Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 12, 1900, Image 7

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Great Auditorium -in Which the Na
tional Democratic Convention Was to
Have Been Held Is a Total Losjs
Will Be Jtcbuilt Without jelay
The Kansas City convention hall the
largest auditorium in the United States
jWith perhaps one exception and in which
Jhe Democratic national convention was
kto hive been held caught fire shortly
after 1 oclock Wednesday afternoon
The fire started in the rear and the beau
tiful building was soon a mass of flames
The firemen could do but little but to
attempt to save surrounding property
Half an hour after the fire was discov
ered the roof fell in vith a crash The
Second Presbyterian Church nearby
caught fire and Is almost a total loss
The fire next spread to a row of three-
tory flats and the Aldine flats an apart-
t was threatened The Lathrop
hool caught fire but the pupils were
arched out in safety
The convention hall cost about a quar
ter of a million und is insured Before
the oof of the building fell 10000 had
been subscribed by spectators to rebuild
the liall and it is claimed the entire
amou krill be raised in a short time by
publi fsubscription The directors of the
buiWd building say it will be rebuilt
andbe ready for the opening of the
Democratic convention on July 4
Victoria Sets Foot on Irish Soil After
Nearly Jborty Years
Queen Victoria set foot on Irish soil
Wednesday fpr the first time in almost
forty years Dublin was resplendent
The decorations in the city and along the
route -which the Queen took from Kings
town were lavish and more magnificent
than those of London at the time of the
diamond jubilee The streets were
spanned in a hundred places by elabor
ate arches bearing mottoes of welcome
and expressions of loyalty The entrance
to the city at Lceson street bridge was
marked by a huge triumphal arch of
flags flowers and evergreen on which
was emblazoned a welcome to Dublin
in gold letters The streets -were jammed
with people at an early hour Irishmen
had gathered from the ends of the island
and hundreds of Englishmen were in the
throng The entire route from Kings
town to Dublin was lined with spectators
The Queen was received by the Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland Earl Cadogan
the Duke of Connaught commander of
the forces in Ireland Lord Mayor Talton
of Dublin and a number of other
Rout of Broadwoods ForceFxoves Skill
in Preparing Ambuscade
The London correspondents with Gen
Roberts add little of importance to the
commander-in-chiefs account of the dis
aster to Col Broadwoods column All
the accounts of the fight from a British
source concur in stating that Col Broad
woods force of about 1000 men was out
numbered by the Boers eight or ten to
one and the arrival of the infantry di
vision and Gen Frenchs cavalry alone
prevented the annihilation of Col Broad
woods command
As regards the details of the affair
the stories differ considerably The af
fair seems rather to testify to the skill
of the Boers in preparing ambuscades
than to neglect of the British to recon
noiter the route of the convoy It seems
that the scouts of the convoy must have
passed close to the ambushers who ap
parently were as invisible as partridges
in cover
The correspondent of the London Morn
ing Post in describing the working of the
trap says the convoy had scarcely pro
ceeded 300 yards and the men were still
eating breakfast when the enemy opened
fire from a donga in front and eighty
yards from tho head of the convoy The
fire was deadly and the men of the lead
ing troops Roberts horse were swept
from their saddles A scene of confusion
followed The teams of four guns their
drivers having been shot stampeded and
carried the guns out of action These
and one other gun were saved The teams
of the other guns were shot and the
guns with the convoy fellnto the hands
of the enemy Meanwhile Gen Alder
sons brigade held back a force of the
enemy estimated to number 7000 with
great gallantry losing heavily and fall
ing back by degrees The enemy in a
donga in their rear pursued the flying
guns until the approach of the Ninth
division from Bloemfontein checked the
Unfarorable Reports of Winter Wheat
in the Middle West
The chief of the climate and crop di
vision of the bureau reports the
crop condition on the 1st of April East
of the Mississippi River except in the
Southern States the season has been gen
erally backward and unfavorable for
farm work with excessive rains in por
tions of the Gulf States and heavy snows
in portions of the lake region and New
England On the Pacific slope and in
the Rocky Mountain districts exceptional
ly favorable conditions have prevailed
and farming operations are progressing
Unfavorable reports regarding winter
wheat continue from Wisconsin Michi
gan Ohio Pennsylvania New Jersey and
portions of Missouri Illinois Indiana
Kentucky and Maryland elsewhere the
bles all in full dress and robes of state
The Queen drove the ten miles to Dub
lin in a carriage drawn by four horses
with outriders and escorted by the Life
Guards The royal procession passed
through a lane of thousands of people
who cheered her Majesty continuously
The Queen arrived at Leeson street
bridge early in the afternoon Here a
platform had been erected for the cere
mony of presenting Victoria with the
keys of the city The keys were present
ed to her Majesty on the same cushion
that was used on the occasion of her pre
vious visits
Attempt Is Made to Assassinate the
Heir to the English Throne
An attempt to assassinate the Prince of
Wales was made at Brussels Wednesday
Two shots were fired at him but both
went wide of the mark The would be
assassin was arrested The attempted
assassination occurred in the station du
Iord The Prince accompanied by vhis
wife was descending from the train
when a young fellow rushed forward and
fired two shots from a revolver at the
Prince Instantly there was great con
fusion in the station and bystanders
seized the man before he could fire
again Anxious officials surrounded the
Prince when it was learned that the
shots had gone wide and that he was un
hurt The Prince and Princess of Wales
were in Brussels en route to Denmark
ieleuraphic Brevities
Captain Chadwick who commanded the
New York during the war with Spain
has filed a claim of prize money for cap
turing five vessels
Attorney C E George Chicago guilty
of fraud Ke securned 5000 from per
sons by the jiame of McGormick assert-
ing that they were heirs to a big fortune
The British steamer Pawnee arrived
t New York from Mediterranean poVts
via Bermuda and was detained at quar
antine owins to the presence on board
three cases of smallpox
crop looks favorable and enters spring in
excellent condition Outside of a lim
ited area in Southern California winter
wheat on the Pacific coast is well ad
vanced and promising Some spring wheat
has been sown over the sduthern portion
of the spring wheat region and also in
Montana where the season is unusually
Corn is being planted In the Southern
States some as far north as North Caro
lina In Southern Texas the bulk of the
crop has been planted Oats are being
sown in Kansas Missouri Ohio and Ken
tucky and are coming up to good stands
in Oklahoma Texas Arkansas Tennes
see and Mississippi Reports of winter
killing of the fall crop are received from
Virginia and Georgia Cotton planting
has begun over the southern portion of
the cotton region The prospects for fruit
are favorable although peaches sustained
some damage in Missouri Arkansas Illi
nois and Ohio
The soil is in good condition and con
siderable plowing has been done in all
except the more northerly sections where
frost still remains iii the ground and in
portions of New Jersey Maryland West
Virginia Tennessee and North Carolina
where this work has been delayed by wet
One hundred and twelve pupils of the
Indian school at Carlisle Pa have been
received into the Catholic Ghurch The
school has 1G2 pupils
The British Foreign Bible Society in
tends to provide all Boer prisoners with
Bibles printed in Dutch and the plan
will be carried out within a few weeks
Cardinal Vaughair received from the
Pope a dispensation remitting the Lenten
fast on thirty eight out of forty days of
Lent This act of his Holiness was ow
ing to the prevalent influenza in Eng
The queerest church in the world is in
Bergen in Norway It is completely
made of paper and rendered waterproof
by an application of quicklime with
curdled milk and white of eggs Over
1000 people may be seated in its inte
The Eev Francis Edward Carter hon
orary canon of Canterbury has been ap
pointeddean of Grahamstown South Af
The Churchmans Liberal league in
Great Britain has issued a monthly jour
nal in- the interests of disestablishment
of the Church of England
The First Batist Church in Dover Pa
has converted a building heretofore used
for church social affairs into a shirt fac
tory where church members are given
preference in employment Five per cent
out of the wages is to revert to church
work in the town
Tells About Her Daughters Hlmsas
and How She was Believed
Two Letters to Mrs Pinlcham
JMrs Pinkham I -write to tell yo
about my daughter She is nineteen
years old and is flowing all the time
and has been for about
three months The doc
tor does her but very
little good if any I
thought I would
try Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable
Compound but I
want your advice
before beginning its
use I have become
very much alarmed
about her as she is
getting so weak
Mks A
Camp Manchester
Mill Macon Ga
May 21 1899
Dear Mes Pink
ham It affords me
great pleasure to tell
you of the benefit my
daughter has received from the use of
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound After beginning the use of
your medicine she began to mend
rapidly and is now able to be at her
work Her menses are regular and
almost painless I feel very thankful
to you and expect to always keep your
Vegetable Compound in my house It
is the best medicine I ever knew You
have my permission to publish this
letter if you wish it may be the means
of doing others good Mks Matilda
A Camp Manchester MUl Macro Gs
September IS lC9
Is ono cf he earliest harbingers of spring wi
equally sure indication is that feeling of lan
gnid depression Many swallows of
arc best for a oprlnc tonic and for a summer
DCVerRge 5 gallons for 25 cent Wrlto for
list c pressinms offered free for labels
Chartes E Hires Co
Malvern Pa
Elys Dream Balm
Druggists 50 Cts
Apply Balm into each nostril
ELY BEOS58 Warrea StNY
The best remedy for
whooping cough Give
inc cniiu Ar Dims
Cough Syrup ffigffi
sufferer will sdon be cured Price only 25 cts
Quite Different
Well hoiv do you like your second
Shes bard to beat I tell you
Im glad to bear tbat you wont
figure so often in tbe police reports
now Boston Courier
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they carrnpt
reach the seat of the disease Catarrh Is a blood
or constitutional disease and in order to euro it
you must take interna remedies Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally and acts directly on tho
blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure
Is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this country for
years and is a regular prescription It is com
posed of the best tonics known combined with
the best blood purifiers acting directly on the
mucous surfaces The perfect combination of
the two ingredients Is what produces such
wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for
testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Traps Toledo O
Sold by Druggists price 75c
Sacred Treasures
Teacher Bobbie did you look up the
story of the prodigal son as I told
Bobbie Nom Ma wouldnt let me
take tbe Bible Shes pressing autumn
leaves in it San Francisco Examiner
liibby McNeill Jjibby
Housekeepers frequently feel the need
of luncheon meats which are either ready
to serve or can be prepared for the table
at a moments notice Such a need is
abundantly supplied in the superior meats
put up by the old reliable house of Libby
McNeill Libby Chicago one of whose
specialties is advertised in another coir
t umn of this paper and their booklet
How to Make Good Things to Eat is
offered free on application
Marys Record
A good little girl of olden days was
Mary Osgood Sumner whose Moni
tor or dirfry contains a black list- of
her misdoings which does not disclose
any very serious fault and a white one
showing what duties she performed
She writes
July S I left my staise on the bed
July 9 Misplaced Sisters sash
July lO Spoke in haste to my little
f Sister spilt the cream on the User in
the closet
mj 21 1 fiaffi 2GE QS1 ffiSSSS
wife b
July 16 I xeft the brash s tb chAsf
was not diligent In learning at school
July 171 left my fan on the bed
July 19 P got vexed because Sister
was a going to cut my frock
July 22 Part of this day 1 did not
Improve my time well
July 301 was careless and lost my
Aug 51 spilt some coffee on the
The white list which is a very long
one shows her as saying her cate
chism making tarts and pudding and
being midlin Diligent
Reason lor Ic
Why is she only in half mourning
Of course she married old Skiophlint
for his money but she ought to respect
his jnempry now that he s dead
Oh she thinks shes doing all thats
required under the circumstances He
only left her half his fortune
Soiled Clttltinx Is to Be Cleansed Wlilla
Vessels Are at Sea
An Innovation In the shape of an
ocean laundry has ceme Into exist
nce The experiment first Is to be
tried on the steamship New England
which starts from this port on a nine
weeks trip in foreign waters The
usual practice with an ocean liner is to
allow its own laundry to assume large
proportions somewhere down in the
hold while the soiled linen of its pas
sengers becomes an individual care and
trouble until the end of the voyage
Soon however all this will be differ
ent The passenger -will give his laun
dry to the steward and from tbe laun
dryman below in a few hours linen will
be returned to him fresh and clean
The new plant will handle on an aver
age of 7000 pieces of linen a day with
a capacity of doing the entire washing
of about 800 people It will be as com
plete in every way as a laundry on
shore The plant has a daily consump
tion of fifty barrels of soap and twenty
barrels of starch aside from other nec
essary supplies used in a laundry Ono
item alone is the use of 4000 gallons of
water per day which is condensed on
the ship by special apparatus
The machinery of the plant consists
of a large steam mangle and washing
and ironing machines Napkins and
towels can be fed to the mangle ma
chine at the ratei of 4000 pieces an
hour There are two large washing
machines which by skillful manipula
tion can turn out linen well washed
and wrung out to the amount of 10000
pieces a day Washing is the first con
sideration in the process of laundry
work and the successful results from
these machines are assured Other ap
pliances include those for starching
properly and to suit individual tastes
One of the most difficult operations of
the laundryman is ironing In the
chines wThich have been provided how
ever this part of the work- may be
done with entire satisfaction One ma
chine is capable of ironing from 8000
to 10000 collars and cuffs a day to say
nothing of other articles The system
to be used to prevent loss of goods or
misunderstanding as to ownership is an
admirable one E M Fielding of Bos
ton who first conceived the idea of
this ocean laundry and who is to act
as superintendent on the first trip
while realizing the practicability of all
ocean liners adopting this method of
handling their washing said it would
not in all probability be generally
adopted at once but that for long voy
ages it readily commends itself Bos
ton Transcript
Had Stronjj Scruples
Look Tom this is the preachers
house The windows open an all the
folks are at church an they dont keap
no dawg so that we couldnt have a
softer snap
The preachers house do you say
Ah Bill I have been a bobd bad man
but I have never yet robbed a preacher
They are a hard workin lot an their
pay is small besides some of tha ten
derest recollections of an innocent boy
hood is coupled with my Sunday school
But Bill you havent got the same
feelin in the matter as I has an if
yerve made up yer mind to enter the
place why Ill stay outside an keep
watch an Ill give a whistle if I see
any one cominsr
The external debt of Spain is 13G700
198 pounds About 1G000000 pounds
of this total is the cost of Spains mil
itary operations in the colonies
tni A rt
Aek Your Dealer for Allen Foot Ease
A powder to afetkc Into your shces it rets
the feet Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Sore
Hot Callous Aching Sweating feot and In
growing Nails Allens Foot Ease mates
new or tight chocs sasy Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores i3c Sample mailed FitEtf
Address Allen S Olmeted Leltoy N Y
May Get Some More
President Krugers ultimatum was
the first that had ever been received by
Great Britain
Business Chance
We want a responsible person to buy
15C0 interest in a profitable manufactur
ing business He may have all the profits
till he gets his money back including fair
salary then divide profits equally
Thb IIecokd Compact Sioux City Iowa
All sensuality is one though it takes
many forms all purity is one Tho
I do not fctlieve Pisos Cure for Con
sumption has an equal fpr coughs and
colds John F Boyer Trinity Springs
Ind Feb 15 1800
A giant among giants is not aware of
his own size
airs WlnIoWn booTniNo sStbut Tor Uhtlrtrcn
tetMnriK sottons the anm reances iiiflmintioc
allays Lain cures wind colic conU a 1jou1
Dont judge the picture by the frame
arouud it
ALABASTINE natural for
danbla asi
wall aad cU
logs raa4 ready for use by mbdn with coks
water IS a cement tbat goes through a pro
casa of setting hardens vrith ago and caa b
coated aod recostod wittfoat washing oa Mc
old coats bofore renewing Alabastine la roa4a
in white and fourteen bcantiral
with complete directions oa every
tints It i
Dnt qd in fire Doand vckagea in dry font
i story of suffering that one
d tells It says I am all
tired out It seems to me
I can nzrdly take another
step I havent a par
ticle of ambition I cant
o half my work I am weak
nervous and depressed
V TNJITTT vrsvr L ntwr vnt t 4x tf Zn n1f tM A Brr f
cure a perfect Sarsaparilla Sarsaparilia is simply the
name of ths medicine for in a perfect Sarsaparilla there arc z
great many remedies
What you ant is a Sarsaparilla that will make your blood
pure a Sarsaparilla that will make it rich and strong a Sarsapa
rilla that is a powerful nerve tonic Tbu want the strongest
and best
with kal
somines as it is ontiroly different from all ta
various kalsoraines on tho market being dor
able and not stock on tno wall witn fin
Alabasfeiaa customers should avoid gatting
cheap Laliomines under different names by
insisting en haxinp tha goods in packages
properly labelod They should reject all ik
nations Tfcars is nothing just as good
Froveats much sickness particularly throat
adianff 4E2aultie3 attributable to unsanitary
coatings on walls It has been recommended
in a paporpablished by tbe Michigan Stat
Board of Hklth on account of its Eanitary
fcauiras wMch paper strongly condemned
krlfioicinag Alabastine can bo used on oithes
plasUred walls wood ceilings brick or canvas
and any oo caa bra 3b it on It admits of radi
cal changes from wall paper decorations thus
securing ai reasonable expense tho latest and
best effects Alabastine i3 manufactured by tha
whom all special information can be ob
tained Writo for instructive and interest
ing booklet mailed free to all applicants
The only Sarsaparilla mads under the personal supervision ol three
graduates a graduate m pharmacy a graduate m
chemistry and a graduate in medicine
100 a bottle All driQgists
Last July my oldest daughter was taen sick and by the time shebegan
to mend I was down sick myself from caring for her I was discouraged
and did not care much whether I lived or died My husband got me a
bottle of Oyers Sarsaparilla and its effects were magical Two bottles of
it put me on my feet and made a well woman of me Jane M Brown
IJentonsport Iowa Jan 19 1900
Every spring you clean the house you
live in to get rid of the dust and dirt which
j collected in the winter Your body the
house your soul lives in also becomes filled
V up during the winter with all manner of
filth which should have been removed from
day to day but was not Your body needs
cleaning inside If your bowels your liver
your Iddneys are full of putrid filth and
you dont clean them out in the spring
youll be in bad odor with yourself and
everybody else all summer
DONT USE A HOSE to clean your
body inside but sweet fragrant mild but
positive and forceful CASCARETS that
work while you sleep prepare all the filth
collected in your body for removal and
drive ii off softly gently but none the less
ts43 kasif ymi bk para d Kwrfotug your stoexadb snd bowels deast and
ibrdy and yct kver sued kkkeys hsaltky and adive Try a I8 cenfc box today and il
not satisfied get your money back but youll see how the cleaning of your body is
35c 50c UHIHbB1 w
To any needy mortal suffering frm bowel troubiftMrnd too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a bar free AtJds
Sterling Remedy Company Cnkago or New York mentioning advertisement and paper
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