I I 7 -- e v j S I M RICE Pine- Ridge Reservation JAMES BUSH Allen SD On left siue and thigh horses on thigh Range Bear Creek DAVID COTTIER DC cut horses branded same as cattle except reversea s See block Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South J L ROSEBERRY Postofflce address Pullman Neb Branded on lef t hip horses same dew Jap Range south and east of Brush Hili - 1 f xr VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EDITOR FRAKK A GALLIGO Postofflce address yZBBMMBUi Manderson S D Left side anf on young stock stock randed Oln left side mg Horses thigh leu Range Rock Springs Basin X D Burnside aud ADSnyder Pine Ridge SD Home ranch on head of Wounded Knee Creek in Sheridan Co Nebr Alex Marrivall I S MJ KiEsSZES FXEilWtfM Cattle Pine Ridge S D ratlin hrsmiled as on cut and below on either side Earmk swallow fork on left and crop right -Horse Lrands as below on left thigh or hip Eorses EDWARD BAD HAIR Postofflce address Allen S D On left shoulder and baron side horses same on thigh Range Hear UueK J Postofflce address Allen S On left side Also en lelt side HkVi Horses on left hip Bear Creek JOHN A LOGATtf PostofDco address Allen S D On left shoulder and hip some 1 on P left shouldraudJ on left side Earmark-left ear cropd Range Bear Creek SpBBBp JOE ROOK JK Postofflce address Allen S D n left side horses same on teigli Sange Bear Creek CHARGING BEAR Postofflce address HBaVH CHARLES LONE WOLF SBK3Sim3 Postofflce address Allen 3 D On right side and shoulder horses same on right thieh JRange Bear Creek CHARLES LONG MAN Postofflce address Allen S H On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek T rL Alien S D On left side right ear split Horses Q way down on nip Bange - Little White River Pullman and Kewton Kebr SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman Neb Cattle branded as on WmEmESa55jaKB CHAS S HOYT Postofficeaddress Pullman Neb Branded on 1 jft side aho 09 on left side also between eyes and nose Range 15 miles wes of Pullman Brand and Paper hn pa fW One Year for vpOOU V - 1 mSWWMMn l 3ft w srT 2 w 36I9C49BB3vm9B IHt Tv Jrf On left side JOEtnjLBBRTSON Po jtofflco address Pullman Neb Pr nded on leftside b esTTon right shoulder a crop and slir in left earof cattle Range Forks of North Loup River Newton Nebr Brand registered JNO 411 Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip Horses same on lelt shoulder Range South of Gordon Creek Newton Nebraka Cattle branded as ou cut Some ft side or hip Range on Gordon Creek MOREY east ot Gordon Gordon Neb SD - v vf frT r E E ORB Postofflce addres a TfcjM Gorsuch Bros Postofflce address Rushville Neb On left thigh or hip horses J left thigh Range Headwaters of Gordon Creek Newton Neb Cattle branded anv wbirp on Irtt uii horbesouIbJi sini der north prMtfwd Norlh 1nif Gordon CrerV D B STONKR SON TBfciV u iHHKSsSfcxSiZzi SEiSKE3 Miscellaneous XT W ANDERSON T C ROUNDS Anderson Hounds 7h1 u j WXB Himeon JNeurasKa Cattle branded on left side as on cut also 10 on left side with on left hip of some cattle also S4C on right side Hore brand rake and 1G on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewev Lake Range on Niobrara River east of Fort Niobrara also between Snake River and Simeon knowa as the Felch range all in Cherry County Nebraska J A Adamson Valenthie Neb On left side or hip A4 left side or hip m Rangpon Niobrara Sal l WILLIA3I WILSON Postollice address Kiljjore Nebr Branded on left side E Kange Southejist of Georgia Metzger Bros Newton Neb Cherry Co Brand on left side and thigh Earmark square crop right ear Southern branded cattle have but one hair diamond E on left side Native cattle have fadU throat wattle Range on Gordon andSnake Creeks Horses have same brand on left thigh A Mctcartl of 250 will be paid to any for information leading to the arrest aud Eerson of any person or persons steal ng cattle with abovebrand Teeters Bros Newton Neb Horses same on left shoulder Ranee between the Gordon and the Snake E3 T ZU K Tii1rKTgaalggM J W OSTRANDER iHb A Reward of 4GO will bo paid to anv Eerson for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of any person or persons steal ing cattle with above brand HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon Neb On left side of cattle horses same left shoulder alsoj 4M ann KH3 Jospph Fickel Also S ft Horse brand F on left shoulder Range 10 miles northeast of Gordon - rrciir leitsia on left side of some Ranee south of Snake 35 mi south- George F Damon FD SRaSrtS 4 SFXL Albany Neb Cattle branded FI on left ribs or right shoulder JSD onrighthipandleft ribs 6 on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder llange 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Affiiitfnr VsiQtniir J Black Leg Vaccine Hutt Brothers Gordon Nebraska Range14 miles north of Gordon tWlKBiW - Some on right side Postofflce address scwac Riege Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles Southeast of Georgia Nenzel Neb G SATVYER Postofflce address Oasis Nebraska Butler QuIesenbery have charge oi these cattle horses Don fpffc shnnlder some i stock branded anywhere on animal Range Snake river DAN ADAMSON H V DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory Neb On left side also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake C S WILLIAMS ffirmTHmwaiiitiniii iwwiitWB Range in Brown and Cherry counties at headwaters of the Calamus river tsaisvnpsfgxrt WAI ER1QKSON Postofflce address Kennedy Neb On left side and hip horses O or A ou eitjaw Range two miles northwest of Ken nedy EJd J gg I nnrffsPriTW Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Br nded as on cut some 5 on left hip some just oue brand like on cut on left tbigh Range between Bordman and Suake DAWSON BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut also V lelt neck audZ Jeft hip some V left neck v left shoulder and Z left bin jhorses VZ left hip Range Snake River313233 MASON COMPANY Postofflce address On Hyannis Neb On right hip tl either side right side left hin hnr i ses right shoulder Range seven miles north of Hyannis Bjsii 4 Postofflce address GullopNebraska On left side also W l left side also Jleft hipaIso W i side and S on hip horses S on left jaw Riinge Elglit miles south of Gallop i R A WESTOVER Postofflce address Lakeland Neb Branded on left hip and shoulder raff Vw PIKE BROS ip Postofflce address raW frs iolfstnn NTih Branded on eithe sideotiirlmal Seme n right hip njci Range On Min nechaduza 5 miles east of Crookston Stcadman Bros Pass Neb Brand on either light or lelt side Worses aud som cattle brand on lelt side and hip Bange Bull Lake and Waniaduee creek A T BRACKETT m Mickel Boltz Brand registered No IGoj Rantre iyz miles east of Neuzel N jbLw ifi George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb fZP s n HK wsatstassi4Sisbi Brand registered No 10 27 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Parker Son Uervey lianch Two miles east of Crookston m Cherrv county Nebraska untie Dt aiuteii uu on left hi on right hip and on richt side with 3 lnch letter i Wm Cavannugh Mgr urooKstou rei P 0 Address L W Parker Reige Neb Brand same as cut Also ZP Range on Niobrara south oi Crookston EOBOTCrKTB Pone3te fl Bf fc Borne AUK left flldr iS3SKyj ana itsitmp Horses on left hit and some same on left shoulder No horses sold mv ie8 brand is Invert ed miking re Range head ef Whet Stone fr C W BENNETT PostofflM Addres Simeon Neb Stock branded i ih 7 en left hip nlsjanw s cut Range betweeo Gordon and Snake creeks and on tie Niobrara river fetT ostofflce Address Rcsebud S D Cattle branded oa l ft thigh or hip dine as cut Horses branded Simeon left ahoul ler Ww g 9 isSKSfi J01X PostofQos Addres Simeon Neb Stook branded same as cut toak of right shnnlder and on right hip Range on tha Niobrara r oci Ml U HB UlliiHttW WPMiliI MLW LKER A it II Postofflce Addren Simoon Neb Cattle branded on riehtsidi horse iiune on left shout dor Range sura mer o jiexe nv or 4 miles from mouth winter i miles south of 8im OQ MllffMwS J TT BTTRLEIGH ostofflce Address Simeon Neb Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left side Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on ths Niobrara river B LORD REUBEN QUICK BEAB fjfl s is nr it yyw3yjrfVf iLs TODD BMITH imtofflce Address Rosebud SD attic branded ma as cut a Dia mond T Hors branded ane Ranob vek a rtti i iefi it Horses branded I on lert hip luch on Lone nd Asiiflupe oreek Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 I Cattle orand5l sani as cut or on hip R6nch oa Blacl Iijjo Creek i irri I I 1i juiin t RTKi rw sasi Postofflce address Rrownlee Neb On tight side Range Horsa Vall georgp decory Io itofflpe Address 3 2zzsie Rosebud rt D Ci Hide same u J5sc iSSWSSSI BEN BEAUOVI3 Postofflce Addres Rosebud S n Stock branded left shoulder three incln long side four Inciiet onjr Brand perord l 22 vrs Ranch on lorse Creek D B1AY BEN TURGEON Fjstofflce Address Boncsteel S B Cattle branded on lef t side same as cut and rlcht eaj crop ped Horses branded Ton left shoulder Also with clr cleA W1I F PCHTJIDT Postofflce Address Rosebud 8 D 1 randed same as oa ut or with unar Jie3ilgntear slip nd dulaped Horses branded on left hip BlAKtir4 RV ALES BORDEAUX mwunaaHBaiaaaMUMV L nun 4 mzrMSm mMslrS SHBKk QJSiXSKdYAl QrfPSjT Postofflcs Address Rosebud 8 I Horses are brandif on left thigh cattJ on left side with hi crop on left sar Alsocai UeMBwiihnfi crop an er O J KELLAK it i Xt LMWKT PostoTl e address Brown Nebr On eft side Range betweer Goose Creek tad Loup Brand and Paper 350 StESS55iicigflufeW S niiijim4l D L McLAN3 Postoffloa Address Rosebud S D Cattle branded ti cut on either delso F L B ml F R Hones branded ai7m xiM SWrtSU gFwl I on left shoulder and colts three links tangs mouth of Cottonwood ssssS nfttofllce Address EEP 5HIRT Postofflce Address vc uincivt Rosebud S I Cattle branded oa left side same as cut Horses brand cd on left alioriler with a K Ranch In Little Whje PERRT PARKEB ibtofnce address Kennedy Neb Cattle branded me as cut Horses P on left oulder ItangeMouth of ordmun CT EMENT WHIRIIND DIE1 C5 Postofflce A ddre i Kosebud a 1 m m Cattle brand oa left hip like cut Horses or nded same on left shoul der Range an Big SzaeseMzi White River inriMi i i niroftlce address Seneca Neb v 3 riKnJ I L MERCURE Wl iUC IT O ou eitner hip Kauge Southwest of Seneca Postofflce address Seneca Neb J M HANNA Branded as on cut some r on ngnc nip and some liK on right hip Ranee Calf Creek Valley in Oner county Sax cM K W RAYMOND Rosebnd 8 D title branded loft tioulder and hip Horses brDded 1th onljr acta 8 i t bl irrir 6mm rw ma liKsfaMMiwia WjD McGaa Crcston S D eSfrtS kISgillj ny part of animal part of anhiiiil be following lelt Also some cattle icaring the follow nsrbtauds Ahlt X left snip hlcrh BS nr IB V Iv i fcS ajmrfVir is 7iTfcTi t a ttXm arBrT77 ji RaneeSeven miles ast of Pine Ridge in JOn GHOST BEAK fostofflce address PIjia s n attTa hr Anilril Ii II on ncut somenranupii sn ltftsidralsn i n lelt side hordes ame on left shniilib r Rane Wounded Knee and Wakpam i LakeShannon Co Left or either side of cattle also V left Mde oi neck swal low fork ritht ear underbit left night ear nuUted off i n riTbr of eir Rome on left Jaw and some wattle J sitjaw Other bniuus lett side or ft ai le or any inu branded I jisasr MS m MWHMU a HJVJBUH Mioa uer leit nip vt On lef side aorse brands m ows 4ullnn Nehraska uw m i i j f 5n leftsile aangi K miles outh of Merrlman OJIitrlA Vrrd Alex Burr gjyy S2t25lJi left shoul der lelt ii it ii K icicnip ot thigh thigh thigh or thigh hip Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the ibove brands will be prosecuted Information regarding theft liberally rewarded Range at asxney Springs and Cottonwood HERBERT O B1SONETTE MANAGER Postofflce address Iine Ridge S D Cattl bnindcd as on cut HO 15 on left side some U VLLon ettnersiite Some on left side wme old en stock any whereon iimii Ilnrspq V Tt mWffl on left hip sXi anvwhere norh on y ri pFrJ Shannon Co MANAGSJR i 1RftMt aJ fill L G Peyton in 4w itt rm it n Jm r livaca Nebraska It fi side Hangf Ple Crer k SHOKT UORV IIULU for sale Geo II Hill rilis jtUnNREDSlAB Posofiloe address Pine Ridge 8 D On left s5d horses ame left this1 1 RangeWolf Creek way r O kUC m Echlagle t caSSSSB1 L A i 1 iVWj ryz n vsov a ij w jui vfl I veil wrjr r j 4il5 V B ASiVH Pullman Nebr On rijrht side hirsps st me left shoulder Herd raaru Dew lap iJgJW Like and South- Subscribe for 100 wSssiESBf GEORGE Postofflce address he ord Nebr On left hip DrA6 on rigat blp or side Range Loup and Dtsral horsen left shoulder aUo on ten sine Lavaca Neb on lett side fj also same re KlVJ On rJtllt llln J Rangfsouth edMnldln Loup verted on left thigh florses left shoulder X THOICPSOH rostofflce Addre Simoon Neb Stock branded wileft hip same is cut Range head 77 cARSoar PoBtofflc Addras 81menNel Stock brandad am as eut be hind ieftBfcoulder Ran re oa the Soiilasla ESiiSSSSBK3S PanrrA K GRAY GEltKAN ss JmL JSBSr uHHB NB HHBCrlB nance Beriveen Pair -head Lake and Snake rlvo - iT l r - - - w iF1 Horse on sifci w either shoul der Some branded a- either shot ler thus FRANK ROTHLEUTNER Postofflce address Kilgore Neb Cattle branded on Ilther as on nt nanii on blp s ie on M 1- ft iide armis ffJtjSVSf ROBERT BAD WOUND Postofflce address Allen 5 af dlrla alei SPflMa 1 L OtUV n Iilt iiorse 10 0D ft hi- Range Corn Creek D X PERKINS Postofflce address Halser Neb On left hip ange Loup Xve KV Jty tween Middle Low and Dlamal ti t3lS3J tiiiW S1 CRONrN BROi WALT HARDY rusumicc address Senecs Neb Left side on cattle t Postofflce addreca Thsdford Kabv On right sid Range betwens Lou ui nrr jjjti a Pcatfflca addresb Neirton ieb fettle brandcil ett ersidehorsi sanv on left shoulder a io bare care t branded SP under llued y Joseph Fairhead left side a Ala 7 Mm TALBOT tt GALLON Postoffiea addraas Seneca Neb Cattle branded e left fide Hor branded on Ipftihnuldpr z D M SEARS PostofTes addrvis Kennedy Neb BTTWTgff Cattle branded a oncutleftsidesome on left hip Horsci same on latt shoul s der Rang Iquan Lake MORGARETTJGE and 80S foatoffloe address Simeon Neb Cattle branded as in cut or U or V I in left hip with hole in rgbt ear when old horses mine as cut and IJ Range Gordon Creek and Niobrara iiver KSS ALBERT WHIPPLIB Postofflce addreso Rosebud S IX Branded on left aid- some SOS i I V s k m mM J I 5B ie - 5- Mr- I