meiklejohn for Un ted States sena
tors and listening to tho siren voices of
the paid lobbyists who are just now so
numerous at the state capital And it
seems that he doubts his ability to cope
with the situation alone so he recently
wrote a letter to certain republicans
here asking what he should do when
the breakup on senator comes An ur
gent protest against our representative
voting for D E Thompson under any
circumstances was written and circu
lated The protest wrs headed We
the undersigned republicans etc and
when last heard of contained only two
names that of County Clerk dictator
Daniels being one The paper was cir
culated with the utmost secrecy and
was presented to all ttie war horses ot
icpublicamsm and was given the
chilly mit by them almost withou
exception Even such radical pre-election
anti Thompson men as Pettijohn
and Towle refused to commit them
selves in such an irrefutable manner
and gave the circulator the merry ha
ha as he sadly wended his way to the
other supposedly anti Thompson men
Everybody is getting ready to swallow
Thompson and say they like him
The Dago sits in his office ilen
Trying to rule like a bantam hen
Hell bluff the county with Johnstons pen
For Barker
His wiry look with fierceness bold
A tiger car could welt be told
As he ruub his paper in the same old mold
Jbor Barker
He long lias been a pet you know
Had laud olllcc legais and lots of dough
The county printing aud all the Bhow
For Barker
But for all this a locfe felt want
Was in his mind and him did haunt -
His ilhvorded sentences provoke a taunt
For Barker
A Jay of a printer came to town
A writer great but without renown
An all around ad and job man clown
Twas Johnston
Out of employment this Hawk I guvss
Was meek and mild and in dire distress
He was given employment to run the press
For Barker
When given a chnnce to go to work
He went on a toot and then did shirk
In his stomach you know a pain did lurk
With Johnston
SHU a great man hi begins to write
For Barkers paner editorials blight
He champions the cause of the Jigo sprite
For Marker
Por squibs aud poetry editorials fair
Ue writes wih the grace of a millionaire
To criticise those under Barkirs glare
For Barker
He prides himself on his knowledge profound
Cau co e with aoy man the world around
But Jay Hawk was destined 10 run aground
With Bnrker
This Jay Hawk mail is geat for a roast
But more at home tvitb in and toabt
Whilo of his grearness he will ldast
Of Johnston
He rtns the Kepubiioan hoV cpTnpljte
-The writing and jottings w ith roasts so neat
Hes ehrfwed Um3 T oinmlssIonerS from head to
A Valentine man who
owns a flock of Hens tells
us be had been gathering
One Egg a day when we
sold him some Granulated
Blood After feeding it to
his Hens ten days ho tells
us he is now gathering
Twelve Eggs a day
Tne investment proved
a good one for him Why
dont you try it
Lowest prices
on everything
The Chadron Journal tells in last is
sue of the death oJ David S Cockrell
at Lost Cabin Wyo about 90 miles
north of Casper whither he had gone
to build a line residence for a wealthy
sheep owner Mr Cockrell caught
cold while making the trip over there
though thinking nothing of
it at first worked for thiee weeks be
fore realizing that he must take to
his bed at d after suffering great pain
for another three weeks wad relieved
by death on Jan 19 Mrs Cdckreil
was sent for but did not reach him be
fore his death He was brought back
to Chadron for interment Some of
our people no doubt remember Mti
Otokttli wirtH Wives lnatf
E2rrx s
r Ft 5wJi1
See those Automatic Oil Cans at R
Dr Holsclaw ot Mernman was in
town Tuesday
C B Cornell went down to Omaha
Tuesday morning
Mrs E McDonald of Crookston was
in town yesterday
Cor n taken in exchange for goods
by W A Pettycrew
A masquerade ball will be given by
the WOW Feb 22 1G01 at the hall
Max E Viertel the Crookston mer
chant was down Monday on business
Wash Honey and Abe Bailey were
up from Woodlake on business Tues
D M Sears drove in from Kennedy
Tuesday remaining in town a couple
of days
Bob Good and wife attended the
stite press association at Omaha
la st week
Notice the advertising in the Dem
ocrat The ads are well gotten up
an 1 are neat
Hon John Shores has been under
the weather for some time but is at
present feeling much better
Dave Dunn and Frank Randall have
returned to Cherry county after an
attempt to make their fortunes in
the east Theyll all come back
Met ton Holsclaw who has been
working for C Curtiss on the reserva
tion came in Saturdav for a few days
among the boys He expects to re
turn to his work tomorrow
D D Dunn who last spring shook
the dust of Cherry county from his
feet and went back to Gods coun
try i e Illinois returned to Cherry
county last Saturday and his family
followed him this week And Dave
is glad to get back
Notice A E Thachers advertise
ment on first pajje calling- attention
to the buildings he hae for sale or re
moval at Ft Niobrara Here is a
crool chance to get a home or a busi
ness house reasonable Better ee
Mr Thacher about it
Under the auspices of the vV C T
TJ a parlor meeting and entertain
ment will be given at Cornell Hall
Saturday evening Feb 2nd After
the entertainment gomes and a good
social time is guaranteed to all every
body is cordially invited Admit
tance free
Hans Ulrich has purchased the
Bert Hammond house opposite Clar
et C2 Walcotts livery barn and is re
pairing cleaning and building n sta
1 1 in the r a of the lot Mr TJlri h
also purchased the lot adjoining this
on the east and will soon have a com
fortable home for his family
Ed Heath of Cody was down last
oaturaay ana oougnt tne nana press
of W S Barker and the Cody Enter
prise with its good will and sub
scription list Thus Bro Barker is
relieved of a load that was becomin r
a burden to himself and the people
to whom he persisted in sending the
paper Mr Heath did not care any
thing about the competition of the
Enterprise but was willing to help
Bro Barker to let loose
Cherry County can lay claim to
some of the brightest and most orig
inal cow punchers on earth The
following poem written by one of our
talented punchers and sent as a
letter to one of his friends in this vil
lage will prove the truth of- this as-
Theres notbln doin out here now
The bloomln winters come
Cept pitchin bay the wnole day long
Cause the range Is bare and glum
Were naitin patiently for spring
The rains the sun the grass
And the roundln upof cattle
We hope will come to pass
It makes a life worth liviV
When you gets up with the sua
And know youve got to hustle
Afore the day is done
I long to hear the wrangler
As he comes down yonder hill
And see the horses rear aud snort X
And then begin to mill
When hes got em past the gate
And well inside the pen
The punchers come a runui n out
Fm the Lunkhouse wher theyve been
Then the sport commences
When they each pick out their string
And break their horses over
As they have to do each spring
I want to be there when Long Jim
Steps In I will 1 hop-
Cant vou see him shake tho duet
And snarls out of his rope
I love to see him throw his twine
That California style
He seldom misses when he does
Hi i face is one broad smile
The rope once wrapped around his wind
The bronc will puff aud snort
And try to snap the fragile tiling
But comes up quick and short
Youd think the emitters neck was broke
Youd never guess twould bend
But Jim just gives a sudden jerk
And Mops him end for end
Then the leather on his back -
And Jim up in the seat
He hides his heaa and hits the trail
The thing tor Jim is meat
I want to see all this again
I wish you could be hero
And enjoy these things with us
The first in this new year
Eemember me to all the boys
Aid come when you get ready
The invitations always good
So long Your old pal
You may rant and you may roar
And let people know youre sore
Bro Barker
But the fact will still remain
That the people feel a pain
When they hear your saJ refrain
Bro Barker
Jutt because you didut get
To keep ILc county printlug yet
Bro Barker
Is no reason you should slur
Tl o se who to j ou dont defer- -None
would do it but a cur
Bro Barker
You e had ail the pie for years
And nobody has shed tears
Bro B rker
Now you show your smallness quite
When you take jour pen and write
Aud tiy tu show that black is white
Bro Barker
We have got the county printing
And sunshine on us is glutting
Bro Barker
So brace up and be a man
You dont look well white and wan
louve done ail the dirt you 2an
Bro Barker
At Fairview school house Satur
day Feb 9 at 8 pm will be given a
drama entitled A Noble Outcast
Everybody is cordially invited No
admission fee will be required but at
the close a free will offering will be
taken This will be given to Rev S
Holsclaw as partial paymeni for Sun-
day service
Gerald Weston A tramp Win Skeliy i
Col Lee A banker GeoGaskill j
Jas Blackburn A villan Willie Cramer
Jack Worthington hatters rivrl Burt Pike
ira Lee Wif e of Colonel Lottie Cramer
France A disputed possession A Gaskill
Sadie Faithful and free Edilii Fettyciew
Detective Charley Gaskill
Mrs Chas McCoy celebrated her
64th birthday at her home near -Kennedy
Jan 24th by entertaining a
number of friends among those pre
sent being Mr and Mrs Query of
County Clerk Daniels made -his isit
to Lincoln all right but the county
will not have to pay his expenses as
he fondly hoped it would
No Wonder Barker sold out his Cody
paper Anything savouring of enter
prise is too much for him
Bailey Briefs
Crowded out last week
We appreciate tho fiue weather
January seems to be cutting a little
ice himself f Mondav
guests at Ed S Weeds on the 20th
Joe Crow is still on the
have mail three times a week
Merriman to Bailey
Frank Sellers and leo Ileath went
to Aruuet and Quibals ranch to punch
40 head of cattle to Dailev
Alma Weed and Lester Goodin came
back to their homes they thought it
was nnednstituUonal to stay away
Arthur Heath said that John Nolan
went behind the barn with a teakettle
of hot water and poured it down a duck
to get two hard boiled eggs and John
said lie caught Arthur pouring some
down a drake
Down tlie Krvcr
Miss Anna Ashburn was visiting
Valentine the past week
They contemplate starting a Sunday
sdhool at the Kewanee school house
The ITghland lyceum is still running
but th8y have done away with the pap
er reading
Everybody has the la grippe most
all the neighbors are getting along nice
ly at present
Mr T J Ashburn lias enl rged his
Avinter pasture by taking in more rough
land and a stock field
Some of the horset have the la grippe
or pink eye they run at the nostrils
and seem to be sore in their limbs
A birthday party was given by Miss
Rosa Grooms last Thursday evening
Quite a few presents were handed in
A nice time was enjoyed and plenty to
Crowded out last week
Bad colds were on the list at Aaron
Grooms last week
Grandma Hudson living on Sand
creek is sick with smallpox
Grandpa and Grandma Bristol
visiting with their son J Bristol
The paper at the Highland lyceum
is causing quite a commotion among
th3 young folks
Mrs Etta Parry who was visiting
with her mother Mrs Berry returned
home Saturday
Miss Martha Grooms and her broth
er Frank were visiting at Aaron
Grooms Sunday
Grandpa Grooms spent a few days
last week with his grandson Dick
Grooms at Niobrara Falls
There seems to be quite a dissatis
faction between the neighbors on the
table north of the Berry bridge in re
gard to stock grazing on the com
The Highland lyceum society debat
ed Saturday night on Resolved one
can learn more from reading than by
traveliug it was decided in favor of
Pen brook
Harvy Kingsford was out Saturday
Health generally good and everybody
feeling at their best
Win Grady was in these parts the
front end of the week
Cora Giady came up from Borden
the tail end of the week
O Yes I forgot our schoolmam had
a beau Saturday night
Frank Grooms and his sister Martha
spent Sunday at A W Grooms
Robert Grooms spent Sunday with
his relatives north of Pen brook
John Tucker of Valentine made a
call through these parts Monday
A fine paper at the Highldnd liieran
every i a urday night everybody cor
dially invited
Why is eating soup with a fork like
kissing your sweetheart Aus Be
cause it takes so long to get enough
Along the Miimecliadnza
Too late for latt week
Mr and Mrs Manuel Huttan visited
in Valentine on Monday
Kate Cox liertie Ayers Lulu De
Borde Ed Cox and Grace ox were out
riding on Sunday
We hear that John Story has gone on
the reservation to work
Current report has it that A B Ov
erman is going to btart a Belgian hare
I or jack rabbit farm
Uncle Jim Hughes has filed a piece
of land on Sprirg creek which gives
him a water right in the sand hills
Chas Burns has a cream separator
he suys it is just the thiug while in the
dairy business
J W Beed is still losing his pigs
C Burns is building an ice house
Fred VanNorstrau says he has the
McKinley itch
I3H Precinct
Frank Sailor ol Gordon spent Sunday
with J B SiclFols
Mrs Frank Jones of the Missourie
flats has been visiting up west
We understand there is a case of
small pox or what-is-it at Gallop
P Sullivan received a registered Poll
Angus bull from Iowa last week lie
is a dandy
An oyster supper was given at the
Garner school house last Friday night
by the church people
We saw Guess-who-1 am at Merri
man last Saturday Noah stems to be
as young as he was 25 years ago
Alva Green aud Arthur Crowe of Mer
riman were down on theri c gathering
horses the first of the week
- TheMeNare boys were city visitors
Wm Fleishman was a pleasant cal- J Mr Whetstone was in town
or of W IT CI la 1 Tl U - 1 I
D S Goodin and daughters were Miss Bertha Thorn Miss Esther Ben
son and Phil Fleming- went to Valen
tine Saturday
The grinne is making great head-
one day
way m and around Arabia Severa
families have it
There was a big dance
FiidayuigJjt aud we are
m our city
clad to saV
that everything went off peacebly and
that everyone had a good time
We are sorry to state the sudden
death of tho 10 months old baby of Mr
Farrow which died Thursday night
about 8 oclock It was buried Satur
day morning in the Catholic cemetery
The funeral sermon was read by Rev
WfliMaj J
rS -- -
- --
v -1
uv mi T Httr ii fStt RSti Xi KaT TTo
m a m iri il i w kt m Y mrwmmm
SfLaA -A mZ x- f W
Yovr Patronage solicited Rates reasonable
Horses well cared for
Come early and avoid the rush
Wiota Iowa NCv
- 0
x x x
Is continually adding improvements and ft ia aow tho
best equipped and most comfortable
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room 7w Sample Rooms
Of the Choicest Brands
I - Sole Agents for I
Ale and Porter
Reliable man for miuapcr of brat ci office we
wsu to open in this vicinity If jo ir record is
O K here is an opportunity Kind y give good
reference when writing
Illustrated catalog u 4ctf a imps
ftSJRrJUEr iJBTBi gLTagl A ujiayai
t j Ltc tzyGSasiEIU 8
Prcrirc Jiipaaycolortints JSeS
t to htnaooizj with cur- SjX
A rai1JCJ1 jn din ins r2fr
iflitgfTOtliFlaBH V
Choicest Wines and Cigars
Hard wood
8c at
I will run the town herd of cows this
summer and do the herding myself and
guarantee careful handling of -all stock
entrusted to my care Xours Truly
Notice is hereby
given that
partnership heretofore existing be
tween C R Walcott and D S Ludwio
is hereby dissolved and the busints
discontinued All accounts due said
firm are payable to F M Walcott
C Ii Walcott
J A Sparks
Admr D S Ludwig estate
The Jlotheti FttVOvita
Chambc rlains Cough Remedy is the
mothers favorite It is pleasant and
safe for children to take and always
cures It is intended especially for
coughs colds croup and 1jooping
cough and is the best medicine made
for these diseases There is not the
least danger in givinit to children for
it contains no opium or other injurious
drug and may be given as confidently
i to a babe as to an adult For sale by
vuigiey a unapmati o 4
When the Heart is Ajfzted
Byrhenmatismorany of the muscles nearthat
organ It is like
tampering vth an clectilc wire
for death may come at any moment Ii life is
worth it do not hesitate bat get Dr Dram
uionrts Lightning Remedy Send S3 i0 ihe
Drummond Medicine Co Xew York and they
will send you two large bottles enough lor a
mouths treatment by first
express It is not
as quick as electricity but will save Tour life 1
you take it in time
JIadc Toiutrf Aifnln
One of Dr Kings Sew Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens agan wites D II Turner
of Dempseytown Pa Theyre the best
in the world for Liver Stomach and
Bowels Purely vegetable Never
gripe Only 23c at JEiliotts n
2 4
Notice to Non resdent Defendant
rh Commercial Investment Co will take no
tice that on the tth da of January jLo F w
Manchester filed a petition iu thdisutt
of Cherry county Nebraska the oiZrilj
praicr of which are to roreclisia
ten acquired by virtue or ccrfitl itcsof certain t mV
asss A s gs1
miVsn forssequeil taxes fo the years i1i
il1800 no pnrl ol sai
xe ha been naid
nereis mifntiir V Pr
lsoolor which MW
itlon will be take V l 1G01 or
j ti wsnSTiai lS