The Valentine Democrat jj I M RICE Publisher VALENTINE was found dead in bed ii M itojunHiiiiWiiWiU innnnpiimniiiii urn NEBRASKA fKH KWKK I BRIEF TELEGRAMS The tobacco trust Is said to have de Jsigns on the cigar business Commodore William Ji Harris XJ IS N retired died at Boston J Z Leiter has sailed for Egypt where he will spend the winter Congressman Neville of the Sixth Nebraska is dying of lung trouble The corn doctors league desires to be added to the army roll on full ra tions At Goldboro N C former Governor Curtis H Brogden is dead at the age of 85 Andrew Carnegie has promised At Hutchinson Kan Rev Dietrich Gaeddert who has been a leader cvf the Mennonites of Reno and Harvey counties for the past twenty six years died mm N CONGRESS Senate Will Probably Dispose of Army EeorganizationBill Early This Week APPROPRIATION BILLS WILL FOLLOW River and Harbor Bill Will Be Debated Farther in the House bat It is Forecasted That It Will Fats by ive Majority WASHINGTON Jan 14 The army reorganization bill will continue to engage the attention of the senate at least during the first days of the week The opinion is quite generally expressed among senators that the bill will be acted upon by the middle of the week and even the critics of the measure join in this prediction Manv nhasea of tho nnestion involved 200000 for a new library building at j in the army bill remain to be Seattle Wash The supreme court of South Dakota has held the law making vaccination compulsory valid Carter H Harrison likes the job of mayor of Chicago He announces his desire for a third term The senate confirmed the nomination of Frederick Ritman of Ohio to be au ditor of the war department Henry C Payne gives it out that he will not enter the cabinet as only the attorney general will resign The receipts from customs duties in Sweden during the year 1900 were 15000000 a decrease of 700000 Miss Helen Gould is said to have gone into tne mining business in part nership with M Mankuss of Colorado Andrew D White the United States ambassador to Germany has been elected a member of the Berlin Acad emy of Science At Cody Wyo John a wealthy ranchman was killed and his companion named Toby Corss fatally injured In a runaway Nord Swanson Kiron la have purchased a large ranch in Oklahoma and will engage heavily in the stock business in that country J T Avery of Forrest 111 for fif teen years a conductor on the Wabash railroad fell over in his chair at Chi cago and after a few gasps died John H Cassens a prominent farm er feeder and shipper at Battle Creek la reports fewer cattle on feed for the midwinter and spring months than usual Captain Edmund Shaw -died at his home near Ely Mo and the same aft ernoon his wife died Captain Shaw was 94 and his wife 87 years of age Their death was due to old age Andrew Kiozolsky the oldest citi zen of Washington county and the only one having the distinction of hay ing lived in three centuries died at bis home near Dubois Pa aged 103 President Feltner of the New York tax department has anonunced that the tax rate for 1901 willbe higher by 20 points than it was last year For the present year the budget will be 7000000 greater than it was for 1900 The London Times through its St Petersburg correspondent confirms the reports regarding trouble among the students of the University of St Pe tersburg of Kieff At Kieff 450 were expelled They will be sent into the army as private soldiers A large colony has been formed at St Joseph Mo to locate in the new -country in the Indian Territory soon jto be thrown open to settlement The leader of the colony is John Bender a well known resident The colony will remain as close together in the Kiowa country as possible and much of the work will be done on the co operative plan j Hen Stephen M Hoiles a retired banker and once one of the wealthiest men in Bond county came to a dra smatic end in the old Hoiles home in Greenville 111 At the beginning of the new century he shot himself with a revolver it is said in the reception hall in sight of his daughter Adele whom he had just escorted home from a New Years gathering He had been drinking heavily for several years iand had recently taken the cure and severed his conenction with the state bank of Hoiles Son of which he was vice president The number of smallpox cases in Kansas City Mo exceeds 100 a ma jority of the sufferers being white The builders trial trip of the battle ship Illinois will take place February 15 off Cape Henry All of the armor plate except that for the turrets is on the ship On account of the prevalence of smallpox the St Joseph Mo Board or Health has ordered a general vaccina tion W B Gilreath of Grand River la Teports Fat cattle are very plentiful and1 hogs will be light for the next sixty days The South Dakota supreme court de fcided that a Board of Education has power to exclude from school a pupil iwho has not been vaccinated i Present hog prices are the highest since the middle of last October with the top 65 cents higher than a year ago and 140 higher than two years ago Lawrence Y Sherman -will be speaker of the Illinois legislature without prejudice to any senatorial candidate John C Sims secretary of the Penn sylvania Railroad company died In Philadelphia He had been ill for sev eral months John T Williams of Philadelphia editor of the Keystone a jewelry trade paper committed suicide in New York The new editor of the London Daily News is Rudolph C Lehmann the fa mous university rowing coach who came to America a few years ago es pecially to coach the Harvard crew Harlan Turner who recently moved from Mt Sterling Ky and purchased ered and the general understanding is that there will be not a little dis cussion before the bill can be dis posed of The spech of Senator Piatt of Connecticut last Friday in defense of the bill on general principles will call for replies and there are also special features which will require more or less attention Among these are Senator Daniels amendment con cerning the appointment of volun teers to offices in the regular army the question of the disposition of offi cers who have held staff positions and the provision for the enlistment of Filipinos in the American army The disposal of all these questions un doubtedly will fill the first two or three days of the week Senator Allison intends to call up the legislative executive and judicial appropriation bills when the army bill is acted uoon but whether this are on the calendar is a question which has not yet been absolutely de termined The present indications are however that the appropriation bills will be considered in advance of any other measures whenever they are before the senate When there are no appropriation bills to be taken up the ship subsidy bill will be discussed There are still numerous speeches to be made upon this measure and already there is talk of night sessions for its consideration when it is taken up There is little in the legislative bill lowed by the District of Columbia I appropriation bill and the latter in turn by the postoffice appropriation bill if there is any remaining time GENERAL GRANT HOPEFUL American Commander Believes His Dis trict Fairly Pacified MANILA Jan 14 General Grant who is endeavoring to quell the latest insurrection in his district and who is possibly commanding his scouts at the eastern end reported today that he had encountered a number of bands south of mountain all of whom retreated up the hills He says that 100 of the enemy who were well intrenched made considerable re sistance but were ultimately driven j from their positions Four bodies of In the opinion of General Grant his district is now fairly pacified Ncvr IJids for Axmv Blankets WASHINGTON Jan 14 Bids were recently opened by the army offi cers of the quartermasters depart ment in Philadelphia Boston Chi cago and San Francisco for 50000 blankets for the army The lowest bid received was that of George Camp bell of Philadelphia who formerly liplrl v clmilnr rnntrat fho rrnir a farm near Butler Mo for 30000 ernment and whose business was re cently placed in the hands of a re- ceiver It is alleged that one of the causes of his failure in business was the rejection by the government of blankets delivered under a former contract BOERS CUT THE WIRES A Rallying Fight That Was Maintained for Six Hoars w PRETORIA Jan 14 Last night the Boers cut the wires between Irene and Olifantsfontein stations Early this morning 800 Boers under Com mandant Beyer invested Kaalfontein station A hot rifle fire and shell fire with two field pieces and a Maxim was maintained for six hours An armored train and reinforcements were sent from Pretoria but before they had arlrved upon the scene the garrison had driven off the Boers who retired unmolested with a trans port train half a mile long The Boers blew up tne line be3ond Kaalfontein compelling the mail rain to return here It is suposed their object was to obtain supplies a great quantity of which is stored at Kaalfontein The British had no cas ualties LONDON Jan 14 The War office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener PRETORIA Jan 14 About 1400 Boers crossed the line attacking both Zuurfontein and Kaalfontein stations but were driven off They are being pursued by a cavalry brigade Lord Kitchener reports also several skirmishers at different points with trifling British losses and adds Three agents of the peace commis sioners were taken as prisoners to Dewets laager near Lindley on Jan uary 10 One who was a British sub ject was flogged and tien shot The other two burghers were flogged by Dewets orders CANT COMPETE WITH AMERICA Small Methods to Circumvent Transatlan tic Competitors WASHINGTON Jan 14 In com pliance with special instructions from and other anrDonriation bills to tne State department Consul General low it shall occupy the exclusive at- Mason at Berlin has submitted a re tention or tne senate so long as they I port setting forth the restrictions placed upon the publication of adver tisements for certain American prod ucts by trade journals in Germany The movement states the consul general dates back to 1S96 when the growing competition of American bi cycles began to alarm the German makers to a considerable extent It was at first attempted to secure an advance in the rate of duty on Amer ican wheels but failing in this the association of German manufacturers adopted the plan of boycotting so far as possible advertisements of to arouse discussion but there is a I lean wheels and bicycle parts in the possibility that senators hostile to the trade papers of the country These subsidy bill may use ithe appropria tion bill for the purpose of delay Next Saturday will be devoted to eulogies in memory- of the late Sena tor Gear A program of miscellaneous matter will occupy the attention of the house during the coming week The river and harbor bill which consume one and possibly two days Although the bill was criticised severely during the debate last -week it is in no dan ger of failure Most of the attacks came from members who were disap pointed in what the bill grants to their localities and the actual oppo nents of the measure will be over whelmed when the final vote is reached The District of Columbia committee which under the rules would be entitled to a hearing to morrow will demand a day later in the week if it gives way to the river and harbor bill After the latter bill is disposed of the bill to revise and codify the postal laws will be taken up under a special order It will be fol trade journals were given to under stand that they were to choose be- tween the patronage of German bi cycle makers and their foreign com petitors especially those of America Under this pressure most if not all of the German bicycle publications refused to accept American advertise ments and still maintain their striction HE SPEAKS FOR CLEVELAND re- Rasseur Talks of location of G A K En campment WASHINGTON Jan 14 General Lee Rasseur commander-in-chief oi the G A R and other members of the Grand Army pension committee arrived here today to confer with the invalid pension committee of the house relative to the bill establishing a pension court of appeals Discuss ing the question of the meeting place of the next national encampment Gen eral Rasseur said As a member of the executive com mitte I do not desire to express an opinion as to how I will vote at the meeting of the executive committee in St Louis January 21 The situation will probably be changed by that time Cleveland however has not yet had a national encampment of the Grand Army and that has been the point uppermost in my mind I think all sections should have a chance There is a large number of members living in the vicinity of Cleveland and who would not have an opportunity to at tend a national encampment unless it were held in their section of the coun try I believe in looking out for the poorer members of the order Chinn Goes to Germany PEKIN Jan 14 Prince Chun insurgents were found The I brother of the emperor paid visit can casualties were a sergeant and to the German legation today wnere one private of Troop A Philippine I ne nad a satisfactory interview with cavalry wounded the German minister Dr Mumm von Schwartzenstein His appointment as Chinese envoy to Germany to make with the exception of the locality apologies for the murder of Baron von south f Rnllnn mountain nrt thp Ketteler has been approved It is t province of Pampanga is ready for civil government It is expected Pampanga will be the first province in which civil government will be ap plied Lieutenant Frank D Baldwin yes terday destroyed an insurgent arsenal in the Patung district seizing a quan tity of arms and ammunition to gether with a printing press and other material Joint Note Signed PEKIN Jan 14 The joint note of the powers has finally been signed by the Chinese peace commissioners Prince Ching signed yesterday and Li Hung Chang who is better signed to day It is understood that the mal ady from which Li Hung Chang is suffering is Brights disease He was feeling worse yesterday and there fore postponed the affixing of his sig nature but Prince Ching was hopeful thab he would be able to sign today which proved to be the case probable that Prince Su will accom pany him Su rcests Modification SHANGHAI Jan 14 Liu Kun Yi viceroy of Nankin has formulated modifications of the peace conditions including a reduction of the indemnity a reduction of the strength of the for eign troops in China and the pre servation of the right to import arms and ammunition There are indica tions of a growing belief among the Chinese that one or two of the powers will support these modifications Cannot Get Together TOPEKA Kas Jan 14 The fusion members of the legislature are having difficulty in getting together en a candidate for senator The democrats support David Overmeyer and the populists have L P King and Jerry Simpson to choose between At one time the fusionists had prac tically agreed to support Overmeyer MR NEVILLE IS NOT SO WELL Nebraska Congressman Suffers Two Hem orrhages WASHINGTON Jan 14 Congress man Neville of Nebraska is again in a critical condition Today he suffered two hemorrhages one this morning and another in the afternoon each causing a considerable loss of blood This left the patient in a very weak state but because of his remarkable vitality he in a measure has recovered from the immediate effects of the at tack and tonight is again reported to be resting easily ffiPPOMllTBILL Eepre3entative Evans of Lancaster Intro duces the First Measure WHAT IS PROVIDED BY THE BILL Cuts Senate From 30 Members to S3 and House of Representatives From 73 to C7 The Increase That Douglas County Gets by the Measure LINCOLN Neb Jan 12 The first reapportionment bill to be introduced made its appearance in the house It redistricts and reapportions the state senatorial and representative districts Its author is J E Evans of Lincoln county a member of the house com mittee on apportionment His bill divides the state into twenty eight senatorial districts instead of thirty senatorial and sixty seven representa tive districts as at present Mr Evans claims chat his bill is the result of long and careful study and has not been framed with parti san intent but with the wish to re district the state in such manner as would be fairest to an sections His bill givea Douglas county alone four senators and thirteen representatives beside giving a float senator to Doug las and Saunders Sarpy is taken from Saunders and put into a senatorial district with Cass county Following is the context of the bill House roll No 6 by J E Evans of Lincoln county To redistrlct the state and the representative and sen atorial districts 1 Richardson and Nemaha counties one senator 2 Pawnee Gage and Saline two sena tors 3 Johnson and Otoe one senator 4 Cass and Sarpy one senator 5 Douglas four senators 6 Douglas and Saunders one senator 7 Washington Burt and Thurston one senator S Dakota Dixon and Cedar one sena tor t Cuming Wayne and Pierce one sena tor 10 Stanton Madison and Antelope one 11 Boone Nance and Merrick one sena senator tor 12 Platte and Polk one senator 13 Dodge and Colfax one senator 14 Butler and Seward one senator 15 Lancaster two senators 16 York and Fillmore one senator 17 Jefferson and Thayer one senator 18 Nuckolls Webster and Franklin one senator 19 Adams and Clay one senator 20 Kearney and Buffalo one senator 21 Hamilton and Hall one senator 22 Howard Sherman Greeley Valley Wheeler Garfield Loud and Blaine one senator 23 Knox Boyd Holt and Rock onei senator 24 Brown Key a Paha Cherry Sioux Sheridan Dawes and Box Butte one senator 25 Lincoln Logan Thomas Hooker Grant McPherson Keith Perkins Deuel Cheyenne Kimball Banner and Bluffs one senator 2G Custer and Dawson one senator 27 Harlan Phelps Frontier and Gosper one senator 28 Furnas Red Willow Hitchcock Chase Hayes and Dundv one senator REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS 1 Richardson one representative 2 Nemaha one representative 3 Richardson and Nemaha one repre sentative 4 Pawnee one representative 5 Johnson one representative 6 Otoe two representatives 7 Cass two representatives 8 Sarpy one representative 9 Douglas thirteen representatives 10 Washington one representative 11 Burt one representative 12 Cuming one representative 13 Washington Burt and Cuming one representative 14 Dakota and Thurston one repre sentative 15 Thurston and Wayne one represen tative 16 Wayne and Stanton one representa tive 17 Dixon one representative IS Cedar one representative 19 Cedar and Pierce one representa tive 20 Knox one representative 21 Knox and Boyd one representative 22 Antelope one representative 23 Madison one representative 24 Platte one representative 25 Madison and Platte one representa tive 26 Colfax one representative 27 Dodge two representatives 28 Saunders two representatives 29 Lancaster six representatives 30 Gage three representatives 31 Jefferson one representative 32 Saline one representative 33 Saline and Jeuerson one representa tive 31 Seward one representative 35 Butler one representative 36 Butler and Seward one representa tive 37 Polk one representative 38 York one representative 39 Fillmore one representative 40 York and Fillmore one live 41 Thayer one representative 42 Nuckolls one representative 43 Clay one representative 44 Thayer Nuckolls and Clay one rep resentative 45 Webster one representative 46 Adams two representatives 47 Hall one representative 48 Hamilton one representative 49 Hamilton and Hall one representa tive 50 Merrick Nance and Boone three representatives 51 Howard one representative 52 Garfield Wheeler and Greeley one representative 53 Sherman and Valley one represen tative 54 Holt one representative 55 Holt Rock Brown Loup Blaine and Thomas one representative 56 Keya Paha Cherry Hooker and Grant one representative 57 Sheridan and Dawes one SGntfl tiVG 5S Box Butte Sioux Scotts Bluff and Banner one representative 59 Deuel Keith Cheyenne and Kim ball one representative 60 Lincoln one representative 61 Custer one representative 62 Custer Logan and McPherson one representative 63 Buffalo two representatives G4 Kearney one representative 65 Franklin one representative 66 Harlan one representative 67 Phelps one representative 6S Furnas one representative 69 Dawson one representative 70 Dawson Gosper and Furnas one representative 71Frontler and Hayes one representa tive 79TPd Willow one representative 73 Hitchcock Dundy Chase and Per kins one representative Dates for Nebraska Races HASTINGS Neb Jan 12 There was an exceptionally large crowd in attendance at the meeting of the Ne braska Racing circuit held here Horsemen from various parts of the btate were present and took much in terest in all matters discussed The circuit is composed of thirteen Ne braska towns and the dates have been fixed as follows iremont July 31 August 1 2 Hastings August 7 8 9 Fairbury August 14 15 16 Hubbell August 21 22 23 David City August 28 29 30 Seward September 4 5 6 Lincoln September 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Auburn September 18 19 20 WILSON SIDES WITH THE COW bill He said the measure was intend ed to protect the farmer and the pub lic at large and should become a law- Speaking of the consumption of butter BOER FORCES ARE ACTIVE Attack the rritlsh Alone the Line of Lorenro Marqnez Railroad LONDON Jan 11 General Kitch ener sends news of a serious simulta neous attack on the night of January 7 by the republicans on the British positions between points sixty miles apart along the line of the Pretoria Lourenzo Marquez railway The losses on both sides were heavy Ac cording to reports the Boers were beaten off after prolonged fighting Following is the text of the dis patch from General Kitchener PRETORIA Wednesday Jan 9 On the night of January 7 the Boers made simultaneous attacks upon all of our posts at Belfast Wonderfontein Nooitgedacht and Wildfontein In tense fog prevailed and taking advan tage of the cover it afforded the Boers were able to creep up close to our position A heavy fire continued until 340 a m when the Boers were driven off One officer was killed and three were wounded while twenty men were killed and fifty nine -wounded The loss of the Boers was heavy twenty-four dead being countel A convoy taking supplies to Gor dons brigade north of Krugersdorp was attacked by Beyers commando yesterday Tuesday The Boers were driven off leaving eleven dead on the field Our casualties were four slight ly wounded Irrigation in Nebraska WASHINGTON Jan 11 Congress man Sutherland is taking a great interest in the subject of irrigation these days and lately he has been on the still hunt for a bearing before the irrigation committee of the house of which Rep resentative Tongue of Oregon is chair man Sutherland has a bill pending appropriating 25000 for irrigation purposes to be spent in Nebraska and he desires his bill reported out of committee I believe my efforts to get a hearing on the irrigation prob lem will be successful he said and that a bill will be reported which will be of incalculable benefit to the arid sections of our country Pat is Well Advertised OMAHA Jan 9 Over 5000 de scriptions of Pat Crowe and his sup posed pals with the 50000 reward offered for arrest and conviction of kidnapers are being mailed to chiefs of police all over the country from cities the size of New York down to the place where the chief comes in at night to get his mail after plow ing corning or putting ice all day Neville Slightly Better WASHINGTON Jan 9 Congress man Neville was reported a trifle bet ter this afternoon although there is still the gravest fears that he can not recover Speaker Henderson said that he had sent his secretary to ascertain the congressmans con dition and from reports received had doubts as to the recovery of the rep resentative from the Sixth Nebraska district After Big Ends rinent Fond CLEVELAND O Jan 11 At the meeting of the board of trustees of the Chautauqua assembly tonight the old officers were re elected and reports on the last years work were submitted It was decided to make an effort to raise a quarter of a million dollars the endowment fund started by Miss Helen Gould with a gift of 2olo00 It was also voted to erect a memorial at the assembly grounds to the late Lewis Miller one of the founders Increase in Moral Force WASHINGTON Jan 11 The house committe on naval affairs today prac tically completed the naval appropri ation bill but it will not be in shape to make public until tomorrow or Sat urday The question of the increase of the navy which usually entails the largest contest was easily settled this year by the acceptance of the recom mendation of the secretary of the navy for two battleships and two cruisers Another Nebraska Judge WASHINGTON Jan 11 Senator Thurston today favorably reported from the committee on judiciary his bill providing for additional district judges in the -districts of Minnesota and Nebraska with an amendment providing that the senior circuit judge of the Eighth -circuit or resident cir cuit judge within that district shall make all necessary orders for the di vision of business and assignment of cases for trial in either of said dis tricts The report states that there are strong reasons for the appoint ment of additional district judges in Minnesota and Nebraska Consumption IesorIns Fatality Deaths from consumption in Ho Addresses Senate Committee In Sap- jgiphfa are estimated to be one third port of the Oleomargarine Bill jegs thaQ they were fiftten years ago WASHINGTON Jan 11 Secretary The health authorities say the Wilson made an argument before the pr0vement Is due to their senate committee on agriculture today U01g tattie against the disease in support 1 1 tne urout oleomargarine Briefest Biography The shortest biography In the new nncrrPKsional directory is that of and of oleomargarine Mr Wilson said Representative Allen Langdon Mc- that the amount of butter disposed of Dermott of Jersey City N J It takes annually is about eighteen pounds per up only three and a half line capita and of oleomargarine something over one pound and he said in re sponse to Judge Springer that he con sidered this dangerous competition He was of opinion that there was danger THE DUTY OF MOTHERS 2 ZThZJXZZ What suffering frequently results in from a mothers ignorance or more time the use of improved methods would result in driving renovated but- frequently from a mothers neglect to ter out of existence The secretary properly instruct her daughter I said he did not accept the opinion Traditioil says woman must that the regulation of oleomargarine fer and young women are so taught business would injure the beef cattle business and said that farmers will There is a little truth and a great deal find it profitable to keep and fatten of exaggeration in this If a young their own beeves Incidentally he ex pressed the opinion that farmers of the south would get far more in the way of returns by raising cattle and crops necessary to that end than they would out of the sale of a few thou sand barrels of cottonseed oil to the oleomargarine makers He said that more than half the substance used in Washington for but ter is oleomargarine and that to make certain of getting the real article he had butter for his own table shipped direct from a creamery in Iowa woman suffers severely she needs treatment and her mother should see that she gets it Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a plvysician for examina tion but no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs Pinkham and secure the most efficient advice without charge Mrs Pinkhams address is Lynn Mass 4 - Mrs August Pfalzgraf of South Byron Wis mother of the young lady whose portrait we here publish wrote Mrs Pinkham in January 1899 saying her daughter had suffered for two years with irregular menstruation had headache all the time and pain in her side feet swell and was generally miserable Mrs Pinkham promptly replied with advice and under date of March 1899 the mother writes again that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity Nothing in the world equals Mrs Pinkhams great medicine for regu lating womans peculiar monthly troubles Dr Bulls COUGH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at once Conquers Croup Whooping Cough Bronchitis Grippe and Consumption Quick sure results Dr Bulls Pills cure Constipation SOpUlslOc Direct Cnnumers Our Handsome rnta1ni r canine mr 9 m h cpntalneslHpa es with 1600 illustrations and 15000 articles I Uted on which we guarantee to uts voo from 15 to75 Moat compute bookof I u kind Sent for 10c to pay coatof maOlng which wMberefundedwIth firrtorder Valuable book of refer ence and ouebtto beln erery Household Getitkeeplthandy Heller Chemical Co Dept 2 Chicago I u ise umoiii vraer urug uotuemuie norid IN 3 OR 4 YEARS AN INDEPENDENCE ASSURED mm fcv w If you take up your homes In Western Can ada the land of plenty Illustrated pamphlets giving experiences of farmers who have be come wealthy in grow ing wheat reports of delegates etc and full imormauon as to reduced railway rates can be had on application to the Superintendent of Immigration Department of Interior Ottawa Canada or to W V Bennett 801 N Y ljft Sldg Omaha Neb For 14 Gents Wo litaU the following rare ctad novelties lpVgBIoe Blood Tomato Seed t IS 1 Northern Lemon Seed 15 1 Jlamaa FsTorite Onion Seed 10 1 Emerald Green Cucumber Seed 10 1 City Garden Beet Seed 10 1 13 Day Kadtah Seed 10 1 LsX Xarltot Lettnee Seed 15 3 Brilliant Flower Seed 15 Worth 100 i4c Abore 10 packages rare KOTeltles we will mall joa free together with our great Illustrated Seed Catalog telling all about 8nlzcr Billion Dollar Grass JUo Choice Onion Seed 60c alb logetaer with thonandaof earliest vege tables and farm seedx nrvm rfpntnftL and thla notice When once j on plant oucx octai joa win never aawiuont JQHH ASAlIERSFEDC8LCueW FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER ns2e7HW nnt w4oWfcJDif 5FBEEWEABIHQ Zr i TBIAL In your own home we iiuuuu uie KenajnB ana only UK1DELBEEQ ALTERS AT 1SQ CUUEE5T ELECTRIC BBLT3 to nay reader of this paper So money la adTasee itrj otr V jiiiincT Jnruiuo MUSIS HSn nuininuvuuiiaicu 1 vy X1 treannenis uire wiien all other dec trio belt appliances and reotedles fall OUICX CD8E for morethaaoOallrnents OTBCOECTJUEYorlirnerVoTli nfif53 J133 I disorders For complete eeMnfldentlalcat8IotrneentthIsaIotitaadmalltoia SEARS ROEBUCK CO Chicago THE MOST LIVE CHICKS tromatraTfnllof egjra ThatswbatToa want and thats what yon get wlth tne Sure Hatch Incubator T1iriTMnf 1r nn rt m t iree catalosne containing 100 poultry raising Sore natch Incubator Co Clay Center Neb Pot Top Prices Ship Tonr 6A2IK AKD 4OCiTK To Headquarters 5 Jck ii s Company Batter Iggs Veal Hides and Furs Potato Onions la Csrload Lots Omaha Xebraslta NEW DISCOVERY elves oniric relief and mm wo rct cases Book of testimonials 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