FH Af fri K J1 i VI Lfl i 1 ii i A M v i Ji m tftf u 1 i iv i r Hi i 1 1 tf i fi f it i i - A PRES BYTERIAN FAST PRAISES PE yji i witfioat you will 25c Ks22zl Z - First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro Ga and Its Pastor and Elder The day was when men of promi nence hesitated to give their testimoni als to proprietary medicines for tion This remains true today of most proprietary medicines But Pe runa ha3 become so justly famous its merits are known to so many people of Qiigh and low stations that no one hesitates to see hi3 name in print recommending Peruna The highest men in our nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement Men representing all classes and sta tions are equally represented A dignified representative of the Presbyterian church in the person of Rev E G Smith does not hesitate to state publicly that he has used Peruna in his family and found it cured when other remedies failed In this state ment the Rev Smith is supported by an elder in his church Rev E G Smith pastor of the Pres byterian church of Greensboro Ga writes Having used Peruna in my family for some time it gives me pleasure to testify to its true worth My little boy seven years of age had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels Other remedies had failed but BY YOBB OWH F8RESP The Stoddard Illus trated LtccixtrestAicTeT Superb Volumes 4 OQO Views This work has had an enormous sale sold on easy payments GeoLShuman Co 315 Dearborn Street JChicago ijoraNwniomus I Wasliluirton D C srrajifLillv Prosecutes Claims IrfitoPtlncinal Exfimlnpr US Pension Bureau 1 3 vra in civil war 15 adj udiiatinc claim s atty since after taking two bottles of Peruna the trouble almost entirely disappeared For this special malady I consider it well nigh a specific As a tonic for weak and worn out people it has few or no equals Rev E G Smith Mr M J Rossmana prominent mer chant of Greensboro Ga and an elder in the Presbyterian church of that place has used Perunaand in a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co of Columbus Ohio writes as follows For a long time I was troubled with catarrh of the kidneys and tried many remedies all of which gave me no relief Peruna was recommended to me by several friends and after using a few bottles I am pleased to say that the long looked for relief was found and I am now enjoying better health than I have for years and can heartily recommend Peruna to all similarly af flicted It is certainly a grand medi cine M J Rossman If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of the Hartman Sanitarium Columbus0 Sleep with the window slightly open and you will awake brisk 148 will buy new Upright piano on easy payments Write for catalogues Schmoller Mueller 1313 Farnam street Omaha A man isnt necessarily a gardener because he is able to remove a widows weeds Dont Got Footsore Get FOQT EASE A certain cure for Swollen Smart ing Burning Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions Ask for Allens Foot Ease a powder Cures Frost bites and Chilblains At all Druggists and Shoe Stores 25c Sample sent FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y Girls should keep their chins when they walk up Take a light meal only before set ting out on a bicycle Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Brown paper under the carpet makes the carpet wear well nareworry and anxiety whiten the hair too early Renew It with Pakkkus Haib Balsas IIiNDEKCouxs the best cure for coma 13cta Palms require little water but their leaves must be washed There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease and therefore requires consti tutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure man ufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfuL It acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best A raw egg swallowed will detach a fish bone in the throat You Can Get Allens Foot Eoe Free Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y for a FREE sample of Allens Foot Ease a powder It cures sweating damp swollen aching feet Makes new or tight shoes easy A cer tain cure for Chilblains and Frost bites At all druggists and shoe stores 23c The sufficiency of merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient Quarles TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromc Quinihe Tablets All irupgists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on the box 25c After eating onions munch a sprig of parsley dipped in vinegar The beneficial results of Garfield Tea upon the system are apparent after a few days use THE COMPLEXION IS CLEARED FOR THE BLOOD HAS BEEN PURIFIED Candles and soap improve by keep ing and last a long time when used Each package of PUTNAM FADE LESS DYE colors more goods than any other dye and colors them better too Oil of clothes will often cure an aching tooth I do not believe Pisos Cure for Consumption has an equal for couchs and colds John F Boyer Trinitv Sprinsrs Ind Feb 15 1900 Daily exercise with light dumbbells coures round backs Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded Ink spilt on the carpet is removable with milk Wo par SI S a Week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our Poultry Compound Jatklle Mfq Co Dept D Pjlesoks Kaxsas Powder clogs the pors of the skin and renders the face course The stomach has to work hard grinding the food we crowd into it Mnke Its work easy by chewing Beemans Pepsin Gum White of egg beaten up in coffee acts as cream Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 16 oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded No matter how pleasant yocu stifrotmcftngs health good health is the foundation for en joyment Bowel trouble causes more aches and pains than all other diseases together and when you get a good dose of bilious bile coursing through the blood lifes a hell on earth Millions of people are doctoring for chronic ailments that started with bad bowels and they will never get better till the bowels are right You know how i is you neglect get irregular first suffer with a slight headache bad taste in the mouth mornings and general all gone feeling during the day keep on going from bad to worse untill the suffering becomes awful life loses its charms and there is many a one that has been driven to suicidal relief Educate your bowels with CASCARETS Dont neglect the slightest irregularity See that you have one natural easy movement each day CASCA RETS tone the bowels make them strong and after you have used them once you will wonder why it is that you have ever been them You will find all your other disorders commence to get better at once and soon be well by taking ALL DRUGGISTS THE TONIC LAXATIVE HQWkt EmMBWaMimt 2c3MSulF BmSV BBwiPSr SwHr lflP HlK IBXxV BydPval HbWk3Hv B y nvsijnv UbV Ie99u BflDI tKr HHu HH ls LIVER TONIC i0 WtrTm mmmm imiren 1111 JE fW 0cM1pB5WSIHSi NEVER all bowel tronblcs appendicitis bil iousness bad breath bad blood vrind on the stomacli bloated bowels foul mouth lieadacbc indigestion pains after eating Jlver trouble sallow complexion and dizziness VIicn your bowels dont move regu larly you aro getting sicic Constipation kills nioro people titan all other diseases tojreUIier It is a starter for tlio chronic siJments and long years of suffering t at como afterwards No matter what ails you start taking OASCAISETTS to day for you will never get well and be xvell all tho time until you put your bowels right Take our advice start with CASCARETS to day under an absolute guar antee to euro or money relundcd SOLD IN BULK TO CTTKE Five yenrn mro the firat box of CAJSCAJtt ETS was uold Saw Itia over fill million hoses a yenr creater than anv similar medicine In tho world Thin Is absolute proof of trrcat merit and our beet testimonial We have faith and will well CASCASJETS abolntcly enarnutecd to cure or raoney refunded Go buy today two oOc boxes elvcthumn fair lioncat trial us per atomic directions and If yon are not satlnlled after using one GOcbox retnrn the umucdGOe bos and the empty box to as by mall or the druggist from whom you purchased It and Bet your money baeli for both boxes Tato our ndvlce no matter what alls you start tb day Health wIU qnlcltly follow and you will bleso tho day youarststartedtheneofOASCAJKETS BoolcfrccbymalL Address STEELING BEJIEDr CO NEW YORK or CHlUAtiO THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from Sontb Oixaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA i Union Stock Yards Cattle There -was a light run of cattle and as packers all haft liberal orders to All there were hardly enough cattle to so around The market started out active and stronger and every thing1 was sold in good season Beef steers of good quality were ready sellers this morning at prices fully a dime higher The less desirable grades also joined in the advance The cow market also took on imore life than it has had for some time past and rices were strong to a idlme higher all around The greatest ad vance was on the choicer ounchea but i the medium kinds and the canners also sold strong to a dime higher than the same kind of cattle brought yesterday Owing to the few cattle on sale and the active demand the market soon came to a close for lack of stuff to sell Bulls calves and stags did not show much i change though sellers had no difficulty in getting fully steady prices for their holdings There were only a few feeders ton sale today and the demand was ample to take all that was offered at steady to strong prices The choice heavy cattle sell readily at steady prices Good cattle of any weight however are selling in good shape and today even the less desir able grades sold without much difficulty at satisfactory prices Hogs There were nearly as many hogs on sale as yesterday and prices advanced sharply The market started out about a dime higher with the bulk of the sales at 522 and 525 The demand on the part of packers was In good shape but they did not like to pay the advance and as a cesult the market was not par ticularly active The hogs kept moving to the scales however and as sellers held for the full amount of the advance the packers had to pay it in order to fill their orders The range for the bulk of sales was S522527 with the long string at 525 Sheep There were only three cars of sheep on sale which was hardly enough to make a test of the market There were two loads of ewes which brought 350 but they were better than the ones that sold yesterday for 340 so that the markept could be quoted as steady to strong There was also a mixed load of native ewes and lambs the former selling at 355 and the lambs at 525 The demand for choice stuff seems to be in good shape and buyers pick up the bunches that answer to that description without hesitating KANSAS CITY Cattle Receippts 4000 head market steady native steers 34054O Texas steers 350450 Texas cows 175475 native cows and heifers 150475 stock- ers and feeders 2504CO bulls 300 3 SO Calves Receippts 300 head market steady sales 425540 Hogs Receipts 14000 head market 10c higher bulk of sales 525535 heavy 522540 packers 525540 mixed 520 535 light 515u35 yorkers 530535 pigs 490520 Sheep Receipts 200O head market steady lambs muttons 250 490 KITCHENER TAKING HIS TIME Several Weeks Likely to Elapse Itefore British Resume the Offensive LONDON Jan 12 It is understood that Lord Kitchener now holds secure ly all the railroad lines in South Af rica having recovered possession of the Delagoa Bay line which had been cut January 7 According to the Pretoria corre spondent of the Daily Mail Lord Kit j chener is organizing a force of 30000 irregular horse which will oc i cupy some weeks When this force is ready he will resume offensive opera j tions Meanwhile the invasion of Cape Colony looks more threatening The news that Commandant Hertzog has two guns is rather startling as it was formerly asserted that the ers had no guns The defense of Captetown includ ing two 47 naval guns are completed and recruiting of volunteers is activej throughout the colony According to dispatches to the Daily Express thel admiral of the cape fleet is prepared in an emergency to land a brigade of 2900 men with six Hotchkiss guns A Murraysburg telegram says the Dutch there received the British troops sullenly and there are rumors that the colonial rebels of the neigh- borhood are joining the invaders The Pretoria correspondent of the1 Morning Post wires that a member of the burgher peace committee whom he interviewed frankly confessed that there was no hope of many burghers surrendering Pat Crowe as a Vagrant WALTHAM Mass Jan 12 Two men one of whom is said to bear a striking resemblance to the newspa j per pictures of Pat Crowe the allegedi kidnapper were sentenced to serve six months at the state farm today onj tho charge of vagrancy They gave their names as Fred Miller of Putnam N Y and Fred Wilson of New Ha j ven The men had been occupying a camp in a secluded place Both were well dressed Is Bringing the Boys Home WASHINGTON Jan 12 The adju j tant general received a cable message today from General MacArthur at Ma i nila saying that the transport idan sailed yesterday with twenty- seven officers and 654 enlisted men of the Thirty seventh volunteer infantry and that the transports Logan and Lenox arrived at Manila yesterday Nation After Train Bobbers WASHINGTON Jan 12 The sen ate committee on judiciary today au thorized a favorable report upon Sen ator Hoars bill for the punishment of train robbery The bl provides a penalty of twenty years imprisonment and a fine of 5000 or both for the offense Nebraska at Tnllof List WASHINGTON Jan 11 The Bur leigh reapportionment bill which puts the ratio for the members of congress at 194182 makes a deficient ratio for Nebraska and Maine Dividing the population of the state by six the number of the present delegation it gives a ratio of 178089 and puts Ne braska at the tail of the list next to Maine which has a still lower ratio Will Not Hear Boer Priest PARIS Jan 12 La Liberte this evening publishes a dispatch from Rome describing a farewell meeting of missionaries yesterday in the college of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide in the presence of a number of cardinals Each missionary spoke but when the turn of a Boer priest came Cardinal Vaughan archbishop of Westminster according to the dis patch left the hall followed by sev eral Englishmen Those who remained are said to have cheered the Boer priest enthusiastically Took tho Ontli on a Directory The perfunctory manner in which witnesses are sworn in English courts was illustrated recently in a London court after some twenty witnesses had given their evidence It was then dis covered that all had solemnly sworn on and kissed a guide to the law of landlord and tenant The mistake came to light only when a court offi cial saw that the supposed biblo was much more clean than usual and as a consequence looked closely at the book Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH the only 1C oz package for 10 cents All other 10 cent starch con tains only 12 oz Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded As Active as Ever at 01 A story comes from Lancashire Eng land of an old women in her 91st year who acts as parish clerk attending all weddings christenings and funerals keeps the church in order substitutes for church warden in taking the col lection when that official is absent and has even acted as organ blower and bellringer on occasion GARFIELD TEA IS AN HERB MEDI CINE it is of inestimable value in all cases of stomach liver kidney and bowel disorders it promotes a healthy action of all these organs White of egg brushed over morocco leather freshens it - 7 mMMffliwxfflmwxiMiNmWi Cold Agony Pain intensified by cold is unbearable Neuralgia in winter must seek St Jacobs 03 for the surest relief and promptest cure immmmnnmmNNtmfNm Cold water makes the eyes look bright and keeps them strong High heeled boots are known to causo spinal trouble our Hair with i i ii no os of And light dressings of CUTICURAr purest of emollient skin cures This treatment at once stops falling hair removes crusts scales and dandruff soothes irritated itching surfaces l stimulates the hair follicles supplies the roots with energy and nourishment and makes the fiair grow upon a sweet wholesome healthy scalp wheii all else fails million use cutigura soap Assisted by Cdticura Ointment for preserving purifying and beautify ing the skin for cleansing the scalp of crusts scalea and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair for softening whitening and healing red rough and sore hands for baby rashes itching3 and chafings and for all the pur poses of the toilet bath and nursery Millions of Women use Cdticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations inflammations and excoriations for too free or offensive perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and for many antiseptic purposes which readily sug gest themselves to women and mothers 2 Kb amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiera to use any others Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties derived from Cdticura the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors 2so other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving purifving and beautifying the skin scalp haur and hands No other foreign or domestic toilet soap however expensive is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Thus it combines in One Soap at One Peicej viz TWENTY FIVE CENTS the best skin and complexion soap the best toilet best baby soap in the world Complete External and Interna Treatment for Every Humor g e vuaieuujf ui uuticuka rAi law io cieanse tno bkui oi crusta and fBH slSlQ scales and soften the thickened cuticle Cuticura Ointjiskt 50c ISBHllisSM to inatactlyallavitchine inflammation and irritation anO soothe and ux ts tt M Sa heal and CuncintA Rfsolyent 50c to cool and cleanso the hlood IHr Vrf Hi h 0f I lib ULiIf tyltWr hair when all else fail Bold thxcngbpit tiio -world l t tALt w