K M I 1 - - I i i ri i i il i niMminii 25 Years I li i ounaei Jf TrrTrn vrVfJnT eO Is Your v Snow white Vtf - v y j VJVV iAVvV fering wemena Ho sites medicine has helped so nsanya N Remember tiais when wmething else is szag Mrsa Pinkhanis sid dress is Lynn Mass a Hep helping hand is always outstretched to suffering women H I asanaffrfirfflrTin i virferivwtigrmaiBBaBa I am nov seventy two years of age and my hair is as dark as it was twenty ive years ago People say I look at least that much younger than I am I would be entirely bald or Jl white if it were not for your oair vigor ivirs Anna Lawrence Chicago 111 Dec 22 1898 I III 11 If rn 111 1 JJJKlllfMlirf WIvrL - T -V-- - r TMT JM 1 WHIM jMgaJW V 13 There is no getting around such a testimonial as this You cant read it over without being convinced Ihcse persons do not misrepresent for their tcsti J - h moniais are all unsolicited Aycrs Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair every time And it is a wonderful food to the hair making it grow rich and heavy and keeping it soft and glossy all the time It is also an elegant dressing a 100 a bottle All druggists 3SCTBrrSESrn35IRSKaE223K5 TZXTTTTTTrfpamzarvriPwrr TW r r Write inc Doctor If yon do not obtain all the benefits vou desiro from the uso of the Vicor write thc Dootorabout it HoAVill tell you just tho right thing to do and will send you his book on tho Hair and Scalp if you request it Address Dr J C Ayer Lowell Mass QUAINT SAMPLER Wrought by a Little Girl More than Two Centuries Ajjo Quaint and often oddly touching to au imaginative eye are the elaborate samplers found in old Xew England homes with their careful lettering their curly scrollwork their impossible flowers birds and garlands the work of patient little grandmothers and great grandmothers dead long years ago says the Youths Companion Few make so direct an appeal to the sympathies as a curious sampler of a little English girl wrought more than two centuries ago still cherished by her descendants and recently exhibited at acharity fair It is an qxquisite specimen of needle work despite her youth and is worked in many colors with floral embellish ments and elaborate capitals on a ground of faded green canvas Thus it eads A B C D E F G My name is Nanev Allestree H I J Iv L M Ive learned to Cross Stitch Fell Hem X O P Q R S T My Needle Wrought what Here You see VD V W X Y Aged 7 am I X Y then a Zed Remember me when I am Dead 1 2 3 4 5 For this my Work may me Survive o G 7 S 9 10 Lord Save Bless me So Amen 2Co Hitch No Harness The automobile is a wonderful in vention remarked the man who used to own horses Yes said the harnessmaker sadly there isnt a hitch in it pq invitee to virii to Bfipsa Pinkfossn for free adwiee afbQssi their healths OSsSa Piszkizam is a wq if yoss ha wo paisafesi periods backaches Gr assy of the more sqpbqsss ills of wassseBSp vsrite to fflrsa Pisakhasn sites has helped muitittsdesa Yossr letter wiii isa sacredly Gnfidentsala Lydia a PSsakhamfs Vegetable QeFnposend is known wherever the Bn iish language is spoken Hothing else canpcssi isSy he so stare to help suf 4 ri i Tn the House on Friday a special mes sage from the President was read rec ommending that all the revenue collected on importations from Porto Kico since the evacuation of the island by Spain amounting to over S2UUUU0Uj should be placed at the disposal of the President for the relief of the island It is as fol lows To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives Since the evacuation of Por to Rico by the Spanish forces on Oct 18 1S9S the United States has collect ed on products coining from that island to the ports of the United States the du ties Used by the Dingley act and amount ing to 2004S and will continue to collect under said law until Congress shall otherwise direct Although I had the power and having in mind the best interests of the people of the island used it to modify duties on goods and products entering into Porto Rico 1 did not have the power to remit or modify duties on Porto Riean products coming into the ports of the Uuited States In view of the pressing necessity for im mediate revenue in Porto Rico for con ducting the government there and for the extension of public legislation just inaugurated by the House of Representa tives and for the purpose of making the principle embodied in that legislation ap plicable to the immediate past as well as to the immediate future I recommend that the above sum so collected and the sums hereafter collected under existing law shall without waiting for the enact ment of the general legislation now pend ing be appropriated for the use and bene fit of the island f Iu the Senate Mr Hoar made a speech in favor of the seating of Mr Quay De bate on the Porto Rican tariff bill con sumed the rest of the day On receipt of the message from the President the House passed a bill placing in the Presi dents hands all the money collected upon Porto Rican goods since the Spanish evacuation to be used for the relief of Porto Ricans Mr Mann 111 called up the contested election case of Aldrich vs Robbins from the Fourth Alabama dis trict f Saturdays session of the Senate was brief on account of the death of Repre sentative Epes of Virginia Mr Ross spoke in opposition to the seating of M S Quay ana Mr Teller spoke iu criti cism of the conference report upon the currency bill A number of private pen sion bills were passed In the House the chaplain in his invocation made feeling reference to the death of Mr Epes It had been intended to proceed with the Aldrich Robbins contested election case but unanimous consent was given to va cate the order heretofore made and post pone the final vote until the next Tues day at 230 p m In the Senate on Monday Mr Carter of Montana dealt vigorously with the Quay case in the course of an explana tion as to why he will vote for the for mer Senator from Pennsylvania not withstanding he voted against the seating of Mr Corbett in the last Congress The near approach to the time of voting on the conference report on the financial bill brought out two speeches on that measure one by Mr Fairbanks and the other by Mr Butler In the House con siderable miscellaneous business much of a minor character was transacted Dur ing consideration of a bill to incorporate the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association the Speaker and Mr Bailey of Texas exchanged sharp words and the latter filibustered and ul timately prevented the final passage of the bill by demanding the reading of the engrossed bill The bill proposes to col lect at the residence of the late Frederick Douglass in Washington a record of the anti slavery movement On Tuesday the Senate by a vote of 44 to 2G passed currency reform bill as agreed upon in conference Received from Mr Scott a resolution authorizing the President to govern the Philippines until Congress shall otherwise provide The House devoted the day to discussion of the Aldrich Robbins contested election case from the Fourth Alabama district In the Senate on Wednesday a notable speech on the Philippine question was t made by Mr Lodge in which he favored the bill introduced by Mr Spooner vest ing in the President authority to govern the Philippines until Congress should oth erwise provide by legislation In the House announcement made of the death of Mr Harmer appropriate resolutions adopted and adjournment as a further mark of respect On Thursday the Senate heard Mr Foraker in support of the Porto Rican tariff bill and Messrs Pettus Tillman and Hoar against it Mr Mason made his motion to discharge the committee on foreign relations from further considera tion of his resolution expressing sympa thy for the Boers and it went over for one day under the rules The House unseated Gaston A Robbins a Demo crat from the Fourth Alabama district and seated in his stead William F Aid rich a Republican who has been three times a contestant from the same dis trict on the ground of fraud and who is now given his seat for the third time by a Republican House The vote was a strict party one A new rule was brought in to set aside the day sessions on the second and fourth Fridays of each month for pension legislation The rule limits debate on each bill to ten minutes on a side but this provision was with drawn upon the assurance of Mr Rich ardson the minority leader that his side of the House would not indulge in fili bustering Mr Overstreet Ind in charge of the conference report upon the financial bill gave notice that he would call up the report on the next Tuesday By uuanimous consent it was agreed that the vote ou the report should be taken at 430 Tuesday afternoon Brief News Items It has been determined that light is an important factor in sugar production re cent investigations showing that the su gar content of the plant is dependent on the amount of direct sunlight received A Lehigh Valley Railroad engine re cently accomplished the feat of hauling a train consisting of thirty three steel cars of 100000 pounds capacity and thirty seven wooden cars of 80000 pounds ca pacity each fully loaded with anthracite coal The total weight of the seventy cars was 4007 tons vyssj to n A Transient Population Eyery Friday evening New York loses thousands of its iesidents who go to other cities In the State and to Boston and Philadelphia These peo ple are citizens of Albany TJtica Syra cuse Rochester Buffalo Elmlra Bing jamton and tho travelers to Boston and Philadelphia have their homes in these cities All of these men do business in Now York City They return to New York from their homes on Sunday night arriving on Monday morning and from that time until Friday even ing they are going after the almighty dollar Baltimore News SMALLPOX DISTRIBUTORS How the Germs Are Nurtured und the Disease Is Spread It would seem tbat people will never learn to be careful The recent alarm ing spread of that dire epidemic small pox throughout different sections of the country has been traced by physi cians and sanitarians iu many instances directly to the moldy and rotting layers of paper and paste which cover the walls of many houses The practice of laying layer after layer of paper on a wall using common flour paste is espe cially calculated to create homes for disease germs People could not do more to effect such a result if they tried The rotting vegetable matter affords caves from which are ready to dart forth the infection at every oppor tunity There is no excuse for this practice as walls and ceilings can be coated with a pure cleanly and sani tary material like Alabastine for in stance at no greater expense Alabas tine is a rock base cement which in corporates itself with the wall or ceil ing It is easily applied comes ready to mix with cold water requires no washing or scraping before renewing or retinting is beautiful long lasting and safe For walls that have been infected nothing is equal to Alabastine as a disinfectant to render them pjre and clean and the rooms once more habit able Badcn Powchs Sobriquet Colonel Baden Powell earned from the Matabele the sobriquet of Impeesi meaning he that creeps about at night from his to them uncomfort able habit of scouting alone among their strongholds during the hours of darkness and gaining thereby much valuable information Jjibbys Luncheon Meats From point of economy of purse fire and time Libbys Luncheon Meats ap peal to every housekeeper They save an endless amount of worry and give the greatest of satisfaction They are always ready when you want them and are copked and deliciously sea soned All you have to do is to serve There are more than thirty varieties put up in convenient size key opening cans A neat little book called How to Make Good Things to Eat giving more than 109 recipes for preparing Libbys Lunch eons will be mailed free to all who write for it to Libby McNeill Libby Chi cago Merely a Hint Ho as the clock strikes 12 This is the hour that graveyards yawn She Well they iave my sympathy New York World 100 Reward 100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has heen able to euro In all Its stages and that Is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positivo cure now known to the med ical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Flails Catarrh Curo is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and glvins the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any caso that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O SST Sold by Druggists 75c Not ilia Fault Mother Willie why didnt you come to ine sooner Ive called you four times Willie I only heard you twict Mrs TYinsIows Koothinq Sybtjp for ChlWren teethlPK sottens tli gums reauces inflammation allayB uain cures wind colic a cents a bottle Babies Tearr As a rule tears do not accompany a babys cries until it is 3 months old The above illustration shows one of the mammoth buildings occupied by the great Mail Order House of the John M Smyth Company of Chicago For one third of a century this com pany has been in business Beginning in a small way tliey supplied their neigh bors in the near by towns each year widening their field They are now sell ing merchandise direct to the consumer at wholesale prices throughout the United States Some years ago they began supplying their customers with an illustrated cata logue As the business expanded they yere obliged to increase the size of this catalogue until to day it exceeds 10UU illustrated pages quoting tie lowest wholesale prices on everything to Eat Wear and Use By a superior process of color photography they illustrate many of their goods in natural colors bringing out the rich color value of curtains car pets draperies and the latest designs in wall paper etc thus enabling the cus tomer hundreds of miles distant to select goods at his own fireside knowing by the description illustration and price the class of goods he may expect This feature of their business is be coming more and more popular each year for it not only saves long and tiresome railroad journeys but is a great time saver It leaves out the profit of the jobbing house the retailer the expensive commercial traveler the general agent the sub agent and thus eliminates from one to four profits saving this amount for the consumer In short it is a great wholesale store brought to the home The mammoth catalogue referred to is a 20th century dictionary of economy The illustration below shows the recent building added to this great enterprise The success of this company seems in credible considering the fact that they have advertised so little Their spirit of fair ness and indus try is the secret of this won derful suc cess The quantity of goods they require in some lines enables tjx e m to handle train loads of merchan dise secur ed at the lowest pos- sibie cost and freight rate When goods in the rough are coming from the mills and factories in the East the lake s t earners vzQkmwm - ffllwyfHwap3Sa tfL feaS fSf7 are pressed into service at a freight ex pense which is but little in advance of the iron ore rates Their references are Any bank or ex press1 company or any man woman or child in Chicago- The United States used 413000 worth of Mexican mahogany last year an increase of 100000 over the pre vious year Yon Can Get Allens Fpot Ease FREE Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N for a FREE -sample of Allens Foot Ease a powder to shake into your shoes It cures tired sweating damp swollen aching ieet It makes new or titrht shces easy A certain cure for Corns and Uunions All druggists aud shoo stores sell it 25 cents One man is probably just as good as another but he usually considers him self a little better 18 PER WEEK A salary of SIS per week and expenses will be paid to man with one or two horseris to intro duce our Poultry Compound and Lice IvTIler among farmers Address with stamn Acme Mra Co Des Moines Iowa A reporters assignment should nol be confounded with those of bankrupt business men A i uf 93WyaiawB8gaftBwfcgcH State sold by nature r article CM llillii Hrussaly Canei ilail wL use mts m mm Tho Million Dollar Potato Ifs marvelous Salzers catalog tells so also about Rape for cattle sheep and swine Costs 25e n ton to grow Send jc and this notice to day to John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis for his big catalog Dont swallow your food before you chew it its unhealthy Pisos Remedy for Catarrh is the best i medicine for that disease I have ever j used L C Johnston Iola Texas June 24 1S9L r Among the Egyptians embalming ceased about 700 A D To Cure a Cold inOne Day Take LaxatlTe Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to curo 25c E W Groves signature is on each box The Persians did not punish the first offense of murder For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Elys Cream Balm WILL CUKE iwa Wfrl B Jftg feS mMm mmm if jwff Druggists GO Cts Acply Dnlm into each nostril ELY BBOS56 Warren StKY Am3n THE BUT RKCT BUGGY our factory can bnild for tho r illustrated fully equipped with the J customers clioico or ether JiA x iiubber or Leather quarter top J nd oriirevretersiue uarsprinciiour j choico of color in painting Cloth t or leather trimmed The HEST HICKORY -crewed Kim Wheels j or 1 inch trend Full Icncth I Boot Stohm Apron Whin SocUet 1 Toe S pnrsa Back- Kickei Lino Kail Leather Xrimmed Ahafls Wo have vehicles from iy8r up mcludlnc Uoad Carta Rnud ucoiio iurreyt IJia otons Trap Spru Yncn and IIusIiishh KIs Shipped O O I eait of tho Kocky Mountains on re- j ceipt of iSJOO subject to examination For those who prefer to send the full amount with the order mi will include a komI whip OUR SPRING CATALOGUE of J0D0 pace illustrating homo of tho line in UATUKAL COLORS will bo sent prepaid upon receipt of 15 conts which pays part of the express charces and will be re funded on receipt pf tho iirst order This catalogue nuptoi wholesnlo prices on EVERYTHING you EAT WEAR and USE Established JOIIX 31 MIYTJI CO 1SC7 150 lCCW3IndlonSf Ordorbythi3No 200 K CHICAGO ILL w 1 H aJ 3 rf t -ma This High Grade uuimMioruniy wcou The top edjo is bound with white celluloid Ilaa fancy inlay around sound hole The best Amoricun madw pitant head RAISED German eilver f rets with inlaid pearl position dots n mo iciiiu is as near pericct as it is possible to mate Is itrunj with n full set of BEST quality steel strinys Acompletolnstruction Book is soncFiiKjL with each Guitar On re- ceipt of 0100 wo will sand it C O D sub- ecc to eiamlnation OUR aiRLNG LOGUEofLOOi illustrated will bobent nreoaid on receiit of 15 cents which naia Fn A r fa An wc r aT n ww v4 vll ln f 1 1 jjuikui tuocAiJicao Liiuini uiiu wxii uu loiuuuuil uil W31udison at Cltlcazu A FO vCcfft cfcS GB BiTJ3 Order by this No 20JK CE2JTS wo -will sond yoa our two ouart 53 O SYniXGE fit TAIX fitted with a full lencth Steel Nickel Plated Valve fc THREE itjgionic hard rubber pipes for iNFANTSfc Adults Rectal nnd Vaginal Th030 havo tho slip nines expan sion air tight joints teca not to JeaK or wear All carefully packed in n postasewill bolllcts Our Sprlnc Catalogue of 10CJ illustrated paces will bo Bene propaia on receiptor jo cents which pays part or the express chnrest nnd will be refunded on receipt of yourfirst order This catalogue quotes wholesale prices on EVERYTHING you EAT WEAR nnd USE Established JOHN M SMYTH COMPANY 3867 lrO iGC Y Mnrilnon St Order Stjle No H 200 K CHICAGO ILL L DUQLA S3A3B0 8HOE8 Ef Worth S4 to S6 compared Indorsed by over 1060000 wearers The genuine hare W L Douglas name End price stamped on bottom Iakc no substitute claimed to be as pood Your dealer should keen them if not we will send a pair on receipt of price and 2c s 8 r i j w hJS Av yA smrA M 1S37 extra for carriajre State kind of leather size anrj width plain or cap toe Cat free f iv I nnnnifltjRuncrn nmrVMn m c -- -- u u caicaHOua EXCURSION RATES to Western Canadaand par tfculara as to how to secure ICffacrcsof the best Wheat crowing land on tho Conti nent can be secured on ap plication to tho Superin tendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or tho an dorsianed Specially con- dnsW excursions vrill leave St Paul Minn on the 1st an ftl Tuesday In sack month and specially lovr rates on all line of railway ars being quoted for excursions leavias St Paul on March 23th and April 4th for Maui tooa Aasiniboia Saskatchewan and Alberta Write to F PedlevSuDt Immigration Ottawa Canada or the undeisipned who will mail you atlases pamphlets etc free N Bartholomew 306 5th St bes Moines Iowa W II Kosers Water town South Dakota W V Bennett fcOl New York Life Bids Omaha Neb B Davies 154V East 3d St St Paul Minn Agents for Govt M Canada t This Best Saddle Coat rattTY li J V 3 fv m n 3 u OWE Mm i TvStWrVasr y t -- rr i i tf i BL WW 1 tcag N l mxgsAM a E ItfyvissScU ll R S7 end thl E Yu Ctaloj LJ gm IM f - v3 nu wUi23auSr4 r fcsr jJtySj v iiiiB TLr K Keeps roth rlicr and saddle I fcctlydrym the bardit storm 3UDStriueswiiiaisappointA5K tor 1807 Fish Bnrtid Pommel bUckf r it s entirely n w If not fcr sale in your town lor caiawzvc ia A J TOWhR Uostnn Al3s M l mi vr a u 1 1 1 1 jla jqjLuxvuuiajr lubstantialHeatFoofis cooked jnst right seasoned deliriously ready to use for lunches and suppers and convenient at all tines DEVILED PAM POTTED HASI BEE and TONGUE VEAL LOAF COTTAGE LOAF COTTAGE BEEF COTTAGE HEAD CSEESE and Vvrenry more varieties New Eooklet tells all about them Sent freo -How to ILiee Good Thesgs to Eat Libby McNeill Libby CHICAGO ryrvtrritrrrrrrrvsTr frjrcrx wj vli ii tryaKK A WmmkLr 5 thtiLU fat Corn JhUtRTbh it new esrllestcora il Izecuru crowlitjf TlcMinr la 12391a Ilinueota I00bufr tare UIGlOUnOATS yields i0 bui per acre atxl you cas beat that SlELTZ - i end liar CkhI nrt BARLEY RKARHLKSS yleldJ 1U bo in NY Wmlerfal W HAIi SOc A TON H GIre ricli green food for estlle sheep swine posltry etc a2Sc a ton We sell nina tenihs of Ue Rape setl mod in the US K2IOMUS INEimUS Greatcit grasn on earth Urnws to 11 pcnef Lion m Anieni cTerywaere Aft SsUer warrants It t IM Til K It I IT T1 V TlflT T 1T r - - ---- - Bw a potato ii the pkii uUrd or a tat on earth ami Salz r Six V eclH lioth u I niak tu rich rsr crnvrer of t utiioea aad Farm Seeds in the noiid YEOETAHLK SEEPS Largest choicest llt iu U S Onion Seed 80c lb Enirrthlna warranted to crow 1 ng ear nest vegetables postpaid 5100 FOiriOc ST AMIS notice we msil treat Seed nd lOpkgs Farm SeI NorelUes alone 5c pcstigr cX JohnASalzerSeedCo LA CROSSE WIS tra vju Get Your Pension DOUBLE - OUICKI Write Cast OFAEBEll Pension Agent Waddcstca Dfc i3rffL Evcr usc il You should 3 jnj njiT Jszs Maine m Well begun is half done Sow tt jU nt yon would rean well Sow GREGORYS SEED and rcan tho best results the earth can eive ISM Catalofce fre il GKEGOItY k SOS 3artIi bradH ED EC Accjnts Wanted both Old and Youne hill bend 2 stamps for full particulars and F1YPQ sample of Dye niino Dyes for household use Sawyer Boyle Mfrs Dover D R OP 8 Y SSISSes enses Book of testimonial and 1 0 HAYS treatment FItKE Jr JI JI Grccus Som Uox S Atlanta Ga If afflicted with sore eyes use S C N U TiompsonsEjef ater Xo 11 1900 FAILS Best Cough Syrnp Tastes Good Use y in time oIa 07 arujwts jitzr i w it Li V C 7 JJ OV vjrn v n v t kb 9VJ4 h ar Afil nwwWKra mmm A STATE STREET SCENE M A STOEY DAY 6 V Hf 8 NOTE axatve Bromo Quinine which is advertised on the large js - - - fife O Street Chicago as represented above is the only i -A - - J ianner over exclusive cold piieser iption JL X every druggist in the United States Canada and in EnglandTikisthe V of the inventor and plainly appears on every box of the genuine - s i It is sold for 25c a box and all druggists refund the money if it fails to cure I iifir I ttSf JUfiilk f 151 iiWffi - 1 1 aDtPii S lj -V -