Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, February 01, 1900, Image 5

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TO F vnrsrwww wv
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyoneeendlng a sketch and description may
ascertain oar opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communion
lions strictlycontldential Handbook on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for seenrinfrpatents
Patents taken throucn Munn Co receive
tptelal notice without charge lntbo
Scientific American
A handsomely illustrated weekly Larcest cir
culation of any scientific iournaL Terms 3 a
rear four months L Sold by all newsdealer
MUNN New York
Branca Office 65 F St WasblDton D C
Subscribe for Inis Ncws Democuat
and get all the news local and for
t per yetir
RANCH Everything fresh and clean and prices that are
TRADE right Special attention given to pumps
OUR tanks etc
WPAnnTTAPTnpc cap 8
Of the Choicest Brands
a9V 99V99 9999V re99V
Koom 108 Exchatise Itldff
Telphone 141
We have a large clientage among Nebraska Feeders and can always Deat Omaha prices to
Hair cutting and shaving
I have established a Feed and Saw Mill
9 miles south of Cody at the mouth or
Medicine Canyon and am now prepared
to grind Feed Corn Meal and Graham
c turn outall kinds of Lumber and di
mension stuff and Native Shingles
Give us a trial order
Golden Sheaf Fine White Rye
i Susquehanna Ryeand Cedar Creek
I ouisvilic Kentucky Bourbon Whisky
Pure Grape Cognac Brandys
TokaAjigeIlicaPortSherry and Black
berty in wood claret Riecling
Sauternes Cooks Imperial
Gasts and Clicquot in bot
tles Damiana and oth
er Cordials
Also Agent for Fred Kmgs Celebrated Bx
ra Pale Beer for family use and Palsts
Exput Beer
North Western Line is the best
to and from the
Edited by the Valentine W C T U
MOTTO For God and Humanity
President Mrs Abbie Cmbb
Virp irpsiilpnij
ice l residents -
Mrg D House
Recording Secretary Mrs Alice Harvey
Corresponding Secretary Mrs M Harden
Treasurer Mrs Helen Hornby
Regular meetings each alternate Tuesday
In one particular at least all our
men in the government service might
pattern after one of the Japanese con
sul to this countiy When connected
with the Japanese embassy at Wash
ington he was asked to translate some
papers about the liquor business with
Japan lie declined on the ground
that he was willing to do anything for
bis countrys good butvwould do noth
ing to introduce into his country what
had never been anything but a curse to
other nations
United States District Attorney So
per of the northern district of Indian
Territory has prohibited the publica
tion of whiskey advertisements in
newspapers issued iu the territory be-
ause the sale of liquor is illegal there
A general order has been issued bv
the Southern railway applicable to the
southern division that all employes
must stop using cigarettes or resign
their positions and that in future no
one will be employed who smokes ci
A few days ago the press of New
York recorded the murder of a child
by its mother and her own suicide and
at the inquest the husband testified that
he had been married six years and
that his wife had not been enjoying
good health since the birth of their old
est child now aged five years A phy
sician Welch said had advised his
wife to use a little beer as a tonic and
she had been in the habit of drinking
to excess lately for which he remon
strated with her Welch added that
he had no doubt but that his Avifc had
committed suicide after killing the
baby through remorse at having be
come a victim of the drink habit In
the pocket of Mrs Welchs dress was
found a sGraD of paper on which was
written Goodbye to alland Mamie
National Advocate
The claim of other cough medicines
to be as good as Chamberlains are ef
fectually set at rest in Uie following
testimonial of Mr C D Glass an em
ploye of Bartlett Dennis Co Gardi
ner Me He says I had kept adding
to a cold aud cough in the winter of
1897 tryiug every cough medicine I
heard of without permanent help until
one day I was in the drug store of Mr
Houlehan and he advised me to try
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and of
fered to pay back my money if I was
not cured My lungs and brochial
tubs were vcjry sore at this time but I
was completely cured by this remedy
aud havo since always turned to it
when I got a cold and soon find rcliet
I also recommend itto my friends and
am glad to say it is the best of all cough
medicines For sale by Quigley
Chnytaant flruggiste
EOBEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
The call for thepopulist state con
vention to elect delegates to the nation-
Eli Irecinct
This weather couldnt be beaten for
stock if we had orered itourself
Rev Hunt closed a two weeks re
vival in Dist 49 Sunday week with
ten additions to the church t
James Gardiner and Chas Oakes
were both up the river last week
Mrs Lyons and son Walter of La
vaca were down visiting friends in this
Elder Boyton of Lincoln was
through this part of the country week
before last in the interest of the Advent
church He preached an entertaining
sermon while here
XiolraBU Falls
Jack Frost has again almost com
pleted a bridge across the Niobrara
R Grooms and family returned home
Thursday after a weeks visit with rela
tives and friends near Sparks
It seems that louse moving and
building has been the craze in this lo
cality this fall as no less than four
buildings has changed locations since
We understand that Mrs J A Ad
amson met with quite an accident Mon
day while using gasoline in her wash
-water An explosion occurred and
now we hear the lady is minus her
curlSw The timely presence of Mr
Adamson and a neighbor saved the
dwelling from the flames
Little Etta Thomson has been quite
sick but is better at present writiug
We noticed in the paper last week
that a purifier passed through last
Wednesday Talk about purifiers We
were out in it and can blow sand out of
our nose yet from the effects of it
Sam Grooms went to Sparks after
his household effects Guess he con-
1 templates going to batching soon
Several young people met at the
linm rf Alt nnii Alvc T otmsnn
vsvs - uwv UU f wwuv -
day to celebrate the 16th birthday rof
j their daughter Hannah
Many an innocent little
Bad Boy
suffering untold agon aud caniiot
plain its troubles Alark your childs
symptoms you may fiuu it troubled
with worms give it Whites Cream
Vermifuge and restore it to quietness
and health Price 2oc7
Quigley hapmau
I A boy was passing a saloon aud see-
iug a drunken man ling in the gutter
ho opened the door and said
your signs fell down
Subscribe for theNEWS DEi0CRAT
reason tnat
thirds of the
The Cody and Merriman division of
the Cherry County Teachers Associa
tion will be held at Cody Feb 3rd
1900 at 1 oclock p m The following
program will be rendered
Class in Geography Ocean Currents
Miss Lottie Folscm
Nature Study Principal of Cody Schools
How to Interest Teachers in Association
Work Miss Jennie Crowe
u uouveuuuu uas ueeii iauuu S class In Current Events Mrs A D
ieetinr the Auditorium1 How to Teach History iu IFrmiary Grades
the state are entitled to
as follows
the place of
in Lincoln and the
Miss Jessie BowrIn
date Class m Geometry Miss Etta Brown
tV - How to Break Up Tardiness in the School t
March 19 Counties in this section of jhss juiy Fairhead i
Box Butte G Hooker 2
Brown 5 Keya Paha 5
Cherry 8 Rock 4
Dawes 8 Sheridan 9
Grant 2 Sioux 4
Holt 16 Thomas 2
During the campaign last fall it was
said that Metzger was in German
precinct working for the republican
ticket Investigation disclosed the fact
that John Melshaw was the guilty par
ty and at the last meeting of the coun
ty commissioners he received his payin
the shape of an appointment as justice
of the peace
Only a short time ago the State
Journal was filled with telegrams clip
pings and editorials sneering at Bryan
because he had dropped the money
question and no longer spoke of free
silver yet last week it contained a
scathing editorial denouncing him for
estranging the eastern democrats by
his persistence in sticking to his 10 to 1
views and referring to them in all his
speeches The Journal will soon gain
a reputation for prevarication if it
doesnt watch out
It is hoped every teacher Avill be
present also bring some friend Meet 1
ing will be called to order at If oclock
sliarp Cena M Downing Pres
T liAlililnil irifn fi Tllanlrtnnno ilrnir
store one evening says Wesley Nelson
of Hamilton Ga and he asked me to J
try Cha nberlains Pain Balm for j
matism with which I had suffered for a
long time I told him I had no faith
m any medicine as they all failed He
said Well if Chamberlains Pain
Balm does not help you you need not
pay for it I took a bottle of it home
and used it according to the directions
and in one week I was cured and have
not since been troubled with rheuma
tism Sold by Quigley Chapman
January 9 1900
Board met in regular session Pres
entChairman T P Spratt Rollin
Ilanchette and Alex Burr
On motion bids for furnishing sup
plies for county were opened and found
to be as follows
State Journal Company
Fremont Tribune
Nebraska Newspaper Union
Whereupon the contract was awarded
folate Journal Company
On motion the bond of State Journal
for furnishing county supplies was ap
On motion bids for furnishing sta
tionery for county for year 1900 were
opened and found to be as follows
The Republican and Western News
Whereupon the Western News-Democrat
was awarded the contract it be
ing the lower bidder
On motion bids for county priming
were opened The Republican and
Western News Democrat bidding
Whereupon the contract was awarded
the Republican at legal rates for all
county printing commissioners pro
ceedings to be published without cost
to the county Commissioner Burr
voting against awarding contract to
The Republican for reason that West
ern News Democrat bid to print same
at half legal rates and deprive two
thirds of the tax pa ers of the knowl
edge of the commissioners proceedings
and reports
Commissioner Spratt objecting to
L C Starr of Valentine has been the objection of Commissioner Burr for
delivering books he had canvassed for
George Jaquins is clearing land for
P Sullivan on the Tom Connolly place
Mrs Angie Fords school will close
next Friday until the first of February
We thought Maybe Pollan woiild
uuite with the church but he did not
There was about a hundred tons
hay burned up on the Bowlus ranch
one day recently They were burning
an old slough when the tire got away
from them
Theres heaps of trouble on Uncle
Sams mind since Liberty ran away
wid a coon Sandy
it will not deprive two
taxpajTers of said
On motion the petition of Louis Nol
lette and others asking that a bridge be
built across Niobrara river on the se
sec 3 twp 14 r 25 was granted pro
vided that the Woodson bridge be re
moved and rebuilt at a reasonable cost
On motion the bond of Cherry Coun
ty Bank for safe keeping of county
funds was approved
On motion the county attorney was
ordered to notify I C Stotts to close
up the saloon at Cody which he con
trols for reoson that he has paid no li
cense since July 1899 Complaint hav
ing been filed by Frank Fischer
On motion the bond of W S Barker
for county printing was approved
On motion the bid of Dr C V IIols
claw as county physician at 200 per
year was accepted
Whereupon the board adjourned to
Jan 0
January 10 1900
-Board met as per adjournment All
members present
On motion the official bond of C V
Holsclaw as county physician was ap
On motion The Republican was de
signated the official paper of Cherrv
county and the county treasurer vas
ordered to nave the delinquent tax list
and all legal notices printed in the
motion the bond of Woodlake
Bank for safe keeping of county funds
was approved j
On motion the present voting place
in Enlow precinct was designated as
the regular voting place of said pre-
On motion J M Clarkson was ap
pointed justice of the peace of Valen
tine precinct j
Or motion the county clerk was j
authorized to employ a deputy clerk at
700 per year and clerk hire for live
days at J per day each term of district
court said sums to be paid out of the
fees of the office
On motion A Benson was appointed
justice of the peace in Wood Lake pre
On motion the bond of the Bank of
Valentine for safe keeping of county
funds was approved
On motion the following appoint
meats were made
Joseph Wisser justice Nenzel pre
G B McNamee justice Merriman
John Melshaw justice German pre
On motion the following bonds were
approved Robt Good bond for sta
tionery A Benson justice Woodlake
On motion Townships Nos 25 26 27
and 2S in Range 33 were attached to
Steen precinct from Buffalo La e pre
On motion application of Chas Faul
huber for refund of taxes was rejected
for reason that he did not show how
brx Was unjust
On motion the petition of John
i V
- - - - -- -
ter et all for change of road district
was rejected
On motion the contract with county
attornov regarding fuel and otlice rent
for l 99 whs extended for 3ear 19G0
0 motion W C Bell was granted
a refund of 90c same being a double
On motion road petition of II D
Webstrr and others was rejected
Reason No deposit
On motion road petition of J A
Brewer ef al wais granted same being
a consent road but no survey to be
On motion road petition of Chas
Brinda Avas rejected Reason No de
On motion road petition of Prideau
Sanford et al was rejected
On motion bridge petition of W S
Gillaspie et al was laid over to J line
On motion the bridge petition of
Win Steadman et al was laid over to
June meeting for want of funds Com
missioner Burr objecting to laying said
petition over
On motion the following estimate of
expenses for county for 1900 was made
County bridces S400r
Courtand jurv 4000
Precinct ofllcers 3500
Tail and hoanl for prisoners 2000
County road nind -000
Supplies for poor 2C00
Sinking fund and interest 1C00
Kent for court house 800
Bounty on wild animals 1000
Judgment fund 2o0
On motiou the salary of county clerk
was frked at 400
Deputy county clerk 700
County superintendent 350 iper
On motion ill justices of the peace
were forbidden to give orders to any
physician for medical attendance upon
poor except Dr C V Holsclaw he be
ing the county physician
On motion the bond of the Bank of
Cody for keeping county funds was ap
On motion the following claims were
allowed and warrants ordered drawn
on county general fund
Kollin Hanchette commissioner fees 1 50
TP Spratt - 7 1
Kollin Hanchette 10 50
TP Spratt 10 20
Alex Birr 25 50
D S Luihvtecoal for county -1 25
Irwin H Emery stove for county 23 35
On County Koid Fund
GH Folsom road overseer 27 00
A Newberry SOW
On motiou the claim of Robt Good
for 2750 was rejected
On motStfn the following amounts
were deducted from the above allowed
claims and applied upon delinquent
personal taxes
Irwin H Emery 15 UG
On motion Alexander Burr was au
thorized to get what lumber is needed
to make culverts in Twp 2S R 35
and Twp 28 R 36
An error appearing in the balance of
the assessors returns from Buffalo Lake
precinct the clerk was ordered to cor
rect the same upon the tax list and the
treasurer was ordered to refund the ex
cess tax paid by persons of that pre
cinct caused by said error
Whereupon the board adjourned to
Jan 11 1900
January 11 1900
Board met as per adjournment
Present T P Spratt and Alex
On motion board proceeded to select
GO names from which to draw jurors
for March term of District court
On motion the official bond of J
Mogle justice of the peace for Boiling
Springs precinct was approved
On motion the petition of H F
Barker to enlarge road district No 52
by adding one mile along the north
side and taking in Widdup bridge and
Bell Hill on the west was granted
On motion Township 28 and north
row of sections in Township 27 in
ranges 35 and 36 -was organized into a
road district
On motion J A Yaryan was ap
pointed road overseer in Dist No 57
Whereupon the board adjourned to
March 20 1900
J W Daniels
Attest County Clerk
In pulmonary trouble the direct ac
tion of Ballards Horehound Syrup up
on the throat chest and lungs immed
iately arrest the malady by relieving
the distress cutting the phlegm and
freeing the vocal and breathiug organs
Price 25 and 50c Quiglev Chapmanr
Stray cU or Stolvn
Several head of horses and cat
tle rjded
Anms Strong Vulentine Neb
HM nn rTS
llusetitid S D
y Ajoiuirs jGivuru
KtriLVfrl m sinlfMi from mv rrinnh nnthvfjf
of U Dodlake Oct a work horce weight about
1200 pounds Color light with roan hairs
Branded OS on loft shoulder Abut a years
old if strayed liberal reward will b given for
return and if stolen I vill jav S50 for convic
tion of the ihlcr W G IJALLAKI
Woodlake Xebr
George Heyne
Hooper Neb
Brniil registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Kainre north and
pouihf Cntconib
Lake in Cherry Co
T 1- I
Valentine Neh
Krnud registered
No 200
Unnge iu Sharp
Hunch and German
prefinets 5 miles
south of Kilgoru
Horses bl gpST
Persons who lead a life of exposure
are subject to rheumatism neuralgia
and lumbago will find a
j cdy in Ballard s ow Liniment it
will banish pains and subdue inflam
mation Price 25 and uOc
Quigley Chapman
Notice to Creditors
In Countv Court within and for Cherrv County
Nebra Ota In the matter of the Estate of
James V DeBorde deceased
To the Cu tuors of said Estate
You an Iereij notified that will sit at tho
County Court Kooraju Valentine in said county
on the 17th day of February 1000 at 10 focloek
a m to receive aim examine an ciauua ugaiuab
said estate with a view to their tuiibiincut ind
allowance The time limited lor tlie prcsenia
tion of claims aznlust said Estate is seven
months from the3lst day of July AD 1809 aua
the time li iiittst for payment of debts Is one
year from sairi 3ist day of July 1000
Witness mvliaiiil and the seal of said County
Court this 30th day of January 1000
2 WB TOWN E County Judge
Notice to Creditors
In County Court within and for Cherry Coun
tv Nebraska In the matter of the Estato
of Thomas P Joluis deceased
To the Creditors of said Estate
You are hereby notified ihat I will sit at the
Countv Court Koom iu Valentine iu said county
on the 17th day of January 1100 at
2 oclock p m to receive and ex
amine 11 claims against said Estate with a
view to their adjustment and allowance The
time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six montlis from the ICth
day of October A U 1899and the time limited
for payment of df bis is one year from said ICth
day of October 1890
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this SOtli day of January 1000
2 County Judge
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between C J Farnhaiu of
Valentine Nebr and S F Dikeman of North
Platte Nebr unaer the firm name of Farnham
Dikeman was on the 27th day of December
1899 dissolved by mutual consent C J Farn
ham retaining tho busiuess collecting all ac
counts and paying all the debts of said firm
is hereby given that wc have filed
NOTICE the county commissioners or Cherry
County Nebr a bond duly tested and accom
panled by a petition praying that wc be granted
a license to sell malt snirituom aim vinous
liquors in the village of SVoodlake Woodlake
precinct Cherrv County Nebraska
Dated this Uh day of January 1903
is hereby given that we have filed
NOTICE the comity commissioners of Cherry
fmitifv Villi i linnrl Hnlv tnarcil iHfl
panied by a petition praying that we be granted
a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous
liluorsin tho village of Cody liolling Springs
ptecfuct Cherry County Nebraska
Dated this 18th day of January lDO j
Notice of Limited Partnership
Notice is hereby given that KAI Faddls who
resides at Valeutine Nebraska and William
steadman who resides at Kennedy Nebraska
have tormed a limited partnership pursuant to
the provisions of the Btatutc for the purpose of i
carrying on the business of stock raising and the
buying and selling of live stock The name of
the firm under which such business is conducted
is 1J M Faddis Co The names of all parties
interested iu said partnership are the said 11 M
Faddis who is the generaUpSrtnerund William
Steadman who is the special partner The said
special partner has contributed and paid Into
the common stock of said partnership the sum
of 12500 in cash or goods
Said partnership is to commence on the second
day of January UXX and terminate oii the sec
ond day of January 1010
The principal plae of bushiest of said partner
ship will be in Cherry County Nebraska
Dated this second day of January 1900
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
W H Peters real name un nown The Neb
raska Mortgage and Trust Co and EstellaJ
Case defendants will take uotice that on the
lfeth day of October 1899 the County of Cherry
plaintiif Herein tiled Its petition iu the district
court of Chewy county Nebraska against W
H Peters real name unknown The Nebraska
Mortgage and Trust Co and iistella J Case de
fendants the object aud prayer of which are to
foreclose the tax liens hereinafter described
Iu its first cause of action stated iu said peti
tion the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien up
on the il of bwH ol section 2J and niS ot eeJi
of section 27 in township 27 range 28 west of the
sixth principal meridian iu Cherry county Neb
raska that the taxes Involved in said first
cause of action are the taxes that were levied
on said premises in thts year 1897 that there is
now due the plaintiff uion its tax lien the sum
C 8 for which with interest from the first day
of October 1899 on 6340 thereof at 10 per cent
um per annum the plaintiff prays fora decree
that defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due
In its second cause of antion stated in said pe
tition the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lei n
upon the n of sw4 of Htction M and njJ of skU
ol section 27 In township 27 range 28 west of
the sixth principal meridian In Cnerrj county
Nebraska that the taxes involved in said sec
ond cause of action are the taxes that were
I ed in the year 1898 that there is now due the
1 plaintiff upon its tax Hen the sum of R2U for
which sum with Hie interest from the first day
of October 1899 on S4G3 thereof at 10 per cent
um per annum the plaintiff prays for a decree
that the defendants bo required to pay the sumo
or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount four i due
You are required to answer said petition on
or before February 19th lXO
Dated this 18th day of Janua y 1000 52 4t
JSrotice to Non Resident Defendants
Martha Monroe widow Claude MonroePearl
Monroe Dottie Monroe Nellie Monroe IeRoy
Monroe Myrtle Monroe minors heirs of Levi
L Monroe deceased will take notice that on
the 3rd day of January 1900 the Valentine
Building aud Loan Association ot Valentine
Nebraska filed its petition in the District Court
of Cherry County Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage executed by Levi L Jlonroe
and Martha Monroe upon ixt No 12 Block 4
McDonalds addition to the Village of Valen
tine Cherry county Nebraska in favor of the
plaintiff upon which Ihere is due plaintiff tne
sum of fc29 i90 with interest thereon from the 1st
dav of January 1900 for which sum the plain
tiff privs judgment and a decree that tlie de
fendants paj the iame together witn costs in
terest and in default tbereot that said real es
tate be sold as provided by law for the payment
of plaintiffs claim ami costs
ou are required to miMver said ietilion on or
before the lltii day of February KftiO
Valentine Building J oan Association
of Valentine Nebraska by F M
WALCOIT itsAUorney
Notice to Non Resident Defendant
t the District Court of Couuty Nebraska-
Mary Fcrstl ncu residenr defendant will
take notice thai on the 2Jrdday of Jaiuarl9fiO
John Ferstel filed a petition in tho District
Court of Cherry Couuty Nebraska the object
and prayer of which are to obtain a decree of
absolute divorce lnmi you on tae grounds that
you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff and
have remained absent without just cause for
more than two veins last past and adultery
You are required tohnswer said petition on or
before the oth day of March 1900
53 4t JOHN FEK6TL Plaintiff
Two nortec one brown horse Jrandrd O on
left shoulder one Mik hone branded X yn
left shoulder SS left hip I will
described horse to the man who
give the first
finds re-
turns the black desenbed above
KyteV 0 If