Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 08, 1900, Image 7

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the hest
in the
numbered snsiitatisde of
grateful women whose
letters are oonstantiy
printed in this paper
Every woman should read
these Metiers
Had Catarrh Nine Years AN Doctors Failed
Hera Geo Kersten a well known Justice of the Peace of Chicago says
J was afflicted with catarrh for nine years My catarrh was
located chiefly in my head I tried many remedies without avail
applied to several doctors but they were not able to cure me 1
learned of the remedy Peruna through the daily newspapers After
taking the remedy for 18 weeks I was entirely cured I consider my
cure permanent as it has been two and a half years since I was cured
Any man who wishes perfect health
must bo entirely free from catarrh Ca
tarrh is well nigh universal almost om
nipresent Peruna is the only absolute
safeguard known A cold is the begin
ning of catarrh To prevent colds to
cure colds is to cheat catarrh out of its
ictinis Peruna not only cures catarrh
but Drevents it
Vienna Policemen
Vienna policemen are required to un
derstand telegraphy and to be able to
wim and row a boat
Oh How Happy 1 Am
HOW HAPPY I AM to be able to
ay that I am free from pain after five
rears of eevere suffering from neuralgia
writes Mrs Archie Young 1817 Oaks
venue West Superior Wis I am so
thankful to be able to say that your 5
Drops is the best medicine I ever got in
say life When I received it from you
last November I used some- of it right
way The first dose helped me
It is impossible to explain how I was
sufferinjr from neuralgia I thought no
one could get worse and that death would
coon come I was very weak and I
hardly thought I could live to see my
kusband come back from his daily labor
Now I can say that I am free from
pain my cheeks are red my appetite is
stood and I sleep well all night Many
of my friends are surprised and say they
will send for some o Drops
Sample bottles of this wonderful rem
edy 25c large bottles containing 300
doses 100 For information write
Swanaon Sheumatic Cure Co 104 E
Lake street Chicago
No large city in the Dnited States has
surplus of spinsters Baltimore
comes nearest with only sixty five
more bachelors than old maids
VTTiTTTT low debilitated or exhausted cured by
Dr Xlina InYigoratinG Tonic FREE1 Trial Bottle
2 neers treatment Dr Klines Institute
Entaiaiflc Philadelphia Founded 137L
Ingratitude is ibe abridgment of all
baseness a fault never found unat
tended with other vicionsness
Sirs WlnrioWs BooxHnfo 8Tmn Tor Children
tthlBc softens tua cuius reduces inflammation
tiiTS pun cure wind colic 25 cents a bottle
The lest loses its point when he who
makes it is the first to laugh Schiller
Why trifle with health
when the easiest and
All families should provide themselves
with a copy of Dr Hartmans free book
entitled Winter Catarrh This book
consists of seven lectures on catarrh and
la grippe delivered at The Hartman San
itarium It contains the latest informa
tion on the treatment of catarrhal dis
eases Address Dr Hartman Colum
bus Ohio
Happy Thoughc
First promoter Looks to me as if
our Dewey fund were not getting
along as it ought to
Second promoter Thats so Suppose
we change it to a subscription for
Jeffries Indianapolis Journal
Tliero te more Catarrh In this section of the
pountry than all other diseases put together and
until the last few years was supposed to he in
curable For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease and prescribed local
remedies and by constantly failing to cure with
local treatment pronounced it incurable Scienca
has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis
ease and therefore requires constitutional treat
ment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only con
stitutional cure on the market It is taken in
ternally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoon
ful It acts directly on tho blood and mucous
surfaces of the system They oiler one hundred
dollars for any case it falls to cure Send for
circulars and testimonials Address
F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio
E3Sold by Druggists 75c
Aroufecd Her Suspicion
- Nell Im sure George- had been
drinking before he called
Belle Why
Nell He looked at the clock and
wanted to know if it kept rag time
Philadelphia Record
Thirty Days Trial Absolutely Free
We offer to each new student enrolling
at the beginning of the spring term
March 2G 1900 thirty days trial FREE
in either our Preparatory Normal Col
lege Commercial Shorthand and Type
writing Departments This offers a mag
nificent opportunity to test one of the
most thoroughly practical colleges of
Iowa Board very low
Address at once for particulars Presi
dent J F Hirsch- Charles City Iowa
To Part Again
Ida I never laughed so much in all
my life I saw Charley combing bis
hair before the glass Ila ha
May But where was the funny part
Ida On Charleys head Ha ha
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
25c EW Groves signature is on each box
Hi vjPCJew Way
Brudder Tolmsing Mistah Slewfoot
what yo gwino charge me fob de use
ob yo new black coat fob a couple ob
Brudder Slewfoot What yo want
wid a black coat fob two weeks
Bi udder Johnsing Muh
done died dis mawnu an I wants to
take a short mourn Puck
Russell Sajje Gives Advice
Uncle Russell Sage gives this advice
The best way for a young man to
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound i V
3 i begin who is without friends or
is knows everywhere and
thousands of women have
teen cured of serious idd
ney derangements by St
eWrsm Pindsams meth
ads have the endorse
ment of the mayor the
ence is first by getting a position sec
ond keeping his mouth shut third
observing fourth being faithful fifth
making his employer think be would be
lost in a fog without him and sixth
being polite
A Womans Privilege
Jack was very indignant What do
vnn mean he said to his fhineee hv
postmaster and Others Of throwing kisses at my chum and wben
her own Gity i m with him too r
Jack I never did I threw
gs um - g 5-
Her medsosna has me niom Z
endorsement of an Esn
Blamed funny if a girl cant even
throw kisses straight Detroit Free
By Proxy
Are yon looking for a job asked
the foreman of the street ang or
are you list liangin around here cause
vnn ct nnthin pIsp to rtn
Mrs PFnkham advises Neither one answered the gentle
tSHfferiStCS Women free Of i man with the straw hat and incoherent
charge Her address is
vifr mass
clothes I come around to watch them
fellers work cause the doctor told me
I needed exercise New York rress
John ITnjrs Haxnznonu Condemns Oowa
Paul and His Policy
According to John Hays Hammond
the American engineer whose activity at
Johannesburg while associated with the
Rhodes mining interests at the time of
the Jameson raid in 189G came near
costing him his life at the hands of- the
Beers Americas sympathies in the British-Boer
conflict should be not with Oora
Paul but with her majestys forces Mr
Hammond gave expression to this view
at a brilliant dinner given him a few
days since in Chicago He spoke of the
condition of affairs in the Transvaal
prior to the war and took the opportunity
to say that England was carrying on a
just war and that the Boers were wholly
to blame for the present difficulty
Mr Hammond made the assertion that
the Transvaal mining industry would
never have achieved success were it not
for tho fact that English capital and
American ingenuity became interested
and entered the field The Outlanders
he said were invited to the territory by
Oom Paul who when they had served
his purpose denied them the right to ex
ist there by reason of the oppressive laws
JSP 138 wv
he directed against them The Outland
ers paid nineteenths of be taxes and yet
had little or no voice imthe government
All that is wanted by the OuJanders
said Mr Hammond is tbe establishment
of the principle that there shall be no
taxation without representation
In Mr Hammonds opinion the pres
ent strife was forced upon President
Kruger by his inability to longer con
trol the widespread conspiracy he had
built up against England Oom Paul
said Mr Hammond was waiting for a
rupture between Great Britain and
some other power when he would make
his effort to attain independence For
many years the Boers were actively
pursuing a scheme of conspiracy foi
driving the English from South Africa
and were buying guns building fortifi
cations and hiring foreign officers in anticipation-of
a conflict
It might be supposed that Mr Ham
mond was prejudiced in the matter in
favor of the English because of his
participation in movements against the
Boers but he claims this view of the
matter would be wrong He spoke as an
American he said and put the facts of
the case plainly before his auditors
Side Lights on
e Boer War
The health of the horses in South Af
rica is a question which is worrying
British officers almost as much as the
health of the men On account of the
lack of railroads and the quickness of the
enemys moves mqunted troops are al
most as essential as guns With the
change from the dry to the wet seasons
comes the danger to horses The average
death rate among the horses now from
sickness alone is about 25 per cent In
some localities it has been known to
reach 80 and even 90 per cent The dis
ease works rapidly It often happens
that a trooper is riding along when his
horse begins to stagger then drops and
dies on the spot Donkeys are immune
to the disease but mules are not
The Kafirs Basutos and Zulus are the
native runners But it is not by run
ning that they do the best of their work
This they do by shouting their messages
from hill to hill They are the South Af
rican telegraph system The first news
of the battle of Glencoe which reached
England and America came to Cape
Town in this way Whatever message is
given by a native negro is never altered
by any one who forwards it though it
may be passed along by 2000 men The
precise words that are uttered by the first
man are the identical ones which the last
one hears
In the pursuit of Gen Cronje to Paar
deberg some of the British regiments
marched twenty seven miles in twenty
four hours They got ahead of the trans
port and the men lived on quarter ra
tions When the white flag of surrender
was displayed by the Boers a regiment
stationed on a hill saw it and set up a
cheer which ran down the lines and was
taken up by the men in the trenches An
officer dashed to headquarters with the
On Christmas day three Englishmen
who had previously received passes to
remain in the Free State were comman
deered and ordered to proceed to the
front They declined to fight against
their countrymen and on the same day
were taken to the market square at Har
rismith and shot
Well up to the front among the popu
lar heroes of the Boer war is Bugler
Dunn the boy of 15 first of the Royal
Dublin Fusileers to cross the Tugela
and who wounded in the right hand
while sounding the advance immedi
ately sounded the advance wifff his left
Lord Roberts is not the only Britisli
general to have lost a son in the South
African campaign Gen Brabant com
mander of Brabants Horse and one of
the most popular military men in South
Africa had a son Capt Brabant killed
in a sortie from Ladysinith
A private in the Shropshire Light In
fantry wrote home from Orange river I
am as black as a Kaffir with a beard
about five inches long I liave only oue
suit of khaki and the trousers are aM
grease and in boles
Worthless I
- - MX
1 is
PI ease
eend this
adr uitli
What a lot of trash
sold as cough
cures The hollow
drum makes the
oudest noise the
biggest advertise
ment often covers
Sixty years of
cures and such
1 mony as the follow-
what Ayers Cherry
Pectoral will do
I had a most stubborn cough
for many years It deprived me
of sleep and made me lose flesh
rapidly I was treated by many
eminent physicians but could get
no permanent relief I then tried
Ayers Cherry Pectoral and I be
gan to get better at once I now
sleep well my old flesh is back
and I enjoy myself in every way
at the age of seventy four R N
Mann Fall Mills Tenn Feb 7
l hrIliii
10c to Salzor
M A t
S5 pigs earlkst vegeta
ble seedi 100
m who eoa ay arnseista
jaegrisgBaKgaBSgsagnsssa jgasssr1
Its the
cough medicine Try
a 25 cent bottle
Salters Itapo
i ri
1TUS UJlll
ic Jm
What is it
0IvSy Salicrs Seeds are Warranted to ProiJato
tl Mahlon Luther ETroTlncstonIbed thrwola
bvcrowiaK JaObushclslJlsloarOaij J lirciiler
gjy Mishfcott Wis 173 bus barlcr sndllIOTfjoT
acuhiuiuuu Ul KiunUi wvuuiajiKl siatu
per aero If tou iloubt write them Wo wish to cola
100000 new customer hence trill scad on trial
10 pigs of raro fares seeds Salt Enh the 3 eared
Jora tpeltzproducinpMJUusa rooacna4 tonsliay
per acre abov c oat 3 aau barley lirouu j Inennii
the crcatest nrss on earth Sclzcr sans to
Kane aprins n neat c incmcinc our
motn nan t nun aaa accn uatiiogteinnK au
about Salzcr a urcst3IIlIlon Dollnr
Potato all mailed for 10c poitage
posimeir vrtnn to priastnrt
been Ioiaioci s u a ucii ana an
alono tic
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat If youwantacoat
that will keep you dry in the hard
est storm bux the Fish Brand
Slicker If not for sale in your
town write for catalogue to
A J TUWtK Boston Alasg
Hit L jllMIHlWJmiriftM
Ktfcl fftgg Kffil
to Western Canada and par
ticalars as to how to secure
160 acres of the best Wheat
growing land on tho Conti
nent can bo secured on ap
plication to tho Superin
tendent of Immigration
Ottawa Canada or the un-
flawilnnail Cnoinllv onn
dnptnil exenrsions mill learo St Paul Minn on the 1st
and 8d Tuesday In each month and specially low ratos
on all lines of railway oro being quoted for excursions
leaving St Paul on March 2Sth and April 4th for Mani
toba Assimboia Saskatchewan and Alberta
Write to F Pedley Supt Immigration Ottawa
Canada or tho undeisipned who will mail you
atlases pamphlets etc free N Bartholomew 306
5th St Des Moines Iowa W H Rogers Water
town South Dakota W VBennett 801 New York
Life Omaha Neb BDavies 154 East 3d
St St Paul Mnn Agents for Govt of Canada
ECtfTEt 45 7aEnLSffi 3
S a
mm mi
mfl if
A tiS Mil
mt K
Hn m IB
arina yciEra a 3
Wo wish to gain this year 00000
new customers and hence oiler f3
I Pkg City Garden Beet lCc
I PkgEarlst Emerald CucumberlEc a
I Lacrosse Market Lettuce 15c fZ
1 Straw borry Melon 15c 2
1 13 Day Radih 10c
1 Early Ripe Cabbage 10c
1 Early Dinner Caion lOo JJ
3 Brilliant Flower Seeds 15c ra
Woith 9100 for 14 cents iSilu
Above 10 Pkps worth 100 wo will
mail yon free toe ether with onr
great uacaiogr ceiling an aoout m
upon receipt of this notice l4c jJ
know when yon once try SJalzers S
seeds yon will never do without 63
20 Prize8onSalzers 1HUO A
est earliest Tomato Giant on earth CN
BUGGY ourfactorrcan bcild for the
money 8S990 buys the Buggy hero
illustrated fully equipped with tha
customers choice of either BJ2AV3T
Rubber or Leather quarter top End
or Brewster Biae oarspnngsiour
choice of color in painting Cloth
or leather trimmed The BEST
HICKORY Screwed Rim Wheels
Trt or 1 inch trpnd Tnl Imrth
Brussels Carpet Boor Stokm Apbok Whip Socket
Toe Rail Spuing Back 2Iickei Line Rail Leathiu
Trimmed Shafts Wo linve vehicles from 0S5 up
includimrUoad Carts Road Wagons Surreys Pha
etons Traps Bprln Wngona end lluluess CIgs
Shipped C O D east of tho Rockj Mountains on re
ceipt of 300 subject to examination For those who
profertosecd the full amount with the order we will
include a good whip OUR SPRING CATALOGUE of
1000 paces illustrating some of the line in NATURAL
COLORS will be sent prepaid upon receipt of 1G cents
which pays part of the express charges and will bo re
funded on receipt of the first order This catalogue
quote wholesale prices on EVERYTHING you EAT
Established JOIIX M SMTTn CO
1667 150 1CC W MadUon St
Order by this No 200 K CUICAGOILL
llllRfS WHPR5 All El cJuiC
Best Coogb Syrup Tastes Good Use
Arc the Most Disagreeable Months
ol the Year in the North
In the South they are the pleasantest
and most agreeable Tiie trees and shrubs
put forih their buds and flowers early
vegetables and fruits are ready for eating
and in fact all nature seems to have
awakened from its winter sleep The
Louisville Nashville Kallroad Company
reaches the Garden Spots of the South
and will on the first and third Tuesdays of
March and April sell round trip tickets to
all principal points in Tennesse Ala
bama Georgia and West Florida at about
half rates Write for particulars of excur
sions to P Sid Jones D P A in charge
of Immigration Birmingham Ala
Good manners and good morals are
sworn friends and fast allies BartoL
Medical Book Free
Know Thyself a book for men
onl3 regular price 50 cents will be
sent free sealed and postpaid to any
male reader of this paper mentioning
this advertisement inclosing Gc for post
age Address the Peabody Medical In
stitute 4 Bulflnch street Boston Mass
the oldest and best institution of its kind
in Kev Endand Write to day for free
Imagination is the eye of the soul
1000000 in IS Year3
Read the story of the Million Dollar
Potato also of Rape Bromus Speltz
3 eared Corn etc all great money mak
ers for the farmer in John A Salzer
Seed Cos La Crosse Wis catalog
Send 10c postage for same and 10 rare
samples of farm seeds Largest Vegeta
ble Seed Growers in the United States
Never go to bed with cold or damp
Pisos Cure for Consumption cured a
case of Pneumonia after the family doc
tor gave up all hope M F McDowes
Conowjngo Md
Conscience looks out upon human
life Davidson
Nothing hobbles the muscles
and unnts for work like
Nothing relaxes them and makes
a speedy perfect cure like
St J
lOSil This High Crade
GUITAR for Only
The tOD cdcQ is bound with xchits ciJlcIoii
Das fancy inlar around sound hole Tbe bort
American made patent head Raised GenaeJi
eiiver ireta wltn inlaid pearl position dots
Tho scale is as near perfect as it ia possiLjo
to make Is btruai with a full set of BEST
quality steol f trmga A complete Lnatructiaa
Book is aont FR with each Guitar Oa re
ceipt of 8100 we trill fond itC Q Dsab
boct to examination OUIt SPRlNfi OATJL
LOGUE of 1000 illustrated pases will boieat
prepaid on receipt of 15 cents which do
part of the express charges and will be refunded en
receipt of first order Thin catalogue quotes wholeaar
prices on EVERYTHING you EAT WEAR nnd 03H
Established 1S67 JOHS M SMYTH CO lOO lrf
W iladlson bu OUlcozo Order by this No 200 Si
No 10 1900
NPW niSnnVPRY cire
ku a onick relief cures wond
cnBei Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS treatment
iKEi Dr II 11 Urcena bona lioi M Atlanta Ua
VlP3s 35v i jSS
PSv Jij via uf 19 S -
Red RotlP ll Hands Fk imincr Hlll
c j -- to7 e
Palms and Painful Finger Ends
1M Wm
lUi l
5 iLa A frW A Jl
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong hot
creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAR Dry
and anoint freely with CUTICURA the great
skin care and purest of emollients Wear during
the night old loose kid gloves with the finger
ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms For
red rough chapped hands dry fissured itching
feverish palms with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends this treatment is simply wonderful
and points to a speedy cure of the most distress
ing cases when physicians and all else fail
Pain So Intense Would Nearly Tvist Fingers From Sockets Hands
Puffed Up Like a Toad Water Ran Through Bandages to
Floor Had to Walk the Floor Until Would Fall
Asleep Fingers Would Peel Like an Onion
Doctors Could Not Cure
Eight years ago I got sore hands commencing with a burning sensation
on my fingers and on top of the hand When I rubbed them vou could
see httlo white pimples I felt like twisting my fingers out of their sockets
I had high fever and cold chiil3 ran over me and so I kept It gom until
I was tired out Nights I had to walk the floor until I fell asleep Hv
hands peeled like an onion the finger nails got loose and the water
ran out and wherever there was a little pimple there the burning fire was
that happened at least ten times I am running a blacksmith shop horse
shoeing and I would not shut up the shop for anybodv but it was hard
My hands puffed up worse than a toad When I drove horse nails the
water from my hands ran through the bandage oh to the floor My cus
tomers refused to look at my hand I had a friend take me to the doctor
he gave a solution of something to bathe my hands I went to another
doctor 1 think for a I found
year your advertisement in a Utica news
paper and I got the Ccticura remedies As soon as I used them I berar
to gam and after using a small quantity of them I was entirely cured I
would not take fifty dollars for a cake of Cuticura Soap if I could not get
anv more I would not suffer any more as I did for the whole country
Feb 22 1S98 CASPER DIETSCHLEE Pembroke Genesee Co 2 T
Complete External and Interna Treatment for Erer Humor
consisting of Ctmctnu Soap 25c to cleanse the skin of cnuta ind
PtC C5I oe0 fsntlv allay ltchingr inflammation and Irritation and footne and
I 118 aet iSHjO heal and CnTicupx lirsoLTEKT 50c to cool and cleanie the blood
- uifccuouiucicoi locareinenson
torturing otsnzuiinff
And hnmHIaUng jnK ecalp and blood humors with logs of hair when all else fails Soli
fchronghont the world Potter Dkug axj Chest Conva Sole Props Boston U S A All
iboai the Sjiln Scalp and Hair free
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap-
Exclusively r preserving purifying and beautifying tho Bkln for cleansing the scalp or
crustg Bcalos and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair for softening whitening and
soothing red rough and sore- hands in the form of baths for annoying irritations Inflam
mations and chafings or too free or offensive perspiration in the form of washes fo
ulcerative weaknesses and for many sanative antiseptic parooses which readily snsrre
themselves to women and especially mothers and for all tho purposes of the toUet bath
and nursery No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used It to use
aS0ther ePccIany reserving and purifying the ski scalp and hair of infante and
cMldren CuncnBA SOArcombines delicate emollientpropertlcs derived from CtrxicuBA
the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing ingredients and tho most rcfreshln ol
flowerodors ho other msdicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with It for
preserving purifying and beautifying tho akin ecalp hair and hands No other forelsm
or domestic totcJ soap however expensive Is to be compared with it for all the nurpossa
of tho toilet bath and nursery Thus it combines In Oxe Soap at 0 E Pbice tz
Twestt Five jCksts the best skin and complexion oap tho best toilet RndsEsx
Ibaby ioap In the world