Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900, December 29, 1898, Image 2

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flnipqriant Events Crowded tht
Past Twelve Months.
The Year 1898 Will Be Remembered as ;
Most Notable Otft.
A Cliroaoloeical Rcvtew Shows It t
Have Been Remarkable in Many Re
spects-AVur with Spain Takes Fore
most lIacc in the IriterestiiiK Itccor ;
Concise Story of That Victoriou
Conflict 3utcrnntional ami Jnterna
II 3)is3ousioiia Among European Coun
tries Disaster and Death at Horn
a-nci Abroad.
ITo lihn who is concerned with histor
In .the'making there very rarely comes-
.yoar sr.iore heavily IrJen with importan
evont-s than the year 1S9S. It has see
every state in Europe , except pcaceft
ScanGimnhi and the Dutch communities
' face-to face with uitlier war or interns
dissolution sonic of them within meas
urahlu distance of both. Yet the greatcs
effects have not been in Europe ; 3S9S ha
seonHhe United States forced , not by an ,
greed o power , hut by its lmmaQitar.iai
ideals , to take its part in European relo
'lions. A brief hut glorious armed conllic
with Spain has been be-gnn , prosecuted t
"its cml and settled by a treaty ef peac
'upon which the ink is scarcely dry. Th
inception of great political changes ha
been witnessed in China ; two Enropeai
rulers have come to their death ; severa
men and women prominent in statecraft
military affairs , reform , literature am
music , have passed away ; the year ha
been marked by some terrible mixrine dis
asters , causing great loss of life ; and fire
flood and storm have numbered their vie
time by scores and causi'd extensive los
of property.
The chronological table that follow
, gives the most important happenings o
O.S9S. foremost among which are those-o
the war with Spain.
'liventsof the War Lately Won "by th <
United States.
:25 U. S. battleship Maine , Capt. C. X ) . Sigs
'bee , U. S. N. , is ordered loHavaua
8 The publication of .a letter -written b }
Seiior Du ; uy de Lome , Spanish mlniste ;
to the United States , speaking dispar
.agilely of President McKiiiley , leads t <
the Minister's resignation of his pos
and the appointment of Senwr JLuis l'ol <
y Bernabe.
5 The U. S. battleship Maine , Jying in tin
harbor of Havana , is destroyed and sunl
by an explosion between 0 aad 10 o'clocl
p. m.
17 R ar Admiral Sicard , commanding the
North Atlantic squadron , orders a couri
of inquiry into the loss of the Maine.
19 The request of the Spanish officials Ir
Havana for a joint investigation Into , the
loss of the Maine is declined.
.21 The United States Senate orders an In
vestigation into the Maine disaster.
8-0 Congress votes to place $30,000,000 al
the unqualified disposal of President Me
Kiiiley as on emergency fund.
3.6 Spain remonstrates against the presence
of the United States fleet at Key West
and against other measures of defense
by our Government.
17 Facts concerning Cuba stated in tlu
Senate by Senator Proctor , of Vermont ,
as the result of personal observation.
2S Court of inquiry's report on the Maine
sent to Congress.
5 Consul General Lee recalled.
30 Consul General Lee leaves Cuba.
11 President McKinley sends a message to
Congress recommending armed interven
tion in Cuba.
15 Army ordered lo mobilize.
16 Senate belligerency resolutions passed.
18 Congress votes against Cuban recogni
19 Congress passes resolutions demanding
the withdrawal of Spain from Cnbu :
20 Queen opens Cortes with war speech.
Government announces its opposition to
privateering. President signs notifica
tion to the nations of intention to block-
21 Our minister at Madrid , Gen. Stewart
L. AVoodford , informed by the Spanish
Minister of Foreign Affairs that diplo-
jnatic relations between Spain and the
United States are terminated. . . . Presi
dent McKinley cables our ultimatum to
Spain , demanding a reply by April 23 _
Seuor Polo y Bernabe , Spanish minis
ter , receives his passport and leaves
22 Cruiser New .York , Sampson's flagship ,
captures Pedro , 2,000 tons , fifteen miles
east of Havana - Cuban ports block
aded by the American squadron.
23 The President issues his proclamation
calling for 125,000 volunteers.
24 ( Sunday ) A Spanish decree declaring
war against the United States was
gazetted at Madrid.
25 Congress passes a resolution declaring
that the state of war existed from
A-pril 21.
2G Recruiting volunteers began in New
- York City.
27 United States vessels bombard Matan-
.zas - Seventh New York Regiment de
clines to enlist.
2S Commodore Dewey'sfleet sails from
Hongkong for Mfinila.
29 Spanish squadron sails from Cape Verde
for the \Yest Indies - New York shells
Cabanas forts - U. S. cruiser Yale
( Paris ) arrives inSew York.
SO Commodore Dewey's sqirafcon arrives
off Manila - Flag-ship Ne-w York fires
on Spanish cavalry sharpshooters off
1 U. S. crulper Topeka arrives .it New
Yoi k rrom Falmouth - Commodore
Dewey's squadron destroys the -Spanish
fleet at Manila.
2 Cable from Manila to Hongkong czt by
Commodore Dewey.
4 Battleship Oregon and gunboat Marietta
sail from Rio Janeiro.
7 Commodore Dewey informs State de
partment of the seizure of Cavite.
9 Congress thanks Rear Admiral Dewey. .
10 The Gussle expedition sailed from
11 Ensign Worth Bagloy and four of the
crew of the torpedo-boat Winslow killed
by a shell from the Spanish forts at Car
32 Admiral Sampson's squadron bombards
& ? < the forts at San Juan , Porto Rico. . . .
The Spanish Cape Verde fleet arrives at
Port de France , Martinique. . . . Gussle
expedition repulsed.
13 Commodore Schley's fleet sills south to
meet the Spanish squadron.
14 Spanish Cape Verde fleet sighted off
15 Rear Admiral Dewey reports on fall of
Manila. . . . Sag'asta's cabinet resigns. . . .
Spanish torpedo-boat destroyer Terror
disabled at Port de France , Martinique.
. . . . . /spanlsh fleet leaves Curacoa - Gen.
Merrltjt ordered to the Philippines as mll-
f Jttarwrnor. . , . .Goy , Black Authorizes
rdc& iinizitcm : ot ti'fib.ic < Joa Thirteen !
17 SagasUi's now onbUi'et announced a
SS Ninety thousand troops ordered to atobl
Ize In Chlfkainuugn.
20 Spanish tlcor arrives at Sanllag0 d
2 Cruiser Charleston sails for Manila.
2U Troops A an < i C ariiv.e at Camp Algc ;
Falls Church , Va.
24 The Si auteh fleet Is bottle ? ' up at Sal
25 Three transports with 2.7.S8 men sta :
for Masdl.i - Presideut issues .1 call fc
71,000 more volunteers.
20 Oregon arrlvc-s its Key \Vest - One c
Spain's cabinet ministers said the coui
try was willing to accept "an honorabl
peace. " " . . . .Commodore Schley is in touc
with the Insurgent leaders. . . .Florid
exposition landed without oppositio
near Guantanamo , Caba.
27 Spanish scout ships chased by America
warships near Key "West.
23 Commodore Schley reports the trappin
of Ccrvera In the harbor of Santiago d
Cuba - Cruiser Columbia arrives .1
New York , having been in collision wit
the British steamship Foscolia , whic
TiO iCroops embark at Tampa for Havau :
31 Hear Admiral "Sampson's fleet bombard
'forts of Santiago de Cuba.
I Transports for Manila arrive at HOIK
lulu , Hawaii , and the Boys in Blue bi
come the guests of the city. . . IMonitc
Monadnock ordered to Manila from Sa
2 Spain again appeals to the Powers t
3 American squadron bombarded Santiag
de Cuba.
4-LIeut. Hobson sinks cruiser Merrima
in the mouth of the harbor of Sautiag
de Cuba.
'G Fortifications of Santiago de Cuba r <
" 7 American squadron bombards and s
lences batteries at Santiago. . . .Monitc
Monterey and collier Brutus sail fc
5 Assault on fortifications of Guantauaui
9 House agrees on war revenue conferenc
10 Admiral Sampson reports he has hel
Guantanamo harbor since the 7th. . .
Senate agrees on conference report o
war revenue bill.
11 Four Americans at Caimanera are kille
in a fight with the Spaniards.
13 Thirty-two transports with Shafter'
troops sail for Santiago. . . .Presideu
McKInley signs the war tax bill.
14 Two Americans and several hundre
Spaniards killed in a battle at Ca
15- Second expedition sailed from San Frar
cisco for Manila. . . .Great destructio
results to Santiago forts through the us
of the dynamite guns on the Vesuvius
17 Spanish squadron sailed from Cadiz an
passed Gibraltar.
20 Transports with Gen. Shafter's troop
arrive off Santiago.
22 Part of Shafter's troops landed.
23 Balance of troops landed without ace :
dent. . . .Admiral Camara's Cadiz llee
arrives at Island of Pantellaria.
24 Sixteen American soldiers killed an
fort ? * wounded in driving back Spanish
soldiers at Santiago.
27 Commodore Watson to command fleet t
attack Spanish home territory. . . .Presi
dent McKinley recommends thanks o
Congress for Lieut. Hobson , and that h
be transferred to the line.
28 President proclaims blockade of South
ern Cuba from Cape Frances to Cap
29 Gen. Shafter reports ho can take San
tiago in forty-eight hours - The Senat
thanks Lieut. Hobson and his men , nam
ing each one personally.
30 Egyptian Government refused to le
Cainara coal his fleet at Port Said.
1 Shafter's army began the assault upoi
Santiago de Cuba , capturing the enemy *
outer works.
U Shafter renewed the attack upon Sac
tiago , losing about 1,000 in killed am
wounded , and making 2,000 Spanisl
prisoners. The SpaSish casualties prol
ably exceeded those of the Americans
3 Cervera's fleet destroyed at Santiago
with great loss of life.
6 Spanish transport Alfonso XII. blow :
up off Muriel by American gunboats. . .
Hobson , the hero of the Merrlinac , am
his comrades exchanges for Spanisl
prisoners outside Santiago.
7 President signs Hawaiian annexatio :
resolution. . . .Admiral Dewey took Subij
and 1,300 prisoners.
11 Cruiser St. Louis brings Admiral Cer
vera and 746 prisoners to Portsmouth
N. H _ Admiral Sampson's fleet boin
barded Santiago.
13 Announced that yellow fever has brokei
out in Gen. Shafter's army.
14 Gen. Toral and the Spanish army sur
rendered Santiago at 3 p. rn.
17"OId Glory" raised over Santiago a
15 President issues a proclamation provid
ing for the government of Santiago. . .
Seven American vessels bombard Man
zanillo and destroy seven Spanish ships
21 < Jen. Miles , with 3,415 men on trans
ports , convoyed by warships , starts t (
take Porto Rico. . . .American gunboat ;
capture Nipe and sink the Spanish cruis
er Jorge Juan _ Gen. Calixto Garcia
commander of the Cuban army of East
ern Cuba , owing to discontent because
the American Government has ignorei
him and his troops in the surrender ol
Santiago , withdrew. . . .News reached this
country that the second expedition to re
enforce Admiral Dewey had arrived at
J2 Aguinaldo declared himself dictator ol
the Philippines.
23 Another expedition for the Philippine
Islands sailed from San Francisco.
! 5 Gen .Miles and 3,500 men reach Guan
ice , Porto Rico , and effect a landing-
1C Secretary Day , M. Cambon , French am
bassador , and his flrst secretary , M ,
Thlebaut , confer with President McKiu-
ley in regard to terms of peace.
17 The port of Ponce , Porto Ilico. surrend
ers to Capt. Davis , of gunboat Dixie.
! 0 News of Gen. Merritt's arrival at Cavitc
received at Washington. . . .Dewey in
forms the President that Aguinaldo , the
Philippine insurgent chief , assumed a
defiant attitude.
! 1 The Spanish forces at Cavite made a
sortie during a fierce storm on the Amer
ican troops In the Malate trenches. They
were repulsed with heavy loss. Ten of
Gen. Merritt's men were killed and for
ty-eight wounded.
2 President McKinley makes public the
terms of peace offered to Spain by the
United States.
4 The monitor Monterey and its consort
Brutus , arrive at Manila. . . .Gen. Shaf
ter and his subordinates ask that the
fever-stricken army at Santiago de Cuba
be removed north.
5 Formal orders issued for the removal of
Gen. Shafter's army to this country.
C Spain accepts the terms of peace offered
by the United States. . . .Guayamo , Porto
Rico , captured by Gen. Haines' forces.
Three Americans cornered.
8 Spain accepts President McKinley's
peace terms. Certain representations
were made regarding Cuba which were
not accepted , however. . . .Spaniards at
Guantanamo lay down their arms and
surrender to Brig. Gen. Ewers.
9 Gen. Ernst's brigade captured Coamo ,
Porto Ilico , after a lively fight , in which
seven Ponnsj'lvania volunteers were
, wounded. Two hundred Spaniards were
taken prisoners - Spaniards attempt to
retake the lighthouse at Cape San Juan ,
but are repulsed with heavy loss.
O1 A protocol covering the peace terms of
the United States has been agreed upon
by M. Cainbon , representing Spain , and
President McKinley - Gen. Sehwan's
forces defeat Spanish troops at Maya-
guez , Porto Rico. Loss on our side two
JUIled and one wounded.
[ Spain's cabinet formally approved Pres
ide nt McKinley's peace protocol and a
cablegram was sent to M. Cambon au-
thorl/5'11 ' ? "im to si"u In behalf of Spain.
> _ ( mbon , French ambassador to the
United States , signs the protocol and a
cessation1 ° f hostilities Is ordered.
5 Surrender of the c .v of Manila , after
stiff bombs.rdment by Dewey.
i Gen. Merrlh. ' leaves Manila for Paris to
aid the , Peace Commission.
Spanish Cortes convenes id consider
peace proposals.
Gen. Otis , United Suites commander at
Mflnl'.a , xtoinandod the removal x > f th
Insurgents from that city.
10 Spanish Senate adopts the peace protx
12 The situation st Muua ! reported cril
i : } Spanishf'h'jirbersor Deputies adopts th
peace protocol.
10 Spaulsis Peace Commission appointee
w-th Senor RIos , President of the Set
ste , us President.
17 The Peace Commission of tlm "Unite
States -mils for Paris.
19 Spanish Government issues an order fo
all troons in the West Indies to retur
20 The evacuation of the outlying position
In Porto Rico begun by the Spanish.
? 9 Amerioan and Spanish Commissioner
meet in Paris.
1 American and Spanish Peace Commis
sioners hold their first session.
4 American I'eace Commission receive
. the report of Gen Merritt in Paris.
18 Formal ceremony of raising the Unite
States flag over San Juan takes place. . .
American Commissioners refuse to assume
sumo any portion of Cuban debt.
24 Gen. Ortega , with the last of the Spar
ish soldiers , sails from Porto Rico fo
20 Spanish soldiers captured at Manil
during the war are released by Unite
27 Spanish Peace Commissioners accep
condition of the non-assumption of Ci
ban debt by United States.
28 Terms of peace accepted by Spain.
10 Treaty of peace with Spain signed a
Record of Events that Have Occurrce
Dnriiijr the Past Year.
1 Officers of the Cuban provisional go\
eminent sworn in.
2 Six persons burned to death at Jerse ,
City , N. J.
3 Thirty persons killed by collapse o
floor in city hall at London , Out.
7 Theodore Durrani hanged for murder a
St. Queutin prison , California.
8 Six IIUMI killed by explosion of an Ohi
River towboat near Glenfield , Pa. . .
Fifteen men drowned off Baueluc b ,
foundering of a French steamer Si.
lives lost in a mine explosion near Pitts
burg , Kan Death of Maj. Moses l :
11 ! Forty lives and $1,000,000 worth of pror
crty destroyed by a tornado at For
Smith , Ark.
1C Death of Hon. Renj. Butterworth , Uni
ted States Commis.siouer of Patents , a
Thoinasvilie , Ga.
19 Bread riots at Ancona , Italy.
-20 Fire loss of $000,000 at East Graui
Forks , Minn.
22 Marriage of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmag
and Mrs. Col. Collier Destrtictiv
storm over the West and South.
25 Many persons burned to death in a con
flagration at Spokane , Wash. . . . § 1,500 ,
000 worth of property at East St. Louis
111. , including Union elevator and But
lington freight depot , destroyed by fire
27 January wheat sells for $1.05 in Chicago
cage Steamer City of Duluth lost of
St. Joseph , Mich.
29 Several persons killeel in a smash-up 01
the Maine Central Railway at Orono. . .
Ten men killed by caving in of North
west land tunnel in Chicago.
1 Six lives lost by burning of the Alvon
House , Gloversville , N. Y Schoone
Brlggs wrecked off Little Nahaut aue
eight lives lost.
2 $500,000 fire los ? in Winnipeg , Manitoba
3 Six persons killed in railway collisioi
near Boston Fire destroys § 225,001
worth of property at Scrauton , Pa.
4 Seven killed in railroad wreck at Glas
gow , Scotlanel.
6 § 50,000 fire at Albany Iud Holland
American steamer Veendani wrecked ii
9 Adolph L. Leutgert sentenced to life Im
prlsonnierit for wife murder in Chicago
cage Assassination of President Bar
rlos of Guatemala § 250,000 fire losi
at Fort Worth , Texas.
10 Thirty-eight lives crushed out by fall
ing walls at Plttsburg.
11 Nassau Chambers In New York burned
loss , $500,000 French ship Flaehai
goes down off Canary Islands ; 87 lives
17 Fire damp explosion in a colliery al
Hammeerly , Prussia , kills 50 persons. . . ,
§ 100,000 fire at Pittsfield , Mass Brit
Ish steamer Legislator burned at sea.
18 Death of Miss Frances E. Willard ir
New York City Large fire at Pitts
20 New wharf and custom house at Tarn
pico , Mexico , burned ; loss , § 2,000,000.
25 National Tobacco Company's works at
Louisville , Ky. , burned ; loss , § 2,000,000 ,
26 Nine lives lost in a tenement house fire
at Charleston , S. C Seven persons
killed at Blue Island , 111. , by the collis
ion of a train and an omnibus. . . .Ten
persons killed and five injured by an
explosion and fire in Hall Bros. ' labora
tory at Kalamazoo , Mich.
27 Death of Win. M. Singerly , proprietor oi
the Philadelphia Record.
2 Six men killed by boiler explosion near
Brewtou , Ala.
3 Nine drowned by the foundering of the
schooner Speedwell off the Florida coast.
7 Fire causes § 150,000 loss in Brownell &
Field Co.'s building at Providence , R. I.
§ 5,000,000 fire loss at Manila , Phil
ippine Islands.
11 Death of Gen. W. S. Rosecrans.
13 Eleven men burned to death in Bowery
Mission , New York.
1C Death of Aubrey Beardsley , the artist.
Many persons killed in a fire at 215
Wabash avenue , Chicago.
17 Death of Blanche K. Bruce , Register of
the Treasury.
19 Six convicts killed In a mine at Pratt
City , Ala.
21 Several persons killed in a hotel fire at
Butte , Mont.
22 Forty lives lost by sinking of bark
Helen A liny off San Francisco.
25 Death of James Payn , English novel
ist Death of Truman P. Handy , of
Cleveland , Ohio , oldest banker in United
States. . . .Wisconsin Industrial School
for Boys at Waukesha damaged § 100,000
by fire.
23 Forty-eight sealers of steamer Green
land perisheel on ice floes.
2G Seven persons burned to death at Kent ,
27 Death of Congressman Simpklns , of
3 Fifty lives lost in flood at Shawnee-
town , 111.
4 Fifteen men killed by explosion of pow
der near San Vicente , Mexico.
7 Sudden death of Margaret Mather , the
LI Oxford Junction , Iowa , visited by § 100-
000 fire.
L2 Peun glass works at North Irwin , Pa. ,
burned ; ioss. § 750,000.
ID Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at Belt ,
Mont. , suffers $250,000 fire loss.
L7 Fire , following a dust explosion , de
stroys grain elevator at Boston ; loss ,
§ 000,000.
L9 Death of George Parsons Lathrop.
Jl Postmaster General Gary resigns and is
succeeded by Charles Emory Smith. . . .
Death of Senator Wai thai 1 , of Missis
! 5 Secretary of State John Sherman re
! G Win. R. Day appointed to fill the va
cancy Glasgow , Scotland , visited by
a § 750,000 fire Powder mill at Santa
Cruz , Cal. , blown up , causing loss of
eleven lives.
IS Atlantic Powder Co.'s works at Dover ,
N. J. , wrecked by an explosion.
! & Heavy damage done by tornadoes in
Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa and South Da
2 Thirteen persons killed by tornado , at
Jerlct. % Mo.
3 Schooler Crown wrecked off St. Johns ,
N. F. , avid 11 men drowned.
0 § 125,000 jflre loss at Cleveland.
7 Three hundred persons killed in a riot
at Milan , Ifx'ly.
3 Duluth , Miuns- suffers a § 100,000 fire.
I Wool warehouK" burns at Ballardvllle ,
Mass. ; loss , $500 > > 000.
32 Burning of Armcu"Irvaior D ar
several lumber y.iids causes $1,000,0 !
loss in Chicago.
14 Thousands Killed by cjclo : ) on Sur
bawa Island , Malay Archipelago - E
ward Remenyl , AlolinlM. . ' .ills dead In
San Fraiscisco thoatu - Halt Bros
, ' flss works ; buriisil i : Muiitfle , fad
loss , § 285,000.
IB-Flint mill of Min'i.g . ' . - : nK Co. , at Ea
Liverpool , Ohio , bunc-l : : toss. ? 100OG
17 Great damuge eou ! Hii-J many "top
hurt by cyclone in Ncbrasb-i.
18 Business section of AMloborn. Mass
destroyed by lire - Destructive cycloi
sweeps through Iowa , iCansas , lllise :
and Wisconsin.
19 Death of Willi.m E. GlaeMcse.
22 Death of Edward Bellamy - Mine fi ;
at Zolleru , Prussia ; 45 miners perish.
28 Italian cabinet resigns.
31 New cabinet formed in Italy.
1 Death of tragedian Thos. W. Keene. .
Triusmissippi exposition opens ;
4 Death of Capt. Chas. V. Gridley. of tl
cruiser Olympla rt Manila.
7 Plant of Burgess Steel Co. , Portsmout
Ohio , burned ; loss. § 400,000.
11 Case Power Building in Detroit burnei
13 Collapse of Joseph Leiter's wheat dea
35 Resignation of the French ministry.
28 First party cabinet formed in Japan.
29 Formation of the Pelloux cabinet i
2 Strike of stereotypers causes Chicaj
papers to suspend for four days.
4 French liner Ln Bourgogne goes dow
off Sable Island with 553 passengers.
G Hawaiian resolutions adopted by tl
8 Steelville , Mo. , almost obliterated by
waterspout _ Congress adjourns s'u
11 Sagasta ministry in Spain resigns. . .
Eleven men killed in water tunnel :
Cleveland , Ohio.
19 Powder mill at Oakland , Cal. . blown t
by a Chinaman and seven lives lost.
30 Death of Prince Bismarck.
1 Martin Thorn executed at Sing Sin
N. Y.
5 Bismarck , N. D. , destroyed by fire. .
Death of Georg M. Ebers , Egyptologi ;
and novelist.
12 United States flag officially hoisted ovi
13 Twenty lives lost by cloudburst in Ui\ :
kins County , Ky.
15 Resignation of ministry at Lisbon.
0 French steamer La Coquette sunk o
Newfoundland by the Norge ; 16 liv <
21 Seven persons killed in railway collisic
at Sharon , Mass.
22 Eight laborers killed by collapse of
wall in Carnegie tunnel. Pa. . . . Carte
ville , III. , visited by a § 1250,000 fire - 31
miners drowned at Nienc-e , Silesia. .
Death of King Malietoa of Samoa.
23 Destructive fire at Logansport , La.
25 Ex-Gov. Claude Matthews stricken I
paralysis at Meharry's Grove , Inel.
28 Death of ex-Gov. Claude Matthews (
30 Small pox breaks out at Put-in-Bay Is
and , Lake Erie.
31 Wilhelmiim becomes Queen of Hollam
_ Confession and suicide of Col. Ilenr ;
principal witness against Capt. Dreyfu
at Paris.
2 President Wilford Woodruff , of the Mo :
moil church , died at San Francisco. . .
The British captured Omdurman , oppi
site Khartoum , in the Soudan.
4 British troops occupied Khartoum. . . . >
Cavaiguac , French Minister of War , r <
5 Twenty-eight people killed in collisio
of train with trolley car at Cohoes. N. }
. . . .Gen. Zurlinden appointed Freuc
Minister of War.
6 Wilhelmina crowned Queen of Ilollan
at Amsterdam - Thirty men killed b
falling of abridge over St. Lawrenc
River , near St. Regis Indian village. . .
Many killed in riots in Crete. : . .Openin
of G. A. R. national encampment at Cir
10 Assassination of Elizabeth , Empress o
Austria , by an Italian anarchist a
Geneva , Switzerland - § 200,000 fire a
Livermore Falls , Me.
11 Fire wipeel out New Westminster , B. C.
and Jerome , Ariz.
12 Death of Judge Thos. M. Cooley at An
Arbor , Mich. . . .Hurricane on Island o
St. Vincent , West Indies , killed 300 pei
sons and destroyed much property.
14 Lorenzo Snow chosen head of the Moi
mon church.
18 Death of Dr. John Hall _ Death o
Miss Winnie Davis.
20 Ten persons burned to death in an ele
vator fire in Toledo.
22 Thirty-six men drowned by sinking o
French boat Ville de Fecamp off Fecamp
23 Fifty miners entombed in coal shaft a
Brownsville , Pa.
24 Several persons killed and much prop
erty destroyed by windstorm at Lima , O
2G Tornado destroys property at Touawan
da , N. Y. . and kills five at Merrilton , Ont
. . . .Death of Miss Fanny Davenport.
27 Claremont , Minn. , destroyed by fire.
28 Death of ex-Secretary Thomas F. Bay
ard - Riot at Pana , 111.
29 Death of Queen Louise of Denmark.
30 Hundreds of lives lost by floods ii
1 Great fire hi Colorado Springs , Colo.
2 Fierce gale on South Atlantic coast.
5 In attempting to quell the rebellion 01
the Indians at Bear Lake , Minn. , severa
soldiers were killed and wounded.
8 Great fire in Sidney , N. S. W.
9 § 200,000 fire at Atlantic City , N. J.
16 Great fire at Dawsou City , Alaska.
10 Seven men killed by boiler explosion or
torpedo boat Davis near Astoria , Ore
J3 Ten men killed in a race war at Har
persville , Miss.
! 4 Fire on the Brooklyn , N. Y. , water front :
loss , § 475,000.
J5 French cabinet resigns.
51 New French cabinet formed. . . .Japan
ese cabinet resigns.
5 Eleven men killed by collapse of new
Wonderland theater at Detroit. . . .Seven
men crushed to death in a mine near
Wilkesbarre , Pa.
6 Capitol at Washington wrecked by gas
explosion. . . .Death of David A. Wells ,
economic writer.
7 Resignation of the Greek ministry.
8 General election.
9 Organization of Japan's new ministry
.0 New ministry formed in Greece - Pres
ident Masse and secretaries of Cuban re
public resign.
.1 Bank at Kirksvllle , Mo. , robbed of
§ 32,000.
.7 British ship Atalanta sinks off Oregon
coast ; 26 lives lost.
S Death of John W. Keely , the inventor.
- Twelve laborers killed by train at
Hackeusack Meadows , N. J.
9 Death of Gen. D. C. Buell.
:3 : Burning of the Baldwin hotel and the
ater in San Francisco.
14-26 Great storm sweeps over the country -
' try ; many lives lost at sea.
7 Death of Actor C. W. Couldock - Six
persons killed by boiler explosion near
Fourteen Mile Slough , Cal.
: S Dynamite explosion in Havana kills 13
persons and Injures 25 others.
5 Opening of Congressional session.
0 Death of William Black , novelist.
1 Death of Gen. Calixto Garcia at Wash
.5 Death of ex-Senator Calvin S. Brice _
Six persons killed in railway wreck at
Madison , Fla.
6 Six persons killed by a train at Allen-
wood , N. J . Department store of G.
Hartstein's Sous burned at Milwaukee ;
loss , § 90,000.
.7 Death of Baron Ferdinand James de
Rothschild in London - Twenty lives
lost in steamship collision in the North
.9 § 1,000,000 fire at Terre Haute , Ind.
And now a Boston mail claims the cen-
er of the stage long enough to advise
hat , so far as the annexation of the Phil
ippines is concerned , "celerity should be
ontempored with cunctation. "
Li xluiig Chang lias been sent to watch
ae overflow of the Yellow river. This ,
e take t , is the polite Chinese eqiiiva-
> nt for saj.ing that he has been sent np
alt River.
The I ate Charles W. Couldock Was the
Dean of the American Stage.
When Charles "W. Couldock. the vet-
oraii actor , breathed his last in New
York City recently , the curtain was
of the oldest
rung down upon the career
est actor on the American stage. Forever
over sixty years lie hart been before the
footlights in this country and in Eng
land , and in the many different charac
ters in which he appeared he made
himself popular with theater-goers. To
ihe generation of to-day he is best
known in the character of Dunstau
Kirke , the blind miller in "Hazel
Kirke. * '
Couldock was born In London eighty-
tnree years ago. lie was put to work
in a warehouse to begin a commercial
career when 13 , but acting was more
to his liking. When 121 he made his
debut on the stage in his native city ,
paying $50 for the privilege of appear
ing as Othello at a benefit. Ilis early
experiences on the stage were accom
panied by much hardship , but by per
sistent work he managed to attract a
little attention and played through
England in tragic roles with some of
the prominent actors and actresses of
those days. lie came to the United
States in 1S49 with Charlotte Cushman
ami played with her throughout the
country. Among the roles in which he
appeared were Jacques , Macbeth , Car
dinal Wolsey , Othello and King Lear.
He was engaged at Laura Keene's
Theater , in New York , in 1S5S , and
there played with Joseph Jefferson and
the late E. A. Sothern.
Theater-goers of to-day are most fa
miliar with the name of Couldock as
associated with the play of Hazel
Kirke. He flrst appeared in this piece
In the character of the blind miller in
1879 , and altogether played it more
than 1,500 times.
Centennial of Their Church Organiza
tion Celebrated.
At Clarkstown , Ind. , the Baptists cel
ebrated with appropriate ceremonies
the- one hundredth anniversary of the
establishment of their church in Indi
ana , and also the centennial of the
Protestant church in the State , for the
Baptist organization effected in the
county including Clarkstown in its lim
its , in Xoyember , 1798 , was the first re
ligious body ever organized in the
State , and the log meeting-house which
they later erected north of this point
was the first church edifice ever built
in Indiana. It is true that the old
Jesuit priests who accompanied the
French and Spanish explorers were the
flrst to preach the gospel in this section
of the country , but they effected no or
The original Baptist organization , un
der the old Salem Association of Ken
tucky charter is alive to-day , though
possibly the most inactive church con
gregation in the State. The congrega
tion to-day -composed of only two
members Mr. Leander C. McCormick
and "Aunt Bettie" Brown and they
are growing very old. These two old
Baptists .ire in possession of the char
ter , the property , and the old record
> ooks.
AVebUer's Last "Worfls AmemTed.
Some years ago an Eastern farmer , in
rying to repeat Webster's dying words ,
'I still live , " gave an amusing renderIng -
Ing of the spirit if not the exact letter
of the phrase. A gentleman had re
marked to him , "life is very uncertain. "
"Ah , yes , " replied the farmer , "that's
true , every word of it ; and. by the way ,
captain , that makes me think of what
one of your big Massachusetts men said
when he died a spell ago. "
"Who was it ? " inquired the captain.
"Well , I don't jist call his name now ,
but , at any rate , he was a big politici-
nner , and lived near Boston somewhere.
My newspaper said that when he died
the Boston folks put his image in their
svindows and had a funeral for a whole
IV J . "
"Perhaps it was Webster , " suggested
the captain.
"Yes , that's his name Webster , Gen.
Webster. Strange I could not think on
It afore. But he got off a good thing
just before he died. He riz up in bed
and , says he , 'I ain't dead yet. ' "
"Wise Forethought.
One winter , at St. Louis , two ele
phants were stabled in an outhouse
near my rooms. One warm , bright day
early in the spring one of these crea
brought out into the allej
behind the stables in order that II
A horse attached -
might be given a bath.
loaded coal cart became frightened
ed to a
speed down the
ened and ran at
alley toward the elephant. The latter
heard the noise and saw the horse
rushing toward him. He seemed to
take in the situation at once ; for , dropping
he drew in his trunk
ping to his knees ,
beneath his body , dreu' in his legs , and
bowed Oiis head. The horse , in his mad
the elepbant ,
rush , ran completely over
him. Beyond
dragging the heavy cart with
scratches and bruises
yond a few slight
uninjured. Had ib
the elephant was
not been for his wise forethought and
and adoption of
his quick formulation
his efficient method of self-pro tection ,
he might have been severely injured ,
perhaps killed , by impact of the mad
dened horse and heavy cart. In this
instance there was an undoubted
festation or correlative ideation. The
immediate adoption of the only efficient -
cient means of avoiding injury clearly
demonstrates the truthfulness of this
assertion , especially so since there was
nothing instinctive in the action of the
elephant. In a state of nature , ele
phants are not confined in narrow al
leys , neither are they charged by run *
away horses.
Giant on the Football Team AVhV
Weijrhs 41O Pounds.
He is only IS years old. but he weighs
410 pounds , is 0 feet 2 inches tall and
can. foot-ball as well as any schoolboy.
His name is Robert W. Blauchard aiS& '
he hails from Hinsdale , N. H. , \vliiJfc
town boasts that he is the biggest foot
ball player living. He plays center for
the Hinsdale team and has been in tha
game since 1890. Despite his great size
he is as active as a light-weight and
noted for his extreme good nature.
Strangely , Blanchard delights in ath
letics of all kinds and has a record of
0:11 2-5 for running 100 yards and has
made the fine mark of 7 feet 2 inches in ,
Compared with a foot-ball player of average
a standing high kick. He is an euthufei-
astic cyclist and , finding nowhere a
foot-ball suit to fit him , lie plays in his >
wheeling costume. He is said to be one
of the best drawing cards on the Zsew
England foot-ball field. With him in
the cut is Thomas McCaughern , quar
ter back of the Hinsdale team , who S3
a player of the average size.
To woo a woman properly a man
must first win her.
The trouble with most old people is
that they were born too early in life.
There is no man so skeptic as to
boast that his mother was not a Chris
There aren't near so many women
who are angels as there are'angels who
were women. -
Before a girl is 20 you can never tell
whether she is in love or her stomach
is out of order. ' -
A man without any religion a/all
may not be manly , but a woman with
out any religion at all isn't even femi
At the age of 23 a man must be either
engaged or married , or else the women
begin to wonder why he doesn't be
have himself.
An ideal husband is one who doesn't
sneer at his wife because she insists on
keeping a lot of half-dead geraniums
stuck up in the bay window all winter.
To be fascinating to a young man a
woman must never admit that he is
aot in .love ; to be fascinating to an old
man she must never admit that she is.
Probably the reason why old married
folk always act so interested in young-
couples is because they are wondering
whether they could ever have acted
that way themselves.
His Scratchy Underwear.
3e was restless and uneasy , oft as if ID
pain would start ,
As the fair head
young was pillowed on
his breast ,
Vnd in sympathy she a ked him if to her
he'd not impart
What it was that seemed to cause him
such unrest.
3ut he told her not to worry , 'twas a
trifling thing , forsooth ,
Just a little grief in which she could
not stare ,
* .nd she never once suspected the dis
tressing , awful truth
That he'd just put on some scratchy un
derwear. J
-Denver Post.
Smythe I dropped a half
rent of a blind beggar
to-day -
t if
le'd pick it up. Tompkins-Well
ie ? Smythe-Xot a bit of it ! He 8 ,
Make it a sixpence , governor , a
orget myself.-London Tit-Bite.