Ft fc 111 I tun 143 vw f Sr wt TTS N I N Y A A - - fc Look at vour tonsuc n Is it coated i uen you nave a Daa s taste in your mouth everv 4 morning Your appetite V is poor and food tresses you You have rrcquent ncaaacnes ana are often dizzy Your stomach is weak - and J your bowels are always constipated s Theres an old and r liable cure H ffWWi jA pfy CARTER 53- w7i Mr A 4 lb lifm V xSr raT rfiflK rffi L1 K rj m m Hp Finnf fntf n dose and then stop Bet- 4 ter take a laxative dose each night just enough to cause one good free move ment the day following You feel better the very next day Your appetite returns your dyspepsia is cured your headaches pass away miir frm7iir sin jwi bu xiwoiu H your liver acts weli and your bowels no longer give you trouble Price 25 cents AH druclsta I liavo taken Ayers Pills for S3 years and I consider them tho best made Ono pill doe3 me more good thau half a box of anv other kind I havo over tried Mrs K E Talbot Karen CO 1803 Arrin jEon Kara i jv 11 j nu V V W 7 W A V- Mr LAgsv CI AA g f IkURGESTFMERSfi - d r4 o tf and S t ilS350shoesinthef g fc6 Ofcf SIeinoro SSOO andS m Kn liiuiu iiitui iiiii 2 sssefri 8 se1 m 3 JwJci i Thftrpi Cftn mm-a- f2fe i O o AiiK - iij o raiz m m world Wo sell fX S350 shoes than any otiicr tv0 manufacturers tho US H M - Atvawi UV1V - is T SSt rt Ifc va ana miu Knos am if sold than any other I maiie is uecausetnevaro tho best in the world A 400 Shoe for 300 So Siioeror u50 Over lOOQraOWcarM HR85 it - MwrjesCrti rc i -- cr nvi LSMooJ fi r 1 WER 25 cents ae ii Fii u a Tti criu xssTs eoi J Ths Real Worth of Our S3 and S350 Shoes compared with other makes is 54 to 5 Ravinz tho larcrpsfc B nnd ftlno shoe busi ness in tre worm ana a perteet system of inannraeinnnff eiaUie us to proauciv uiRiifr jnnae stcn nna 3S snoes tnan ican ne naa eisjvnere your aeaier I snonld keep t hem we jnre oae dealer exclusive saie in eacii town JTijJse no MiiiHtUnte InsiET on havins w iDouRlas shoos with i naiiieaiiaprlcestampedonlxjUom iiyiirrteaierwilinotuettneinror you sena airecs to xactory en- ciosiiik pnj e ana extra m tor carriaKe State kind of o r leather size and width plain or cap toe uar snoeewiu jeacayoa anywnere joKoei f 33V H Carter XJLSl Y6P acsai PiHs Must Dear Signature of yif See Fac Simile Wrspper Below Terj onfall and as easy to tnlio as scgaz FOR HEADACHE FOR DiZZENESS FOR BiUOUSNSSS FOB TORPID LIVER FOR GOKSTfFATIOM FOR SALLOW SKiH F03TIEG0K LEX0N OErrcasizE uvsriavrfioxATUKc Purely YcjctfiSslc sSwr I IWII iipwwww CURE SICK HEADACHEr Ifamictedwlth fp aore eyes upo S C N U 1 TliompsonsEyeWater No 33 1000 IsiMJiMMS RIMS WHtHE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Coagh Syrup Tastes Good Uso la time bold by drn7ists i i m i i i bWs 1 1 m i a WIFlfmjLk0 a IRM utrfj JW pJLfKjl The portrait of Gaetano Bresci the as sassin of King Humbert is from a pho tograph taken four years ago Bresci is a native of Tuscany While living at Prato in Italy he attended the technical school and leaned the trade of a weaver At Paterson X J lie was employed in the silk mill of the Hamilton Booth Com pany and lived with his wife and child at 3G3 Clinton avenue West Hoboken Bresci came to the United States about three years ago He was not naturalized If K H i r i n r i a 1 a n UGACTAMOfiflSCI I nP50PHE BRESCI ir - i He left Paterson ilay 22 sailing for Havre on La Gascogne under the name Branchi Caesari He wrote to his wife fom Milan saying that he would soon return Mrs Sophie Bresci was formerly Miss Sophie Knieland She made the acquaintance of Bresci about three years ago in the silk factory where they were both employed Mrs Bresci is now in destitution She and her S-months-old lit tle daughter Madeline are being cared for by friends in New Jersey In these trying times in China there are no men among the foreigners upon whom greater rsponsibilitiep rest than W IX CAHLBS the foreign consuls One of the most im portant of these of ficials owing to the extent of the interests committed to his care is the representatives of the British govern ment at Tien Tsin Mv W R Carles Before the interna tional forces gained control of the city the Rtuation at one time grew so desporate that Mr Carles sent a message by special courier pray ing urgently for reinforcements and an nouncing that the casualties were heavy the ammunition insufficient and that machine guns were necessary He fur ther stated that the Rassiann at the rail way station were hard pressed while the Chinese troops were keeping up aj in cessant fire with large guns on thefpuo pean concessions nearly all of which were burned Happily the damage and loss of life at Tien Tsin have proved to be less considerable than was t first supposed The British consulate at any rate seems to bave escaped bat the res idence of the American consul was uurued Gen Alexei Nicolaievitch KuropatWn wbo it is said will be sent to China as the commander-in-chief of the Russian forces is the Rus sian minister of war and is proba bly the most trust ed most powerful and most faithful servant of the Czar Tjonir niro iAK i dirl yW 17 MISS ASTOn tsa3Ach ki - X6tCV U--d when Kuropatkm 8il VlKyHV was a youujT man k sit fvy ftti i c ntr msBMh Airs A S7i n i x 1 iurivusuiu viiu mu wja y Russian advance and spent his youth GEX xubopatkix in high adventure and in winning for him self honors decorations and promotion When he had served his apprenticeship in the marches and bivouacs of the East he returned to Europe and resumed his studies in the schools Slowly he rose on the ladder of advancement until in 1S0S he was made absolute master under the Czar of the armies of all the Russias Miss Pauline Astor the young lady whose Uttle love affair with Sir Berkeley Milne has been the indirect cause of her fathers ostracism from the Marlbor ough House set in London is more patriotic than her sire She was ask ed recently whether she was an English girl or a Yankee girl She replied that she wasnt quite sure Her father she said was an English man As for her self she said she would be an Ameri can if the choice were left to her Miss Astor is under 20 and if she does not marry Sir Berkeley or some other man whom her father does not like she will he the sole heir of 200 000000 Miss Paulines mother was a member of a fine old American family Before her marriage with William Wal dorf Astor she was Miss Mary Dablgren Paul of Philadelphia Odds and Ends Ed Carey Chicago killed Michael Prindiville J P Close Toronto Ont died from a mosquito bite Chicago may have an underground rail way system to cost 20000000 Mamie Spencer St Joseph Mo com mitted suicide because her lover wanted to postpone their marriage Corned and roast beef price have been boosted 25 cents a dozen on pound cans ins Chicago Chicagos MasonicfTemple was badly soaked with watdr A thief hifd stolen the brass faucets South Bethlehem Pa Steel Company received an order from Russia for 2000 tons of Krupp armor Jolm Millers horse ran away in Hazel ton Pa but it didnt even awaken his 4-year-old boy who was fast asleep Mrs Lizzie Gustm Chicago tried to drown herself in a bathtub then put a bullet into her body Shell recover - flY OWH SELF AGAiH v Blra Gatco Writes to Mrs rinlcham Follows Her Advico and la 3Iado Well Deab Mrs Penkham For nearly two and one half years I have been in f aeblehealth Aftermy little child came vmsm rmmm g it seemed 1 coma not No23 TRIPUCATE MIRROR Slto of each mirror Sxl Inches Band ecmely encased and bound with nlcklo covers length when upcued Is 11 Inches useful and ornamental at the same time Sent poa pald on receipt of a 2c postage stamp ard 35 McLs cut from the face of XXX coffee wrappers Eft No 29 Dewey Coaifeinatica Set For both ladles and gentlemen con clstlng of a pair of handsomely cnawrd nnd engraved new style link cuff buttons three engraved beauty pins for slrt waists one set of four collar tjutwe consisting of one ball top button for the front neck tie bolder for the back and two lever buttons for tap sleeves arso a pair of plain cuff buttons for round cuffi Warranted for one year Sent post paid on receipt of ac postage stamp and 23 cnt from the fece of XXXX coffee wrappers No 30 Tourists Folding Curling Irons TOUH17T Tho most perfect foldln j carter tnade the Jolnu arc fitted with springs which securely bold the handles in various positions simple durable and perfect In operation Nlckle plated anUnne oak handles especially adapted for heating over lamps gas etc Seat post- paia on receipt oi h sc postage stamp tnd is cut front tue face of it XXX iTe wrappen get my strength again I have chills and the roC3t pains in tay limbs and top of head and am almost insensi ble at times I also have a pain just to the right oi breast hone It ia so severe at times that I cannot lie on my right side Please write me -what you think of my case Mrs Claka Gates Johns PO Miss April 23 1S0S DaAn Mns Pixkham tliave taken LydiaE Pinkhams Vege table Compound as advised and now send you a letter for publication For several j ears I was in such wretched health that life was almost a burden I could hardly walk across the floor was so feeble Several of our best physicians attended me but failed to help I concluded to write to yen for advice In a few days I received such a kind motherly letter I followed your instructions and am my old self again Was greatly benefited before 3 had used one bottle May God bless you for what you are doing for suffer ing women Mns Clara Gates Johns P O Miss Oct 6 1SD9 Mary Tardley aged 103 Chicago is dead yvwilDk No I RAZOR This razor we kDow f rpm the most practical expey renca to be tba bst Read the fqMoTtlnj kTbls Is to certify that 1 h jvr used the two mors offerodby McLaushHn A Co as nrenilums and shzvo dj ben customers with fhetn aal 1 Ruarantw them to be Srst class razor and t JT superior to tha razors circa as ssemlums by other paruare ffcc houses AATtoN ETTELSON Barber Sbermao Uouso Cbtcaga Attested to D7 L Nkwuan Van Pklt Kotary Iublio lor Oook County Dec13lS33 State of Illinois A rizor sctit post paid oa receipt of a Sc postaro ptanpandao JIcLo cut Iroia the faco of AXXX coffee wrappers No 2 BUTCHERS KNIFE Tory useful for fcltchen tise Blade of the best quality Rtcel rosewood handle Sent post paid on receipt of ale stamp and so Mcl est from tho face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 3 CARVING SET migSK Enlfo and fork Eenulno stag handles learth of Wodo eiht Inches made of crucible stctl Sent post paid on receipt of a Sc ponagestamp and 90 McL cut from tho face of XXXX offee wrappers No 4 BREAD KNIFE Do cot bo without our combination bread icnlfe and raw Suitable for slicing bread cutting meats and lUm The back can boused for sawing the bono Blado is 9 Inches Ion made of crucible steel Sent post paid on receipt of a So postase Lamp and 14 ilcLa Mt from the face of XXXXcoITeo wrapiers No 5 Childs Knife cad Fork Set Three handsomo pieces cf artistic workmanship nandles are heavily embossed perfect in every respect and packed in fancy lined box Soot post- Fiald on receipt of a 2c stamp and 25 21cLs cut romtho face of XXXX coffco wrappers No 31 LADYS APRON Made of fine nnallty of white lawn with wldestrlngs and fancy lawn insertion sizo DC C8 Inches sent post paid on recel pt of a 2c post age stamp and 25 ccIj cut from tbe facaof XXXX coffee wrappers No 32 CORSETS rwM Extra Hnnlosg Jeaa rsatcrlal and modeled after the very latest patterns Colon white grey and blark Mzes 18 to30 Inches waist measure In ordering be sure to mention size and colnr Sent post paid on re ceipt of a sc postage stamp and J 00 JIcLa cot from the fare of XXXX coffee wrappers No 33 Gaitleaea Handkerchiefs FouPbem sUtchet -with colored borders Slie 16Hx If H Sent post paid on re ceipt of a Sc stamp and SO MeL cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappen The University of Motre Dame NOTRE DAME INDIANA Classics Letters Economics and History Journalism Art Science Pharmacy Law Civil Mechancal and Electrical Engineering Architecture Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses Ecclesfusical students at special rates Rooms Free Junior or Senior Yar Collegium Courses Rooms to Rent moderate charge St Edwards Hall for boys under 13 Tbe 57th Year will open September 4th iooo Catalogues Free Address REV A MORRISSEY C S C President Homeseekcrs Excursions Via Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad On the first and third Tuesdays of Tune July and August the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad will place on sale Homeseekers Excursion tickets to various points in Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Indian Territory Ken tucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Carolina South Carolina Tennes see and Texas One fare plus 300 for the round trip Tickets are limited on going trip fif teen days from date of sale with stop over privileges in Homeseekers Terri tory Returning tickets are limited twenty one days from date of sale Remember that Ave now have in service a new wide vestibuled train between Chi cago and Waco and Fort Worth Texas leaving Chicago daily at 1D0 p m Through Pullman sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars For further partic ulars call on or address any agent Chi cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad or C L Stone G P T A Chicago Tears are often to be found where there is little sorrow and the deepest wrrow without any laars Johnson BEST FOR THE BOWELS No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your bowels are put right CASCARETS help nature cure you without a gripe or pain produce easy -natural movements cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARETS Candy Ca thartic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has C C C stamped on it Beware of imitations The hauls of fame are often in very email Installments No 6 SPOONS 3 These are bandsomn teaspoccs ornamented with a double de sign eabossed handles and EiAde of first class material six In a package Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c posvage stamp and 30 3IcL cut from -the face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 7 HOUSE SCALE Vlth scoop A most practical scale for all purposes hand somely enameled and striped Weichs tl lbs by ozs Occupies but little space and can be reg ulated by turning tbe brass icrew on top Sent by express charges prepaid on receiptor a Sc postage stamp ana XsL cut from tho face of XXXX coffee wrappers When ordering be sure to give your nearest express oHco as well as your post oHce No8 HAIRCLIPPER fssm Fnll tilckle pJated etits M of an Inch concealed spring two extra springs witb each clipper Sent pust puld oa receipt of a 2r postage stamp and 100 3et cut from the face of XXXX colTec wrappers No 34 PIPE Genuine French briar large size bull dog shape with vulcanite pub stem This stem has a double draft ahlch divides the smoko and cools it catfnet possibly burn tho tongue Sent post paid on receiptor a 2c postage stamp and SO JJcLa cut from tho face of XXXX coifes wrappers No 35 Ladies Handkerchiefs Six handkerchiefs with colored borders SIzd 12x13 Inches snt post paid on recelptofaic postage stamp and SO Meljr cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappers No36 Lads Brooch Tho latest Parisian and Cluster Brooch set with a viry prvtty colored center stone surrounded by Par Isiandlamonds very hand tome and brilliant Made of the very ter quality of rolled plate sent post paid on receipt of a Sc postage Unp and 18 cut from the face cf XXXX coffee wrappers iTAsi No 9 LADYS PEN KNIFE No 37 DOLLS Fancy dress l colls with mov able arms ffnd Ices j enLposv paid oa receipt - of a 2c txt2a KKpAM stamp and SO gwa cl cm rr sirom tne sace 01 SXXXX coffee wrappers No 33 PAPER DOLLS These dolls are by far the best ever gctten oat and comprise eight dolls to tbe set A set of these dolls could not be bought for less than 73c Thcv are In two sets A and B When order ing be sure to state which set you want Senton receipt of a Cape naze stamp and to MrL cnt from tno face cf iXXX ccfTcs vnppsa Tro blades made of fine steal fancy pearl handle highly pol ished Sent postpaid on receipt of a Sc postage stamp and 23 3IcLo cut from tna lace of XXXX coffee wrappen No JO Gsntlesnns Knife Made of fine qnalh7 steel stag or ebony handle steel lined highly polished small pon and large spear blade Sent port paid on receipt of a Sc postage stamp and 3R JlcLs cut from the face of XXXX coneo wrappers No II JACK KNIFE fefiililillS Ebony or rosewood handle steel lined highly polished pen and spear blade Sent post paid on receipt of a c postage 30 WcLa cut frui face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 19 BAND RING hi This Ii a haedsoac hand chased and raised gold wedding rlnj of very pretty and ucloue pattern cannot be told from solid geld will stand thorou ch acid test made on the same principle as tbe Bo3 tilled watch case and Is warranted for fire years Measure your size on the ring scale Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c postage stamp ami 18 McL cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappers lmm0mrMm fin All Aronnd 3Taa He goes In for everything ffrYi W a n Jv j No J2 PARING KNIVES Hes quite an enthusiast Yes If somebody were to send him on a wild goose chase hed speak of himself afterward as a sportsman Philadelphia Press Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75 cents A man never gets pld or good enough not to have some pride In the mischief of bis boyhood Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wm Q Endsley Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1000 Dont study history piecemeal just because it Is mostly made up of scraps Mr WlnMow booTnivo B7nm for Children teetliinc sottns tli6 Kiims reduces Inflammation Ulays rain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottlo A man who is poor in trust Is the poorest of all Gods creatures Hol land iiL It iJfff 5j riaLil TfTlr ttr Ijjfl r One complete set consisting of three different paring knives best quality steel blade enameled handle DO better pstlnz knife made Sent pvst pald on receiptor a 3c postage stamp and 33 ilcl cut from the face of XXXX coffeo wrappers No 13 ESERY KNIFE SHARPENER was steel jraard and wooden handle emery fastened with steel running full length or C sharpecer Sent post paid on receipt of arc postage slamn and SO No 15 SQSSORS Six inches long mado of Cno quality steel evenly tempered and will give the best of satisfac tion Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c postage stamp and IS cut from the face of XXXX cotTeo wrapptrs Z2S33S3325S WmgA y m m C1P JlcLc cct Iscm the face cf XXXX ccffeo wrappers No 14 SHEARS Elgh Inches long mado of Sne qnallty steel evenly tempered and will glv9 the best of satisfaction as a cutter Heat post paid on receipt of a Sc postage cnt fton the face of XXXX coffeo wrappers stamp ana is ucu isS No 16 HARMONICA Herelssomothlaz that will please theyoucf awelJ as theold folks A beautiful sliver reed harp contain ing thirty two holes ntcklo covers If Dronerl v nlaved will floncd like n church organ Seat post paid on receipt of a Sc postago stamp and ti cut from the f aco of XXXXcotfee wrappers I NOT I - L 3 R3 v5 Tli absolutely and posiUvel tis latest best and most pop V OCfii I T SISSICa ular coUect on of twenty flve piects of music ever ofTered and 2 il ony by speaa arraa jement and purchases of immense j quantities that we can give onr friends the privilege of select ing from -this strong and attractive list Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c postage stamp and 15 McLs cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrapperx 3D My CoaJ Black Lady 40 My Baby Liz 41 My Gal Is a High Cora Lady 42 Just One Ctrl 43 Af Utsr Johnson tarn Me lVoose 44 UI Coons Look AliKe to Me 43 2 Love Yon la tba Same Old Way 46 Because 47 Johnny Sly Old Friend John 48 Wedding of the UJyand tbe Itose No 65 GOLD FACED CLOGS lll te3 fe t Height 8 Inches finely finished In French satin gold plating has a fine American aovemeni constructed like a watch and guaranteed to be a good tine- keeper bent pust pald oa receipt of a3c postage stamp and 116 cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappers 40 The Fletnro That Is Turned Toward tbo Wall SO Her Etc Dont Shlno like uiaznonas ClIlocej Yous My Lady Love 52 Jest as tha 8nn Went Darem 03 Think Once 2Ior Before Wo Part Si Simply Friends 53 Mamie Sly Darling 66 Back Among the Old FoCa Once Again No 66 GENTLEMANS WATCH Has extra fine works In solid nlcffle sllvercase gea ntne American moveisent Balanced jeweled bandsonse porcelaladialstemwlnd and stem set will last a life time and guaranteed to keep correct time This watch is manufactured and guaran teed by one of the largest watch factories In tho United States This watch is far su perior In every respect to watches offered as premiums by other package coffee bouses Sent post paid on re ceipt of a 2c postage stamp and aoo tIcLs cut from the tce cf XXXX coff a wrappcrs No 25 Aljsrian T3ts Hat These can also be cud for pillow covers They areinlald with gold tin sel are made In very pretty designs and will be an ornament to any ladvs parlor bUe lKils lncbes Seat post paid on receipt of a 2c post-ace- stamp nnd 33 McLs cut from the face f XXXX coffee wrappers He 25 VEGETABLE SLICER For slicing apples pears bananas potatoes beets encumbers turnips radishes cabbages etc Various novel and attrw tlve deshms are produced perfor ated ftatlngs plain fiutlnss Saratoga chips shoe strings etc Tonitlvely no waste anybody can use It Sent post paid on receipt of a Sc stamp and 80 Mtl cut froa tbe faco of XX2X trapper 57 Marnxny Mammy Corse Tell Me that Yon Love Sle 0 8 Mammys Little runpiln Colored Coons 68 Darktown Is ont ToOf Ight CO When Yoa ant jot uoModcj Yon Noednt Come Around ClTfhos Dat Say Chlcktn in dis Crowd 1 OS Boncy that I Love 80 VTeU m iiz y 21 znni Znm C4 Yoa Got To Phy Bagtlni No 67 PATRIOTIC ALARM CLOCK fr iA JtlcMo plated mns lilrt7 bonrs with one winding beau tiful lithographed dial Illus trating llcKIney Dewey and all the heroes of tbe late war Made by one of the largest fac tories in the Unltrd States and guaranteed to keep good time Sent post paid on recelptof aSc postage stampand 100 cut from the face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 27 ALCERIAH TABLE SPREAD witsrrs t This spread Is slspla ana artistic and is made by tbe skilled workmen of Algeria They co ce In very pretty designs and are Inlaid with gold tinsels These goods were fimlntrodncedattneWorldsFaIr nod have been tbe rage ever since commanding fabulocc prices Site 0 9 inches Sent post paid oa recel plot a Scsc tage stamp and lsasscut froa Uns face ot XXXX cqJm Txapesa J3T LUNCMC Wc are meat cockers and canners Our business is the largest of its Jcmd in America We have tned to learn everything that anybody knows about making cooked meat eood That js our business We seal the product m key opening cans Turn a key and you find the meat exactly as it left us We put up la this way Pot fed flam Beef and Tongue Gx Tongue whole Veal Loaf Deviled 31am Brisket Beef Sliced Smoked Beef and two dozen other specialties It Is impossible for anybody to make lunch con meats any better Your grocer should have them Libby McNeill Libby Chicago How to Slake Good Things to Eat will be sent free if you ask us No J7 FEATIiEREOA M1 These elegant bnas aro Jart what every lady needs They are now tho race In Pari and ew York Made of tho front feathen Sent post paid on re ceipt of a Zc postage stamp and 40 cut from the f ice of XXXX coeo wrappers No 18 Lzifs Belt Buckle Suitable for sash or belt of filigree work cluster center richly enameled In- colors on gold Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c posusgo stamp and so cut from the face cf XXXX coffco wrappers No 20 PaHiian Diamond Ring This swell eot Mns Is now all the rage Set with a gennlno Paris Ian diamond This stone is an ex cellent imitation of the gencico diamond anl Its brilliancy cannot be equalled by anything irt the genuine diamond settings are UK gold and warranted for 2 years wear Measure your Ue on ring scale Sent post paid on receipt of a 2c postage stamp and 25 IJcL rut from tho faza of XXXX ccf feowrappors No J 10 NECKTIES Here Is socethln every man likes In the latest stylish patterns and isaoe of the best silk sergs lined assarted colors conte In the fallowing ieslzns teck string tin ana bow tie Be sure to men tion whlchdeslgnyou want rent post paid oa receipt of a 2c postage stamp and 3D 51eLcnt from tie face of XXXX coffee wrappers No 1J Elf Flaying- Cards Made of En llnea sfoek highly ena neled and J5 liIoches They are peculiarly adapted to hatlence or any name wlere the space within which to play is limited and on tbe other hand re large enough to be osed for any game at home rt post paid on receipt of a Sc post age stamp and 33- JlcLs cot froa tbe face of XXXX coffee wrapper No J 12 Satific Diaaicnd Box Kite am iyZn Jlodeled after tha Har Sravtf type The most style cf kite Used by the United States Cov ernaent la ceasurln phe nomena at high elevations Flies blither than any other jrfle Directions enclosed with each kite Sent post paid on rwelptot a 2c jacst ago stamp and 40 cut from the face cf XXXX coSee wrappers 5 o Years of Success When vou buy a Mill buy a good one The Perkins is the best No other is just as good A postal card with your address will get you a FREE BOOK ON - WIND POWER - Direct Motion and Triplc Gearf Mills We make them iii STEEL OR WOOD in ALL SIZES Our Steel Towers are the best Why pump water in cold weather or in warm weather when lor a lew dollars you can BUY A MILL TO WORK FOR YOU Agents in Every Town In Every Land PERKINS WIND MILL CO MISHAWAKA INDIANA RkRR r i 4 J f s W8TH Cbmplctc premium list ard instructions in every package McLaughlins XXXX Coffee b vorth 5 cents per pound more than any other packaged coffee and cosS i r T ii ee ti it sb n i uvvw Ac lt Jt f j v -- no more l is always uniform iry tnis oifee sna you win never use any otner incLaugnun s aaaa oifee soia oniy in i id seaiea packages n W F MCLAUGHLIN CO Chicago III No 21 Lzfi Pcdcet BooSy Ifado cf tba vary bMt iaiS grain ono plere leather wltii ornamental emboulrtg Ban two regular nnd ono card ca cornpartmenta Currency com partment leather lined 6ea pint paid on roclpt of a t postage stamp nnd 35 cut from the face of XXXX coffeo wrappers No 22 COIN PURSE iliiaot 8 no kid lehthcr with solid nickl riv eted frame and Is full leather lined Sect post paid on receipt cf a 2c postago suimpanu 13 aefj cnt from the faco of fee- wrappers W XXXXcfiJ No 23 HAT PINS Y T Ladles cr gentlemen cannot get too many pretty tie or suck pins These illus trated hero are the very latest SPt with Paris- fin These ara very stylish pins hti wills ewelsvcry brilliant and ahowy will cot bend on break two- plnslnsetas a fvrT useful- addition to any Udyi Jewel case rnt post- of a ie poitare ump and in OlctA cut from the fe cf XXXX corfco rappers No 24 Neck Tie Pias 5 Rur f ston very brilliant anff hanfl some designs borse ihoe op cluster made of th ver be rolled plate vettlnis and wzr mnted Lltber of Uiese sent post paid on receipt of a Sc poslaze stamp and 13 MeLa cut from tlic fnco of XXXX cotfop wrappers No 113 Lada Brncdeti Tha Nethersote patters now so popular of beaTr twisted wire Etruscan t fuct and heavily plated Stent post paid on receiptee a 2c postage stamp ana Its McLs cut from the faced XXXX coffee wrappers NqJJ4 Ladys or This is a silver trinmsi seven rlh steel rvd Paragoe fnrae Cocfo handle cm srelia made of silk and lia ea twilled witb caw and tasseL NiThen crderlng ba sure to mention wheti tr a ladys or gentlemans ts de sired Sent either by potter express prepaid oa receipt of a 2c poitare stamp aad 1 0 cat from lac of XXXX coffee wrappers No J 15 LADESGARTERS qlr f Oj pair la a box pcrteri made of silk fsett web with nicker safety pfst top and nlckle batten SAd loop fasteners all cclors Band Garters mado of sSk face web with fancy bneUa and silk ribbon bow When ordering state which of ties yon want Either seat on receipt of a re ics ace stamp and 33 eTM cct from the fact atXXJE ccffw wrapjwrr t J