i li ft M iiL 4 fr v li If J li Y I s t f r xJm I V rivvwwvwwvw Tl I 5fcrymsw3rS gmmmgm Valentine Xebr S ate Brand reg ihtertd A Cattle and horses branded same us cut on left hip 3tange 2 miles east of Ft Nio brara vvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvriwvvvvwvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy come to town dont fail to sec our AIerrimanNd Braud registered No 1087 Brand same as cut on left Mrie Also left hip MU Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Bnnire north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co P A Cooper CP 1 Kange between Snake and Boardman U G Criger llange 10 miles south or iHerriveg sMg man on the Kia teSSgffS bnira Chesterfield Nebr mm i ran DAVID COTTIER I DC in V WSrfW JxWL ZMhEMi Allen S 1 On left side right ear split Horses Q way down on inn Kauee - Little m White River D JStinard U0 TAKEN UP About 3Iay 10 one grey gelding branded F on left jaw and neck L Parker 10 miles south of Crookston - 18 Xx JET GODFREY Jlerritnan www5 I MILLINERY LrtertStjrltt LOW PRICES Sec our Shirt Waists Wrappers Neckwear Etc AAMAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAA NEWSP Remember the place T T TjITJIMTjID Oooositc T1 Tl rx vw RING DRESS GOOD Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete and the ladies will take especial delight in examining our beautiful lines We have The Swsllest Assortment ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely impossible for you to find prices any lower elsewhere Bon t Forget us when you want Groceries Shoes Clothing or m fact anything iy We sell coal salt and fence posts w V W MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA 3 THE PALACE SALOON 4 HEADQUARTERS FOR MAM WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS S Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA g ft iP999999 9V9V999 99V VVVVVWVV iA Hhr Jfe Vftkr Jfei rtU -A U- - - Jr Jlir - -- ir - nm mi ji i itti innTi in rj i 1 nil rm iit irn r i - inr in iini i Jti i - j - ntjnt jiihiniyhi jiin niuwtmiwia - I MiMMMBWBBMPBMWMBBPWaiaMlftinPIIWM LIVERY STABLE I LIVERY FEED EXCHANGE Sppvial Attention Given to m Stockmen C v I Vchraslw fa jjjt js jv jbb uijjp ayj l jjjp Aye uayi jjl yyy D L Reed M J ITTr iV i - - Cody Nebr Same as cut on right bide of cut tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager Cody Neb The Long Pine Chatauqua The Long Pine Chatauqua will open August 3 1900 at Long Pine Neb- t mi - rasKa juiese grounds are unique picturesque healthful convenient at tractive and restful to a degree not found elsewhere Bring your ham mocks swings canoes bathing suits fishing tackle and children for its the best place on earth for fhem to en joy a splash in the water with perfect safety The beautiful Long Pine Creek affords the finest trout fishing in the state of Nebraska The whole time of the assembly will be filled with an interesting and profit able program Those who desire to i avail themselves of the privileges and profit of the lectures and schools or s any part of them will be heartiiy coined to these exercises while those who prefer to spend their time in sanmllasbcut1on solute rest or recreation will find these left side Horses grounds exactly suited to such pur left same on shoulder poses A sufficient number of tents is left side J provided for the accommodation of all Address for particulars H W Leaks Secy Long Pine Xeb Worse TJntn War llundreds are killed in Avar butliun dreds of thousands are killed by con sumption There would be no deaths at all caused by this terrible disease if people could be made to understand j that Shilohs Cough and Consumption uure is a sure reuieuy n taKen m tne early stages 23c CGc and 100 a bot tle Druggists will refund the money if cure is not affected s MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 70c per cwt 1300 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 13 00 ton Screenings 40c Chop Feed 100 Corn 85c Chou corn 90c fats 105 700 1900 16 00 1700 20 00 High Grade Bulls I have at my ranch 20 miles south of Valentine in Dewey Lake precinct 19 high grade Hereford bulls two and three years old and three head of full blood Gallowavs which I will sell cheap These bulls are all first class and were raised on my ranch W G BALLARD Woodlake jtfebr LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS Notice is hereby given that the fntcrot and rental upon the contracts of leisc and sale to the following described Educational Lands sit uated m Cherry county Nebraska as set oppo site the names of the respective holders thereof is delinquent add if such delinquency is not paid within sixty days from the date of this no tice said contracts will be declared forfeited bv the Board of Educational Lands and Funds and said forfeiture will be entered of record in man ner provided bylaw SALES IartofSec S Tp K Name nw4 swK 363t28Mrs V K Ledyunl fracswJi sw4 3G 34 -28 Samuel W llol claw LEASES sw4 nw4 16 34 20 Kidgeway Simpson ne4ne4njYMlG2y30Judd N Morey ssw4 sw se4 20 29 40 3J4 nwJ4 1G2U40 All 30 35 39 John FNielsen nlAnVi s54s 3G2840Daniel JLGourlev seJi 35 28 40 Gov lots 12 30- 3331V J Peterson neJ4ue4 103128JeneiveSwartz Vi 30 31 -29 M L Walker all iG323iJoeBush neJi ne4 uwmvi 363U3SDan Webster swM 3WJ4 seJ4 se4 313138 gov lotl 7303lVoodruif Ball gov lot2 C3031 seseJi 1C3132 xlA nyz 16 20 34 John W Carpenter Lincoln May 15 1000 J V WOLFE 17 Commissioner Public Lands and Huildings Notice to Creditors In Comity Court within and for Ch err v Comity Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of Edmund McDonald deceased To the Creditors or said Estate You are hereby notified That 1 will sit at the County Court Boom m Valentine in said Coun ty on the 9t day of June 1900 at 1C oclock a in to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited tor the pre sentation of claims against said estate is 12 months from the 9th day of June A I 1899 and the time limited for payment of debts isoiipjvear from said 9th day of June 1899 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this lOtli dav of May 1500 17 WllTOWNE County Judge Munich Re Insurance Co of Munich Germany United States of America State of Nebraska J Bureau of Insurance Lincoln February l POO It is hereby certified that the Munich Company of Munich Get many has complied with the Insurance Law of this State and is therefore authorized to transact the busi ness of lire insurance in this state for the cur tent year of nineteen hundred Witness my hand and official seal the day and year first above written JOHN F CORNELL Seal Insurance Commissioner 10 WM B PIERCE Deputy Home Fire Insurance Co of Omaha Nebraska Uuited Stales of America State of Nebraska v Bureau of Insurance Lincoln February 1 1900 It is hereby certified that the Home Fire In surance Company of Omaha in the Stt of Nebraska has complied with the Insurance Law of this State and is therefore authorized ro transact the business of fire insurance in this State for the current jear of nineteen hundred Witness my hand and official seal the day and year lirit above written JOHN F CORNELL Insurance Commissioner 10 LScal WMB PRICE Deputy Application for Appointment of Ad ministrator In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska In the matter of the Estate of k II Ferguson deceased Daniel S Ludwig filed in my office a petition proving for the appointment of David StiiMi d as administrator of the estate of A II Ferguson deceased All persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have fixed Saturday May 20th 1900 at 10 oclock a m as the time and my office in Valentine Cherry County Neb raska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all pei sons interested in said estate may appear and show cause if any thei e be why such administrator shall not be appointed Witness my hand an llie seal of said Seal County Court this Dili dav of May 1900 W RTOWNE 10 County Ju3ge In This 1lain JSnounh If you have a nagging cough and are losing flesh go to a drug store and get a bottle of Shilohs Consumption Cure Take two thirds ot it and then if you are not benefitted return the bottle to the druggist and he will return your money Isnt that fair No one could ask more 25c 50c and 1 00 a bottle s The Boers are asking for peace but slaughtered Bethuens force Tuesday very few escaping The Boers are fighting for liberty and fight hard Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with fablers Buck eye Pile Ointment as a curative and healing application for piles fissures blind and bleedingexternal or internal and itching and bleeding of the rectum The relief is immediate and cure infal lible Price 50c in bottle tubes 75c Quigley Chapman druggists The Boer women are of Spartan courage being opposed to any talk of sunender and asking President Kruger to arm them and let them go out on the firing line Such is the love of liberty and home w Di ShiloKs 1 Aimil ZZTTkft fill Consumption xogsaBssBFaiv wmi4CiJii cure This is beyond qusstion the most successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough Croup and Bronchitis while its won derful success in the cure of Consumption ie without a par allel in the history of medicine Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it In United States and roof1o nnrl CI fin i iA xafcii - ww iu vvw in England Is 4s Cd d s 3d and SOL F PROPRIETORS AV 5wellmo LEROYNY TORONTO CAN subscribe for the democrat I Qiiigley Oliapman SmnOifiSi3is THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE 15 EDITOR Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture I j weatner uureau valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday May 23 itxx Highest temp for week 81 dee on the 22nd Lowest temp forweek 40 deg on the 19 Mean temp lor week r9 deg Av tenin for the week ror 10 years m deg Excess of temp for the week l Accumulated excess of temp since Jan l 1900 t595 deg Total precipitation for week 048 inches Av precipn forweek forlO years 003 inches Deficiency of precipitation for week0i5 inches Total precipn from Jan t 1900 to date 040 inches av nrec t n for 10 vcars trom Jan l to date 774 Inches Deficiency of precipn from Jan 1 1900 to date 134 inches Highest velocity of wind for week 2S miles per hour from the nw on the 17th FRANK R BEA AN Observer Weather Bureau ADDITIONAL LOCAL Pv M Faddis is in town again Ice Cream and Sott Drinks at Mrs Cavanys 15 - J G Stetter is down from Gordon this week 4 Henry George oc Cigar at Quigley Chapmans Fruits and confectionery at Mrs Cavan3rs 15 J B Sweeney one of the jurors came in from Gregory yesterda G P Crabb was sick last week be ing out of the store for a week Mrs Crabb was also sick 175 Test Headlight Oil at W A Pettycrews A E Thacher and JH Quigley are up to Cody this- week breathing the air of ranch life J A W Johnson the Kilgore mer chant is in attendance at court this week and took in the lecture Monday night George Cutler came in from Bart lett the first of the week He expects to makeValentine his home for the present See that 00 cowboy boot at Farnhams 15 The Quartet went down to the fort last night to sing in the religious ser vices conducted by Rev Oastler of the Presbyterian church Judge Kinkaid iiled a plea in abate ment in the Thompson case on County Attorney Morrissey filed a demurrer which was sustained -and the plea in abatement overruled Young cattle taken same as cash at Farnhams 15 Martin Christensen chairman of the Democratic Central Committee has appointed I M Rice secretar to fill the vacancy occasioned br Robert Good going to Ainsworth In another part of this issue you will find a letter from our congress man Hon Wm Neville who answers the complaint of a small paper down the road who has a personal friend to push for the office Some more new shoes at Farn hams 15 For a stiff neck there is nothing better than a free application of Chamberlains Pain Balm It quick ly relieves the stiffness and soreness effecting a complete -cure For sale by Quigle3r Chapman 2 The extract of Monday evenings lecture by Professor Chaffee was crowded out of this issue but will probably appear in our next Ex tracts from Friday and Sunday nights lectures are given elsewhere in this issue Eight different styles of ladies shoes at Farnhams 15 In our last issue we stated that a complaint was made against John Tucker for riding a wheel on the side walks We wish to correct the im pression given by that statement as no lepal complaint was made The citr marshal dropped the matter and pulled out to Hot Springs i l Miss M Katie Noble returned Fri- day night from Kearney Nebr where she has been visiting at her fathers home for the past three weeks Miss Noble had a good time j while she was gone as is evidenced by the cheerful expression on her coun tenance Her friends here are glad to see her back Yesterday afternoon the case of the State against Cicero H Thomp son was called A -jury was procured as follows Wm H Dunbar A C Rieme uscbneider Daniel TruaxT P Gardiner Cod H M Jerman New ton A S McNamee Merriman Louis ltamberg Kewanee preciuct Wm H Hughes Sparks Geonre El liot John Shaughnessy B F Hobson Valentine A B McAlevv Kennedys Court then adjourned till a m to day A ioott TIi in Our great grandmothers garrets contained the same herbs of all heal ing found in Karls Clover Root Tea They gave our ancestors strength kept the blood pure and will do the same for Tou if you say so Price 25c and 50c s 1 My son why do the wicked rarre and call one another liar and robber J in the newbpaper If thou wouldst apply evil names to thy neiylib r use the Telephone that ii hat it is for Speaking of competitors our com petitors are all very nice accomodat ing gentlemen and we like them very much but Business is Business and when it comes to prices let them juggle with figures but they cannot and will not undersell us Our trade is constantly increasing and tha is a sure indication that we are right in this statement THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING EVER SHOWN HERE WILL BE PLACED IN OUR ROOM ABOUT MAY 23 CATTLE MENS SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY NEW GOODRICH SEvVING MACHINES T C HORNBY The Lecture Prof Chaffee talked Sunday evening on the parable of the prodigal son He spoke of how it was generally true that the youngest sou was most favord bT the parents as it was in this case and of the ptopriety of going direct to one who could right a grievance us did the elder son in going to the father when the fatted calf was ordered to be killed and the best robe put upon the returning wanderer who came not as he went away but with his fortune gone lie had learned bad habits and his physical being was much impaired A very nice point was brought ont here as the old man answered the eldest sons complaint All that I have is thine as a reward for his faithfulness while a great demonstration was made to entertain the wanderer who must be welcomed back Yet the faith and confidence rested in the son who had been faithful economized his wealth and strength and had not contracted disease or bad habits The impression given here was to live right because a wrong life must be righted to promote our happiness ana if we do not enjoy riirht living as a heaven on earth well never have heaven at all Nature is defined as having three parts and being yery complex No man being fully rounded up without the three viz Physical intellectual and moral devel opment I will tear down mv barns and build greater is so apt to be the case with the majority of us and while Ave can not feed our souls corn we can use the corn to lighten the burdens of the hu man race educate our children and help God to build his world Thsre is nothing harder than to build up per sonal virtues nor is there anything more to be a 1 mired than true personal vir tues A Christian life is worthy our best efforts and things that are hard are the most worth while They are ap preciated because of their value not because of the amount of effort they cost It is our work that makes us or lack of work decides the position we occupy In school the teacher we liked best was the one who taught that we must work God worked six days and rested on the seventh is generally accepted now instead of that he made the world in six days as it probably took him mil lions of vears to build his world and then made it in the rough as it is not done yet We are helping him to make his world every da but not the mater ial world the moral and intellectual world The close of this term of court will make this a better town a better coun ty as wrongs will be righted mistakes corrected and justice done It is the peoples day of correction and judg ment Every day in the week is holy Each day can be used for carrying out Gods will Everything we do should have a religious covering but not a solemn one Our work is most unsat isfactory at the best but there is satis faction in remaining true to our trust that we might hear that welcome strain My son thou art always with me and all that I have is tbiue A Keen Clear Jirain Your best feelings your social po sition or business success depend largely on the perfect action of vour stomach and liver Dr Kings New Life Pills give increased strength a keen clear brain high ambition A 25 cent box will make you feel like a new being Sold at Elliotts 2 The defendent came in with a writ ten application to x adjourn the Thompson case until the next term of court on account of the sickness of Judge Kinkaid Judge Wcstover refused upon the objection of the prosecution and adjourned the case to June 11 1900 A vanire of iifty special jurors has been ordered for this case The skimming station has been do ing good work and the farmers are daily increasing the supply of milk The following shows the amount re ceived this week Monday 2576 lbs Tuesday 2361 lbs Wednesday 2604 lbs Thursday 2350 lbs Pratts Poultry Food Cures most of the diseaseipDE Fowl WHY It i emulates the scat of all disesises the bowel- blood and digestive organs II thoroughly renovates the system thereby driving out all diseases and makes the fowl robust 5lb Package 60c QUIGLEYCHARMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska Court Docket and Proceedings of District Court State V8 Wm Witt Dismissed State ys Chas Gartiiile Jury broiiKlitin u vcrdlct of not guilty State vs H iodH i y IMsssti State vs Cicero 11 Thompson SUite vs Augustus McLejjter Suite vs Melvin Hale State vs AlexDobsou Frank Fischer vsCassiusC Iarker In the matter of the Estate of Kbem zor I Cameron deceased Virginia Gardner vs George JT Hcrshey Eldon Sparks and C 11 Cornell trustees vs Abram T and Susie E White tieo Jessen vs F E M V It It Wm Ballwerk vs Sholtes Peter 1 Donoher vs Elizabeth Fitzgeralfl Etilou Cattle Co vs Win Chantey Dismissed Theodore F Cooper vs Julia I and Chas Mc Coy Adel S Curtis vs Chas McArthur Continued Adel S Curtis vs Howard Williamson et al Continued Adel S Curtis vs Clarence K Smith Contin ued Frank Gillette s Amos Strong sheriff Newton J Grooms vs Ludwig Hock Henry S Hrock vs Cherry County Fred Hoyt vs GeoE Merrill ct al Dismissed in the matter of the apphcatijn of Andrew Benson guardian of Julius and Oscar Seder s rom niuorsfor the sale of real estate Newman Bros Nations 7s F E M V IS H Ida and Harry Corlett vs Clara Corlett et al Dismissed Cherry County vs W II ieters et al Cherry County vs Geo E Wallace Geo 11 Hornby vs Kobert Good etal Dis missed Win II Gardner vs Elsie B Gardner Dis missed Jos A Hornback vs Deck E Esty Clara J Corlett Guardian Ietitiou to sell Ileal Estate of minor Dismissed In the matter of the application of Alfred Lewis and Mary A Carson executors of the will of V G Carson for the sale of Ileal Es tate In the matter of the Estate of Edward Dahl gran deceased In the matter of the application of Albert E Thacher Guardian to sell Ileal Estate of the minor heirs of J M Thacher deceased Emma E Underwood vs Sons and Daughters of lrotection and the Supreme Lodge Sons and Daughters of Protection Bernard Aufdengarteu vs John B Witt norace u CJaugli vs Peter Cooper missed Horace H Clough vs Thos Kelly Dismissed Valentine Building and Loan Association of Valentine Nebraska ys Martha Monroe Samuel E Snyder vs the Travelers ance Company of Hartford Connecticut Mathew Bowen vs Wm Boweuetal Wm H McCloud and Elmer Ayers vs Mark Cyphers und Henry F Miller Allen G Fisher vs Fanners National Bank of Portsmouth Ohio Delia Suitei vs Leonard Suiter Edward Satterlee vs Geo L and Cora Moss Erastus E Stevenson vs Ida Stevenson Held W Boyer vs Albert S Itoss et al Kittle Bian vs Sarah E Still et al Kiltie Bean vs C H Toncray et al Pauline W Stuckey vs Ehsha Egeiston et al Kittie Bean vs George Al Davidson et al Wm Bachelor vs Alelviu Hale el al Irwin HEmeryPlaintiffv8 David Hanna etal Arthur V Coble vs James and John Skirvhig The State of Nebraska vs Village of Cody C Sparks et al Isaac Al Bice vs BeDjamin E Baker et al In the matter ot the application of Geo N Hershey and John G Stetter lor license to sell liquor in the illage of Woodlake Nebraska s the remonstrators A G Ward et al C V Holsclaw vs the County of Cherry Robert Good is up today from Ains worth J G Maher of ONeil and A C Tolliver of Ainsworth are stenograp ers for this term of court As we go to press the case of the soldier McLester charged with shooting with intent to kill occupies the attention of the Court At the hotels and attending court A Benson Jiiu Cioum Geo oeager UeO tiuu i aiogle A JJOUaOIl Newberry Win Heelau Jas Spratc Dan lruax A i Batnes A G Kleliieuschlieider W TBishnn u 1 jVjh J W Burleigh 111 ungues jj Hauua WUail ri A Dawson L C luniberg u fi Hobos iee K A B Alcalevy It 1 Jermau H M Jemiau iciur lUanlii E D Valentine Eulliehaids AlexDobsou w v Aiiuersou j C xtuunds Wis J Aineu Ajo1mmmi A Jikc y i wruy H o oenultz m Owe ueoJeaseu Krttl hi nvtnu John Jouiisoh ou o Wray Wm Story JBallarxTs Snow Liniment cures llheu matism Neuralgia4fcamiche Sick Headache Sore Throat Cuts Sprains Bruises Old Sores Corns and all pain and inflammation The most penetrat ing liniment in the world Price 25 cts and 50 cts Quigley Chapman