Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, March 08, 1900, Image 5

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nnnsF i
If you do not go to
STRONGS HEAT MARKET opposite the Court House
He lias got the s veetest Breakfast1 Bacon and Fresh Eggs
tlie most delicious
His meais are all first class He keeps Bone Meal for chickens
and his lard is pure hog fat
He also pays the highest market price for hides
AMOS STRONG Proprietor
mmjimzit2LmJ9i mjHimJ jl vyir7KjTiiryiiiJciL j9LmsLmJKmJiJms3wJWmjFPmjPQS V TnwTt
NTIL further notice we
will sell all 24 and 25
inch prints in stock at 5 cents
per yard All other dry goods in
We must make room for our
Spring Goods
We sell coal feed axd salt
v v v
jr 3
r TBTi TT1
wywvwwvywvwvwwwwyyvwwyyt rwwwww wwww
RANCH Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
TRADE right Special attention given to pumps g
OUR tanks etc
Hair cutting and shaving
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at Estabrook House on Cherry St
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
9 miles south of Cody at the mouth of
Medicine Canyon and am now prepared
to grind Feed Corn Meal and Graham
cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di
mension siunann omngies
New Feed Stable
I have leased the ITackberry Thompson
barn and will be prepared to feed and
care for horees at reasonable rntesl mid
I will also sell May itul Grain
Mftmiftft 4A8 Aft
Of the Choicest Brands
tf 999 99999V9 999
itoom 108 Exchange BKcts
Telphone 141
We have a large clientage among Nebraska Peedes and can always oeat Omaha prices to
North Western Line7 is the best
to and from the
Subscribe for The News Democrat
and set all the news local and for-
F pperP
BOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher
No Question is ever Settled Until it is
Settled Bight
In his Naper News last week Bro
Church says of ye scribe
Recently Bob has also adopted
ortnograplry m his paper ie
Longpine instead of Long Pine
This is Bro Bates sore spot and he re
taliates hy announcing that Editor
Bbbgood of the Valentine ISewsdemo
crat etc
Recently that corks us Here
we have been for four years and a half
priding ourself on our correct method
of spelling Longpine and now Maur
ice Church he of the peaked face and
shambling gait he whom we have
loved us a brother he who has been
our example for emulation during the
last two years tries to rob us of our
glory Go to Avaunt Get out Scat
Bro Church has done no more to popu
larize Longpine than he did to kill
the Big Ditch and according to Pro
Irrigation that was mighty little Uncle
Sam and us are the only ones respon
sible for Longpine and the rest of
you are but children attending our
Below wo trive two letters received
this week from subscribers to this pa
per and citizens of the county We do
not fully agree with these writers on all
the points they bring out but knowing
that they are honest opinions we pub
lish them Remember we are always
ready to print any articles of a public
nature proyided the true name of the
writer is given to us
After reading the account in the
News Democrat of the arrest ot the
cattle thief at Cody last week by our
sheriff the after thought came Why
wonder at lynch law
Here is a man brought before the
the court for cattle stealing found guil
ty by twelve competent men the judge
sentenced him for a number of years
By some trumped tip scheme he was
brought back for a new trial and while
out under bonds he was caught red
handed in stealing 25 head more cattle
then put in jail again This time with
help of course he escaped We sur
mise he again returned to his old trade
of cattle rustling turning up at Cody
with 1500 in gold on his person
How did he make this small fortune
Ask any honest hard working man if
he has cleared 1500 in one year with
out the foundation of one cent to com
mence on and he will say No sir
very decidedly If this man should be
lynched who should be blamed Those
hard working men who tried the law
and found it inefficient or justice who
fooled with this thief and let him es
I believe it safe to say there have
been 800 cattle stolen in this county the
past year There is hardly a ranch
man you can meet who has not lost
from one to twenty five head of cattle
anyway the count is that mush short
and more will be missing in the spring
roundup not saying anything of horses
that cant be found
The ranchmen in the west part of
Cherry countv are of one mind concern
ing cattle stealing IT MUST STOP
And any case that turns up will be
prosecuted to a finish not by one man
in particular but by -everyone avIio is
interested in cattle raising
With an apology for so much space I
will close G O Fairhead
Editor News Democrat Should the
Valentine Ladies2 Band play for thea
ters Emphatically No
It is composed of Christian young a
dies and the theater with some excep
tionsdoes not tend to the advancement
of morals but rather the reverse It is
deplorable that the tastes of the people
are such that to succeed the play must
cater to the baser impulses of its pat
rons but such is the case and for this
bright Christian band to lend its draw
ing power to such an institution would
work great injuiy to themselves to the
church to society in fact turn a bles
sing into a blight The unparalleled
development of this band denotes su
perior ability in teacher and pupil and
it can choose its own course to fame
and succeed We give all honor to the
management of this much needed en
terprise but the people should not -forget
that they are first a band of Chris
tians and second a brass band compe
tent to dictate their own course and
make the world brighter and happier
It is not so much what the newspapers-
say as what neighbor says to
neighbor or friend to friend that has
brought Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy into such gen
eral use It is as natural for people to
express their gratitude after using this
remedy as it is for water to flow down
hill It is the one remedy that can al
ways be depended upon whether a
baby be sick with cholera infantum or
a man with cholera morbus It is
pleasant safe and reliable Have you
a bottle of it in your home For sale
by Quigley Chapman druggists 2
Bushels of Money
Thrown away by womeu annually in
the purchase of cosmetics lotions aud
powders none of which ever accom
plishes its object Beauty depends on
healthy blood and good digestion such
as Karls Clover Root Tea guarantees
you for 25 cts and 50 cts per package
Take it and we guarantee jour com
vplexion k
Village election April 3
Assessors5 meeting March 20
Garden seeds in bulk at Farnhams
An up-to-date stock of ladies shoes j
at Farnharns
The republicans elected their city
ticket in Omaha TiiesdaY
Henry Graham has been ill at home
all week with a severe attack of in-
Uammacory rheumatism j
Dean Efner of the Chadron Journal
visited with his parents in this city
from Saturday until Tuesday
Mickey15 Ward came up from the
Soldiers Home at Grand Island for a
week to work as night clerk in the
Grant House A T Whites hotel
We are told that a part of rail
road survejors is working west
through Boyd and Keya Paha coun
The Nebraska State Fair will be
held at Lincoln this year Sept 3 to
7 Special attention will be given to
live stock
The Crawford Tribune is out with
an editorial supporting E J Daven
port for delegate to the republican
national convention
H D Brown Elliotts most popular
and fascinating pharmacist went to
Omaha Sunday and is spending the
week in the metropolis
Mrs Underwood took charge of her
hotel in Cody on the 1st inst and the
former propiietor M G Hopkins is
spending a vacation in this city
For Sale One black 4-year-old jack
extra good pedigree Price right
and terms reasonable N S
Kennedy Nebr 7 6t
Bro Burleigh of Ainsworthisited
with Bro Lyon of Gordon last Sat
urda and we could feel the heat of
the warm time they had even at this
There are no new cases of diph
theria this week and all who were
sick with the disease are about fully
recovered It is thought now that
the last vestige of the disease has
been removed and churches and
schools have again resumed business
Gordon Journal
Sam Grooms and Edith Marks liv
ing about ten miles southwest of
town were mariied by Judge Towne
Thursday and are keeping house on
their farm Sam came in yesterday
and claimed a years subscription
I yhich we cheerfully give this worthy
Henry Query narrowly escaped
breaking his neck while unloading
trunks at the opera house Monday
He fell from the rear of his dra3r and
for a time it was thought he was se
verely injured but he wasntand now
the bovs all sav he must have a rub-
ber neck
The Y M C A library committee
II O Tucker A M Sherman and W
Flowers is now ready to receive books
Born This morning at 10 80 to the
editor and wife a 10 pound baby boy
named Robert Scott Good Dr Dwyer
attended the mother and under his ef
ficient care she is doing nicely This
will put a stop to Bro Barkers crowing
over us we liope When we left the
house to come down town and stop the
press for this item the youngster was
yelling for Bryan and somebody but as
he doesnt speak plainly we could not
distinguish the other name
The following is the report of North
Star School for the month ending Feb
23 Enrollment 25 average attend
ance 15 Those neither absent nor
tardy are Bertie and Ayers
Those not tardy but absent are Victoria
and Tommie Swartz Those not mis
sing but one or two days are Johnny
and Vernie Sisler Lula DeBorde Char
ley Hornstine Charley Satra Katie
Eddie and Grade Cox Those tardy
from one to three times are Johnny
and Lloyd Sisler Dora and Efiie Horn
stine Lula and Clarence DeBorde Her
man Laura Guy and Johnny Over
man Katie Eddie aud Grade Cox
Lizzie Hays Teacher
The following is the report of the
Nenzel school district 47 for the
month ending Feb 23 1900 Number
of pupils enrolled 27 average attend
ance 21 pupils not absent are Aggie
Riehey Rosa George Joseph aud
Julia Nollette Clara aud August
Stasch Frances Midle and Leo Wisser
Names of pupils not tardv are Julia
Abbie Viola Aggie Mabel and Willie
Riehey Rosa Joreph Julia and George
Nollette Mike Valentine Albert Clara
and August- Stasch Peter and Maggie
Boltz Freddie Midle Leo Wisser Mol
lie and Harvey Morgan
Cynthia Ruther Teacher
Subscribe for the News Democrat
I No question is ever settled until it is
fettled right
Keiiiil say that the quality of cattle
being nsijiketed lately is very poor
Ha vi ycu u cough A doso of Bal
lards 1 luii hound Syrup will relieve it
Price iM cents and 50 cents For sale
by Quigley Chapman druggists
A good demand for
young steers
seems to be the situation of the cattle
market in and around Alliance The
inquiry for this kind of stock will no
doubt iucrease from now on until grass
comes Grip
visit with old friends this week If your child is cross or peevish it is
Lew Hollister went to Alliance this U doubt troubled with worms Whites
Cream Vermifuge will remove the
worms and its tonic effect restore its
natural cheerfulness Price 25 cents
Quigley Chajpman druggists
Whats Tout Face Worth
Sometimes a fortune but never if
you have a sallow complexion a
look moth patches and blotches
on the skin all signs of liver trouble
But Dr Kings New Life Pills give
clear skin rosy cheeks rich complex
ion Only 25 cents at Elliotts 2
A convention of western
not help you the
back your money
100 a bottle
has been- called to meet at fcalt Lake
City in May for the rftirpose of asking
congress by resolution to donate back
to the several states any arid lands
within their borders Governor Poyn
ter is the chief agitator in this move
ment to whom much credit is due
Nothing J A lie It
You should remember that no other
medicine is like Shilohs Consumption
Cure in any respect If other remedies
have failed to relieve your cough or
cold that is all the more reason why
you should try Shilohs Always sold
under a positive guarantee Ii it does
druggist must give
cts 50 cts and
School closed in District No SO
March 2d with the following attend
ance Those who were tardy only once
or twice during the term David and
Clarence Groves Those neither tardy
nor sflbsent duriug the term Clara and
Lillian Groves Total attendance 7
average attendance L
Ollie Dewey Teacher
Fiendish Attach
An attack was lately made on C F
Collier of Cherokee Iowa that nearly
proved fatil It came through his Kid
neys His back got so lame he could
not stoop without great pain nor sit in
a chair except propped by cushions
No remedy helped him until he tried
Electric Bitters which effected such a
Avonderful change that he writes he
felslike a new man This marvelous
medicine cures backache and kidney
trouble purifies the blood and builds
up your health Only 50c at Elliotts 2
It is the man who raises the cattle
who makes the money in thelongrun
said Ben F Darlington one of the best
known and most successful stockmen
in this section to a representative of the
Texas Stock and Farm Journal this
week He illustrated his assertion as
follows The men in the cattle busi
ness who have money and arc making
it are not the men who go on the mar
ket and buy a few steers occasionally
or frequently as they feel inclined to
buy The men who speculate in cattle
are often either fiat broke or in debt
and look to a lucky speculation to pull
them out while the men who own the
ranches breed and raise the cattle are
the men who have big rolls of the long
green It is true that a dry year comes
along frequently and lots of their cattle
die dn their hands but in the long run
they pull through all right and have
money to spend when the speculator
has none
Kaifs Clover Root Tea
m j ntIfies the Complexion Purifies the
JHqodgivesa Fresh Clear Skin
Indigestion and all Eruptions of
tnc pkin An aRreeahle laxative Nerve
ionic bold on absolute guarantee by all
druggists at 257c 50c and 100
V WELLS CO irnnv w v
- - w a
A Clever Troupe
The Clara Hanmer company ever
popular with our people are playing
at Cornell Hall each night this week
presenting popular plays Misd Han
mer s company is stronger than ever
thisseason and deserves all the pat
ronage it receives
At the recent congressional hearing
in Washington upon woman suffrage
Mrs Emily P Bissell read a paper in
opposition in which the following argu
ment was r ado
The suffrage movement must be
against the opinions of most of our sex
since it has been pushed for fifty years
and still remains a minority movement
In these fifty years every other wom
ans movement really desired by wom
en has succeeded The educational
movement is a magnificent success
The movement for property lights is
so successful that even married women
now have more rights than married
men The entrance of women into all
occupations and professions has been
so great that now out of a possible LGO
occupations over 360 have been con
quered for our sex
I wonder if the antis ever stop to
think that they have fought against
every one of these steps in the progress
of women from learning to read and
write to casting a ballot The many
privileges and equitable laws which
Mrs Bissell glories in calling attention
to have without exception been
brought about by the persistent efforts
of the woman suffragists It is a mat
ter of history with what ridicule Mary
Lyons first attempts to secure the edu
cation of women were received not
only by the mass of men but by the
mass of women as well
When Vassal College was founded
Mrs Lucinda II Srone of Kalamazoo
Mich tells of hearing the antis
women of intelligence and cultivation
who voiced the general feeling say
The more fact of its being called a
college for women is enough tocon
deirin it We mav be sure that no re-
fined Christian mother will ever send
her daughter to Vassar College
Elnora M Babcock
Bran bulk 60c per cwt 1100 ton
Shorts bulk 70o per cwt 1300 ton
Screenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 85c 1600
Corn 70c 1300
Oats 90c 17 00
Strayed from near Gallop one red
yearling steer branded fgWon left hip
Small white spot onKpleft side
Liberal reward W H Sellers
Gallop Nebr
FOR SALE -Consisting or 50 BRED
Heifers and Cows Si head or one and
two year old Hulls all of SCOTCH ami
CUUIKSHANIC breeding Trices Right
Sold singly or in car lots address
11 West Second St MASOfr CITY IA
NOTICE is fcertby given lliat we tlie un
untlersigned have filed with the honorable
board of county commissioners of Cherry coun
tv Nebraska a petition accompanied by a bond
duly tested praying that F L Rose and J E
Hendneks be granted a license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the village ot
Cody Boiling Spring precinct Cherry County
Nebraska 1 L ROSE
Dated this 3d day of march 000
A Text Book
r me uamoaifn
nt 1900
Address Tour order wijli 55 cts
to the under-signed- agent feirtms
f county and he will seifd yotf a
copy postpaid to your address