Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 24, 1901, Image 7

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U i
If you take up your
homes In Western Can
ada the land of plenty
Illustrated pamphlets
giving experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy in grow
ing wheat reports of
delegates etc and full
lmorinauon us to reduced railway rates can he
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa
Canada or to W V Bennett 801 N Y rifb
1311 Omaha Neh
SPECIAL Toufl to Florida Key West
Cub Bermuda Old llaxico
and the Mediterranean and
HALF Hates for the round trip to
many points south on salo first
and third Tuesday each month
URATES To Hot Springs Ark the fa
mous water resort of America
on sale every day in the year
Tickets now on sale to all the winter
resorts of the south good returning until
June 1st 190L For rates descriptive mat
ter pamphlets and all other Information
call at C St L R R City Ticket
Office 1415 Farnam st Paxton Hotel
Bid or write
C P T A OmahaNeb
- f5faSf El
Ibbsl iij T Ja yfllT v n
k iBMfTC I
ANDERSON of Virginia is at present in Washington D C as
Corresponding Secretary of the Higher Educational League of
that city Cured of la grippe by Peruna
Corresponding Secretary of the
Higher Educational League
writes ftfom theAstoriaWash
ington D C the following
About two months ago I was taken
very ill with la grippe and was obliged
to go to bed I took three bottles of
Peruna with very beneficial results
and was able to leave my bed in a
week and regained my usual strength
very soon
I have nothing but praise for Pent
na and recommend it to those
larly afflicted whenever I can
Frances M Anderson
La grippe is strictly speaking epi
demic catarrh that is to say a variety
of acute catarrh which is so contagi
ous and runs a course more or less
definite the same as scarlet fever
whooping cough etc
During the acute stages of la grippe
it is not a very fatal disease but the
condition in which it leaves the sys
tem has caused the death of a count
less number
Indeed nearly every person who has
had la grippe within the last three
years finds himself more or less de
ranged by the pernicious effects of this
disease The majority of those who
have escaped death find life scarcely
worth living
If this vast multitude of people could
only- know with what certainty and
promptness Peruna would relieve them
of all the bad effects which la grippe
has brought upon them what an untold
amount of suffering would be averted
Thousands have already heard how
quickly this remedy will cure in these
cases and have been saved but tens of
thousands have not yet heard and con
Become a genuine Medium and Clairvoy
ant in 30 days Get direct communications
in your own home privately from your
loved ones supposed to be dead who are
constantly with you helping you in every
event of life protecting you day and night
from all dangers and evil influence in this
and the other world
I have lately made a wonderful discovery
that enables all to induce the hypuotic
sleep in themselves instantly Rend the veil
and talk to them direct in this wonderful
Self Hypnotic Trance awaken at any de
sired time and thereby cure yourself of all
known diseases and bad habits Anyone
can induce this sleep in themselves at first
trial control their dreams read the minds
of friends and enemies reveal all secrets
connected with love intimicy and mur
ders visit any part of the earth solve
hard questions and problems In this sleep
and remember all wnen awake hypnotize
any subject no matter how hard and be
come an expert Mugnetic Healer This
Mail Courso of Five Complete Lessons
will be sent to any one for only 10c silver
actually enabling him to do the above
without further charge Sent to the skep
tical subject to examination Address
Prof Dutton Ph D S M
McCcok Nebraska
Mention this paper to Advertisers
tinue to suffer en dropping into the
grave one by one
Peruna cures catarrh in all etages
and varieties whether acute or chronic
and is therefore the most effective
remedy ever devised for removing all
the derangements which iollows la
Samuel M York writes from Union
Grove Ala the following letter
Dear Sir Last week I was taken
with la grippe and catarrhal deafness
I wrote you for advice and followed
your directions After taking two bot
tles of Peruna I found myself well q
la grippe and my hearing was fully re
stored My health is better than i
has been in five years
My wife improved In health very
much after taking Peruna Samuel
M York
Miss Caroline J Kahl Otisco Ind
writes as follows
Three years I had la grippe ant
pulmonary trouble I was very sick
I bad hemorrhages- of the lungs nearlj
every day for a year and three bottles
of your Peruna cured me The doctoi
said I had cbnsumption I am now it
better health than I have been foi
many years
I highly recommend Peruna to all
my neighbors and friends Peruna is
my favorite medicine I shall always
have Peruna in the house Miss Caro
line J Kahl
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Pe
runa write at once to Dr Hartman
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President oi
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
Telis all about Winchester Rifles Shofgansand Ammunition
Send name and address on a postal now Dont delay if you nre interested
Latest Quotation from South Omaha
and Kansas City
Union Stock Yards Cattle There was
a light run of cattle and the market ruled
active and a little stronger all around
The demand on the part of packers
seemed to be in good shape and as a re
sult they bought up the cattle in good
season Beef steers brought a little
stronger prices and the market today
was probably around a dime higher than
oh Tuesday which was the low point of
the week The cow market was also In
good shape and the prices paid looked a
little stronger than yesterday Packers
all wanted a few and as the supply was
light they had to pay a little more money
than they did esterday In some cases
sales were made that looked a dime
higher but the market could best be de
scribed by calling it strong arid active
Bulls calves and stags also sold more
readily today though the prices paid did
not show much change from yesterday
There were very few feeders on sale to
day and anything at all good brought
strong prices There is a fairly good de
mand from the country for choice cattle
and the light supply makes them sell at
good strong prices Common stuff how
ever is rather neglected
Hogs There was about an average run
of hogs and the market opened up steady
with yesterdays close The hogs began
selling rft 515 and 517 but the buyers
all seemed to have liberal orders and
as a result sellers raised their hands
The market kept getting better and the
packers bought the hogs as fast as they
could get to them After the first round
sales were mostly at 517 and 520 and
on the last and they sold from 5dmo
A few hogs sold at 515 today and at
517 so that the average cost is little
lower It was a good active market
from start to finish and everything had
changed hands before 9 oclock in the
Sheep the supply of sheep was about
the same as yesterday and the market
ruled steady to strong and active Pack
ers were all good buyers and as a result
everything sold early A string of sheep
and Vearlings that sold yesterday for
455 Brought 460 today There were no
lambs on sale as choice as the ones ot
fered today but considering the quality
the market today was fairly steady A
few feeders were offered today and they
also sold at very satisfactory prices
Cattle Receipts 4500 steady to 10c up
Native beef steers 450g525 stackers and
feeders 375475 cows and heifers 32a
475 canners 225g325 fed western
steers 40O4fo bulls 3000450 calves
- Hogs Receipts 16000 steady to 2c
higher Bulk of sales 525 mixed pack
ers 520530 light 51o52o pigs 460
4 90
gheep Receipts 3000 Lambs 525Ji
545 muttons 425440 sheep and yearl
ings mixed 450475 ewes 3403So
culls 275325
Navy Department Completes Its Revision
WASHINGTON Jan 19 The board
of naval construction today complet
ed the revision of the specifications
of the battleships with a view to
bringing their total cost within the
figures of the bidders President 01
cott and Judge Payson representing
the Newport News and Cramp com
panies are prepared to accept the
contracts for the ships at the boards
terms Moran Bros of Seattle have
notified Secretary Long of their pur
pose to accept the award in their
case so that although some technical
ities remain to be disposed of in con
nect with the contracts the Navy de
partment has practically concluded
the task of alloting the greatest con
tract for naval construction work
ever let in the history p -the Ameri
can navy
If congress adopts the departments
sugestion for new construction in the
pending naval appropriation bill and
provides for two more battleships and
two more armored cruisers it is
the purpose of the Navy department
not to prepare new plans but to in
vite bids on the plans used for the
ships just contracted for In this case
a long step will be taken toward re
covering the ground lost during the
last year and a half in the effort to
secure satisfactory designs for the
big ships The next step in the mat
ter of construction in the opening of
proposals for the building of six pro
tected cruisers of the improved Olym
pia type which will take place soon
These vessels being of a smaller
pattern than the ships just contracted
for it is expected that the older ship
building firms and those new to the
business who failed to secure a con
tract for armored cruisers or battle
ships may contract within their abil
ity or it is doubtful if the larger
concerns will be in a position to bid
now for any of these craft in view of
the amount of naval work they have
on hand
Physician Thinks There is Hope if Pa
tient Can Bo Removed to Florida
The condition of Representative Ne
ville is presenting some singular fea
tures He had two slight hemor
rhages yesterday and another light one
this morning at 4 oclock yet his con
dition is apparently not growing more
One lung 1 filled with blood and
there is some danger pf pneumonia
but his physician thinks this will
probably be absorbed and he has no
immediate fear of the hemorrhages
proving fatal
The patient is comparatively strong
and the physician felt almost confi
dent that if he fan advance his con
dition slightly so as to move him to
Florida he can save his life
Is Progressing
WASHINGTON Jan 18 The seate
committee on finance today resumed
its consideration of the bill for the
reduction of the revenues collected
under the war revenue act When the
meeting concluded the members of the
committee announced that they were
progressing wTith their work but it
was not concluded and there was no
information to give to the public
Ships Ready but Not Called
WASHINGTON Jan 19 Nothing
has heen heard over night from Min
ister Loomis regarding the situation
in Venezuela Navy department offi
cials deny that any instructions have
been given to the North Atlantic
squadron to move over from Florida
to Venezuela The ships however
are in perfect cruising trim and could
sail within a few hours after the re
ceipt of orders though it Is not be
lieved here that there will Le any ne
cessity for their movement toward
The Son of His Father
Marshal Halstead the Unittsa States
consul at Birmingham England whose
reports on technical industrial inter
ests frequently have the merit of being
so interesting that the newspapers
print them freely is a son of the vet
eran editor Murat Halstead Marshal
Halstead was for many years the man
aging editor of the Cincinnati Com
What Do tho Children Drink
Dont give them tea or coffee Havo yon
tried the new food drink called GllAIN O
It is delicious and nourishing and takes the
place of coffee The more Grain O you give
the children the more health you distribute
through their systems Grain O is made of
pure grains and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about i as much All grocers sell it
15c and 25c
There are many fashions in the city
but you will find more stiles in the
FITS Permanently Cured TTofit3ornervonBne83atte
flnrt days use of Ur Klines Great Nerve Restorer
Bend for FREE S200 trial bottle and treatise
Do R H Kline Ltd 3l Arch St rhilaUelphj Pa
The poor woman whose husband
thinks he knows how to cook is en
titled to a lot of sympathy
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 6 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
The brow- of a hill may not be
wrinkled but it is often furrowed
To enjoy good health it is necessary to
keep the digestive organs In perfect con
dition Garfield Tea is the most success
ful remedy for all forms of indigestion
True friends appear less moved than
counterfeit Horace
Many causes Induce gray bair but Packers Haib
Balsam brings back tho youthful color
Hikdebcobns the beBt euro for corns 15ct3
Doth the moon care for the barking
of a dog Burton
The best is the cheapest Carters Ink is the
best yet it costs no more than the poorest
The Yale undergraduates have de
cided to attend the inaugural parade
5100 Reward 8100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn tha there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to the
medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure Send for list of
Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo a
Sold by druggists 75c
Halls Family Pills are the best
Knavery and flattery are blood re
lations Abraham Lincoln
148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments Write for catalogues
Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam
street Omaha
A man isnt necessarily a coward be
cause he runs from a vicious cow
A dyspeptic Is never on good terms with him
self Something is always wrong Get it right
by chewing Beemans Pepsin Gum
Figures are like hens they never
Demand ICclIef for tho Monkeys
The overworked monkeys of hand
organ grinders are now exciting the
pity of peculiarly kind hearted people
in Boston and they are writing piti
ful appeals to the newspapers for the
relief of the poor little creatures ev
idently fagged out and always grasp
ing the chain with the little left hand
to lessen the jerk upon the neck col
The only successful way of curing a bad
complexion is by purifying the blood and
cleansing tho system Take Garfield Tea
an Improvement can be seen after a
few days
A Gold Floor Saloon
Twenty dollar gold pieces to the
value of 3000 are to be used in floor
tiling of a gorgeous saloon being fitted
up at South Bend Ind The tile are
especially made to contain 20 gold
pieces the depression for their re
ception allowing the coin to sink one-thirty-second
of an inch below the sur
face thus avoiding friction Each
gold eagle will be soldered to a wire
which will run down through an or
dinary floor thus securing the coin
in place
Try Grain O I Try Grain O
Ask your Grocer to day to show you a
package of GRAIK O the new food drink
that takes the place of coffee The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult All whotry it like it GRAIN O has
that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but
it is made from pure grains and the most
delicate stomach receives it without dis
tress the price of coffee 15c and 25 cts
per package- Sold by all grocers
Running water often- gets its start
from a spring
The fewer airs some musicians can
play the more they put on
We pay 51 S a Week
and expanses to men with rigs to introduce our
Poultry Compound Jayeijjs JIfo Co Depl D
PjiKsoNs Kansas
A pessimist is a person who doesnt
expect the expected to happen
TakejAXATivE Bromc Quinine Tablets All
iruggisls refund the money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on the box 25c
Missess are generally old bachelors
because they are even averse to squan
dering their affections
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
30 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction -guaranteed
or money refunded
Cat Skins Cared Dim
Henry Markle of Goshen Ind was
taken ill and a physician diagnosed his
trouble as inflammation of the bowels
The patient g ew worse and his broth
er declared that warm catskins applied
freely to the suffering mans stomach
would relieve him Shotguns were
brought into play by the neighbors a
number of cats were killed and the
Bides were used as suggested The
sick man is now well and as many
Goshenites believe he was cured by the
skins cats would be wise to emigrate
from the neighborhood
There is much difference between
the tally cards of earth and those of
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the onl 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
TVo IIvo to Learn
A Portland Me man who seldom
attends church services was per
suaded to hear a sermon last Sunday
and was much impressed You aro
never too old to learn he remarked
confidentially to an old friend Now
I always thought Sodom and Gomor
rah were husband and wife and I find
they were nothing but cities
If a guinea pig wanders about a
house the rats flee away
stain the hands or spot the kettle
Some women would rather dye than
wear a wig
I am sure FIsos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Tnos Robbins
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1901
Evil imagination is the poisonof
the soul
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH the only 16 oz package for
10 cents All other 10 cent starch con
tains only 12 bz Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded
The man who steels his heart
against women should not attempt to
steal theirs
Dr Bulls
Cures all Throat and Lung Affection
Get the genuine Refuse substitute
Salvation Oil cures Rheumatism 15 ag dft
Sjelfz Sfarifel tte
It will capture erery
1 SO bo of Rraln ami 1
ions or nay equal to
Timothy per aero
Get tho Kcnulnelrayof
Salzcr the Introducer
Combination tarn
t f la one ot the greatest
ua thlnm nrthfl enntm n
It Is early and an enor
mously fabulously bis ylelder a sort bound
to revolutionize corn growing
Sabers Vegetable Seeds
The beauty about Salzora vegetable eeed Is
that they never fall They sprout grow ana
produce They are of such hifrh vitality they
tauKh at droughts rains and the elements
taVfn gist prizes everywhere We warrant this
For 14 Gents and This Notice
we send 7 packages of rare choice lino splen
did vegetable novelties and 3 packages of
brilliantly beautiful flower seeds all worth r
and our big catalog for only 14o and thin
Notice in order to gain 25OGO0 new customer
in 1901 or for 10c 10 rare farm seed samples
iuuy wonn kiuw 10 ges a stars
ana ocrjTjjta catalogue
For Top Prices Ship Your
To Headquarters
5 XV lcli Company
Butter Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Potatoes
Onions in Carload Lots
Oiiinlin - Tirliraiikn
quick relief and cures worst
cases Book of testimonials nnd 10 DAYS treatment
BBSaKHHI jr tHIHP B fBk ff J fi Ifc F k sd IB JKv SfiSt PBP P 0Qbk B n JH
UTk f W ft
About the first thing the
doctor says
Then Lets see your tongue
Because bad tongue and bad
bowels go together Regulate
the bowels clean up the tongue
We all know that this is the way
to keep and look well
You cant keep the bowels
healthy and regular with purges
or bird shot pills They move
you with awfu gripes then
youre worse than ever
Now what you want is Cascarets Go and get them metal box
cost I0c Take one cat it like candy and it will work gently while you sleep It cures
that means it strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels gives them new life Then they
act regularly and naturally Thats what you want Its guaranteed to be found in
Gbt L milBfc
nil bowel troubles appendicitis bil
iousness bad breath bad bleod wind
on tlie stomach bloated bowels foul
pains after eating liver trouble sallow complexion
uos jLiviM juur uuivcis uuu i xxiovo regu
larly you aro getting sick Constipation kill more
people than all other diseases together It is a
starter for tho chronic ailments and long years of
suffering that come afterwards No matter what
ails you start taking CASCARETS to day for you
will never got well and bo well all the time until
Iu1n yir bowels right Take our advice start
with CASCARETS to day under an absolute guar
antee to cure or money refunded uj
TO CUJZS rive year mo
the flrit box of IASCAJt
EXS wai sold Jiovr It Is
over six million boxes a
year srrcnter than an
similar medicine In the world This Is absolute proofor
trrcat merit and onr beat testimonial TTo have faith and
will sell CASCABETS absolutely enarantced to enro or
money refunded Go bny today two COc boiei Elcthcma
fair honest trial as per simple directions and Ifycn aro
not satisfied Bfteruilnone SOcboxretnrnthc nnnsedSOo
box and tho empty box to na by mall or the drcssht from
whom yon purchased It and ustyonr money bncls for both
boxes Take onr advice no matter what alls you start to
day Health will quickly follow and yon wlllbless the day
yonflrststartedtheweoCASPAliKTS UooJcfreobymalX