fcl m Vl IV p i A L c M IV T i n it J IN W THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE EDITOR Local Weather Record U 8 Department of Agriculture J Weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday July 11 1900 Highest temp for week 93 dee on the 9th Lowest temp forweek 51 deg on the8th Mean temp lor week 70 dec Av temp for the week lor 10 years 75 deg Excess of temp for the week 5 Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11900 847 dec Total precipitation lor week 140 inches Av precipn forweek for 10 yenrs 0G3 inches Excess of precipitation for the week n77 inches Total precipn from Jan l lOOOto date 1117 inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date 1309 inches Deficiency of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date192 Inches Highest velocity of wind for week 30 miles per hour from the 2 Eon the 5th FRANK It BEA AN Observer Weather Bureau ADDITIONAL LOCAL Fence posts at Farnhams 20 tf Read the advertisement of the Red Front in this issue Miss Mable Searby of Crookston transacted business in town yester day Miss Mary Farnham is visiting- her brother and attending institute for a few days T C Hornby quotes you a few prices on shirt waists in another col umn of this paper O W Hahn one of the most loyal Bryan men was talking politics on our streets yesterday P F Nelson was in our city Wed nesday While here he of avored us with a call and cash on subscription Mr and Mrs J E Thackreys baby is very sick but under the care of Dr Compton it is hoped will soon re cover C E Ward and Fred Green have contracted to stack 1000 tons of hay near Cody The contract price was sixty cents per ton LOST A blue mackintosh cape with pleat in back It was left in Judge Townes office July 5th Please leave at Postoffice D E Sherman Mrs A J Folks has disposed of her property in Crookston Clarence F Carson is the purchaser and he in tends to make that his future home Charles Betts of Simeon made final proof on a fine quarter section of good hav land near Simeon His wit nesses were John B Lord and Geo N Davis Nat King is now bartender in the Palace saloon He took the place of Geo Hershy who has gone to Ains worth to work in the saloon at that place Mr Baker of Merriman has a car load of goods on the tiack here pre paratory to moving on his ranch south of here which he recently pur chased of Mrs W G Carson Our citizeus haye been working their poll tax this week by having the streets leveled and covered with good gravel and broken rock What we need now is a street sprinkler Carey Thorn came down from Low er Cut Meat last Friday evening re turning Sunday morning He brought his brother and two sister back to Valentine after having visited him and his wife for two or three weeks Mr Snow who is canvassing our county for The Students Cyclo paedia has placed a large number of sets among the teachers and stu dents at the Institute As a help to those engaged in educational work it is invaluable Ex Commissioner Sullivan returned Wednesday morning from a months tour through the DakotasMinnesota Wisconsin and Iowa He reports the wheat crop as being very poor through those states but that corn will be good He came home very much pleased with the ticket nomi nated at Kansas City He claims for Mr Bryan a very large per cent of the German vote throughout the northwest and predicts a triumphant victory next November 175 Test Headlight Oil at 15 W A Pettycrews Mti akes short roads JL Jfcnd light loads fiREASE ood for everything that Tuns on wheels Said Everywhere Xftflrjr STANDARD OI CO J IT IS TIME To buy SHIRTWAISTS and I am de termined that I will not have a Sum mer WaiBt on hand August 1st Note the following CASH PRICES 35c Shirt Waists 25c 65c 85c 75c SI 00 1 25 150 2 00 2 25 u it it a u it it 45c 60c DOC ioc 00c 1 10 140 1 75 These prices are made right in the middle of the season when everyone wants a waist I do not wait to offer you a bargain in Summer Goods in mid winter These prices are CASH T C HORNBY Headquarters for Sewing Machines Model Form and American Lady Corsets Tents and Haymakers Supplies AnsonNewberrya prominent stock man from Cody is in town to day Mrs Crawford and her mother will depart for Iowa Saturday morning The ladies of the M E Church will sell ice cream and cake at the old Stinard Rooms on July 20 W L Cohie and E L Harris of Oasis were transacting business in town Wednesday Ed Hclsclaw and Bert Jeffers have taken a contract to put up a large quantity of hay for J E Thackrey on his ranch at Marsh Lake The Populists and Democrats of the 6th Congressional district met at Broken Bow July 9 and unanimously renominated Congressman Neville to succeed himself Dont forcret the matched game of ball and several horse races to take place here July 20th This will com plete the program to have been car ried out July 4th at this place F D March called on the Demo crat this morning and paid up one years subscription and brand adver tisement for E W Raymond a prom inent stockman near Norden A plot to assassinate President Mc Kinley has been frustrated by the National Committee It was con cocted by a group of Spanish and Cuban- conspirators with headquarters in New York Whites Cream Vermifuge not only effectually expels worms but is un equaled as a tonic and is a certain and permanent cure for chills and fe ver in children Price 25c Quigley Chapman druggist Dr Peterson of Lincoln delivered a lecture on Snap Shots at Europe to a good audience in theME church Tuesday evening He is an able edu cator and interesting- speaker and all should hear him while he is with us Imperfect digestion and assimila tion produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are con firmed by neglect Herbine gives tone to the stomach and causes good digestion Price 50c Quigley Chapman druggists Mrs G P Crabb and Mrs J W Whillans departed for Hot Springs last Sunday morning Both have been in very poor health and it is hoped the change will be beneficial Judge and MrsWalcott accompanied them and report both doing well Robt Bruce the genial hotel keep er of Woodlake has been acting de tective and succeeded in running down the culprit who stole 20 from one of the boarders Mr Bruce is de termined to maintain the credit of his house and has succeeded in satis factorily settling the affair W H Wilkinson of Kennedy has sold his ranch to L R Baker of Ir win Mr Wilkinson has made a host of firm friends during his residence in Cherry County We are sorry to lose him but glad to welcome Mr Baker who is said to be a man worthy the confidence of the people Rev Ishida the Japanese minister was greeted by a fine audience last night at the ME Church His illus trated lecture on Japan was a mag nificent representation of life in that country His Japanese method of ad dition is certainly worthy of study and imitation by Cherry County schoolmams Five Hundred Dollars Will be Given For any case of rheumatism which cannot be cured by Dr Drumraonds Lightning Remedies The proprietors do not hide this offer but orint it in bold type on all their circulars wrappers printed matter and through the columns of the newspapers everywhere It will work wonders One bottle will cure nearly any case It the druggist has not got it he will order it or it will be sent to any address by express on receipt of price 5 Drummond Medicine Co New York Agents wanted High Grade Bulls I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Galloways which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD Woodlake Nebr Ask for our pi ices on job work MACHINE OIL We Handle the Eldorado Castor at 40 cents a gallon 35c in Sgallon Lots QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska 2ff9KXK2a LEGAL NOTICES fel Money in Copper More money has in recent years been made in coprJer mining than in any other stable enterprise as free from the element of risk The experi ence of a common laborer at theu same Calumet and Ilecla Mines is interesting He began by investing his surplus wa ges in the stock then his dividendsand today is the possessor by tins method of 500 shares of the stock worth on the market nearly 400000 Many of the old employes of these mines have ac cumulated from 10000 to 50C00 in the same way The original purchas ers of the stock of the comiianies now forming the Amalgamated Copper Com pany paid m most instances not to ex ceed 50 per cent of their par value The market value today is at least fourteen times the amount paidor clear profit of over 1000 per cent besides all of the dividends received which have been at least an equal amount Solon M Allis C E formerly United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor of Tucson Arizona was once offered the great Copper Queen Mine at Bisbee for 2000 but although a mining expert he could not appreciate its richness then or had not the cash for it went into other hands and is worth millions today Pages might be filled with in stances of both lost and improved op portunities similar to the above but all emphasizing the truth of a statement once made by John W Mackay the Bonanza King Nothing pays better than an investment in a good nVine The El Progreso Copper Mines adver tised in this issue affords such an op portunity Cuts and bruises are healed by Cham berlains Pain Balm in about one third the time any other treatment would re quire because of its antiseptic qualities which cause the parts to heal without maturation For sale by Quigley dismmnn rlrno cristc 9 MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 65c perewt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton Screenings 40c 700 Chop Peed 100 1900 Corn 90c 1700 Chop corn 95c 1800 Oats 105 2000 TAKEN UP About May 10 one grey gelding branded F on left jaw and neck L W Parker 10 miles south of Crookston 18 ORDINANCE NO 84 An ordinance to amend Section seven and ten of Ordinance 84 being an ordinance entitled An ordinance concerning the waterworks of the Village oi Valentine Nebraska regu lating and governing the same establishm rates rules and regulations for the govern ment of water consumers and others and providing peualtiesand repealing Oroinance No 43 and Ordinance No 81 and all ordi nances or parts of ordinances in conllict or inconsistent with tins ordinance Be it ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Section 1 Section seven of 6aid ordinance No 82 shall be amended to read as follows Section seven In all cases whore water is fur nished other than by meter water rent shall be due and payable quarterly in advance quarters to begin on the first days of January April July and October in each year and if any pay ments shall be in arrears ten days five per cent of the bill shall be added as a penalty and if rent and penalty are not then paid water shall be turned off and not turned on again until all back rents and charges including a cliarge of one dollar for turning off and on the wrter are paid Where water is furnished through a me ter water rent shall be due and payable at the end of each quarter upon the first days of Jan uary April July and October in each year and if anv payments shall be in arrears ten daysfive per cent of the bill shall be added as a penalty and ir rent and penalty are noi then paid water shall be turned off and not turned on again un til all back rents and charges including a charge of one dollar for turning off and on the water are paid Section 2 Section ten of Ordinance No 82 shall be amended so to read as follows Sec tion 10 Permits will not be granted for a Jess period than one quarter Section 3 Tips ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage ap proval and publication aocordlng to law Dated July Gth 1500 A XL MOBBISSEY D STI Nr AUD Clerk Chairman Notice to Creditors In Comity Court within and for Cherry Countv Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of Annie E Handy deceased To the Creditors of said Estate You are hereby notified Thatl will sit at the County Court Boom in Valentine in said Coun ty ou the 14th day of July 1900 at 1C oclock a in to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited lor the pre sentation of claims against said estate Is 7 months from the 14th day of December A D 1S99 and the time limited for payment of debts Js one year from said 14th day or December Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv n il AlV JAr uourx litis Ltjin anyoi ime iijuu X2 4C W U TO WNE Cpunty Judgp - DAN Postoffice address Harlan Nebraska On left side or hip horses branded same left shoulder Range between Nio Drara and Snake riv ers south of Merri man WEBSTER v 35 A Itewartl of SlOO will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrestand ilnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle or noises with aDove brand ALBERT NENZEL Postoffice address Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel RICHARDS CAIRNES CO mT Cattle branded on any part of animal also the following brands HEi torses branded the same Range between Gordon on tliR VK M VRRand Hyannis on B M R R in Northwestern Nebraska Address Baktlett Richakds Chadron Nebraska GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon Neb Cattle branded on left side Horses same on left shoulder Range- Gordon Creek C JENSEN ostoffice address Gallop Nebraska Left side on private stock and rightsiae on cattle neldi also on left side of cattle lipid orBCTaagri left sdejlggsjg Horses CJon left shoulder Range Eight miles south of Gallop P C DuerfeMt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also branded 90 on right hip Horses and mules branded same as cut on left shoulder a6gggf in mi yiximrTw n wiiTKirwifftYr lfr 400 ltEWAISD will be paid to any per son lor information leading to the arrestand final conviction of any uerson or peisous steal ing cattle with the above braud STRAYED From Georgia about April 15 1900 two sorrel yearling horse colts not branded One large chestnut soi rel with white stripe in face and a smaller light son el with white spot in forehead Geo Grabe Crookston Nebr STRAYED OR STOLEN Last November a 3-year-old brindle cow branded Iwffa g hair ggEMSsk and Ml rand left shoulder W L Nichols 22 Merriman Nebr STRAYED 17 bead of cows branded WW on left side or hip A suitable H reward will be paid f or recovery C H CORNELL Valentine Nebr TAKEN UP The latter part of Mar at my place near Reige German precinct 1 gray mare about 12 years old brandedggSft on left shoulder and T on right shoul der weight about 850 pounds 23 W A WILSON 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country El Trogrcsso in its group of six mines has some of the rtchest copper ores in the richest mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per cent copqer luoz silver a trace of gold total value about 43 u ton and in two of the mines in addition to copper and silver ore contains a percent to Wz per cent quicksilver or mercuay about 5105 a ton The great Lake Superior cop per mines Calumet and Heel a Wolverine and Tamarack Qulncy etc that annually return millions run only from to a ton Boston and Montana six years ago sold for S15 a share to da v paying 24o per cont on the investment United Verde sold for 5oe a share today stock not in the market and pays 8i5J per cent on investment Calumet and lleela sold for 51 a share to day worth 800 and pays on investment 10000 per cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was off ered for SiMMHW and refused Senator Clark later paia 2GO000 and to day he has annual income from this property of over Sl3000ooo If this is possible here with labor six times higher than In Mexico with ore five times less valuable wlte fuel five times dearer am everv toing else in proportion do you doubt that El Progress -will return 173 per cent and more an to origiuallnveitors to first stockhold ers who contribute the money to start the ball rolling who are on the groun J lloor Am experienced know the country the peo ple the language lived there 18 years and know the mines of this section of Mexico and unhesitatincly state El Progreso is the best have bepn worked for generations in a Mexican way and supplied the copper for the surround ing country No attempt was ever made to ex tract the gold silver qulc silver A modern 40tou concentrating and smelting plant smelting only the 43 ore will return 400000 per annum thus 43 S10 for treatment equals 33x40 tons equals S1320 a dav for 300 dajs equals 39G000 This will pay 20 per cent on 1500000 total capitalization Par value of shares 100 OijoOOO shares are treasury stock and 400000 of tliis to be sold very low ttj raise money to start things when price will be greatly advanced -100000 at 12c all sold 103000 at 15c 1UUWU lib ZUC 11WUW Ul JM If Stock No of purchd shares at fpr 1 UK Off i 1 1 Joe 4 50c 2 8100 1 is M - Dividend multinlied by No of shares or Annual 100 show immuU Profit Profit 17 1 Per Ctr2UxGa173 Per CO iju rer iiuxo wo ror ct 104 Per Ct 2C4 104 Per Ct 52 Per Ct 20x2 52 Per CM Jt Per CtaJxljc Per Ct me oeHt shauce ever ottered of securing stock in a legitimate copper milling enterprise Send for prospectus Organized company on a plan to give a chance to all big and little rich and poor great and smali none need be excluded If quick von can own C i shares for every dollar you remit DAVID BltUSSELL President El Progreso Copper Mining Co G3 Wall Street KewYork A complete press and printing outfit for saler Write or inquire at tliis office 23 tf tss Merriman Neb Brand registered No 1087 Brand same as cut on left side Also left hip 3 Kange 10 miles auum ui JUKI I -- man on the Nio ESaig brara east ot liordou - - HF n I I 01 D L hm8m8h SD FD Also r Gordon Nebraska Bange14 miles north of Gordon Gordon Neb WSt on KJ left Egga hip Horse brand 1 on left shoulder Bange 10 miles northeast of Gordon r JSui xixjjTrTzmrTa Heed I r wi I ii MOrkEY Cody Nebr Same as cut on glit side of cat- Horses same as cut on right shoulder HEWETT Postoffice address Gordon Neb On leftside of cattle horses same left shoulder alsol 24R and rwileftsid WA I Aifn on left WSKJBside of some mJBKk Bange south of Snake 35 rai south George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Te j Cody Neb Brand registered No 102T Horses branded on left shoulder Kanue north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co WILLIAM BEAMEK 4 J tjc SrSjff - Gordon Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on left side Horses branded on left shoulder Parker Son I zp irr Bange G miles south of Irwin P O Address L W Parker Beige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Bange on Niobrara south of Crookston George P Damon i jt wimm Albany Neb Cattle branded FB on left ribs or right shoulder SI on right hip and left ribs 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Bange 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb nij s P Agent for Pasteur m v cza BIack Leg vaccine Uutt Brothers Th ut Jospph Pickel 4afe B iiimmiimhimimi ytrjyrri i nuiawa ri WJW 3 THE PALACE SALOON i HEADQUARTERS FOR S WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS 2 - Of the Choicest Brands W M VALENTINE NEBRASKA a5 r4c4 H M Faddis Co Postoffice address Valentine or Kennedy Neb fgffimmpm4 C F Postoffice address Oasis Neb Brand registered 2005 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip Also some cattle branded COOPER Cattle branded same as cut Some branded on left thigh Some on leftside or hip E iV BH Itange South and west of Hackberry Lake and Duck Lake U G Criger ilervey llanch Two miles east of Crookston In Cherrvi county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb Postoffice address Blego Neb Branded on left side Itauge Three miles Southeast of Georgia Gordon Nebraska W Brand same as cut on left hip Bange head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle IyKg2JiL Wm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand regi steed I No 870 Horses branded 1 on left hip Jtange Mourara rivpr 12 miles east of aleiitiue 2K g3Sfcr1ir w A tSt igfcr tiiSV k afffajfe k or GOcrccrc0fi cr or c 0001 or oQy fWVVfV w wwvv v 4C J3r hiBBBBBBlBBHfS f J ocl A T BKACKETT G V BEAMEK Gordon Nebr Cattle branded on left side as in cut j inch box and 24 Inch circle Brand registered 875 Hornes BPPM branded FamAC left shouI UJJ der jBaa inch circle 1 inch box Begistered 870 Bange 0 miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river - 1 11 -- 1 1 m MILLS BBOS Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1091 Bange 12 mlej southwest of Merriman ou the N iobrara river Nenzel Neb Brand registered N0 1C55 Bange 2A miles east of Nenzel jffiygyrg3Ti SagsaSSSEH I T Eichardson BFwHiB Perch Nebr Some on left hip jrjm Mickel Boltz En m Horses on left shoulder Peder Thorsen Gordon Nebraska On right sldeT on right nip e horse brand and T on right shoulder Also cattle branded Ji S ou leftside Bange fowl miles south of Irwin M BICIIAKDSON Postoffice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Kange McCann F T Urackett ft f gftKggSfiS3frjJ imh m Biege Nebr Braud Registered Kb 1400 Braud right side or ip Horses same on right shoulder Bange Niobrara 0 miles south of Kilgore Cbesnut iV lAB iBJMBai T C E Wright Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side J Alien I sssal W 1 it M rr 4TVrffiJTTriiJLhp larTT irVfelkVfcag LIVERY STABLE Special Attention Given to Stoohaien Merriman AebfUH ti F LIVERY FEED EXCHANGE fe If GOMJFlllJY rzpric z SF -V Hfr sgsgMggEsgregragcaJfc m t J