Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 15, 1900, Image 3

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lattcr Refused Admittance of
to the Oapilol Building for
Purpose of Arresting Two Men
Oilier Items
Frankfort Ky The situation here
reached a point of excitement on the 10th
insL almost approaching that of stirring
times immediately following the assassin
ation of Goebel The reinstatement of
he military power in complete control of
the slate executive building and the refusal
the military authorities to allow the
local police and civil officers to enter
the building for the purpose ot arresting
-Secretary of State Caleb Towers and Capt
-John W Davis charged with being ac
cessories to the Goebel assassination and
the probability of a conflict between the
-civil and military authorities made the
-situation look serious during most of the
day During the forenoon City Marshal
Richardson applied to the executive build
ing and demanded to be admitted for the
purpose of arresting Powers and Davis
but was turned back and the warrants
fturned over to Sheriff Suter
The latter also presented himself at the
executive building and demanded admit
tance He was referred by the officer in
charge to Col Morrow and the latter being
found said I am sorry Mr Sheriff but
it is against Gov Taylors orders to let any
one into the building today
During the evening tho two men slipped
aboard a train unobserved and proceeded
to Lexington Sunday all was quiet at the
capital but trouble was looked for at any
They Intend to Go to the Klondike
by Automobile
2ew York The French liner Aquitaine
which came into port March 12 from Havre
brought three Frenchmen who say they
intend to make the attempt to go to Klon
dike by automobile They are Jeanne de
Lamare who has been t the Klondike
and was for a time editor of the Klon
dike Review Raphael Merville who
as a brother-in-law ccf de Lamare
-end who holds a fast automobile
irecofd and E Crom private secretary to
M de Lamare The three travelers sent
ahead of them to this country an aulomo
bile of five horse power and a motorcycle
-of three horse power The vehicles have
been forwarded to Vancouver whence they
will begscnt to Skagway and on to Lake
JBemfett by way of the Yukon and the
3Vble Pass Railroad M de Lamare said
lhat he intended to start on Wednes
day for Montreal and on April 19 to start
by automobile from Lake Bennett for
r i f
Representative Hepburn of Iowa
Introduces the Bill
Washington Representative Hepburn
of Iowa has introduced a bill providing
lhatno picture or description of any prize
4ight or pugilistic encounter or any pro
posal of betting on a fight shall be trans
knitted in the mails or by any common
carrier engaged in interstate commerce
whether in a newspaper or periodical or
in any other form Any person sending or
knowingly receiving such matter for
transmission is made liable to imprison
mnent not exceeding one year or fine not
-exceeding 100 with a provision tlmt the
acts shall not apply to any person not
in the preparation publication or
sale of such prohibited newspapers peri
odicals or pictures
Onp Fireman Killed and Another
Probably Will Die
Boston Early Monday morning fire in
ithe office of the Massachusetts Macaroni
Company on North Street caused the
death of one fireman the probable fatal
injury of another and the serious injury
of three others besides entailing a proper
ty loss estimated at from 75000 to 100000
Hoseman P I McCarthy was instantly
killed He was standing on a laJder when
the roor fell m and he was hurled to the
gi md Christopher Curran while on the
roof was swept to the ground bj one of
the many streams and was probably
fatally injured Lieut Walter MacLean
-was hit by falling debris He will recover
Hoseman Galloway and Hoseman Cava
ghau sustained severe injuries
Cuts Her Husbands Throat While
He Lies Asleep
loliet 111 Mrs John Gallagher aged
50 years while in a fit of temporary insan
ity Monday night arose from her bed pro--cured
a razor and returning to the bed
room cut her husbands throat from ear to
ear He died before the police arrived on
the scene The demented woman is now
an jail Two small children were sleeping
in an adjoining room but were not mo
lester The Gallaghers were sturdy
codb people and the murdered man wav
well known among steel mill men
Iron Pipe Falls and Kills Two
New York A bundle of iron pipe
which fell from the window of the sixth
1loor of H C F Koch Cos department
store on West 124th street struck two men
who were unloading a truck at the curb
si one below They received injuries from
which they died within a shore time
Sixteen Miners Killed
Ximes France Sixteen miners weio
killed by an explosion in a coal pit at
Messages The galleries of tho mine col
lapsed burying the bodies of the victims
Standard Company Swnllo vs
Cudahy Interests in Ohio
Toledo Ohio Through an English syn
dicate the Standard Oil Company is cred
ited with having sscured control of the
Cudahy oil interests in Ohio and Indiana
mate it at 7500003
is credited with having engineered the
deal The Cudahy holdings consist of
about 500 producing oil wells with a daily
output of 2000 barrels the Indiana
Pipe Line and Refining Company
the Ohio and Indiana Oil Company the
Cumberland Oil Company the Cudahy Ojl
Company and the Indiana Tank Line All
of the clerks and office force of the Cud
ahy interests were quietly moved from
Chicago to Lima several days ago with the
books records and papers of the office
The Manhattan Oil Companys holdings
embrace a large oil refinery at Walker
Ohio about thirty miles south of here
pipe lines in the Ohio and Indian fields a
system of tank cars about 400 producing
wells and several thousand acres of oil
property mostly in the Ohio territory
Appeals to Snlisbury for Cessation
of Hostilities
London Lat2 on the 9th inst it was
learned the peace rumors were founded on
the fact that Kruger had appealed to Lord
Salisbury for a cessation of hostilities of-
fering at length by cable the terms which
he is willing to accept These however
are not taken seriously as they include
practically nothing more than what the
Transvaal government offered prior to the
issuing of the British ultimatum
Official circles here regard the propo
sitions as merely a ruse of the Boers to
gain time and do not consider the sweep
ing demands which Great Britain will
make as a reimbursement for the loss of
life and great expenditure
It is understood Krugers advance met
with the emphatic rejection at the hands
of Salisbury who is believed to have said
o such attempt to retain the independ
ence of the Transvaal can be considered
for a moment by the British government
Fifteen Thousand Dollars Damage
Done at St Peter
St Peter Minn Fire which started in
the laundry building of the state hospital
gutted the entire building together with
nearly all the machinery The origin of
the fire is not known but it started in the
drying room of the laundry The loss is
estimated at 15000
The upper part of the building was used
as a dormitory for the women employed
in the kitchen the sewing room and the
laundry All of them got out safely but
some with only their night clothes All
their personal property was destroyed
The St Peter fire department responded
promptly and with the aid of the depart
ment of the hospital prevented a holocaust
such as visited the institution in 1879 One
of the large mangle machines exploded
with terrific force and parts of the machjne
were found many blocks away
Consents to Be the Standard Bearer
of the Socialists
Indianapolis Ind Eugene Debs after
declining the nomination for president b
the amalgamated socialists has consented
to accept it
At Fridays session of the social
Democi atic party convention the nomina
tions of Eugene V Debs of Indiana for
president and Joseph Ilarriinan of Cali
fornia lor vice president were confirmed
The social Democrats are happy They
say the candidacy of Debs will attract
hundreds of thousands of voters to the
Moonshiners Kill a Detective
Lexington Ky George W Drake the
famous mountain detective and former
deputy United Stales marshal together
with a man named Ford were shot to
death near Torrent Ky by William St
John Drake had run down more moon
shiners and criminals in the mountains of
eastern Kentucky than any other officer in
the service of the government
City Officials Not in Contempt
Madison Wis The supreme court on
Feb 2S handed down a decision quashing
the contempt proceedings against the
mayor- city clerk and twenty five alder
men of the city of Milwaukee for passing
and approving the street railway ordinance
after tliey had been enjoined fromdoiugso
by the superior court
Prisoner Kills Himself
Ilelena Mont Fuller E Brown SB
years of age committed suicide in the city
jail by dashing his brains out upon the ce
ment floor He was to have been arraigned
for forgery but when summoned by an
officer jumped headforemost from the up
per tier of cells lie came to Montana from
American Sent to Prison
Knnberley Benjamin Silpcnt born in
Itussia and alleged to be an American
citizen has been sentenced to three years
imprisonment at haid iabor for signaling
to the enemy during the siege
Postoftlce Fraud Order
Washington A fraud order has been
issued by the postofnee department
against LD Bass the Union Teachers
Agencies of America and the Bureau of
Civil Service Instruction
Children Fall Through Ice
ChampaignvIllv Three sons of Jacob
Zieglerufarnier living north of here fell
through the ice in a creek and werQ
drowned while looking for sove wood
The bodies of the children all of whom
are less than 9 years old have not been
Opposed to Paper Currency
Santiago Chili Owing to the person
nel of the present Chilian congress no fear
is felt by the country of a uew emission of
paper currency
700000 Blaze in the Dry Goods
JistKot of Philadelphia
Philadelphia A lire emailing a loss of
over 700000 occurred early on the 7th inst
in the letail dry goods district The con
flagration originated in the engine room o
andthe properties of the Manhattan Oil Sherman Urns dry goods and millinery
Company The deal was jnade several
days ago but quietly The price was not
made public but conservative oil men
William C Whitney
store at Eightu and Arch Streets
eial aiirni was soundeJ but alleffors to
save the buildings were fruitless The
loss is 5300003
Maries Bros dry gools store adjoining
was partly damaged by smoke and water
and their storehouse was completely gutted
entailing a loss of 1300030 The flumes
spread to the six story building on Cheiyry
Street occupiedby Myerholl Bros manu
facturers of womens and childrens cloth
inn and the Philadelphia Electrical Equip
ment Company Nothing was left of this
place but the walls The loss is 200000
Several smaller buildings were more or
less seriously damaged
About 1C0 persons were thrown out of
employment by the fire
Statement Made Showing
tires of 348028066
Washington Acting Secretary Meikle
john sent to the bouse of representatives a
statement of expenditures by the war de
partment covering the military operations
in the Philippines iucludingoutstanding
liabilities from Maj 1 1503 to Nov lt ISOJ
The total is given at 4S9280p0 the prin
cipal items being
Quartermasters department 23715001
of which 17186861- is for army transpor
tation subsistence department S930
0D0 medical department 1081S4
oidnance 1S60239
Increasing Anxiety Regarding Fate
of Overdue French Steamer
Havre The anxiety in regard to the
overdue French line steamer Paullillac
which sailed from Xew York Feb 5 for
this port is increasing The officials of
the company express the hope that the
Paullillac having her machinery deranged
has drifted out of the track of Trans
Atlantic liners and is trying to reach port
under sail
Bank Wrecker Found Guilty
Caledonia Minn Tho jury brought in
a verdict of guilty of grand larceny in the
first degree as charged in the indictment
in the trial of Clements the La Crosse
man on trial for complicity in wrecking
the Fillmore County Bank Clements
claimed to have severed his connection
with the bank some time before the fail
ure but his partner Todd testified that
the books had been altered to make out
such a case in order to keep 40000 worth
of property from their creditors
City Employes Guilty of Fraud
Cleveland The jury in the case against
Albert E Davis and Samuel G iirooker
charged with defrauding the city in con
nection with the so called city hall steals
brought in a verdict finding both of the
accused men guiltj They were t trged
with making out and receiving money on
false bills to the extent of many thousands
of dollars
Exchange Ratifications of Treaty
Washington The ratifications of the
Sanioan arbitration treaty were exchanged
at the slate department March 8 by Secre
tary Hay for the United States Lord
Pauncefote for Great Britain and Dr von
Holleben for Germany The treaty sub
mits the claims for arbitration to King
Oscar of Sweden
Queens Visit To Ireland
Dublin The announcement here of the
queens intended visit caused much good
feeling Her majestys visit will -be of a
private character such as she is in the
habit of making periodically to the south of
France It will probably extend for more
than a fortnight
Kartville Postolllee Fobbed
Ilartville Wyo An unknown person
broke into the postofiice here and got away
with about 15 The ribbery was com
mitted in broad day light and while the
postmaster was in an adjoining room
making up the mail -
Sioux Citv Cattle common to prime
300450 hogs 465472 K sheep
L0625 wheat C2c corn 2L23c oats
1P2uj buttsr dairy 2022 creamer v
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 023 hogs shipping grades
300 to 500 sheep fair to choice 300
to Ju73 wheat STo 2 red G4e to 05c
corn Xo 2 35c to 30c oats No 2 23c
to 24c rye No 2 55c to 50c butter
choice creamery 24c to 25cr eggs fresh
15c to 17c potatoes choice 35c to 50c
per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
G00 hogs choice light 300 to 500
sheep common to priuie 300 to 525
wheat No 2 08c to 70c cbrn No 2
white 34c to 30c oats No 2 white
2Gc to 2Sc
St Louis Cattle 325 to 000 hogs
300 to 525 sheep 300 to 575
wheat No 2 72c to 74c corn No 2
yellow 33c to 33c oats No 2 24c to
25 c rye No 2 55c to 57c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to G00 boss
300 to 523 hheep 250 to 023
wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2
mixed 3Gc to 3Sc oats No 2 mixed 23c
to 27c rye No 2 50c to Glc
Detroit Cattle 230 to 000 hogs
300 to 325 sheep 300 to 575
wheat No 2 70c to 72c corn No 2
yellow 35c to 37c oats No 2 white 27c
to 2Sc rye 5Sc to GOc
Toledo Wheat No 2 mixed 70c to
72c corn No 2 mixed 35c to 37c oats
No 2 mixed 24c to 25c rye No 2 57c
to 5Sc clover seed old 400 to 500
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern
G3c to G4c corn No 3 33c to 34c oats
No 2 white 23c to 2Gc rye No 1 5Sc
to 50c barley No 2 42c to 44c pork
mess 1025 to 1075
Buffalo Cdttle good shipping steers
300 to G25 hogs common to choice
325 ro 525 sheep fair to choice 300
to 075 lambs common to extra 451
to 800
New York Cattle 325 to 025 hogs
300 to 550 sheep 300 to 025
wheat No 2 red 77c to 7Sc com No 2
41c to 42c oats No 2 white 31c to 32c
butter creamery 20c to 27c evgs west
ey luc to lGc
- v
n tj
Omaha 3ran Tried on Charge of
Murdering Two Men Acquitted in
One Case and Convicted in the
Other Evidence Was Identical
Unless John Shannahan secures a new
rial or obtains relief from the supreme
sourt penitentiary stripes await him in
axpiation of the double killing which oc
curred in his South Omaha saloon July
13 last year At the close of a weeks
trial on the charge of taking the life of
Ed Callahan a jury in Judge Bakers
iourt has found Shannahan guilty of man
jlaughter The penalty is from one
to ten years in the penitentiary
A peculiar phase of the ease is the fact
hat when Shannahan was tried a few
veeks ago for killing Ed Joyce who was
Callahans pal the jury found him not
zuilty Both men were killed at the s une
jine and place and under exactly the same
circumstances The evidence in each sep
irate trial was identic U In short the
rial on the Callahan charge was in every
respect a duplicate of the trial fotrhe death
of Joyce
Shannahan set up the plea that he shot
Joyce and Callahan in self defense that
ne believed theni to be highwaymen and
hat after they had made an attack upon
lim his suspicions were confirmed and he
began to shyot
Damage Case Lengthy
The case of Beebc against Dodge County
it Fremont in which the plaintiff seeks to
recover the sum of 5000 for damages al
leged to have been sustained by his firm by
lk 2 construction of the new drainage Uitch
west of Ames has taken up the time of
Judge Hollenbeck and a jury in the dis
trict court for two weeks -and will take a
week or two longer The plaintiff intro
duced twenty three witnesses who swore
the plaintiffs land will be reduced in
value from 10 to 12 per acre on account
of the ditch ami the defendant has an
equal number testifiying that the ditch
will not afiecUthe value of the land or if
it does in any way will be a benefit to it
The ditch is being dug and will probably
be finished long before the hist of the
twelve damage cases against the county is
Thad Clark Bailed Out
Thad Clark the pal of Viret Hawkins
whom Sheriff Secord shot and killed some
time ago was release from the Clay Center
jail on bond furnished by XV L Gaddis of
Harvard Clark was arrested about the
time that Hawkins was shot and had a
preliminary examination before Judge H
C Palmer who committed him to jail un
der 800 bond The citizens of Harvard
and vicinity are wild with indignation at
the action of Gaddis in going his bail
Nebraska Board Upheld
The supreme court for a second time but
indifferent cases has affirmed the consti
tutionality of the law giving the state
board of transportation power to regulate
telegraph and telephone rates The Ne
braska Telephone Company sought an in
junction preventing the board fiom acting
on a complaint and the district court of
Lancaster County refused to grant it On
appeal the supreme court sustained the
lower court
Burglars Still ICnjoy Liberty
The bloodhounds brought to York from
Anrora failed to trace the burglars who
robbed Harry Hopkins store The bur
glars broke the window in the rear of the
store and stole 25 in monoj and an Eng
lish sovereign over 100 years old and a gold
watch The hounds traced the burglars
to the mill pond near the ice house and
there lost the trail
Losses of Sheepmen
The report has reache 1 Chadron of the
loss of 300 sheep in thelloclc of I Griffith
a recent investor in a llock of sheep They
packed up in a shed and smothered nearly
2G0 in one night During a storm the next
llf Him- irVi jwl
-lull o Iw w r
the llock was lost When found a tew
days later 100 had been killed by coyotes
George Coil Convicted
The jury in the Coil minder case at
Chadron brought in a veidici of guilty
of murder in the second degree Cod was
charged with the murder of a ranchman
named Ryan He admitted the killing
but claimed he acted in self defense The
trial has attracted a great deal of interest
as both parties were well known
Burglars in lied Cloud
Burglars entered the house of A Gal
usha at Jted Cloud the other night and
took his watch and chain They also
entered the borne of G Y Lindsey just
outside of the nty and took his vest con
taining his watch and chain and about 20
rn money It is thought tliey entcicd with
skefetoit keys
Bid on Ttledioal TVork
Dr J B Conways bid for me iical and
surgical work at the York County poor
farm was the lowest The doctor offered
to furnish all the medicine surgical sup
plies and to prescribe lor one year fi 2U0
Farmer Takes Strychnine
James Kontuik a Bohemian farmor
living a few miles south of Lin wood com
mitted suicide by drinking the contents of
a bottle of whisky with which he had pre
viously mixed a quantity of strychnine
Bones Broken While Skating
The 12-year-old boy of X T Migoe
jvhile skating with his schoolmaster at
Fairmont fell on the ice and another boy
that was skating with him fell on him
breaking both bones of ihuleg below the
ayments of Insurance Shortage
Several more pay menus on the iusuraucit
fee shortage were made a day or twoago
by insurance companies bringing the total
leceived up to date to 320
Brakemans Arm flashed
Eil LuHderigamof Alkanc va brakeunn
had Ins rigllt forearm bail 13- smashed at
liroken Bow while attempting to adjust a
coupling pin
Viola Harlockers Case
The next term of the district courtcon
vnnesat Hastings March 10 with Judge
Edward L Adams or Minden presiding
There are several criminal eases to be
tried at the term among them the Ilar
Iockcrcase which has boon attracting the
attention oftho public for some time past
Bay Gets Ten Years
After all the evidence was in in the case
of the state agiuHisb J Jay at Auburn tTio
prisoner changed his idea and plead guili3
to manslaughter Ug was sentenced to
teu years in the penitentiary
jr A fi
A Jfc
Jealous Husband Attempts to Kill
llin Wife and Then Suicides
As a resilt of jealousy Frank Steele of
Omaha shot his w ife and killed himself at
the home of IJev A F Nelson on the 7th
inst Steele fired six shots five of which
took offer tin ee in the body of his wife
and two in his own body Mrs Steele was
taken to the Clarkson Hospital and the
body of Steele was removed to the coro
ners office where it was found that he
had shot himself -in the center of the fore
head and jutt below the heart Steele was
formerly employed ty the Swift Packing
Company at South Omaha but for some
time has been out of employment The
of the ciime as told by 3fr Nelson is
as follows
0i March 3 Mrs Steele who hid been
ill for some time went to the office of a
plnsician in this neighborhood for consul
tation Our family had been acquainted
with her for some time and while she was
up in this neighborhood she came to call
011 1113 wife While hhe was here she be-came-so
ill that she could not return home
and remained here all the tune- Wednes
day evening about six oclock Steele caine
to the lions and entered the dining room
where my wife lip Steele and mvsoJ
were sitting He Iseeaied in excellent
spirits but ins wife appeared to be afraid
of him and she has since said that he had
threatened to kill her While talking to
the women he drew a revolver from his
pocket and 4oid his wife that it was
loaded lie sat holding the revolver and
talking when his wife left the room My
wife followed her to the kitchen and then
Steele went into that room he passed he
1 women and stood between them and the
outer door I heard wife scream and
ran toward the kitchen when Steele fired
tiie bullet grazing my lingers and burying
itself in the wall Mrs Steele and my wife
carrying her baby ran past me through
the dining room and out of the front door
Steele following them fireing as he ran
He fired five shots in the house The
women ran around the house and into the
basement through a rear door where Mrs
Steele fell Steele after he left the house
fired two shots into his own body and fell
When the reporter visited the house
Mrs Steele was reclining on a sofa in the
basement of the house She wasiconscious
and took a lheh interest in the arrange
ments I eing made for her removal to the
hospital but was growing rapidly weaker
through internal hemorrhage She said
Frank was jealou of me He accused
me of having improper relations vuth
various men and his sister who lives- in
town supported him in his accusations
He was crazy through jealous3rT and for a
long time has leen acting quserly Last
Easter he ran away Irom homo and went
to Chicago He stayed there a day or twe
and came back home Since then he has
been quarreling with me Have they made
arrangements for his funeral But J
suppose his sister will do that Do you
think if I am strong enough they will let
me sea him before he is buried J 1 would
like to see him againon earth
Dr J E Summers of the Clarkson Hos
pital said that the indications were favor
able for Mrs Steeles recovery
Carry the Entire Ticket by Slajori
tics of irom oOO to 1200
The Republicans carried the cit elec
tion in Omaha by the full party vote which
shows a of between 500 and
1200 votes The entire Republican ticket
including nine councilmen is elected after
the bitterest contest in the history of the
cit It was accomplished by all factions
working in harmqnj They were brought
together reason of the fear of losing
the machinery or the city government for
the fall elections involving the selection of
a legislative delegation which must vote
for two United States senatois
Fire in Indianola
A disastrous lire giitled the JstalpBank
uiiding atlndianola The fire originated
in the Reporter printing office upstairs
from which nothing was rescued By he
roic efforts trie Masonic temple was saved
The State Banlc loss is l000 Ip 00
partially insured The Reporter office
suffered a loss of 00 covered by insur
ance S R Smith editor of the Reporter
lost on stock material blanks and fixtures
500 insured Dr McKenzies loss was
100 with 200 insurance V
In Memory ol Veterans
Great preparations are in progress at
Columbus for the dedication of the line
monument recently erected at Frankfort
Park in memory f the eterans of the
war The iijlroads have made a rate of
one and one tiiiul fare for the round trip
from an3 place in the state and a large at
tendance especially of soldiers is ex
Defeat Court Houe Proposition
The proposition to levy a1 ax Tor build
ing a court house at Gnnd Island was Je
featcd at the polls b3r u decisive majority
Nebraska Short Notes
Dwelling houjw arein demand at Bloom
The Table Rock Clay Company has its
sheds completed and Its new machinery
has arrived ami been placed -in position
li is ready for fnismess
Humboldt Rtynibuoan papers mention
Judge Tucker as acandiiJate r fyrone
of the delegates sfrom the First- Wn gircs
sioiifil dislncHote national Repuolican
uon vent ion
The Broken Bow creamerv has started in
bUMiiess with a good patronage
The big miow recently has made the
ground better for spring work than or
Mme years Farmers are preparing for
spring wrc
The final muster roll blanks forc theor
ganiz v i m of a conipanv of Nebraska
Guard in OXeil have lCn re
ceived Futv members luve been secured
The orgmiz iSion has not yet been effecte I
but it is exported a meeuir will be hebi
next week to organize ami elect uilh trs
The musOr in will follow as soon as the
men are organized - - -
I he lower Siois of congress passed the
bll tntrofucal by Repra eufhtiveBhrkctt
of Nebraska providing for a rcsurvey of
Frontier County in this state
- Work has been commence I on the new
Catholic Church at Petersburg
Albert Colson the student accused of
pilfering from the college students amj
stealing a bicjcle lamp pleaded guilv at
Yoik and was gheu a fine of 3 ami tosts
During tho fast yo ir in which the Kan
sas iy stock buyeis have been operating
in Webster County over 1201 head of
horses and mules have bean shipped from
Red laud representing a cash expendit
ure among ihii farmers of about 53000
The buyers assert that more animals have
been shipped from that place than any
other town in Nebraska They are being
bought for war use
Hew ttontea for Shipnicnte AVheat nud
Plonr Diverted from Imkc 3Iicijiai
to Lake Superior Porta and from Bast
vcm to Southern Seaboard
The Grain Trade of the Unifcd -States
is the title of a monograph just
published by the treasury bureau of sta
tistics as the first of a series of studies
upon the production and transportationoE
the great staples and upon the interipl
commerce of the country Tho artiSe
points out the immense increase in the
agricultural production of the country
the rapid and continuous westward shift
ing of the area of population and the
phnnoc in the routes bv which western
I grain reaches the eastern consumers and
tne European alie ueveioo
nieut of the grain production and trade
is traced from colonial times to the opt
ing up of xhc Mississippi route by the ilur
ehase of Louisiana when the shallow
barges and later the steamboats descend
ed the Mississippi and Isew Orleansshipr
ped grain tc Xew York and Boston
After the completion of the Erie ianal
in 1S25 and the settling of tJieLakb
Michigan territory the great bulk of
western grain traffic moved eastward
over the lakes and the canal and New
York became the great grain skipping
port of the country The discussion shows
how from Chicago a network of railways
radiated to all points and acted as
taries to the lakesr and later how the uni
fied and amalgamated railwaj s competed
with the lakes for the east bound freight
The traffic in corn and flour was diverted
from the lakes to the railroads and
while the lakes regained part of this lost
traffic later the Erie canal was unable
to compete with Hie railroads from Buf
falo and grain- which formerly reached
tidewater at Xew York f now largely di
verted to Philadelphia Baltunore and
more southerly ports
Two Now Grain- Rontea
Tho monograph also presents what
pear as the two most recent development
of tho grain trade of the United States
Firstly the partial diversion of the wheat
and flour trade from Lake Michigan to
Lake Superior ports and the rise of a
great milling industry at Minneapolis andv
Duluth Superiorr secondly the increased
movoment of grain and notably of corn
to the gulf ports partly by river to a
greater extent by rail from St Louis t
and near by points and to an over-growing
extent by direct rail routes from
cities in- the southwestern corn belt
The statistics contafned in this report
throw light upon the present grain and
more especially wheat situation of the
United States They show that the ex
portation of grain is increasing with
great rapidity that both the production
and exportation of corn arc assuming a
greater volume and tnat a constantly
growing portion of our wheat is exported
in the form of flour During the last
thirty two years the amount of corn pro-
dnced has increased from SG8000000 toj
1924000000 bushels an increase of 121i
per cent while the exports of this cereal
increased from 1G000000 to 177000000
bushels or overl000 per cent During
the same period our production of wheat
increased from 152000000 to G7y00O
000 bushels a gain of C44 per cent while
our exports increased from 12G to 222G
millions of bushels or almost eighteen
fold and our neE exports of this grain
increased at a still more rapid rate
The United States Lead
The year 1S9S shows the United State
to be easily tiie first wheat pro dtfqins
country of the world our produeffiont
amounting to G7300O00O bushels or
nearly one fourth 234 per cent of that
of the whole world Russia both Euro
pean and Asiatic is second with 173 per
cent then France with 129 per cent
British India with 84 percent andAus4
tria Hungary with 59 per cent Our
precedence in wheat production is largely
due to our immense tracts of available
fertile land our admirable transportation
facilities the remarkable system of band
ling the grain both physicallj and com
mercially and the exceedingly low freight
rates which obtain on our railroads and
Xew York has 9321 officials on the
payroll c
The Empire State has fifty lawyersin
its Senateand 150 in the Assembly
The American Political Lea gueV aigw
organization will hold a national con
vention in Boston July 4
Felix HcWhirter of Indianapolis has
resigned as treasurer of the Indiana
State prohibition committee
Congressmen and Senators have 15
000000 packages of seeds tojdistribute
among -their rural constituents
The Mississippi Legislature has passed
a law forbidding the sale of cocaine ex
cept when prescribed by a physician
The Italian Union Republican Club of
Philadelphia has led the clubs of that
city in subscribing 200 toward Philadel
phias national convention funfl
Objection was made to the CitizensV
ticket for local officers in Chester County
Pennsylvania on the ground that it was
nominated on Sunday and so was illegal
Maryland has ahout 45000 voters reg
istered as illiterate of whom 18500 are
white and 20500 are colored
The Democratic Silver Republican and
Ppulist committees of Idaho have de
clared for a union of all silver forces in
the State
A bill is before the Marynd Legisla
ture asking that the rigorous provisions
of the Sunday law be modified in their re
lation to Baltimore
The Massachusetts House of Itepre
sentatives has passed a bill providing for
the use of reformed spelling in the public
documents of the State