Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 22, 1900, Image 7

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T -e 3
There is more disability and
helplessness from
than any other muscular ail
ment but
has found it the easiest and
promptest to cure of auy form
Speltz 3romus Rape Corn Oats
Five remarkable things Bound to
make you rich Mr Farmer Salzers
catalog tells the story Send 5c postage
and this notice to day for catalog to John
A Salzcr Seed Co La Crosse Wis
Did Not ClasU
How do you liud your now partner
get alons
Smoothly I never smoke during
working hours and he never works
during smoking hours Chicago Tritf
To Cnre a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
25c E 37 Groves signature is on each box
Ijalcc Super or Keeps Its Dead
Lake Superior is remarkable for tlie
fact that it never gives ud its dead
VITALITY low debilitated or exhausted cured by
Dr Klinoa InrlRoratins Tonic FBU SI Trial Bottle
containing 2 weoks treatment Dr Kllnen Instituts
ZJ1 Arch Stroet Philadelphia Founded 187L
Iceland Ponies
icelana pmiles are led in winter on
Qsh heads
3Wr Windows woothinci tsrntjp lor Children
tiling 6otUis the suras leanceg inflammation
pain cure wind colic 15 ceiitVa bottla
The cynic might take syrup for his
mil I InVX - f
1 Shampoos of
And light dressings of CUTICURA purest of
emollient skin cures - This treatment at once
stops falling hair removes crusts scales and
dandruff soothes irritated itching surfaces
stimulates the hair follicles supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment and makes the
hair grow upon a sweet wholesome healthy
scalp when all else fails
Millions of Women
Use Cuticura Soap exclusively for preserving purifying and beautifying
the skin for cleansing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stop-
ping of falling hair for softening whitening and healing red rough and
eore hands in the form of baths for annoying irritations and chafLpgs or
too free or offensive perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weak
nesses and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves
to women and especially mothers and for all the purposes of the toilet
hath and nursery No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once
used it to use any other especially for preserving and purifying the skin
scalp and hair of infants and children Cuticura Soap combines delicate
emollient properties derived from Cuticuba the great skin cure with the
purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors No
other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for pre
serving purifying and beautifying the skin scalpj hair and hand3 No
other foreign or domestic toilet soap however expensive is to be compared
-with it for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Thus it com
bines in One Soap at One Price viz Twenty five Cents the best
skin and complexion soap the best toilet and best baby soap in the world
All that has been said of CrracrBA Soap may bo said with eTen groatsr eaajJaais
of Cuticura Ointment the most dolicat and yet most effective of emollUate and
greatest of skin cures Its use in connection with Cuticura Soar as per dissotions
around each package in the Ose Night Cure for Sous Hands in the
Instant Belief Treatment for Disfiguring Itchings and Irritations
and in many uses too numerous to mention is sufficient to prove its superiority
over all other preparations for the skin
Complete External and Internal Treatment for eusry Himor
consisting of Cuticura Soap 25c to cleame the skin of crusts and
scales and soften tho thickened cuticle Cuticura Ointmkht rso v
I It 1 jm A
Safr SI OR u J uuay ucniug innaaimauou ana irritation ana booldo ana
A fie Ootj v heal and Cuticura ItEsoLvrnT 60c to cool and cleanse the blood
A Single Set ia often sufficient to cnre tho most torturing disfiguring and humiliating akin
scalp and blood humors with loss of hair when all elso fails Potter Dsuo akd Cunt
Coup feele Props Boston All about tho Skin Scalp and Hair free
JL - ssszza 4 7mmmt u zrmsmasr
In the Senate on Friday a speech in op
position to the Porto Itican tariff bill was
made by Mr Lindsay Mr Masons res
olution expressing sympathy for the
Boers discussed in executive session the
question being the discharge of the com
mittee from consideration Mr Allison
reported from the committee on appro
priations the House -bill making appro
priations of customs dues exacted from
he Inland of Porto Rico from Oct IS
1S0S to Ian 1 1900 amounting to 2
On54 and gave notice that he would
Call up the measure Saturday At a
night hession reading of the Alaska code
bill was resumed In the House tho first
day pension session provided for under
the new rule proved a great success
There was comparatively little friction
and ninety seven bills were favorably
acted upon in committee of the whole
anil subsequently parsed The only inci
dentoC the session was a brisk exchange
between Mr Loud of California and Mr
Sulloway of New Hampshire upon the
general policy of special pension legisla
tion in which the former attacked and
the latter defended the system
The Senate on Saturday passed the
diplomatic and consular appropriation
bill after defeating an amendment to
give former Queen Liluokalani of Hawaii
20000 and an annuity of 100U0 The
House agreed to take up the bill pro
viding a government for Hawaii on April
3 the final vpte to be taken on April 5
at 4 p m Consideration of the Wise
Young election contest was resumed
Speeches were made by Mr Weeks
Rep Mich Mr Burke Dem Texas
Mr Hull Rep Iowa and Mr Linney
Rep N C
Mr Rawlins occupied the floor of the
Senate most of the day Monday in a dis
cussion of the Philippine question He
went deeply into the constitutional phases
of the question His argument was large
ly legal and technical He is opposed to
the holding of the Philippines Eighty
six private pension bills were passed The
House by a majority of seven voted to
unseat W A Young Democrat Second
Virginia district and seat R A Wise
Passed an xtrgent deficiency bill carrying
In the Senate on Tuesday personal ex
planations were made by Mr Allen and
Mr Butler of their positions on the finan
cial question both announcing their be
lief in the free and unlimited coinage of
silver at the ratio of 15 to 1 Mr Tur
ner began an extended speech on the
Porto Rico bill maintaining that the
pending measure is clearly unconstitu
tional The House passed the confer
ence report on the currency reform bill
by a vote of 1GG to 120 The report had
previously been accepted by the Senate
Two speeches on the Philippine ques
tion consumed the day Wednesday in the
Senate Mr Teller maintained that the
constitution could not extend over ter
ritory acquired by the United States Mr
Turner took a view precisely opposite
In the House the District of Columbia
appropriation bill was taken up and un
der the latitude allowed Mr Adamson
iGa discussed the Nicaragua canal Mr
Cowherd Mo the Philippine question
Mr Howard Ga questions relating to
the Philippines and the open door pol
icy in the Orient Mr Rucker Mo the
advisability of electing Senators by the
people and Mr Boutell 111 replied to
Mr Cowherd A resolution setting aside
alternate Fridays for the consideration
of private bills reported by the war
claims committee was adopted Bills
were passed to settle the title to real es
tate in the city of Santa Fe X M and
for the relief of Thomas Paul
The Senate devoted most of the day
Thursday to discussion of tlie 2000000
Porto Rican appropriation bill Heard
Mr Wellington in opposition to the seat
ing of Mr Quay When Mr Penrose
asked to have time set for a vote on the
Quay case Mr Gallinger said he desired
to speak on the subject Mrf Penrose
said the New Hampshire man had told
him he did not wish to speak thereon
and Mr Gallinger replied by passing the
lie direct The proposition to fix a time
for a vote was postponed one day The
House passed the District of Columbia
appropriation bill carrying G30S37S
and also a bill granting the abandoned
Fort Hays military reservation to the
State of Kansas for experimental station
and normal school purposes
TJbis and That
The receipts of public funds of the Phil
ippine Islands beginning Aug 13 1S98
and ending Dec 31 1S99 amount to G
Green Cockerham was killed and Wal
4ace Cockerham and a man named Boyd
seriously injured by a boiler explosion
Magnolia Miss
A single wild tribe of Western Indians
is using forty one kinds of vegetables
which are absolutely unknown to the ma
jority of cooks
The oldest note in the possession of the
Bank of England is dated Dec 19 1G99
for 555 In the bank library is a note
for 25 wliich was not presented for 111
The receipts of the patent office for the
calendar year 1S99 were 1325457 a
sum but twice exceeded in sixty four
The people of Seattle say that within
a short time not a pound of food products
west of the Mississippi will be shipped
East but will go to Asia by way of the
Pacific coast
From 40000 to 50000 young men from
tne rural districts annually go to New
York alone Ten thousand invade Phila
delphia Twenty thousand enter Chi
cago They flock into every large city
in the United States
Eighty per cent of the Uru
guay are used for the purpose of making
tasajo or jerked beef for exportation
to Brazil Cuba and Porto Rico
Mrs Taylor wife of the Governor of
Kentucky was in no way intimidated by
the exciting times in Frankfort She
visited the soldiers each day and carried
to them baskets of cake and sweetmeats
Spain lost 125000 soldiers in Cuba The
revolution cost 500000 Cuban lives Jose
Marti raised the flag of independence in
February 1S95 American intervention
ocenrred in April 1S98 American occu
pation began Jan 1 1899
Tl fit2 I A fl S
It is more blessed to forgive than to
have to be forgiven
Only a trial of Pisos Cure for Con
sumption is needed to convince you that
it is a good remedy for Coughs Asthma
and Bronchitis
When a man dies for years the light
he leaves behind him lies on the paths
of men Longfellow
Careless Mothers Who Use
Dangerous Purgatives
A Menace to Mankind Easily Avoided by the
Use of a Rational Remedy Every Mother
Should Heed the Warning
l ffl i m
2 w VIS I9f
J 9 M Mil
The slaughter of the innocents was noth
ing in comparison with the destruction of
infants caused by physic
Not so very long ago the poor little suffer
ers were usually forced to swallow violent
purges and it was luck Li they got over it
all right
The stomach and bowels of the baby are
sources of constant discomfort The milk
food sours in the babys delicate little m
sidesiand forms curd and the fermentation
of this undigested substance makes gases
which produce wind colic Then the little
people begin to scream with agony and the
excited mother or nurse pours down the
Thats the time for the use of Cascarets
Candy Cathartic If the babe be suckling
the mother makes her milk mildly purgative
by eating a Cascaret Older Infants eat a
little piece like candy In all cases Cas
carets are mild but positive never grip nor
gripe stop sour stomach move the bowels
naturally and put things right as they
should be
Now mamma buy and try Cascarets to
day Its what they do not what we say
theyll do proves their merit All drug
gists 10c 25c or 50c or mailed for price
Send for booklet and free sample Address
Sterling Remedy Co Chicago Montreal
Can or New Tork
This Is the CASCARET tablet
Every tablet of the only genuine
Cascarets bears the magic letters
CCC Look at the tablet before
yon buy and beware of frauds
imitations and substitutes
UUlt tVC VliCUU UU11 C flu
fe on receipt of price and asc
W Tin ffl
W L Ul 1
i fwv
is p j a Xwf V
Court Room Scene Where Judge Chambers Maintained the Supremacy of the United States in Samoa
fn a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co Chief Justice Chambers says the following of Peruna
Prevents much sickness particularly throat
and lung difficulties attributable to unsanitary
coalings on walls It has been recommended
in a paper published by the Michigan State
Board of Health on account of its sanitary
features which paper strongly condemned
kalsomines Alabastino can be used on either
plastered walls wood ceilings brick or canvas
and any one can brush it on It admits of radi
cal changes from wall paper decorations thus
securing at reasonable exponse the latest and
best effects Alabastino is manufactured by the
whom all special information can be ob
tained Write for instructive and interest
ing booklet mailed free to all applicants
Liberal Police R- Epilations Lead ta
Their Disuse
There are few countries in which
travelers now require passports in or
der to promote their convenience and
security In Brazil and Venezuela a
passport must be shown to the officials
before one is allowed to leave the coun
try for a foreign port This is a vexa
tious measure enforced apparently
for the sake of enabling a few officials
to collect small fees
In Russia passport regulations are en
forced with great stringency No trav
eler is allowed to enter the empire until
he has obtained a passport and con
vinced the Russian consular officers at
the port from which he sails that he is
neither a Roman Catholic priest nor a
Hebrew The question ordinarily asked
is What is your religion but it is
designed to provide against the entry of
either of these two classes
When the traveler arrives at a Rus
sian port with a passport which has
been properly vised and countersigned
at a consular office it is critically ex
amined by a police officer and duly reg
At the entrance of the hotel another
police officer takes possession of the
document and in thd course of twenty
four hours returns it with a permit for
a limited residence in the country
When the traveler departs for anoth
er city in the empire he must have the
passport countersigned by the police
This process continues until he reaches
the frontier wliich he cannot cross un
less the passport has been vised and
stamped by the police Not infrequent
ly tourists are stopped at the frontier
and subjected to comply with the po
lice regulations respecting passports
All this red tape causes annoyance
and irritation among tourists who are
apt to overlook the fact that Russians
as well as foreigners are compelled to
observe these police regulations It is
the business of the police to know
where everybody lodges A permit is
required if a native removes from one
quarter of a town to another Every
body is registered by the police when
he arrives or departs and foreigners
when they are in Russia are dealt with
on equal terms with residents
The same system prevails in Turkey
where it is not practicable for a for
eigner to travel without a passport
Elsewhere in Europe passports are not
required They are relics of a bygone
period when communications between
countries were slow and infrequent
Now that all nations are drawn togeth
er by the ties of constant intercourse
a passport is out of date except in
countries like Russia and Turkey
Six Feet of Debutante
Miss Mercedes De Laski one of the
latest London debutantes is 6 feet 3
Inches tall
Deterioration of Smokeless Powder
Smokeless powder stored in maga
zines for the use of sea coast guns lias
been found to have deteriorated to such
an extent as to be dangerous to use
Hows Tli is
Wc offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
F T CHENEY CO Props Toledo O
Wo tlie undersigned have known F J Cheney
for tho last 13 years and believe him perfectly
lionorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry outany obligation made by
their firm
WestTiutax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O
Waldixg Kixxax aiAiivix Wholesale
Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally actinc
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all
Druggists Testimonials free
Tt is not helps but obstacles not
facilities but difficulties that make
men W Mathews
Yon Can Get Allens Foot JSase FREE
Write to day to AllenS Olmsted LeRoy N
Y for a FREE sample of Allens Fooi Ease n
powder to shake into your shoes It cures tired
sweating damp swoiicn aching leet It makes
new or tight slices easj A certain cure for
Corns and Bunions All druggists and shoe stores
sell it 25 cents
When you speak in your praise yon
add nothing to your reputation Ter
A salary of 18 per week and expenses will be
paid to man with one or two horse rhj to intro
duce our Poultry Compound and Lice Killer
among farmers Address with stamp
Acme JIfo Co Des Moines Iowa
rvj in ii i C
have tried one bottle of Peruna and can truth
say it is one of the best tonics I ever used and
I take pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers
who are in need of a good medicine 1 can recommend
as one of the very best remedies for catarrh
W L Chambers
P Isa durable and
j natural coating
ws for wallB and enif
ings made ready for use by mixing with cold
water It is a cement that goes through a pro
cess of setting hardens rithv age and can be
coated and rocoated without weshinir off its
old coats before renewing Alabastineis made
in whito and fourteen Tjeautiful tints It is
put up in flvo pound packages in dry form
with complete directions on every package
notbe con
eomines as it is entirely different from all the
various kalsomines on the market being dur
able and not stuck on the wall with glue
Alabastino customers should avoid getting
cheap kalsomines under different names by
insisting on having the goods in packages
properly labeled They should reject all im
itations There is nothing just as good
Q S3
jfi lu33
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
viltA fn rt tirMt S
Ul I uuvu imi i vuu n4uiduairt7
that w ill keep you dry In the hard- FpTj
blicker if not for sale in your i
town write tor catalogue to
A J luwtK Boston mass
irv jumutAEW
n i
a n
g jfcy 3 1 a fcsiraV
S3 3g SHOES g j gj g
SWorth S4 to S6 compared
i withnthprmalfpi A
vlndorsed by over
Tlie acntzine have W L
uousias name ana price
stamped on bottom Take
no substitute claimed to be
as good Your dealer
Lu t i r
siiuuiu Keep uiera SB
k JF
E dWr i fri r rrc Cf i trr rt vfTi
waum w tukw huxbi hu w twatuui
size and width plain or cap toe Cat free
The best remedy fee
children and adults
fur fit- nncp conchs
Cough Syrup
bronchitis andindpieutconiumption lrice5
FOR 14 GEfrrss
We wish to cain this year S00CCO
new customers and henco offer tt
1 Plte Citv Garden Bent loci
lPkgEarlst Emerald CacBniber6c Z
ijUrosse Market Lettuce 16c X
Strawberry Melon 15o 2
13 Day Rsdiib 10c
Early RipeCabbage 10c
Early Dinner Onion 10c 0
Brilliant slower Seeds 15c A
Worth 100 for 14 centi STu m
8WIJI ffl1 AboTOlOPlcjrs worth 100 to will 8
sl mail yea free together with oar tV
great Catalog telling all abont
upon receipt of this notice A 14c 2
stamps we invite yonrtride and 2
icnowwnenyoa once try aizera 5
maoila vrnn will vt mim r n I An- flH
53B30 Prizes on Salzers 1UOO A
est earliest Tomato Giant on earth ex m
lgg0ttgg89Sa3 i
1SKY and allow liberal prices for the same In ex
change for new Our stock of Cylinder PrcVes Job
Presses Paper Cutters and Gas Engines is complete
If you wish to trade or buy let ns hear from you W
have bargains to offer SIOUX CITY NEWS
5 Washington DC
SuccessfuIIv Praecutf5 Claimc
T iAQ Principal plTmlrflT T7K PTinrm Rnrr
3yrsin civil war 15a4iudicatinrcLtiiaiatty since
onick relief k cares worst
cane Boole of testimonials and 1 0 DAYS treatment
PKKE Dr II II Greens Sons Box S Atlanta iia
o Of JN t
Xo 12 1900
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good TJce I
In time Sold by drnzrista
It poiItlTelr the creatert cereal and itrav food ea earth Falier tst ia
Yleldi BO on rlener grain than corn aad 4 tans itraw hay better than tuaotsy
vumtm E x our uBia ra jicia m oas ana joe ur fanner
-- can beat that Its the best oaM on earth Salier taya t o I
S Eared Earliest Corn viUrerolauonlz corn erowiaj Satzeraayi so
lirumui anennia urcaten grass on earta t to 6 tons
hay per acre Will floorlsb erery shere Salxer sars so
Eape CheaDest food on earth for sheen and f tv Will fitum
i saeep at je a lb Costs bat Se a ton to groTT JEilzer says so I
V ezetablea Largest growers Onion seed only 80c a Ej
J35 Pkgs Earliest Vegetables postpadSIOO
Greatest potato vosder on earth enonnonilTnrnl flr
k ci ii zr rzr
ouBugBtuc earnest potato oo eann Hlpc in 65 day
For 10c Btasaps and this Notice wc send
10 pkgs Graia Grass and Ferace f arm Seeds worth SlOto
geta start and great seed Catalog teUlngyonaU about aboxa
auirc occas in otct su unas ciorers ana grasses Tees late
afiutj juun cit ana vow Deans tools cto C Jf
utpmnmu I n I iuiim in u II ii m im i4