t - -1 Have you seen our y Spring line of 1 1 1 I OROOKSTON I vji CONTKST1NT AND CONTBSTEC John F Tate vs Albert R KaiHall C 11 Walcott vr Samuel Steurt J I Eaton vs Anton Frederiken RSD6nnisvs MD Fergusou 21 8 Dennis vs LCDuuu uarl Kroeier vs W J larrott LADIES FURNISHING It is the most complete we have ever offered Large variety in Dress Skirts - Underwear - Shirtwaists Hosiery - G loves - Wrappers Come and see them Prices right Large stock of Spring Millinery now read Be sure you see it Dont Forge j NOTICES OF CONTESTS I L EFN NEW SPRING DRESS GOOD Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete and the ladies will take especial delight in examining our beautiful lines We have The Swellest Assortment ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely impossible for you to find prices any lower elsewhere us when you want Groceries Mides Clothing or in fact anything - 4- yVe sell coal salt axd fence posts v MAX E VIERTEL DESCKIPTIOy HE S21W 2110 23-29-35 TC S2se i2s w 23-28-32 T C sene n2so sese TO lota 1 2 3 and 4 4-27-3 T0 82ses2sv 33-28-32 1115 lots 12 e2se 19-35-31 NEBRASKA ENERAL MERCHANDISE VVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV AWwWVVW RANCH TRADE OUR SrECIALTY ER Everything fresh and clean and prices that are right Special attention given to pumps tanks etc J N STEADMAN COMPANY KENNEDY NEBRASKA 7 fjvTftSKyTfStSiyTijjy j rasi 2 4 19 THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA tf 99999 V9 9999999 9999999 999999999 Having purchased the harness shop of J W Whillans we will not only sell HARNESS AT OLD PRICES Notwithstanding the advance in cost but in order to reduee and EDUCED Consolidate the Two Stocks we will make PRICES FO R NEXT 0 DAYS Come early nnd you will have a greater variety to select from All our work Guaranteed Our success hinges on our ability to please BPNBR SHERMAN LAND OFFICE BUSINESS Following will be found a list of notices of final proof and contests to be made in this district as shown by the land office records Corrected to April 4 NAME Joseph Janak Henry C Hofgard Wary F Speek Arthur It Briggs Albert W Briggs U GCaueh Thomas G More CO Goodrich LNCarter C It Wolfenden Julia A Smalley BB Andrews L E Dabhrrin Stephen CTatman Leonora F Shaw Nellie L Johns Mary C Latta iwid Win Johnson John W Short A Pote Edward VJStratton Bertine M Wilhite Robert EClopp Jacob Hembel Delia E Smith Adelia Young John J Sanctall Elmer Cole EFHartman J M Hates JCGaskill CF Meade Alex Hoffman F Huffman - WDBavliss J D Birdsall Ed Fitzgerald A Bobbet K L Beck A S McXamee Flora Baylisi I Alder UhasMosher KJ German 0 H Hoist 1 X Gamer OH Beekman JRevenstorf Karl Lurz FGEads II N Rogers NOTICES OF INTENTION TC MAKE PROOF POADDRE6S DESCRIPTION Woodlake Neb Pullman Neb Pullman Neb Clinton Iowa Clinton Iowa Pullman Neb Pullman Neb Brownlee Neb Codv Neb Woodlake Neb Kennedy Neb Norden Neb Brownlee Neb Merriman Neb Ainsworth Neb Lutes Neh Brownlee Neb Simeon Neb Bassett Neb Bailey Neb Kennedy Nob Gordon Neb Gordon Neb Gordon Neb KilgoreNeb Brownlee Neb Browilea Neb Basselt Neb Valentine Neb Spritigvlew Neb Springvlew T Valentine Neb Kilgore Neb Kilgore Neb Kilgore eb Sybrant Neb MIdvale Neb Arabia Neb Woodlake Nebr Lavaca Xeb Merriman Nebr Sybrant Neb Merriman Xeb Valentine Neb Newton Neb Irwin Neb Cody Neb HyaunisNeb Hammond Neb Wo dlake Neb HyannisXet Simeon Nei HE e2nen2se 21-31-20 HE u2uw swnw 13 sene H K lot 2 senw s2ne TC s2sw s2se 13-27-35 TC lot 4 sesw s2se 10-27-34 HE e2se swse 12 nwne 13 28 30 HE S2SW W2se 3-28-37 HE lots 123and4 1-27-29 HEnesw e2nw 10 sesw 2-31-31 H E lot 3 5 20 S2se sesw 32-80-23 HE suw newswne 0-29-30 HEs2se S23W 29-33-23 HE s2sw nwsw 4 nenw 0-27-31 HE sese 14 s2sw 13 nwmv 24-33-37 HE lots 12 S2ne 2-29-22 - HE lots 3K4 e2sw 7-31-19 HEsCse e2sw 7-27-29 HE w2nes2nw 12-30-30 TC lots 12 sene 4-29-18 TC nesw iuv e 2se 12 31 30 HE lots 34 S lot 1 4 29 sese 33-30-31 HE s2sw swse 21 sese 20-34-39 H E 2sw nesw senw 28-4-a HE n2nw nwne 28 nene 29-34-39 lots34s2uw 1-34-31 HE s2ne nene 33 sese H E W2sw w2u w 34-28-27 It UW 8-30-18 W2nw senw nesw 23-32-27 Lots 2 and 8 s2ne 3-32-22 S2se nese sene 1-32-22 Lots 9 10 11 and 12 3 lots 7 8 9 6-32- TC lots 34 v2sw 24 33 31 Sesw swse 32 35 Lots 2 3 5-34-31 W2nw senw nesw 33-27-18 W2lie W2se 21-27-23 N2se231l2sw N2se s2ne 17-30-25 S2se 24-33-39 lots 3 4 19-33-38 JV lltJ S2se nese sene 27-27-18 S2ne 19 swnwnwsw 20-31-37 Lot 1 sese 20 lots l and 2 33-32-27 Swnw n2sw sesw 25-29-34 A j Ills JX4ll S2se nwse esw 35-35-33 w SV vuil S2ne n2se 8-27-17 X2nw n2ne 13 31 2C TG s2se S2SW 33-27-39 N2 sw24 nese 23 31 23 DATE Aprii 7 April7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 10 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 16 April 17 April 21 April 21 Anril April 23 April 23 April 24 Anrll24 Anril 24 April 24 April 25 Aprii 20 April 20 April 28 April 28 May 1 May 1 30 May 2 Mav4 May 5 May 5 May 5 i Ma o May 5 May 5 May 7 May 7 May 8 May S May lav 10 Mav 11 May 12 May 17 May 18 M y 19 May 22 DATE OF HEAR I NO March 21 April O I II u 1 1 1 X IJ4 fc K vas WESTERN NEWS DEMOORAT EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher OUR MOTTO - No Question is ever Settled Until it is Settled Eight Mrs Good is suffering iroin a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism Jack Hooton is laid up with an at tack of rheumatism and Charley Sherman is acting- as marshal in his place A special from Moundsville WVa says the mayor of that town intends running the municipal government as Jesus would Here is a hint for our new board of trustees Jos Morrison proprietor of the Central restaurant and short order house was married to Amelia Young of Rosebud yesterday afternoon Judge Towne performing the cere mony Joe is setting up a free lunch Many people suffer untold tortures from i iles because of the popular im pression that they can not be cured Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure them It has met with absolute success Price 50 cents in bottles tubes 75 cents Quigley Chapman A D Wier of Chadron held a meeting at the court house last niht and took up a collection for the bene fit of the starving people of India We are told that 33 was donated to the caus6 Our people are not much in sympathy with the work believing that England can care for her people if she will and looking upon a dona tion to India almost as a donation to England for the furtherance of the war against the Boers Millions Given Away It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern which is rot afraid to be generous The proprietors of Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption Coughs and Colds have given away over ten million trial bpt tles and have the satisfaction of know ing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases Asthma Bronchitis LaGrippe and all Throat Chest and Jung Dis eases are surely curdd by it Call at Elliotts drug store and get a free trial bottle Regular size oOc and 1 00 Every bottle guaranteed 1 Hot Eli Precinct and dry cold and windv and every other old kind of weather but wet J E Selder and wife went to Kusli ville last week to spend a week with Mrs Selders parents Mrs A D Ford resumed her schoql in District 49 Monday after a two months vacation Lewis Adams has put up a shop and sent for a set of blacksmith tools Lev will be prepared to make anything from a needle to a steam engine Born ToWni Dunbar and wife a girl baby As this is Bills first daugh ter he is very proud to say the least John Steele and wife were also made happy by the arrival of a new bov at their homeboth events happening since our last effusion Miss Jennie Crowe of Merriman be gan her spring term of school in Dist 75 Monday Sore eyes and sore throat seem to be prevailing to a certain extent in this part of the county Sandy r MAAAfi WCTU COLUMN ww5 AAAJU Edited by the Valentine W C T U MOTTO Ior God and Humanity OFFICERS Prtsident Mrs Abbie Crabb vw Prpsiilpnt J Mrs- Mide Morgareidge ice residents airs D House llecoi ding Secretary Mrs Alicellarvoy Corresponding Secretary Mrs M Harden Treasurer Mrs Helen Hornby Regular meetiugseach alternate Tuesday Next regular meeting of the W U will be held Tuesday at the Y A rooms Lv Mild Drink Station Lv Moderation Palls Lv Tipplersville Lv Topersvale Lv Drunkards Cure Lv Rowdys Wood 7 80 73o 745 8U0 000 10 00 1100 1130 Av riminals Rendezvous Av Delirium ville Av Rattlesnake Swamp Av Prisonburg Av Devils Gapbrakes off 100 115 130 2 00 310 400 600 8 0J 1000 Av Dark Valey v1030 C M Sermon in a Time Table This time table appears in the Star of Hope which is printed at the peni tentiary at Sing Sing N Y It was written by a convict The Black Valley Railroad Standard guage International line Char tered under the laws of all states No stop over checks No return trains Statious on the main line Av Lv Cigaretteville Cigaretteville a m a m a m a m am a m am a m Av Qnarrelsburg Noon Remains one hour to abuse wife and children Lv Quarrelsburg Av Lusty Gulch Av Bummers Roost Av Beggars Town Passengers may feel some discomfort inhaling sulphurous fumes but uever mind there is no way to return Av Demon Bend Dcnt get frightened groans you may hear AV Perdition w p m p in p m p m p m p m p in p m p m p m 1130 p m at the dying Midnight j53X53JSX5SS3tC March 22 1900 Board met as per adjournment Members all present On motion SSSOj of the tax of Ira Spencer for 1898 was stricken from the 1 tax list Mime having been erroneously assessed in School District No J52 On motion the personal tax of Wes cott Gibbons for 1891 was stricken from the tax list same having been as sessed in Custer county On motion the application of T J Swan for refund of taxes was rejected On Jraotion the bridge petition of 7 P Swain and others was laid over for further consideration On motion the bridgepetition of J B Gaskill et al was laid over to the Junemeeting O11 motion the petition of N S Row le et al asking that Boardman bridge be moved was laid over to the June meeting On motion the report of county sur veyor on road No 48 southeast of Val entine was accepted On motion the bridge petition of E R Vandegrift et al was laid over to jJune meeting On motion A L Ormsby was grant ed a refund of 5 44 same having been paid tw ce On motion J E Cornell and Eldon pointed a committee Thackrey C H Sparks were ap to sell the tine precinct bond at not less than par and turn proceeds into comtreasuiy which duty they are to perforin with out remuneration Now comes E D Clarke attorney for Geo N Hershey and John G Stet ter in the matter of their application for license to sdl malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the village of Wood Lake Cherry county Nebraska and withdraws the petition heretofore filed and refiled the same at this date On motion the official bond of H E Dewer overseer district No 31 was approved On motion the report of county su perintendent for first quarter of 1100 was accepted On motion was allowed SoO for institute funds Whereupon the board adjourned to March 23 Gpant Perkins making elecaon returns F Rothleiitner goods lor poor UobtGood supplies for county Wesley Holsclaw clerk special electiou A W Clarkson X Polen judge S Moon 1 S Kstabrook Etta Hiovvnstiiarv and expenses to Mnrch t 1 xio L X Layport boarding MaxFranke wszza m CFlEVriiur HtA mJSt DISEASE 2 00 10 00 t f0 17 50 2 00 2 Ol 2 00 2 00 2 00 214 41 0 50 m S0I arPs Qover Root Tea Beautifies the Complexion Purifies the CIoodjgivesaFreshClearSkin CuresCon stipation Indiges tion and all Eruptions of uic pain An ajrreeahle Laxatic Nerf Sold on absolute yuarinfee by all druggists at C5c 50c and 100 5 U WELLS CO LEROY SOLE PROPRIETORS N Y A i py BuhIuIs of Money Crabb Morjrareidgc goads for poor 3 is fhrmvn fwnv hv mnnnllv in ft iliacKfy typewriter cor county 33 GO i nrow n aw ay 03 v omeu annuaii 111 mefical c DTver attendance p icobidou m the purchase of cosmetics lotions and powders none of which ever accom plishes its object Beauty depends on healthy blood and good digestion such as Karls Clover Root Tea guarantees you for 25 cts and 00 cts per package Take it and we guarantee your com- plexion k j MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk 60c per cwt 11 00 ton Shorts bulk 70c per cwt 13 00 ton Screenings 40c Chop Feed flOc Corn 75c Oats 95c 700 1700 14 00 18 00 Those horrid fits of depression mel ancholy low spirits an sudden ins tability that sometimes afflict even good tempered people is due to the blood being permeated with black bile Herbine will purify the blood restore health and cheerfulness Price 50 cents COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Valentine Nebr March 21 1900 Commissioners met as per adjourn ment Members all present On motion the petition of E C Cole and others asking that the Vil lage of Cody Nebraska be incorpor ated was granted and it is hereby de clared that the Village of Cody Cher ry county Nebraska is incorporated with the following boundaries and com prising the territory included in Sec tion 7 township 341north of range 33 and the following named citizens are hereby appointed trustees for said vil lage to serve until their successors are elected and qualified viz E C Cole J Mogle D 0 Nelson L C Sparks and D L Reed On motion the board drove out to view Bell bridge which was taken out by ice and returning adjourned to March 22 AX CompliMi medicine for noor Oo I Hornby supplies fnr county WIlTnwiC fees Franke case D P I- witness Eniiike case Wm do do AhVif Tnsjos do do Ernes Plumages do do Fred kjii t do do roll n Wriv do do Dick I lev do do John cdnek do do Ed W Jlbikev do do Frank T Hracket do do cjeorjie Elliott goods do do do do L N Layport uo do do for poor do do do do In do do do do do do 17 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 7 3 do do 0 55 do do 12 05 do do SO arresting cxp Franke case 11 00 fees do 10 23 cleaning fail 5 no fees MeLisier case 4 GO 1 W least supplies for county 11 15 KolksSons supplies for poor 2020 liSLee delivering ballots 500 1 w wanieis recording oniciai uoiid 00 Jackson Drayton supplies for comity state Journal do do J W Daniels making assessors books D S Iudwlg crtul for poor Standard Cattle Co hauling lumber On county bridge fund do do do do - U IX - 108 40 100 00 22 25 0 32 Standard Cattle Co repairing bridges 19 00 John Dorman do do t 50 James Thompson do do 0 50 ISJudvig lumber for bridges 7 00 CO Thompson repairing bridges I 25 Carl Shroauzbeger repairing bridges 4 50 Joseph Datchelor do do 200 John Dormun do do 14 00 James Manincli lumber for do 35 TO J F Swain collecting wrecked bridge ma terial o 00 On county road fund William Steele chainman road No 48 2 00 I M Clarkson do do 4 00 JCels Polen do do 200 GWlolen flagman do 200 John Dorman do do 1 200 J S Kstabrook surveyor 13 00 W F MeUee road oversaer List 10 24 00 On county general fund Dr J C Dwyer jury room claimed 14 Alex Durr commissioners fees do It Ifauchette T r Spratt do 500 31 00 3 00 2H 00 14 70 3 00 On motion the claims of J R Lee and Alex Hoffman T C Hornby C V Holsclaw were laid over for infor mation On motion the following claims were rejected A N Compton assisting Dr C V Holsclaw perform surgical operation on Mrs Minnie Gibson 10 Robert Good publishing tax fore closure notices 2750 Comes now John M Tucker attor ney for Hershey Stettor and with draws the petition heretofore filed ask ing for license to sell malt spirituous and viuuous liquors in Wood Lake Nebraska On motion the following amounts were deducted from the above allowed claims and applied upon delinquent personal taxes 1 M Clarkson 00 Wm Steele 5 2 00 Nels Pnlen 00 W F McGeo 21 00 FolkPStus 20 20 KSLcc fi 00 J V Yeast 11 15 J C Dwyer 8 90 AN Compton 2 75 FTDrackett 4 00 DP White 4 00 FredKlliott 4 00 J II Wray 4 00 Win White 4 00 Krant Perkins 2 00 Frank UothleutnerlO 25 ltobort Good 27 25 Nls Pnlen 2 00 Wesley Holsclaw 200 SMoon 2 CO Craob Morgareidge 3 55 Whereupon the board adjourned to April 20 1900 Attest J W Daniels County Clerk A Testimonial from Old England I consider Chamberlains Cough Remedy the best in the world for bron chitis sajs Mr William Savory of Warrington England It has saved my wifes life she having been a mar tyr to bronchitis for over six years be ing most of the time confined to her bed She is now quite well It is a great pleasure to the manufacturers of Chamberlains Cough tfelnedy to be able to publish testimonials of this character They show that great good is being done pain and suffering re lieved and valuable lives restored to health and happiness by this remedy It is for sale by Quigley Chapman 1 LEGAL NOTICES VTOT1CE is hereby given that we have liled JUN with the county commissioners of Cherry County Neor a bond duly tested and accom panied by a petition praying that we be granted I a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous - owif liinorsin the village of Woodlake Woodlake county superintendent precinct Cherry County Nebraska March 25 1900 Board met as per adjournment Members all present On motion the following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the count general fund oiu pennon win ue cauca up ucmre me ooaru at their next meeting April 20 1000 GEO KGK Hints HEY JOHN G STETTEK Dated this 2Sth day of March 1000 Notice to Creditors In County Court within and for Cherry County Nebraska in the matter of the Estate of Thomas P Johns deceased To the Creditors of sud Estate You are hereby uotilied That I will sit at the County Court Doom in Valentine ia said Coun ty on the 21st day of April 11WO at 10 oclock a m to receive and examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited lor the pre sentation of cla ms against said estate is six months iroin thu 21st day of October A I 1S9 and the time limited for payment of debts is on year from sain 21st day of 180 Witness my hand and the sertl or said Couutr Court this 2Mb day of March 1000 lc lt W It TO WAE County 7 udge Notice of Incorporation Xotice is lierebv given that on the 2d day ot December AI the uuderigue4 associated themselves togtther a i body corporate and adopted certain articles of incorporation pro viuiug among other tilings as follows That the name of thb corporation shall be the Cornell Town Site and Land Company with the principal place of transactnm its bn3ines at Valsiiune 111 Cherry County Xebiaska Tne nature of the business to be transacted by tin corporation is to buy and own rent or sell and convey by niortgngecoiitractordeed real esta e in the Stale of Nebraska And to take own and transfer real estate mortgages orother securities in exchanee for re il estate or as a part of the purchase price thereoL The amount of capital stock authorized is S40000 to be paid in full at the time of the subscription to the stock The corpoiation to commence on the 2nd day of De cember AD isyy and terminate in fifty years thereatter ind is authorized Jo contract an in debtedness net to exceed twenty five percent of its capital stock The affairs ot the corporation to be Deducted by a boaid cf three directors a president a vice president a secretary atid treasurer IIIUAM COKXELI f CHAKLES H COKNELL K -It MILTON V XICHOISON Notice to Non Kesident Defendant In the liistrict Court ot Cherry County Neb raska Delia Suiter vs Leuuanl Suiter above named defendant will tnkp notice 011 the 2Gth day of Feby 1000 plaintiff filed a petiiiou mlhe Diftrut otirt of Cherry Count Xeb raska agdnstsald defendant the obji t and jirainr whHiis n obtain a divortv m the grounds of cruelty ant failure tj sup port plaintiff ami her minor children V on are i cqii ed to answer said petition on or before Mouday 23d day of April lxo upajL mui liiit Plaintiff Quigley LhapmaaDaMa 1 hr nr Notice to Non Resident Defendants Albert S Koss ami Margaret JJ Ross and M ry A Colby defend ants will take notice that on the 13th day of March 1900 1cld W Iloyer plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Cherry county Nebraska a ainst yo the object and prayer of which are tu foreclose a certain mortgrge exe cuted by tin defendant to Anderson V Uat cliff and i i tied to plaintiff upon lots 3 nnd 4 sectp 2 seUie4audncJse4scc I2tp25 r 33 to tho payment of a certain promls sory note titled January 8th 1892 for 370C and interest I here now due on said note and mortgage Ihc sum of 1092 for which sum with lnterct from January 8th 1900 plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may InJ jtalu to satisfy the amount foand due Yop are re quired to aiMwcr said petition on or before the 23rd dayor April 1900 REIO W KOYER Plaintiff P - F 31 WALCOTT his Attorney Dated Ma n 13th 1900 Notice to Non Resident Defendants George L Moss and Cora Moss his wife non resident defendants will take notice that tlie undersigned plaintiff has filed his action hi the District Court ot Cherry County Nebraska against the said defendants the object and prayer of which are to recover judgment for the sum of 16800 on nn imlebtedu ss due to plain till from the defendants for goods sold aud de livered by the plaintiff to the defendants at the defendants reqttcst that the plaintiff has caused an attachment to be made of tlm real estate ol the defendants consisting of the 0I 2 of the se M of section 3 1 and the wl 2 ol the swl t of section o township 34 range 32 in Cherry county for the satisfaction of said debt and costs and accruing costs You are required to answer the petition of plaintiff on or before April 2ad 1000 or the said petition and demand 01 the plniutllf will be ta ken 10 be confessed by you to be tnto by your default and judgment rendered against you You are further notified that on Tuesday June Cth 1000 at ten oclock a m or as soon there after v counsel can be heard the plaintiff will apply to the said court at the court house in Valentine Nebraska for an order confirming the sheriff eale thereunder in said cause and di recting sheriffs deed to Issue at which time and place you may appear and show cause against such sale if you choose EOWAltD SATTEKLEE Plaintiff A MMOKKISSEY Attorney for plaintiff 8 1 t In Notice of Sale the matter of the sale of real estate of William G Carson deceased Xotice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order ol the Hon W II Westoveroue of the District judges of Cherry Comity Xebraska made on tbe2Gtu day of December 1809 For the sale of real estate hereinafter described I will sell at the front door of the Court House in Valentine Xebraska on tbe 20th day of April 1000 at 10 oclock a m at puulic vendue to the highest bidder and on the following terms to Wit One half cash l alance on deferred pig ments secured by first mortgage on property sold the following described premises to wit The se4 sec 9 and 112 nwl and sw4 nw 1 sw4 sec 15 tp 31 r 28 Cherry County Xebraska Said sale to remain open one hour ALFKED LEWIS Executors of the will of MAItl A CAHSOX f Willliam G Carson 10 F M WALCOTT Attorney Notice to Non Resident Defendants To George 7I Davidson M L Davidson his wife real name unknown Maurice A Mead and Kufus C Frost partners doing busi ness under the firm name and style of M A Mead Co defendants You and each of you are herebv notified that on the 13th day of March 1900 Kittie Ben n us plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Cherry County Xebraska against you as de fendants the object and prayer of which are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows XW4 of section 24 twp 30 r 2C in Cherry County Xebraska for the taxes assessed aud levied thereon for either state county or school district purposes for the years 1894 1893 189G 1897 and 1898 for which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum ot 4293 to have an accounting of the amount due thereon together with interest from the 14th day of Februarys WOO at the rate or ten per centum per annum To have the said land sold for the payment and satl faction of the amount found due for such taxes interest penalties and costs aud the costs of suit and the costs of saIeto bar fore close and exclude the said defendants ana each of them from uaving or claiming any lien title interest or equity of redemption of in or to the same or any part thereof and for general relief You nnd each of you are required to answer said petition on or before April 23d 1900 KITTIE BEiVX Plaintiff A M MORRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff Dated Marcli 15 190O s 4C Notice to Non Resident Defendants To Sarah E Sill and C HTaucray Manager non resident defendants You and eacli of you are herebv notified that on the 15th day of March 1900 Kittle Beniias plaintiff liled her petition in the District Court of Cherry County Xebnuka against you im pleaded with C K Collins Receiver of Tne Xebraska Mortgage and Investment and The Xebraska Mortgage and Investment Co as vour co defendants the object and prayer of are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate as follows Lot 1 of sec 2 and lots 3 and4andsw4 iv4 of sec lT twp 29 r a in Cherry County Xebraska for the taxes asses sed and levied thereon for either state county or school district purposes for the years 1893 1894 1S95 1890 1897 and lR9Sfor Which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of 4990 to have an accounting of the amount due there on together with interest from the 14th day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per centum per annum To have the said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due for such toxes interest penalties and costs and the costs of suit aud the costs of sale to bar fore close and exclude the said defendants and eacli of them from having or chvming any lien title interest or equity of redemption of in or to the same or any part thereof and for general relief Ypu and each of you arc required to answer said petition on or before Aprirstd 1900 KlTtlhi BEXN Plaintiff A M MORKISSEY Attorney foy PUilutilT Dated March 15th 1900 - -it Notice to Non Resident Defendants Charles Hale nnd Xellie Hale Vr F Hamil ton and JJ Steffen or I J Stephen will take notice that on the 13th da of March 1900 WQV Ham Bachelor plaintiff herein filed his petition 111 the District Court of Cherry County Xebras ka against you the object ana prayer of which are to foreclose a curtain tax lien owned and held by plaintiff against s2 of the sw4 sec 29 twp 02 r M in Cherry County Xebraska ac quired by virtue of the payment of the delin quent ttxes upon the above described real estate for the years IS94 1895 and 189C which was regularly sold by the County Treasurer of Cherry County Xebraska on the 25th day of April 1893 for the non paymenc of the delin quent taxes on the said premises for said years amounting to S91G and by virtue of the pay ment of subsequent taxes for the years 1897 and 1893 amounting to 400 Plalutiff is now the owner and holder ot said tax lieus and there it now due plaintiff thereon the sum of 521 82 and attorneys fees for which sums olaiutiff prays judgment and decree that the defendants pay the same together with interests and costsand in default thereof that said real estate be sold as provided by law lor the payment of plaintiffs claim and costs You are required to answer said petition on or before Mouuaythe 23rd day of April 1900 WILLIAM BACHELOR Plaintiff 1Jy VVALCOiT his Attorney uaieu jiarcn 1 iyou S 4C Notice to Non Resident Defendants John Marouson Burt C Shepard and Mrs Shepard wife of Burt C Shepard first and real name unknown the Central National Building Loau Association incorporated will tike no tice that on the 15th day of March 19 X William 1 Haley filed a petition in the District Conrtof Cherry County Nebraska airainst von implead ed with Abram T White Susie K White and bldop Sparks and Charles H Cornell trustees the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered by the defendant John Marcuson to C Toneray upon the n2 sw4 iu se4 sec 8 twp 32 r 25 ber ry County Nebraska to secure the paymeuc of oue principal promissorv note of S350 00 dated Nov 17J88Gand interest PlauituT is now the legal ouier and holder of said mortgage aud there is now due plaintiff upon said note and mortgage ths sum of Gr with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the lpth day of March 1900 for which sum the plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants be re quired to pay Kiin sum and in tlefanit then of that said p emise may be sold uccordin tu la lo satisfy the amount found due plaintiff uitii interests and costs You are required to answer sain petition cuor before Monday the 231 ila of April i9po - - vTHjiJAM E HALEY PlalnMrf DtoMurfeniOlDvW5 i M WALCOrr Wa Attorney 4t 1 Mwsmmmmmimr PI A iY 17