Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 08, 1900, Image 5

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-- 3
f f
heard about our low
UantbrUlflwW ilngttnOtC
mi ctntTT -
prices havent you
Tnnnr Marksn
Copyrights Ac
a cnnAlncr n elrnlrh nnd desrrlnttnn ttiit
oulcfely ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention la probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
eentfrce Oldest aeency f or sccnrlnRpatentS
Patents taken throuch 5Iunn Co receive
special notice without cbarce intbo
Sdentific Bmnmi
A hnndsoaiciy illustrated weefely Jjirprest clr
culatlon of any scientific journal Terms 3 a
roar four monins i cuiuujr an iienoucuiurB
361Broadway NOW YOnf
and pay two or
times as much for
Groceries Dry
Goods Clothing Boots
and Shoes Crockery
etc as we would charge
you for the same or bet
ter goods Youve
Well iust believe it its
so Come and see for yourself You cant miss them once you get
inside our store Theyre everywhere front to back and from top to
bottom Our main idea is to make money for ourselves After that
we strive to save money for our customers We do both Come and
Vd sell Coal Feed and Salt
General merchandise
RAN OH v Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
TRADE right Special attention given to pumps W
OUR- tanks etc
Hair cutting and shaving
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
i miles south of Cody at the month of
Medicine Canyon and am now prepared
to grind FeedvCorn Meal and Graham
c turn out all Kinds of Lumber and di
mension stuff and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order
North Western Line is the ltjst
to and from the
Naur Caorl Qfohln
3ft iml
Of the Choicest Brands
aW9999999 9999 V999i
ESoom 108 Exchange ESIrtx
Telphone 141
Wetiavea large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always Deat Omaha prices to
I have leased tlie llackberry Thompson
barn and will le prepared to feed and
care for borees an reasonable ratesl md
I will also stili Hay and Grain
Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment is
no panacea but is recommended for
piles only These it will cure Price
60 cents in bottles tubes 73c Quig
ley hapman druggists
The Valentine division of the Cheny
County Teachers Association will meet
at the High School building February
10 at 130 p m All persons in-est-ed
m school work are cordially invited
to meet with us The program is as
follows I Page V16 to page 177 of
Shoups Science and Ilistory of Educa
tion 1L Articles from School Jour
nals Lizzie Crawforl Sec
The greatest danger from colds and
la grippe is their resulting in pneu
monia If reasonable care is used how
ever and Chamberlains Cough
i dy taken all danger will be avoided
Ajnong the tens of thousands who have
used this remedy for these diseases we
H A R 8FET FIELDS iave et t0 earn of a siuse case hav
ing resulted in pneumonia which shows
conclusively that it is a certain prevent
ive of that dangerous malady It will
cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in
less time than any other treatment It
is pleasant and safe to take For sale
by Quigley Chapman druggists
Following is the report of the Crook
stou for the month ending Janu
ary 26th 1900 Number enrolled 20
average attendance Ji 1 2 Those
neither tardy nor absent for the month
are Royal Blanche and Elva Searby
Marion Gee Helena Rudolph Glads
and riola Viertel W llhamm Zeta and i
Blanche Rhine Mabel and Alma John-
son and Clarence Bliss Those absent
but a day are Douglas Bliss Wallace
McDonald Beatrice and Albina Pavlik
Wo have recently add id eleven volumes
to our school library which now con-
j gists of 47 volumes
I iluot Garble At Gee Teacher- i
iwigipi ii ir
EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
A number of friends have asked us
why our paper didnt carry a motto
and weve decided to have one all of
our own
ITn it- HVn riLfwi
It has been decided to not call a con
vention of ftisionists to elect delegates
to the state convention next month
The delegates will be appointed by the
county committees and if you want to
go to Lincoln send your name in A
convention will be called later to elect
delegates to the various nominating
conventions and nominate candidates
for county offices
The Gordon Journal rose up in
righteous indignation last week and
touched up a part of its clientele as fol
Gambling has reached such a stage
in our community that citizens and bus
iness men are bound to rihe up in their
righteous indignation at the next city
election and demand that gambling in
every form be suppressed even to the
dice box and the innocent device
known as the slot machine We ace
training up a generation of gamblers In
Gordon and the men who are engaged
the primary work ought to call a halt
in this business of ruining our young
boys and rid their places of every
gambling device no matter how inno
That Governor Poynter has the in
terests of our people at heart is shown
by the following extracts from an ar
ticle wLich appeared in the State Jour
nal Isst week
Governor Poynter contemplates es
pousing the cause of the homesteaders
and settlers in the westeni part of
Nebraska as against the encroachments
of the cattle men lie expects to go to
Washington February 21 and it is
Governor Poynters intention to call a
meeting of the governors of vestern
states while they are in Washington to
take steps to counteract the action of
the national live stock association
wnich recently met in the south
Governor Poynter believes this land
should be ceded by the general govern
ment to tlie various states each state
to have the right to dispose of it in
such manner as the legislature may di
rect lie believes the legislatuies are
in a position to deal with this question
better thanthe general government
The question of voting bonds for the
repair of what is generally known as
the Rosebud road across the Minne
chaduza and which will come before
the voters of this precinct next Tues
day is one that should receive the care
ful consideration of all who are inter
ested m the welfare of our town and
county That the road needs repairs
of a permanent nature is unquestioned
but the method of paying for the work
is under debate Many contend with
justness that the county should do the
work many that the men most direct
ly benefited should do it and some
think the work and expenss should be
divided While the proposed bond ft
1200 it is believed that this amount
will be more than sufficient for the con
templated improvement It is further
thought that if the road is once put
in good shape the county will accept
it and keep it in repair the expense of
which will be very small The money
will be expended by a committee of
business men taxpayers who will be
interested in doing the work as econ
omically and well as possible The la
borers employed will be citizens of our
couiity and the money will thus be
kept at home The increase in the
amount of each mans taxes will be
inappreciable With these points to
consider we hope that each voter will
arrive at some conclusion on the matter
and vote his convictions Dont stay
at home Exercise- your right of suf
frage and if you think the road needs
repairs and that at once say so by
your vote
The following is the report of the
JSTenzel school District 47 for the
month ending January 26 1900
Number of pupils enrolled 24 average
attendance 19 pupils not absent are
Viola Abbie Aggie and Mabel Richey
Rosa Joseph and Julia Nollette and
Clara Stasch names of pupils not tar
dy are Julia Abbie Viola Aggie and
Mabel Richey Rosa Joseph and Julia
Nollette Mike Valentine Albert and
Clara Stasch Peter and Maggie Boltz
Fred Midle and L o Wisser
Cynthia Ruther Teacher
Frequently accidents occur in the
household which cause bums cuts
sprains and bruises For use m such
cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for
man years been the constant favorite
family remedy Price 23 cents and 50
cents Quiglev Chapman druggists
Subscribe for th NeW8 Demockat
iwyiiiiatggyfcig w
An Exciting Time
Some time ago the residents of this
quiet village were greeted with post
ers announcing that on February 6th
a second hand typewriter would be
sold at the local land office for cash
to the highest bidder Interest in
the event became intense and grew
with each succeeding moment until
C1C iU xo y MuCow o th innked for flnv anrl hour tit-
ever settled until it is settled right It
rivedj wheil seven str0ng men with
- i uU wwo w ux
pcckets of dough appeared on
dont know who first used the expres
sion but we do know that during his
1896 campaign Br an frequently said
the words
EJi Iueciiact
The ground hog saw his shadow
James Lyon of Lavaca came down
the last of the week and went back
Monday his nephew Guy being with
The school entertainment and oyster
supper at the school house in District
49 last Saturday night netted the church j
quite a neat little sum
II Godfrey of Merriman was down
dn the river Sunday
Mrs J P Gardiner returned last
Tuesday from thiee weeks visit in
the eastern part of the state
Mrs J E Garner of Wyoming was
down visiting a week or ten days with
the Garner brothers and sister Ida
I M Garner is in the eastern part of
the state He went on the advice of
his doctor
Ralph Polland took first prize at the
oyster supper Saturday night for the
biggest eater Eating six dishes more
oysters than his nearest competitor
What would you do if taken with
colic or cholera morbus wlien your
physician is away from home and the
drug stores are closed After one sucii
emergency you will always keep
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Reined in your home but why
wait until the horse is stolen before
vou lock the stable
ley Chapman druggists
LJran bulk 60e per cwt 11 00 ton
Slioris bulk 70c per c t 10 00 tu
reenings 40c 700
Chop Feed 85c 16 00 i
Corn 70 13 00
Outs 90c 17 00
JIau Ui laiva Uses a Compound that
JI a A c nix liens Itvy Iioubic the
Usual Xumucr Suinmcv ami
Winter - Secret of His
Pcdnie in the neighborhood of Crestoulowa
every reader can and will endorse We tje scene 0f action Runners were re amazed at the number of eg that this
sent out to spread the news and soon drlvef to Inarf wIlh Vhen
A Oc Ilia ft cm ni lite liin 1 ty kl -
the melodious voice of Cpl Towle re
ceiver of public monies and special
disbursing agent for Uncle Sam was
heard crying Five Im offere Wholl
gimme ten tent TEN
tutv n but vtii3i ui iiid nuns uuiu ou Jiuiiiiv
he stated It was all in a curtain compound he
was using that kept his hens m good condition
walls of the office and people think- I eus and their laying capacity In
ing a riot was going on sprang up his This is guara
the steps to the scene of the fray or
sought safety in sequestered spots
The bidding grew furious and the
price of the machine soared skywaid
until 16 was reached and -then it
wavered and seemed about to stop
The colonels face blanched his
breath grew short slipped out of its
trousers and came in pants
Sixteen dollars to one machine rat
tled the auctioneer but with a cour
age born of dispair he attacked the
enemy once more and in a minute or
two in response to his pleading a
fellow feeling for the machine raised
the bid to 17 and the crisis was
The colonels voice which erstwhile
was taking a bath in his tears now
rose with a melody which could be
likened only to angels pagans of
praise and so sweet was the harmony
with which he sang Its a hundred
dollar machine and shes goin for
twenty that strangers within our
gates became convinced that the
great DeReske was giving a concert
and the stairs leading to the land
office all but stepped down with the
multitude which thronged on them
At 20 the price stuck and it
seemed that it would no higher go
when Meltendorif suddenly bethink
ing himself that nothing under 21
was allowed ito do business in the
land office raised his own bid and a
few minutes lfcter oecame the proud
possessor of the machine for two saw
bucks and a siiyer dollar Cheers
rang out from the assembled multi
tude but were hushed immediately
when she city attoi uey attempted to
place the gallant colonel under ar
rest for running an auction store
without license The attempt was
abortive as the colonel threatened to
call in federal troops and as the at
torney sneaked away somebody who
shall be nanfeless cried but f
Towled jou so
Moral A good auctioneer was
spoiled when Col Towle went into pol
Children who are troubled with
worms are pale in the face fretful by
spells restless in sleep have blue rings
around their eyes bad dreams variable
appetite and pick the nose Whites
Cream Vermifuge will kill and expel
these par sites Price 23 cents Quig
ly and Chaxnnan druggists
v vwwwww vwvw wv vj
and furnished them with the proper stimulus to
egg production American Poultry Mixture is1
the name or it and is made by American Mfg
I CoTerre Haute Ind Even man in the
The voice penetrated the stone try business is interested in the health of his
tlie eggs lie
guaranteed to in
crease the production of eggs 100 per cent or
money refunded It will do more than three
times as much as the same amount of any other
compound It is concentrated in form and the
result of years of practical experience in the
poultry business There is absolutely uo doubt
as to what it will do and you are invited to try
itat the expense of the company Send 100
for a sample package and if it doesnt do the
work you get yoar money back Tins is fair
and is made to induce practical poultrymen to
give it a trial It is also a sure preventive of
such diseases as tlie terrible cholera and roup
wnich create such havoc in all parts of the coun
try It acts directly on the craw and gizzard
and is a thoroughly scientific preparation
The manufacturers guarantee every package
or refund purchase money If your druggist
dont sell American Poultry Mixture hes be
hind the age In that case order direct from
American Manufacturing Co Torre Haute
Ind l
No question is ever settled until it is
settled right
Com Harvey has written a book
on Money Trusts and Imperialsm
which it is expected will become a text
book for the campaign this fall
Owing to a delay of a day at Sioux
City and the fact that the train was
laid off yesterday the paper isa day
late this wrek It will be noriced that
a change has been made in the page of
brands on the last page of the paper
All the pages will be treated this way
is soon as possible and the black ones
will be changed to white To make
thischange requires money See
Taken Up
At my placefive miles nortiifastof Arabia One
brown mare three white feet branded T on left
shoulder One buckskin mare black mane and
tail briuided 5 on left shoulder
49 E V LhYEE
Taken up at my place about 4 miles east of
Foi t Niobrara May -0 one sorrel bald faced
gelding 5 years old and one bay mar-
ti years old uotn uranucu on lett siiouluei
Euxkst Sbaks
j2 your own selection to every sub- 5
2 scriber Only 0 cents a year Jg
A cem beautiful colored plates latest S
inrii7 mm
5 Lady agents wanted Send for terms 5
3 Stylish Reliable Simple Up-to-
S date Economical and Absolutely
3 Perfect Fitting Paper Patterns Zz
- r - m mi i FaqfyrqiCTa
jS NoSeatn AlIowance Patterns 2
Sj Only lo and 15 cts each none higher 2j
p Ask for them Sold in nearly every city 5j
and town or by mail from 2
j Vest 141h St New York
Xotice of Administrators Sale
In the matter of the Estate cf John W
Notice h hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Hon James J Harrington judge of tlie
District Court of Cherry County made on tlie
i3d dav of Jatniirv lJOO tor the sale of the real
estate hereinafter described there will be sold
atten oclock in the forenoon on the 10th day
of March 18001 at the east front door of the
court house in tli evillage of Valentine Nebras
ka at public vendue to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real estate to wit
The w 1 2 of the ne 1 1 nw 1 4 of se l t and the
ne 1 4 of sw 1 4 of section 11 township 32 range
0 in said county Saul sale will remain open
one hour
Dated February 7 1000
Administrator of the estate of
3 Ct JOHN W OEXS deceasod
Notice to Creditors
Id County Courts within and for Cherry Comity
In the matter of the Estate of Heury Witz de
To Hie Creditors of said Estate
You are hereby notified That I will sit at the
Coiirtv Court lloom in Valentine inlsaid Countv
on the 24th day of February 1000 at 10 oclock
a m to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view lo their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is o months
from the 2d day of September A I liaid the
lime limited Tor puvmeut of debts is one Kir
from said 22d dav of aeiiteiuber 11
Eor sale bv I V nnes my hand and the seal of satil County
V O 1 r f lir irtl 1 -- L I if IlltHl
i o W R TO VN E County Judg
rotice to Non Resident Defendant
I the District Court of Cherry Conuty Neb
Mary Fcisll nou residuit defendant Mil
take iiaic3 that nntiiesjrdday of Jmu irv1960
John Ferstel hied a petition in the District
Court of Cherry County Nebraska tin object
and prayer ot which are to obtain a decree of
absolute divorce from yen on the grounds that
von have wilfully abandoned the nlaintiit and
have remained absent wtthwit just cause for 1
more man two years last past aim adultery
Bro Church pronounced tho You are required to ansver said petition on or
I -- - belore tho Olh day of March ljno
tATary on free sliver agaiu last week r it johx FERbTL Plaintiff
Xotice to Creditors
In Countv Court within and or Clicrrv County
Nebraska In the matter of the Estate of
lames W Dellonle deceased
To the Creditors ofaid Estate
You are liorrm notified that I will m at
County Court Room itt Valentine in said countv
on tlie 17tlnii of February liWO at 10 oclock
a in to rci iM i nnu examine an claims ngalnse
said estatf w itli a view to their djaslmout and
ullovi ncc 1 M time limited for the presenta
tion ot Ilstms against said Estate H seven
months fnnn theilst day of July AD isoa ana
the time il ulied for paj incut of debts is one
year froii said aist day of July 1003
Witness niv hand and the seal of said County
Court this wtli day of January looo x
s 2 W It TO VMS County Judge
Notice lo Creditors
In Couut Court within and for Cherry Coun
ty aska In the matter of the Estate
of Tin iias 1 Joiins deceased
To the Creditors ot said Estate
You are hereby notified that I will sit at tlie
Countv Court Room in Valentine in said county
on the 17th day of January 1900 at
2 oclock p m to receive ami ex
amine 11 claims against said Estate with a
view to their adjustment and allowance The
time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from the lGth
day of October A D lbOOaiul the time limited
for payment of debts is one year from said ictli
day of October 1803
witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 30th day of January 1000
2 County Judge
Dissolutioiiof Partnership
NoticQ is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between C 1 Famham of
Valeniue Nebr and S F Dikeinan of North
llatte Nebr unuer the lirm name of Farnham
Dlkeman was on the 27th day of December
1899 dissolved by mutual conseit C J Fnrn
liam retaining the business collecting all ac
counts and pacing all the debts of said linn
NOTICE is herein given that we have filed
with tlie county commissioners or Cherry
County Nebr a bond duly tested and accom
panied hyauetittou prayini that we be granted
a license to sell malt spirltuout and Muous
liquors in tlie village of Woodlake VVoodlaku
piecinct Cherry County Nebraska
Dated this 3nth day of January 1900
NOTICE is hereby given that we have Mod
with the county commissioners of Cherry
County Nebr a bond duly tested and accom
panied by a petition praying that we be granted
a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous
liquors in tho village of Cody Roiling Springs
precinct Cherry Countv Nebraska
Dated this 18th day of January 1900
Notice of Limited Partnership
Notice is bsreby given that RM Eaddls vilio
resides at Valentine Nebraska and William
steadiudii who resides at Kennedy Nebraska
have formed a limited partnership pursuant to
the provisions ol tbe8tatute for the purpose of
carryiug on the business of stock raising and the
buying and selling of live stock The name of
the firm under which such businePs is conducted
is R M Faddis A Co The names of all parties
interested in said partnership arc the said 11 M
Faddis who is the general pSrtnerand William
Steadman who is the special partner The said
special partner has contributed and paid into
the common stock of said partnership the sum
of 12500 in cash or goods
Said partnership is to commence on the second
day of January 1900 and terminate tou the sec
ond day of January 1910
The principal phue of business of said partner
ship will be in Cherry County Nebraska
Dated tins second day of January 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
W H Ieters real name un nown Tlie Neb
raska Mortgage and Trust Co and EstellaI
Caso defendants will take notice that on the
lStli day of October 1899 the County of Cherry
plaintiff herein tiled its petition in the district
oomt of Chewy county Nebraska against Vjf
II 1etcrs real name unknown The Nebraska
Mortgage and Trust Co and Estella J Case de
fenaauts the object and prayer of winch are to
foreclose the taxliens hereinafter described
In its first cause of action stated in said peti
tion the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lieu up
on the n of swK of section 26 and nS otseli
of secilon27 in township 27 range 28 west of the
sixth principal meridian in Cherry county Neb
raska i hat the taxes involved in said first
cause of action are the tuxes that were levied
on said premises in tlie year 1S97 that there is
now due the plaintitf iion its tax Hen the sum
t P8 for which with interest from the first dav
of October 1899 on 340 thereof at 10 per cent
uin per annum the plaintiff prays fora decree
that defendants be required to pay tlie same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due
In its scond cause of action stated m said pe
tition the plaiutiif seeks to foreclose a tax lein
upon tlie ul of swl4 ol st ction 25 and uVz of sei
ot section 27 in township 27 range 28 west of
the sixth principal meridian in Cherry county
Nebraska that tlu taxes invohed in said sec
ond cause oi action are the taxes that were lev
ed in tlie year 189S that there is now due the
plaintiff noon its lax lien tlie sum of sr23 for
which sum with the interest from the first day
of October 1S99 on 400 tliereor at 10 per cent
um per annum the plaintiff jmiys for a decree
that the defendants be required to pay the samo
or th5r said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount fouri due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before r cbniarv 19th 19C0
Dated this 13th day of January 1900 52 4t
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
Martha Monroe widow Claude Monroelearl
Monroe Dottle Monioe Neliie Monroe lRov
Monroe Myrtle Monroe minors heirs of Lei
Monroe deceased will take notice that on
the 3rd day of January 1900 the Valentine
Ruilding and Loan Association of Valentine
Nebraska filed its petition in the District Court
of Cheiry County Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage executed by Levi h Monroe
and Martha Monroe upon Lot No 12 Rlockt
McDonalds addition to tlie Village of Valen
tine Cherry county Nebniska in favor of the
plaintiff upon which there is due plaiutiir tue
sum of 2990 with interest thereon from the 1st
dav of January 1900 for which sum the plain
tilt pnis judgment and a decree that the de
fendants pay the same together with costs in
terest and in default thereot that said real es
tate be sold as provided by law for the payment
of plaintiffs claim and coats
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the nth day of February 1900
Valentine Building Loan Association
of Valentine Nebraska by F M
AVALCOTT its Attorney
Notice to Nou Resid entDefendants
To William Rowcn John Rowen Rebecca
Rowen Matthew Rowen and Ross Rowen non
resident defendants
You anil each of jouarc hereby notified that
on the 24th day of January 1900 Matthew 31
Rowen asjilamtifi fibd in the District Court of
Cherry County Nebraska his petition against
you as defendantsini pleaded with Anna Rowen
Elizabeth Fitzgerald and Henry Rowen as votir
co defendants the object and praj er of which
is to have a certain deed oCconveyance executed
by this plaintiff to 3Iary 3lTBowen on the 19th
day of November 1S94 whereby he conveyed the
premises and real estate described in said pe
tition and described as follows to wu Thesw
l l of section 2 and the lots 1 and 4 and s 1 2 of
nw 1 4 of section 2 all in township A range 29
in said county to the said 3Iary 31 Rowen now
deceased to be declared to be a trust deed and
that the title to said premises aud real estate be
declaredto be in this plaintitf that a guardian
appointed for the minor heirs of said 3lary
M Rowen and that said guardian be authorized
and required to execute ami deliver 10 plaintiff
a deed eotn eying fie legal title and all tlie right
and title of said defendants ami each of them
in and to said premises to this plaintiff aud if
said guardian or any of said defendants shall
fail or neglect to execute aud deliver a deed to
said premises as herein prayed that the de
fendant and each and all ol them and oil per
sons claiming by through or under thsa or any
of them shall be fore vet barred ol auyriirht
title claim interest or equity in nd to said
premises and real estate und that the liti to
saitl premises be quieted and confirmed in t io
name of this plaintiff sad for such other id
further relief as equity may require
You are further notified aud required to an
swer said petition on or before theSfliduy of
3Iarch 19X MA ETHKAV 31 BO WEN
F M VA LCOTT At bTUi vs f r
2 A 31 MORRISSEY j Plaintiff
2i ju