m t Of Not worth paying attention to , you say. Perhaps you have had it for weeks. It's annoying because you have a constant desire to cough. It annoys you also because you remember that weak lungs is a family failing. At first it is a slight cough. At last it is a hemorrhage. At first it is easy to cure. At last , extremely difficult. quickly qonquers your little hacking cough. There is no doubt about the cure now. Doubt comes from neglect. For over half a century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been curing colds and coughs and preventing consumption. It cures Consumption also if taken in time. Keep one of DP. ASCP'S Cfcerrg Peciorai Plasters , eve ? $ x ttmgs \ \ you conga. Shall \ve 5cnd you a book on this subject , free ? Gap Fnedteal Dopapfmeni. If Iiavo - whatever you any complaintwhat ever u < l desire the best medical wlviop joucaii possibly obtain , write the doctor freuly. You will receive a i > ron5it reply , without cost. Address , DU. J. C. AVER. Lowell , Mass. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination , but also to the cure and skill with which it is manufactured by .scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA Fie Svnui' Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing1 the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFOKXIA Fie SYRUP Co. only , a knowledge of that fact will ussist one in avoiding1 the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CAI.I- FOK.XIA FIG SYUUI' Co. with the medi cal profession , and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families , makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in adv.-nce of all other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them , and it does not gri-e nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects , plea so remember the uumu of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S\X FKAA'CI8O . Col. LOCWVILLE. Kr. NEW YOKX. ? f. Y , celebrated for more than -a century as a tg ; delicious , -nutritious , < ? and flesh-forming , beverage , has our < } ' well-knoTi Yellow t-atoei ff on the front < jf very < $ package , and our * & trade-mark. La'Belle < y Chocolatiere 'on the back. t ! OTHER GENUINE. F MADE ONLY BY 3 > WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd- , | Dorchester , Mass. S ASTHMA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIO Ol e relief * T rtT2 " ' " ' tor * Ff/f Jf * > : ' 5-1 : ' < - Of * . .ox cnt post , a. j > * r ' .1.00. BUboieiCS.OO. i .atp * . a. rOPIUM. X'HILl. , PA. loU'a PorwoT. .note , 52 per acre cashba crop/gfltJI pnU'.r J. nnifaal ! > Sion * ity. D1TCII Tsccud or S5S97 H retaraiS. Search free f n I C * I C9lL'rrCo. 4 FS * , WfthJngtpPDQ. Some Corrections. Uornllus never defended the bridge. The story was mauufactured by the same gifted author who gave the world the account of Scaevola's heroism. Bloiidel , the harper , did not discover the prison of King Richard. Richard paid his ransom , and the receipt for it Is among the Austrian archives. Queen Elizabeth was not the angelic creature represented iu the histories and poems of her own times. Her hair was red , her temper red hot. She some times drank too much , and at any prov ocation -would curse like a trooper. She frequently swort at her maids , and sometimes strucL , kicked and pinched them. Mary Stuart of Scotland was not a beauty. She had cross eyes , and , to save the trouble of having her hair dressed , cut it off close to her head and wore n wig. When , after her death , the executioner lifted her head to show it to the people , the wig came off and showed a close cropped skull , covered with gray hair. Vinegar will not split rocks , so Han nibal could not thus have made his way through the Alps. Nor will it dissolve pearls , so that the story of Cleopatra drinking pearls melted in vinegar must have been a Gction. The blood of Rizzio , Mary Stuart's favorite , cannot be seen on the lloor where he was murdered by Daruley and the other conspirators. What is seen there is a daub of red paiut , annually renewed for the benelit of gaping tour ists. TWO GRATEFUL WOMEN Restored to Health by Lydia E Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. "Can Do My Own Work. " Mrs. PATRICK DANEIIY , West \Viusted , Conn. , writes "DEAF. MRS. PINKIIAM : It is with pleasure that I write to you of the benefit I have derived from using- your wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was very ill , suffered with female weak ness and displacement of the womb. ' Icouldnotsleepatnight.hadtowalk the floor , I suffered so with pain in my side and small of my hack. Was trou bled with bloating , and at times would faint away ; had a-terrible pain in my heart , a had taste in my mouth all the time and would vomit ; hut now , thanks to Mrs. Pinkhara and her Vegetahle Compound , I feel well and sleep well , can do my work without feeling1 tired ; do cot bloat or have any trouble whatever. "I sincerely thank 3-011 for the good advice you gave me and for what your medicine has done for me. * ' "Cannot Tra'se It Enough. " .Miss GEKTIR Franklin , Neb. , writes : " I suffered for some time with pain ful and irregular menstruation , falling of the womb and pain in the back. I tried physicians , hut found no relief. ' * I was at last persuaded to try Lydia E. Fmkham's Vegetable Compound , and cannot praise it enough for what it has done for me. I feel like a new person , and would not part with your medicine. I have recommended , it to several of my friends. " Fit the Case. Pecker I see that Shocks , the wife- beat or , is to be taken before Judge Boozcmau Tor trial to-morrow ; don't seem to me that lie's the proper man to try such a case. Sageman On the contrary , he's just the very man : there isn't a better .ludgo of lick-iier in the county.Boston COUP ier. Deafness Cannot 1 * , Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach tin. diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure Deafness , and that is by constitu tional remedies Deafness is tiau ed by an in flamed condition of the mucous l < ning of tiiu Kiibtncliian Tube. When this tnbo ( ? ets inflamed you have a riiiuhliiOt sound or imperfect hear ing , and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result ; and unless the inflammation can betaken taken out and tin's tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will he destroyo.l forever ; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh , which Is nothitn : but an iniiamud condition of the murous surfaces. We will K'IVO Ono liundre.i Dollars for any < : ae of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) tiiat can not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send loj circulars , free. free.V. V. J. PHEXKV & CO. . Toledo , 0. by Dnmgists , 7. > c. His Inspiration. Poet My dear , I wish you would take the children out for a walk. I'm going to write a poem. Wife Are you sure that you feel the proper inspiration' ' Poet Oil , I'm inspired all right. I need the money. Free Jjaiids in Montana. Homesteads and pre-emptions can bt tak .Mi in ! he Milk River Valley and othei parts of-the .state within sight and hearing of daily trains on the Great Xorlhern Rail way. Keillors and others should avail themselves of Ihis chance lo get a footing and become independent. For printed mailer and other information , address Moses Folsom. Immigration Agent , G. X. Ky. , SL PaulMJmi. Money dishonestly acquired Is never worth its cost , while a good conscience never costs as much as it is worth. J. 1 . Sena. Taken Hold. W-e can wake up from sleep and find that soreness and stiffness have taken hold of us. We can use St. Jacobs Oil and go to sleep and wake up and fine ? ourselves completely ured. The He Indirect is often as bad and - - ' . . " * - * - - . * " jf s inore oov.axLy : ! iliar A catalogue of 800 prizes , suitable t every taste and condition , mailed on iu quiry. Prizes given for saving Diamom "G" Soap wrappers. Address Cudahj Soap Works , South Omaha , Neb. One of the words heard every day on our streets is "Dago , " the offspring oi tlie Spanish saint "Diejjo" ( James ) . II &ffi . M ' - \ * Sk'X - i" : H. 5fc ! t- / § ' ' " - - - Arthur Are yon sure she loves you ? Jack Yes ; \vhcn 1 told her I had no money to marry on , she asked me l I wouldn't borro-.v sonic. Tid-Bits. Mrs. Howes 1 don't know what we arc going to do. There Is not a thing in the house to cat. Undo George You might take bnanl'vs. Boston Tran script. Irascible Lieutenant ( down engine- room tube ) Is tier ! < > a blithering idiot at the end of this tuna ? Voice from the eugine-rootu-Nol at this end , sir. Punch. Rural Rggrs ; Say , Tails , do you think it's right to raise Ihe price of beer ? Tramping Tatters I've been trying to raise the price of one for a. week. Life. "Vot's der dog's name , little girl ? " "It used to be 'Fido , ' but I changed it to 'Dewey' so's the pleeceman would let him run ou the grass aud have a good time. " Truth. Cholly Yaas , sevewal years ago I fell deeply in love with a girl , but she wejccted me made a wcgular fool of me. Molly And you never got over it ? Brooklyn Life. May The horrid wretch kissed her. [ ' "lorry Well , what matter ? May Why , you see , he was a soldier hero and she wanted to kiss him. Philadelphia North American. Subscriber How is it that you have printed that long poem three times iu your columns ? Editor Well , really. 1 [ li'ln't suppose anyone would find it out. "Fliegende Blatter. "I understand you want to hire a housemaid ? " "That must be a mistake. I do all my own work. " 'Too bad ! It would be just the sort of place that I'd like. " Heitere Welt. Stubbly ( with conviction ) 1 don't be lieve in that young doctor. Nurse- Why not ? Stubbly Well , the medicine ho gives doesn't taste bad enough to do any good. Boston Globe. Looking Forward. Mrs. Noear Do you think my daughter will be a musi cian ? Professor I gant zay. She may. She dell me she gome of a long-lived family. New York Weekly. "My impression is , " oracularly began the tall boarder , "that Spain is going to cede " "It would be more correct , " interrupted the solemn boarder , "to say she has gone to seed. " Judge. Miss Sheafe Oh ! jusfc look at that wheat rising and falling in the breeze , flow beautiful it is. Mr. Cityman cUi , but you ought to see it rising and falling in the corn exchange. Tid-Bits. "Before we were married you used to write me three loiters a day.5' "Did I , really ? " "Yes , you did ; ai'ul now you get angry just because I ask you to write me a little bit of a chock. " Tid- Bits. Jones ( leaving for Europe ) When I'm in Rome I'll do as the Romans do. Smith Indeed you won't You'll do as : he Americans do pay twice as much for everything as anyone else would. Puck. "Here , boy , " said the man , "throw away that cigarette and smoke a ci gar. " "Yasser , " replied the urchin. "Say , mister , I got a whole pack of cigarettes in me pocket. " Philadelphia North American. A Matrimonial Venture. Blinkers- Hello , Winkers. I hear you married a woman with an independent fortune. Winkers ( sadly ) N-o ; I married a for tune with an independent woman. New York Weekly. "Since Mrs. Black has been a wid ow , " he suggested , "it seems to me she looks younger. " "Of course , " she re plied. "It is more necessary now that she should. " Thus do women betray each other. Chicago Post. "I understand you wou the blue rib bon , so to speak , iu the examination for the civil service. " "I ah would hardly call it that , " answered the mild young man. "Let us say I won the red tape. " Indianapolis Journal. "Now that you have lost your job as surgeon in the regiment , what do you expect to do ? " "Oh , I'm all right. I've opened up a little office just around the corner from a foo-t-ball-playiug col lege. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I am always grateful lo my parents for the musical education they gave me , " said Willie Washington. "But you never sing. " "No. Thanks to my thoughtful parents. I know enough about music not to try. " Washington Star. lack Let's play house. I'll be the father and you bo the mother. Dolly- Yes , and I'll come to you and ask you for money to buy a now dress. Jack- Yes , there you go ! That's just you ! You always want to do something to raise a light Puck. .Mamma , " said little Freddie one evening , "may 1 go out on the street with the other boys and look at the comet ? " "No , dear , * ' replied his moth er ; "I'm afraid you might get hurt. " "No , I won't , mamma , " he answered ; "I won't go any ways near it. " Buffalo News. Hattie Then we went to Scotland. It is perfectly wonderful the way they talk the dialect. Uncle George Why wonderful ? Hattie I should think they'd forget now and then and drop into English. T often do when I'm re citing Burns or playing golf. Boston Transcript. "Yes , " the fair young girl weut on. "We are engaged , but I do not think I should have accepted him if he had not proposed In such a delightful manner. " "What did he say ? " "He asked if I would permit him to add an engage ment ring to my coljcction. " Harper's' ' Bazar. Una i Cigar. Two rell-known traveling men were members of a card party the other night. One of them asked the other if he had a cigar in his pocket. The an swer being in the allirmative the ques tioner said : "Give it to me. I don't like the cigars they sell here. " Then the man who had a cigar began to go -through his pockets. He first took out his cigar case. That was empty. Then he searched all of his pockets and they were free of cigars. He looked sur prised for a minute. Then a gleam of intelligence shot across his face , and he said : "By Jove , I have it in my -mouth. I knew I had one somewhere. " Then he bought cigars for all hands. 'Anaconda ' Standard. Perfectly Harmless. Dx ! I once knew a young man who smoked fifty cigarettes daily without any particular harm resulting there from. Hix Is it possible ! Dix Yes ; and the only noticeable ef- lect was the death of the smoker. Bring Leprosy to This Country. Our soldiers in Hawaii may contract leprosy and bring it to this country. While leprosy is to be dreaded , there are a thou sand times as many victims to stomach disorders , but there is a cure in Ilostet- ter's Stomach Bitters. Other ailments that the Bitters are a specific for are ma laria , fever and ague. Sold at all drug store ? . Meant His Own Country. A traveling American made a visit to Greyfriars' Churchyard , at Edinburgh. The sexton was a man of Aberdeen- shire , and his heart was in the High lands , plainly. The visitor had been at Greyfriurs before , and said to the sex ton , as the old man pocketed his fee : "I have seen your Highlands since I was here last. " "Oh ! " said he , with inimitable Highland intlection , "and had ye never bene there before ? " "No. I have never been in Scotland before. I live in America. " "Oh ! 'Tis a grand country , that. " "America ? It is , Indeed - deed ! " The old man looked up in utter surprise. "Nay , nay , " he said , im patiently , "the Hielauds ! A grauud country ! " A rsronaur. tn Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. During winter your feet feel uncomfort able , nervous , and often cold and damp. If yon have perspiring , smarting feet or tight shoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It warms and rests the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet , blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and 'bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for chilblains and frost bites. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package mailed FREE. Address Allen 8. Qlmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Accordance to the Evidence. "Well , that's what I call an appro priate verdict , " remarked Jilson the e > thr > r evening , as he threw down his "What is iiV" asked his wife. "Why , " he replied , "you know the de faulting cashier of the Steeuth Nation al Bank committed suicide when the shortage was discovered ? " "Yes , I remember , " said Mrs. J. , "but what of the verdict ? " "This morning , " -answered Jilson , "the coroner's jury brought in a ver dict of death from exposure. " Gates' Mexico Tours. First tour leaves Chicago Jan. 17 ; sec- mid tour leaves Chicago Feb. 11 , 1S99. Price of ticket includes all traveling ex penses for thirty days. These tours are made by special trains of palace cars , in cluding dining cars. For descriptive books and r.Ttos write to Chas. H. Gates , Toledo , Ohio. Affable. "Might 1 ask who lives here ? " asked .1 polite gentleman of a stranger he met in front of a handsome mansion. "Certainly , sir , " as politely replied the other. "Who is it , sir ? " "I'm sure I don't know , " replied the stranger. London Punch. Warm th and Strength. The cold of winter certainly aggra vates rheumatism , and at all seasons St. Jacobs Oil Is its niajter cure. It Imparts warmth and strength to the muscles , and cures. _ Iu Kansas. Friend What did the man do ? Ex-Juryman He swindled the lawyer. And there were some cranks on that jury that wanted to convict him. Puck. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All dniujjfists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25f/ The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. According to the best authorities'less than one thousandth-millionth part of : the sun's rays reaches the earth. Honest grocers prefer to sell honest soap. Diamond " 0" ' Soap is honest , economical , every way desirable. Our greatest glory consists not In never falling , but in rising every time we may fall. Goldsmith. I never used so quick a cure as Piso's Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer , Box 1171. Seattle , Wash. . Nov. 25 , 1895. Our first Impulses are good , generous , heroical ; reflection weakens and kills them. L. A. Martin. IMrs. IViiisIowr's SOOTHING BYBTJP lor Children tee thine : softens the tfiims , reaneea inflammation allays pein. cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. As unkljdness has no remedy at law , let its avoidance be with you a point of honor. Ballon. "WASTED. Cnseorbad health that U-I'P-A-N-S will not benefit. Semi 5 cents to Rlpans Cliemfca' Co. , New York , for 10 samples and 1.000 testimonials. The man who has never been in danger cannot answer for his courage. Johnson. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C A Menn Mrs. Suburban I'm afraid to stay here alone all day. So many tramps have been seen around this part of town lately. Mr. Suburban Well , if any of thorn coine to the house , get rid of them the best way you can. Mrs. Suburban But suppose they de cline to leave ? Mr. Suburban Oh. well , if the worst comes to the worst , just ask them In and give them some of your angel cake then telephone for the undertaker. Chicago News. At the Concert. "I wonder why they have two pianos on the stage ? " "So that if the celebrated virtuoso should smash one all to pieces in playIng - Ing that fautasie at which he is said to be so fine he will have the other to fal ? back on without stopping the perform * ' ance. MANITOBA'S CAPACITY. Can Raise Enough Wheat to Fupply Uritain All trlic Kcquirea from Abroad. Toronto , Nov. 10. The World com ments on the report of the United Em pire trade league on the capacity of Canada as a granary for Britain. The report refers to Manitoba as follows : Manitoba has an area of 47,000,000 acres. Deducting 10,000,000 for lakes , rivers , town sites and waste land , 37- 000,000 acres are left for farm cultiva tion or homes for 110,000 families on 320 acres each , and as up to now there are only 27,000 fanners there altogeth er , that leaves room in one province for 89,000 more wheat growers. Supposing then we got them there and each one of them out of his 320 acres grew on an average 100 acres at 20 bushels to the acre. If you figure it up you will find it is quite possible for Manitoba alone to supply us with all the wheat we re quire from abroad. It is only a question of money and , comparatively speaking , not money either. The cost of one first- class battleship ( about 750,000) ) would put 5,000 families on to farms in the Northwest , allowing 150 to each to find them in implements , seeds , horses , etc. , and would keep them until their first crop was harvested. Five thousand farmers , averaging 100 acres of wheat each at 20 bushels to the acre , means an extra 10,000,000 bushels , for if that scheme is not liked Britain would put a duty on foreign wheat. In addition to the wheat lands of Manitoba there are the millions of acres in Assiniboia , Alberta and Saskatche wan. In Scotland , at one time , capital pun ishment was by drowning. Soap that's all soap Diamond "C" Soap. They never pardon who commit the wronjr.-Dr.vden. It Will do you to take Hood's Sarsaparilla is beyond estimation. It will give you warm , rich , nourishing blood , strengthen your nerves , tone your stomach , create an appetite , and make you feel better in every way. It is a wonderful invigorator of the system ; wards off colds , fevers , pneumonia and the The best wiuter medicine is Sarsa- parilia by all dealers in medicine. Price SI. Hood's Pills cure biliousness , indigestion. * After I was tndnced to try CASCA- RET8 , I will never bo without them in the bouse. My liver was in a very bad sbape. and my bead acbed and I bad stomach trouble. Now. since tak ing Cascarets , I feel fine. My wife has also uwd them with beneficial results for sour stomacU. " JOS. KBEHLlxa , 1921 Congress St. , 6t. Louis , Mo. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADE MARK RCOISTESKO Pleasant , Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good , Never Sicken , Weaken , or Gripe , lOc , 25c,50c. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sterling It mdj Coaptaj , Chicago , Mootrral , Sew Tort. 313 Hft Tfl HIP Sold and guaranteed by all drug- KUI U-OfiU gists to CIJKE Tobacco Habit. The Thing to Do. When the Sciatic ucrve gives Its worst torment in the shape of Sciatica , the one thing to do is to use St. Jacobs OH promptly and feel sure of a cure. A Logical Efrcct. Glorinda Flighty says she can play whist hotter if she talks all the time. " "Of course ; she makes the n-st oC U3- play worse. " Detroit Free I'ress. THAT KILL Consumption is ca tarrh of the lungs. Certain complications - & tions make consump * ' / tion incurable. s > Most cases of death from con sumption ure- the direct result of neglected ca tarrh. Pe-ru-na works harmoniously nature to eject the tubercles from lungs , and works so successfully that- if there is a cure for consumption Pe-ru-na is the remedy. Read this letter from Mrs. n. A. Tyner , of Four Oaks , N. C. , about her daughter , Mrs. L. Keene. She says : Pe-ru-r.a Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. DEAR Si its : "My daughter had every symptom of consumption suppression- of menses , night sweats and great ema ciation. She was so low that none of our neighbors thought she could live. In May Mr. C. R. Adams , of thin place , who had taken Pc-ru-na , told me if anything would help her Pe-ru-na. would. I got a hottle of it and somo. rock candy and began giving it to her. During- the first few days she was j > o weak she could only lake a half teaspoonful - spoonful at a time , but I gave it to her as often as she could hear it. In. less than a week she could walk two- hundred yards and back without rest ing ; she kept getting- stronger , and in. twelve months she seemed to he as welt as she ever was in her life. I feel , and su does every One that knew ahout her saved her life. sickness , that Pc-ru-na My daughter's name is Mrs. L. Keene. " ' at ! leatl "Nothingbut whunta > far ns the eye could reach on either side what you mightcalla seaof wheat" was what a s p e a ki , n of Western. Cuuada , said while refer ring to that country. For particulars as to routes , railway fares ; etc. , apply to N. linrtliolo- mew , SCO iUIi" Street , DesMolncs , lena , Acnt { for the Government of Canada. The Success of the Season. A $ l : ° 2 FOR 50 CENTS , A Richly Illustrated and Beautiful Peri odical , Covering the Whole Field of Popular Reading. THE LEDGEU MONTHLY is the marvel of the nge for bf-anty a'.id low price. With its Artistic Lithographic Colored COVOVH. Superb Pictorial I Husirations , Serial nnd Short Stori hy Leading Writers of thc- World , and Spoi-ial Departments of Dec orative Art. Kmbroideo . Home Employ ment for "Women , and , in fact , every De partment of hontf improvement which adda- to the economy und charm of home life , be it indoors or outdoors , THE LEDGEU MONTHLY is beyond question , and. acc'.rd- ing to toCOMAiENTS COMAiENTS OF THE PRESS OF THE WHOLE UNITED STATES , the most won'lerful production for Its prioe. Simply to see a copy of THE LEDGER MONTHLY is. to bGrraly convinced that no such costly periodical has ever been of fered to the publj.- for so little money. Your sample copy will prove tbis to you. Your Postmaster will show you a sample copy of THE LEDGER MONTHLY and also take your subscription for THE- LEDGER MONTHLY for a whole year for only SO cents. Don't fail to ask your Postmaster to i > t you look at a sample copy , and you will bo sure to give him your 50 cents for a ywir'H- subscription to THE LEDGEU MONTHLY , . the Great Family Magazine. ROBERT BO.NNER'S SONS , Publishers loG Ledger P.uildlng , New York City. THIS BIQ CATALOGUE COKTAIKS I I2O PAGES Is 9122 inches In elzo. coniaJuaoverlw.L-JO quotations , 10X'Oilistratlonr ( , the largest mo t complete and lowest priced catalogue ever published . HAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALED CHICAGO PKICES OH EVERYTHING , JnciudiuK everything in Uroerrte , Draft , Drj fcoodt , Motion * , tlolhlnp , Cloaks , Drturi , Booti and She * < , Walchcii , Jrntlry , Baokf , Hardware , Slotct * Agricultural Implement ! , Fnrnilar , Ilzrntis , Saddle * , BQJJH ! , Srrrlag K chlnfi , Croeberr , Ore nt , PUaot , Kc It ! Inttrnmfnti , FnrnljfclngCoodi. Oan , IttTolteri , HihlugTatfelniejelfi. . PhotogrtpMe Caod * . tit. TllB just whatyour storekeeper at home must pay f orererythinff he boys and will pi event hlmfrom overebarBinit you on anything you bujr : explains Just how to order. Low much tbefrMrhl , txprtu or mall -111 boon any thlnsto your town. THE BIO BOOK COSTS US HEAHLY SI , the post ago alonels JO cents. OUR FBFF OFPFR . . Cut thls advertisement " * and send to us frith is cent. In stamps to help pay u. * "i etat * poiiapv and the Big Boole will be eent toyouFUEK by mall pott , . . M , and If you don't gay It la worth 100 tun os the 15 cents you send , as a key to the lowest wholesale price * of everything , say BO , and we wit ! laiccdlaUIj' return yonr la cent * . WHAT THE PRESS SAYS ABOUT THIS CATALOGUED "Jt 19 a monument of busicezs information. " Minneapolis ( Minn. ) Tribune. "A TTondcrrul piece of work. " Washington National Tribune. "The catalogue Is a. wonder. ' * Manchester ( Jf . H. ) Union. "Searc , Roebuck tc. Co. Is one of the largest houses of Iu kind in - Chicago. " Chicago Inter Ocean. "The Die catalogue forms one of the finest chopping mediums that could possibly beeent Into a district.1" .Boyce's Monthly , Chicago. "Their catalogue 1 & vast department fctore boiled down. " Atlanta C < istltution. "The catalogue is certainly a merchandise encyclopasdla. " Chicago Ep jcorth Herald. 'A 1 w should be passed compelling the use of thl i catalogue In all public schools. " The Hon. G. A. Sonthtouov , Tf could quote thousands of dollar tztraet * . SK5D IS CENTS AT OSCE acd jou will rceelfe tie 4-Ib. book by rrtnra mail. address , SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , CHICAGO , ILL. , U.S. A. "Say Aye 'No' and Ye'll Ne'er Be Mar- ried. " Don't Refuse All Our Advice to Use " : ENSIGNS. PATENTS , CLAIMS. 'JOHN W MORRIS , WASHINGTOND.G. Lata Principal faarnlnar U. 3. Panilon Sanaa. 3 jn. la Iat war. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use la time. Sold S. C. X. TJ. YOURSELF ? . - - - Big G for unnatnr r. discharge * , inflammations , irritations or ulcerationn . . . ° oco01 membraiie . , -on. ' ' 1'ainlees and'not , aitrin-- ft GHEMlCAlCo. Gent or pouonona. Sold by l > rngsl ta , . or lent in plain wrnpper.- -br expresi , prepaid , lei : $1.00. or 3 bottles , ? 2.7S. Circular lent on