t K i J 7 Backaches lrlr pearsng en 1 i Vr S of omen are wearying beyond ties crintion and they indicate real trouble somewhere Efforts to bear the dull pain are heroic but they do not overcome it and the backaches continue until the cause is re moved Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetble Compound does this more certainly than any other medicine It has been doing it for thirty years it Is a mans medicine for wo mans ills it has done much for the health American women Read the grateful letters from women constantly a Mrs Pinkham counsels women free of charge Her address is Lynn Mass y Hi th II Ill IBM IWHIWJH H hi POMMEL ssBaa m Keeps both rider and saddle per farflw Arr in fha hitvlacf Substitutes will disappoint Ask for x807 risn tfrana Pommel sucker It Is entirely new If not for sale in your town write for catalogue to A T TOWPP Rnctnn Mace fcmCaBl - ww Si BK3B99BKEZS EXCURSION RATES to Western Canada and par ticulars as to hoT to secure 160 acres of tho best Wheat growing land on the Conti nent can be secured on ap plication to the Superin tendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or the un dersiirned Specially con ducted excursions will leave St Paul Minn on the 1st and 3d Tuesday in snch month nnd specially low rate3 on all lines of railway are being quoted for excursions leaving St Paul on March 3th and April 4th for Mani toba Assiniboia Saskatchc wan and Alberta Writo to F PedleySnyt Immigration Ottawa Canada or the uudursigned who will mail you atlases pamphlets etc free N Bartholomew 306 5th St Des Moines Iowa W H Rogers Water town South Dakota W V Bennett 801 New York Life Bldg Omaha Neb B Davies 154 East 3d St St Paul Minn Agents for Govt of Canada From fcsgfl Factory to USER BmI fife ONE Profit Our High Akm MELBA Sewing MnoTiIne has all the Improve ments necessary Attach ments and Accessories with choice of oak or wal nut cabinet Is furnished with the latest improved AUTOMATIC SELF THREADING SHDT TLE By one movement the shuttle is threaded ready for service The MELBAhns thoDatcnt TAKE TJP Automatic BOBBIN WIADEB and a OOMPLETE set of best steel attachments carefully packed in a handsome VELVET lined case Weight of the machine weather wrapped and crated is about 110 lbs It is shipped at first lass rate The freight will Bverage about 100 within 800 miles of Chicago The cabinet work is ornamental the seven drawers and cov er being HAND CARVED and highly finished having the heavy NICKEL PLATED Ring Drawer Pulls etc Each machine is carefully tested before leaving our factory A MELBA sale to us means n new friend and customer for our general line of EVERYTHING you EAT WEAR nnd USE therefore we can afford to sell it on a close marcin and fully GUARANTEE it for TWENTY TEAKS will ship this machine C O D with examination privilege to any point In the U 8 on receipt of 200 with order Price of 7 drawer znachino all complete is 81485 OUR SPRING CATALOGUE of 1000 Illustrated pagea will be pent prepaid on receipt or 15 cents which pays part of express chnrges and will be refunded on receipt of first order This catalogue quotes wholesale prices on EVERYTHING you EAT -WEAR and USE Established JOHN M SMYTH CO 1SG7 1501C6 W Madison St Order by thisNo 200 K CHICAGO ILL Planning to Paper This Spring SSE2552c2ZES52ZEnEI22 Tirre U nothing that will to your HOME In point of HEALTH and BEAUTY a our SELECT WALL PAPER We carry ALL the lstnt detigtit at pop ular prices from 2 to JO nt per tingle roll Our large trade enables ni to handle the complete line IK CARLOAD LOTS hence we can price ALL pTadrt surpris ingly LOW A full line of Samples seut all charges prepaid FREE upon request Our Spring Catalogue of 1000 pages illus trating some of the line in XATURAL COLORS trill be tent prepaid upon re ceipt of 15c which pays part of the ex cress charces and will be refunded on r cript of toot first order This catalogue quotes wholesale prices on EVERYlHlNG yon EAT WEAR and USE Established JOHN M SMYTH COMPANY 1867 150 to 166 West Madison St Order by this Nc N200 K CHICAGO ILL If afflicted with Boro eyes use TtapsonsEyefater O How Happy I am to BE FREE from What They Really Say A man and his wife enter the thea ter As soon as they are seated and she digs around for the hat pins and removes her hat they look at each oth ers smilingly and seem to onlookers to be carrying on nn amiable animated conversation Heres what theyre really saying Husband Your hairs crushed and plastered down in front like a dago barbers Cant you give it a swipe thatll Wife Unreasonable thing How can you expect me to have my hair all fluf fy and nice as soon as I take off a heavy toreador hat that comes down over my Husband Well give it a cople o dabs anyhow Looks now as iflyoud been making a high dive cff a Wife There now does it suit your lordship Husband Oh well It isnt as dinky as it was Whats become of that what-do-you-call-it that rat thing you got to put under your front hemp a while ago That made it stick up some anyhow and Wife The dog ate it up and it was too warm anyway My what a fright ful hair cut your barber gave you to day Makes you look like a Russian moujik Dont you think youd better change your barber etc Washington Post You Can Get Allens Poot Hase FREE Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y for a FREE sample of Allens Foot iise a powder to shake into your shoes It cures tired sweating damp swoucn aching ieot It makes new or tight shoes easy A certain cure for Corns and Bunions All druggists and shoe stores sell it 25 cents War Lords Without Heirs It is remarkable that none of the three British peers who have won their peerages on the battlefield has a son Lord Roberts has just lost his heir Lord Kitchener is unmarried and Lord WolseleyS only child is a daughter though his peerage will pass to her Deafness Cannot Be Cared liv lopil vrnillnitlons ns thev cannot reach thfi 1 diseased portion of the ear There Is only one way to euro Deafness and that Is by constitu tional remedies Deafness Is caused by an in flamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing and when It Is entirely closed Deafness Is the result and unless the inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CHENEY Si CO Toledo O f Sold by Druggists 75c Why He Succeeded Biggs Is your friend Speaks a suc cess on the lecture platform Diggs Sure He has the faculty of making his audience believe that he knows as much as they do He Lakes Western Canada Duhamel Jan 24 1U00 Dear Sir and FriendWe had a lucky trip made good connections and got to Wetaskiwin Monday afternoon stayed there all night bought a pony and saddle for the boy and hired a three seated rig for the balance of us and got home to dinner next day caught the boys cleaning up and get ting ready to come after us Wednes day the snow was all gone and we had bare ground and bright sunshine for a month and it has been pleasant weath er ever since The ground is frozen about two feet and about six inches of snow just enough for good sleigh ing We had one cold spell in De cember The thermometer went down to 32 below zero but we did not suffer with the cold at all We have worked every day all winter Are all well and feeling well Have built a log house 18x18 two log stables 16x18 and are now busy on a well We have ten cows three other cattle and six head of horses The boys send their best respects to Mr Huchison and say they will talk to him enough to pay for not writing when he gets up here Will write you again next spring and tell you all about the winter We all unite in sending you and family our best wishes and respects and hope this will find you all well Yours very respect fully Signed THOMAS TATE Duhamel Alberta Canada P S It has not been down to zero this month It is 22 above now Hamlets Lucky Escape Polly Pinktights Did he ever do Hamlet Fanny Footlights Hamlets lucky if he didnt Hes done about everybody else Philadelphia Record liibby McNeill Libby Housekeepers frequently feel the need of luncheon meats which are either ready to serve or can be prepared for the table at a moments notice Such a need is abundantly supplied in the superior meats put up by the old reliable house of Libby McNeill Libby Chicago one of whose specialties is advertised in another col umn of this paper and their booklet How to Make Good Things to Eat is offered free on application There is no policy like politeness since a good manner often succeeds where the best tongue has failed- Magoon Is what Mrs Archie Young of 1817 Oaks Ave West Superior Wis writes us on Jan 25th 1900 I am so thankful to be able to say that your SWANSONS 5 DROPS is the best medicine I have ever used in my life I sent for some last November and commenced using it right away and it helped me from the Srst dose Oh I cannot explain to you how I was suffering from neuralgia It seemed that death was near at hand I thought no one could be worse I was so very weak that IJiardlv expected to live to see my husband come back from his daily labor But now I am free from pain my cheeks are red andl sleep well the whole night through Many of my friends are so surprised to see me looking so well that they will send for some of your 5 DROPS5 nilEffliyi A VI CKal I have been afflicted with rheumatism for 2 years Iwasinbed KHrlllUlQ I lift ill with it when I saw your advertisement in a paper recommending illlfaElinll0ni SWANSONS 5 DROPS very highly I thought I would try it Ithascompletelycuredme but I like it so well tnatl want two more bottles for fear I will get into the same fix I was before I sent for 5 DROPS writes Mr Alexander Futrell of Vanndale Ark Feb 6th 1900 Is the most powerful specific known Free from opiates and perfectly harmless It gives almost ins tan taneoasTelief and is a positive cure for Xtheumatlsm r Ta T1UM A Wnv Cava tfn irae Urony Malaria Creeplae Aumbnei etc etc- O A n A VC to enable sufferers to give 5 DROPS at least a trial we OU UAl 9 will send a 35c sample bottle prepaid br mail for lOe A uncle bottle wUl convince voc Alio larcre bottles SO0 doses el00 6 bottles for IS TRADE MASK J Sold by us and agents AGISTS WASTED la Hew Terrltor Write hs to day UWJLMOH XEEEUMATIO CUJfcJC CO to 184 Xahe St CHICAGO ULX KptWiMtK 3li3g n Hat n sar Hi MtiWf Mi iMSki 1 m m w fVA - VHQ SB nSMniriiiv ffl lA neNS a USE VjJ jv Soup J 4 s Per Plate A 10 cent can o Lsbbys Premier Soup makes 8 nUtes rull of rich pure tll rea V Murvini Drit MnllnffM I WT1V Mock - twv - 5 vf - y T7ie aenuine haveW L Douglas name and price stamped on bottom Take no substitute claimed to bs as good Your dealer should keep them if not we will send a pair on receiDt of mice and 2 w S X Turtle Chicken Tomato Kidney or Oiblet soup Sf S Drop postal for book How to Make 5 Good Things to Eat Libby McNelllfe Libby Chicago 5t5j5tJ5S5itS5t5Ciit55itKt55Jt3iiis rMkWiittrBWi Wii rgfiiawtiiiasf airimttirBricna FOR 14 GENTSS We wish to sain this rear 900000 new customers and n ence oif er 0 1 Pkcr City Garden Beat lUc SB PlcgEarlst Emerald Cncumberl5c ua uiudhu iarQkuobiiUbOi iw a Strawberry Melon 13 liar itamsn Early Ripe Cabbago Earlr Dinner Onion Brilliant Flower Seeds Worth 100 for 14 cents -I Cm 10c 2 loo 9 10o 15c 0 1J1U Above 10 Fkgs worth 9100 we will mail oa free together with our nreat Catalog tellintr all about SAUERS MILLIQH DOLLAR POTATO m npon receipt of this notice tt4c tb etamDs We invite yourtrade and zS S4i know when yon once try Snlxers 2 hcoiIh yon will never do wit n out aoo Prizes on Salzers 100 9 est eariiost Tomato Giant on earth CK A A SALZER SEED CO LI CROSSE WI3 SJOIL1 L DOUGLAS S3 350 SHOES Hgl Worth S4 to S6 compared r iTr TrD mi unir Indorsed by over looouuo wearers rit5i J i S I jAJmS V extra for carriace State kind of leather siip and width nlain or can toe Cat free FAST SS ur I nnilRlflSSUncrn RrnrUnn Mac CQtCaEYOETS I ELYS CREAM BALM Curo CATARRH It is placed into the nostrils spreads over the membrane and is absorbed Belief is im mediate It is not drying does not produce sneezing Druggists 50 cts or by mail ELY BROSE6 Warren St NY 4- nr RiiIIq r Jwr Positively cures coughs colds in the chest or sya hebwih i a inin Cough SyrupjaSisfeai for chilorea Tastes good Doses are smalL 25c CUHE3 WHEREAiTtLSE FAILS fRT 4 Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJbo KS3 in time Sold by druggists b Deal Children Learn Music An interesting work with deaf chil dren is being done under the direction of the supervisor of music in the De troit public schools A class from which the best results are obtained consists of about six pupils The chil dren gather around a piano resting their hands and in some cases their arms upon the instrument Soon after a piece is started the children will be gin to count in correct time with the music catching the accentuation of beats through the vibration of the wood Occasionally a child would seem to progress beyond the mere re sponse to time and count aloud with some approximation to tune When this fact was observed by the teacher the pupils were told to repeat the words baby baby over and over and at the same time a lullaby was played on the piano In a short time it was noticed that nearly all the chil dren with whom the experiment was tried indicated the air with more or less distinctness Still another experi ment was tried by singing the scale into the ear of a boy and playing it on the piano After a few trials the pu pil was able to sound the notes as well as could many children with unimpair ed hearing These tests seem to indi cate that singing with some degree of accuracy may be taught to most deaf children If such proves the fact a new pleasure and a new educative in fluence will come into their lives Buf falo Express Porcupine Fighting a Snake Several years ago I was an inter ested spectator at a combat between a hedgehog and a huge blacksnake said W D Ingraham of Memphis I came upon the scene just as the hedge hog began the attack upon the snake which was lying out on the road asleep The hog advanced cautiously upon the reptile and seized its tail in its mouth giving a sharp bite Then he quickly withdrew a few feet and rolling him self into a compact spiny ball await ed developments The snake upon being thus rudely awakened turned in fury on its antagonist striking the hog again and again with its fangs The wily hedgehog securely intrenched within its spiny armor remained per fectly motionless all the while allow ing the snake to keep up the attack At every stroke the jaws of the snake would become filled with the spines until at last exhausted and bleeding from dozens of wounds caused by the needle like spines of tne hog the snake gave up the battle This was evidently what the hedgehog was waiting for as he immediately proceeded to roll over the snake again and again until he had completely disemboweled his victim St Louis Globe Democrat Taking a Sample Butcher That newly painted front of yours looks thin How many coats have been on it Baker Well while the paint was fresh about 200 Every man waiting for car backed ud against that front j - - - f 5 - - W V f rig HEARD WHEN LIGHT WENT OUT Strange Observations in a Church Ves tibule When the Dynamo Quit lie other night in a Maine village the dynamo at the electric light station had a fit all of a sudden and there was darkness on the face of the land for a Uttle while A prayer meeting was in progress in the vestry of the Methodist church When the lights went out all the peo ple sat quiet thinking that in all prob ability the current would flash back again right away All at once there were voices in the vestibule Two young men had come In and were talking This Is d d funny quoth one of them profanely Why I didnt know It was anywhere near time for meeting to be over That minister Is getting lazy I told Gertie Id be here at the door when meeting let out Shell be mad and between me and you I dont care if she Is You never saw such a girl as she is never Wants to go to all the shows that come along and even went down and inquired of the jeweler how much the bracelet was worth that I gave her for Christmas Shes getting altogether too fresh thats what she is There are other pancakes on the fire dont you forget that Well I dont suppose there is any need of waiting round here remarked the other young man in robust tones Gome along up to my room with me I can furnish something more enter taining than walking home with a girl Ive got a bottle of Scotch whisky and you take a little hot water and Just then the lights flashed on in the vestry and the people within in order to drown out the conversation that was rapidly destroying the devotional spirit of the assembly struck up Sinner Oh Sinner Turn from Thy Ways And before the chorus was reached there was the rapid creak of shoes on the snowy walk outside and two prominent young men of the village retreated to think it over Lewiston Me Journal Charies Kcade at Oxford When Charles Reade was at Oxford he was not always from a proctors point of view a pattern for others to be guided by One night he and a com panion being without cap and gown were chased by the bull dogs Being fleet of foot they soon reached their respective colleges His chum was able to square the porter at Queens and passed in but there was no such luck for Reade when he arrived at Magda len Being a young man of resources he was not to be easily caught and looking about him in the moonlight he spied a ladder Planting this under his chamber window he was soon in his own rooms But the tell tale ladder remained behind so he managed to drag it up after him He always car ried a capital sportsmans knife which would saw as well as cut and with It he began to convert the ladder into fuel When his friend from Queens called in the morning to see how it fared with Reade he was told I shall be all right directly old man for Ive been up all night burning the ladder and I have just put the last bit of the blessed thing on the fire Crete has lost through political dis turbances of recent years olive trees to the value of 10000000 It will take forty years to restore the orchards to full bearing condition and the mean time 200000 Mohammedans and 300 000 Christians will have to starve 50c E 631 This is the genuine tablet nerer sold inbuilt - iLAJ VV Ver xvtt lany Rooks Jules Verne the French author who wrote Twenty Thousand Leagues Un der the Sea and many other books well known by boys has been busier than any other writer having written six more books than the number of years he has lived Perhaps Miss Braddon among English writers with fifty five novels to her name In thirty seven years most nearly approaches this wonderful record Rape and Speltz and Bromus Greatest cheapest richest food on earth these three make Wonderful tes timonials on same See Salzers Bip Cat alog sent you for 5c postage and this notice John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis How soon the soul starves when it begins to look at everything through money To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All drugciste refund the money if it fails to cure 25c E 17 Groves signature is on each box Of all the paths that lead to a wom ans love pity is the straightest Seau mont Pisos Cure for Consumption is an es pecially good medicine for Croup Mrs M R Avent Joneshoro Texas May i 1891 An extreme rigor is sure to arm everything against it Burke Mrs Wlnslowf Soothing Btbup tor Children teething so I tens the auras reduces inflammation allays pain cures wind colic cents a bottle To do oo no more is the truest repent ance Luther nEwmtmnroinMiM PromotesDigestionCkeiful ness and RestContains nritter OpnimMorpuine nor neral KlOT NAR C O TIC Rxxpc cfOldErSrVftJELPnUIER jbcSaina ItotfaUc SJtt ArdttSeed Jpptmsnt iCarionaSedz ffSnaJeed Svwsr FUrrw Aperfecr Remedy for Constipa tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions Feverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP- lacSinule Signature o NEW YORK exact copy or vrappeb Uiaaw 8 -a From Washington How a Little Boy Was Saved Washington D C When our boy was about 1C months old he broke out with a rash which was thought to be measles In a few days he had a swell ing on the left side of his neck and it was decided to be mumps He was5 given medical attendance for about three weeks when the doctor said it was scrofula and ordered a salve He wanted to lance the sore but I would not let him and continued giving him medicine for about four months when the bunch broke in two places and be came a running sore Three doctors said It was scrofula and each ordered a blood medicine A neighbor told me of a case somewhat like our babys which was cured by Hoods Sarsaparilla I de cided to give it to my boy and in a short vhile his health Improved and his neck healed so nicely that I stopped giv ing him the medicine The sore broke out again however whereupon I again gave him Hoods Sarsaparilla and its persist ent use has accomplished a complete cure MRS NETTIE CHASE 47 K St N E PPCC Accnt AVnntMl both Old ami Young rrtLL Send 2 Stamps for full particulars and fiYPQ sample of Dye mine Dyes for household u I LO use Sawyer 4 Boyle Mfrs Dover Maine S C N U No lS lOOO DEtfliOQV NEW DISCOVERY Rives STk JP II fl quick relier enre wont cnges Book of testimonials nnd 1 0 DATS treatment FKEE Dr a II UreciTa Bom ltox 8 AUanta tia MaKwH ill IiHf i i rgSSofglHglSBjaJBI1 3asiHMiiMtniiwiiiriiHiiiiiiiiniPHMi WljW JlS Him Hfr SkI H fll vyjijgwiiaaaay inliMivnMlVttltVjPHtf trttiiri1 i1 lthMHtJlMHhnnMlMMHhIP I II IjtMI ltd II r JgetablePxcparationforAs slmilating uteToodartdRegiila ling thpfltnmnrhs andBowels of 1 For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always iougfii Bears the I Signature A M fiW hi Use xp For 0e Get the genuine it you want resuusi laoiei is T7i ju sold In balk but only and always in the light blue metal box with the tens tailed C Loofc T lor xae traac iiwi mc w wiui a - r Thirty Years A THC CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CITY owels About the first thing the doctor says Then Lets see your tongue Because bad tongue and bad bowels go together Regulate the bowels clean up the tongue We all know that this is the way to keep and look well You cant keep the bowels healthy and regular with purges or bird shot pills They move you with awful gripes then youre worse than ever Now what you want is Cascarcts Go and get them metal box with the long tailed C on the lid cost 10c Be sure you get the genuine Cascarets are never sold in bulk Take one Eat it like candy and it will work gentiy while you sleep It cures that means it strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels gives them new life Then they act regularly and naturally Thats what you want Its guaranteed to be found in THE IDEAL LAXATIVE tj t nn acrartiirenever ALL DRUGGISTS To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to boy CASCARETS we will send hex free Address Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or New York mentioning advertisement and paptr 419 srKr9i j i K r m tfS SJ A