KJB Tf SS SLaK3 m iiS j hi 1 IgfP 3---S Be fcv - iT x SHKK rS frs3i7 13 H 33 S2 s tTwUA ri f tj l 7flrv iLfl s ISlIlP WMSM h r53rii f SrV rttsrsRXS 1 5 Wrr7a3i tK3i sB - USVSIsEC J 3Sd - T - Baas r E- - fSfiS Egas uaaKiSSW Spr Se32b - ixatesvjf SSsffiV 5iT 2222i WALCOTT When Visiting Valentine Stop at C H CORXJEIX President B f3 JSi3 ggS - sasSv C3o3535woojo33 4 5 tf S R ANDERSON riy ride rany ugh comer ve tne 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 50 ash saved to you 55 4 95 ED FRONT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAMAAAAAAWt 2 2 c4 rffrrtffrfff r - itj THE COMBINE Ire enabled to offer these bargains in shoes icUur patrons Childrens Shoes - 25c tip Mens Shoes - - - 100 np Ijcidies Shoes - 100 ui After careful consideration we have decided to go out of the clothing business and to do so Will sell Clothing Regardless of Cost Buyers are requested to remember that we sell Flour Feed Grain and Hay and deliver to any place in town We still Haue on hand a Jjitile 5 cent Soda and lO cent Coffee We will sell any goods in our line as cheaply as any other reputable house GRABB MORCAREIDCE GENERAL HARDWAR E I have a Fine Stock of Wind Mills Pumps Pipes and Fittings Iron Beds and Spring Mattresses Our Prices are Always the Lowest come and see us before buying elsewhere i J322WJJ5W I UDWIC Successor to V AL00TT STEVENSON LIVERY BARN WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN THE CITY HOTEL vvvvvvyyywvvvvvwvwvvvvyvvvvvvvWyvvvwrryyvvyvvvvvvvvvvvv J A HORNBACK Proprietor L00 per day Good Service M V NICHOIiSOK Cashier ANK OF VALENT Valentine Nebraska NE A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic nd Foreign Exchange Unemleal National Bank New York Correspondents tm a n a A ALA AfkAJUAA AAAAJ First National Bank Omalia Neb ftAAJMMM5 The DONOHER Ab continually aMing improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable - FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold aer Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Foorot fr 53 ZZZZ 9c I w r W K sj V i I S Ji as- - L iSi tAAa jm - ssj wa6Jft3 I St OGRAT PubUsher 4rIMC JLIBHED EVERY THURSDAlf Entered at lb e Posfrofflce at Valentine CJierry Jounty Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subooribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhams Fui nished room to rent by J S tabrook f Remember Farnhams when you want shoes - An up-to-date stock of ladies shes at Farnhams Mrs J B Hull is visiting friends on the reservation Dave Steadman was in town from Kennedy Tuesday Revival meetings began at Crook ston Monday night D Frank Lamberson came up from Ainsworth yesterdaj7 Attorney Morrissey visited Wood lake yesterday morning Two business places for sale En quire of Cherry County Bank lltf Prof Watson and family have moved into the Kincaid property J B Pyrtle was a visitor -in town from Cody during the last week Judge Towne has built a line new porch on the -front of his residence It is time to clean up your alley Dont wait for the board of health See that job lot of handkerchiefs ties and suspenders at Pettycrews E A Worlick the Oasis merchant was in the city on bnsiness Tuesday Bennett Irwin was down from Gor don on business the rear end of last week Pete Decory the popular Rosebud ranchman and horse owner visited in town this week y W Chesnut of Gordon trans acted business in this city the front end of the week - Wanted A girl for general house work good wages if satisfactory Mrs O W Morey 11 tf Mrs J E Hendrix went to Cody with her family yesterday wheie she will spend the summer Farm to rent Some grain can be furnished Enquire at this office or address Box 49 Valentine We deliver groceries asAvellas feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Seven standard hand Come and buying iwjnv jS T pwisawyijaiB kinds of coal on see them before G H Hornby 0 L Taylor E E Williams F Mathews and Seth Austin were in from Pullman land officing last Sat urda3r J W Burleigh and J Folks started for Alberta B C Tuesday morning to look at the country with a view to locating Mrs F T Prawitz announces an opening display of trimmed hats on Thursday April 12th All are cor dially invited For Sale One black 4-year-old jack extra good pedigree Price right and terms reasonable N S Rowley j Kennedy Nebr 7 6t F M Sageser went to Crookston Monday morning to assist in taking an invoice of the EMcDonald stock of merchandise We received a letter from a friend near Simeon or Oasis last Friday but he did not sign his name so we cannot answer his inquiries C A Johnson the Woodlake bank er was in town yesterday on business He gives a very interesting account of his recent trip to Cuba W E Cottle shipped his goods and Tuesday morning started on his way to Alberta Biitish Columbia where he expects to make his home Cuts wounds burns sprains and bruises quickly heal if you apply Bal lards Snow Liniment Price 25 cts and 50 cts Quigley Chapman The name of J B VanBoskirk of Alliance is being mentioned by Box Butte county politicians for the nom J ination of stEfcte senator en the repub lican ticket Chadron News Even the most vigorous and hearty people haye at times a feeling of weariness and lassitude To dispel this feeling take Herbine it will im part vigor and vitality Price 50 cts Quigley Chapman druggists One more opportuuity From March 2Gth to April 15th Andrews will give a medallion with every dozen Platiuo Cabinet Photos This offer is made x to introduce the Platiuo work Re- member the medallion is absolutely 9 tf The Skimming Station village election passed off quietly Tuesday although there was considerable suppressed excitement among the partisans of the two tick ets in the field The ladies of the W C T U gave a free lunch to voters all day and although no prohibition ticket was in the field this led many to believe that there was a secret un derstanding which would result in the refusal of saloon licenses if the Peo ples or Anti Saloon League ticket was elected The election board was composed of Messrs Zarr S W Hols claw J M Clarkson W A Taylor and J M Tucker and their canvass of the ballots showed the following result For trustee two years Simons 117 J W Stetter 105 J A Sparks 94 Cornell 69 Elliott 02 Pettijohn 61 For trusteeoneyear Burleigh 112 Stinard 127 U G Dunn 51 Morgar eidge 52 This elects the entire Citizens tick et by majorities ranging from 25 to 76 the average being 52 A total of 179 ballots were cast against 142 last year and of these nine were spoiled and not counted The election insures Valentine having saloons for at least two years more Brownlee Store Burned A letter received from Brownlee yesterday morning conveys the intel ligence that the general merchandise store of Skirving Son and the post office at that place were burned to the ground about 1 a m April 2d Nothing was saved but a part of the postoffice supplies and as the entire building was in flames when the lire was discovered it is generally sup posed that the conflagration was the work of incendiaries The loss amounts to about 3000 with not a cent of insurance This is a sad blow to Skirving Son and we hope the fiend who started the fire will be dis covered and severely punished Citizens Ticket Elected The Valentine skimming station looks like business now The build ing is being erected on the lots west of Smysers where a well has been sunk the boiler is in place all the machinery is on the ground and everything is expected to be in work ing order within a week from this time This new inddstry will we be lieve prove of great and lasting ben efit to the people not only in Valen tine but the surrounding country and from time to time we will publish ar ticles calculated to assist those in terested and interest those who wish to be assisted Journalettes Merriman had two or three fights last week and things were lively for a time And yet some folks think the town ought to have a saloon Johnny Stetter of Valentine was in Gordon this week looking over the situation with a view of embarking in the wet goods business in case the li cense ticket is elected Ed Ross left for Detroit Michigan last Saturday night to spend some time in the school for stammerers It would be most gratifying to his many friends should he return cured Gor don Journal Patent Calf Veaner John Melshaw our republican friend in German precinct is the in ventor of a new calf weaner This explains how he turned so many dem ocratic votes in German last fall but His weaner will not help his cause any this year All the calves have been taken away from the party We might bargain for the use of his in vention on the republicans but it is impossible to wean them from the public teat Forcible removal is the only way to keep them from the milk- Offers a Big Reward C B Jacobson of Gregory was in town yesterday and informs us that he has decided to make a change in the reward offered on account of his 16 head of stolen cattle He will pay 100 for the return of the cattle and 300 for the arrest and conviction of the thieves The cattle were stolen about January 22 He also offers a standing reward of 250 in connection with his brand advertisement which appears elsewhere Kincaid Goes to Stanton W T Kincaid left Sunday morn ing for Stanton where he has secured a situation with the Scott Mercantile Co Billy has a wide circle of friends in Valentine and Cherry coun ty who will be sorry to learn this news but will wish him success in his new location Personally we1 can re commend him to the people of Stan ton as a thorough gentlemen a good businessman and a staunch friend Born To A M Sherman and wife Friday morning March 30a bouncing baby boy Art says hejnvoiced stock at the harness shop on Thursday and at home on Fridavand finds he is now worth something over a million dol lars at selling price He has already begun making a saddle for the ster - r A FEW PRICES FOR THIS WEEK Elkhorn Flour pei sack 105 Snow White Flour per sack 10 yards Blue Calico 50c 10 yards first quality Muslin 50c 5 lbs Evaporated Apples 50c Mocha and Java Coffee 25c Be careful to pay only your own bill That is all we ask of you New line of Shirt Waists New line of Shoes Ladies Suits and Skirts T C HORNBY Onion sets at Farnhams All kinds of garden seeds at Farn hams Sixty nine homestead entries were made at the land office last month W P Scott of Ainsworth was in town on land office business Monday A J Wilson manager of the Han sen Cattle Co was in town yesterday from Woodlake In the rush last week we neglected to mention that Geo Elliotts wife had presented him with a big boy baby Governor Poynter has designated Monday April 23 to be observed as Arbor Day this year according to statute Ainsworth elected a wet town board composed of F Finney Mel Hanna Chas Potter Chas A Barnes and Chas Hone Every Democrat should secure a copy of the Declaration of Independ ence frame it and label it Demo cratic Platform County Surveyor Estabrook who was out on official work in the west end of the county all of last week re turned home Tuesday morning Ole Dahl formerly of Box Butte was in the city yesterday making a change in his homestead entry so he can come to Cherry county and live For coughs and colds there is no medicine so effective as Ballards Horehound Syrup It is the ideal remedy Price 25c and 50c Quigley Chapman druggists A marriage license was issued on March 20 to Chris Smith and Florence Foulke both of Cooper and one on March 28 to George Johnson of Mer riman and Mary Steele of Cody Hay Springs creamery is the ban ner station on the F E M Vroad its milk receipts being greater than any other station Six thousand pounds of milk was skimmed Tuesday of this week Hay Springs Leader Miss Nell Latta was stricken with paralysis at the home of her uncle Chas Latta last week and was brought to town Tuesday afternoon She is stopping at Mrs Hardens and is under the efficient care of Dr A Lewis Look at your face and see if it is re flecting health or disease Karls Clover Root Tea beautifies the face and complexion and assures perfect health All druggists 25 cts and 50 cts Money refunded if results are not satisfactory k J W Whillans sold his harness business to Efner Sherman last weekand gave possession on Monday The new owners will retain the stock in the old location for the present John intends either moving back to his farm or seeking a new location The annual election of officers of Northern Star Chapter No 59 OES will be held in Masonic Hall Valen tine on Friday April 13 at 730 p m All members are requested to be present Sarah MunchowerW1M W W Thompson Sec Do not leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be procured while you are on board the cars or steamship It is pleasant safe and reliable For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 The Norfolk Nursery has a general assortment of fruit trees small fruit plants roses and ornamental shrubs Box elder ash elm and maple 10 to 15 feet high Forest tree seedlings suitable for planting windbreaks Early Ohio and Early Six Weeks seed potatoes Call at nursery or write E D Hammond 11 tf Norfolk Nebr -4 Hovrihtc Outbreak Of large sores on my little daugh ters head developed into a case of scald head writes C D Isbill of TVTrf rrn Tonn Vtff Dtirtrln5o A nica Salve completely cured her Its a guaranteed cure for Eczema Tet ter Salt Hheunij Pimples Sores Ul cers and Piles Only 25c at Elliotts 1 For Sale Iioolc Here I have got to quit the country and quit quick or die I want to sell and want to sell bad I will sell my -ice businesn at a bargain It will pny you to look this thing up It will bear investigation Fact Mdneyjn it to the right partv JIM BAY - 11 tf x Valentine Nebr fJZSZgsSS F f njtel GOOD BLOOD Makes strong during muscles I T t pve clear uuu u and en bright and quick step Springs Sarsaparilla makes the blood good It is composed of Sar saparilla Yellow Dock Stillingia Prickly Ash Iodides Potassium Iron and other equally valu able remedies 100 per bottle G for 5 Sold and guaranteed by4 QUIGLEYCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebiaska J C DWYEft PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Superintendent ol a For Private Hospital the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed VALENTINE THE UNION C A Wells NEBRASKA A N COMPTQN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Quigleys Drug Store Nights-Upstairs-Ked JFronfc Best 100 a day hotel In the citj Opposite Court House on Main St Everything neat new and cteaii Reasonable rates board byweafc 7- We are also prepared to Feeft and Stable Your Horse and solicit iour patronage as we arc sure we can satisfy you M WADpOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Practices Valtine Nebraska in District nonrt tt and R inntf xiil Office Real ft Esrate -Land bought and sow6 BoandKtee A M MOKRISSEX ATTORNEY ATALAW 4r o R S Dennis J B Wells WELLS BROS DENTISTS Office over Cherry County JBanJz OWMOEEY I 1HB VALENTINE Watch maker 4 AND JEWELER fr fl HnriMoc 9 o i i ling silver novelties VALBNTOT NEB K - A 4- T Valentine Ilouse J A nOOTOtf Prop Recently opened and newly furnished Not a restaurant but a hotel 100 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment to our patrons given First Door South of Bank of Valentine vp r It i L ft f U it -ft V L