Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 22, 1900, Image 5

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Have you seen our
Spring line of
- i
further notce we
will sell all 24 and 25
inch prints in stock at 5 cents
per yard All other dry goods in
We must make- robin for our
Spring Goods
fidjpWe sell coal feed and salt
RANCH Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
TRADE riirht Special attention given to pumps
OUE tanks etc
2 Of the Choicest Brands
Emcst Hanim
George Trotter
B C Allshouse
George Murray
Henry OT Lee
WP Conley
3Iaude Morgareklge
Frank Schroder
C I Brown
B B Swett
Oliver Taylor
E A Holsclaw
Seth JAustin
George Spragg
Margaret L Mmvan
Adelbert Kneeland
Joseph Janak
Henry C Hofgard
Mary FSpeek
Arfhur R Brlggs
Albert W Brlggs
H r ranch -
o x niii
Thomas i More
CO Goodrich
LN Carter
CE Wolfeuden
Jnlla A Smalley
BB Midrews
L EDabltrrin
Stephen CTatman
Leonora F Shaw
Nellie L Johns
Alary CLattawid
Win Johnson
John W Short
li A Pote
Edward VStrattou
Bertine M Wilhite
Robert E CIopp
Jacob Ilembel
Delia E Smith
Adelia Young
John J Sanaall
Woodlake Neb
Gordon Neb
Simpson Neb
Newton Net
Newton Neb
Irwin Neb
Valentine Neb
rtSS XS C n
Oasis Neb
Woodlake Neb
Pullman Nen
Valentine Neb
Pullman Neb
Spragg Neb
CrooKston Neb
Woodlake eb
Woodlake Neb
Pullman Neb
Pullman Neb
Clinton Iowa
Clinton Iowa
Pullman Neb
Pullman Neb -
Brownlee Neb
Codv Neb
Woodlake Neb
Kennedy Neb
Norden Neb
Brownlee Neb
Merriman Neb
Ainsworth Neb
Lutes Neb
Brownlee Neb
Simeon Neb
Bassett Neb
Bailey Neb
Kennedy N b
Gordon Nob T
Gordon Neb
Gordon NVb
Kilgore Neb
Brownlee Neb
Browi lee Neb
Basselt Neb
John FTate vs Albert R Randall
C R Walcottv Samuel Steuert
J I Esiton vs Anton Frderikseu
RS Dennis vs M B Fergusou
RS Dennis vs LC Dunn
Carl Kroegervs W J iarrott
Hair carting and shavmjr
Subscribe for The News Democrat
and get ail the news local and tov
eijgn per year
HE lot Ip2iiw swne
HE s2se sftsw nwse 10-28-40
HE sene 10 e2nw swuw 11-29-34
HE nenw n2ne 8 mvn w 9-29-33
HE e2sw w2se 31-34-39
HE lots l2 3nese 24-35-39
HE s2se 22 e2ne 27-35-38
HE n2 tw 2Gw2ne 27 2330
H E lots 12 e2nw 19-30-29
HE n2ne 10-30-28
HE s2ne 82nw 2-28-37
HE lots 67 nesw sene 30-30-27
HE s2sw s wse 2 nw u w 1 1-23-33
TO w2n W W2s w 22 2G20
HE s2se 1-34-30 lot 7 sesw 0-34-29
HE e2nen2se
HE n2nw swnw 13 sene
TC s2sw s2se 13-27-35
TC lot 4 sesw S2se 19-27-34
H E c2se swse 12 nwne 13 28 3G
HE S2SW w2se
HE lots 12 3 and 4 1-27-29
HEnesw e2nw 10 sesw 2-31-31
H E lot 3 5 29 s2si sesw 32-30-25
HE sjnw ne wswne 9-29-30
HEs2se S2SW 29-33-23
HE sJsw hwsw 4 nenw 9-27-31
HE sese 14 s2sw 13 nwuw 24-33-37
HE lots 12 S2ne 2-29-22
HE lots 34 e2sw 7-34-19
HP w2ne s2nw 12-30-30
TC lots 12 sene 4-29-18
TC nesw mv e 2se 12 31 36
HE lots34 3 lot I 4 29 sese 33-30-31
HE s2sw swse 21 sese 20-34-39
HE nesw sen w 28-34-39
HE ii2nv nwne 23 nene 29-34-39
lots 34 s2uw 1-34-31
HE s2nc nf ne 33 sese 28-28-27
H E W2S w w2iiv
TCllW 8-30-18
HE s2w s2ne 2329 35 -
TC S2se s2sw 23-28-32
T C sene n2se sese 32-28-30
TC loss 1 2 3 and 4 4-27-3
TvJ s2se s2s w 33-28-32
HE lots 12 e2se 19-35-34
March 17
March 19
March 19
March 20
March 20
March 20
March 24
March 24
March 27
March 24
March 26
March 30
March 31
March 31
April 4
April 5
Aprii 7
April 7
April 7
April 7
April 10
April 10
April 11
April 12
April 12
April 13
VApril 14
April 16
April 17
April 21
Apnl 2l
April 21
April 23
April 23
April 24
April 24
April 24
April 25
Aprii 20
April 20
April 28
March 21
April G
Anril T
1 - I II
4X Ji 11 1
April 10
North Western Line7 is the best
to and from the
masuc asaaa -
a9 V99 f 99 999999 9999999 9999999993
Following will be found a list of notices of final proof and contests
to be made in this district as shown by the land office records
Corrected to March 14
It is the most complete we have ever offered Large variety in
Dress Skirts - Underwear - Shirt Waists
s Hosiery - Gloves - Wrappers
Come and see them Prices right
Spring Millinery Opening Saturday
March 31 Styles strictly the Latest
ROBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
name mentioned as is also that of his
brother John
With Puerto Kico Cuba the Phil
ippines and Hawaii all to bother Uncle
Sam it is no wonder he cannot attend
to his affairs at home
Englands Demonstration
Valentine Nebr March 19 1900
Editor News Democrat
I have been asked so often of late
what I thought of Englandls demon
strations in favor of Ireland on St Pat
ricks day
This is what I think
After seven hundred years England
has admitted that her Irish nigger sol
diersa class she has recruited from
the slums and hovels and ignoramuses
she has created for this and other such
purposes in the island once known as
the island of scholars and doctors
that they are very brave And that
there was at one time a christian
sionary by the name of Patrick taught
1 the christian religion in Ireland which
j they have always pronounced a myth
And owing to the menacing attitude of
France and Russia and some others
ami there does seem to be others we
will display the harp the gold and the
green surmounted by the British
crown All this humiliation and soft
soap suds that Albion has condescended
to throw at his ravished sister Isla Erin
whose offspring he beholds with fear
and jealous heartless hate will not be
followed by any concessions except on
Daper as of yore As soon as the
threatening lash of said powers will be
out of danger said robberies of weak
and unarmed will continue which a
royal commission of their own choosing
1 claim they have and arc now doing in
the case of said sisler Isla Erin to the
tune of fifteen millions ln 000000
3 earl contrary to their own infamous
act of union Dr O Dwver
Eli Precinct
Cold dry and windy has been the
program with the weather man for the
last week or ten days
U Hunt was down to Woodlake last
week visiting his daughter
G Oaks and Jess Hunt attended lit
erary at Center school house last Satur
day night
Airs A D Ford has been in Cody
the last week or ten days nursing a
badly spraiued hand
George and William Heckel have
closed a deal by which they become the
owners of the Johnson place on the
Almost everyone is fond of sweet
meats but there is a young couple on
the river who seem to be especially
fond of taffy
Chas Gensen from the south hills
Was over on the river on business last
P B Nichols was made the victim of
misplaced confidence by a tramp he
took in and fed about all winter About
two weeks ago he the tramp was ta
ken with a desire to file a homestead
claim on some of Uncle Sams vacant
land but he lacked 14 of having
enough money to make his filing good
so Nick came to his assistance with the
14 and enough to pay his expenses to
Valentine and back Pete Jerman
Dan Alder and Ch s Nichols wishing
a chair except propped by cushions
No remedy helped him until he tried
Electric Bitters which effected such
wonderful change that he writes he
feels like a new man This marvelous
medicine cures backache and kidney
trouble purifies t e blood and builds
up your health Only 50c at Elliotts 2
The following is a report of the
Georgia school for month endingMarch
2d Those not absent Earl Davis
Soward and Vera Wilson Those not
missing over one or two frxys Arthur
Emma and Axel Anderson Carrie Wil
son Gussie and Stanley Rothleutner
Freddie and liollie Hoffman Stella
Sadie and Bessie Johnson Number
enrolled 25 Margaret Kibler
V- U W
The Crookston Teachers1 Association
will meet at the sehooflniilding ou
March 24 at 130 p ra All persons
interested in school work are cordially
invited to attend
will be
The following
How to
TVjwIi lhi rpwranhv nf NVhmslci V
No Question is ever Settled Until it is Mfea EUa Brown -Current Events--Settled
Bight j Miss L511ie CoUett P 123 to lc5 of
Shoups Science and Ilistory of
Nobodv seems to know who the re- cation Articles from Teachers
publicans will nominate for county at- World and The Nebraska Teacher
torney but w6 hear II O Tuckers Jliss Carrie A Gee Pres
Miss Lillie Co lett Secv
Nothing Li ten It
You should remember that no other
medicine is like Shilohs Consumption
Cure in any respect If other remedies
have failed to relieve your cough or
cold that Is all the more reason why
you should try Shilohs Always sold
under a positive guarantee Ii it does
not help jou -the druggist must give
back your money 25 cts 50 cts and
100 a bottle k
JLooJi Out
Look Out is a thoroughbred stallion
bright sorrel in color and was sired by
UoldI3roeck lie will stand in Cody
from the 1st of April until the middle
of June Terms He will serve a lim
ited number of approved mares at 25
each to insure with foal money due
and payable as soon as mare is known
to be with foal parted with or taken
out of vicinity Owner reserves the
right to avail himself of the statutory
lien to secure payment of service nioney
Care will be taken to prevent acci ents
but 1 will not be responsible for any
that may occur Daniel Truax
Cody Nebr
It is not so much what the newspa
pers say as what neighbor says to
neighbor or friend to friend that has
brought Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy into such general-
use It is as natural for people to
express their gratitude after using this
remedy sis it is for wter to How down
hill It is the one remedy that can al
ways be depended upon whether a
baby be sick with cholera infantum or
a man with cholera morbus It is
pleasant safe and reliable Have you
a bottle of it in your home For sale
1J Qmgley Chapman druggists 2
itrHiibulk 60c per cwt 11 00 ton
Miorls bulk
70c per cwt 13 00 ton
17 00
14 IQ
18 00
Strayed from near Gallop one red
yearling steer branded PMgon left hip
Small white spot onleft side
Liberal reward W M Sellers
Gallop Nebr
ffljwfpy maw i
FOR RALE Cnnsifcting of 50 15RFD
Heifers and Ows 25 head of one anil
two rear old Bulls all of SCOTCH and
CRUIKSIIANK breeding Prices Right
Sold singly or in car lots vddresi
131 West Second St MaSON CITY IA
X OTICE is eroby given liat we the un
1 uudersitrned have filed with the honorable
board of coiiut commissioners of Cherry coun
ty Nebraska a petition accompanied ny a bond
duly tested piiin that F L Rose and J E
Hendricks be granted i license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liq ors in the villaue ot
Cody Boiling Springs precinct Cherry County
Nebraska F h ROSE
Dated this 3d day of March 1903
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
In the District Court ot Cherry County Neb
raska Delia Suiter vs L uiianl Suiter above
named Hetendaiit will take notice on theGtii
duyof Feby 1000 plaintiff tiled a pel h ion
i in the Dietrit ourt of ClierrS Cotintv
to advertise to make final proof 011 their raska against said defendnut the object and
prayer of whijii h to obtain a divorce on the
iiiuu Liie siiiu nump was uuiinin
enough to agree to attend to the busi
ness for them so the thiee chipped in
5 each and swelled the obliging mans
pile 15 more AAd he never came
back nor did the final proof notices ap
pear Sandy
A Fkcstilish Attar it
An attack was lately made on C F
Collier of Cherokee Iowa that nearly
proved fatal It came through his kid
neys His back got so lame he could
not stoop without great pain nor sit in
grounds of extreme cruelty and lailurc to sup
port planum and ner miinr cniidren
on sire miiiied to answer said petition on
or before Monday 23d day or a pril I9t0
V V M WALCOTT her Alty
Dated March 13th ltiJO
a HI a Xr ffH
IPC Uwrnm
I jT t 1 A- l
- frtfmf7m
HTTWH 1 1 wWHfti im1 iMJarTWIHoB WIW
j Karls Clover Root Tea
Q beautifies the Complexion Purifies the
I Bv00dv Eives a Fresh Clear Skin Cures Con-
1 f Pc0 Indigestion and aU Eruptions of
tlie fakin An ap eenble 1 arative Nerve
V Tonic Sold on absolute giarantec by all
druggists at 25a 50c and 100
Notice of Election
Xotlff is hereby glvn that on Tuesday April
3rd 1000 tlo re will he held at llr usual voting
place hi the Vllhge of Valentin Nebraska nn
eleLiion u provided by the laws of the state or
Nei itr t silwhiuh the following olllcerswill
be i fifl zj
Titiw vllliigu trustees for the term of two
year- ac two village trustees for the term of
one mm r P F SIMONS Chairman
Dal d Mirch 15 1000
Order to Show Cause
i In the District Court of Cherry County Neb
j In the matter of the aiplicntln of Clayton
S nith guardian of Guy Trammel and Catoy
Treinmel minor for the sale of real estate
This cause came ou for hearing upon the pe
tition of Clayton Smltn guardian of Guy Tem-
ineiauuuarey -trammel minors praying lor it
cense to sell the ue4 eetion VA township 33
rauise Kuiierry eouiuj eurusKu xor me pay
j meiit of debts and for the support maintenance
and education of said minors th re being no
personal property for the payment of s id debts
and expenses it is then fore ordered that all
persons interested in said estate appear belore
me in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska on
the 23d day of April looo at 10 oclock am to
show cause whv license jsliould not be granted
to said guardian to sell said real estate and it is
further ordered that a copy of this notice be
publMied in the Nkws Dkmociat of Valen
tine Chi rry County Nebraska for four consec
utive weeks
Daied this 22nd day of March 1000
I V H WEsTOVEE District Judge
F ar WALCOTT Attorney y it
Notice to Npn Resident Defendants
U S Grant Pettycrew aid Mrs Pettycrew
his wife Hrst and real name unknown
I dent deieudants will take notice that the under
r signed plaintiff has filed his petition in the Die
1 tnet Court of Cherry Count Nebraska against
the said uefendauts the object aim prayer of
which are to giecover judgmeii for the sum of
S i7i00 a balance due to cue plaintiff irom the
delcndant on two certain promissory ikics
dated Lead S D April 4th 1898 for the sum of
200 eaeluaud payable to the Alexander Mer
cantile Co and signed and executed by the de
fendant which notes have since aud before
maturity been endorsed and assigned to this
plaint ill that the plaintiff has caused an at
tachment to be made of the real estate of the de
leudant consisting of the sv4 of section 21
township 35 range 27 and Lot 13 in Block G of
the town of Valentine Nebraska all in said
Cherry County Nebraska for thesatisfaction of
said debt and costs and accruing costs
You are required to answer the petition of
plaintiff on or before April 30th 1900 or he said
petition and demand of plaintiff will betaken to
be conresed by you to be true by your delault
aud judgment rendered against ou
K G EASLEY Attorneys for
A M MORR1SSEY f Plaintiff 9 4t
Order of llearin on Original Probate
of Will
Cherry County f Ka
Tn the matter of the Estate of Micnael
Schneider eceased
On reading and filing the petition of Gottleib
Quade praying that the instrument filed on the
2lst day of March 1900 and purporting to be the
hist will and testament of the said deceased
may be proved approved probated allowed
and recorded as the last will and testament ot
the said Michael tfchneiuer Ideceased and that
the execution of said instrument may lie com
mitted and the administration of said estate
mav he granted to Gotteib Quade as executor
Ordered ThatTApril 7fh AD looo at 10
oclock am is assigned for hearing s tid peti
tion when all persons interested m said matter
may appear fit n Couutv Court to be held in and
fur said county and show cause Why the prayer
of petitioner should not be grautcl and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to ail persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the News Democrat a weekly newspa
per printed in said couutv for 3 Biiccrsiive
wccks prior t said dav of hearing
9 4t V R ToWjSE County Judge
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To C H Tancray first and real name unknown
ind hmma It Tancray his wife non-resident
defend nts
You mid eacli of you are herebv notified that
on the irth d y of March 1900 Kittie Hennas
plaintiff ii ed her petition in the District Court
of Chsrry Count Nebras a against you im
pleaded with The Nebraska Mortgage ad In
vestment Company and C K Collins Receiver
of The Nebraska Mortgage and Investment
Company as your co defendants the object aud
prayer of which are to establish and foreclose a
tax lien upon real estate as folows Sal or sec
27 twp 30 r 2G in Cherry County iNebraska
for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for
either state county or school district purposes
for the years 1895 1890 1897 and 189S for wbicli
said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum
of 3518 to have an accounting of the amount
due hereon together witti iutei est from the 14th
day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per
centum per a num
To have the said laud sold for the pavment
and satisfaction of the amount afouud due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs aud the
costs of suit and the costs of sale to bar fore
close and exclude the said defendauis and each
ot them from having or claimum any lien title
interest or equity ot redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23rd 1900
KITTLE BENn Pbtintiff
A M MORRISSEY Attornev for Plaintiff
Dated March 15th 1900 S lt
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
William J Watson and Jane Watson his
wife ieiendants wi 1 take notice that on the
15th day of March 1900 Preston Atwood plain
tiff htrein filed hi petition in the District Court
of Lherry County Nebraska against said de
fendants the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendant to tie Western Farm Mortgage
rruM Company mid JaSsigned to plaintiff upon
I he following described premises Lots 1 and 2
and e2 nw4 sec 7 twp 33 r 30 to secure the
payment of a first mortgage bond dated Feby
1st 1890 for the sum of 30000 due and payable
in live years from the date thereof together
witli Interest evidenced iy 10 coupons of same
date of 310o0 each with interest from matur
ity that there is now due upon said bond cou
pons and mortgage together with taxes paid
b plaintiff the sum of C700d Tor which sum
with interest from tnis date plaintiff prays for
a decree that defendants be required to pav the
same or that said premises mav be sold io sat
isfy the amount found due You nre required
to answer said petition on or before the 23d day
of April ISW0 PRESTON ATWOOD Plaintiff
By F St WALCOTT Ids Attorney
Datud March 15th 1900 8 4t
Notice to Xon Resident Defendants
To KlishaEgelstonChloe Hgelston T C Can
non and C Ii Taucray non resident de
You Hiid eaehtnyoii are herebv notified that
on the 13th day of March 19to Pauline W
Stuckey as plaintiff filed h r petition in the
Distort Conn of Clierrv C unty Nebraska
against you impleaded with The Nebraska
Mortgage aud Investment Company aud C K
Collins Keceiver of The Nebraska Mortgage
and Investment Com pan v a- vour
the object aud prayer f which are to es
tablish aud toreclose a tax lien upon real estate
as follows N2 nw4 aud n2 ne4 of sec 21 twp 31
range 27 inch rrv County Nebraska lor the
taxes assensed and levied thereon for either
state county and school district purposes for
the year 1834 95 1M3 1897 and 1893 for which
said lauds were sold to this plaintiff Tor the sum
of572t to have an account imr of the amount
due thereon together with interest from the I4lh
day of March 1900 at the rate of ten per centum
per annum
To have said lands sold for the payment and
sat isfaction of the amount due for such taxes in
terest penalties and costs and the costs of sine
and the costs of to bar foreclose and ex
clude the said defendants uud eacli of them
from baking or claiming au -lieu title interest
ore quit of redemption of in or to fthe same or
ar iart I hereof and for general relief
i tin and each of vu are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 190 1
A M MOKK1SSEY Attorney for Plain iff
Dated Marjli lMh 1900
Tnhexi Ujk
At my place ou section 33 town 32 range 35
twenty miles sou 11 of Cody tha old Truax
ranch 1 have taken up Xmercd steer ome
white 4 years oldbra ded O on right side
O o
S5t DtiiteyjNelwv
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Albert S Eos and Margaret B
Ross and M ry A Colby defend
ants will tk notice that on the I3h day of
March 1900 Held W Hoyer plaltlfr filed his
petition in tie District Court of Cherry county
Nebraska s ilnst yo the object and prayer of
which an I foreclose certain mortgricc exe
cuted lv f - defendanw to nderson c Rat
cliff ami Irned to plaintiff upon lots a and 4
sec7tp - 32sel ne4 and ne4 se t see v tp 23
r33 tiM etho payment of ft certain promlir
sorynotu dated January th 1892 for 700 nnd
lutei est There Is now due on said note and
mortgaullie sum off 1092 for which sum with
interest from January 8th 1900 plilntiff prays
for a deem that defendants be reiiulred to pay
the same or that siid premises may be sold to
satisfy amount foand due You are re
quired toauiwersald petition on or before the
23rd day if April 1P0O
vv F M WALCOTT his Attorney
Dated M ch 13th 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
George L Moss and Cora Moss his wife non
resident defendants will take notice that the
undersigned plaintiff has filed his action in the
District Court or Cherry County Nebraska
against the slid defendants the object and
prayer of winch are to recover judgment for the
sum of 103 00 on1 an ss due to plain
tiff from the defendants for goods soid aud de
livered by the plaintiff to the defendants a the
defendants request that the plaintiff has
caused an attachment to he made or tliH real
estate of the derend ants consisting of the el 2 of
the se 1 4 of section 34 and the wl 2 ot the swl4
or section township 34 range 32 in Cncrrv
county for the satisfaction of said debt and
costs and accruing costs
You are required to answer the petition of
plaintiff on or before Anril 23d 1900 or the said
petition and demand of the plaintiff will be ta
ken io be confessed by you to be tmo by your
default and judgment rendered agalnsty4t1
You are further notified that on Tuesdavd line
5th 1900 at ten oclock a m or as soon there
after a counsel can be heard the plaintiff will
apply to the said court at the court house In
Valentine Nebraska 9 for tut order confirming
the sheriff sale thereunder in said cause and di
recting sheriffs deed to issue al which time ami
place you may appear and sliov cause againBt
such sale if you cIioonc
A M MORRISSEY Attorney for plaintiff s I t
Notice of Sale
In the matter of the sale of the real estate of
Julius Sederstrom aud Oscar Sederstrom
Notice Is herebj given that in pursuance of an
order to Hon M P Kihkaid one of the Judges
of the District Court of Cherry County Nebras
ka made on the 29th day of September 18P9 for
the sale of real estate hereinafter described
There will be sold at the front door of the Court
House in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska
on the 9th day of April 1900 at 10 oclock am at
public vendue to the highest bidder for caslitho
following described real estate to wit Lots 2
and 3 ne4 sw4 sec 19 twp 33 r 23 Cherry
County Nebraska said sale to remain open one
Uttardianot Julius Seder
strom and Oscar Sederstrom
F M WALCOTT Attorney 8 3t
Dated March 13th 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To George M Davidson flL L Davidson his
wire real name unknown Maurice A Mead
and Uurus C Frost par titers doing busi
ness under the firm name and style of 31 A
Mead Co defendants
You and eah of you are herebv notified that
on the 15th dav of March 1900 KIttie Hennas
plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against you as de
fendants the object aud prayer of which are to
establish aud foreclose a tax lien upon real
estate as follows NW4 of section 24 twp 30
r 2G iu Cherry County Nebraskasfor the taxes
assessed aud Ipvied thereon for either state
county or school district purposes for the years
1894 1895 189G 1897 and 1898 for which said
lands were sold to tnis plaintiff for the sum of
4293 to have an accounting of the amount duo
thereon together with interest from the 14th
day of February 1900 at the rate of ten per
centum per annum
To have the said land sold fortho payment
andsati faction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and
the costs or suit and the costs of saleto bar fore
close and exclude the said defendants and each
of them from uaving or claiming any lien title
interest or equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1900
KITTIE BKNN ilaintiff
A 3L3IORRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated March 15 1900 8 16
Notice to Non ResidentDefendants
To Sarah E Sill and C H Taucray Manager
non resident drfeudams
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the loth day of 3Iarch 1900 Kittle Beiin as
plaintiff filed her petition In the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against you im
pleaded with C K Collins Receiver of Tne
Nebraska Mortgage and Investment and The
Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Co as vour
co defendants the object aud prayer of which
are to establish and foreclose u tax lien upon
real estate as follows Lot of sec 2 aud lots 3
and4andsw4 w4 of sec 1 two 29 r 2U in
Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes asses
sed and levied thereon for either state county
or school district purposes for the years 1893
1894 1895 189G 1897 aud lROSfor which said lands
were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of 4990
to have an accounting of the amount due there
on together with interest from the 14th day of
February 1900 at the rate of ten per centura
per annum
To have the said land sold for the jiayment
and satisfaction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and the
costs of suit and the costs of pale to bar fore
close aud exclude the said defendants and each
of them from having or chvminganylien title
iuterest or equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1900
XITT1K BENN Plaintiff
A 31 3IORRISSEY Attorney foy Plaintiff
Dated March 13th 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Charles Hale and Nellie Hale W F Hamil
ton and J J Steffen or J J Stephen will take
notice that on the 13th dav of 3Iarcli 1900
Ham Bachelor plaintiff lieTrein tiled his petition
m the District Court of Cherry County Nebras
ka against you the object ana prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain tax lien owned and
held by plaintiff against s2 of the sw4 sec 29
twp 32 r 30 in Cherry County Nebraska ac
quired by virtue of the payment of the delin
quent tixes upon the above described real
estate for the yeirs 1894 1895 and 1890 which
was regularly soid by the County Treasurer of
Cherry County Nebraska on the 23th day of
April 1898 for the non paymenc of the delin
quent taxes ou the said premises for said years
amounting to S91C and by virtue of the pay
ment of subsequent taxes for the years 1897 and
1393 amounting to 400 Plalutiff is now the
owner aud holder ot said tax liens and there Is
now due plaintiff thereon the sum of S2152 and
attorneys fees for which sums ulaintiff prays
judgment and decree that the defendants pay
the same together with interests and costs and
in default thereof that said real estate be sold as
provided by law for the payment of plaintiffs
claim and costs You are required to answer
said petition on or before 3Ionuaythe 23rd day
of April 1900
By K A WALCOT hia Attornev
Dated March 15 19J0 g 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
John 3Iarcuson Burt C Shepard and Mrs
Shepard wife of Burt C Shepard first and real
name unknown the Central National Building
Loan Association incorporated -will take no
tice that on the 15th day of Marchl8uO William
E Haley filed a petition in the District Court of
Cherry County Nebraska against you implead
ed with Abram T White Susie E White and
Eldon Sparks and Charles H Cornell trustees
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed and delivered by
the defendant John JIarcuson to C Toncrav
upon the- n2 sw4 m se4 sec fc twp 32 r 23iher
ry County Nhriiakn to secure this payment of
one principal promissory not of S350 00 minted
Nov 17 Ificfiaud interest Plaintiff is now the
legal owner and bidder of said mortgage and
there is now due plaintiff upon said note aud
mortgage thd sum of SSC3 with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 Der cent per annum from the
lHth day of March 1900 for which sum the plain
tiff prays for a de ree that the defendants Be re
quired to pay said sum and iu default thereof
that said p emiae may be sold according to law
to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff with
interests and cots You are required to answer
said petition cu or before Monday the 23i day
of April 1900
By F 31 WA LCO IT Ula Attorney
Dftttod Marcli i5f is- y e