Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, April 05, 1900, Image 7

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- 1
Old as the Mil
arc the pains and aches of
Sure as taxes is the cure of
them by
St Jacob
s Oil
i jgiaMf
fl v
toWcstornCanadaand par
ticulars ns to how to secure
160 acres of tlio best Wheat
KrowlnB nnd on tho Conti
nent can Tjo secured on np
Ilicntiou to tho
on cent of Immigration
Ottawa Caunda or tho un
lersi tied Ktifieiullr con
ducted excursions t ill leave St Paul Minn on tho 1st
and 3d Tnexdny In pnh month anl specially low ratc3
on all Unas of railwavarolieinj quoted for excursions
leaving St Paul on Mnrch 2Mh and April 4th f or Mani
toba Asainiboia Baskatcliewan and Alberta
Write to F PedleySupt Immigration Ottawa
Canada or the nndui signed who will mril vou
atlases pamphlets etc free N liHrtholomew306
5tbSt Des Moines Iovri W H Rogers Water
town South Dakota W V Bennett 801 ew York
Life Bldg Omaha Neb BDavies 154J East 3d
Bt St Paul iiiun Agents for Govt of Cnnada
Tho Place for a Poor Man
Alameda X VT T Canada
Dec 22 1S9D
Mr B Davies Canadian Government
Agent St Paul Minn
Deai Sir As I promised you about
two years ago that at some future
time I would let you know -what 1
thought of Western Canada and the
chances of a poor man making a start
and supporting a family at same time
so will write a few facts concerning
my own experience the past twenty one
months -and what I have done any
able bodied man can do provided he
-will work
I left Traverse country March -U
1S9S landed in Alameda at noon the
21st with 355 in my pocket a stran
ger and among strangers and when
my family came in October lSJSmy
wife had nearly 10 or barely enojgh
to pay freight on her stove sewing
machine and clothes and beds I com
menced work March 28 also made en
try f or homestead same day the man
I started work for loaning me 15 to
pay entrance fee and I have earned
or at least received 47S10 in wages
since then and hare been idle at least
two months of the twenty one since 1
came The homestead I took had 12
acres broke by a former occupant I
paid 20 to have it replowed in July
9S and the seed wheat for it cost me
S2o I let it to a neighbor for half
in elevator clear of all expense ex
cept the seed and this fall 1 received
7010 for my part of the crops off of
the 12 acres so my total receipts the
past twenty one months have been
54810 and my expenses besides living
for self and family have been as fol
Entrance fee 5 being paid for
cancellation - 1500
Summer fallowing 12 acres 20 00
Seed for same 8 25
Cost of house besides my own
labor on same 75 85
Twenty acres of breaking and
double discing same 00 00
179 10
My half of wheat 70 10
Net expense on homestead 100 00
We moved on our homestead July 10
1S99 Have 32 acres In good shape for
crops in 1900 My wife joins me in
sending best wishes to you and yours
You can truly say to any poor man
who pays a big rent to get a farm
somebody elses land or works for
wages to support a family that 1 have
personally tried both in Minnesota and
tried hard to make a success of it but
found to my sorrow that after working
hard a poor living was all I could get
otit of it and after nearly two years
of Western Canadian life I will say
that I am very thankful to you for
helping me to decide to try it in Can
ada Yours respectfully
American hickory as wagon material
Is better suited than any other wood
for inoict tropical climates
You Can Get Allens Foot Ease TREE
Write to day to Allele v Olmsted Le Roy N
Y for a FREE sample vS Allens Foot ase a
powder to shake into your shoes It cures tired
sweating damp swbnen aching ieet It makes
new or tight shces easy A certain cure for
Corus and Bunions AH druggists and shoe stores
sell it 23 cents
When passion is on the throne reason
is out of doors M Herrv
risos Remedy for Catarrh is not a
liquid or a snuflr It quickly relieves Cold
in the Head Headache etc and really
cures Catarrh 50c
Egotism always looks at hlsneigh
bor through the wrong end of the
He Hart Em Sure
While camped in the Wallapal
Mountains recently there came to my
camp from off the Santa Fe raclfic un
English overland tourist and after
passing the usual salutations and greet
ings the stranger proposed to join the
desert express train of burros and try
his luck prospecting The lhst camp
was made at Maggie Springs where
stood an old miners cabin In the
morning he proposed to help cook
breakfast and built a rousing fire iu
the old fireplace of the cabin and start
ed to fry the bacon All at once a
startled expression came from the em
bryo cook and turning quickly I dis
covered a large king snake sizzling in
the frying pan The chimney getting
hot had dislodged his snakeship and
Hown he came into the hot grease
Good God partner Ive got em
again he exclaimed as he danced ex
citedly around holding the frying pan
at arms length I know got em
and I havent had a drink for a month
It took quite a while to quiet him
down and the next day he started out
for the railroad declaring that he had
enough of the desert Yuma Ariz
A Human Cuckoo Clock
The w ee small hours found Dr C S
Muscroft the other night creeping up
hie own stairs with his shoes in his
hand so he would not disturb any
bodys slumbers Of course those
shoes had to drop when he was almost
at the top landing and bumped all the
way down with a uoise like an Eighth
Ward caucus The Doctor held his
breath in hopes he might still reach
his couch undetected but he might as
well have kept his lungs working
steadily for soon a door opened above
and a sleepy voice iuquired
Is that you Charlie
Yes my dear he answered
Where on earth have you been so
Ob just just downtoir Oil 3 little
business was the reply
What time is it
Inst 12 oclock
Muscroft was about to breathe easy
once more and go on up to bed when
a cold chill crept up his back as the
cuckoo clock in the hall opened up for
I had to stand still said he and
cuckoo nine times to make good ft
was 3 oclock Cincinnati Enquirer
Horse JLorc
From ancient times the horse nas
been an object of special veneration by
almost all peoples It was so among
the Greeks and Tacitus says that the
Romans in early times kept white
horses in the sacred groves at the ex
pense of the state It was thought
that the neighing of the horse was a
sign of victory in battle and the war
rior whose steed neighed on the eve of
a conflict felt assured of success On
the other hand if the horse failed to
neigh it was looked on as an evil omen
In some parts of Germany part of a
horses head hung above the doors of
stables and stalls was supposed to
bring good fortune and even among
ourselves at the present time there is
a very prevalent feeling that the horse
shoe brings good luck In fact the
horseshoe imore than any other object
is the emblem of a happy turn in af
fairs In some parts of Europe it is
believed that a horses hoof under a
childs pillow prevents convulsions and
a horses teeth are supposed to keep
away the toothache If a horse shies
at a house that household is thought
to be threatened with misfortune
False Teeth ol Antiquity
The manufacture and use of false
teeth Is undoubtedly a practice of
great antiquity The ancient Egyptians
were no mean dentists Jawbones of
mummies have Ueen found with false
teeth in them and also with teeth filled
with gold The ancient Greeks also
knewr how to fill teeth with gold also
how to make false teeth
There is plentiful evidence of skilled
dentistry among the Romans for many
of the old Latin authors have refer
ences to false teeth In the Roman
Laws of the Twelve Tables there is
distinct references to artificial teeth
The first part of No 10 forbids useless
expense at funerals in general but an
exception is permitted by No 11 which
allows that the gold fillings of false
teeth or the gold vrfth which they
were bound should be buried or burned
with the deceased
Within the last year an ancient grave
was discovered near Rome and opened
In it Avas found the skeleton of a wom
an with a complete set of false teeth
displayingadniirable workmanship and
wrought out of solid gold New York
Wife reading the paper Now here
is a young girl who has actually
climbed Mont Blanc and sung Be
cause I Love You while she was on
Husband now considerate of her
Usually they do it in tho next flat
The wasp is an insect highwayman
Wasps have often been observed to
rob bees while these industrious work
ers laden with the fruits of an expedi
tion are returning to the hive
Money in Cornpr Stones
The calculating barber seemed some
what wiotli Excuse me he ex
claimed with an effort to calm himself
Fact is Im a little put out Business
trouble No its only my church af
fairs I was called upon fpr a 5 con
tribution at the corner stone laying
this morning Ever been at the laying
of a church corner stone No Well
theres often a nice little pile of good
hard cash In gold and silver coins of
the current year stowed away In the
stone Twenty five dollars were plas
tered up In ours and thats what
makes me mad The idea of asking a
man to pony up a five spot and then
putting the money out of circulation
that way Its awful And there are
exactly 177481 corner stones in the
country according to church statistics
Suppose everyone of these to contain
25 Ive figured out that just 4437
025 is stowed away instead of being
out working No wonder Im mad
That interest would just amount to
20022150 a year Why the churches
ought to be paying dividends instead of
making fellows like me go down in
their clothes Some day the congrega
tions will get next to this idea and
therell be the deuce to pay Does the
razor pull Kansas City Star
Gen Grants Sujcstion
An official who quite generally
knows what he is talking about was
dilating the other afternoon upon the
funny hopelessness for all reasonable
purposes of many of the little creeks
and rivers for the improvement of
which Congress is asked to appropriate
money under the river and harbor bill
When Grant was President said
this official he used to alternately
chuckle and fulminate against the ex
penditure of good Government coin for
the improvement of measley little
streams that he himself knew could
never be made fit for any human pur
pose There was a Virginian who
failing to get Congress to stick in an
appropriation for the dredging of a lit
tle stream down in his section finally
importuned Grant in the matter
Lets see said Grant musingly I
believe I crossed that stream in 1864
wasnt it
The Virginian who remembered
Grants crossing of the stream pretty
well replied affirmatively
xLook here said Grant after a
pause his face lighting up suddenly
why dont you macadamize it
New England Home Magazine
Cold Comfort
Mr Slimpurse To to tell the truth
I am a a little afraid to to ask your
father for your hand
Missr Chargit Oh you neednt worry
He says I am ruinously extravagant
New York Weekly
H ft BH Tfa lN3KWVrt k
saavy jpmbs se j
srs sv jf fc v i fr 0
ISsil - Si Ear I f
r i is vfw ft c w to u t
MLi Dont be fooled with a mackintosh jKsSJ iil jrL
Sjvsfl or rubber coat If you wanta coat Jsij f j
2gftpM that will keep you dry in the hard iRK fl
lest storm buy the Fish Brand 1 iOSr
562 1 Slicker If not for sale in yourfcJsiHsw
5KfcKi town write for catalogue to ijsISEsc
ll A J TOWER Boston Mass IP
Lnrcost Seed POTATO Growers In America
Prlces91su A up Enormous stockA of Grans
Clover and Farm Seeds Send this notice aad
c n
v flACMTC and canvassers vronto at onco to
r nllEn id take orders in their home towns
for our riuE Ai naaiiu ten una iauiu riuuu
mado of the new metal ALIBSICO Same all
through not plated Guaranteed tpvjearforJ
years remaining bright and puTe Kew IHteoTcnr
justbeinc pard on the market LOOK LUvK
Bte Hns silver WEAR LIKE Merlins silver EX
CLUSIVE TERRITORY to live acenta 5200 lo
SC00 per day eaRily made Enclose Cue lor
sample package ot 6 tea or 3 table spoons and
full particulars and terms to acents
I IFAKKA Cieni saiea Agent
pleaso say you saw tlio advertisement
in thin paper
Alabastiue Is the original and only dur
able wall coating on the market It Is
entirely different from all kalsomine
preparations Alabastine Is made ready for
use in -white or fourteen beautiful tints by
the addition of cold water It Is put up
In dry powdered form in packages prop
erly labeled -with full directions on every
package -It takes the place of scaling
kalsomines wall paper and paint for walls
Alabastine can be used on plaster
brick wood or canvas and a child can brush
It on
Kalsoralnes are cheap and temporary
preparations manufactured from whit
ing chalks clays etc They are stuck on
the walls with decaying animal glue Ala
bastine is not a kalsomine If Is a rock
base cement which sets and if hardens
with age It can be re coated and re
decorated without having to wash and
scrape off its old coats Alabastine Is
utilized to a great extent in hospitals as
it prevents the accumulation of dirt and
the congregating of disease germs being
disinfectant in Its nature
The Interior walls of churches school
houses and all public halls should nevejr
be coated with anything but the durable
and pure Alabastine So evident has this
fact become that hundreds of tons are
used annually for this work The genu
ine Alabastine does not rub or scale off
It is cleanly during the long period of Its
usefulness Every owner of a building
should use It Ask your paint dealer or
druggist for card of tints and wrltefor
free copy of our Interesting booklet to
Alabastine Co Grand Rapids Mich
The dealer who tells you that he can
sell you the same thing as Alabastine
or -something just as good either ls
not posted or Is trying to deceive you In
offering something he has bought cheap
vand is trying to sell on Alabastines de
mands he may not realize the danger to
himself as well as to yon Beware of all
new substitutes Dealers risk a suit for
damages by selling and consnmers by using
an infringement Alabastine Co own the
right to make and sell wall coatings adapted
to mix with cold water
Hon William
The Bobert8 Family of Falls City Neb Are Healthy and Eappy A Bare Sight in These Days They Say
We Think Peruna Is the Gieatest Medicine on Earth
No man is better known in the State
of Nebraska than Mr Carl T Roberts
contractor and mason A typical Ameri
canactive shrewd and full of business
sagacity He is not only a provider for
his family but a protector In a recent
letter to Dr Hartman he writes among
other things as follows
Our hoy James had the membranous
croup and repeated attacks of lung fever
Our boy Charlie was also subject to at
tacks of pneumonia and pleurisy Our
fliird boy John was subject to fever and
ague malarial and liver trouble Your
remedy Peruna curetl my boys entire
ly and now I have three of the healthiest
boys in the State of Nebraska which 1
attribute to your medicine My wife
had a stomach trouble which Peruna also
jcured Altogether for my whole family
we have used nineteen bottles of Peruna
and have thus saved 500 in doctors
bills I am a contractor and mason by
trade and am known all over Nebraska
I have had a stomach trouble which has
been graatly relieved by your remedy
Peruna for which I am still taking it
We think it is the greatest medicine on
earth C T Roberts Falls City Neb
Hon William Youngblood Auditor for
the Interior writes from Washington D
C to Dr Hart
man Columbus
Ohio as follows
Ive often heard
of your great med
icine and have per
suaded my wife
who has been
much of a sufferer
from catarrh to
try Peruna and
after using one
bottle she has
wonderfully im
proved It has
proved all you
have claimed for
it and I take
pleasure in recom
mending it to any
one who is afflict
ed with catarrh
Peruna has become in a multitude of
households absolutely indispensable
Mr T G Walker Carneiro Kansas
writes It is with pleasure that I report
The Smallest IVatcn
The smallest watch in the world Is at
present on exhibition in a show win
dow iu Berlin It is the latest triumph
in the art of watchmaking the artthat
has made such wonderful progress
within the last decade
The liliputian timepiece was made in
Geneva Following are given some of
the tiny diminsions of its works
The diamtter of the little watch is
less than half an inch The exact
measurement is 30 1 2 millimeters or
4137 inch Its thickness is 11S2 inch
The length of the minute hand is
2 4 10 millimeters or 0945G inch That
as EArmstronB Ave Peoria m of the hour hand is 1 3 10 millimeters
or 05122 inch The entire works com
prise 95individual pieces and its exact
weight is 143490 grains
After having been wound up with
Its diminutive key the watch will run
Kfor 28 hours
The weight of the four main wheels
with their springs is G4G8 grains
There are 13 cogs on the little cylinder
wheel which has a circumference of
2 millimeters or 0788 inch and weighs
75 milligramme or 01155 grain
The most delicate tools and measur
ing instruments were made specially
for the construction of this liliputian
watch The preliminary work In the
making of the timepiece was very ex
pensive and the selling price of tho
watch is comparatively low being
JBy two thjngs a inan Js Jif ted up
from things earthly namely by sim
plicity and purity
Nothing but a local
remedy or change of cli
mate will cure
The specific is
Elys Cream Balm
It is quickly Absorbed
Gives Relief at once
Opens and cleanses the 1
Allays Inflammation pfl T Ifo MF Fl
Heals and Protects the ww faW rt0
ilembrane Restores the Senses of Taste and PmelL
No ilerenrr No Injurious drrs Regular Size 60
cents Ianiily Size S100 at Druggists or by waiL
ELY BROTHERS 50 Warren Street New York
S3 35Q SHOES y
SaWorth S4 to S6 compared
A with other makes m
1 si
Indorsed by over
The genuine have W L
Douglas name and price I
stamped on bottom Take j
no substitute firrrrl to be
as good Your dealer
should keep them if
not we will send a pair
on receipt of pricerand 2c
jfc By
-v - f
mt MVr srisssfc
extra for carriace State kind of leather
TT rtnA vtAAtj Tllrn e r tnm ff fr
r5T sr i i nnuci no cun po nu u
CaCSEmZrS u umubum nt w uiawuuu bum
that I am better than I have been for
many years I believe Pernna is with
out a doubt the best mediciae that ever
was used in a family It has cured my
nervousness with which I had been af
fiicted for a great number of years
It is a fact of ever increasing astonish
ment that so many otherwise sensible
and provident people will for the neg
lect of so simple a precaution as to have
a bottle of Peruna at hand bring upon
themselves the needless suffering and
foolish expense that a practitioner of
medicine is forced to witness every day
As soon as the value of Peruna i3 fully
appreciated by every household both a3
a preventive and cure of these affections
ten of thousands of lives will be saved
and hundreds of thousands of chronic
lingering cases of disease prevented Pe
Tuna is the household safeguard
A complete work on chronic catarrh
sent free to any address by The Peruna
Medicine Company Columbus Ohio
-Every Druggist from Klondike to Cuba sells Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
sold this
for Colds and Grip In fact it is the only Cold and Grip prescription throughout
vast territory which is striking evidence of its virtue and popularity This signature
5s appears on every box of the genuine article No Cure No Pay Price 25c
W J sT O I quick relief cures worst
cases Book of testimonials and 1 0 DATS treatment
FREE lrUJI Greens Sons Box 8 Atlanta Ua
iHiwae aoKir
No 14 1900
BeatCgkfimrp XaatesOoc Uj
i t I J
rfagfcgao --
i i4 i