Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 11, 1900, Image 3

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S CO year old
Office over
216 Si 14th St
fn the treatmimt of nil forms of DISEASES
85 Tears Experience 14 Years In Omaha
UADlPnPEl C cured quickly and perman
VAnSUUUuLu ently The niobt natural
and scieiittllc treatment that ha yet been
discovered IT NOW HEQUIKE5 RUT A
FEW DAYS to cure Varicocele wltlwut cut
ting pain or loss of time CHAUGEs LOW
I positively guarantee a cure
QVDMIi Q ln aM stages and condition
O I rlliLlu cured and every trace of the
disease Is thoroughly eliminated Trorn the
blood All appearances of the disease quickly
disappear No BREAKING OUT of the
disease on the skin or face A cure that is
permanent for llfo
from Excesses or Early Vices Night Losses
Stricture Hydrocele Diseases of the Dladdei
and Kidneys Nervous Debility Gonorrhoea
Treatment by mall or express free from
public gaze Free Consultation Send for
Hours S a m to 5 p ru 7 to 8 p m Sundays
Dto 12 P O Box 7GJ Offico over 215 S 14th
Street between Faruata and Douglas Streets
Write about yourself 1
stammered from Childhood
Was perfectly cured 12
vean aco Only the af
flicted can appreciate
the awful desire one has to be cured It you
are afflicted or have children who are write
to me for terms literature etc
Omaha a St Louis RR
St Louis and return September 30lh
to October Bt h
Kansas Ciiy and icturn September
29th to October tit h
To most all points South Sept 4th
and 18th
All Information at
Omaha St Louis R R City
Ticket Office -
No 141fi Famam Street Paxton Block
or write
Ilar y E Moores G P T A
Omaha Neb
reaTvasetJiggs tfg s
OMAHA Vol 3 No40 1900
Desire to Adcl Testimonial Case a Bad One
Permanent Cure in Shoit Time
Would Not be ltack in isiime Con
dition for SI 000
Dr Ernes Henderson
Mv Dear Doctor I desire to add my testimo
nial to those vou have cured of rupture My
case was a bad one and you made a permanent
cure m a short time without patn and I neer
lost a day from my ork I cannor say tco
much for your cure and would not be back ln
tbeconditlOD I was for a thousand dollars 1
thank you anO tvould recommend your Rupture
cure toaccce Use ths If you wsa 1 am
truly thankfully yours
FRED HARPER 2011 Indiana Are
Are Usually Buried Six Feet Under Ground
But Hene Are Tyjo Exceptions
When after suffering two years with
what was called appendicitis Mr John
Boland of 219 No 19th street Omaha
was told by the leading physicians and
surgeons of Nebraska that he would
have to undergo an operation and have
a part of his anatomy removed he
formally bid farewell to the world and
all he knew for he had known of oth
ers who had traveled the same dan
gerous road Just hefore he submitted
to the operation he met a friend who
suggested that he try the new treat
ment Magnetic Osteopathy He said
he would not take the treatment but
would consult with Prof Kharas and
see what he would do later Prof
Kharas as the originator of this new
science of curing diseases without
drugs feels the responsibility of life
and death cases so he examined Mr
Boland carefully told him he had no
appendicitis at all His trouble proved
to be simply a nervo muscular stric
ture of the small intestine duodenum
The professor so accurately described
the difference between the actual ex
isting condition and an appendicital
condition that Mr Boland saw he had
been humbugged by the medical and
surgical practitioners and took a
weeks treatment costing him o at
the Kharas Headquarters in Omaha
and is now sound and well and hard
at work He is loud and enthusiastic in
praise of Magnetic Osteopathy and the
Kharas System He realizes that he
would probably have been a burled
mistake if he had followed the advice
of the surgeons for they very much
dislike to have their mistakes come to
light and when they1 chop into a mans
works and see that they were off
there is only one way to prevent the
world from knowing the result The
patient failed to rally from the opera
tion as we expected etc Every day
we read of their mistakes
Miss Kit Distelhorst was expecting
to go to the hospital for an operation
the following day when a relative sug
gested that she see Kharas She did
The operation would have cost her
5200 besides had it been successful
the loss of two very important parts
of her anatomy and the surgeons gave
her very very little hope for recovering
from the operation at all As a result
of her coming to Prof Kharas she is
now sound and well She took six
weeks treatment spent 330 and is a
she aptly expresses it all in one
piece yet This mention of her name
is made with her express consent and
she will gladly inform any inquirer of
the truth of the statement who will
write her at her home 2011 Cass street
Omaha Neb A long list of testimoni
als and positive proofs may be had by
writing Prof Kharas 1515 17 Chicago
street Omaha Neb Literature free
CURES all Kidney
Diseases Back
ache etc At drug-
Jnn 1 Krt tnnll
a- M si Free hook ad-
vice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y
You Pay
otbing Until Cured
Facts Stated by
My Former
If You Are Afflicted With
Rupture Dont Fail
to Eead them
My Guarantee is Valuable Be
cause You do Not Pay Me
One Cent Until You Are
I preseDt to the readers of this paper
a few testimonial letters and names of
former patients whom 1 have cured of
rupture believing that the afflicted
would rather correspond with some one
who has been cured than read what I
might say about myself They can more
fully investigate and convince them
selves as to the merits of my treatment
1 could use this entire space singing my
own praises but believe the statement
of those I have cured will be more satis
factory to the afflicted I will ask you
to write to any or all of them If you
are satisfied with what they say about
my reliability and methods of treatment
write to me or call and see me Remem
ber that in all cases I guarantee a cure
and do not accept one cent of money un
til vou are well Consultation by mail
or in person is entirely free I will be
pleased to correspond with you regavd
msr your case
Wants to Add letter to List Hoping to In-
fltie ce OJier Sufferers Bad Cuce of
Rupture and Other Troubles for
Years Cured in three xr eks Did
Not Take fno Cent of Pay
Until Cured
McPherson Kans June 8 1S99
Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo-
Dear Doctor want to add my testimonial
letter to vour already large list hoping to in
fluence some sufferer to go to you
I had a bad case of rupture for years and
suffered great agony 1 went to Dr Henderson
and was cured ln three weeks- I cannot say too
much for him I know he can do just what he
lavs he can do The doctor does not ask one
cent of pav until the patient is well This is
the best guarantee heean possibly give to any
person afflicted as I was 1 win answer anyone
who wishes to kow more about my case
Very truly yours A R OLSON
Suffered for Years 1ronownced Incurable
by iJoctors CJhul He To U Ttetiinpiit
After three Vfks wiu ioiunl uud
V II Treatment K All Tout is
Claimed for it Hoprs Lotier
Will be Means of Inducing
Others to Take Treat
Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo
Dear Docior I wish to state that 1 can most
heartily recommend your rupture treatment
Since early youth I had been seriously trsubled
with a rfght scrotal rupture that was pro
nounced by doctors to be incurable except pos
biply by a dangerotu surgical operation Hear
ing of your treatment I determined to try the
same and am glad I did so for after taking
your treatment but three weeks I am now sound
and well Your treatment is all that you claim
for it
If this letter will do you any good I would be
glad to have you publish the same and I hope
it may be the means of inducing others to taue
your treatment and be cured
Yours respectfully
WM LYNN Ransom Ks
Finds Tre tinent Successful Examined Otli
er Iutirntt a 1 Found Cure Permanent
Had been in the Kueim ss lltinka
This thv MotKtioiiil Treat
ment of the
December 20 1899
To whom it may concern
This will certify that I have taken Dr Ernest
Hendersons treatment for rupture and that 1
find it entirely successful I have examined a
number of patients that he has treated and I
find that a permanent cure has been made in
every case examined I have watched this
treatment for some time as 1 have been in this
line of business myself having been an expert
truss titter for a number of years I believe
this Is the most rational treatment of the day
and that he will be successful in every case I
would most tieartily recommend anyone with a
rupture to consult Dr Henderson
Verv respectfully yours
JACOB WE1TZEL independence Mo
Lutheran Minister Cured Aftor Suffering Six
Years Tried Many TruiHe but Thev All
Failed Upon Advice of Ker F Pfeif
fer of bednll Mo Tried Dr Hen
derson Ute Rupture Specialist
of Kaunas City
The Cure complete Has Dispensed
vritt Trusses A it An wer Letters
From Those Afflicted Yho Whh
Further Particulars
Kansas City Mo
This is to certify that I have suffered for six
years with a very bad rupiure and durinit ill
o the time 1 have worn different kind of truss
es day and night witn the hope of effecting a
cure but they ail failed the3 only held the
rupture ln place
Upon the ad vice of Rev F Pf elffer of Scdalla
Mo I consulted Dr Ernest Henderson the
Rupture Specialist 103 W 9th St Kansas City
Mo who cured me in a few weeks without sub
jecting me to a dangerous and painful opera
tion The cure was complete and since then I
have dispensed witc my trusses without incon
To the interest of all who are afflicted with
tfiiitroubie I do write this ana heartily recom
mend Dr Hendersons treatment Anyone de
siring more information will please apply to
me personally or by letter I am
Nov 14 1S99 1317 Oak St Kansas City
N B In writing please enclose a stamp for
No Troube After First Treatment Which
was Painle s Did Not Interfere With
Work and Cured in Les Than One
Month Recommends Treatment
to All Rupture buffdrcis
Dr Ersest Henderson C3 W Sth St City
My Dear Doctor write you unsotcted to
say ifct ycu have made a permanent cure of my
luyturs which was as you kaow a large Lrect
JF XgW T -V Tjw
South Omaha Neb Oct 3
Market report furnished by the Flato
Commission Co of South Omaha Neb
Receipts of cattle this week have fall
en considerably short of the same per
iod last week and those coming have
been nearly all westerns The receipts
of choice corn fed steers have been
very limited and the market on such
has been active at fully steady prices
The half fat and common cattle have
been neglected and the preference Is
shown the range steers which have
shown flesh enough to make good kill
ers This has made the market on the
half fat and common corn fed steers
rather slow and a shade lower than
last week Receipts of cows and hei
fers have been liberal the past three
days and while the demand has been
pretty active prices are 10 to 20c lower
than last Friday the principal decline
being on the common and fair grades
Cood cows were steady until today
when buyers were able to take off
about 10 cents
Stockers and feeders have not been
received in too large supply for the
trade to handle at this season of the
year but the market has not been in
as good condition as last week Mon
day the market opened with buyers all
after cattle ad they loaded up pretty
liberally and as a consequence have
been holding back yesterday and today
trying to dispose of what they had on
hand before taking on another load
Good heavy feeders declined 10 to 15
cents while the medium and common
grades show a declie of 15 to 25 cents
There was a strong demand for well
bred dehorned fleshy steers but there
are so few of that kind being marketed
that they cut little figure on the mar
ket Stock heifers are being marketed
freely and while the edmand is good
they have btin selling a little lower
Receipts of hogs have been fairly lib
eral the past two days but only a lim
ited supply was received Moday The
opening Monday was very slow and
prices were 2 to 5 cents lower with
the quality of the hogs rather poor
Yesterday buyers were in need of hogs
and though they tried to get their pur
chases cheaper at the start they soon
tcund it would be impossible to do so
and the market closed strong showing
an advance of about 5 cents over Mon
day Today was another good day for
shippers sales being effected early at
strong prices and the close today shows
prices 5 cents higher than Monday and
a little better than last Saturday
The pocket nerve is something of ar
octopus itself
inguinal Hernia i trunk this Is the name you
gave it filling the bcrotum I am glad to say
that I never had any trouble retaining it after
the first treatment and that I am now a well
man Tkanks to God and yourself
Your treatment was painless and did not stop
me from my work A cure was made ia less than
a month
I certainly will do what I can for you and my
suffering fellows and most heartily recommend
all rupturecUo take your treatment You may
use this letter if you desire I be to remain
your friend WM WKLTMAJT
K C Slock Yards or 410 Landis Court
Suffered With Bad Case for Oror Five Year
Could Not Stand It Any Longer After
Reading Advertisement Concluded
to Take Trettm nt Paid for
WUh Pleasure WIU Gladly
Writi AnjoneAboutCa e
Kansas City Mo June 3 1900
Dr Ernest Henderson City
My Dear Doctor It is with pleasure I inform
you that t am entirely cured ot a bad case of
rupture ior wnicn you ireiuea me ursi aouui
two years ao I suffered with a very bad rup
ture for over five years many times it was so
bad 1 could scarcely retain it with the aid of a
truss As the rupture was constantly getting
worse and the pain so great I could not stand it
any longer 1 was much discouraged After
reading vour advertisement over a d over
again 1 concluded to try your treatment and
to mv surprise you cured me In less than four
weeks I am glad to say after such a long time
of suffering 1 am absolutely sound and well
1 paid jour fee with pleasure and still feel that
I oweyou a debtor gratitude which Ihope to
pay by Inducing other sufferers to go to you for
treatment thereby doing a kindness to them
and to you
I will gladly write to anyone abotit my case
I almost forgot to say that I considered your
offer of receiving no pay until a cure was ef
fected as the best guarantee you could give
and that is what first gae me confidence in
your treatment as soon as I talked to you
Respectfully your friend
19 East Sixth Street
Mike Gaynor 2 Ewing St TCansas City Ks
A R Olson McPherson Kas
Robert J Brock county attorney Manhattan
N M Kent -101 Orchard St Chicago 111
Oscar Dillon 901 Campbell St Kansas City
II M McDonald Denton Kas
B F Dobbs lai N mh St Kansas City Kas
A Yonni 3 il8Windsor Ave Kansas City Mo
7 S Hammick plumbing 19 E tith St Kan
sas City Mo
Thos Ratio Kansas City Mo
W C Peak grocer 2i Central Ave Kansas
City Kas
MS Welch care Goodlander Milling Co Ft
Scott Kas
Dr T F Parker 1517 Brooklyn Ave Kansaj
Civ Mo
Herman Bagull Kansas City Mo
Wm Lvnn Ransom Kas
M G liartzell 7W Felix St St Joe Mo
Fred Harper 2011 Indiana Ave Kaaas City
William Veltman 410 Landis Court Kansas
City Mo
RevJF Pfelffer Sedalia Mo
R J Champion Armour Station Kansas City
J T Wood merchant Greenwood Jackson
county Mo
Chas T Hummer 424 Edmond St St Joe Mo
WtUB Castor 11 N Suring Ave St Louis Mo
Fred Phares 617 Cherry St Kansas City Mo
E R Demoret Kansas City Mo
R B Griffith 207 Lyceum Bldg fiansas City
Thomas McMabon 704 N 7th St St Louis
B TV Pement restaurant keeper 109 E 13th
St residence 1012 Locust St Kansas Citv 3Io
Child 3 months old
G F Shaw assistant county surveyor Inde
pendence Mo
Yashnzh Baker Halls Summit Kas
Wutiaxn Hgglns 117 Car Ave Armourdale
V L Gray Stanberrr Mo
W T Wingate Amity Mo
Ear Maxweil Valley Falls Kas
0 Sandy 73 Kansas Ave Kana City Kas
James McMockin 32 Tuliis Court Kansas
City Mo
I rank Cratg loth and Topping Ave Kansas
City Mo
I03 Wast Ninlb Stree
KANSAS chy yissouni
- - - - v -
J5he BoreiTLsa
But Greeba cried Help help help
She seemed to be beside herself with
suspense Some vague fear beyond
the thought of a mans life in peril
seemed to posssss her Did she know
what it was She did not She dared
not fix her mind upon it She was
afraid of her own fear But low down
within her and ready at any moment
to leap to her throat was the dim
ghost of a dread that he who was in
the boat and in danger of his life on
the rock might be -very near and dear
to her With her hood fallen back from
her head to her shoulders she ran to
and fro among the men on the beach
crying He will be lost Will no one
savS him
But the other women clung to the
men and the men shook their heads
and answered Hes past saving and
Weve got wives and children lookin
to us miss and whats the use of
throwing your life away
Still the girl cried Help and then
a young fellow pushed through to
where she stood and said Hes too
near for us to stand here and see him
Oh God bless and keep you forever
and ever cried Greeba and lifted
completely out of all self control she
threw her arms about the young man
and kissed him- fervently on the cheek
It was Jason He had found a rope
and coiled one end of it about his waist
and held the other end in his hand The
touch of Greebas quivering lips had
been as fire to him Ltay hold he
cried and threw the loose end of the
rope to Thurstan Fairbrother At the
next moment he was breast high in the
sea The manmust have 3een him com
ing for the loud clamor ceased
Brave lad said Greeba in a deep
JJrave is it Its mad Im calling
It said old Davy
Who is it said the skipper
The young Icelander said Davy
Xot the lad Jason
Aw yes though Jason the gawk
as theyre saying Poor lad there a
heart at him -
The people held their breath Greeba
sovereci her eyes with her hands and
felt an impulse to scream Wading with
strong strides and swimming with yet
stronger strokes Jason reached the
boat A few minutes afterwards he was
back on the shore dragging the man
after him
The man lay insensible in Jasons
arms bleeding- from a wound in the
head Greeba stooped quickly to peer
into his face in the darkness and then
rose up and turned away with a sigh
that was a sigh of relief
Hes done for said Jason putting
him down
Who is he cried a score of voices
God knows fetch a lantern said
See theres a light in old Orrys
hut yonder Lets away there with him
It will be the nearest place said Kane
Chaise AKilley ran on ahead
Wheres Stephen tonight that hes
not with us at such work same as
this said Matt Mylechreest
Hes been down hre all week
puffed Nary Crowe
In another minute Chaise was knock
ing at the door and calling loudly as
he knocked
Stephen Stephen Stephen Orry
There came no answer and he knock
ed again and called yet louder
Stephen let us in Theres a man
here dying
But no one stirred within the house
Hes asleep said one
Stephen Stephen Orry Stephen Or
ry wake up man cant you hear us
Have ye no bowels that yed keep this
man out4
Hes not at home force the door
Kane Wade shouted
One blow was enough The door was
fastened only by a hemp rope wound
around a hasp on the outside and it fell
open with a crash Then the men with
the burden staggered into the house
They laid the insensible man on the
floor and there the light of the lamp
that burned in the widow fell upon his
Lord s marsy they cried il
Stephen Orry hissef
The lad pushed through to the bed
side and then for the first time he
came face to face with Stephen Orry
Did any voice uhhead of the others
cry in his ear at that moment Jason
Jason this is he whom you have crossed
the seasto slay and he has sentfor you
Rachel Jorsensen was the only daughter
of the governor oZ Iceland She fell ln
love and mairied an idler Stephen Orry
Ker father had otner hopes tor her and
In his ancer ne disowned her Orry ran
away to sea or this union a child was
born and Rachel called him Jason Ste
phen Orry was heard from in the Isle of
Man where he was again mairied ana
another son was born Rachel died a
hdurt broken woman but told Jason of
1 is fathers acts Jason swore to kill
him and If not him then his son In the
meantime Orry had deserted his ship and
sought refuge in the Isle of Man He
was sheltered by the governor of the
Island Adam Falrbrother Orry went
from bad to worse and married a dissolute
woman and their child called Michael
Sunlocks was born The woman died and
Orry gave Sunlocks to Adam Falrbrother
who adopted him and he became the
playmate of the governors daughter
Greeba Time passed and Adam Fair-brother-
and wife became estranged their
five boys staying with their mother on
account of Michael Sunlocks Finally Ste
phen Orry returned and Michael Sunlocks
determined to go to Iceland his fathers
home His father confessed all to him
and Michael promised to find Rachel if
possible and care for her and if dead to
find her child and treat him as a brother
to bless you for the last sands of his
life are running out
Leave us alone together said Ste
phen Orry and Greeba after beating
out his pillow and settling his head on
It was about to move away when he
whispered Not you and held her
Then with one accord the others called
on him not to tairy over carnal
thoughts for his soul was passing thro
dark waters and he shculd never take
rest until he had cast anchor after a
troublous voyage
Get religion cried Kane Wade
Lay hoult of a free salvation cried
old Chaise All flesh is as grass
cried Matt Mylechreest Pray without
ceasing they all cried together with
much besides in the same wild strain
I cannot pray the sick man mut
Then well pray for you mate
shouted Kane Wade
Ahfc pray pray pray murmbJed
Stephen Orry but its no good its too
late too late
Now is the pointed time shouted
Kane Wade The Lord can save to
the uttermost the worst sinner of us
If Im a sinner let me not be a
coward in my sins said Stephen Or
ry Have pity on me and leave me
But Kane Wade went on to tell the
story of his own conversion It was on
a Saturday night of the mackerel sea
son down at Kinsale The conviction
had been borne in upon him that if he
did not hear the pardoning voice before
the clock struck twelve he would be
damned to all eternity When the clock
began to warn for midnight the hair
of his flesh stood up for he was still
unsaved But before it had finished
striking the Saviour was his and he
was rejoicing in a blessed salvation
How can you torture a poor dying
man muttered Stephen Orry
Call on the Lord mate shouted
Kane Wade Lord I belave help
Thou my unbelafe
Ive something to do and the pains
of death have hold of me muttered
Stephen Orry
He parthoned the thafe on the cross
and hes gotten parthon left for you
cried Old Chaise
Cruel cruel Have you no pity left
for a wretched dying man mum
bled Stephen Orry
Yeve not lived a right life brother
cried Kane Wade and yeve been ever
wake in yer intellects so never take
rest till yeve read yer title clear
You would scarce think they could
have the heart these people you would
scarce think it would you said Ste
phen Orry lifting his poor glassy eyes
to Greebas face
Then with the same quiet grace as
before the girl got up and gently push
ed the men out of the house one by
one Come back in an hour she
It was a gruesome spectacle the rude
Methodists with their loud voices and
hot faces and eyes of flame trying to
do their duty by the soul of their
fellow creature the poor tortured sin
ner who knew he had lived an evil
life and saw no hope of pardon and
would not be so much a coward as to
cry for mercy in his last hours the
young Icelander looking on in silence
and surprise and the girl moving hither
and thither among then- all like a soft
voiced dove in a cageof hoarse jack
But when the little house was clear
and the Methodists who started a
hymn on the beach outside had gone
at last and their singing had faded
away and there was only the low wail
of the ebbing tide where there had
been so loud a Babel of many tongues
Stephen Orry raised himself feebly on
his elbow and asked for his coat Ja
son found it on the hearth and lifted
it up still damp and stiff from the
puddle of water that lay under it Then
Stephen Orry told him to put his hand
in the breast pocket and take out what
he would find there Jason did as he
was bidden and drew forth the bag of
money Here it is he said what
shall I do with it
It is yours said Stephen Orry
Mine said Jason
I meant it for my son said Ste
phen Orry He spoke in his broken
English but let us take the words out
of his mouth Its yours now my lad
Fourteen years Ive been gathering it
meaning it for my son Little I thought
to part with it to a stranger but ita
yours for youve earned it
No no said Jason Ive earned
You tried to save my life said Ste
phen Orry
I couldnt help doing that said
Jason and I want no pay
iBut its two hundred pounds my
No matter
Then how much have you got
Has the wreck taken all
Yes no that is I never had any
Take the money for Gods sake take
it and do what you like with it or Ill
die or torture cried Stephen Orry
and with a groan he threw himself
backward on the bed
Fil keep it for your son said Ja
son His name is Michael Sunlockr
isnt it And he has sailed for Iceland
hasnt he Thats my country and I
may meet him some day
Then ln a broken voice Stephen Orry
said iTyou have as father he iriustlV
proud of you my lad Who is he
And Jason answered moodily I fcavfr
no father none I ever knew
Did he die in your childhood
Before you were born -
Is he alive
Ay for aught I know
Stephen Orry struggled to- his elbow
again Then he has wronged your
mother he said with his breathV com
ing quick
Ay maybe so
The villain Yet who am I to raD
at him If your mother still alive V
Where is your father fc J
Dont speak of him said Jason la
an under breath
But whats your name my lad
With a long sigh of relief Stephen
Orry dropped back and muttered td
himself To think that such a father-
should never have known he had sucb
a son
The power of life ebbed fast in nicq
but after a pause he said
My lad
Well said Jason
Ive done you a great wrong
When did you do me a wrong - -
No matter Theres no undoing- it
now God forgive me But let me be
your father though Im a dying mai
for that will give you the right to
keep my poor savings for yourself
But they belong to your son saltJ
Hell never touch them said Ste
phen Orry
Why not said Jason
Dont ask me Leave me alone For
mercys sake dont torture a dyins
man cried Stephen Orry
Thats not what I meant to do
said Jason giving way and if yoo
wish It I will keep the money
Thank God said Stephen Orry
Some moments thereafter he lay qule
breathing fast and loud while Greeba
hovered about him Then in a feebler m
voice he said Do you think my lat
youll ever meet my son
Maybe so said Jason Ill go bac3t
when Ive done what I came to do
What is that Greeba whispereaU
but he went on without answering her-
Though our country Is big our
pie are few Where will he berr
I scarce can say He has gone to -look
for someone Hes a noble boy 2
can tell you that And Its something
for a father to think of when his tima
comes isnt it He loves his father too
that is he did when he was a Iittle
chap You must know he had no moth
er Only think I did everything for
him though I was a rough fellow Ay
I nursed him and comforted him a-
any woman might Ay and the little
man loved me then for all he doesnTfi
bear his fathers name now
Jason glanced up inquiringly first aft
Stephen Orry and then at Greeba Ste
phen saw nothing His eyes were dftnv
but full of tenderness and his deei
voice was very gentle and he rambled
on with many a break and between
many a groan for the power of lif
was low in him
You see I called him Sunlocks Thslz
was because it was kind and close likeu -He
used to ride on my shoulder
played together then having no one
else and I was everything to him anS
he was al lthe world to me Air ticatr
was long ago Sunlocks Little San
locks My little Sunlocks My owao
At that point he laughed a little andT
then seemed to weep like a ehildU
though no tears came to his eyes aircfc
the next moment under the pain of
joyful memories and the flow of bloocB
upon the brain his mind began tw
wander It was very pitiful to TooVz
upon His eyes were open but it Tras -clear
that they did not see his utter
ance grew thick and his words were
confused and foolish but his face trass
lit up with a surprising joy and yew
knew that the years had rolled baclf
and the great rude fellow was aIon
with his boy and doating on hinr
Sometimes he would seem to listen as
jf for the childs answer and then- he
would laugh as if at its artless prattle
Again he would seem to sing the little
one to sleep crooning very low a bro
ken stave that ran a bar then stoppetZ
Again he would say very slowly what
sounded like the words of some baby
prayer and while he did so his chtrv
would be twisted into his breast azrtT
his arms- would struggle to cross it ss
though the child itself were once more
back in his bosom
At all this Greeba cried behind her-
hands unable to look or listen any
longer and Jason though she no tearsj
said in a husky vioce He cannot be
altogether bad who loved his son so
Trie delirium grew stronger the Took
of joy and the tender words gave place -to
glances of fear and some quick be
seeching and then Jason said in a
tremulous whisper It must be some
thing to know you have a father wby
Ioves you like that
To be continued -
Men are not saved by sentiment-
Dullness sometimes passes for cfeptl
A vice is always more dangerous Jhaiz
a crime
It is not the flowerpot that mafees
the blossoms -
Ground that is barren to seed 5b
often rich in gold
To substitute the good is the bes
way to eradicate the bad
It is vain boasting of your sap un
less you produce the fruit
Wings of prayer can carry you irJiai
serpents of sin cannot crawl