k r f i Ei iSgdtfiiL gy dlimnauiuimiiijiwiiiiii gin The Valentine Democrat I M KICB Publisher VALENTINE r W JMJJIM5JMJMJIJMJ NEBRASKA BRIEf TELE GRAMS jHHMHH4MHr The French senate adopted the am sieBty bill Chicagos public debt is shown te be 26332000 rf Arbuckle Bros aave reduced the price of coffee 1 cent a pound The population of Mississippi is 1 651270 an increase of 202 per cent A company tor manufacturing outo mobiles haa been organized in Mos cow The population of Missouri is 3106 655 against 2575184 in 1890 an in crease of 159 per cent Emperor William has appointed Prince von Lynar to represent aim at the funeral of Sir Arthur Sulli s van The charge is made that the money sharEs of Chicago pay 15000 annu ally -to the police officials for protec tion The Illinois Central has decided to spend 6000000 to substitute electric ity for steam in Its Chicago suburban service Emperor William in the name of the German empire will present to Paris Germanys imperial building at the ex position Melville E Stone manager of the Associated Press having lived in Chl cagor thirty years moves to New York December 1 Dr J W Brock a noted army sur geon has died at his home at Leaven worth Kan He served through the civil war in the Sixty sixth Ohio vol unteers Mrs Clay Powell widow of the late Captain Lee Linn of the Wabash Ind Courier for many years noted as a democratic journalist in northern Indi ana died A law has just gone into operation in Norway permitting the conditional discharge of a convict for good be havior after he had served two thirds of his sentence The British cabinet decided to rec ommend to Queen Victoria that Lord Kitchener be made a lieutenant gen eral so as to enable him to talse over the supreme command in South Africa when Lord Roberts leaves the coun try District Attorney McAllister of Colo rado Springs has ordered Sheriff Free man of Lincoln county to proceed against the members of -the mob who burned Preston Porter jr at the stake last week Governor Thomas insists on prosecution Joseph Leshers plan to coin souve nir dollars out of silver has appar ently been abandoned at Victor Colo It is claimed he has been informed by government officials that the coin age plan is contrary to law and his dies will be seized Cattle feeding has been cut short by the high price of corn in Kansas The scarcity of the product has made the grain worth about 40 cents a bushel in the local market It has affected the price of stock cattle and they bring less than in the eastern counties where there is a better crop for feed ing Many feed yards are empty for -the first time in several years Colonel Edward McMurdo the Scotchman who built the railroad from Lourenzo Marquez to Pretoria capital of the late South African republic failed to get his money for the work before he died His heirs among whom is his brother Robert an attor ney at Chicago Illwere awarded 1000000 -by the Geneva arbitrators which the Portuguese government must pay Prof N S Shafer of Harvard uni versity a southern man who has made a special scientific study of the con dition of the negroes of the south gives no favor to the pessimistic opin ions that come from that section He thinks that the moral and tual condition of the negroes is im proving and so far as social morals are concerned he regards the negro as on the whole less dangerous than whites of a like social grade Baron Farnham died at London He was born March 7 1849 Lieutenant Faramond the French naval attache at Washington has been advised that the training ship with a large number of French cadets on board will visit American waters next spring John Hubbard was shot and killed by police officers at Middlesboro Ky while resisting arrest General Bullers home newspaper the North Devon Herald says it is understood the general -will be made a peer when the new years honor list is issued and that he will assum8 the title of Lord Buller of LJvsmith The population of Virginia is 1854 184 against 1655980 in 1890 an in crease of 198204 or 119 per cent The population of Kansas is 1470 495 against 1427096 in 1890 an in crease of 3 per cent Nevada 42335 against 45671 in 1890 a decrease of 74 per cent The bill submitted to the reichstag shows the imperial budget for 1901 balances at 2240947301 marks an in crease of 174303289 over 1900 No Name a valuable trotting horse owned by Louis Helm of Baraboo Wis was killed in a railroad wreck at Jackson Mich He had a record of 213 and was valued at 5000 Bohn Lawson Johnston the noted English dietetic expert died at Can nes France Trinity college the newly founded Catholic institution for the higher ed ucation of women was dedicated at Washington D C with imposing cer emonies Ten plants to manufacture common cotton seed bulls into paper of differ ent grades will soon be erected in the south Robert Thomas a New York paper expert says the scheme is being backed by a corporation with 5000 000 capital and that the work of put ting up the plants will begin in about thirty days 111 HAS BEGBN Both Houses of Congress Assemble at the Proper Time NEARLY ALL MEMBERS PRESENT Short Sessions Held Adjournment Fol lowing the Beading of the Presidents Message Senatorial Conferences as to the Program for the Week - WASHINGTON Dec 4 The open ing of cqngress drew great crowds to the capitol Intent on witnessing those Interesting scenes marking the inau guration of the legislative -work of the government On June 7 last the first session of the Fifty sixth congress ad journed and the second session began today with many momentous questions awaiting the attention of the national lawmakers Early in the day the tide of travel turned down Pennsylvania avenue to ward the capitol filling the broad walks leading to the marble terrace which by 11 oclock presented a scene of busy activity On the eastern plaza front there was the same scene of ac tivity long lines of carriage swinging up to tne wings bringing senators members pubile officials and interest ed observers while the many lines of cars contributed their quota of the in terested public Inside the building but little restric tion had been placed on the free mov ing of the throng and the crowd moved at will from one wing to the other All of the public galleries were open so that everyone in the good natured crowd had an equal chance By 11 oclock the elevators began to be sieged and there were signs of an over flow at the doors leading to the galler ies It was evident that the women took great interest in the procedure for they were present in full force one delegation of girl students num bering over fifty There were conferences among sen ators as to the program for the week and for so early in the session un usual activity was displayed by mem bers on both sides of the capitol Speaker Henderson arrived at his private office about 1115 and soon was surrounded by members discussing the program of business At noon the speakers gavel fell and the hum of voices was hushed Every member rose in his seat In the silence that followed the voice of the blind chaplain rose clear and impressive in prayer The chaplain made a touching reference to departed members asking the blessing of heaven on the bereaved ones left behind At the conclusion of the prayer the clerk called the roll There was so much confusion that the roll call was stopped by the speaker All members will take seats he ordered It is impossible to proceed with the roll call unless order is re stored His gavel struck the desk rapidly and finally the noise subsided After a brief session the house recessed until 2 oclock In the senate the credentials of Wil liam B Dillingham as a senator from Vermont were presented and the oath was administered to him He fills the unexpired term of the late Senator Morrill Senator G ears successor former Representative Jonathan P Dolliver of Iowa was present but his credentials were withheld until the official an nouncement of Senator Gears death At 1215 p m the senate took a re cess for half an hour The president pro tem Mr Frye ap pointed Messrs Hoar and Cockrell a committee to wait on the president and inform him that the senate was ready to receive any communication he de sired to make The committee will join a like committee from the house of representatives At 1255 the senate took a further recess until 145 Steel Coutrnct Signed WASHINGTON D C Dec 4 The contract with the Bethlehem Steel company of Pennsylvania for armor plate for naval vessels was signed at the navy department yesterday thus concluding the armor plate contract in its entirety as the contract with the Carnegie company was signed yes terday The Bethlehem companys contract was exactly similar to that of Carnegie viz 18592 tons of armor for S18837050 General Wilson Arrives SAN FRANCISCO Cal Dec 3 Brigadier General James H Wilson who arrived here yesterday from China on the transport Thomas will leave for Washington Tuesday to re port to the war department General Wilson is accompanied by Lieutenant G S Turner of the Tenth infantry Will Succeed Von HIIqueL BERLIN Dec 3 It is announced that the forthcoming retirement of Dr Von Siemens from the directorship of the Deutsche bank is due to the pressure of political duties and tnis is generally interpreted to mean that he will succeed Dr von Miquel as min ister of finance Turk Sptrles CONSTANTINOPLE Dec 3 The Turko German difficulty regarding a coaling station in the Red sea has been settled Germany intimating that she only wants a station during the Chinese crisis First Bill Is Introduced WASHINGTON Dec 4 The roll call of the house showed that 275 mem bers had responded to their names The speaker announced a quorum pres ent and that the house was ready for business The new members were then sworn in The speaker appoint ed Messrs Payne of New York Gros venor of Ohio and Richardson of Ten nessee to join the committee of the senate to notify the president that con gress was ready to receive any com munication from him sijfe MESSAGE Of THE PRESIDENT li w Some of the Principal Points in the Chief Executives Annual The president congratulates the country on the prosperous condition of the people engaged in all industries and the existence of conditions which warrant the belief that the prosperity will continue The troubles in China occupy a large portion of the message The president treats not only of the present troubles but the causes -which have produced them These are stated to be the an tipathy of the Chinese to innovations upon their long established customs and the centuries old desire for exclu siveness The opening up of the ports and the gradual spread of trade with foreigners to the interior the estab lishment of industries and innovationa all over the empire has caused a steady growth of the feeling of resent ment This has been assiduously cul tivated by designing politicians who surround the court The efforts of the variouspowers in years past through reason and sometimes by means of a display of force to keep down an up rising are reviewed The history of the present troubles is detailed and it is pointed out that the United States has kept constantly in view so far as circumstances would warrant the traditional desire of this country to maintain peace and good relations with China and the same idea would dominate the final settlement of the troubles so far as the United States could control The punishment of the real culprits who were the instigators of the uprising must be insisted upon however The relations of the United States with other powers are most cordial The president calls attention to the new laws in Germany which affect the meat trade with this country but states it is too early to say just what their effect will be Concerning the Alaskan boundary the president states there is a neces sity for delimitating the line and that steps have been taken to secure a per- manent settlement of the differences By a special arrangement this question had been separated from other matters and would be settled independently and as rapidly as the difficulties sur rounding it could be overcome The Nicaragua canal question is re viewed but no specific recommenda tions are made The fact is pointed out that the sur plus revenues for the year were 79 527060 and that this had enabled the setting aside of 56544556 for the sinking fund The treasury situation is strong and warrants some reduction in the revenues Legislation to ren der certain the parity of the two cur rency metals is recommended The necessity of legislation to re store the merchant marine is called to the attention of congress Legislation for the effective control of trusts is recommended and the value of uniform legislation on this subject by the various states is pointed out Concerning the Philippines the presi dent renews his statement that any definite scheme of government cannot be brought forth consistently so long- as the authority of the United States A is disputed by armed men The settle ment of the difficulties however has made material progress and there is promise that order will soon be re stored The appointment of the com mission is reviewed together with the instructions given it It is recommended that the govern ment of Porto Rico be turned over to the Interior department The situation in Cuba is gone over and congress is informed that so soon1 as the constitutional convention shall have completed its labors a copy of that document will be transmitted for such action as congress may deem ad visable Legislation for the army is reviewed and a recommendation made for an army of 60000 with authority to re cruit and maintain it at 100000 so long as conditions in the Philippines shall render it necessary The president commends to congress the recommendations of the secretary of the navy for an increase in the offi cers and men in that service Eager for Government Iancl CROOKSTON Minn Dec 4 A line of men was formed last night extend ing from the United States land office for several blocks with the intention of remaining in their places until Tuesday morning so that they may have an early chance to file upon the lands of the White Earth Indian res ervation which have been opened for settlement It is estimated that there will be a half dozen filing for each claim and the contests that follow will keep the land attorneys busy for the rest of the winter Bloodshed may ensue between the squatters and those who have abided by the law Kills a Drunken Father CHILLICOTHE Mo Dec 3 News has been received here of the killing of Frank Young a farmer living near Plymouth Carroll county by his 20-year-old son Elmer Young was drunk and started in to annihilate his family with a knife He had succeeded in wounding his wife when the son shot Mm in the neck with a shotgun al most severing the head from the bocty Xiicntenant Insane ST JOSEPH Mo Dec 3 William Haley was sent to the insane asylum here today He cannot recover Haley was with Quantrell at the burning and sacking of Lawrence Kan being the noted guerrillas chief lieutenant For many years he has been a member of the local police force All Present But Senator Allen WASHINGTON Dec 4 Every member of the Nebraska delegation except Senator Allen was inhis seat when the two houses of congress con vened today Several of the delega tions were favored with handsome floral offerings notably Senator Thurs ton whose desk was buried under a wealth of color Senator Allens desk also had two bouquets from friends who had sent the Howers on the sup position that Mr Allen would be in his seat but he is not expected until the last of the week IS- HELD- FOR MDIffi The Supposed Slayer of Ranchman Full hart Under Arrest PRISONER TAKEN AT LOUISVILLE Sheriff Armstrong of Caster County Kljrhtly Scented Hii Prey Feels Con fident He Has the Bight Man cellaneons Nebraska Matters BROKEN BOW Neb Dec 4 Sher iff Armstrong returned here with William Oxley the supposed murderer of Ranchman W H Fullhart who was found dead northwest of Anselmo a week ago Saturday He found hii at Louisville Neb and placed him in irons and arrived here with him on the 4 oclock train On leaving here last Wednesday morning the sheriff went to Arnold where he learned that Oxley had been making his home through the sum mer with David Parks of whose daughter he was enamored Oxley had borrowed a horse of Parks which had been returned at that time Learning that Oxley had been at Fullharts place with the horse and that he had been seen going toward Gothenburg on horseback the sheriff proceeded to Gothenburg He found that Oxley had secured a stock pass for Omaha and sent Parks horse home by the mail carrier Learning at Arnold that Ox ley had a brother and sister in the vi cinity of Springfield Neb the sheriff after finding no clue to his man at South Omaha proceeded to visit Springfield Finding no clue there he went to Louisville and learning that Oxley had been there he secured an acquaintance of Oxleys who pointed him out and enabled the sheriff to make the arrets Oxley had 13 on his person two pocketknives and a razor It is reported that Oxley sold four head of cattle to the T L V ranch sixteen miles southwest of Fullharts place the same week the murder is supposed to have been committed Ox ley had been on the ranches in that vicinity several years prior to six years ago Since then nothing had been known of him until he returned last spring There is a timber claim entry in the T L V ranch which Oxley took a number of years ago when he was an employe on the ranch but as the company for which he was working at the time broke up noth ing further was done with the timber claim and it yet remains in his name The ranch is now owned by Tierney Bros of this place Sheriff Armstrong feels confident he has the right man Oxley claims his parents live in Red Willow county He refuses to talk about the case tut says he knows noth ing about the murder Nebraska Dairymen to Meet LINCOLN Neb Dec 4 The Ne braska Dairymens association con venes its sixteenth annual meeting in the committee room of the Lindell at 730 oclock Tuesday evening Decem ber 18 The session will be devoted to reports of executives and appointment of committees Wednesday sessions will be held in the dairy building on the state univer sity farm and addresses will be made by Chancellor E Benjamin Andrews and Governor Poynter It is announc ed that those who attend these ses sions are expected to bring their lunch es with them and make a full day of it as the farm is to be given an in spection No session will be held in the evening as the traveling men wish an opportunity to entertain and do business with their customers Thursday is to be devoted to a few papers and a system of elaborate dem onstrations at the skimming station on the farm Premiums aggregating 380 have been offered by the association to ex hibitors and as various companies have also offered special prizes a good competitive show is expected New Beet Contract GRAND ISLAND Neb Dec 4 The beet raisers of this vicinity are quite satisfied if not enthuisastic over the new contract under which they will raise beets next season The contracts are now in the hands of the agents and are being called for freely It is ex pected that there will be from 4000 to 5000 acres of beets for the local fac tory next fall and if this result does obtain there is some promise that the factory in this vicinity will be en larged by the addition of the Steffens process Mr Robert Oxnard not long since stated that such addition would be made if the cultivation of beets in the vicinity would be such as to prom ise a permanent and uninterrupted operation of the factory in the succes sive seasons Printed Reports Delivered LINCOLN Neb Dec 4 Printed copies of the annual report of the State Horticultural society compiled by Secretary Charles H Barnard were delivered at the state house The re port consists largely of scientific dis cussions on horticultural subjects and includes a complete record of the pro ceedings of the last annual meeting of the society The report of the treas urer shows that there was a balance on hand January 9 when the last meeting was held of 112212 The population of Illinois is 4821 550 against 3826351 in 1890 an in crease of 99d199 or 26 per cent Rhode Island 428556 against 345560 n 1890 an increase of 24 per cent Steward for the Asylum LINCOLN Neb Dec 4 For stew ard of the asylum for incurable in sane at Hastings the Governor elect after a conference with W B Kern of Wood River who will be installed as superintendent has selected H C Haverly of Adams county O G Smith of Buffalo county has been se lected for assistant superintendent of the industrial school at Kearney Frank McCartne3r of Nebraska City whose appointment as deputy secre tary of state was announced some time ago has notified Mr Marsh that he will accept THE POPULATION Of NEBRASKA Returns by Counties Given Oat by the Census Bureau WASHINGTON Dec 1 The popu lation of Nebraska as officially an nounced is 1069539 against 1058910 in 1890 This is an increase since 1890 of 9629 or 9 per cent The pop ulation in 1880 was 452402 showing an increase of 606508 or 1340 per cent from 1880 to 1890 The popula tion -by-counties ifollows 1900 Adams 18840 Antelopo 11344 Banner 1114 Blaine 603 Boone 11689 Box Butte 5572 Boyd 7332 Brown 3470 Buffalo 20254 Burt 13040 Butler 15703 Cass 21330 Cedar - 12467 Chase A i A i 2559 Cherry 6541 Cheyenne 5570 Clay 15735 Colfax 11211 14584 Custer 19758 Dakota 62S6 Dawes 6215 Dawson 12214 Deuel 2163 Dixon 10535 Dodge 22293 Douglas 140590 Dundy 2434 Fillmore 150S7 Franklin 9455 Frontier S7S1 Furnas 12373 Gage 30051 Garfield 2127 Gosper 5301 Grant 763 Greeley 5691 Hall 17206 Hamilton 13330 Harlan 9370 Hayes 2708 Hitchcock 7 4409 Holt 0rr 12224 Hooker 7 771 432 Howard 10343 Jefferson 15196 Johnson 11197 Kearney 9866 Keith 1951 Keya Paha 3076 Kimball j1 I 75S Knox 14343 Lancaster 64835 Lincoln 11416 Logan 960 Loup 1305 McPherson 517 Madison 16976 Merrick 9253 Nance 8222 Nemaha 14952 Nuckolls 12414 Otoe 222SS Pawnee 11770 Perkins 1702 Phelps 10772 Phelps 10772 Platte 17747 Polk 10542 Red Willow V A 4 -v 9604 -Richardson 7 19614 Saline 18252 Sarpy 90S0 Saunders f -v J20S5 Scotts Bluff ZB2 Reward JobjO Sheridan 6033 Stferman 6550 Sioux V 2055 Stanton G959 Tfiayer 14325 Thomas 62S Thurston 8756 Valley 7339 Washington i 13086 Wayne 9802 Webster 11519 Wheeler 1362 York 18205 1890 1SS0 24303 10235 10399 3953 2435 1146 8683 4170 5494 695 4twO 22162 7531 11069 6937 15454 9194 24080 16683 7023 2899 4807 70 642S 5693 1558 16310 11294 10453 6588 12265 5569 21677 2211 5386 3213 y f I j 10129 - 2909 2893 80S4 4177 19260 11263 158008 37645 4012 37 16022 10204 7693 5465 8497 934 9840 6407 36344 13164 1659 4816 1673 458 4809 i461 16513 S52 14096 8267 8158 6086 3953 119 5799 1012 13672 3287 426 9430 4391 14852 S09G 10333 7595 9061 4072 2556 194 3920 07 8582 3666 76395 28090 10441 3632 1378 1662 401 13669 55S9 875S 5341 5773 1212 12920 10451 11417 4235 25403 15727 10340 6920 4354 9869 2417 9869 2447 15437 9511 10817 684G 8837 3044 17574 15031 20097 14491 6S75 4481 21577 15810 1838 16140 11147 8687 63M 2061 2452 X589 4619 1813 1273S 6113 517 3176 109 7092 2321 11869 2631 6169 S13 11210 7104 1683 644 17279 lllJ Nebraskas Great Surplus LINCOLN Dec 1 Figures com piled by the State Bureau of Statistics show that the surplus products ex ported from Nebraska during the last calendar year amounted in value to 173849207 Following are the fig ures Kind Amount Value Horses and mules hd 50370 2014800 Cattle head 69S181 32814507 Hogs head 2213912 27673900 Sheep head 737357 25SO750 Mixed stock head S1578 171313S Packing house pro ducts pounds 704526165 52S39402 Wheat bushels 21852019 12018650 Corn bushels 77774683 15070105 Oats bushels 17590345 2814455 Barley bushels 450143 398376 Rye bushels 1249815 474929 Hay tons 92903 603882 Flax bushels 980074 975173 Flour pounds 86S62753 1737255 Other mill products pounds 71299000 534742 Grain not classified bushels 31778 9433 Live poultry coops 211045 1846643 Dressed poultry lbs 1598012 137840 Egs cases 467803 1403409 Butter pounds 20495478 3698186 Cream pounds 4418850 353508 Cheese pounds 1S9013 18931 Sugar beets tons 32309 133430 Strawberries cases- 3107 7088 Grapes baskets 9820 1669 Apples barrels 765 1912 Peaches cases 480 432 Black and red rasp berries cases 1041 1561 Cherries cases 4476 7833 Fruit pounds 2375033 33438 Cooperage pounds 1756880 35137 Game pounds 22595 22595 Fur pounds 12909 4617 Potatoes bushels 271500 81450 Honey pounds 36S5 368 Fish pounds 2939 293 Wood cars 296 18140 Gold 28S660 Silver 47349S Ice cars 641 32050 Brick thousands 28557 214177 Sand and gravel cars 27S1 20796 Hides pounds 28570833 2571374 Celery 907183 36287 Vegetables pounds 148793 1487 Broom corn tons 1271 SS970 Brooms dozens 44315 155102 Stone cars 6305 116642 Beer kegs 27543 550S6 Lime cars 19 2796 Straw tons 780 3020 Millet tons 30 305 Hemp pounds 206885 Wool pounds 110085 14861 Feathers pounds 1714 S57 Bread pounds 20791 727 Vitriol pounds 1785300 98211 Alcohol pounds 72800 18750 Syrup pounds 159300 2S0O OH meal pounds 190000 54w Oil pounds 54000 2100 Spirits 12500 Iron - 11200 Miscellaneous lbs 85417486 1222330 Totals 173849207 Child Eats Strychnine NORFOLK Neb Dec 1 A four-year-old daughter of Fred Lau living west of town in searching for some thing to eat got hold of and ate some strychnine which was kept to poison rats Tnnter Accidentally Phot ALBION Neb Dec 1 Captain Fred J Mack Company 21 Nebraska National Guards was shot by a com rade while skirmishing for quail and rabbits Part of the shot took effect in his nose neck ana hand His inju ries are net serious but it was a very narrow escape Crashed by Wajon Wheels RUSHVILLE Neb Dec 1 A man named Jackson was killed on the road between this place and Pine Ridge He was engaged in freighting coal to the agency and fell from his load the wheels passing over his body Sill ing him instantly OTcald Follw Good ITxarapl Now that the courts have sustained the validity of the ordinance in Phil adelphia prohibiting the distribution of advertising handbills and circulars in the streets and In vestibules and on the porches there is a general demand on the part of newspapers in interior Pennsylvania cities for similar ordi nances If littering the streets of Phil adelphia with loose paper is a bad thing it is argued to be quite as oad for the streets of other cities though they may not be so large WHY MRS P1NKHAM Is Able to Help Side Women When Doctors FaiL How gladly would men fly to wo mans aid did they but understand womans feelings trials sensibilities and peculiar organic disturbances Those things are known only to women and tne am a man womu giv is not at nia cuiumauu To treat a case properly it is necesr sary to know all about it and full information many times cannot do given by a woman to her family phvj jRMvBfmk fife Mks G H Chappell M elcian She cannot bring herself to tell everything and the physician is at a constant disadvantage This is why for the past twenty five years thousands of women have been con fiding their troubles to Mrs Pinkham and whose advice has hroughtJiappi ness and health to countless women in the United States Mrs Chappell of Grant Parle HI whose portrait we publish advisesall suffering women to seek Mrs Pink hams advice and use Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable- Compound as ttiey cured her of inflammation of the ovaries and womb she therefore speaks from knowledge and her experience ought to give others confidence Mrs Pink hams address is Lynn Mass and Her advice is absolutely free Your clothes will not crack Ifyou use Maenetin Starch 4 That fast express train is great isnt it Yes they say they canget fresh milk to town before the cream rises f Use Magnetic Starch It has no equal Dont think because a politician has his price that he always gets it Chif cago News Best for the Bowels No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get weal until your bowels are put right CASCARETS help nature cure you without a gripe or pain produce easy natural movements cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARETS Candy Cathartic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has C C C stamped on It Be ware of imitations Every dog has his day and every man has his hobby What is the difference between a person suffering from heat prostration and Allens Foot Ease One feels the heat and the other heals the feet Life There is only one single step from the level rock over the precipice of ruin What Shall We Have for Desserl This question arises in the family every day Let us answer it to day Try Jell O a delicious and healthful dessert Pre pared in two minutes No boiling no baking add boiling water and set to cool Flavors Lemon Orange Rasp berry and Strawberry Get a package at your grocers to day 10 cts To W C T U Workers with unselfish devotf onjxrarJngyour modest gains in to the lap of s great nelpfnl many sided enterprise ot noble -women sendf or details ofOUKglTSOO OFFEK THIS DELINEATOR 7 to 17 West 13th Sfc New X 7or Top Prices Ship Tonr - GA3BCK AXD To Headquarters V4 Jefcen Company Butter Eggs Veal Hides and Furs Potatoes Onions in Carload Lots Omaha Nebraska sore eyes nee SY HEW eHtm nnitfValfafnnil - - - cases Book of testimonials and 10 DATS treatment TOEE DE H H CBEESS BOSS Box B Atlacta Gs If afflicted with ThoinpsgnTEytWatir Xiesg Than Salt Kates to- Port Arthur Texas On sale Decembsr 10th via O St It Ry Only one date Dont forget All information at City Ticket Office 1415 Far nam Street Paxton Hotel Blk or write Harry E Sloores G P T A Omaha Neb -e f ri X