Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 03, 1901, Image 4

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This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subooribers until a definite order
X discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Subscription 5100 per year In adrancs 150
when not paid In advance
Dlspla advertising l Inch 15c per issue flo
per month lssnes 500 per year In advance
Incal Notices 5c per line each issue
Brands 114 Inches 400 per yrnr in ad
vance additional spare 300 per Inch per yrar
engraved blocks extra 100 each
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sinally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above- rales if over
G months in arrears
Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver
The time lias come v ben m my heart
I feel the Moi g felt vait Surmise
That lleah at Cody should make aj tarr
IT jet in first with the Enterprise
When 1 could read try till clfnr
To Ural prroTs an I office plz
Ofcompetif on had no ft ar
Nor dreamed of Codys Entcrpri e
When my Mock engaged
The Cv 1103 horn ncath Codys sides
Determined to hold myparonige
Id dream of Codys Enterprise
The till of The JJcpnblican
Will vg for Codys money gnys
A concMondcnt Hu whole clan
Hut named a Cody Enterprise
Well not engage siy faithful men
r Service nrr will we patronize
nils coat tii hold or a land offlcvjici
And dtil bed a Cody Enterprise
Whit is to hinder other nations man
ufacluring and operating American
ships to run under Hie regulations of
the Ship Subsidy Bill manipulated by
senator Frye and his colleagues Who
could blame the American ppople for
organizing and marching to Washing
ton to protest against such steals and
wholesale robbery Is our govern went
ii the hands of thieves and robbers
An 1 is U ere u redress or right to pro
test Will the Amtrican people see
these conditions and continually sub
mit satisfied only with a full dinner
The judges of the fifteenth judicial
district have agreed to hold two regu
lar terms of court in lacVofthe ten
counties comprising lteir district in
the year 1901 The following terms
will bo presided over by Judge llar
lingtou of 0XeiII tfolt connty March
4ti aud September JJthi Boyd county
April ilih and September 22 Bock
dounty March JSih and October 1
Sioux county April 20th and Septem
ber 2 Box Butte county May 13lh and
November IS
The following terms will he presided
over by Judge Westover of Rushville
Jlrown countyMareh 25th and October
7iKfj a Paha county Ma Gth and
October i i Cherry county April 8th
and Octobers Sheridan county May
20lh and November 17 They have ah
so agreed no grand jury is to be drawn
or summoned for either of the regular
terms in any of the counties of the district-
Several persons have spoken Jto us
recently in regard lo the holding of an
aunual fair aud stock show at Valen
tine aud have suggested that it would
be a good thing to hold at the same
- lime as and if possible in connection
with the October races Cherry county
is rapidly gaining a reputation for pro
ducing fini cattle and home and a
show of such stock for liberal or even
nominal premiums vould we believe
not only raise considerable enthusiasm
at home but would attract attention a
broab An agricultural display sscon J
to none could also be made and if
push d ilii annual show would attr ct
iudrds f visitors to our town and
county in addition- to being a lieriefit
and Source of interest amusemvnt and
relation to burpwii people Te know
two men on Rosebud reservation men
who nrb residents of neither this state
or county who are willing to conri
butc 10 each toward the enter ri e
principally on account of the fine stock
features of the plan a outlined above
and certainly a number of our own pe -pie
would do as wel Xorden Ains
worth aud Gorlon each hold prolitablo
farsanc neiihrr of tbo e tovs are sit
uited 111 such good territory as
tine Lets tlo something lo
push Val ntine still farther in the
eid enjoy 1 ovarii r sister tow s
Dr Lewiti an V A Pettycrew re
turned aatuplay nijlit from Omaha
where they h id leen as delegates to
the supreme loge of the Sons and
liaujJi ers of Jlotection The su
preme oHIcers if tl is orJer which id
said to be growing and in godl shape
a sbort tiuis ago troldj or rather Con
solidatedf with te Bankers TJnion
but toesupfeuiel incr sl to rat
ify this action of their oficers and
called a meeting for Jan 16 to fill the
vacauciesCaarcb th0ir
We are sole agents for
Jersey 1 Tea Expectorant a
purely vegetable remedy
for coughs colds hoarse
ness etc which we sell on a
Positive Guarantee
to give satisfaction Your
money back if it does not
Contains no Opium or Mor
Wi jiru Itfi to say that Jus Kreycik
is now -able to vlK with the aid of
Born ice liief has gone to Valentine
to Jitteud school this winter
Corn taken in exchange for goods
bj W A Pettycrew
SB no reflectiorro filaH
PPIjjl dainty no light so 1
wjittiv charming as the r
HjB i racHow gJow that ifflfll
IV C I J 3 U 1 43 H 1 1
m Aan nrazn irnm in n
frn iVJ H B
aKZai iT J - trodmi
Ti narmosizo trim onr jfjSH
jefS rbuudmco in dining UPKIH
IcOcV roaia drawing nnjci SXSHI
iC Led room or hall Sold ZKM
gS S everywhere Msdo 7 ataIHHB
dPs standard Js8mm
At 3 oclock Dec 25 1900 at the
home of the brides parents ten miles
northeast of Brownlee Elzi E Vande
grift and Julia E Colby were united
in marriage the Iter V W Gettys of
ficiating About twenty five relatives
of the bride and groo n were present to
witness the ceremony and the couple
received mail beautiful presents which
will be valuable to them in their start
upon lifes journey Elzi is a worthy
joung uian and his many acquaint
ances in Cherry county Avill be glad to
know that he has won one of the most
charming and popular young ladies in
this vicinity
After the ceremony and congratula
tions an elegant dinner was served af
ter which Mr and Mrs Vandegrift de
parted for their new home which was
ready to receiye llietn May they have
many happy returns of this blesed
Christmas day is -the wish of their
man friends
At high noon Dec 24 at the M E
parsonage in Crookston the He v Jas
A Johnson united in marriage Frank
Hippie and Mrs Tillie PcBorde The
contracting parties are well known in
Cherry county The groom has a fine
ranch well stocked wit cattle and with
tlieaid of Mrs Hippie we see no reason
why this worthy couple should not have
a happy and prosperous life together
Write it 3801
Notice Elliotts new ad
This is the 20th century
1901 is our next leap year
road yesterday
Dan Handy went to Lead son
ness Monday night
Geo F Heine the Eoopr stockman
was in our city Saturday
Jack Hooton expects to be installed
in the Union Hotel next week
The railrofd company began its
annual ice harvest yesterday even
A dance was iven at Cornell hall
onNew Years eye by Messers Den
nis and Brown
Christmas da at two oclock at the tisement now is a good time to square
brides honip the Kev Jas A Johnson up while you have the money -Pay
officiatmg Will Marshal and JremiJ upforlim
Fowler were married James OBrien aiiss Clara Rogers of Fremont aijd
acted as best man and Mabel Searby Mrs Daisy Woodward one of the
attended the bride Mr and Mrs teachers for Rosebud boarding School
Marshal are well known in Cherry j called at the Democrat office Friday
county and from the large company of last week
present to witness the marriage cere
mony they have a host of friends who
join in wishing them a long and happy
married life After the marriage cere
mony the invited guests sat down to a
tabfeloaded with good things to eat
Well Xmas is past and San ta Claus
didnt forget tj fill up the stockings
Tacey Collett started teaching the
McXare school Monday morning We
learn that Frauk Thorn their former
teacher is teaching the High School in
Wood Lake
Oh say There must be a damp
in the weather as we dont see our hay
iuerchante on the street the last few
Earl MeNare was a city visitor last
Sunday -
Mary niggin has returned home from
England where she lias been visiting
her relatives for some time Her cous
in Frank Iliggm came with her and
a n nmoer 01 young inenas were au
Arahia to welcome them and we hear
Uuv all adjourned to the school house
and bad a vciy pleasant time
Mrs Daigj Wood-A-aid of Cherry-
The following unique advertisement
we clip from the Gordon Journal fur
nished by our friend J C Jordan
It is fusta Mile lively
1 At this season of the year
And we sometimes feel like whin ing
As we are kept in audi good cheer
Is your subscription paid i nft ad- For the fall trade is about over
vance - I A3 the summer trade long has been
I But among all the goods were selling
W E Hale made a trip up the i Is a piano now and tlieu
it is useless bilking politics
After Bryans awful fall
And for Diedrich we sometimes with
Wed nevr worried at all
I Fsr office seekers the call Is over
And to this we say Amen
But we get lots of Inspirati in
From a piano now and then
We cau hear the name of Baldwin
in th e dales and 011 the hills
rioon the people we are hoping
Will be cashing up their bills
And the way the people ate buying
All through our invminoth line
Seem to say the sale is certain
For a piauo now and then
For a mandolin guitaror zither
There may be a call perchance
The monthly report of the weather And those new swell organ eases
bureau was crowded out thisweek but 1 May attract a passing glanco
will appear next week
We wish you all a nappy Ne w Year
and may you all live long and pros
per you and your families
Orchestral piano players well we re Hoping
ThU the time will soon come when -The
sale of one will be as certain
As a piauo now and then
Ho just now we take life easy
And we keep our store In trim
The city marshal informs us that While wa are looking up new projpects
all water rents must be paid before With a determination grim
if or nay was never pressed so tigiit
As we have sometimes been
Once more we wish to state that
there are no cases of small pox in
Valentine The quarantine is raised Jordan sells the soryS Clark
I Hamilton Sehulz and Crown
EJ Davenport went to Lincoln But the 3ldw in ljne was jiiit in time
yesterday morning to attend the
gubernational intuguration ceremon
Have you seen those fine pictures
and frames in R Andersons window
They go at 200 each during holiday
trade 48
J B Tripp superintendent of the
Rosebud boarding school accompan
ied by his wife yisiteJ our city yes
Subscribers ma bey in at any time
and paper will be discontinued when
so ordered and accounts paid in full
to date
Dra A 2sT Compton aud Alfred
Lewis of this place heve been appoint
ed peosion exminiujj surgeons by the
Mrs Wetzel and Marshall teachers
at the Hose -Bud boarding school
have resigned their positions and yes
terday left for their homes
II you are indebted to The Demo
crat for subscription or brand
When the only sales we banked on
Was a piano now and then
To meet with Faiij renown
Where through salaried salesmen with traveling
We icv r feel more pleased
Than when an oj portunity offers
To sell our customers one of these
Among those who registered at- the
hotels during the past week there
At The Donoher
Kev J M Bati s Long Pine
J r Heelan Arabia
Wm Ileelan Arabia
Beruice Kief Arabia
Miss Clara Bogers Kremoiit
J C Kounls Sinlc u
Wallace Mo Donald Crookston
HelnMciJonaI Crookston
W A 1 enjy Oiiiaha
Win Speirei Clia iron
Jim W Mann Cartdrun
J Miipun Cliad rOn
At the City
SX Imosliay Flats
J A Taylor 1 ay Springs
Ernest Tierce Ilay Springe
Aii drew Bciice Toiibi 00k
W It Dewett Mills
E A Sch w tdvrs y McCa m -
A Johnson Aiusworlh
W S Barker Sparks
K T Smith Brownlee
Jno Ormesher Sculigel
KdJu iticc Brownlee -
O A Boofi head CityS D T
II Itftou Chadron
Frank Kelly Ciiiulron -
Jake CIinstenssncChidruil j
U Untitle NenzuK
A Heath CiiJ r
At the Union
W S Norris Johnstown
J K Carpendcr Jnhn jtown
J I Lefflt Terrv A 11 Nichols J M
ville Kan arrived Thursday evening U P Lnekotwaml li V Clarks Wliitewood
and spent a few days in Valentine
waitinjr for Ihe quarantina to be raia
ed at Rosebud before being admitted
as one of the teachers at the Board
ing School
Subscribe for The Democrat aud
getthe news at one dollar a year
KememberSl per year in advance
ng place here and there
A liht snow with a high wiud from
the north last Saturday evening gave
promise of a snow storm but it was
soon over anp with the exception of a
cold wave and gradually warming up
our weather has been generally lair
but reasonably ColJ StoJk has been
We would like to carry you through
the next year without asking for
monej that you owe on subscription
but that would mean hundreds of dol
lars to us and the amount is binall
that each of you owe and if yon will
pay up for the past year and one yeaf
in advance we will send you free the
Prairie Farmer a weekly stock and
farm journal the price of which is and
has always been 1 00 j er 3ear
money by postal order express money
order or check on your local bank if
that ia most convenient
Last Friday just a little after noon
David George and Frank Janies a
half breed met in Jackson Biayt
ons store and duriny a quarrel that
ensued over an old score in whicli Mr
George claimed to be the injured
part Frank J mies was stabbed
twice a quite severe aud dangerous
I wound in the left side just below the
kidney and a cut below the elbow of
the left arm Dr Dwycr has beeu
taking care of the wounded man and
he is reported getting along nicely
David George was arrested and after
1 a preliminary hearing gave bond for
1009 to appear at district court for
trial Mr George has hitherto been
regarded as a quiet inoffensive and
peaceable citizen
Jas AhCiII Ht rmosa
Wist Uelg Climlron
1J L FWiel Orottntee
Itf aelutlons of Sympathy
WHEREAS The angcl of Diti Uas entered
tlie homo of our Wo thy Noijjlibor Bertlm
Sparks aud removed frjai her Lome a beloved
mother be it
Kedolved BySagarLoaf CdftipXo 851 Eoyal
Nflillhnrs of Annrini Th it vyi ixbm1 tr th
Watch for new features in THE bJtVrtmi daughler a id family oar heartfelt
CKAT Noivs the time to send in your sympithy In the first hoars of so great a be
name and a dollar to see whats rcavemunt you will find ithard to find auv com
fort in this world Bat rnunrisrinj thu Chris
tian cliararttr of your moth jryoumvy be thank
Ini she was spared further stiff
In tills your li titr of affliction we can only
urarthst God in His luiinlte Roodhess and mer
cy will comfort and uhold you that with our
sympathy we commend you to that One who
doetii all filing well Let lis endeavor to a y
Thy will be done and let i bo further
Resolved Thai a copy of these resolutions
b prtsentd 1 to our esteemed Nelifhbor as a
token of iK iiibory sympathy also a copy to
doing well and so far but little haj our county pivrj
has deen fed
MRS fotiiJL HajkY
Jluistmas is gone and so are the tur
Quite a numbpr of cattle have died
from rufifiingfn stalk fields
Grandpa Grooms spent part of the
Send holidays with his folks at Sparks
The Damascus si ore at the Berry
bridge conducted by the Davis 13ro3
is doing a onl business
Dick Grooms and family visited A
W Grooms Saturday and Sunday
Jhas Sears is improving his lesi
deace by adding another room
The Kewauee school had two weeks
Robert Grotfms returned home in
time for Christinas
The lleelau Bros passed through this
locality last week taking some weak
cowsawl young calves home for shel
-If iroubled with a weak digestion
m S 5 4
Finpst preparation on the -marker for diapcfV Kntfl vrl f
A household necessity purely vjtable eon
tains no calomel
Kl mM bin
1 B m
Cut this out and take it to Quigley
Chapmans drug store and get a free
sample of Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets the bst physic They
also cure disorders of the stomach bil 1
iousndcs and headache 1 3
R Anderson the hardware merch
ant will pay the market price for ear
corn 48
A Prominent Chicago Woman
Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago Vice
President Illinois Womans Alliance
in speaking of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy says I suffered with a se
vere cold this winter whch threatened
to run into pneumonia I tried differ
ent remedies but I seemed to grow
worse and the medicine upiot my sto
mach A ft ieud advised me t Iry
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and I
found it was pieaant to take and Hre
lieved me at once I am now entirely
rccovtrul a doctors till time
and suffering and L will never be
out this splendid remedy again1 For
sale by Quigley Chapman 1 3
Sore and swollen joints sharp shoot
ing pains torturing muscles no rest
no bleep That means rheumatsm
It is a stubborn disease to fight but
Chamberlains P in Balm hs conquer
belehing sour stomach or if you feel ed it thousands of times
It will do
dull after eating try Chamberlains so whenever the opportunity is offered
Frank Janies is a Stomach and Liver Tablets Price Try it Une application relieves the
mixed blood jndian living near Yank SJocriils Samples free at Quigley p iu Forsaie by Q ugley Chapmau
WH i
Gkapmans drug store
Safe Pjeasant lteliable
For Patent Medicines Toilet Articles
Book3 and Stationery
r Kb h
By special arrangement we can furnish
Free for one year to every one of our subscribers All you have to do
is to renew for this paper for next year and tell us that you want the
Prairie Farmer and we will order it sent to you one year fre8 We
will also send the Prairie Farmer one year free to every new subscriber
who pays us one year in advance Dont put th s off
H I I ll l Mil Ill IHH I II lllll MI1W III I I
O Ci
qp g qp
i gI
Cut this ad cut and send to u Stats whether you wish drop hail or up
tight and vrs will scad you our high grads Aiuon SsVfiCg Machine
by fisight C O D subject to examination Exonins it at our ntarsst
freight or express orSce and If found exactly as reprewrited here equal to
other machines costing from 40 to J5o pay tlic aent our
average 7S ca for eadi 500 miles less or greater distances la proportion
Give it 4 months tnal nyotiroTnliumcandif it is not satisfactory
return it at our expense and we trill refund your money This machine Is
equal to any standard hlch jjrado sewing machins mads and any machine
aoia ror less money must oc maae or inienor maieriai we raanuacture in
large quantities and sell only at a small advance of factory cost which enables
to offer you a strictly highrrado machine at a ridiculously low Dried
tvlth rarious inducements Write to the Akron Saviaes Baak or the Secenrl
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter And FRED KRUGS BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars
1 ft fiS i
Ohi s
yiT fa S fit
mm w4H
chiae with the defects cf noag Made right la our factory by tha melt skilled worinea tod oa the bat naterla tlat
wiuicjr bail uuy
flRflP RFIlf flflR5jPTofs 2wBTcpiyoilrdorce Qow
HnUV S UaDint1 ter sawed oat piano pofehe1 One Illustration
shcAWBosTopnscninftepen ready foruse the otWrour DnpHesd fnaehisis
with the head dropped from iiKht to be used as a center table or desk TKiJ
nnhf rt wvf Trn fnhAA t r - j J e f
flcedles etc Drawers are lateit god sVceton frame caredpaheedmtcsjta
and decorated cabinet EaUli fine nickeled dreaer pulls
adjustable treadle genuine Snjyrh trori stand Th fop
r AnfrtnyriitMM
Mead na3 fcJur fincy
erswers and one drawer fcr tcols Each machine has the finest HIhafJi
ln a4ustbe bMrinrfi patent tensm
Ui r i -- -
Of the Choicest Bcsnda
VAibi i INB
adjustable pressure footj Jnrtered shuttle cafrle patent dress cuard pstert rttes tf
gruafatitce thii teachine to bu tlie lightest ruUnJajj raost dutalile and nretao1sttsS
machine raada very attachment is furnished frei together tntli a ereri31ete hirtrsc
tlon psoK telllnR you hnv to do any kind of plifr or fancy or5c We lsue 1 vrittca
birdinz fruarantso with cierr niachinc Tt vn cnrt vnn nnthlni fa tee and esLrS
ne this rnichlr comnarf it nith ethers Mllln far from Si3 to to ami f sStisiictorM
ray th ajrent i55g ard charge Send for cJrmlsrs and fil of jctriajj
tasciiinssandWcycJesnianufaetursiirniw Order todSy Addfsss ail orders to
Tha Akron Sswlng JIacfcine and fiicyile Co ars reliableCokcr
m 9J
1 3 S
llis Uitti Saved lttiil
My wifes good advice saved my life
writes F M lloss of Winfield Tenn
for I had such a bad cou Jjh 1 could
hardly breathe I steadily prew worse
under doctor4s treatment but ray wife
urged me to use Dr Kings Xew Dis
covery for Cousumption which com
pletely cured me Coughs Colds
Bronchitis La Grippe Pneumonia
Athma Hay Fever sid all rrrotedits cf
Chest Throat and Longs arc positively
cured by thismarvelous medicine 50c
and 300 Every bottle guaranteed
Trial bottles aree at Elliotts
f o
1- 0
Uy JLA J Meets cverv second and
fourth Wednesday eveu
Intr of eacli month at iornbys Hull A eordlnl
Invitation w extended lo all visiting members
O 3iKhY Iresidrut
Order of Hearing of Final Account
In the Comity Court of Cherry County 2ie
In the matter ol ihe estate cf John VY Oens
Now on this 19th of December comes
William K Haley administrator of said estate
and prays for leave tu render an account as sUeli
It is therefore ordered that the flth day of
Jaiuiaiy 1901 sit 10 clock a in at my offlce hi
Valen t ne in said county be iixid as the time
and place for examining and allowii y such ac
count and the heirs of said d ceased aud all per
sons interested in safd estate are required to
appear at ttt lime and plaee so designated and
show cause if any such exbts why said accounts
shall not be allowed It is therefore ordered
tli i the said William E Haley administrator
ive notice to all arsons iulervsleil lu said es
tate by causing a copy of this oijdor lo be pub
hshfd In the Valentine a newspaper
printed and m ptipral nrciilatlon in said coun
ty lor tin ee weeks p for to the day set lor hear
BakMlieeeinbr 19 iooo
- Vouut Juditj