Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, January 05, 1899, Image 7

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    Metzger Bros. ,
Pullman Neb
Cherry Co.
Ilrand on left ( tide
ann thigh
Earmark , square
crop ri > : hf ear
Southern branded
aitlu have but one
. "hair-diamond E'ioh
lleft side
Native rattle have
_ throat wattle
Ranee on ( iordon and Snake Creeks
Horses have same brand on left thigh
A Jleicaril of $25O will be paid to any
* - . person for information lending to the arrest and
final convictio'n of any person or persons steal
, t . * ing cattle with above brand
Postoffice address
Brownlee ,
On left side or any"
-FTt of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
off ; homes branded
same on left hlp.Also
has stock branded II
on side or shoulder ,
or JK or w ocO' VL ,
orO or FZ. Also
" the following , the first onhemg on side and hip
Postoffloe art dr e .
Bwwnlee Neh
On rlsrlit side. 01
LE on same side
also LEE on left
Kan go , nortb > o
rnwnloo , 2 to 4
Postoffice address ,
Brownlce , Neb
Branded on left
side ; some H
"aide and thigh-
amen II
on left thigh
Ranzo Duck Lake
Po tofflce add res *
Rr.nvnlee Neb
On rig tside
Range , Horsi
Fostofflce address
Whitman , Xel
On left side ; Jiors ei >
same on left shoulder
left side
nywuerp on
inimal. OuRl
| ijjor thigh lA
, Eancc north prongfcSJ
iliddle Loup river
an'd Buffalo Lake
Postofflce address
Brownie" N * b
Acorn just back nl
left shoulder bladt
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range east of
Beaver Lake
Postofflce Address
Hyannis , Neb
-on right side ; hor-
, -os same on right
t use .six miles
i north west of Mother -
\ er Lake precinct -
Postofnco address
Jtlyannis. Neb
Branded on right
side and h p
Also have stock branded
on right side and hip"
on right hip
Range-Southwestern Uierrj
Postofllce address
; 0h left hip anc
side Also
on-left hip
and leftside
horses same
brands on shoulders
Kance 23-miles
orth of Hyannis
' 'ostofflce address
Hi minis , Neb
On right hip ;
' either side
On right
ses right
Kuiige atven miles north of Hyannis.
Postofflce address
r Pul man , Neb
Cuttle branded as on
-cut : , hordes branded
same as catt
reversed S.
StQ block
" Range Stevei
and Stephenooif
Lakes and South
Postofflce nddrees
Ryannis , Neb
Branded anywhere
.on rlxht side ; horses
ses same on left
Range - - sixteen
miles northeast of
Valentne. > feb
On left side or hip
A4 left sideor , hip
I T"irfJ"i
Range on Nlobntia
.Eo4 offlce Address
_ _ Brownleo , No
Brandrd on elth ?
Bide same as on cut
lso both Jaws
Marshall & Wolfenden
Kennedy , Neb.
Some s on the left ,
Horses K on left
Brand is small
Earmark : Quarter
clip behind , half cir
cle forward on left ear
Range Lone Tree
oam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses LAZJ
H on left shoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
Left ears tagged All cattle dehorned
William M. Dniibar
Lessee from Heine & Kroeger
Cody. Neb
DUn Either side
I low
Left ear of'catfle
' . '
Spill TJ
Range heau"ofHay
Amelia Young.
Cody , Nebraska
On right side.
Right ear spilt
Kange , Little
White river
Peder Thorsen.
Gordon. IvTebraska
On right siderT on
right hip. r horse
brand and T on
ritiht shoulder
Also cattlp branded
Ij s on left'side
Range , fowl miles
south of Irwin
Henry Young ,
Cody , Nebraska
Horse brand IIY
on left shoulder
Cattle , right ear
Range , Little
White river. S. D.
Carl Tinenhagen
Range 10 miles
north and 6 miles
east of Gordon
D. C. Nelson.
Cody , Nebraska.
On right hip.
Range , Medicine
I ake to the
Snake river
JJutt Brothers.
Gordon , Nebraska
Ranget4 miles north
of Gordon.
F. C. Duerfeldt , Manager.
Gordon , Nebraska
Tattle also branded
9O on right hip
Horses and mules
uranded same as cut
on left shoulder
J. C. Jordan
Gordon , Nebraska
One bunch lirandcd
as on cut on left side
One bunch branded
C I.on left hip
Hordes .3 on left
Range. 10 miles
southwest of Gallop ,
between Niobrara
and Snake rivers
George F Damon
Albany , Veb
Grtttle branded
Fl > on leit ribs or
rluht shoulder ; WJ )
SD FD on right hip and left
ribs ; Con left hip
Horses FD or SI ) on
right shoulder
Range 7 mi nortli
cabt of Albany Nel
Agent forPasteni
Black Leg Vaccine
Joseph Fickel
st * brand F on
left shoulder
Mange in m'les
northeast of Gordon
Wheeler Bros.
Cody Neb.
Also B
Range Chamberlain
Flats and Snake
Miirqnurdi & Rowlus
Cattle bjand OM on
leTt ihoulder. Some
of cattle have various
older brands. O S on
left hip. Horse bra'd
A on left shouldei.
Range Formerly
Gee W Monnier
ranch 5-miles east of
. frx > mP.E. .
& M. V. It. R. south to Leander Creek. Mar
quardt & BoTTha , i
. . - " i
P. Sullivan retires tod.iy from thi
b ) t\rd of count- ' commissioners , hon
ored and respected by all.
For six years lie has been a mem.be :
of the county board , having been nomi
nated and elected by democrats in < '
three cornered fight. During thnttihu
he has made scores of warm friends b }
his honest , conscientious work for the
county , and not a few cordial cue nics
from the same cause. Always true tc
his friends he was still truer to his con
victions of right , and , never allowed
personal matters to stand between him
and his duty to therpeopjov
When Commissioner Sullivan first
took his seat he foirid the county
floundering m a confusion of debts , but
he soon inaugurated a financial policy
which has slowly but surely raised the
credit of Cherry county until it stands
well up toward the head of the list in'
this state. At the close of his first
term hefwis prevailed upon to run
again , and was elected against strong
opposition. His policy of economy and
ousiness principles was continued
lespite the roar of -dodger.s and
had he wished it is probable ho would
have received the nomination again
this year.
From first to last he has .worked for
court house for Cherry county , and
most of his enemies were made by this
course of his. To him more than any
ther one man is due the victory of last
'all , and his only regret at leaving his
office now arises from the fact that he
, vill not be on the board to in a meas
ure oversee the construction of the
None but-good words are heard for
, he retiring commissioner , friends and
'oes alike giving him credit for having
he courage of his convictions. Would
hat all officers could retire with as
; oed a record.
. II. Nye , a feeder and shipper of
Fender , brought in a car of- cattle of
his own feeding that sold for a very
satisfactory price. Mr. Ne has been
over a considerable part of Wayne ,
Thurston and Cuming counties within
a recent date and finds that there are
far less cattle fattening this year than
last. It is quite true , however , that the
number of head is likely equal to or
even greater than last year but the vast
part of the holdings are oung animals
that are being roughed through the
winter to be either sold to the feeding
trade next season" go , inio the feed
lots later on. Iirhis-o nnioh'-Lthe out
look for decent prices-oil futrjfcattle for
some tims to como are mcfstrflattering
and he thinks that Jhose-who are in the
business this year will reap a reason
able compensation for their labors The
season to date has been dry and cold
nearly all the season , the condition
most desired for putting on llesh High
priced stock cattle a year ago and cor
responding low figures on the i nished
product following , caused the small
feeders to diop out this season and sell
out their crops rather than run the risk
of fattening cattle for market. On the
other hand the supply of hogs seems to
be rather larger than usual especially
in Wayne and Cuming t ounties , while
n 1 k irston county , as near as Mr.
N\e is able to judge , the number is just
about as large as last \ ear. They
raised a good crop of corn in that sec
tiou the past year , but about twenty
per cent of it is yet in the fields. Uough
feed of all viml.s is plentiful and stock
of all kinds will be well suppl.e i
throughout the wiliter. OroveivJour
udgo We-ro ! , ; v
, on L'icsTi. . ! . . . „ . i ; ; -
of m-A-iri in . . < < K i.c.i. \ .t . .
fixing t-ie tur n of court for the .
counties , for the year 1800 Th
ule handed to us by the judije , on hi *
eturn. Wedne- lay , is as.follo.ws :
Holt , March 3. an l November-10.
Hoyd. Jur ( rfi ; nn l October-3
Rork , Mair ) : 2S. a- ] n 'cp" t > pr 4.
! 'rmvi. Mirch'27 .r.ul N\w ? : i > in
Ken ' ; > ha 'Uu-iS-aiul Si'M ! ? ? > r ' 0
SluM-i.bin .J.iy 0 ; ' i-v j > o ; . 5 j > : ; ; 1 !
Box I'utto , F-l-r sary ' < . . > . -S
Sioux , \ay * 22. no j i-.i" nil- ) lii
The divMjjjon of cdtiuticx uv.s a i-t-
that -Juflgo 'V'o.s'Mxvr ' nH h. > : t ib
t nus in Hey 1 , i > ru.\-i. : i a v.- , Ij.nc
iinto jui'lS. . > UK ' - < \ - n-/ IM-I- ; Kui'vil.l
rht others.j Rashville Siniularil. -
s. " *
Philip "Pullman is renewing .ac
quaintance with his family who reside
in Alliance. He Avill return to the
ranch after the holiday's.
Mr. Yar3ran and wife hsve returned
to their home after a brief sojourn in
Iowa visiting friends and relatives. _
James Harnan was a visitor in Pull
man Christmas , oeingon his way to
Whitman to enjoy the holidays.which
he says is a "hot" town5 and Jim
G. M. Chrisner of Crete , Nebraska ,
has been very successful in organiz-
jng. a lodge of Modern Woodmen' in
tMs section ; twenty-four members
haying Tseen examined by Dr. Bradley
and initiated into the mysteries of the
order. The examination and initia- ;
ttion were conducted at the home of
'Philip Pullman. Pullman Correspon
dent , Whitman Sun ,
Board met as per adjournment
Present , P. Sullivan , chairrnanfand ! T
P. Spratt.
On motion the clerk was ordered tc
write refunding order in favor of F. 11 ,
Yanish , same having been paid aftei
hold-out was made.
On Motion the following official bonds
were approved :
C W Goodrich , constable , Ell precinct
F R Yanbh. road overseer , Dist No 9
Frank MeGee " " Di8tNolG ,
I N Russell , assessor. Giilaspie , precinct
William D Clarkson road overseer Dist No 25
William Foster Dist No 2
II A Daniels , assessor. Dewey-l ike precinct
L N Layporte , constable , Valentine piccinct
Gee Slieik , constable , Pleasant Hill precinct
Ed Onnesher , assessor , Schlagel precinct
C. W. AVright , assessor , Pleasant Hill precinct
! ' . (5 Kecse , toad overseer. Hist No 2C
Itoilln Ha ichclt , ro.ul overseer , Dist No 28
Charles Burne * Dist N'o 53
Ira Johnson , assc r , Lavaca preciiict
Jacob Martin , r > iul overseer. Dist No 21
M. r. Hrosins Dist No 4
Josrpli Jackson , assessor , Boiling Springs pro
DO Bough " Buffalo Lake frccinct
S 31 Woodward ' Irwin precinct
A H Overman , justice , Minnechaduza precinct
Peter S\vearinger , road overseer , Dist No 1
K F Pettycrcw " Dist No3 _
J Jl Skiivinjr , assessor , Loiip precinct
11 N Hruce. assessor , Wood Lake precinct
A MMorrisseyt county attorney.
A C Salmon , assessor , Table prejinct
J A Uennison , road overseer , Dist No 8
On motion the official bonds of J L
Koseberry as justice and assessor ,
Uuffalo Lake precinct , were rejected
for reason the oath of office had not
been signed.
G il Folsim , roail overseer , Dist. N'o 10
G N Davis , asse.-sor , Cleveland precinct ' - '
J M Clarkson , assessor. Valentine irecnct
Charles Hoffman Gcorgi.i urecinec
Etta Brown , county superintendent
A K Knskie , road overssor , Dist N'o 52
C F Long , assessor , Steen precinct
John shelbonrn. assessor , Kewancc precinct.
A J Walllnifford , assessor. Kennedy procinet
William \ Davis , justice. Georgia precinct
E E Crane , assessor , Eh precinct
A -T Barnes. , road overseer , Dist No 17
Albert Ncn/cl , mad overseer , Dist NoC
Ed Satterlec , assessor , Nenzrl precinct
I it Lee. road overseer. Dist No13
Frank TLee. constable , l.onp prec net
O D Unroy , assessor , Minuecliadn/a piccinct
Henry F Barker , ashesi > r. .Sparks precinct
Alfred Lewis , county coroner jf-
P W Priulcn , assi-ssor , Merrim.in precinct
Henry Porath , assess , German precinct
Fr.tncis McDtTinolt , load overseer. Dist No 3
On motion theofiicia. bond of Iliiam
iMcNamee as road ovor. > oor was ivjcct-
ed for reason that he did not sign the-
oath of office.
Whereupon the board adjourned to
January 4.
Everybody is supposed to swear off
some of bis badhabits on New Year's
day , and the high muck } muck and
great jeebeb of this paper decided
that he would join the crowd this
year. But great smoke , when he
tried to find faults in himself , he
couldn't do it. Curious , isn't it ? But
he was resolved to resolve something
and here is his production , which is
submitted to a discriminating' public
with tac hope that it will meet their
approval :
Filled with a desire to benefit myself
and fellow citizens I hereby resolve
tiiat during- the year 18J ! ) I will strive"
to make my paper better than ever ;
that I will support none but good men
for office : that I will give every sub'
scription account over two years old
to attorneys or collectors , unless pro
vision for its payment has been made.
I won't drink nor use profane lan
guage ; I will not refuse to take a
dollar for.a year's subscription.
E. M. Bartlett , the editor of the
Omaha Penny Press , was'in town tne
past week working up an interest in
the Nebraska Rertdl Dealers Associ
ation , -Inch organization is working
against the department store evil.
The United Workmen an.l De
of Honor held d-ninss-iiLidui ; AiL-
cers last evening , and at tae supper
furnished by J. A. Hooton over \j \
people were fed.
The Modern Woodmen and _ Royal
Neighbors will hold a joint iustalfar
tion of officers at Cornell JIall. next
Y.'cdnc.sday nig1 tit , followed by supper
ac t..e
' i'.ie i def
of officers tmi nt. a-isbcel bv G. A.
mir . of
.fonc-j-vit'-Duun m.ike tanks. Notice
tfrcirU iti.an-uriier column and'write'
lo thfera about it.
T/ic Lt' &
tiio ' ( % ; i > Iture : will1 beet
etiin ! lu-ld for yi-ar.s.
riu contest for LTniti-il States senat > r
will bi > a warm one. Nationally then
is more to interest our citizens than at
anv time since the great civil war.
Every man who thinks for himself and
wants his boys and girls to do thy same
should h vc such a paper as thi Semi-
Wwkly State Journal in Ills f.uniU.
Tht groate b of grt-at wi'Stern papers ,
published at tle stat capitaC is more
in touch with the great masses of the
people and the questions of t'ie hour
than any of its contemporaries. It i.
the true urd able exponent of western
thought-umreaterprise. Its 'facilities
-for fuviifshirig legislative news sur-
ill ether papers. It is located
and no matter wha't
" at othnr times , during
the" legislature you should read the
JjailTJiuU J vice a week , it onlv cos6
Sl.OO. Sdhtl- CM ) to tliuSr.-ite.fonrmif.
Lincoln , Neb . and you will never re
gret it.
A A , A
47 -
u / NT
Anything in the line of rOJ.hing ,
' * j& * * Aitjfe'fi * * ifr
" * ' " * T-w * ljjj ? * * * E
W Hats , or Caps , Boots ojfcSmMs " ,
* ' * *
i-i * tut / a
" '
4 ? ? ' , Stajl or Fancy Qroceries , -
* ? Stoneware , Dry Goods
4 ?
Notions , Salt Meat , Grain or Feed ,
, * ? ft
* ? t ' . ftft
< ? / , * t Be sure to call and get prices at , ftft
< 9 > ft
49 ftft
49 ft
49 49 ftft
49 ft
Dr. Lewis has just received a sup
ply of fresh vaccine virus
N. E. Gardner , of Nord.cn , has been
elected assistant enrolling and en
grossing" clerk of the senate.
F. K. Stowers and Nora \Viltseboth
of the table , were married yesterday ,
Rev. Holsclaw performing the cere
Rice's Price lilst.
33 pounds of Beans for Si 00
33 pounds otO it Meal for 100
20 pounds of Prunes for 100
20 pounds of Ridiins for 1 00
20 pounds of Broken Rice for 1 00
40barsofSoap for l CO
One ( . 'allon Sorghum for 40
Candies , 8c , lOc & ino. Nuts , lOc and I5c.
When Visiting
. > - . *
* ° T\I 11 ATTi
Pet * Day
Good Service
J. A < Hornback
The World
Almanac and
< * for 1899
Illustrated History
of the Spanish-
American War
\ , „ Together with
The Battle Calendar
r of the Republic *
Compiled by
Historian of the U. S. Navy.
to any address.
THE "TORLD , PoIHzef Bufldbg ,
"North-Western Lino7' is to be
to and from the--
New Goodrich : Sewing Machines at
T. C. Hornby's.
In county court. jviYhiaand forsjciicrry county ,
Nebraska. ' ' v .
In the matter of the estate of' Mary Bedlaeek ,
deceased . ,
To the creditors of said estate : , . -
Yon arc hercbotmed that Iw-ill nit at the
county court room in Valentine , in naid conntv ,
on the 14th d y of .lanuary. 1899. at nine o'clock
a. m. to recHve am. examine all claims against
said estate , with a view in their adjustment and
Mowance The time limited for the presen a-
n. u of Halms against said estate in two months. Id1
from the 14th dly : of Nove nbt-r A . D. 193 , and
the time limited for najment of debts is one
year from said 14tb day of .November , 1898. Id1i
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court , this 28lh dav of December , 1E88.
W. R. TOWNE. County .Iudg . i
I/e& or Stolon.
Several head of horses and cattle -
tle , branded .ira
Amos Strong , Valentino , Neb. *
JHfrrrjy Xotlcci
Tikm up Octobers , iras. ten roiles south of
'i- > NH ntk : ( , i0 whiteciiw'bran ea
.n : rft - > .r- and or.c rtil calf wiUino lirand U
r.ikt n iip > ( iKORGK BAIUTZS
. ,
r f f gf
> n Up ,
Ai inv pi S.-P Ronr Wnntl Lake , one twc-year"
idu - < r cif Hc-ri-ford 9to.-k. branded O 1 I. on
lu-h ij smil Xn It-fr side just back of fore
tjr o.xiicri' . ii-qui-sed in remove sard uteer
.i i ! uill ho Mild acnirdin ; : to law.
H 5'
M r-c on
t i'o er
the Gordon and the
Vewtn.i ,
Cattle bran crl
s OM cut
p r s.de 01 \ \ \ \
Kant : ' ' on
Crock *
: - & T Richardson.
Kennedy. Tiehmska
Some on left
Ilqisci on
5 ? - "isJ'in.'jin , : .a > c
and Morgan Flals
- v
* * * [ i * ' uk * 3 iir
1 "
- -VT- ' T
' '
'rnachi-r'and S\v.n
! ! V- Lake
* c' " " " j