Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 15, 1900, Image 5

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Have you seen our
Spring line of
Subscribe for The ews Dejiocrat
and get all the news rlocal and for
eign 100 per year
LADIES FURNISHINGS western news democrat
It is the most complete we have ever offered Large variety iii
Dress Skirts - Underwear - Shirt Waists
Hosiery - Gloves - Wrappers
Come and see them Prices right
Watch for Millinery Announcement
Next week
ETIL further notice we
will sell all 24 and 25
inch prints in stock at 5 cents
per yard All other dry goods in
AVe must make room for our
Spring Goods
We sell coal feed and salt
QEE5SK3E3SaK3Elya6 3Wl3Z3
Qeneral merchandise
WrB wwvwvwwvwwwvwwvvwwwwyv wwwvwvv
Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
right Special attention given to pumps
tanks etc
Hir cutting and shaving
Of the Choicest Brands
Following will be found a list of notices of final proof and contests
to be made in this district as shown by the land office records
Corrected to March 14
Ernest Hanna
George Trotter
B O AUslioiise
George Murray
Henry OT Lee
WP Gonley
Maude Morgareldge
Frank Schroder
C D Brown
W H Stratum
BB Swntt
Oliver Tajlor
E A Holsclaw
Seth J Austin
Geonro Sprang
Margaret L Mowan
Adelberr Kneeland
Joseph Janak
Henry C Hofgard
Mary F Sppefc
Arthur R Briggs
Albert W Briggs
H OCauch
Thomas G More
CO Goodrich
LN Carter
CR Wolfeudcn
Julia A Smalley
B B Andrews
Stephen OTatman
Leonora F SUsv
Xelhe L Johns
Win Johnson
John W Short
u A Tote
Edward VStratton
Bertine M Wllhlte
Robert ECIopp
Jacob HtMiibel
Delia E Smith
Adelia Young
John JSaudalt
Woodlake Neb
Gordon Neb
Simpson Neb
Newton Ne
Newton Neb
Irwin Neb
Valentine Neb
Merriman Neb
Pass Neb
Oasis Neb
Woodlake Neb
Pullman Neii
Valentine Neb
Pullman Neb
Spragg Neb
CrooKston Neb
Woodlake eb
Woodlake Neb
Pullman Neb
Pullman Neb
Clinton Iowa
Clinton Iowa
Pullman Neb
Pullman Neb -
Brownlee Neb
Codv Neb
Woodlake Neb
Kennedy Neb
Norden Neb
Browulee Neb
Merriman Neb
A ins worth Neb
Lutes Ne
Brownlee Neb
Simeon Neb
Bassett Neb
Bailey Neb
Kennedy N b
Gordon Neb
Gordon Neb
Gordon Neb
Brownlee NTeb
Browi lee Neb
Bassett Neb
John F Tate vs Albert R Randall
O R Walcott vs Samuel Steuert
J I Eaton vs Anton Frederiksen
RSDennisvs M B Fergusuu
RS Dennis vsL C Dunn
Carl Kroegervs W J Parrott
ITE lot le2nv swne
H E s2se sesw n wse 10-28-40
HE lot C 31-33-17 -
HE sene 10 e2nw swnw 1 1-29-34
HE nenw n2ne S mvnw
HE e2sww2se 31-31-39
HE lots 123nese 24X5 39
HE s2se 22 e2ne 27-V-33
HE 112 iW 2Cw2lie 27 2830
HE n2ue 10-30-28
HE s2ne s2nw 2-28-37
HE lots 67 nesw sene 30-30-27
HE s2sw swse 2 mvnw 11-23-35
TC W2nv W2s W 22-26-20
HEs2se 1-34-30 lot 7 sesw 6-31-29
HE 11W 15-31-26
HE 2ne n2se 21-31-26
HENn2nw swnw 13 sene
TCs2sws2se 13-27-35
TC lot 4 sesw S2se 19-27-34
HE c2se swse 12 nwne 13 28 3C
HE s2sw W2se 3-28-37
HE lots 1 23and 4 1-27-29
HEnesw e2nv 10 sesw 2-31-31
H E lot 3 6 29 s2s sesw 32-30-25
HE sinw ne w swue 9-29-30
HEs2se S2SW 29-33-23
H K s2s w n wsw 4 nenw 9-27-31
HEsesel4 s2sw 13 mvnw 24-33-37
HE lots 12 S2lie 2-29-22
HE lots 34 e2sw 7-34-19
HEsSse e2sw 7-27-29
HE w2ne s2nw 12-30-30
TC lots 12 sene 4-29-18
TC nesw inv e s2se 12 31 36
HE lots 34 3 lot I 4 29 sese 33-30-31
HE s2sw swse 21 sese 20-34-39
HE s2sv neswsenw 28-34-39
i IE n2nw nwne 28 neue 29-31-39
lots34s2nw 1-34-31
HE s2ne nrne 33 sese 28-28-27
H E w2sw w2u W
TC mv 8-30-18
March 17
March 19
March 19
March 20
March 20
March 20
March 24
March 24
March 27
March 24
March 2G
March 30
March 31
March 31
April 4
April 5
April 5
Aprii 7
April 7
April 7
April 7
April 10
April in
April 11
April 12
April 12
April 13
April 14
April 16
April 17
April 21
April 21
April 21
April 23
April 23
April 24
April 24
April 24
April 25
Aprii 26
April 26
April 23
UK s2iv s2ne 23-29-35 March 21
TC s2se s2sv 13-28-32 AprilG
T C sene n2se sese 32-28-30 April C
TC lots 12 3 and 4 4-27-3 April 7
TUs2ses2sv a23 32 April 7
HE lots 12 e2se 19-35-34 April 10
North Western Line is the best
to and from the
KOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
No Question is ever Settled Until it is
Settled Eight
Rpinof an Arrnuat nf Wfiat flip Ptlitnr TiA
O r
Saw and Learned at Cody
It had been about a year since the ed
itor had the pleasure of visiting with
the people in our neighboring village of
Cody and -when he found the oppor
tunity to go last Saturday he gladly
availed himself of it The people of
Cody are the kind who make strangers
feel at home
He arrived in town at noon and of
course took dinner at Mrs Under
woods hotel after which he started on
a tour of visits The Qrst place he
went was to Sparks Bros store but as
Levi was busy disposing of bargains to
some of his redskinned friends he didnt
tarry long but wen east a few 3ards
and assisted Al Riemenschneider and
the other carpenters to build a nice five
room story -and-a-half house for W II
LCaiter which we understand will be
occupied by L C Sparks when com
pleted After that he drifted over to
the White Elephant which Cody has
the distinction of supporting and sat
on the steps and talked war and poli
tics with Pie Childers and Big Bob
McGeer for half an hour or so
Meandering up the street the scribe
stopped at Reeds store and listened to
the conversations until Port White told
astorv about his brother-in-laws
Judge Mogle never
change when he performs a
Cody wants a doctor and
feet when he concluded it was time to
move on and went up to the postoffice
There we met Hop and became ac
quainted with Mrs Newell the genial
postmistress This meeting served to
jog the pilgrims mind so he headed
for Brooks barber shop located in the
old schoo house and got as nice a shave
as can be had anywhere We passed
up Skinners restaurant and then for
got to go back and tended at Coles
store where we opened a jackpot bv
saying something regarding fraternal
insurance All the boys stayed in
and stood pat on the Woodman ques
tion but the editor man held the besE
hand and came away 2 ahead Mogle
and Munn having paid their subscrip
Next he took a peep at the patent
gate which we understand Motts and
Yancey are intending to put on the
market and then assuming the role of
live stock expert he went over to the
stockyards to look at a carload of One
Hereford and Shorthorn bulls These
were the bulls advertised by llaffenberg
Bros of Wiota Iowa but were a week
late in arriving Among them were
some splendid animals and no doubt
they are now owned by some of our
progressive stockmen The owner says
he is coming out again next year
The pilgrim next went over to the
Sparks store and examined their large
stock of merchandise which fills two
floors the walls and ceilings of a large
building besides a long warehouse and
big cellar The Bank of Cody is also
located in this building and Mr J A
Sparks was in charge on the occasion of
our visit iliis institution is doing a
flourishing condition We went home
with Levi and Mrs Sparks put up a
very dainty supper on short notice tor
which he was thankful The evening
was very pleasantly spent in conversiv
tion around town and Allan Sparks
who took him to bed proved a good
host and routed him out at 3 oclock
the next morning so he could catch the
train for home The foregoing is what
the writer did and below are a few of
the things he learned
Mrs Underwood will build an addi
tion to her hotel doubling its capacity
The Woodmen will soon build a new
hall with a store room on first floor
Cody was not named for Buffalo Bill
but for a railroad surveyor
Another saloon will be started about
the first of the month
marriage 1
to locate in the village
Ail addition will soon have to be put
on the new school house
Ticice Iiovcn
From the Vindicator Ilutuerfordton X C
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the eflicac of Cham
bprlaius Pain Balm twice with the
most remarkable results in each case
First with rheumatism in the shoulder
from which he suffered excruciating
pain for ten days which was relieved
with two applications of Pain Balm
rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing
instant benefit and entire relief in a
very short time Second in rheuma
tism in thigh joint almost prostrating
him with severe pain which was re
lieved by two applications rubbing
with the liniment on retiring at night
and getting up free from pain For
by Qxrigley So Chapman 1
3Kgy ywpmww z
Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhanrs
An up-to-date stock of ladies shoes
at Farnhams ni
T j j
The editor took his -little daughter
to Longpine Sunday and she is
spending the week with her grandpa
For Sale One black 4-year-old jack
extra good pedigree Price right
j and terms reasonable N S Rowlej
1 Kenned Nebr 7 6t
Have you a cough A dose of Bal
lards Uorehound Syrup will relieve it
Price 25 cents and 50 cents For sale
by Quigley Chapman druggists
A whole lot off railroad coal thieves
have been arrested at Longpineand
it is said that parties near Cody are
shaking with fear
ask more
25 cts 50
Mrs Vivian Lawrie has several oil
paintings the work Of her own brush
on exhibition at I D Coryells jewel
ry store which would do credit to any
art studio in our large cities and
show Mrs L to be possessed of rare
talent in this line Gordon Journal
lie Fooletl tiie Stivjjeoim
All doctors told Kenick Hamilton of
West Jefferson O after buffering IS
months from rectal fistula he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed but he cured himself wih
Bucklens Arnica Salve the best in the
world Surest pile cure on earth 25c
a box at Elliotts Drug Store 1
Mrs C F Martin whose husband
has been engaged by Abe White at
Alliance to run the Alliance laundr
passed through this place on her way
from Ains worth to Alliance on Wed
nesda3r She was the guest of Rev
Burleigh and family between trains
Crawford Tribune
Is This PlaiU Enough
If jou have a nagging cough and aie
losing flesh go to a drug store and get
a bottle of Shilohs Consumption Cure
Take two thirds of it and then if you
are not benefitted return the bottle to
the druggist and he will return your
money Isnt that fair No one could
cts and 100 a
- -
A report has been circulated through
the daily papers that Russia had nego
tiated a loan of 250000y0 in New
YorkV That report can be setf down as
a goldbug canard to create the false im
pression that the United States is a
creditor nation The leport now comes
from France that no suc h loan has been
negotiated nor would tfussia think of
going to the United States to make
such a loan- National liural
ISaiicer Ilouts a Kohbev
J R Garrison cashier of the bank
of Thorn ville Ohio had been robbed
of health by a serious lung trouble un
til he tried Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption Then he wrote It
is the best medicine 1 ever used for a
severe cold or a bad case of lung trou
ble I always keepa bottle en hand
Dont suffer with coughs colds or any
throat cheat or lung trouble when you
can be cured so easily Only 50 cents
and SI 00 Trial bottles free at El
liotts Drug Store 1
George Bi ewer was thrown from a
horse at Merriman Friday which re
suited in a broken arm He came in
on the evening freight where Dr
Dwyer was called and reduced the
fracture The large bone was bro
ken just above the elbow and will
cause the young lad to wander near
his own fireside lor a few weeks
Gordon Cor Rushville Standard
Pi Shilohs
Cough and
This is beyond question the
most successful Cough Medi
cine ever known to science a
few doses invariably cure the
worst cases of Cough Croup
and Bronchitis while its won
derful success in the cure of
Consumption is without a par
allel in the history of medicine
Since its first discovery it lias
been sold on a guarantee a
test which no other medicine
can stand If you have a
Cough we earnestly ask yon
to try it In United States and
Canada ic Mc and 100 dnd
in England Is d s 8d and
4s Cd
j j
I3ran bulk
Shorts bulk
Scroll i Mir
Chi IWif
60c per cwt 11 00 ton
70c per cwt 13 00 ton
40c 700
85c 1600
70c 13 00
90c 17 00
liotSfs than War
Hundreds an killed in war but hun
dreds of thousands are killed con
sumption There would be no deaths
at all caused by this terrible disease if
people could bo made to understand
that Shilohs Cough and Consumption
Cure is a sure remedy if taken in the
early stages 25 cts 50 cts and S100
a bottle Druggists Avill retund the
money if a cure is not affected s
W S Barkers baby daughter has Strayed from near Gallop one red
ueen quice in uunng tne last weeK
but we hope the little one will soon
recover frcm its ailment
H O Painet the polished gentle
man and suave politician of Ains
worth was in town Monday consult
ing with local republicans
The Springview Herald blossomed
out last week in fine shape We
hardly knew the paper when we saw
it and hope Bro Skinner will keep up
the good work
Lew Brownell the well known and
popular clerk in the land officestarted
Sunday night forGering where he
goes to look after matters connected
with the settlement of his brothers
The Journal is informed by J S
Davisson that his son-in-law Editor
bobgood of the Valentinenewsdemo
crat gave birth to a ten pound boy
yesterday and at last accounts is do
ing well Longpine Journal
If your child is cross or peevish it is
no doubt troubled with worms Whites
Cream Vermifuge will remove the
worms and its tonic effect restore its
natural cheerfulness Price 25 cents
ley Chapman
yearling steer branded K2Wion left hip
Small -white spot oiHIeft side
Liberal reward W il Sellers
Gallop Nebr
FOR SALE -Consisting of 50 BIIED
Heifers and Cows 25 head of one and
two vearold Bulls all of SCOTCH and
CRtflKSHANK breeding Prices Right
Sold singly or In car lots vdtlress
1SI West Second St MaSON CITY IA
t tfftSfgsn
NOTICE is 1 eroby given hat we the un
uiiJersigned have filed with the honorable
board of county commissioners of Cherry coun
ty Nebraska a petition accompanied ty a bond
duly tested praying that F L ltose and J E
Hendricks be granted a license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous Iiqors In the village ol
Cody Boiling Springs precinct Cherry County
Nebraska F L ROSE
Dated this 3d day of March 1000
Notice of Election
Notice is hereby givon that on Tuesday April
3rd 190G there will be held at tha usual voting
place in the Village of Valentine Nebraska au
election as provided by the laws of the state of
Nebraska at which the following nfllcers will
be elected viz
Three village trustees for the term of two
years and two village trustees for the term of
one year Y F NIAK NS Chairman
Dated March 15 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
In the District Court ot Cherry County Neb
raska Delia Suiter vs Leonard Suiter above
named deietidunt will take notice on the t Cth
day of Eeby 1900 plaintiff tiled a petition
in the DietrUt ourt of Cherry County Neb
raska against said defendant the object and
prayer of whijli is to obtain a divorce on the
grounds of extreme cruelty and laiiure to sup
port plaintiff and her niin jr children
1 ou are requited to answer said petition on
or before Monday 2d daj of pril lo
DELL hUITER Plaintiff
B F M WALCOTT her Atty
Dated March 13th liwo
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To C II Tancray first and real name unknown
and hmma It Tancray his wiLj non-resident
defend nts
You mid each of you are hereby notified that
on the Ifith d y of March 1900 Kittie Bonn as
plaintiff 11 d her petition in the District Court
of Cherry Count j Nebras a against you im
pleaded with The Nebraska Mortgage and In
vestment Company and C K Collins Receiver
of The Nebrasku Mortgage and Investment
Company as your co defendants the object and
prayer of which are to establish and foreclose a
tax lien upon real estate us follows Se4 of sec
27 twp 30 r 20 in Cherry County Nebraska
for the taxes assessed and levied thereon for
either state county or school district purposes
for the years 1895 189C 1S97 and 1898 for which
said lauds were sold to this plaintiff for the sum
of 3518 to have an accounting of the umounc
due hereon together with intercut from the Hth
day of February 1900 ac the rate of ten per
centum per annum
To have the said land sold for the payment
and satisfaction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and the
costs of suit and the costs of sale to bar fore
close and exclude the said defendants and each
ot them from having or claimiim any lien titi
interest or equity ol redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each of you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23rd 1900
K1TTIE BENN Tlaintiff
A M MOIiRISSEY Attorney for rMaintiff
Dated March 15th IJOO 8 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
William 1 Watson and Jane Watson his
wife defendants wi 1 take notice that on the
15cn day ot March 1900 IVeston At wood plain
tiff herein filed In- petition in the District Court
olLheiry County Nebraska against said de
fendants the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose n certain mortgage executed by tbe
defendant to t e Western Farm Mortgage
rnibt Company mida8signed to plaintiff upon
the following described premises Lots I and 2
and e2 nw4 sec 7 twp 33 r 30 to secure the
payment of a first mortgage bond dated Feby
1st 1890 for the sum of Sjoo00 due and payable
in five years from the date thereof together
with interest evidenced iy 10 coupons of same
date of si0no each with interest from matur
ity that there is now due upon said bond cou
pons and mortgage together with taxed paid
b plaintiff tho sum of 07000 for which sum
with interest irom tnis date plaintiff prays for
a decree that defendants be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold 10 sat
isty tiie amount found d ie You nre required
to answer said petition on or before the 23d dav
of April 1900 IRESTON ATWllOD Plaintiff
By F M WALCOTT his Attorney
Datd March 15lh 1G0O Wt
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To Elislia Egelston Chloe Egelstou T C Can
non and C h Tancray non resident de-
I fcudants
You and each of yon are hereby notified that
on the iotli day of Alarch 190 Pauline W
Stuckcyas plaintiff filed her petition in the
District Courl of Clierry C unty Nebraska
against you ltnDlcaded with The Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company and C K
Coilins Receiver of The Nebraska Mortgage
and Investment Company a- your
the object and prayer rf which are to es
tablish and foreclose a tax lien upon real estate
as follows N2 nwl and 112 ne4 of sec 21 twp 31
range 27 in Ch rry County Nebraska lor the
taxes asseHsed and lrvied thereon for either
state county and school district purposes fr
the year 1894 1895 18UG 1S97 and 1898 for which
said lands were sold to this plaintiff for the sum
of 5723 to have an accounting of the amount
due thereon together with interest from the lltli
day of March 1900 at the rate of ten per centum
ptr annum
To have said lands sold for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes in
terest penalties and costs and the costs of suit
and the costs of to bar foreclose and ex
clude the said defendants and each of them
from hating or claiming an lien title interest
1 or equity of redemption of in or to fthe same or
a iart thereof and for general relief
1 You and each of ynu are required to answer
said petit on on or before April 23d mi
A M MORR1S5EY t ttomey for Plain iff
Dated Mar h 15th 1900 S lt
Taken Up
At my place on section 35 town 32 range 35
twenty miles south of Cody the old Tniax
ranch 1 have taken up one red steer onie
white 1 years oidbraaded O on right side
8 5t BuiJeavNebtv
s -
maicscryrmLvj ujvMyvS9e
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Albert H Koss atid Margaret B
Kois and Mry A Colby defend
a 1114 will tkii notice that on the Kith day of
March 1900 Held W Hoyer plaintiff filed his
petition in tl District Court of Cherry county
Nebraska iinstyo the object and prayer of
which forrclosr n certain mortgrce exe
cuted bv 1 defendant to Anderson Rat
cliff idsi i ned to plaintiff upon lots 3 and 1
sec7 i t - set ne4 and net sel set 12 tp 25
r 33 to e tho payment of a certain Promis
sory note sued January 8th 1892 for 700 and
interttd 1 itiv la now duo on said note and
mortgage I he sum or SWJ2 for which sum with
inteiW from January Sth 1900 plilntm prays
for a decnit that defendants be required to pay
the same or that said promises may be sold to
satisfy tli amount foand due You are re
quired Muiuwersaid petition on or before the
23rd day of April 1W30
REID V BOYER Plaintiff
v FM WALCOTT his Attorney
Dated M h 13th 1000
Notice to Non Resident Delendants
George L Mot and Cora Moss his wife non
resident defendants will take notice that the
undersigned plaintiff has filed his action in tho
Djstrict Court of Cherry County Nebraska
against the sid defendants the object and
prayer of wide 1 are to recover judgment for the
sum of SlC8 00onanindebtednss due to plain
tiff from the defendants for goods soid and de
livered by the plaintiff to the defendants at the
defendants request that the plaintiff has
caused an attachment to bu made of the real
estate ol the defend ants consisting of the el 2 of
the se 1 4 of section 34 and the wi 2 ot the swl 1
of section 3o township 34 range 32 in Cherrv
county for the salisfactiou of said debt and
costs and nccruing costs
You are required to answer the petition of
plaintiff on or before April 23d 1900 or the said
petition and demand of the plaintiff will be ta
ken 10 be confessed by you to be tnia by your
derault and judgment rendered against yu
You are further notified tbatonTucsdavJunu
5th 1900 at ten oclock a in or us soon there
after a- counsel can be heard the plaintiff will
apply to the said court at the court hoiiso in
alentine Nebraska for an order confirming
the sheriff sale thereunder In said cause and di
recting sheriffs drcd to issue at which time add
place yon may appearand show cause against
such sale if yon choose
A M MORRISSE Y Attorney for plaintiff 8 4 t
Notice of Sale
In the matter of the sale of the real estate of
Julius Sederstrom and Oscar Sederstrom
Notice Is hereb given that in pursuance of an
order to Hon M P Kinkaid one of the judges
of the District Court of Cherry County rebras
ka made on the 29thday of September l8t9 for
the sale of real estate hereinafter described
There will be sold at the front door of tho Court
House in Valentine Cherry County Nebraska
on the 9th day of April 1900 at 10 oclock a mat
public vendue to the highest bidder for caslitho
following described real estate to wit Lots 2
and 3 ne4sw4 sec 19 twp 33 r 28 Cherry
County Nebraska said saloto remain open one
Guardian of Julius Seder
strom and Oscar Sederstrom
F M WALCOTT Attorney 8 3t
Dated March 13th 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To George Id Davidson M L Davidson his
wife real name unknown Maurice A Mead
and Rufus C Frost partners doing busi
ness under the firm name and style of M A
Mead Co defendants
You and eah of you are hereby notified that
on the 15th dav of March 1900 Kittle Benn as
plaintiff filed her petition In the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against yon as de
fendants the object aud prayer of which are to
establish and foreclose a tax lien upon real
estate as follows NW4 of section 24 twp 30
r 2G iii Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes
assessed and levied thereon for either state
county or school district purposes for the years
1894 1895 1896 1897 and 1898 for which said
lands wercipld to this plaintiff for the sum of
4293 to have an accounting of the amount duo
thereon together with interest from tho 14th
day of February 1900 at- the rate or ten per
centum per annum
To have the said laud sold for tho payment
and sati faction of the amount found due for
such taxes interest penalties and costs and
the costs of suit and the costs of saleto bar fore
close and exclude the said defendants auu each
of them from aving or claiming any lion title
interest or equity of redemption of in or to the
same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each ot you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1909
KITT1E BENN Plaintiff
A MMORRISSEY Attorney for Plaintiff
Dated March 15 1900 s 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To Sarah E Sill and C II Taucray Manager
non resident drfenuams
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 15th day of March 1900 Kittle Benn as
plaintiff filed her perition in the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska against you im
pleaded with C K Collins Receiver or Tne
Nebraska Mortgaue and Investment and The
Nebraska Mortgage and Investment Co as vow
co defendants the object and prayer ot which
are to establish and foreclose a tax lien upon
real estate as follows Lot J of sec 2 and lots
and4andswi w4 of sect twp 29 r 26 in
Cherry County Nebraska for the taxes asses
sed and levied thereon for either state county
or school district purposes for the years 1893
1894 1895 189C 1897 and lR93for which said lands
were sold to this plaintiff for the sum of S499G
to have an accounting of the amount due there
on together with interest from the 14th day of
February 1900 at the rate of ten per centum
per annum
To have the said land sold for the payment
and satisfaction of the amount found due for
such tuxes interest penalties and costs and the
costs of suit mid the costs of eale to bar fore
close and exclude the said dofendauts and each
of them from having or clainiug any lien title
interest or enuity of redemption of in or to thu
I same or any part thereof and for general relief
You and each or you are required to answer
said petition on or before April 23d 1900
A M MORRISSEY Attorney foy Plaintiff
Dated March 15th 1900 j 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Charles Hale and Nellie Hale W F Hamil
ton aud J J Steffen or J JStephen will take
notice that ou the 15th div of March 1900 Wil
liam Bachelor plaintiff herein filed his petition
in the District Court of Cherry County Nebras
ka against you the object ana prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain tax lien owned and
held by plaintiff against s2 or the sw4 sec 29
twp 32 r 30 in Cherry County Nebraska ac
quired by virtue of the payment of the delin
quent t ixes upon the aboe described real
estate for the yeirs IS94 1895 and 1890 which
was regularly sold by the County Treasurer of
Cherry County Nebraska on the 25th day of
April 1893 for the nou payment of the delin
quent taxes 011 the said premises for said years
amounting to 910 and by virtue of the pay
ment or subsequent taxes for the years 1897 and
1893 amounting to 100 Plaintiff is now the
owner and holder ot said tax liens and there is
how due plaintiff thereon the sum of 21 82 and
attorneys fees for which sums plaintiff prays
judgment aud decree that the defendants pay
the same together with interests and costs and
in default thereot that said real estate be sold as
p ovided by law for the payment of plaintiff
claim and costs You are required to answer
said petition on or before Monuaytlie 23rd day
of April 1900
By F M WALCO T lib Attorney
Dated March 15 1900 s 4t
1 Notice to Non- Resident Defendants
John Marcuson Burt C Shepard and Mrs
Shepard wife of Bur C Shepard first and real
name unknown the Central National Building
Umn Association Incorporated will take no
tice that on the 15th day of March 18u0 William
E Haley filed a petition in the District Court of
Cherry County Nebraska against you implead
ed with Abram r White Susie E While and
EUIon Sparks and Charles II Cornell trustees
the object aud prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed and delivered by
tne defendant John Marcuson to C Toucrav
j upon the n2 sv4 112 set sec S twp 32 r
ry County Nebraska to secure the payment f
one principal promissory wu of 635j on dated
Nov 17 lRetf and interest Plaintiff is now the
1 legal owuer and holder of said mortgage and
there is mow due plaintiff upon said note aud
mortgage thesuinof s05 with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent oer annum from the
lrtth day of March 1900 Tor which sum the plain
tiff prays for a deiree that the defendants be re
quired to pay said sum and in default thereof
tliatsid p emisei may be sold according to Ian
to satisfy the amount found due plaintiff with
mte ests and costs You are required to ansver
said petition en or before Monday the 23d day
of April 1900
WltbTAM E HALEY Plaintiff
x By FM WALCO IT his Attorney
Dated March ifr 6 4C