Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 02, 1900, Image 4

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the Valentine democrat
0 Per Year in Advance
Entered at t b o Post office at Valentine Clierry
county Nebwuka as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subocribers untjl a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
or Tresldont W J BRYAN
For Governor W A POYNTER Boone
For A
For Secretary ol Stato C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer S II HOWARD Holt
For Commissioner of Public Lands and Build-
rorrri ti r niTtvv Saunders
For Superintendent of Public InBtruction C F
SgiSSSoM Silver Republican
L N WEN TE Democrat Lancaster
TAMES HUGHES Democrat Collax
JOHN H FELBFR Populist Cedar
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
PETER EBBESON Populist Howard
For Member of Congress Sixth District
WM NEVILLE North Platte
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MORRISSEY
Ftr Commissioner of First Distinct HALEY
For Commissioner of ThM District
Call for Senatorial Convention
The Democratic electors pi the Fourteenth
Senatorial District of Nebniskaare hereby called
couventlon in the village of
to meet In delegate
VaKi e Nebf on the 4th day of August1900
at 10 oclock a in for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate ior the office restate
senator for said district and for the transjictlon
of such other business as may properly come
before the convention The basis of represen
tation will De one delegate at large and one del
ewite for each 100 votes or major fraction there
of cast for Hon Silas AHolcomb for supreme
judge at the general election of 1899 which gives
the following by counties
Box Butte G KeyaPaha 5
Brown 5 JtocK
Cherry 8 Mendan 9
Dawes 8 Sioux 4
-It is also recommended that no proxies be a
lowed but that the delegat s present cast the
full vote towhich the jlfebm b mUBmL
Secretary Chairman
Call for Senatorial Convention
The electors of the Peoples Independent Par
ty of the Fourteenth Senatorial District of
Nebraska are hereby called to meet in delegate
convention at Valentine on the 4th day of Aug
HBt 1900 at 10 oclock a in for the purpose of
placing in nomination a candidate for the office
of state senator for said district and for the
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly come before the convention The several
counties will be entitled to representation as
follows one delegate atlarge from each coun
ty and one delegate for each 100 i votes or major
traction thereofcast for Hon SllaB A Holeoinb
for supreme judge at the general electiou of
1899 which gives the following by counties
BoxButte c KeyaPaha 5
Brown 5 S0
Cherrv 8 Sheridan 9
Dawes 8 Sioux
It Is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
lull vote to wnicn me ueiejjawuH
LE1Secretary Chairman
Or you will have to shoot as you vote
Are you ready for war Or do you
want war but want the other fellow -to
do the fighting Thats the way the
most of them talk but its getting old
and you who would have war should
not hesitate to enlist
Dont tell us that there are plenty of
those who want to fight more than you
do and that you havent time or that
youre too old Come to the front now
or vote for peace
As the campaign warms up the G O
P will begin to realize the folly of put
tins up such men as Dietrich and run
ning him to catch the German vote
The republican party is against the
Uoers in South Africa and Dietrich is
with tho republicans and against his
countrymen in the Boer republic How
inconsistent to make an effort to catch
the German vote and have the Germans
stand up for him who would not stand
up for his own people in their fight for
The New York Evening Journal
published a week or so ago a queer lit
tle cartoon says Stephen I3ell in the
Typographical Journal The old
man was staggering along with a
heavy bucket His young hopeful ob
serving the trouble he was n made a
brilliant proposal Pa you carry me
and Til carry the pail This is in es
sence the proposal made to the people
by eery combination of capital that
seeks special privileges franchises con
ceSsicras and the like The protected
interests ask the people to tax them
selves so that the said interests may be
able to employ them at high wages
etc When will the people wake up to
the fact that if the old man accepts the
boy8 proposal he will tany bbtix boy
abff fall
Was he your brother Your father
Your husband lie went to war at
the sound of the battle cry To save
his country No for conquest
What is the gain Who can count
the cost
The war now on in Chiua was caused
by continued aggression of the English
American Russian and German people
Any one who has been a reader of his
tory and events for the last twenty five
1 i Ml At 1 T
years it lie is nonest win say mat i
am right Many do not want to admit
this but it is a similar plan that has
been pursued bjT the English in the
South African republic They tried it
on us in Alaska
The plan in China has been to civil
ize we say We have sent missionaries
against their will Our merchants have
dropped in among them and though
the Chinese were rebellious and refused
them rights accorded their own citizens
but by making presents and following a
very carefully outlined friendship pol
icy toward them the merchants trad
ers and missionaries though always in
danger were allowed to remain Nu
merous uprisings against the mission
aries merchants and traders have been
known but the difficulties heretofore
have been compromised
The Russians have been aggressive
The Chinese have been sneered at by
foreigners and it has not been the cus
tom of late to recognize anything in
China except as subject to conquest
This has been the predominating idea
for the last quarter of a century and as
the encroachments follow one upoii an
other China is at last compelled to re
taliatejust the same as all wars of
this kind begin It is conquest but os
tensibly the plea is to save our minis
ters traders and merchantmen who are
in danger They have always been in
danger Now comes desperate work
on the part of the Chinese and war be
gins Soldiers are wanted to fight
You fathers and mothers who have
sons to spare send them to their death
or vote in this coming election that we
may enjoy peace
Numerous strikes all over the coun
try mob laws and general uprisings of
the people shows dissatisfaction And
gentlemen there must be something
This higli hauded republican rule
has gone on too long
Our country is on the verge of de
struction Let us rally around the
flag and vote for a continuation of the
Declaration of Independence and the
flag that made us free
War taxes revenue stamps on every
thing you buy on every paper you
write deeds leases bonds certificates
checks drafts medicines The coun
try going in debt millions of dollars a
day Whats the causeV Wheres the
end to this Wheres the benefit to us
Wars all over the world and the U
S a republic taking the most promi
nent part Well have more business
at home than we can take care of be
fore its over
When Dietrich started out to hunt
for votes he did so with the sole idea
of getting the votes and keeping in the
background his politics just as the doc
tors give you sugar coated pills It is
the pleasant taste that is now handed
out for the people to sip andthe bitter
ness comes next Why doesnt Diet
rich run on ah independent ticket if he
wants only to be governor and has no
politics or if he has political views why
doesnt he tell the people while he is
going among them that he expects to
redeem the republican party iin the
state and pardon the former thieves
who stole the state blind Slick ton
gued and as he told a man on the
train coming down from Crookston 1
never run for office before but I am no
greenhorn and yet he cant get up be
fore the people to make a speech tel
ling them of any reason why they
should support him only that he is a
The people are not satisfied with
Emperor William and the roughrider
cowboy cant carry him through with a
lasso If Teddy wants a job though
and wont throw -his lasso over Em
peror William and try to take him
along we believe that the dashing
young man could be of service out af
ter Cattle on some ranch but a differ
ent kind of man is needed even there
as he wouldnt make as good a cow
puncher as most of the cowboys would
a vice president A man of dignity is
wanted says Mark nanna and not a
Very few populists who know D
Clem Denver believe that he is sincere
in his efforts to build up the middle-of-the-road
organization Very few be
lieve that he has invested a cent in
starting the True Populist An
uncle of Denver X Pearl of Gilead
Thayer county came out a few weeks
ago in a caustic letter in the Nebraska
Independent in which Clemraie came
iu for a good scoring Clems own
brother Hugh Deaver of Gilead one
of the staunch populists of that vicinity
feels humiliated by the actions of Rose
waters henchman Another uncle of
Deaver W A Pearl El Reno Oklaho
ma not long since expressed the belief
that Clem is getting well paid by the
republicans for his work Even the
earnest mid roaders are becoming sus
picious of a man who accepted the ben
efits of fusion and worked for fusion
until he could get no more out of it
and then bit the hand that fed him
That grave suspicious exist is manifest
from the fact that when the name
True Populist was suggested to a
number of mid roaders as a suitable
name for their party the general reply
was that the name would not do be
cause it would identify them with
Deavers paper
The Gage County Democrat thus hits
the nail squarely The Fremont Tri
bune says that the fusion nominee is
unfit by experience for the office of
state- treasurer while the republican
nominee has had experience The peo
ple of the state have had experience
with republican experienced treas
urers and prefer to take an honest
man who has not had quite so much
experience along the republican line
Repudiates the Assistant Republicans
Westerville Nebr July 23 1900
Editois Beacon Not being satisfied
with the present situation in the popu
list party in this state and not being in
sympathy with the democrats for the
reason that I do not believe they have
treated the populists fairly in the past
I made up my mind that the middle-of-the-road
populist party in Nebraska
deserved the support and encourage
ment of all true reformers I have
watched the political situation closely
and recently concluded that if the out
come of the Grand Island convention
met my approval I would cast my lot
with the middle of-the-road party
On July 19 the day previous to the
Grand Island convention I was in
Broken Bow and while there talked
with a number of mid road sympathiz
ers and among the number was Mr
Taylor Flick whom I knew to be an
old time staunch populist On learn
ing that I was willing to go to Grand
Island as a delegate Mr Flick told me
that John Painter would fix me out
with transportation 1 saw Mr Paint
er and he told me that about fifteen of
the boys would go down to Grand
Island from here that he had about
eighteen passes and would as soon fix
me out as any one and that it I would
call at his office after 7 oclock that eve
ning he would have transportation for
I went to Mr Painters office about 9
oclock there were a number of parties
slated for the trip present at the time
and Mr Painter handed me transport
ation from Broken Bow to Grand Is
land and retnrn with the femark that
he still had plenty of Mark Hannas
passes left While I was there he also
handed transportation to others of the
delegation who dropped in When I
first talked with Mr Painter about the
convention h told me that three of
those interested had chipped in and
bought the tickets and I presumed
this to be true and had np objection to
riding on tickets obtained in that way
but from Painters about Mark Hannas
passes and that he still had several left
I wondered why they would buy so
many tickets when they were uncer
tain how many would go down and be
gan to doubt that the transportation
was bought and paid for by any one
About twelve delegates took the 1024
pm train and every one of them to
the best of my knowledge and belief
received the same kind of free trans
portation that Mr Painter had giyen
I would estimate that there were at
the Grand Island convention 250 dele
gates or upwards and I believe that
practically all of these people came on
free transportation I talked with a
large number from other counties and
invariably they said that they had
come on passes This with what I had
already learned satisfied me that the
tickets which Mr Painter distributed
were identically tue same as those
-which brought the delegates from other
parts of the state there and all of them
darae directly or indirectly through the
republican state or national committee
As to the candidates which this con
vention nominated I have nothing to
say I do not know any of them ex
cept Taylor Flick and James Stockham
who are the nominees from Custer
county and I have the highest personal
ronghritfeY far vicfc PTCsideat Mark regard for both these gentlemen but I
SHOWS J 4w We n V M 4 U W w
tion packed as it was by people sent
on freo transportation My idea of
the middle-of-the-road populist party
has been that it went back to first prin
ciples that it stood for everytning in
corporated in the Omaha platform and
that its followers were sincere in their
anti pass resolutions as Dwell as in all
other planks of the platform The
Grand Island convention while it con
tained some old time populists was not
such a gathering as I know the true
or the honest
nnnnlist renresents No man who was
known to oppose Bryan was barred
from a seat iu the convention and
there were many republicans there
One man standing near me said It
makes no difference whether they are
republicans or mid roaders just so they
are opposed to Bryan Thats all we
want to know
Now from the talk of Mr Painter
and the delegates generally that we
were traveling on Mark Hannas trans
portation and from the conversation
and actions of the delegates the only
C Uil
thing aimed at seemed to be not the
election of the middle-of-the-road can
didates for no one seemed to think
they had any chance at all or to care a
cent whether they did or not but the
object seemed to be to beat Bryan and
the state ticket
I dont entirely like the way some
things have been managed by the fus
lonists and I have heard some talk at
different times that a few men who
were fusionists rode on passes to con
ventions but I never heard of a fusion
convention where everybody had pas
ses and republicans were taken along
to help fill up the crowd From what
I saw and heard it looked to me as if
the republicans through Mark Hanna
L Clem Deaver or some one else had
organized the whole thing and gotten
it up to try to divide the populist vote
and that some of the men who have
been considered honest populists for
some reason want to do the same thing
and are working with Deaver and Han
na to do it
These are the reasons I have for not
taking any stock in the middle-of-the
road ticket I am willing to do any
thing to help out needed reforms but I
wont help deliver the populist vote of
this state to McKialey and I dont want
to help elect the republican state ticket
I dont want any more Joe Bartleys or
Gene Moores in mine and l am sure
that the middle-of-the-road ticket is put
up for just that purpose
While I went to Grand Island as a
delegate I did not understand the true
situation at the time What work I do
from now on will be for Poynter and
the fusion state ticket and for Bryan j
for I think to do anything else is to
play into the hands of the republicans
I never have belonged to a republican
aid society and I dont feel like com
mencing now
Yours for the success of honest Pop
ulist principles JCMILLS
Here are a few republican delegates
to the Grand Island convention
Cuming county- H Deininger who
went only as far as Fremont C Boek
enhauer and H Hem
Franklin county J M Humphrey
A G Gregory
Lancaster county C M Clark
James Burleigh Robt McReynolds J
L Knott Robt Boulding Mart Howe
I dont doubt but what the republi
cans furnished this transportation but
I dont care If they want to give me
a free ride to Grand Island I will take
it Taylor Flick mid road candidate
for governor
But why should the republicans fur
nish free rides if they did not expect
the mid road movement to help them
carry the state
A more jolly and contented lot of
democrats and populists cannot be
found than those in Ainsworth since
the visit of Dietrich the rip up candi
date for governor Prior to his much
advertised visit we were all a little bit
worried and feared he would injure our
cause but now we are hoping he will
come again and stay a week a visit at
length would insure a majority of at
least a hundred votes for the fusionists
We learned that by his visit that in
stead of being a finely bred gentleman
Dietrich is really coare instead of a
statesman he is a common politician
we learned that he is lacking in re
suect for others because he started for
the saloon while in company with a
prominent anti saloon man we learned
he is selfish because after being intro
duced to the boys he drank alone
we learned that he is egotisticalbecause
he continually talked of himself we
learned that he is lacking in morals be
cause he told vulgar stories which had
not even the merit of wit to make them
We dislike very much to publish so
plain a statement of facts but the duty
Te owe our readers demands it and so
does our conscience We have said
nothing untrue and nothing that can
not be corroborated and by the repub
licans too Dietrich asked tljat we say
whit we thbuglit of sM ahQ wb fcifce
done so mildly and in sorrow It is a
pity the republican party can offer no
better candidate than he is As the
head of his party he is a reflection on
the whole party and the great majority
of republicans are too good to deserve
the reflection Ainsworth Herald
Prevented a Trafetli
Timely information given Mrs
George Long of NewStraitsvitIeOhio
saved twu lives A frightful cough
had long kept her awake every night
She had tried many remedies and doc
tors but steadily grew worse until
urged to try Dr Kings New Discov
ery One bottle wholly cured her and
she writes this marvelous medicine
also cured Mr Long of a severe at
tack of fpneumonia Such cures are
positive proof of its power to cure all
throat chest and lung troubles Only
50c and 100 Guaranteed Trial
bottles free at Elliotts drugstore 1
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Speaking About Eyes
J - - J Hi
DONT FOOL away your money going
to a Specialist who is generally a fraud
forordinary trouble with your Eyes Get
your syes fitted by a man with experi
ence who knows exactly how to fit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist he will tell you so
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office At Quigleys Drug Store
Nights-Upstairs-Ked Front
Valentine I louse
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant hut a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
Valentine Nebraska
Practices in District Court and U S Land
Office Keal Estate and Kanch Property
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
ot Kenairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
Taken Vp
About G miles north of Wood Lake
1 bay mare branded HD on left
shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands
and 1 iron srrav colt mare branded
Oon right hind iejr F WUlEE
nAWb iVinri 0
i a j8Legwyrt7M3 itjM
W E Holey
Same as out on left
side and hip and on
elt snouio r ti luir
ses AiscyKHon
lcfe side 11 an
3 on right hip and
F ou left side
RitimTm9iBnMx vt
x -- vit - uawiatjiHai
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range In Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts G miles
south of KHgore
N S Kowlcy
y m
q on left hiD of horses
p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses
q on left hip of horses
Marquardt Bowlus
OttoStuube Manager
Cattle brand OM on
left shoulder Some
or catue nave varjuua
older brands OS on
left hip Horse brad
Geo W Monnler
ranch 5 miles east ol
IMerriman from FE
M V R R south to Leander Creek Mar-
lliarli o rnwiii - - --
Henry Pratt
Rosebud 8 D
Horses same on
left shoulder
Deerhorn clip on
some cattle
0 4L
Prideaux Sanford
wU Mw n
Valentine Nebr
Slate Brand reg
istered iy
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip
Range 2 miles
east of Ft Nio
D Stinard
Kennedy Neb
Stock branded on
left side
Horses branded
on left shoulder
PTtr e jBW
n scnuLTz
Postoflice address
McCann Neb
Stock branded as on
Itange sortk and
south of Georgia
Poatoffice address
Rosebud sD
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut
norse si
on loft thigh
Rock Creek
John DeCory
ostoffice address
Gregory Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
north of Gregory
PoStOffiCP aildrpca
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Range in Meyer Co
on Antelope Creek
Charles O Tackett
Rosebuu 3 D
Range head of An
telope near St Marys
Horses branded
on left thigh
ft KS xk
Peter Vlondray
Rosebud S 1
Left side Left ear
Horses branded
Range Little White
River at mouth of
Sedar Creek
Valentine Neb
Cattle branded on
left hip horses the
Range zn Dry Val
Postoflice address
Gregory Neb
On left side or hip
horses same on left
Range- Arkansa
Valley and Snakr
P A Cooper
CatUe branded
same as cut on
leftside Horses
tarae on wt
1 A o on
J f leftside