Ilr m v it i l I r fc i Y jm i WSfe d i I w 43 4 GENERAL AX ELEGANT LINE OF WA Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hummocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line ANDERSON W to 9999 99999g faBWRgnrog ESSa5E23SH52 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ine JJUlNUJrlJiJrC fe 4f Is continually adding improvements and it is now the vbest equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms tfCCCCC 99999 VSTOFSWNNF vvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvv Having purchased the harness shop ol J W Wlnlans we will not only sell WW5 Harness at Old Prices Notwithstanding the advance in cost but in order to reduce and consolidate the two stocks we will make REDUCED PRICES FOR NEXT 60 DAYS Come early nnd you will have a Ail ni1i mnanW Our success hinges greater variety to select from OUt WOfK guaranteed on our ability Apvi I S 1900 EFNER SHERMAN rAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA jzzzzKxrjrjjrA T11jt r JDiauisimui WWon and ft AGENT FOR d Buckeye Riowers HI Harvesters CaiTiage Make Machine Oil and Twine HARDWOOD LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL implements E RREUKLANDEK fjjjjjjmjijs U 1 2 SPRING HATS S to Flowers Ribbons if 4 Everything- New Trimmings to 5n Hats trimmed to order a specialty by experienced trimmers at Lowest Possible i5 V Cash Trices First Class Drcsttmakiiic of extdoorsoMhofCrabbrorgareidge MRS F T PRAWITZ to 444444444444444444 4 4444444444444 C H CORXJSHLIi President IT V XICKOIiSOX Cashier BANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska - A General Ranking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Chemical Natloual Bank New York Correspondents First Rational Bank Omaha Neb wrpKmmmea WW g3ft iwjis vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvyvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvyvvvvvvvv TAT If OP TT TR TnWNT I John F Nye is in town this week Dr C A Wells is again in our midst Faust at Cornell Hall to morrow night Fui nished room to rent by J S Es tabrook Wm J Allen was a visitor at this office Saturday Dr SeymourEye Specialist is com ing 17 tf John Haber of Simeon was seen on streets Tuesday r Serge suits in endless variety at Stinards 13 tf We notice J A Sparks on our streets this week Mr and Mrs Win Ferdon are in town for a few days Ben Roberts of Gordon is down at tending court this week G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf Hon Frank Rothleutner of Georgia is attending court this week Call and examine Stinards spring line of clothing hats etc 13 t H C Sanner of Britt called to re new his subscription to this paper D P White and son William of McCann are in town attending court this week Joseph Jackson of Cody came down on business Tuesday and visited the Democrat office Chas Gartside paid up for his brand and subscription for one year in advance while in town last week A nobby pair of pants light colors or dark from 90c to 600 at D Stin ards 16 Chas Pote and Miss Spain were married at the City Hotel Monday evening by J udge Towne Paxton Hornback of the City Hotel has gone down to the farm below the Fort to stay for a week J B Sones came in and renewed his subscription to the Democrat while in town attending court Why send off when you can buy goods cheaper at home See Stinard the Clothier 13 tf A large number of the persons at tending court went home Saturday as court adjourned from Saturday just after noon until Monday R W Dunn of Omaha a contract or supplying beef to the Pine Ridge Agency and who has the Rosebud con tract from July 1st is in town A F Tracewell and wife of An thon Iowa are visiting their son George Tracewell We feel thankful for a visit from Mr Tracewell at the office of the Democrat Dr Seymour will be here about June 1st Watch this paper for ex act date 17 tf We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew L N Layports father John Lay port of Marshalltown la is here visiting with his son He is a stout healthy well preserved man who does not look mnch older than our sheriff There is a large number of people in town who are strangers to the edi tor and if some should receive no mention in this paper it will not be strange nor will it be intentional neglect t For whooping cough asthma bron chitis or consumption no medicine equals Ballards Horehound S3Txup Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chap man The small boys had a grand free street parade Tuesday afternoon ad vertising their circus performance which they gave in the big white tent over on Cherry street The parade was led by a large long haired odoriferous Angora William goat and a bass drum followed by the perfoimers gavly bedecked in costumes loud enough to take the place of a band The show was said to be strong for which the goat gets due credit Many a fair young child whose pal lor has puzzled the mother until she has suspected rightly her darling was troubled with worms has regained the rosy hue of health with a few doses of Whites Cream Vermifuge Price 25 cts Quigley Chapman wfWWMMnBaiieNrMflfv Glorious weather Ask for our pi ices on job work Old papers for sale at this oQice Judge Hamer is in town this week Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhams Sapho at Cornell Hall Saturday night A Benson and son visited this office Monday while attending court L W Parker called upon the editor Monday while in town Meals 25 cts at Mrs Cavanys sec ond door north of Postofflce 15 Mrs Adams principal of Rosebud iboarding school came down Saturday to take the train for the east to visit her sister who is sick in Virginia Edward Satterlee the Nenzel mer chant called on the editor this week while in town and besides his visit re newed his insurance showing his faith in a Nebraska institution Board by the dajT or week at Mrs Cavenys 16 tf E N Muliis of Hay Springs is op erating at the depot since last Friday Mr Muliis was formerly night oper ator at Gordon He is a nice joung man and we are glad to have him with us There are some changes of emplojes being made at Rosebud Mr Uervey the shoemaker goes to the Chilocco school in Oklaooma his former home and Miss Roberts a teadher goes to Carlisle Pa A few high grade Shorthorn and white faced bulls for sale Amos STRONG Valentine Nebr 17 tf Oscar Nicholson was up last week on a visit with his brother M V of the Bank of Valentine He is assist ing his brother Dan Nicholson in run ning a dry goods and clothing store at Madison Nebr C C Thompson paid one year in advance for the Democrat and speaks words of encouragement for the management Mr Thompson has a fishpond and uses the water for irrigation to good advantage on his place on the river southwest of town Jerry Kelley is in town this week and despite the fact that he is a good Republican he wishes the Democratic editor success and we believe he means it We are glad to say that a great many of our Republican friends while differing with us in opinions po litical stand shoulder to shoulder with us in battling for the right in local matters i Special excursion to Hot Springs S D Tuesdays May 1st and 15th and Tuesdays June 15th and 19th for one fare plus 200 for the round trip good returning 30 days from date of sale J C Northrop Agent S H Dye the aged pioneer from Pullman who got run over last De cember by a four horse team wagon was on our streets last Saturday with -his crutches straightening up old accounts Mr Dye expects to take a trip back east and around through Kansas and Oklahoma soon leaving the ranch business in the hands of his boys Unless a woman eats sufficient nourishing food she can neither gain nor keep a godd complexion Food when digested is the base of all health all strength and all beauty Herbine will help digest what you eat and give you the clear bright beautiful skin of health Price 50 and 75 cts Quigley Chapman H Zelian drove down from Rssebud last Saturday with one of the em ployes Mrs Adams who took the train here Mr Zelian is one of the engineers at Rosebud while Jhis wife is a teacher there It is a good thing for them to have employment at the same place that they may be able to live together Mr Zelian called at the Democrat office and left a dollar for a year in advance John A Kirk wood one of Cherry countys pioneers was in town from the Hudson ranch the latter part of last week on business bent He made us a pleasant call and put up a dollar for another years subscription to the Democrat Kirk says he was in this country when the place where Valentine now stands was a sand hill He is a very entertaining talker and is full of stirring tales of the early I daj s Straw Hats v Call on D Stinard for a straw hat j 4 JWy iL - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOLUME XV 3 AAAAAAAAAJI 3 Wny reople cuy Here 49 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 eU0C r Not because tliey like us any better think we are handsomer or more entertaining than other mer chants but because we give better value than other local concerns We do not claim that the mer chant who asks high prices makes more money than we do We make a fair profit but sell cheap be cause this business is organized on lines that enable lis to obtain exceptional advantages in buying We pass the good values thus obtained along to our customers and they share in the benefits that our long experience and ample capital give us You will find it to your interest to buy your DRY GOODS GROCERIES I - HATS and CAPS SHOES and OUEENSWARE V AT THE RED FRONT TEX PEIt EXT OFF OX EVERYTHING to to to to to to to to to to to to to to i to to to to to to to to to VALENTINE NEBRASKA MAT 31 1900 N NUMBER 19 3 49 43 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ROBBEI S DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants Jk ffJTJJXJXXXXL I LIVERY FEE V nrjrTawT jcjTic rM AJZxrxrMJXJzTxrzTxr to to to to to to to to WELL WE GUESS to NOT We dont to to sell you a few articles fT to at cost and then rob J to you on everything to to elfic but sell every T thing at to to to LOWEST PRICES I 49 Early Ohio Seed Potatoes 49 49 49 49 49 49 to to to to to to to to to to 44444444444444444444444444444444 CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR i Z ThiB market always keeps a supply of RESH - FRUIT - AND -GAME In addition to a Bret class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meate Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable At Stetters Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA ANNUAL CLEARING SALE - SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHIKGS - PRACTICAL TAILORING ATjIs our work guaranteed Valekthce m 1 1 i Jjs Faust Last Night j A good audience greeted Faust last night at the Luella It -was a critical audience the majority hav ing seen Faust before and expect ing the efforts of the Huehner Settle Company to present Goethes reat triumph would be a tame production of that masterpiece of the stage But the first act was not over till every one felt assured that a treat was in store and this expectation found a pleasing climax in the closing scene The stage settings were most elaborate the company carrying the entire scenery which with the elec trical effects was by far the very best that has been presented here Chillicothe Mo Daily Constitution The above mentioned company will play a two nights engagement in Cornell Hall on Friday and Saturday June 1 and 2 On Saturday night will be presented Sapho the greatest success of recent 3Tears Prices will be 25c and 50c Seats on sale at Quigley Chapmans drugstore We respectfully call your attention to R Andersons change of ad in this issue z i D STINARD CLOTHIER Kebkaska LIVERY BARN AAA WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to ttALOOTT STEVENSON D AND SALE STABLE Tm2JjVJJJJtf2XZ The Tale of a Ticker Monday evening while John Cordier was at his camp south of the depot a tramp came to him and in the course of their conversation offered to trade watches When Mr Cordier showed his watch which was not very valuable the tramp asked him for 250 to boot which John paid him without a word Then the tramp took both watches and the money and pulled out thinking he had caught a sucker But John as soon as he real ized that he had been in a losing con fidence game gave chase and with the aid of two Indians who were with him caught the fellow and made him dig up A large crowd gathered at the closing scenes of the coughing up process and our streets had the ap pearance of a riot on a small scale Mr Cordier refused to fprosecute the culprit Resigns Ainsworth Nebr May 231900 On account of having moved from Cherry county I hereby tender my resignation as secretary of the Dem ocratic County Central committee to take effect at once ROBT GOOD To M Christensen Chairman Cherry County Central Committee Additional Local on Fifth Page --